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I apologize, this is just horrific. The terrible and entirely predictable hurricane milton. This is a very dangerous storm in terms of its Strength And Size as it approaches landfall. Tonight as another Monster Storm heads to florida powered by extreme temperatures in the gulf and as millions across the South Dig out from last weeks devastating hurricane, a reminder of what trump thinks about Climate Change. We will add a little bit more Beachfront Property. Thats not the worst thing in the world. And the Life Or Death stakes in this election. Then day Donald Trump prefers to run on problems instead of fixing problems. A Kamala Harris Media Blitz with 28 days left to go. And Senator Sherrod Brown on his must win race in ohio when all in starts now. Good evening from New York, i am chris hayes. Hurricane milton is expected to make landfall in florida early thursday morning. At this hour the storm is back to category 5 strength. The national Hurricane Center advises, quote, florida residents should get their families and homes ready and evacuated told to do so. Milton is currently reaching maximum sustained wind of 165 miles per hour. It is expected to pick up forward speed tonight. The storm will continue to move across the Gulf Of Mexico until it makes landfall. Now the latest data predicts a Storm Surge of 10 to 15 feet south of sarasota. Localized areas in central and North Florida could see up to 18 inches of rain, threatening catastrophic flooding. Hurricane specialist John Morales, the longest tenured Tv Meteorologist in south orta. He got choked up as he delivered the devastating report last night. It is just an incredible hurricane. It has dropped it has dropped 50 millibars in 10 hours. I apologize. This is just horrific. Maximum sustained wind is 160 miles per hour and it is just gaining strength in the Gulf Of Mexico, where you can imagine the wind. Just so incredibly hot. Record hot, as you might imagine. You know what is driving that. I need to tell you. Global warming, Climate Change leading to this and becoming an increasing threat. That is John Morales. We do know why this is happening. Climate change is making our earth and especially our oceans otter. The Gulf Of Mexico has seen record warm water this year. We covered it in the summer, warning this was going to happen. Those Temperatures Fuel stronger storms with higher wind, more rain and worse flooding. I mean, all of this stuff is complex, but this part is simple. The storm essentially sucks up the heat and uses it as energy. It is like packing more dynamite into a bomb. The warmer the water, the more energy there is. Now Hurricane Helene you showed us how this phenomenon is wreaking havoc even in areas previously thought to be safe from the storms. Reporter tucked away in the blue ridge mountains, asheville, North Carolina was considered a little slice of paradise. Some called it a climate haven, suggesting it was immune to extreme weather. But last week that paradise turned out to be an illusion. Helene battering the area for days, ripping apart homes, washing out roads, Toppling Trees and cutting off entire towns. New research this week says there is strong evidence human driven Climate Change strengthened helenes destructive power. One study saying it made the Storms Rainfall 20 heavier and the wind 7 stronger. We are seeing these events that are boosted by Climate Change. Stronger, wetter, lasting longer. Reporter another report found a warmer Climate Lead to 50 more rain for parts of the carolinas and georgia then would have been expected. Storms like helene and what we expect from milton are exactly, precisely what experts have been screaming about for decades. As John Morales told nicolle wallace, it is why he got so emotional over last nights forecast. When i saw 50 millibars in 10 hours, i just broke down. Checked the injection of Greenhouse Gases into the atmosphere and here we are. It is not going to get any better. So we are now preparing for the second major Climate Change fueled hurricane in two weeks which could put a dangerous strain on federal resources. The New York times reports the federal Emergency Management Agency is running out of staff to deal with the potential devastation. As of Monday Morning just 9 of fema personnel were available to respond to the hurricane or other disasters. While fema says it is well equipped to handle the strains, it is a reminder of more frequent national disasters. Fema is also responding to flooding in vermont, tornadoes in kansas, the aftermath of tropical storm debby, and the Watch Fire in arizona and those are just disasters declared in the past two weeks. What im telling you right now, what we are looking at and preparing for with milton, this is what we now face with global average temperatures a little over 1 Degrees Celsius higher than the preindustrial average. 