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The ukrainian side made another attempt to strike with the help of drones on moscow city, if i think its right third yes our ministry of defense lets watch our ministry of defense explains what happened and everything around four oclock in the morning, the drone tried to attack and the objects in moscow city worked together air Defense Systems the drone changed its trajectory and, uh, fell on the expocentre building at the moment of the fall. You now see eyewitnesses filmed on the frames , it can be seen that during the crash, here is on the left in the picture. And there was an explosion , Sergei Sobyanin said that there were no casualties during this attack, and he did not receive significant damage to the knowledge of the expo center. Again, we look at the footage from the spot in part. You see, the cladding of the building and the roof for the work of the exhibition are damaged. The center had no effect. On friday, it opened and operates as usual, moscow airports also returned to normal mode, because air traffic over the capital was temporarily blocked in connection with this attack attempt, todays troubles for moscow city did not end there. In the morning , unknown people reported that it was planned a new drone attack on the area, and now a decision was made to evacuate one of the city towers, 2,000 people were taken out of there. All emergency services. These are the firefighters and the doctors. Rescuers were on site, but after some time it turned out that it was a false call . Well, the remaining towers were already clearly not evacuated in kiev. Here is the night story, so far there is no way to comment. We didnt, but we all remember the reports from ukraine last week that moscow remains one of the goals, and, as it was all indicated, the deputy head of the gur andreyusov said to paralyze air traffic over a hundredfold and make sure that as much as possible intimidate our citizens. That is, you understand those goals are absolutely terrorist, and so ukraine did not limit itself to moscow today , our ministry of defense spoke about the incident with the ukrainian unmanned boat. In the black sea. Moreover, it happened quite far from the coast. Approximately 200 km from sevastopol, ships on duty at sea, inquisitive and vasily bykov a tried to attack a sea boat without a crew. It was destroyed by fire from the onboard armament of the ships. This drone did not reach its goal. Now our ships, as the ministry of defense said, continue to carry out assigned tasks. Well, the Ukrainian Embassy in romania appealed to the romanian cities bordering ukraine itself so that they would not film or post on the net the work of the Ukrainian Air defense or some kind of arrivals of russian missiles appeal it happened. After landing on wednesday, nu almost blew up footage of arrival at the port of reni in the odessa region. And all of them were filmed and published from the neighboring romanian side, because the port is located a few kilometers from the border, the footage shows that in area of ​​the port hangars, there was a major fire due to resonance in the Network Later on thursday. Ukrainian authorities. They were forced to show the extent of the destruction. They presented photos of burntout Metal Structures at the Ukrainian Embassy in romania and indicated that the publication of such videos, and such attacks would pose a direct threat to the ukrainian port of the danube, because Russian Forces could use all these photos or videos for some kind of adjustment of strikes, building up strikes of geese. Dunaev is close to the border with romania it has already become an occasion for discussion. On the hay will increase more, if we look at the map we can see the attacks, they are relatively close to romania which is a member of nato how dangerous it is in terms of drawing nato into the conflict. This is of course risky, but russia is very careful and we must remember that if something happens on romanian soil it will not be spontaneous nato will hold a meeting where they will decide to close their eyes and pretend that this did not happen or release you know the instant button , which you need to click on and drag it into the war. Actually discussion adrianovich about what you can shoot. And what is impossible, they, not only our ukrainianromanian , also did not see these shots. Right now, where this uncle was sitting behind him against the backdrop of a ukrainian trident. Such an interesting military expert, so thats all that was now, this is the epigraph of our today s topic, because if you remember, we were at the beginning, in my opinion, of the week, and hmm, we were talking about the initiative of the crimean authorities to really ban video filming and photography and important to place. Here are the materials on the network materials that show how it works our air defense and so, thank god, the results of these attacks, for the most part, failed in ukraine, we repeat once again. Its all forbidden a long time ago, but its still leaking. It still hits the net. So, here are these bills, for the time being, we will call them that. I dont know if this term can be used or not . I understand for myself, this is such a regulatory document , right . Yes, because it determines to say, yes, it is determined somehow by the basic rules of our life and our behavior in given specific conditions. Those who opposes such bills, as a rule, it means that ethics criticize these technologies in two directions. I dont have any questions. You know my position according to me so, the more we tighten the screws, the better. As for the technology here, i have questions, Sergey Vladimirovich. Therefore , here is a question for you. And you are your colleagues in the state duma and the Federation Council , if it comes to discussion. Ah, how do you even intend to prescribe the actions of this law, because here it is necessary either to prohibit everything or to chew so much for the layman that he can take it off. And what is impossible, that im afraid that here you will all get confused, the time is so important today and the bill must be very tough, clear and tough, so the bill that i just saw, which was prepared by the senator, and andrei writes. Uh, this is a bill that prohibits the transfer of information , the distribution of photos and videos, and drones and the work of drones and our air defense on our territory should be one source of information, because when there are a huge number of sources, our enemies can use it for social media terrorism as well. May i interrupt you now . Uh, lets look at the material , because there is just such an important moment, explaining why its impossible to do this, explaining to you and me, dear friends, to those who like to shoot and upload Something Like that. After arriving in crimea last weekend, russian senators quickly developed a law prohibiting filming and uploading videos of the work of our military equipment and air defense, as well as the destruction caused by enemy drones violators propose to fine up to 500,000 rubles. And in case of a repeated violation , send to prison for up to three years, 112 saw this is the best option in order to eat more, you dont need to do it on video. Filming of such videos is explained by experts. They quickly let the enemy know whether he has achieved his goal, and they also reveal the positions of our air Defense Systems, because such videos instantly diverge on social networks and telegram channels. Some resources generously pay for such content from one to 5,000 rubles. And among the buyers there are also ukrainian telegram channels that masquerade as russian ones at the beginning of the year, all of these revealed about a hundred. The channels of the Ukrainian Network are a wolf in sheeps clothing, they place ads, making a profit in the russian segment of telegram, and fake money is collected on the channels of their direction for the needs of the russian army. Most of the administrators of such channels are citizens of ukraine. The majority of citizens do not understand the main one. Military specialists require not the presence of an image in a photo or video, but the metadata of such a file. The thing is, that when shooting on Digital Media , information about the time of his appearance and exact coordinates is attached to the source file. So find out about the place of the explosion. It is possible even if the image itself is closed by hand or from censoring, that is, there are about 40 or more types of information storage in different ways, and for each there is a whole set of techniques. How exactly is this information to be extracted . Well, in general methods, how then to make an analytical report out of this, that is, to be able to answer the question and the people of the public. Now asks a question. And what kind of incidents in general can you film one case of work on a completely different smoke, fire or explosion , for example, on the territory of a plant, because before the causes of the emergency are established , footage from the scene will probably be leaked by someone on the network. Its one thing its a sergamepad explosion there. Someone exploded, there on the territory of the plant and eyewitnesses shot dozens of videos because of the godfathers, but another thing is the work of air defense near the kerch bridge. You are proposing not to make division here as an insidious one, here Sergiev Posad was remembered, because at first they thought that people started filming this drone, then it turned out not, that is, everything is generally banned. I think this is correct. There are special services that will sort it out later, because information is provided instantly. Does it take time for Strategic Decisions to make the right decision or not . So well, fij. Lets get together somehow, because you have positions against us, just staked like this, yes, well, the law draft is in the row in the middle. I dont know about, there are fifty other restrictions, so strictly saying nothing new. He would not add, because any bloggers who write on military topics anyway. Yes, you can . Just not at all, i dont know how you like it, so this draft law cannot be adopted. Why because we will blind not the ukrainian military, but our own society. I can assure you that in a city of 10 Million People uh where uh hmm satellite can see any damage in detail in real time uh we cant hide the information. But at the same time you say that we will not be able to become information. We will remove it from the Public Domain. Here is a video that, one way or another, can somehow help the enemies. I am not a military specialist. I was now told to go through this data. I didnt think about it from the Public Domain. I repeat, it is impossible to hide in a city of fifteen Million People under the supervision of satellites. No destruction. You can forbid the society to talk about it, you can scare the society so that it is afraid. Forbid it to discuss the society does not forbid. You dont know technology has reached such a level of development