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Wheel well, have the beauties arrived . Lets go guys, it s real while the skin sold you, so that he doesnt want to help us. It was he who warned that we would find out my friends do not make me wait long. Face the car and handle the car like this hands on the car. Well, bastard, what are the documents . Where are the documents . Where, where did you forget the documents . You dont remember, yes, the pistol under kort you will remember everything on the ground quickly. Do what he says . Oh, lie down lie down, i said, and you too come on, come on without warning. Well, the bastards did not work for a long time, they wanted to dump. But shit, to be arranged with their scumbag friends as paratroopers. You should have. What to kill yes, kill, please dont, we didnt want to. We were ready to work. Yes, they attacked us first, we did not ask. Be silent be silent this i have already heard. Do you repent according to work . Most importantly, i leave you life. But your debt to me will be eternal. I will let you go if i want. You are in my power for the right to live. Understood. I cant hear, obviously. Alik take away go to order lets do it, go for me. Here is such a thing, in general, a trap in the apartment. Didnt work. Therefore, we drove them into the forest, and while makar was interrogating one of them, he snatched the bagpipe. Now well, in short, makara was taken away by car. On our and how do i know what to do . Well, there is good news too. Well , lets talk in the car in the paratroopers, we found the rights. One of these scumbags is almost on our hook. Urgently deal with paratroopers, i need their trails. Or temporarily unavailable. Well, what are we going to do . Bumblebee doesnt answer. When does he need a flair for such things . Shemale on the dot he goods accepts there are jammers, the connection does not work. What else to expect . What are we going to . We historically defend our borders with our people, and those who need our help, although our enemies spoke different languages ​​​​and had different weapons. The goals were always the same to destroy the country to take away our freedom, but we always courageously and staunchly resisted in the battle, history remembers all the victory. We were helped by the strength of the unity of the people and the courage of the troops. Become a hero bringing victory closer, serve by contract. Its a black dog, not just the dog is a spirit, he lives forever. You know who i am a black dog to work me to work who is a bodyguard, of course, it cannot be otherwise yuriy epifantsev hi i wont say that im very glad to see you premiere sunday at 20 20 on ntv the question of life is death hey, uh, what are you doing so far . Come on, tell me, whats the matter . Youve met my wife, havent you . Guys, ill explain everything to you when were safe. Damn, cant it be . Whats happened . Wait. You think its really right left us bang they want him to spread his rights. Its okay. Take a closer look inside your pockets. It is important. They stayed in the car. They are in this from the sun, i keep them there out of habit. So our business is getting worse. Now they will block all the roads. What should we do now to get rid of the car . Where to lay down . Listen 20 km from here is a cottage. Not good. Why will anyone look for us at the dacha , everything will first be looked for at his dacha in the apartment and relatives. Nobody officially knows. Well, its dangerous to go further. They could have warned the cops to slow down lyonka. Traffic police post nothing, i dont see something, maybe a weapon, we take it with us and hide it somewhere in the forest, not far from the dacha. Maybe itll come in handy. God forbid lets go. It reminds me of something. Yes, you, too, well done began to make escaped. There was a trap they needed. I promise light, and i do not refuse my promises. Well, were not here right now. Do you believe me. I dont like that its a bandit mug in command. Its probably normal. Maybe we can knock him out. Dont fumes. Kostya first figure out nothing. Girls who work . I never complain but i choose only the best, so i want you to strip down to your underwear. Take away, turn around look at me. Okay, im satisfied. I take everyone perfectly , take care of the pitch, dress, they didnt ambush a bummer, and makars paratroopers took prisoner. Thank you carefully well, this is what irinas aunt is now. Petrovich well, this cottage was given to my aunt by her brother. My father will become a cheese for a minute, it turns out, yes, they understood about the test, but my aunt now lives abroad, the task is looking after petrovich he just hates irka, his only daughter. And we will live here for a long time. I hope that there is no color for us, the main thing is to wait. We decided to have a rest. I prepared as if i knew that someone would appear and definitely appeared. Thanks petrovich yes, guys, lets go to the house, well drink to the meeting. No. I wont drink with a traitor. Yes , i never thought that our army, brother. But you were my friend. And now im sorry youre just scum. He said everything, no, not everything is good. I dont have the right to speak. Show the light at home. Yes, thats right, im in the band. But im not a thug, thats what what does it mean. I work opera. I was infiltrated into a Human Trafficking ring two years ago. And what, do you think i should trade seeds for the market . Well, what are you doing there, my task is to expose the top of the group and collect as much evidence as possible against them successfully. I was almost at the goal, but then you appeared three musketeers. I gave up everything so that you wouldnt be killed tonight. I felt like makar was not a bandit. Yes, guys, its not good. Well, in general, it happened, you know, okay, like apologized. Well, like, lets go great after 2 days, the king arrives. I was such a mess of documents stolen. And there are all lists of girls sold financial statements. I broke my drivers license. The car belongs to the wife of the foreman of the Airborne Forces of military service. They are at home. Is there an address . By the way, they have two children. The wife of children to me will be bait. The king will find a use for them. Okay, theres just one catch. This wife turned out to be the daughter of an influential thief in law named tooth. She doesnt care. They were the first to act out of order. Lets treat the bumblebee, bring it