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On a girl if he doesnt want to do something . Kostyanchik, you need this particular service in a restaurant, order a margarita with ice. This is the year for the consecrated. That means you want to make a special order. Of course, the administrator will approach you. Reset, what kind of girls do you like, you will name sveta , order her to the apartment, leave a cash advance, so margarita is the apartment. Here , hold it well. Well, somewhere in a quiet place outside the city. There it will be easy to release the light silently so. Well, if the light is not there. Although, we will definitely light up there, okay . Lets hope we get lucky. Leave your money and leave. Something im worried about. I believe in you. Good luck, but if something goes wrong, we are close. Good evening. Ill accompany you, would you like to sit down. Where do you like . Of course, take a seat menu. No, you dont need me. I have a margarita with ice. Good evening, hello, did you order a margarita with ice . And actually, id like something fresh, and you know the price. Arrange, what can be done . Woo business are not done quickly. I cant take it anymore, im gone. Do everything right, then we agreed, if we need to. What happened, did something go wrong . Director stepanovich will not raise any questions about the case. This is absolutely absolutely nothing for you to worry about. Your wife will close for a long time, as it should be, no one will doubt that heroin was found in her bag, and the motives will always come up perfectly. Thank you very much. Goodbye. I will keep you informed. Hello Kirill Mikhailovich hello, i listened to your recording. I am ready to cooperate with you. On one condition well, in my opinion, we have arrived. Exactly okay, only today, it seems to converge now. Well, who else can be that they have a conveyor there, or something, kostyan is good . Myself is fine. Understood. The girl is in place, do with her what you want to drink in the morning. The main thing is that she stays alive there will be problems, we understood the question below. Fine. Who are you . Now youre screaming, lets see. Guys cant smoke. Im sorry, what . When god usvodu brains will scatter the only way. Hands on the car, guys, in general, he is his own business, who are you elusive avengers. Better not contact us. Well, is everything all right . You see so we are in the house. Dont worry. Get away from me, youll find a kill. I got you . I want to help you, you unfortunate freak. Whats happened . Where is sveta how do i know, the bandits must have mixed up something instead of sveta, you sent a crazy one. How can this happen. You got it all wrong guys. I think i understand whats going on, girl. What is your name . Makar shes really crazy, i wanted to help her, she wanted me out of my hand. All this fine. Dont be afraid. We wont hurt you. We want to free one girl from the hands of the bandits who brought you here. Say whats your name. Well. Sveta oh, of course, they came too sveta explain to me how this could happen . What didnt you see . Who do you choose . Have you already pierced your brains . I didnt tell me anything, i told you twice, can i not yell . Tell me, have you seen another blonde from belarus in the hotel . I saw anna in the punishment cell, we were together until they brought me here, tell me please, and the light is still in the hotel. I dont know when they brought me here. She was still there , say, and oksana is her sister. She, too, at the no light hotel said that she had been killed. Guys, we need to go to the hotel. Need to find a disk, what other disk . Theyre filming everything here, you need to find a recording device. So good, but what to do with this one . Do you have an offer, please, i beg you. Dont leave me. Just dont bite. Everything that happens here, they use against clients for blackmail or sell as porn films. Move lets go who sveta where then ill explain were leaving faster. You know, this is not my first time in russia, and every time i am surprised by the beauty of russian girls. Yes yes yes. Well, russia it is rich , rich in beautiful girls, we will not exhaust it, however, as well as natural resources. And i am sure that very soon you will see resources and girls in this. Here are the main trump cards in your country. It will be a pleasure to work with you. With your permission, we will leave you for a while, but so that you do not get bored, we have prepared a small surprise for you in honor of your arrival in russia, please, please, please pass pass. Oops what happened . Well, thats not the worst. She hanged herself to look after the virgin. That something will happen such an opportunity was missed well, that i benhoi said very much about it. Who would look like an idiot now, what are we going to do girls . And so soon a car will drive up to the sweet fish, which brings seafood for the restaurant, we will intercept it at the entrance, change clothes and penetrate the hotel in the form of loaders. So simple, but if you do not take into account that the hotel has Video Surveillance everywhere. The main thing that sveta was at the hotel, so shes just. And what are we going to do with this sveta, we cant leave him in the car, you cant hide him, and where else can he enter . Owl cant. He immediately guess that we shone, yes, and we do not have time to spare. Let her sit in the car, then well figure it out. We cant risk five people on board like that. We wont stop waiting. She needs to be dropped off somewhere , think its business, we dont have it anymore, just mess around with her calmly, my friend lives nearby, you can agree and leave the girl with her a . She can be trusted. Shes five minutes to my fiancee, right . I trust her, kostyan is fine with myself, then you will do it, just tell your girlfriend to keep everything a secret. Macca look, stop. Oh what a stop. Do you want to go to the hotel without me, we have no other choice. Anyway, well go to the hotel together seryoga in the sense that you worry about my hand, then they believe. Im all right. You are not in this business. Well just be less likely to shine as guests. Dont worry, we ll manage, youll fix the girl, dont come back to sychev. Hey wake up, yeah we gotta go. Just please dont bite, okay. All right, lets go out. Lets go friends, my thank you for such a russian souvenir. Uh, im sorry but i have to leave you. Well, you can agree on everything with mila, she will tell you everything and show you. I was very glad to meet you. Mutually all the best. I want to ask you vakhtang a couple of questions. Im waiting for both of you. Tomorrow at my house on rublyovka at 10. Come on, come on, come on, come on, come on, come on. Sanitary control theyll think of anything you will check the dog of the consignment note. So come on. Standing is useful. Cool, we have a job. Yes, it will pull under the