that during direct on the air, when he speaks with us, uh, our viewers dont see him with such statements, because he automatically deals with marshmallows andrey, well, how wait vector insist uh, dialogues with you on uh, this definition is forbidden to discuss, because we are offered the author of the bill operation on the Office Ministry of defense information but we only once caught the ministry of defense lying on contradictions trying to hide information, for example, the last time we caught the ministry of defense lying on attempts to hide information. Here you stood like the ministry of defense a here we come enough. No, i got it. I shortly. Now in 5 minutes. I to you, of course, do not reread everything. This is my assessment. Fine. Its your personal understanding youve been catching, but you dont remember how, well, it happens not. Yes, i dont understand the thing here, so, if we, again, i discard ethics all this side. This excuse me, such snot in the sahara , you can wait, uh, 5 minutes, and on the same channel Sergei Sobyanin will see it all, but here i have a question. If this is official information, but she also posted this video. Yes, it means that it is also so digital, as if the trail is logical, that is, we still then bad people can get this information there not through a single one at the time of the explosion. And look, ill even aggravate a little, there may be questions. Which conditionally someone removed. Here they are standing for an angle , he is filming something, but he took it off and then they began to ask him questions. Why did you take it off . Why did he leave, and after 3 hours , the cameraman officially takes off from the same point, and then it is shown to people, you cant arise, you dont understand this, yes, alexey is her dude, as it were technical points to clarify about the metadata, first. It depends on the conversion of the file, that is, when sending, but they disappear and some kind of processing is in progress , there are different options. There upon departure. There are different messengers. Theyre already compressing and stuff, then you can e part disappears. Here it is first. Secondly, its still not so significant. Uh, thats where the location is. Shooting is only if the benefits are enabled, geolocation on the device, which not everyone has, and plus the location itself too. He says a lot, here usually, according to the analysis, for example, here is what we specialize in the analysis of a hit in ukraine. That is, our situation is, as it were, not quite a mirror image, and there, on the one hand, the gestapo is, in fact, fierce. That is, for any such shooting. Its just that they totally fenced everything there almost immediately. Hmm, uh, and this, in principle, gives some kind of fruit. That is, very Little Information is coming from there now. Uh, the downside is that we do not have such a developed satellite Intelligence System as western countries. That is, we do not have, unfortunately, such tool, so thats the mode just flew in immediately to track. And we dont have so many agents, because again the sbu is rampant there and people, in principle, are constantly arrested for nonsense. As they say , they throw packs, here, well, technical points. Uh, what i know from the drones that fly in. Uh, now in moscow they are equipped. Uh, a tracker that gives you the full location. Uh, respectively , routes they transmit via satellite signal, that is, either a satellite modem, or use another such tricky technology. They connect to our cellular networks. And in the last uh kilometers. They go on the internet are guided from afar. From kiev using our base stations in mobile communication. That is, there is a simcard collective. I understand. I would still like to understand this, i will finish the thought, that is, roughly speaking, they already know the results. That is, they, in fact, also have without photographs without photographs. So there are a certain number of methods that you listed to figure it out. Here with all these tours. You understand that this proposal is legislative from your point of view vision, but it is, as usual, that is , punishment is necessary, but differentiation is still necessary, a very serious woman is still an important point. It is extremely necessary to divide we have, as i told you, a colleague of 15 Million People, that is, in them to track that someone . Well, in short, there are people who, well, as a matter of fact, they are agents of spies, they do not transmit to open networks, that is, they do not spread. We dont recognize them, they pass them on. Well, moscow is an agglomeration of 1524 years, of which there is a certain amount, there is a certain percentage, there are 100 people 500 people. I dont know how much sometimes. Wait for the information that is transmitted purposefully, well, the Ukrainian Special services have two arguments, one hard traditional one. Well, thats all, its always marked, as if it rests more on such an ethical date and says that we have this mass, and alekseevich said that this is redundant, as if the story is so, please, more important is not one, not the second argument. He for me is not understand, because here is a common phrase, where begins the freedom of one ends. Here is another so here is the freedom of the first and second and the third ends. Where it starts. For the security of the state and citizens, this is just an axiom for me. Well, what can you argue about here, then rely on the fact that citizens will be conscious, they will accept the information they are asked not to spread. Lets be realistic too. Well people are people. They always chase the hype. They will take off they squeezed likes. I dont know reposts. Well, a person is so arranged, therefore the sword of damocles in the form of a criminal punishment. Behind. But then it means to ban, like Sergey Vladimirovich filming, in general, everything, including, there is such a thing, of course, its impossible to blatantly call it not only about drones. You see, these are rockets. You can, for some reason. Now my thoughts came when Alexander Yuryevich began to say, what is needed. Here is the murder of daria dugina, for example. After all, at first a person might think what it is . Well, you never know what kind of accident. Here he is driving, well, many film accidents, and then we find out that it turns out to be a terrorist act. That is, that was the goal of a man killed. And in general, too, sort of like we, if we shoot, we confirm for the terrorist that he, uh, has achieved the result he needs. That is, then we also prohibit filming accidents. No, you dont have to go. You see, here is the right option , which will be analyzed in each specific case in order to shoot, but upload it to one strictly defined place, because we already talked about this in the news section the day before, but i want to visit good stories. Uh. Well, i never have a desire to shoot and spread this , you understand, you understand, what if this a person needs to be legislated somehow or give him a channel that he can use to send somewhere, what im talking about, we have an application, like actually, specially created in order to somehow prevent possible highaltitude attacks. Say the name of the radar was developed by the allrussian popular front, it was presented to the belgorod governor gladkov of the belgorod region, now it suffers from ukrainian activities, while this application is available for phones. On the base. Android it is assumed that with the help of this application people will be able to send photo, video or Text Messages about those drones that they saw about explosions about some kind of rockets and even saboteurs and all this will be directly hit by special services to remove something that they see, but the hand itself pulls. Its like writing to the table the presence of such an application, because they will actually feel. I dont know the doubly patriotic that they immediately informed where it should be that it was flying there lay, exploded, etc. Hmm lets rewind a little for a second. Uh, we must clearly separate, because the story there with the dvrs is clearly divided into one thing. Shooting a video is another matter. Placing a video in the Public Domain is impossible and will not work. Want to shoot and keep. Well, what is this nonsense . So how do you take it off . And that i wont show anyone . When you took off the smoke, you posted it no, but i didnt take it off, well, i wont take it. You came to the Meeting Program and sit silently. All transmission. Here it is, its not the same most. Its not the same. And where are you live broadcasting this, if you recorded it so that you cant sit silent, or what . You cant, so you have to make a clear distinction, and im sure theres just a person here who will film it. His hands will itch, so that everything is, so you have to scare him for those who are weak. Yes, weakness. Yes there or incontinence will not list further. For him, for these people, this kind of law is needed, which a comrade, dear, will say if i am nowhere. If you made a video and posted it, you will receive the full program has more to do. This is total, Sergiev Posad, please, there is a fire in balashikha at the shopping center, there is a short circuit, it is necessary to prohibit filming. And its more accurate to post for one simple reason, and im aksyonov. Remember, at the beginning of the week, i emphasized that this is a very serious element of the information war, on the one hand , from our audience in soviet times, and on the other hand, the fire in balashikha and we place it right there on ukrainian resources , our drone hit the target, everything is on fire, and they start jumping there. It is not necessary to support the Victorious Spirit of the enemy population among the people. No need to shoot the accident took off. Dont lay it out is a very simple, principle. Here andrey vladimirovich, here the accident was filmed. But you are a simple principle. You dont know with such letters, dont lay it out. The worst thing would be Alexander Yuryevich if this is done, as you suggest, everything will turn out, for example, so we really, as it were, in general, the media field does not appear any of these shots of the same harmless fire from a terrorist plan, and then, from some ukrainian resources, from some ukrainian social networks , someone carefully removed it through a click and sold it for 5,000 rubles. Appears and instantly flies to you and instantly appears to you, but the authorities hide, and the authorities do not agree. This is just where it appears in our telegram channels, thousands of millions of telegram channels. I assure you. We have one building in moscow no matter. You are in kaliningrad or sakhalin, it is known who posted this from Ukrainian Networks. And then this law begins to work. You placed took there, she you will walk on your hat, well see. Lets not then, because vector yes last time said in order to maintain trust, it is not necessary to show, novorossiysk in the morning the text announcement was an attempt. The