here understood . Mom, when dad comes back, dad went on a business trip, and we will live with grandfather. Hi vit and why doesnt dad come konstantinovich and she said, no, but what to do in the country, even after the city, i would miss the bank of nothing like that, ill get bored. No, okay. Here, wow fuss, no, silence, silence. The main thing is that the bandits do not visit, in fact, brothers. I am surprised at you. You should have been the one in the blunder in this story, but okay but together there is nowhere without goodness. Only at first they almost killed each other. As well okay. Hey makar a. I was crazy when you hit me the first time. Youre a brake, old man. I make noise and so cant, i show the gun, it doesnt work. And i was waiting for you to hit me again. Thats when i answered you. Listen krylov where did he disappear after the army. I can say because of him i went to the police, i dont want to talk about it now. Oh, i dont want to talk. I hope you didnt throw them away, no no. They are at my house. We need to pick them up urgently. The swedes will have your addresses tomorrow. Yes, so all the men got up, lets go to sveta, probably, everything is ready, lets drink 100 g each. Get up, it infects, it tears the voice and the nerves cannot be counted beats per minute, it leads to a creep to goosebumps. Yes, fevers, yes tears, we are all sick of football. Valei football at the stadium. Get a fan card at gosuslugi. Ru. I wont have bunnies read. Well, they obviously dont want to open it to us; well go in without an invitation. Lets. We are looking for documents somewhere here should be. Oskol doesnt recognize anyone. It looks exactly like our makar. He is the swede will shed tears when he finds out. My mother is a woman about what table . Answer . Of course, listen, and youre straight queen come on, meaning princess candle. And by the way, it doesnt suit you. Well, something from the refrigerator , something from the garden. Thanks, youll be great. Well, offer to drink the rest, we will destroy everything. Potatoes are very tasty for health. How delicious. Have you by any chance seen my missing sister . She is very similar to me. Her name is oksana milyavskaya, she must be somewhere with you. Sorry, i meant the bandits, yes, do not apologize, i understand everything. She disappeared for a long time, well, about two months ago. Their organization is very large. Yet seriously, finding someone specifically is quite difficult, the girl is constantly being taken mainly from ukraine, moldova and belarus, they run them around the clubs with a hotel, and then she tries to shake them off abroad. And if someone does not agree to work, they force them in different ways. They rape , beat, put me on a needle. At the very least , it kills. No person, no problem. There is no hope, there is always hope. We need to look at the lists of dress girls. In moscow, chervyachka has already died. I will go to the side, which i also advise you not to stay too long, we are short. Lets have a tough day tomorrow. Guys, ill probably go too. Lets thank you. I dont see any obstacles. Gifts, you better tell me what happened there. Dad, leni has a problem. I always told you your lenya how to say my children and i can also be killed. Lets go through the house and talk about everything. Only the only one. I beg you, you see, somehow politely and with alice. Good. You shouldnt have married this night. So lets agree with you once and for all alice my wife do you understand wife . I beg you, enough of this. Well agreed ill try. I ask in the evenings, she puts on shoes, a beautiful dress and goes to meet her prince, hold the doll. Good afternoon, good mother, mother look what beat me, but im better. What should be said . Dad, why do you spoil them so much, someone to spoil, if you dont ride here alone frustration come please, can i have you for a second . Yes, of course. Shes so beautiful, yes, lets chat. I have always said that marriage. What good will not lead you did not believe me. Here you are, as they say, the result. Okay, whats the story hes a mess there lenya seryoga and kostya got into a fight with someone because of the girls who wanted to force them to engage in prostitution, so what . Because of this, they are going to be killed by some house , the guards were beaten and the girls and documents were returned. And then i got a call from coservant drooling makar looking for want to kill. Because it goes to another, they dont understand. I understand that he does not think for himself. Well, at least i thought about you about the children. After that, you claim that he loves you. Because i havent achieved a damn thing in my life, ill refuse hemorrhoids all the time. Well thats all you can do. Well think of something. I ll tell you frankly irina if it werent for you , not for the grandchildren, i wouldnt joke a finger for him, for my sake, for the sake of the grandchildren. Thank you dad, ill try. My hotel is not some kind of cheap brothel, but an elite brothel. There are only respected people here. I take care of my girls. And i want them to pay me with loyalty and good work in return. Now this is your home and how you will live here depends solely on you for the first time, the money that you will receive will be spent on cosmetics food, and then, when you learn something, you will start earning. Here, in fact, thats all. Any questions . Let me go, please, i have rich parents, they will pay you. And why did they let you go to work in moscow found . Well , you should have listened to your parents. Well, enough about that. Youre on my lease about your landlords youve seen if they find out youre not working, i dont envy you, but its not that bad, it could be worse. And now i will introduce you to tahir. He will explain to you the rules of conduct in the hotel on any issue. Contact him. So girls. Exactly well, what about the world . Buzz the good news. You brought the paratroopers children with your wife. There was no one in the apartment. I became my people there. There is no me, zadolbalo already such elusiveness. I think i figured out the secret. Do you recognize anyone . Well, now its clear. Why was it so easy to get away from us. Find out what the fuck is up with him. Find out the addresses, my and relatives. We urgently need to find documents, but for my work, you can not worry. When will the king arrive . We will all worry as one. Free

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