beer. And why are you so happy yourself . From where i got here with the sport did not work out, the brigade moved, then the cops disassembly began here. Whats good about warmth . And i dont need anything else. This is for sure and pays well, and most importantly, no one bothers. Well, yes. Service entrance. Show me the car with seafood. The Security Guard is not visible. And its been standing for a long time i dont know what it means, i dont know come on. And that the camera does not move stuck, or what . Damn guys need to be called . It is necessary to check in general what kind of car. Show carter all is not yet lost calmly. I know who will help us find sveta, be here, follow the monitors for the guards in the hall. If panic rises, beacon to me and get out of here. Understood . You . I will soon make the guys arranged. Yes . Good. And thats good. At least banquet data, but i have some questions. You can answer them, of course, ask. When and where the goods will be delivered is subject to worked out scheme . Delivery will take a total of a week the girls are brought to the base, where they are cooked and transported across the border. And how reliable this route is, i really dont want to lose my money on the route absolutely. Reliable everywhere our people are excluded from combat in case of unforeseen circumstances. We guarantee you a money back guarantee. And by the way, about the money. How much do you value your product . Evaluate and hopefully negotiate after you see the item. And when will i be able to offend him, even now. Now lets go see girls. Well, what are we waiting for. Mila cute, thats cute, real bitch. You know, i even somehow feel uncomfortable. So come on shvets come here. Lets think about how to get out. But i think that we have enough strength to justify ourselves to the king and deal with mila. Come on, come on. Okay, so whats the matter . Why no knock . Sit one move, i shoot. What mile . Tell me where sveta milyavskaya is younger, i already know that she is older. You killed her. I didnt kill anyone. No, your face, i will not confuse with any other. Tell me where the light or i will kill you. Please dont kill me. Not here, where did they take him . Speak. In stock for what . They want to sell her a long time ago, they took her away half an hour ago. Excuse me please, im just a simple manager. This is what i dont know, its true. For 10 years i have been waiting for this moment to take revenge. Its disgusting to look at you. Not to kill, although it was you who deprived me of the dearest loved one in the world. I do not understand what are you talking about. I think i think youre wrong. Who are you please introduce yourself, now all entrances will be blocked doors and there will be a bunch of people. Now you understand that it is useless to pretend innocent, sheep, you are dead. Have you returned from that world . In order to take revenge on you, the swede and you like me, what did i do wrong to you. Years ago the dawn of your activity you went down there and sold my fiancee abroad into slavery. I didnt know that. Bastards like you dont even think that the girls you sell can be sisters or daughters or loved ones for such living goods. Dear , i dont remember, but now you wont sell anyone and anyone. I remembered cute cute makar the alarm went off, you had to leave. Still, there is justice in heaven, well , you gave. Were leaving. I know where the light is. What happened, who are you . Quiet, quiet, quiet, ill complain. Well, where are you . Now lets have a cup of tea nastya is a cool girl. Asleep, probably. Doesnt she exist . Cant be. Yes, nastya went out about mashechka, so here i cant hide you. Where do you need to come up with something now . Thank god you are at home. Whos that girl . Ah, light, you can wait there in the room, we ll talk a little. Who is this . Its listen in short, danger threatens for a long time, in short, its all to explain, well, the question of life is death. She needs help. Kostya whats going on you havent heard anything about me there in the tv newspapers. No, i dont read newspapers, i dont watch tv , whatever i need. I learn from rising gas prices. Well, thats great, what s great, can you help . Listen kostya i have very big problems myself now. I cant take care of your girlfriend yet. Im sorry, what a girl. What are you talking about . This is not my girlfriend, nastya believe me, i love only you. Its just that if you dont help her, who can kill her . But i cant tell you everything, you understand, this is a secret, not only mine, but also of my friends. How touching, kostya , you ask me for help, but you yourself do not want to tell anything. Ill tell you everything. Okay later. Do you believe me, i dont know. Well, what about you, baby . Something happened . I found out. Im tired of something. Terrible something vile calm down calm down quieter that you have learned the truth. Now i dont know what to do. Well maybe. Ill help you somehow. Apparently, here they have another point where they hold girls, what are we going to do . Will wait . Why do you have them . Drugs were injected so that everything went without excesses. The goods are good, i take all. For a piece, half in advance, half after delivery suits you. Im on hand advance. Tomorrow then the delivery will start right now it is a pleasure to work with you. The exact delivery address is then also good tomorrow. Act well, what did you hear . Guys, theyre leaving. Lets go after them, we need not to miss them. Well, how is she . So tell me what happened . Yes , its very bad. Dima sounds father. I planted my mother in jail for something. I dont know why, but he doesnt want to hear anything about her. Wait, how did you know that your father nailed your mother . A high position in the militia, you see, he wants me to help him expose his fathers criminal activities. Something strange sounds, he wants you to help him. Didnt you think you were lied to . In order to somehow use it, he gave me proof. Recording of the conversation between the father and the investigator well, the disk is not yet proof of the conversation could be mounted. Have you spoken to your mother . No, well, he convinced me that she was a criminal, he also forbade me to communicate with her. You never know that he forbade you, you have to go to your mother, get a date and find out everything. They entered the hotel and tied up all the security. They were some movers in masks. I am not guilty. So its milk. Listen to me carefully and do not interrupt. I will now ask questions. Do you only answer yes or no . Understood . Understood . No, the king knows, no, the customers know no. Well done show them. Thank you, i mean, im now carefully taking all the customers out of the hotel from the hotel you close it got it, you tell them we re going to have a mask show in a minute with a big tax audit

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