impact damaged a large landing craft. The ship remained afloat. All this announcement, most likely, that will not be all. And i say that it is necessary to do this. Such a text appears, while on the ukrainian telegram channels that people read in our country. I read them on a whim. Services, comes completely, yes with video pictures and etc. I believe that being than marriage is an illusion. I talked to 1,000 people of my subscribers, one out of 100 tries to go there , saying that there is no need for delivery and they are still disguised. Give already, lets see what is actually a ban on filming a particular work. E by force of the ministry of defense air defense and so on. Its not just our story. And this is not even only ukrainian history, although lets be honest. In ukraine, this was introduced much earlier. Smart phones of the last year are prohibited to citizens of ukraine publish videos and information about military equipment and the work of air defense with a fine, in which case you wont get off with a maximum punishment of 12 years in prison, as a misdemeanor, the court can interpret how a Government Official has initiated more than 200 criminal cases since the adoption of the law by the sbu. They were turned on, both on ordinary citizens and on bloggers in may, they got under the article. Even a famous singer. Inna voronova , a video in her social networks confirmed that the American Patriot antiaircraft Missile System was vulnerable to the russian dagger , the singer was put under house arrest, and then i was not given a year of probation today, the prosecutor offered the atala judge his consent to the fact that now i and my children do not have the opportunity to go to the bomb shelter. In israel , shooting military installations is equated with terrorism under a strict ban even on the territory where the building of the ministry of defense can get into the frame. But filming the work of the air defense of the legendary iron dome is not prohibited, and it often becomes an object of attention, like local residents. Katourists in india are prohibited from photographing military installations railway stations airports metro bridges the same ban applies in vietnam and china in europe, only three countries have legally introduced a ban on filming objects of the ministry of defense, these are latvia, lithuania and greece, and in greece it is not recommended to film even military personnel, you can get charged with espionage or quick deportation, which often happens to those who do not know this law tourists began to say that prohibitions create temptation if they right you. Got it then. Decipher this idea there are several. E truths from World History any government any power in any country that has the ability to lie, i will definitely use it, this is the first, and the second concern for National Security can justify any prohibitions and almost any form of violence. Now what and therefore is necessary and what follows what follows from this . What are the temptations to earn National Security does not mean the need to lie. You can just do not mean for someone does not mean understand the matter here. And what do you say for our governments, any government. Anybody our government has the right to lie lies. Any authority to use this asked a question or i like this general formula it develops. Alexander any power one way or another, at some time, at some moments , telling lies to your people is so arranged, in general, if you believe that there is some kind of power in any country in the world that never lies normally. Do not do not prevaricate with your people, then you are the first time you spoke in a completely different way in the world. Let us as regards the issues of this situation. So with filming military installations filming, 10 the location of the armed of some military units. All clear. This should be banned and prohibited in ukraine and there are military operations here. There are no questions. Now, as is. Temptations can create bans on filming, and potential damage to placements, and damage to communications. What happened, you know, we have the wellknown soviet experience, when various manmade and other disasters. Here, and disasters at some nuclear facilities. A plane crash explosions at some factories they were hiding. They were just hiding from people. Did it affect of course, it affected the level of Public Confidence in the authorities, because the people who lived there, they, yes, they could not then still have such equipment, there were no cell phones or Something Else, and it was possible to remove and distribute there was no telegram, but there were rumors and people listened that i understand what you are talking about now, just the analogy that you are making. It is there that the key word hide hide in the current law no one proposes it is proposed it is proposed not to show certain details not to hide that assumption, again, which you are making this is a sentence with automatically denoting from your conviction that we then hide all the facts that come from some striking. Nobody wants to hide it. No one will see not to show the enemy what he does not need to see at all, not about flights. That was tragic. Such a terrible situation in makhachkala, 35 dead, mass of wounded, have nothing to do with military operations. It wasnt a manmade disaster. Terribly very sad. Can i appear i am not talking about the authorities in dagestan someone from the local authorities, anywhere in any region the temptation is to use this legislation in order to make the situation unpleasant on earth, if you are now talking about makhachkala, i will tell you so. Here we have a law forbidding to shoot anything like that and in general to come close. Forgive me, lord, if this was the law , onlookers would not have come to makhachkala to look at the bitterness of the gas station and they all died, because they stood nearby and no one knew that there was an enemy with the help. And now you have all the arguments. You see, this is the law here is such a bad one and the authorities that are in general, always bad. Well, no, you just said it left. They are necessarily good , they certainly use this law in order to violate our rights. Its here you know, here, i want a bad love was driving to work this week i dont remember exactly now. And there, it means, they say on the radio that, in my opinion, the fsb is asking. In general, how would there be some kind of use of some kind of uh some information in the fight there with the press without sanctions here. Right now there for some certain there, and order of action, a Court Sanction is needed, here is the federal law, i dont well, Something Like that and then a phrase. I dont remember. On which Radio Station i heard it, then the experts. This means that they assume that this law can serve for, uh, abuses from the outside, which means that the law enforcers know you are in charge. Yes . Im driving like this and i think, these are such experts. For some reason this news didnt bother me at all. But these are the experts, who can see there is some kind of government, in general, we did not have. Well, lets say that we have all this abuse of power is all or nothing, because when it becomes necessary to really take some tough measures, including banning. We all say no, you cant, because the authorities will abuse it. But it seems to me that what roman said, that you understand , is the same, and for you and for me and for this some unnamed expert, the risk is the same if he arrives, so we will all die very short. Lets make it very short and lets look at the advertising of these shots. Some uh events related to ukraine hit the warehouses of the khmelnytsky region. Does it somehow change . And this situation somehow helps us. I do not know helps me helps in the morning. I am sorry. How does it change . Lets take a break, we ll take a little break, otherwise we wont have time to discuss everything. 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In this case , it turned out to be conversationally kill all the police fraternity. God, how i love serials about cops for me today at 20 00 on ntv, this is the Meeting Place on ntv, the place where everything becomes clear. We continue with this part. Lets start with the footage from the cnn channel, this channel shows some amazing awareness that it receives some exclusive footage from them about what is happening in the ukrainian troops. Remember we you were shown filming from a Ukrainian Drone, which undermined the support of the crimean bridge. Here are the new shots. This is a report from under the harvest, where the sun, as they say, they are conducting some kind of counteroffensive. Here cnn published footage from which it follows that Cluster Munitions are being used there. The tv channel refers to filming from a drone. Lets see if we can. Uh, it claims that the Russian Military military of one of the units was allegedly forced to leave. Their positions and here are the words of two weapons experts who these the videos were watched by russian soldiers with a high degree of probability they were fired at precisely with Cluster Munitions. At the same time, cnn was unable to confirm that these munitions were american, because they were supplied to the United States, allegedly ukrainian made shells could have been used on the front line, kiev, for its part , confirms that american weapons are indeed on the front line, but the details do not report smoke near russian soldiers, the likely consequences of the use of Cluster Munitions, which after much debate about the appropriateness of the use of such weapons was provided by us forces, cnn was unable to confirm that the device identified by experts as a likely Cluster Munition in the harvest video is a ussupplied weapon to understand once again what Cluster Munitions are. This is a container that is stuffed with small ones. Here you see small bos. Depending on the model of this ammunition , there can be from several dozen to 600 to several hundred of them, and they are scattered over a very wide area. These small munitions often do not explode and turn, in fact, into a minus , which civilians in the conflict zone continue to run into even decades after the end of hostilities , the pentagon is aware of such specifics and has already publicly stated that they will not publish data about the number of unexploded shells they delivered, but to ukraine citing military secrets in the russian representation. He calls it a war crime. Washington himself for decades moralized and branded as war criminals all those who used this type of ammunition. It turns out in your own logic that zelensky and his accomplices are war criminals, and you are his direct accomplices and accomplices, sharing full responsibility for the atrocity already committed and future on the site. Un supported russia. They not only noted that Cluster Munitions cannot be used, but also emphasized the fears that these same Cluster Munitions from ukraine could still leak somewhere. Well, lets hear the justification of the kiev regime, on