1. Imagine what it will look like when we reach 2 degrees, twice as bad, or 3 or 4. That is the World Donald Trump would push us towards faster if he returns to the White House. Not that he cares. He thinks it would be good for Real Estate values. When i hear these people talking about global warming, that is the global warming you have to worry about. Not that the ocean will rise 1 8 of an inch and you will have more Seafront Property if that happens. I said is that good or bad . I said isnt that a good thing . If i have a little property at the ocean i have a little more property, i have a little bit more ocean. Every time i play this clip we stop and think about that and give it 10 seconds of your brainpower. If the Oceans Rise do you have more Beachfront Property . Does that make sense . To have more or do you have less . We have known for decades our planet is warming and we would start seeing the brutal effects, but conservatives are so deep in their denial they are flailing around for anyone to blame. Republics and republican Congressman Marjorie Taylor greene is promoting a bizarre Conspiracy Theory about a mysterious day, you can imagine who it is, controlling the weather, suggesting that they are sending hurricanes to republican areas to impact the election. Like someone is sitting at a computer somewhere, pressing hurricane. Its not just her. She is now being amplified by rightwing media and the republican nominee himself. As the government figured out how to build a superstorm that will destroy everything in its path and then right where they want to end it and it happens to ms. South florida world the democrats miss. Something strange is going on. These are trump counties and dont Tell Me For A second that we are not seeing a massive government pushed voter suppression operation. You know it is largely a republican area, so some people say they did it for that reason. I dont even think they are that bad, but they probably, maybe they are. They, they are sending the storms. Donald trumps running mate j. D. Vance found a way to get in on it, too, blaming it on immigrants. You have fema which is therefore Disaster Relief for american citizens after a terrible storm, being deployed repeatedly to deal with Kamala Harris is wide open border and the migrant invasion it has caused. That distraction of focusing instead on illegal immigrants, i guarantee that it has made the Disaster Response worse. That is false. Both fema and the white House Dispute the claims, saying the Disaster Relief fund as separate from other programs, but it is not surprising this is the way that republicans are reacting. The guy at the top of the ticket. It was never going to be the case that they would see the real impacts of Climate Change. The heat that ends up fueling our storms. To see all that, which again is not hard to understand. After decades of denial i would be like my dad, that is on us, we were wrong, but their behavior in the face of this impending punch in the southeast should serve as a Wakeup Call to everyone stuck in reality about the very real stakes of this election. Adam smith is an applied climatologist at the national oceanographic and atmospheric administration. Hurricane helene was the first time he experienced one first handed his Family Home outside of asheville, North Carolina. It is a great Pleasure And Honor to have you and i want to first ask how you guys are doing. Chris, thank you for having me. We are doing okay, but certainly the last week and a half has been very challenging for the entire community in western North Carolina. Cities, really torn apart, flooded, turned upside down by this disaster, which we never really expected it to peek and be as bad as it has been. Let me ask about that. Everyone ive talked to from there or has friends and family from there and i have talked to a bunch of people, they describe the sort of biblical terms, the unthinkable, like a movie. You are somebody who studies this. How would you describe it . I mean, cataclysm is a rare word, but it is that bad. It will take years for us to rebuild. So many communities, so much infrastructure. Perhaps there is an irony. We hope to learn from these extreme events they had all parts of the country. Over the past five years there have been more than 100 separate climate disasters in all parts of the country. Hurricanes, droughts, wild flyers days wildfires and flooding. Hurricane frances came through, the last big flood. They put the water pipes 25 feet underground. The Backup Water pipes. Those Backup Plans were also washed away. It shows us the 20th century, even 21st Century Infrastructure sometimes is challenged by what we are facing today. I want to show this chart. This is what you study for our government, the cost of disasters. This is showing the rise in billiondollar Weather Disasters and you see the top line going up. Some of that is where we are building, density. It is not all climate. But thinking about the costs. Obviously the human poll. You know, the psychological toll and it boggles the mind. With Helene And Milton back toback, the once in a Century Event first for North Carolina and florida again will be above 1 Billion again this year. These disasters use to happen once every three months in the 1980s. In the past decade they have happened closer to every three weeks. It is increasingly difficult and the trends are going in the wrong direction for all of these hazards and Climate Change is supercharging many of these trends. Some of the numbers i saw were incomprehensible. The sheer amount of water. Feet of water in a short amount of time. Again, whether as a complex system and climate is a complex system. Generally though it does seem like the more energy you pump in the atmosphere, the more you are essentially rolling loaded dice when it comes to these