New York, Home of Love Client #9, Drops Prostitution Prosecutions
Apr 23, 2021
TODD: It is so obvious to me that in March of 2020, we began seeing — like someone flipped the switch on — “Hey, Bob?” “Yeah?” “You got the tyranny switch ready?” “Yep.” “Turn her on, baby!” Poof! Then you’re starting to see, “Hey, it looks like up is becoming down,” and we are seeing a flipping of society, and the left is pushing this. So we see things that propel or enhance life — or, in fact, allow life to continue — being pressed down.
Things that grow minds are being just stomped upon for very specifically in the selective, medically useless deadly lockdowns of schools, churches, and small businesses. Small businesses grow into Big Business. They provide generational wealth, and if not wealth, they provide freedom. Small business is big freedom. It’s distributed decision-making. It’s all the things a technocrat would hate.