the same platform it is. For my nation, this is an existential battle for survival to attack. This was russias choice and this is our response to defending ourselves in strict accordance with the fiftyfirst article of the un charter, we will be persistent in our struggle , all weapons, whether produced by ukraine or received from our allies, serve these purposes, so that survive and stop their dictatorship, infected with insane imperial sentiments. Here is cnn posting this cassette exclusive they dont understand that they are just publishing compromising evidence, its demology, so its different. But this uncle, he says, approximately what was said. I do not remember any there to be the German Ministry of defense shao in ukraine there are no german weapons. Uhhuh. This is a ukrainian weapon. Well, its made in germany, but its not a german weapon. Lets get back to our topic. It means that such, as it were, at the end of the first part, who spoke opposed, and these are initiatives. So, here is fedor mitch victor, basically, in basically, yes, well, you both had it anyway. Eh, as if the arguments are more directed. Well, the undermining of confidence in the government. That is, well, as if such an ethical side again, Alexey Yuryevich said that, well, excessive measures, purely technically. There is one more point, which i dont understand here is such a clinch, because on the one hand we want to develop technologies to move them forward. Yes, including here digitalization and on the other hand. It turns out that here we need these technologies for this digitalization, as if in something limit, but will it work if we have already run so far ahead. Show the material, please, in moscow alone there are more than two hundred thousand surveillance cameras. In the middle there are also cameras around the clock, leading online broadcasts on the internet. One of them until recently. The capital was filmed from a height of 300 m from one of the skyscrapers of moscow city. Now it is already offline, but there is another one a little lower, where moscow can also be seen, as the cameras on red square are turned off in the palm of your hand. Well, for example, on a webcast from Taganskaya Square you can see the towers of the kremlin, and from the observation camera in zamoskvorechye, which, in addition, spins in different directions, you can see the entire central part of the city. And these are only those cameras that are in the Public Domain in private use, they are hundreds of times more hacked and it is quite possible for the Ukrainian Special services to connect to them. This has already been done and even broadcast the address of the president of the terrorist zelensky through small speakers. Inside these cells, those who understand only russian want to live. Run want to live. Give up. In captivity. The same special services of ukraine caught on back in may and called on their citizens to stop using surveillance cameras under the threat of prison, explaining that they are vulnerable to hacking and can help the enemy, that is, russia was correcting its strikes, focusing on the videos from these cameras. Cameras cannot be turned off by pressing a button; they literally need to be pulled out of the network; online cameras need to be closed for our safety and the safety of the enterprise. However, air defense work can get into not only camera lenses observation, but also on Live Television last week, during the broadcast of the russian rowing championship, the frame came at the moment of the explosion of a Ukrainian Drone flying along the moscow river. That is, it works or it doesnt work. If we somehow limit uh work, here are such cameras, but then it turns out that we will limit some services we need already for life. How to deal with it. Well, firstly, you need to do a total revision of all access devices of all cameras. Well , that is, take this seriously with not only the state structure is mine to private traders, because part of the cameras that the epic camera is set up, for example, is a person. Ive given an example. Uh, i put everything in the car for well, to control the yard just from the balcony , that is, accordingly, access to it may be completely lost and, uh, to control it from the balcony, but he knows that this is generally illegal. Well, just in case, from your colleagues to your comrade to warn, i put a system, uh, security Video Surveillance in the country. Yes, this is your private area. And i will see how something flies. Here, at my camera is on the gate. And there is a piece of the sky, nothing confused me with another word. I dont know about the revision of all cameras, because this is how you can use these devices that serve thousands. I think if more than one person has to deal with it, that is, for each camera for each, in fact, i say, someone installed it, that is, someone still serves it, and accordingly. Just convey this question to all enterprises for all services, and so on, that is, who deals with these requests. Uh, because lets say the same hotel rooms complexes. Well, they place guests around them, guests come to them, and there are often very leaky protection there. That is, and there, for example, you can get information, who lives where . Well, that is, lets say if the important person, uh, uh, okay. Yes, there is some kind of golden mean. We can in my opinion. There is no contradiction of progress and restrictions here, because, well, no one is used. We have a special time special time requires special decisions and here the solution is about such cameras. Well maybe the first two as rightly said it was offline to access these cameras was not. That is, a person cannot go to the site and see this panorama. Why do we need to be safe here . It is located somewhere in the transport in the subway on infrastructure , such panoramic cameras do not affect security in any way. Why do we need them . Lets donate this. Here. I think this can be sacrificed for the sake of safety military security states and the second point. As you rightly said, even if you put a private camera on your summer cottage or er, there are a lot of restrictions on the balcony too. Well, you wont do it if something got on this camera to upload to the network. Well, someone else is here again. Yes, there is one more question, lets say its purely a legal issue, which we will have to sort out one way or another, and in such cases , lets say, someone took a picture, took a picture or rewrote some photos to his own, lets say, there is a friend who knows someone Something Else but that person. You didnt assume. You just sent some kind of comrade, comrades. You choose you no, i can with you, maybe i dont agree, but will it be everything along this chain, for example, one sent it to another. Send you already alex, dont worry. The law will come to you indulgence will be violated. Will it be all over, wait, it seems to me, if for the one who lays out, if there is an indulgence, there will be a violation, well, it should be clearly forbidden to give. Yes, you can take pictures and send to a single room, please, it is forbidden to transfer. A if the phone that shoots itself sends it to its own, that is, you have your photos set up stored there on the cloud. We are apple anywhere. Are you sending it somewhere . This Data Transfer service is there, who were doing this in the danish union, trying to fight with dates, sealing machines, gentlemen. If you are trying now to this. Bend, but you lost. All my friends are lawyers. Show me with a request asking for me on the cameras. And the policeman passed. Uh, all of this girls movements are lawyers. She then gave it up respectively. Uh, hmm to his colleagues. Uh, Law Enforcement agencies gave him a fine. We have such a corrupt Law Enforcement system that is so full of holes that any cameras will always bring down and try something we are now classifying something in your life that may be of interest to the Law Enforcement system, which is corrupt through and through, to restore blackmail and for sure something, that is, what are you Something Like rails in a cannon, after all no, firstly, not a stigma. Secondly, i think that, probably, once i violated some laws not too, maliciously i didnt kill people, but im sure something. Okay, im so. Attention to the start, march. You said that you asked for it yourself about the most important things, that you had to remember about the most. Why will i tell you why . First, i did it myself, im older. Uhhuh and fell into the field of view of the kgb and found everyone. Always one who typed, who then distributed, who kept everything was in sight and therefore 50 of these socalled dissidents were informers. Uh, i also know the kgb by name, i knew the whole party, but why did they ask . I will tell you the period time in the history of our country of the soviet period, when not what is the most date, when there was no illegal squeak, because in order for you to have the most surrender you need a typewriter, right . So in the summer of fortyone. They were all confiscated for fear, if the death penalty, then a wild term, the radios were confiscated, the whole society. Yes, it was martial law, that is, the society was all in a state of war. We dont remember the most famous people. I said what i said when he was gone first by 40 years. Do you want so alexander themselves said that you are in this area, and now you are demanding the most radical ban. That is, you regret about yours and so on, that you understand participation in the very building, so that all of you work for the destruction of the state, i understand this, but firstly, then sometimes there are contradictions. No, i would like you to believe that your gentlemen did. These are the measures that you propose very often very drastic measures take into account you. It was necessary to act much more radically, and on the whole they acted rather harshly. Well, there was manner, but they didnt harm me, they are happy for each other. What am i happy about . Well, because she was hurting your friend. No, of course, still ashamed of it. But you want it to expand such a good thing. Today i am where i was then. Uh, the leaders would have dealt with themselves then much tougher. And you can have one more short one and then you would be a better person today. If you acted with you, we would live, perhaps you dont have in the soviet union. Why did the times in the mordovian camps sit normally . Mordovian camps, i realized that you have to stop there already, probably, but already here. Sorry, they ate a little of your time, but about the fact that this one passed there, that one passed this one. Now about the global surrender. This will be the topic of our next hour now short pause. Its just that he is a spirit, he lives eternally along the way. Yes, what is it . Im a black dog to work me to work as a bodyguard. 