sorts of things. That is exactly right. We have more energy in the ocean, more energy in the atmosphere. We are getting droughts and wildfires in the west. More Water Vapor and more rainfall in the east. Six out of the last eight years we have been hit by category four or five hurricanes. That is the highest frequency on record, dating back to 1851 for the top and storms. Exposure and vulnerability are also composing days compounding the challenges we face on our way to a more resilient future. Whether it is wildfire, droughts, hurricanes, a lot of these are being supercharged and our future is dictated by the decisions we make in the present. Just on a personal human to human level, now you are not in your home. You live outside asheville if i am not mistaken. You have Family Members and Community Members i would imagine. What do you say to our fellow americans about what this could look like if it comes to them or the folks preparing in florida on the gulf coast. Even studying these events and you feel like you know them well. Certainly they can shock you and surprise you and that is what we are experiencing in western North Carolina. In a few days many people on the coast of florida will experience the same sense of Shock And Loss in terms of what their lives and livelihoods used to look like. I study this quite deeply and the trends are becoming more exponential for the impacts in terms of not just dollars, but also the impacts on millions of peoples lives and livelihoods and unfortunately Climate Change is a multiplying force that amplifies a lot of these extremes into billiondollar disasters. I really wish on a personal level, personally and professionally that we would not see these trends, but all signs point to more of this happening in the future. Yes we need to learn from them. Make better decisions on the Policy Front and technological front and, you know, for our Children and grandChildren looking forward to the future, what we do today really does matter. The Post Hurricane and the Backup Water lines being buried 25 feet not being deep enough is a detail that will really stick with me as we think about what we are encountering and what we have to mobilize across every level of society and the government as we marched to this new era. Adam smith, i really hope that you and your family and the people in your life are good. Everyone in the country is sending you the best possible wishes. Thank you, chris. Coming up, new reporting on the people Donald Trump wanted to help most during covid. Here is a hint. It was not americans. That wild story, next. 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Mark farrell endorsing prop d, to bring the changes we need for the city we love. It is incredible to me that years later we continue to learn absolutely crazy details about Donald Trumps time as president of the united states. Things we did not know before. Today that comes in from an upcoming book by Legendary Journalist Bob Woodward. Early in the pandemic, remember that . Covid was spreading in the u. S. And thousands of people were dying. Governors around the country were pleading with the Trump Administration for more covid tests. Remember that . You could not get tested and trump basically derided that is fake news. Trump was clear about this on the record. He said it all the time. He hated covid testing. The reason being that the more people that were tested for the virus, the higher number of recorded cases. We have the best testing in the world. It could be the testing is, frankly, overrated. Maybe it is overrated. That is probably the downside of having good testing. You find cases that other countries who dont even test dont have. If you dont test you dont have any cases. If we stopped testing we would have very few cases if any. Just a quick clarification on that. The biology of Germ Transmission does not care about the tests. If you dont test, the case is still there, the person is still sick, you just dont know about it. Donald trump ignored the pleas of his own people for tests, desperate pleas. When it came to Vladimir Putin, trump apparently jumped in to help according to woodward. In 2020 at the height of the pandemic, President Trump secretly sent putin a bunch of Rabbit Covid Test Machines for his personal use as the virus spread rapidly through russia. Please dont tell anybody you sent these to me, putin said to trump according to woodward. I dont want you to tell anyone because people get mad at you, not me. Ben smith is Cofounder And Editorinchief of the news outlet, semafor and he joins me. It is not an election until we have a Bob Woodward book out. It is our october surprise. I remain dumbfounded that they run these pieces and it gave you a sense like we kind of know everything that happened and then we didnt, actually. The White House was an open book. Everybody leaked, but you look back and you see there were a lot of ideas about collusion. It turned out he could not even collude effectively with people he worked with. Meanwhile he was personally on the phone with people. He had a very personal, strange presidency where he is personally talking to Vladimir Putin about testing machines. There is not a government apparatus. It is really strange. I think that idea that when the apparatus got involved it would leak, but he knew enough to keep certain things on not the