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You do not need to be able to read minds to know more about your child, connect a subscription with the function of testing the childs skills and talents up to 30 on Xiaomi Smartphones under the contract, military personnel receive Regional Support measures the status of a veteran of military operations, actions, exemption from land Tax Compensation for utility bills vouchers to the sanatorium vacation twice a year and other benefits from the state. Everything is fair here. Now we will have such an almost brazilian series the rich also cry, we will tell you about how some still russian entrepreneurs are trying by all means to prove to the western community that they are good, that the sanctions against them are unfair. There is such a direct indeed , the story is connected with the fact that the moon, 25 began to transmit the first materials. 3d model, and here, if we can look at the photo, nevertheless , the zieiman crater was filmed there from the far side of the moon. He located on the back side of the earths satellite , that is, it is not visible. We cant do anything with you, what is characteristic of this crater; its height of the shaft is 8 km. Well, its practically everest and now we got this photo thanks to luna 25. We are waiting for new photos from it, of course , automatic this is our station this is the first in the modern history of russia lunar messi, the previous station luna 24 was launched in 1976. That is, this is 12 years before my birth, and luna 25 launched from the vostochnaya cosmodrome in the amur region 11 august as intended. It will be the first station in history to land on the moons south pole and none yet to be sent from earth. Probe. This point was reached by the landing scheduled for 21 august. In the area north of the boguslavsky craters. Now there is a task. For a year, take up to 30 samples of lunar soil and examine them, if there is ice or not, now the most active study of the moon is china, which previously landed on the far side of the satellite. Lunar own lunokhod well, and its own lunar program. India also has a peculiar intrigue here. Indians want to lunar their apparatus. It is called chandrayan 3 in the same place as our luna 25, that is, somewhere in the region of the south pole and although india launched its kosmos research station before our nakhodka reaches the satellite first. It seems like for two days everything is due to the fact that russian scientists have chosen a faster minibus, no, as far as technical characteristics are concerned. Luna 25 is almost twice as light as the indian probe, which, unlike ours , has two modules at once and an orbital landing one. Well, plus the runewalker itself with uplifting news is finished in a very interesting way, because, as far as i remember, this is our program. It will then intersect with the chinese, and in my opinion, we will build a lunar station there jointly with the chinese. Yes, still distant, as far as i understand, history, but, nevertheless, the 30th middle. There the thirties, somewhere we will tell about all this, of course, in the program. Listen, youre still very young. You see, you also said yesterday that yes, yes. I m the first to receive the last moon accompanied the future of second grade students, if seventysixth year, so on this with good news. We say goodbye now directly sad and hardhearted is such a word. Here is some kind of cruelty shown to some of our citizens, and their potential ones are like that. Well, business partners. And maybe even, in a sense, the guardians of the west. And i mean a group of our businessmen, who basically have been for many years. How do not live in russia but after the start of a special military operation. They offer a lot of effort in order to reduce the removed sanctions and the meaning, in general, is such that we did nothing bad in relation to the west. We are not friends with putin. In general, we are here, uh, soft and fluffy. We are suffering completely innocently, and here some sort of shambles begins here, here are two people, Mikhail Fridman and peter allen, both of whom are related to the leadership of the alpha group there, and they have been under eu sanctions for quite a long time and it is great. Secretly and very much want these sanctions to be lifted from them, and the sanctions are not removed from them, moreover, just a few days ago, both avin and friedman fell under the sanctions of the United States , this is what is called a curtain, because no one can explain what it is. Please. Give us a story, please, the us treasury last week imposed sanctions against russian billionaires, the founders of the shareholders of the russian alpha bank, peter alen and mikhail fridn, most of all this news shocked latvia, where mr. Alvin has been living for a whole year, immediately after swan suddenly remembered that his family historically connected with this side, but now the latvian authorities seriously thinking about cancelling. At the same time, the aviation has decided to check the legality of obtaining it, if we have a person who is on the sanctions list, if the law states that citizenship can be canceled because there is support for aggression. I think there is a reason why latvia adopted such a regulation. Will allen remain a latvian citizen . But the question is still open during the time spent in latvia, the billionaire managed to become Close Friends with local officials. So last december the mayor of the city egvillshellmanis ogres. Met with his estate, already under sanctions at that time , claudio a. A little later, he proposed to hold an exhibition of porcelain from the collection of alain in the local museum; it really broke down due to a wave of criticism, but helma does not tell her to arrange it when the dust of political misunderstandings settles. It was my own decision to cancel the exhibition because such hysteria was raised about the works of our old masters. For now. This exhibition has been cancelled. Have we violated any paragraph of the sanctions, because the sanctions aimed at making a profit in this case , none of us receives a profit, which means that the sanctions are not violated by the european sanctions savina fridman to remove, until they are in a hurry , it did not help, nor the intercession of the russian liberals who wrote letters to the eu did not swear. The myth of businessmen to transfer millions to support kiev chief rabbi of ukraine jacob blife last year wrote that they had already sent as much as 150 Million Euros in aid last fall friedman even persuaded the National Bank of ukraine to allow increasing investments in the Ukrainian Branch of alpha bank by a billion dollars, but this idea was wrapped up, and the bank itself is ready to be nationalized by Mikhail Fridman. Transfer 1 billion to ukraine to finance infrastructure medical and food projects. It is proposed to transfer the money to the Ukrainian Branch of alfabank, but on one condition. London should lift its sanctions on the businessman friedman himself is now pressing for pity ; his lawyers in the courts are demanding the lifting of sanctions, claiming that the life of a businessman has become unbearable. The accusation of complicity with the russian authorities is unfounded, as my card is blocked. I couldnt get money. I didnt expect you to say this on camera thought i should have access to the money no, no, thats why im here because i want to explain the sanctions against us are unfair useless for what what we did wrong, besides doing business in russia, this one is quite old , yes, mikhail Mikhail Fridman. And uh, to be honest, thats still unclear, though, why does the west have one explanation . Uh, they think, foreigners, that avin friedmans and others, thats all the rest who now they have arranged such a life, they will arrange a coup in russia. Well, i think so, friedman, in my opinion, in the same interview. He said that if you think in an armored car, no, well, they will somehow influence there, so that if you think i can come to the kremlin there and say Something Like that, you are very mistaken Andrey Nikolaevich well , really in the west and like this, but why is there no pressure, it is possible to influence, try to do something in this, for gods sake, but then you understand, there is a moment here, which has already been repeatedly discussed in the west. In general, no, there is a big difference between a good russian or a bad russian they have here, and the personification, so to speak, here there is a Russian Oligarchy. Hes tied. They themselves have created for themselves this appearance that he is completely tied to putin ; some kind of stunt is built there quite clearly, respectively, if you please. You will be punished, everyone understands, really. Even if you look at the western press and western analyzes there. Well, they are generally really built at the level of the red sparrow movie , they did not watch. This is analytics at the level i look at agb, and everything is controlled just like that, you are balalaika matryoshka vodka, so inside this. Well, what they did, and they sent everything suits. Or maybe its just about money. I mean, well, they have a lot of money, you can shake it up and shake it up so that there are already something, even someone doubts the honesty of mikhail , so that he is ready to take everything and give it all at once. Well i just feel like something was about to happen. If people ask for a year and a half to withdraw from us, yes, and in a year and a half from them not that it doesnt shoot. See what seems to be a western bargaining chip, which i understand they dont want, wait they offer the amount. Remove sanctions from us. We will then pay this amount for the needs of ukraine. It seems to me that this is the position. Shes from a point of view. Thats who she is naive, and who should determine this amount, because thats 150 million. First, then a billion. Here is what i think. And i think the logic of western curators and people who want to somehow milk these people and those who went there, but such that under putin they have collected huge amounts of money for themselves. Uh, states sizes, low tens of billions of dollars. Well, lets just say that. Not under putin, pyotr aven was assembled like that, yes, and therefore they are to blame for the fact that they felt good under putin, and therefore, on their own initiative, they should have already handed over these, of course, of course, and here they pretend that they disadvantaged people came with one card. E to london and dont know honestly do. Yes, just here it is necessary for our viewers. I think to explain, so that there is a definite such, vv. Well, how to say an agreement between government and business, when we have new the leadership of the country began to put things in order a little bit. Some of them are like that. She left the country. So, a part remained and, as it were, they accepted these rules of the game, but from time to time, in connection with this agreement , it was necessary to have some kind of social orientation, yes, business, yes, some money there, i dont know for the construction shows objects with the country not only earns money, but maybe they can put this wine now Alexander Nikolayevich well, there are two points here, firstly, there is a certain violation of formality, and which takes place in the case gardens, but because it is known that he has several passports. What, lets say, does not determine, unlike ukraine, that he will be deprived of latvian citizenship, but in latvia this is not welcomed by several passports. Yes, if my memory serves me, the passport of luxembourg but also of the Russian Federation , respectively, and probably israeli. In general, he has several passports no doubt. Yes, how can you live without an israeli moment, uh, the alpha group is accused, but in the fact that it is participating today in circumventing sanctions, as financial sense, as well as e. I mean, but import substitution. Both of these are considered the most serious sin. Here they are like this, if aware. And this is an accusation that they support the kremlin and that is, it is not perceived there that the alpha group is trying to circumvent sanctions, well, in order to somehow stay afloat and not lose their money there. She loses, probably, yes, in fact, i generally think that personal sanctions and talk about collective responsibility are absolute savagery. Yeah and i agree that analytics. E, there e stands for a very low level and that the understanding of those processes of these realities that actually exist in Russian Society is practically there , then all these unfortunate people are doomed to the country. Yes, they hoped that the oligarchs. Yes, we have all the time, but you can see publications talking about the fact that we have the lord of the oligarchs. Although there is no lord well , at least since the fifth terrace of the seventh year , and there was some kind of do not be a chance for the same friedman. Do you want to do Something Like that, tear your shirt off so much money to get to still slip through. To slip through so that there are no sanctions yes, to accept hugged they said well, lets share. Sit down with us when they introduced it all under the influence. Uh, what i call ukrainian hysteria, there was no such chance. Now, it might be slow. Well, what is called . I hope that the smell is a little, but it will be marked and realized that Russian Society does not really consist of those who go to the front. If, uh, like this, and the commemoration will take place, then they have some chance. Well chances are here it wont, because if you look at the number of volunteers that we have , you said that the count of monte cris ratio to the total population is of great importance, as how to say it now, mathematics, moscow pseudoscience, so about monte cristo. And who is the monte cristo who wants to. Uh, do you understand the defense of donglars and count defor . This is friedman, relatively speaking, in the data and in the fact that in each case, in each e, under the sanctions characters. Or maybe it has its own mechanics, i remind you that now the process has begun, uh, judicial over uh a highranking american counterintelligence officer who is accused of taking money from a Russian Oligarch in order to, uh, yes, to impose sanctions, allegedly against another person against, if i remember correctly, yes, im retelling the story, yes. Deripaska potanin he received. He got this uh man the probability of 100 dollars for his work the amount of quite the light of the door in the entrance under the example. I gave this example not to tell the details of this particular story that the mechanics included this or that oligarch this or that journalist of this or that politician in the sanctions lists. That is, the most different things, but that there is a disconnection, a big disconnection of russia from the west, and not only these oligarchs, but hundreds of thousands of people suffer from this. Someone has relatives somewhere in the west. Someone went there for a mass of people, this is a big big tragedy, and in this situation people are caught between the hammers anvils literally trying to find a place where they might be safer or more comfortable. Here is herman khan, an oligarch. After the beginning of his own, he came to the Russian Federation of the west, someone on the contrary. Uh, left russia for the west. You see, we saw all this already 100 years ago, a little less than 100 years, and how wrong and true people are in their, and in their expectations. Lets see, here was sergeevna a. Already Marina Tsvetaeva , he was a soviet agent of the nkvd and they made a choice, they came to the soviet union from europe with their son. What happened sergei fron was repressed killed Marina Tsvetaeva committed suicide at night today is a dark day, and thats it. E soviet such a story about emigrants. Nabokov made a different choice and his family. On the contrary, they went back. Nabokov has a poignant poem where he talks about nostalgia for russia but at the same time realizes that he will be shot. But what, what was waiting for the nabokov family, back the father was killed by the monarchists, and his brother sergei was killed in a nazi concentration camp. You see, therefore, to calculate here in such a complex is actually tragic the situation for people from different sides to calculate exactly thats where the best will be. And where its worse , its very difficult, thats probably right, because its natural to look for a person. Well, there is a stupid saying, i dont like it. Well, what the fish, uh, is looking for, where it is deeper, and the person is better well, in fact, this is true, and i just mean, then we conclude from what Alexander Nikolayevich said from what you say, you just extended it to more people who actually have. Yes, there is now no opportunity, for example, to go to relatives. Well, the truth is the reasons, that is, then it seems to be for a very , very long time. Hmm, we all have to put up with it, because if these people with so much money who say, yes, i have nothing to do with this russia at all and they are not met half way, it means that ordinary citizens of russia will not be met at all in any way. Yes, george is healing. Excuse me, for gods sake , lets take a short pause on the next topic and Alexei Gennadievich then we also connected it. Well, my name is oleg. Im an alcoholic. Certificates. I myself have to climb, only then the result will be tied, until it turns out, i was trashing, with whom it doesnt happen, the general is an infection, but skill will not break through without me in any way. In addition, in this matter he will need a sober mind; his sister was killed. My wife wants to end the case, but im against it. 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Call right now only today in honor of the premiere. You can buy a yuna not for 7. 900 rubles. And its completely free with the purchase of one package. Call 8. 800 100 exactly six eight two call in russia free kingfisher premiere today at 16 45. On ntv your dog. My dog ​​is not crazy with us again. Dont miss your favorite. Series are you a timer . No, its an alarm clock for 7 4645 pm tomorrow at 7 25 pm on ntv, this is the Meeting Point on ntv, the place where everything becomes clear. We continue. And in this continuation, we will now give you another example of another businessman who is now repenting, but this is different from what we talked about earlier, because over the past year and a half, arkady volos, the founder of yandex , did not say about the special operation about his attitude towards it not a word, but the other day its literally broke through. He means a barbaric invasion, moreover, it is already written on his website that he turns out to be an israeli entrepreneur born in kazakhstan. I see it, the founder of yandex, arkady volosh, has been under personal sanctions of the European Union since june 2022, but only now he spoke for the first time about the situation in ukraine , his statement that he was horrified by what was happening volozh, in order to be sure to be heard, he sent out to several , editors sympathizing with him naked admit that he is against a special military operation, a next says the correct word for western audiences. I am categorically against russias barbaric invasion of ukraine i am horrified by the fact that every day bombs are flying into the homes of ukrainians, despite the fact that in 2014 i do not live in russia, i understand that i also have a share of responsibility for the actions of the country at the same time with public statements , volozh actively edits the page about himself in the english wikipedia and on his website. Now he calls himself none other than a kazakhstanborn israeli entrepreneur in someone from the israeli ip several times tried to correct wikipedia that volozh is not a russian billionaire, but the site still persists and does not allow it to be done that volozh personally took president putin to the Yandex Office and closely cooperates with the authorities on the website of the newly minted kazakh israeli can not found. Now you emphasize he had many reasons why he did not speak out about russias actions in ukraine and admits that one can argue about the timeliness of his statement on social networks was like criticism, and sarcasm about such sparsely. But recognition and support, they say, better late than never, it is important that people like arkady voloshin state their position is very important. They do not need to beat hands to condemn them at this moment. Its necessary that there are more such people and they dont need to be demotivated to say correctly that you were better before, but when he said, when he said about the hair quote, that he hasnt lived in russia since 2014, im one personal memoir to myself allowed. It was december 2015. Central e, home of international trade, the president came there to the great forum of russian industry. There was at first a plenary session, where actually our main it specialists sat in the presence of the president , and then eight people , together with putin, went to some kind of separate meeting. It was the same meeting at which Herman Klimenko became authorized here on the internet, but klemenko was then sitting on the right hand of putin and the person who proposed klimenko as authorized. 