state apparatus level. There are still a lot of questions here. Yes and also in a way i think you could say, some geopolitical adversary want something fairly minor, maybe you give it in exchange for something. Like some diplomatic offer. Sure, but the strange thing is putin realizes he has leverage because it is embarrassing to trump and it becomes another gift to putin that he knows this embarrassing thing. And putins flagging it in the conversation. Almost a sort of Meta Communication like i now have blackmail on you because this will look bad if it gets out. So strange. This revelation, i want to play Kamala Harris talking about it because it broke today and she was being interviewed by Howard Stern. Naturally. The classic Howard Stern interview. The sort of way in which a revelation like this gets processed by the news. I think it actually relates to this question about harris giving more or less interviews, which is that it is just the case if it turned out biden had done something like this, it would be a huge story. With trump this gets metabolized in 24 hours maybe, right . I think there has been an overall flattening of the news. Everything is a piece of content on your screen that moves past. I think he accelerated it. I think hes faster and accelerated it. Do you think he is the vector of that or he has been sort of the beneficiary of it . I think he is the beneficiary. You are either outraged or you are not and people, in some sense there is an assumption that people are bored and moving on. This is a great story. One of the other details about keeping the personal from the apparatus. Apparently he has talked to putin seven times. In early 2024 a Trump Aid loitered outside the former president s office in mara lago. Trumpet sent the eight out of the room so he could have what he said was a private Phone Call with Vladimir Putin. There have been multiple Phone Calls between trump and putin, maybe as many as seven in the period since trump left the White House, which is another thing we did not know and speaks to the degree to which we have eyes into the kind of White House in exile that is maralago. But not into trump in his office alone on the phone and another thing where the strangest thing about it is putin knows it and we dont. It is another strange and embarrassing fact about American Politics that Vladimir Putin is the one person who knows. A strange reality. Do you think trumping able to be at 45, 46, 47 wherever he is, after revelations like this and everything we have seen is a product of something about trump . The institutions including the republican party or a product of that thing including the way things function day should we blame the media . I think we should say woodward reported this, trump has denied it. Has not confirmed it. We would like to know the details. But you know i think to some degree it is all of the above, but i dont know. I feel like we spend a lot of time four years ago talking about whether Trumps Appeal was somehow fake and if people knew more facts the scales would fall. I think i am skeptical of that. It would be interesting to see how many people learn about the fact to i suspect Kamala Harris will ensure a large number of people know. I think that is probably true. Ben smith, good to see you. With less than a month to go to election day, Vice President harris has been doing a Media Blitz. Will she reach the voters she needs . Next. Do crabs have eyebrows . Except that one. For all of lifes laundry questions. Its got to be tide. Speaker whos coming in the driveway . Speaker dad. Dad, we missed you. Daddy, hi. Speaker goodness. My daughter is being treated for leukemia. [music playing] i hope that she lives a long, great, happy life and that she will never forget how Mom And Daddy love her. 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He spends fulltime talking about fictional characters and Name Calling and demeaning people. What he does not talk about is you. With just four weeks to election day, Vice President Kamala Harris is ramping up her Media Appearances dramatically. She appeared on an immensely popular pod cast. Donald trump declined though i would like to see that interview. She also set down is an interview with 60 minutes as every major candidate has done in october since the show premiered in 1968. Donald trump denied that request as well, breaking a half century tradition. Additionally, harris did The View this morning as you saw along with a interview with radio host Howard Stern and she will be on The Late Show with Stephen Colbert tonight. For his part Donald Trump has been sticking mostly with local news and rightwing media. Harriswalz campaign sees the opportunity to set the narrative. Im going to start with a question that i am not sure you are going to answer but i am curious and will ask it. Obviously the campaign gets more Media Requests than you can respond to. Hundreds if not thousands. We would love to have the Vice President on anytime you want. What is the logic of what gets a yes and what gets a no . I think we try to be very diverse in what we say yes to and we have a priority with very little time to make sure we are out and when it comes to press interviews what we tried to do is make sure we are diversifying where we put the Vice President and governor walz. You saw the Vice President talk about womens rights