7 the internet was arkady volosh, who was sitting on the left hand of putin, so when arkady voloshin tells us the fourteenth year. He doesnt live in russia at all. Listen arkady yurievich well, you dont tryndet toss bags georgievich and we all have it, and you are absolutely written down. I just couldnt help it, from which he woke up now. Here a man sat for a year and a half on his own there for some tens, maybe billions and thats it. He was fine, but here is the invasion, and so on and so forth. Well, first of all, friedmans hair statement. Ave then normal people nothing but disgust deep disgust do not call. It is clear that regarding the need for mr. Vova , at least the majority of knowledgeable people compare this with the yandex restructuring process that took place and vova was already silent, while he hoped that this process would work, in the way that it was interesting for him. Now, since everything has slowed down there, or at least, the higher understood that, as he wants, he will not. He is already free in his statements, and he believes that it is time to justify his future career with his capital and his projects for the west, he no longer associates himself with russia. He associates himself with the west. And there you need to turn into a good russian, a good russian. This is a kazakh businessman, that there are no good russians. He wants to stop being russian altogether. For this, he uses the word russian to stop being russian, they all ceased to be russian. This is possible because any jew who moves west from russia becomes a russian there automatically. Listen, it will help him all this or it will, as with friedman, it wont help, it wont help, because everyone is seriously businessman has competitors who will always include the russian theme. When you need to give out to harm their competitor. Another important thing here is when you talk about the fact that the west is somehow betting on russian businessmen so that they influence the authorities. He was betting on them, thats the moment when he began to put maximum pressure on friedman, naveen, and so on. He realized that these people will not be affected, so you can just squeeze them out of them, you can just get money. Its good that they do that. Its good that the west is doing it. It sends a signal to other businessmen in russia that their capital there abroad is no longer guaranteed, but the fact remains. They have already used materials such a signal for Vladimir Putin sent money to his parents 1,000 years ago for one thing, when putin says so, and the west is now emphasizing his words and literally the last moment. Its just that the smell will treat all russian liberals now as the socalled, because once again hes no longer betting on them, inserting now racist russia to make completely different forces with a bang. Patriots on the radical national. Well lets now its a little axial chief. Feel sorry for you comrades or not comrade. Post it at some point. In general, it didnt matter to me. And when gevorg speaks, it means that they would make a statement from volozh, and fridman is disgusting there. Somehow, as some very strong emotion said, and it causes me so questions, who are they and why do these statements cause such strong emotions in you, it seems that you, so to speak, doubt some then his positions. There is no his statement of some businessman who 10 years ago. This evokes emotions in me, because i myself observe this physiognomy, smiling next to the boss. And now this same physiognomy is called himself born in kazakhstan well , bomb me, you understand, right . Im just freaking out, and when a person pours such dregs such a lie and looks at everyone and around him, the socalled free journalists walk around, who say that i cant work, but they can. They say, but its amazing at last. He is a scap, well done, arkady the scene bombed now, so to speak, it was live on the sputni radio, it doesnt bomb me like that, the tv channels i dont care what they are, what they say, listen and an important point, it seems to me, here is the analytics at the level of the red sparrow and so on , it is not. Its not there, not fools are sitting there. Thats why not immediately there, if everything was such an analytics, they would immediately, so to speak, not all one size fits all at once. Not all victor correctly noticed. Here is a point approach to each. Why friedman is there and aven only now e comes across in the american lists. Why is it only now, and before that something is not going so obviously, so to speak , it is going wrong, but frid has monoyavin or the americans have friedman and avian in the view of the americans, that is, from my point of view. Eh, from my point of view. Apparently they are doing something not what you americans want. Yes, maybe he still gets money. From russia, they may not yet have shared information, but they definitely have it. So to speak, they say, because im now uh, im afraid to lie, but there alphainsurance for someone. Something almost kalashnikov, yes, the plant, it happens both about the proximity of friedman and avian, the current alpha has a question here formally, they will say so. Here, look. They are there, which means that they give money for the Russian Military at all, and this is the third point, this production of cartridges, in my opinion, the west is openly speaking against russia. Now we will fight against those who circumvent sanctions with the mechanisms that exist and schemes for circumventing sanctions, maybe america itself is like this now say, i saw that there, but this group is there or finances, and these people, so to speak , contribute to some kind of parallel import of gray schemes, and so on. They, of course, get this holy profit, but once again i urge you to spit and grind artists , athletes and businessmen. It is necessary, so to speak, to sympathize just now and we have lost and lets Andrey Nikolayevich and they decided their homeland, they do not agree with this matter, not in emotions. Do you understand . Here is a somewhat different matter, firstly, madam, because if he began to rewrite, let me remind you that this is more of a soviet citizen. Pioneer komsomolsky if he decided to raise it like this, you understand the problem lies in emotions, but in the fact that , for example, the structure of mr. Volage, between 2014 and 2000, the twentysecond year, when, in general, he was say legitimate here. Nothing like this happened to him, for example, my publication was sent strikes for publications by onazis. Yes, i published materials about the crimes of the nazis during the great patriotic war, but from yandex, where the publications took place, we cut off the publications, how the propaganda of violence did the structure of yandex, this is the question. Yes, who does it . For what reason . How could you think of the materials of the nazi criminals can take . If you say that this is a coincidence, i am andrey in such cases. This is police conduct, as you and i know very well people were imprisoned and fined 282 each when they posted the defeated nazi flags on vkontakte on social networks. It was history. I say again, i i dont believe in such things, you absolutely understand what people are talking about, not that he has left now, you understand that the western black funnel has arrived, as in the case of mrs. Isinbayeva, and knocked on property that had not been reached before. And there, as it were, it caught fire, and therefore it is necessary to run to save him and say whatever you like, the problem is when we say not that he is like that, but that there will be no more of them, because this person is being considered, who got billions here and he doesnt feel any sensations created the only one, maybe in russia it is a capable product, which, if popular is the person who pays aleksey gennadier, just a second about the entrepreneur Arkady Yuryevich volga , how did it happen . Yes, when we have yandex competes with google until a certain moment, while we had big screens , large desktops came to sit at a computer or laptop, and then, and then telephones appeared, and it so happened that google was preinstalled there and instantly yandex began to be squeezed out, but then Arkady Yuryevich or some of his wonderful people were able to reach out. About the great genius talent of Arkady Yuryevich, he came to the state and the state down with such a kick to him to take off, what without this kick . I dont know, answer in one sentence literally listen, and i dont want to be a lawyer. Yandex is a huge business structure, so to speak, which, from my point of view , is proud of its edematous production technologically. Lets not forget certain details, im proud of the fact that the state was also proud of its own company. Thats why she pulled it up. And now, so to speak , water. Lets wash, you can see it as a person whose radio satellite never bombs anything on the air. Here he declares about the lack of competitive ones. Uh, we have some projects and developments, because, well, you, probably, if we talk about the same it , then lets remember about kaspersky and all sorts of platitudes, like there i dont know a kalashnikov Assault Rifle or a lunar 25 one, you should be ashamed, alexey gennadievich tell you its a shame , andrey is very slow. So now we will comfort him in order to upset everything. It looks like they were shooting, maybe just a jar of analyzes crashed. Simorodok premiere today at 16 45 on ntv get 9 per annum on the balance of rubles with a savings account in a flowerpot replenish it enter the funds at any time all savings are insured. Open for free in the ozon bank mobile application. 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Here we are talking, it turns out that everything seems to be the west is not going to remove sanctions from uh Russian Oligarchs who want to achieve it with all their might. This is not true. Here is a prime example for you tinkoff he spoke and agreed that the sanctions were literally lifted from him. Thats quite recently. Lets get a look. On july 20, oleg tinkov, the businessmen, the founders of tinkoff bank, excluded the entrepreneurs assets from the uk sanctions list. How exactly these sanctions were lifted from you is not difficult to say what was the main reason, because even well, my lawyers, they dont know, they said it was associated with my performances. After that, after the beating of sanctions, tinkoff is a little cunning when he says that he does not know how they removed him sanctions, after all, in order to achieve this , he distanced himself from russia and used heavy artillery in order to get out of sanctions tinkoff enlisted the support of another agent Mikhail Khodorkovsky and a wellknown british billionaire. Richard branson, the latter confirmed that tinkov was in no way connected with russia by the leadership and did not acquire any benefit from being close to the current russian government. Although oleg tinkov was a wealthy russian businessman. He has never been an oligarch. I have always known him as a dynamic entrepreneur who selfmade sanctions against tinkoff have no basis in joy tinkoff gave a long interview to the finational times in which he began to incite the rest of the russian billionaires to speak out against their own and putins supposedly. Now they have more motivation. After the west showed that renunciation of russia is the way to preserve assets. They can show other russian businessmen who have united around putin thanks to the sanctions that you can make a statement and leave russia for the civilized world, sit between two chairs, like theyve been doing for the past 30 years, having a house in belgravia, and maintaining a friendship. With putin , confirmation of these words is no longer obtained the times writes that several Large Russian businessmen allegedly told the publication on condition of anonymity. That they would be ready to directly oppose a special military operation if the west showed them a clear way to lift sanctions, they say, before that they