and reproductive freedom and then you saw on The View today, talking about her Opportunity Economy where she rolled Out Medicare for seniors at home to give families who are in the Sandwich Generation, taking care of the kids and also taking care of their Aging Parents, resources through medicare. First of its kind. And Howard Stern, that reaches a different set of voters. One of the ways we will win this election is to make sure we are reaching as many people as possible, so these platforms all have different audiences. They all have different people who listen to them and to nan and we know that and we make sure we are putting the Vice President in a position to talk to the people we need to speak to. I want to talk about that proposal and the socalled Sandwich Generation and a second, but All Of Us have watched undecided Voter Focus groups and panels at this point. We know that as a percentage of the voters that have not made up their mind it is very small at this point. Does the campaign know in the year of our lord 2024 through modeling, through data you purchase et cetera, do you know who those people are . I can you tell me, youre not going to tell me right now, but her the 10,000 votes we need in wisconsin. Here are their names and addresses. You would be shocked what we can tell you about the people we need to reach, but the thing is you can never be too sure, which is why you have to do as many of these things as possible and it also goes into how you are organizing and making sure you are Building Coalitions and tapping into peoples personal networks. I know people are probably tired of all the campaigning they are seeing this month. Its almost over, i promise. We are trying our best to make sure we do everything to reach them. On the proposal rolled out today that the Vice President talked about on The View, this is the reuters headline. At home senior care and that the Sandwich Generation. Folks around my age typically who have Children, young Children and also caring for Aging Parents. It is brutal and difficult for a bunch of reasons, not the least of which care is very expensive. With the proposal direct medicare dollars to the individuals giving care to their parents . Precisely and basically it will be fully funded under the fact that under Vice President harris we have allowed medicare the ability to negotiate drug prices. That is how this will get paid for. The Vice President , this is deeply personal to her. It is also about people with disabilities. This will allow seniors to live in their homes, retire with dignity. Not put stress on their kids were taking care of them and this is going to lower the burden on families across the country. Millions of people who are stuck in this position of doing what is right and taking care of their Aging Parents and also making sure they are taking care of their kids and this is a holistic approach and builds into the Opportunity Economy where she is giving a 6000 Child Tax Credit to families that way, so she is really approaching this from a very holistic view. A final question about a New York times poll. Very close like all races, but this is an interesting one. Which candidates represents change . The Vice President with a narrow lead, but this had been different on this question. How different is that with something youre looking at, this question of change or more of the same . Obviously the Vice President is offering a new way forward. It is grounded and rooted in everything our campaign has been doing, but we are leaving nothing to chance. We will make sure we continue to talk to people about what that means and it means you will have a president in office every day that wakes up thinking and talking about you, not someone focused on personal grievances and it means that we will finally put the chapter that is Donald Trump behind us. We have 28 days to get that done and our campaign feels very confident about our position to do so. Quentin foltz, appreciate it. Still to come, democratic Senator Sherrod Brown joins me on the battle to hold onto his Senate Seat in an increasingly red state, ahead. 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That has led to a year of absolutely brutal war in gaza, where israeli operations have killed nearly 42,000 people including more than 16,000 Children. 97,000 have been wounded according to the palestinian Ministry Of Health in gaza. The scale of destruction as you can see from every picture is just really difficult to fathom. 154 israeli hostages have been freed or recovered. The vast majority released during the brief ceasefire negotiated last november. Around 100 hostages remain in gaza including 33 believed to be dead, israel says. Some were killed by hamas and others in strikes by the Israeli Military. We are now several weeks into a new israeli offensive which according to officials has already resulted in 2000 deaths, including the head of hezbollah. There are now discussions of attacks on iran after iran fired ballistic missiles at israel and it feels as though we are teetering on the brink of a much wider war and an even bloodier year if that can be conceived. This week i sat down with someone who has lived through and documented the last year of war in israel. He is a journalist who also lived just a few miles from the gaza border. One that was attacked by hamas on october 7. He sheltered in a Safe Room in his house for 10 hours with his wife and two very young daughters before they were ultimately rescued by his father, a retired general in the Israeli Military who drove miles from tel aviv. The new book, the gates of gaza, a story of Betrayal And Hope in israels borderlands talk about that, the place he is from and the larger history of the conflict. Subjects he also discussed with me and what i think is a really important conversation after a year of this war. On the day we are recording this conversation we still have two friends, personal Friends Of Mine in the tunnels of gaza, held by hamas. So it is a sad anniversary and like you said the war is still going on. People are dying. The destruction is only getting broader and is affecting other countries in the region. It is very hard to find any kind of bright spot. We also talked about the importance of engaging with palestinians with something other than military might. We are living next to and within that is not going to be solved by making peace with the country far away. That will be solved with dealing with that issue. Maybe it would take time and the solution say we dont need that issue anymore. That i think is one of the important lessons. We talked about how Benjamin Netanyahu also depends on a kind of antidemocratic alliance with a new american president after the november election. Netanyahu is a very cynical partisan who wants Donald Trump to end the election because he thinks Donald Trump will not intervene when his government returns to his power and he knows if Kamala Harris wins the election he will face the same obstacles he faced with biden. U. S. Opposition and you know this will give encouragement to the protesters in israel and the American Jewish Community will be speaking up and all of this will cause trouble. Whereas if trump wins, trump is not going to care if netanyahu basically cancels the judiciary in israel. Turns the police into his own security organization. He would applaud it, i think. And basically ends our democracy. So he sees the continuation of the war as something that helps in that regard. It was a really wideranging and at times moving conversation. You can scan the Qr Code on your screen to hear the full interview available now wherever you get your podcasts. He takes on the history that led us here and the stark present that they face and the uncertain future that All Of Us have a stake in. Ke in. And underwear and tees that feel like clouds. No, bunnies. Visit bombas. Com and get 20 off your first order. 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Your monthly support will make you part of the movement to protect the rights of all people, including the fundamental right to vote. States are passing laws that would suppress the right to vote. We are going backwards. But the Aclu Cant do this important work without the support of people like you. You can help ensure Liberty And Justice for all and make sure that every vote is counted. So please call the aclu now or go to my aclu. Org and join us. When you use your credit card, youll receive this special we the People Tshirt and much more. To show youre a part of the movement to protect the rights guaranteed to All Of Us by the us constitution. We protect everyones rights, the freedom of religion, the freedom of expression, racial justice, Lgbtq rights, the rights of the disabled. We are here for everyone. It is more important than ever to take a stand. So please join us today. Because We The People means all the people, including you. So call now or go online to my aclu. Org to become a guardian of liberty. Where ya headed . Susan where am i headed . Am i just gonna take what the markets gives me . No. I can do some research. Ya know, thats backed by j. P. Morgans leading strategists like us. When you want to invest with more confidence. The answer is j. P. Morgan Wealth Management at harbor freight, we design and test our own tools. And sell them directly to you. No middleman. Whatever you do, do it for less at harbor freight. Save even more at our Parking Lot Sale this weekend. it is inevitable. Chloe hey dad. They will grow up. [cheering] silly face, ready . Discover who they are. [playing music] what they want from this world. And how they will make it better. And while parenting has changed, how much you care has not. Thats why instagram is introducing teen accounts. Automatic protections for who can contact them and the content they can see. Democrats are facing an uphill battle, it is safe to say, to Retain Control of the senate. They need to hold states and michigan, pennsylvania and wisconsin. The only real opportunities to flip seeds is in florida and texas, which feel like long shots and then you have two very tough income and races in montana and ohio, where democrats Jon Tester and Sherrod Brown are running for reelection in states Donald Trump one twice and will almost certainly win again. Both candidates, though, have beaten the odds before and Sherrod Brown has a history of remarkable over performances and races. Even as the state trended more red. Joining me now is Senator Sherrod Brown of ohio. It is good to have you on. What do you think, lets imagine that democrats do Retain Control and Kamala Harris was elected president. What do you see as things you will be voting on, things that will be priorities for you in 2025 . I think the reason that people are so cynical about government is they dont see us delivering things they care about. So we do voting rights, the John Lewis Voting rights act. Protecting the right to organize. We extend for 10 years or longer the Child Tax Credit. 