had no reason to speak out against their own, and now most of the other russian magnates have made sense, they only made cautious statements about that they hoped for peace, but avoided direct criticism. Putin for fear of losing their homes and wealth. Some of them told the wars of the show times that they would be ready to speak out against the war more openly. And if the west showed them a clear path to the lifting of sanctions, then it turns out that some collective outcome is still possible. Or maybe there are some risks for us, mikhail boris, if they somehow unite there, then our oligarchs went there with their own logic inside the russian one, as they communicated with our authorities. So we can quietly calmly not act, for any. Acceptance of such slippery people is important for them, but lets take part in some subbotniks. Yes, the authorities asked to do something, they allocated money there and what is called even maybe, as you remember, in my opinion, uh, krasavin and friedman havent even gone to these general meetings in the kremlin for some time now, and how something is to skimp it a. Well, in principle , there are no sanctions against them in russia for such a lack of power or such an easy frendy never happened. So they went there, and they thought that they would arrive in approximately the same conditions. They will give a small father who pays them off, he will not live as wealthy private people, but it turned out that the regime there is completely different. There, they are required not just a ransom, they are required to fight the struggle. Ah, for the oligarchs. This is the surrender of a lot of money and constant speeches with an increase in such emotionality against the regime from which they left. Because the same leader here could be silent and he had no problems with business. And there he went. He was silent , problems immediately began, for example, this is how the story with tinkov also fits. Here is your algorithm. Thats the fight theyre all there for. Well, they are being pushed. She what can be . This is a fight. Here it is necessary to be more, that is, the norm of behavior, an oligarch who left all the money for the fight to organize some kind of events for a coup here, to criticize you with a backhand, that is, open criticism of the coups in the country and this is the rejection of the war from the oligarchs who left there is required start a war with russia if you do not wage war with russia, you are suspicious khodorkovsky used to give money something such that khodorkovsky will give money for his resources, those who take this money give. Uh, no influence on the decisionmaking process in russia , khodorkovskys investment does not make, so wait , lets see, and here are all three episodes of today. Connected by another common such line, because in russia these business structures continue to work and alfa and yandex and tinkov do not belong to anything. They still remain, maybe they are here to look for something. If you want some risk there, i dont know. Well, if you want to draw parallels, then look for a conspiracy theory, then perhaps, yes, the statement was better connected, well, it should have encouraged our idiots who come out with criticism. Yandex is simple, because this is yandex actions that all the years have done again simply, because this is yandex, i remind you. What ah, yandex is a company that is currently operating, yes, this is our product. This is our only digital product. They work there kasperskys people were now offended, but digital. In a sense, in the search in the niche that has now ended in the form in which yandex does not roll out, we are not enough in the group, and we dont have another yandex and we dont have other programmers. We have a lot of people, its very simple for us and before the beginning of our own there was a market. Once again, remember to develop a navigator. Go, please, ok charms and they will tell you about it, how difficult it is to find, please, how difficult it was to find qualified programming. Get out you somewhere deep, what do you want say the challenge is really those companies that work like this. Yandex just out of the blue there is no need to criticize another yandex no, is that what i wanted to say well . What about andrey, you didnt want to say what he wanted to say. No need to speak. Well, lets go on like this, firstly, not everyone in yandex thinks, as they think, volzhsk, to put it mildly, uh. I do not think that this can somehow discredit what they want from them, they say, lets oligarchs and gentlemen. You will speak up. Well, you see, we had experience and 517 years. There, too, as if the oligarchs of the landowners did not agree with the new government, and as if the enterprise and the firm remained to work further , but they remained there, by the way, then very big moneybags also thought that they would now give someone, mr. Denikin to fulfill the money, received to someone else and now something will happen. Well, everyone knows how it ended, yes, thats why you understand, well , the one who will say here. Here is what he asks of them for him to end, russia is the main source of business and they dont say not because they are afraid of something to move away there for capital, because they know here they get more than what is left there and the one who goes there. It will be left to talk without this. The western company also tried to leave. Well, that the enterprise remained, they work there, you were left without money. Goodbye. Play the policy of the lord, so everything will be very good here. Its just that Alexander Nikolayevich is all, now we will sum up the results in a few minutes. This person will become my relative. He will choose a gift in honor of the wedding, which in general you can express in our family. Maybe well talk about the injustice between you is over, how can i explain it to you. Do you want to fight a Wedding Dress . What can disgrace me here, there is no way back. The premiere is today at 16 45, but ntv weekly results of the new season on sundays at 19 00 as a gift with the purchase of a smartphone. We give joy, how much and when you want the super ability to receive everything at once and even more. And for this it is not at all necessary to be a superhero. Issue a free vtb super credit card , go to vtb and everything will turn out nine 99 price, what you need is a bank zone map with a free its profitable to pay with the service pay cards with cashback up to 25 open for free in the banks application. Servela papa can moscow coffee house on the shares of a combination of tradition and advanced technology of the highest class, and the taste of pleasure i love to recommend. My name is maxim my name is alina my name is vladimir we work in tinkoff support service you never see us, but we will always come to the rescue when we need 26,000 people in our team. We work around the clock for 35 million customers. Find a job on the site tinkoff. Ru and become part of a team from the list of the best employers in russia children demand new backpacks. Discounts are also pencil cases. Take it in handy, the sale of hype. In our zones , keep up with the benefits and wait for new discounts. In september, grizzlys School Backpack for 1999, a set of ballpoint pens for 299. Finally , ill watch all the videos for a long time. 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Russia and the west were in a certain integrated space today, the west demands from the Russian Oligarchs and not only the oligarchs to renounce russia, but russia demands, in fact, that they renounce the western interests. All prices are maximum prices, because traitors will always squeeze the full program. First, money, and then when they are no longer needed, and it will be necessary to create some kind of accusation against russia , i will again be a newcomer or Something Like that again, the fate of a traitor, it is like that, if everything were as they said to the experts who spoke before me. Uh, that means these oligarchs are real patriots. While fridman means, and aven did not say anything bad to the address, strangely, despite the voice pressure that i think nothing is expected of them. As Vladimir Putin once said about the truth of another fugitive foreigner. Its like that a piglet costs a little wool, but a screech, so much Alexander Nikolayevich what happened on february 24 last year is actually comparable, and since october the seventeenth. Here are those who left, and those who form, there is some kind of opposition, they are comparable to that russian emigration. What the west is waiting for the west is waiting for the creation abroad of a political alternative to the existing regime. Why a it helped somehow in the seventeenth there and in the next in the seventeenth it didnt help, but there are people like khodorkovsky who are convinced that sooner or they dont know how, that they are smarter, and they wont make mistakes, i heard Andrey Nikolayevich i agree that what is expected from them, of course, the human victims of the Color Revolution of financing, but the problem is that i will still insist that i said to get tired, analytics is bad. You understand the revolution with the face of aivin, volosha, god forgive khodorkovsky in russia with us not those traditions forever armored sealed. If the oligarchs did not look at the last name, it was quite respectable. What is expected of these fugitives of ours . Do not remove our picture, please, right there behind Andrei Vladimirovich there, in my opinion, george the victorious on a horse. This is manezhnaya square, striking, which means that the snakes are expecting from our runaway businessmen that they will be the very rider who will climb onto the horse and lead them to defeat the serpents of the damned sea, for now. They dont. They will be pinched and pinched. Well here, this is the most important thing an irritant, because people, of course, are ready for anything to save their money. Here was the information, however, vanya told me today before the broadcast that this is not a confirmed average, that some of the gentlemen mentioned today. They even altered their names and surnames in foreign manners in order to mean a to show how they are not russians in this regard. I think the locals are now reporting that recently a latvian linguist has translated peter pans tale into latvian. Its now called faggot penis. This was the place meeting, which cannot be changed, 14 00 weekdays ntv broadcast goodbye. In donetsk, two people died due to the detonation of a previously unexploded cluster soup munition washington approved the transfer of f16 military aircraft to kiev, but the us authorities are not clearing the market for american militaryindustrial complex products from their stocks, which of the europeans will have to share and when the fighters will be available vsu. Large repairs next to the old restored fivestory buildings of the soviet era, entire modern microdistricts are growing, as in mariupol they are restoring roads houses and

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