2 Million families in my State Benefit from that. The families of 60 Million around the country. We do specific things. We cap at 35 the insulin, not just for seniors, but all people. We deliver on tangible things that will help dispel the cynicism. I talk to people all the time that think you dont care about me. You dont have any impact in my life. I dont care, why should i care . We deliver on specific things that tangibly matter in peoples lives. We have delivered on those things. We have delivered on veterans health. We fixed the pensions of 100,000 ohio workers. Temporary, but it had an impact. We need to show the public that we care, that we can deliver and affect their lives. I want to talk about the Child Tax Credit because they think it is one of the most important pieces of Policy And Something that you have championed for a long time. Before that first bill was passed as part of the american rescue plan. It lasted for one year and then there were not sufficient votes to extend it because Joe Manchin would not go along with it. My question is this. It was unambiguously a policy success. When you have conversations with voters in ohio, do they know the story of it . Do they understand what happened . They love the story when you explain it to them. They werent really aware of what happened. It was at the beginning of the biden administration and only lasted less than a year, as you pointed out. It really only lasted six months with the overlap of the Tax Season and it was left over as part of the covid package. People loved the story of how it happened. They love that it cut Child Poverty rates. They want to do it again and i have seen republicans say they want to do it. They wont do it as pronounced, as generous as we will or have as big an impact as we have had, but i think we build on that. The house passed a version overwhelmingly with some other tax issues that was killed in the senate, but a smaller tax credit, but just recently. So we are going to do it. We when the senate and the house, the White House, we will do it. I have no doubt about that and it will be very consequential. It will drop the Poverty Rate significantly and it will make life a little easier for the families of 90 of americas kids and whats not to love about that . You are on the record about this, but i want to ask about it because you are here. The Border Bill negotiated between republicans and democrats that was going to face a vote until Donald Trump basically said i dont want this Coming Up. The republicans ran away from their own bill. Kamala harris says she will sign it. Will you vote for that bill . Do you expect the bill to come up next year . I think it will come up next year. The Border Agent supported it, too. They wanted it to be all about the campaign. More money has been spent against me than in any race in the country. More ever than in the history of the country is my understanding. A lot of it is about border stuff. It has been found by independent fact checkers is false. They keep running it which is why i ask people to contribute 15 or 20 because we are getting outspent. They are running ads that are not true. They dont care they are not true. We will continue to fight back. Your state has come under a fair amount of scrutiny because the junior senator from ohio is on the republican ticket, j. D. Vance. I know you worked together on legislation around Railroad Regulation and safety after the derailment in east palestine, ohio. Springfield, ohio has been particularly targeted in the rhetoric. It has led to enormous disruption, schools being canceled, people not leaving their houses. What do you say to folks that are your constituents in that town and to people watching this from outside . Thanks for asking about that. I did work with vance on railroad safety. You know it is an arranged marriage. Vance did not choose me and i did not choose him, but springfield is a town like i grew up in, mansfield, a town almost identical to springfield in size and history. A Proud Industrial Town where Bad Trade Agreements and corporate interests and compliant politicians caused so many of these jobs to move overseas. They are fighting back and making progress. Ive been working with them with this huge influx of immigrants, legal immigrants i will point out, with this huge influx in the city of 60,000. Ive been working with the governor and especially with federal agencies and the department of Education And Justice department. To make sure that they have the resources they need to deal with this. They were making progress and politics stepped in with appeals to people. I will leave it at that, but the town really came together, the Business Community and republicans and democrats. I had been talking to them for weeks and weeks. They are fighting back. It is still a challenge. They wish outside politicians would shut up and go away. I am hopeful that town will continue to prosper, continue to come back and this will be in the Rearview Mirror at some point. Senator Sherrod Brown, thank

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