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Narrator she was a bright, young momtobe. She was beautiful. Confident, strong. It was the smile that really got me. Narrator moving on from a messy divorce, jumping into a new romance. No one could believe it when they found her. Theyre saying it was a homicide. Narrator then, police found something else revealing recordings. Brittany Eldridge Everything changed like, instantly. Its weird. Brittanys essentially speaking from the grave. You could see the emotions that she went through. Narrator could she point police to her killer . Im in shock and scared to death. All at once, just in a flash, her life just changed. [theme music playing] hello, and welcome to dateline. It started with a little flirtation in the office and bloomed into a fullblown romance. Problem was, Brittany Eldridge was married to another man. Then, brittany found out she was pregnant. And it was just weeks before her due date that tragedy struck. Investigators would quickly home in on the two men in Brittanys Life but was either capable of murder . Heres Andrea Canning with deadly circumstances. Andrea canning imagine all of your Phone Conversations being recorded for posterity. How would you feel . What secrets would they tell . Man why are you talking like youre trying to hide something . Andrea canning this story begins here, at a suburban office outside knoxville, tennessee. Looks a lot like any office in america. But when workers here talked on their desk phones, every word was captured. Woman she always looks like shes about to kill somebody. Andrea canning and oh, the stories they told unfiltered and intimate, with details about office romances. Woman oh my god, he was so hot. Andrea canning and in one heartbreaking case, maybe even clues about a murder. Woman this was a real whodunnit. Andrea Canning Norman Clark loves sports. His mother estella says he was a top athlete, and a good son, too. He was a loving, hard worker, caring person. Andrea canning as a boy, norman had dreams of playing in the nba, then studied Sports Management in college. But by his mid20s, he was working here, Vanderbilt Mortgage and finance. 23yearold Brittany Eldridge started there the very same day. She was beautiful, but it was the smile that really got me. Andrea canning that winning smile got to a lot of people. Brittanys Big Brother Jeffrey says she embraced life with a contagious enthusiasm. Jeffrey eldridge she liked to cheerlead, and she liked to play soccer. She was a Girly Girl and a tomboy at the same time. She was really big about living in the moment. Andrea canning at Vanderbilt Mortgage, Norman And Brittany were collectors, calling people to make sure they kept up with their house payments. What was it about brittany that you formed this instant connection with . She was very good at the job, so i actually used her as a tool, at first, to teach me. So she helped me out a lot. And thats when we started talking more and more about different things other than work. And what do you think she liked about you . I think she liked that i listened, that i actually cared about what she had to say. So it was just strictly platonic. You know, strictly friends. But then it just developed more, probably eight months later. Andrea canning it developed a lot more. They became lovers, and thats when things got complicated. Norman was single, but brittany, it turns out, was married. Her husband was a man named terry eldridge, a Truck Driver who drove his rig at night. What did she tell you about her marriage . She was happy, but she wanted children, and he did not. Were there any other issues, or was that the only one . They didnt spend a lot of time together because of their work schedule. She worked during the day. He worked at night. So they didnt see each other a lot. Andrea canning a married woman having an affair with a coworker not exactly the script for a fairytale romance. So for obvious reasons, Norman And Brittany kept their relationship on the downlow. We never went out in public, you know, out to eat or anything like that, maybe one time. Andrea canning but if colleagues could have heard their recorded Interoffice Phone calls, they would have discovered some suggestive, flirty banter. Brittany eldridge i could use your big, strong, manly muscles. Norman clark man, you know, we all could. [laughter] Andrea Canning more than a year after their affair started, Norman And Brittany were still keeping things quiet. Then, in february 2011, their Secret Affair became notsosecret. Brittanys husband found out, and not long after, she moved out and a divorce was in the works. Did things start to get a little too serious and real . Actually, i dont know, because she didnt even come To Me and tell me they were getting a divorce. She just told me that she was moving out, and that he had found out that we had been having an affair. Andrea canning not long after moving out, brittany delivered some unexpected news to her mother, robin. She was pregnant, and the father was her coworker, Norman Clark. When brittany told you that she was having a child with norman, what did you think . Uh, kind of shocked, at first. Surprised. Didnt know how to feel. Did you think it was a mistake . Or were you just its a blessing to have a baby . It was a blessing to her. And so, i guess when the shock wears off, youre just happy for her. And youre just there to do whatever you can to support her. Andrea Canning Norman says the baby certainly wasnt planned. But he says brittany was still his best friend, and he took the whole thing in stride. I was happy for her because i knew she wanted to have a baby. But at the time, she was still married. This is starting to get a little messy. Got a baby, shes now divorcing her husband, who found out about you. Well, i wouldnt say it was messy. It was complicated. Andrea canning this wouldnt be normans first experience with parenthood. A year earlier, he had a Baby Girl with a nashville woman hed been seeing. Norman helped to support his daughter, and says he was ready to do the same for brittany. Whats it like for you, being a father . Is that something that you cherish . Its the best thing in the world. Ive become a better man, a better person. And i worked hard to become a better parent for her. Had you always wanted more kids . Yes. Andrea Canning Brittany was excited about becoming a mother, and thrilled to learn she was having a boy. She even picked out a name for the baby . She did. What was the name . Zeke. Ezekiel. Robin owens she was just working, and being happy about the baby, and waiting for it to come, and getting things ready for it. Andrea Canning Brittany decided to keep working for as long as she could. December 13, 2011, was just two weeks away from her due date. Its a day her Friend And Coworker Andrea Ray will never forget. Brittany uncharacteristically was late for work. Andrea ray she should have been there at 8 30. I was one of the only people that knew anything about norman. I went over there to normans desk, and i said, can you get in touch with Brittanys Mom . So i called her and asked if she had heard from brittany, and she said she hadnt, so shed go check on her. Was your first thought that, oh my gosh, Maybe Brittany has gone into labor . It was. That was i think everybodys first instinct was, oh, she went into labor, and shes in the hospital having the baby. Andrea Canning Robin went to Brittanys Apartment to be sure her daughter was ok. But when she called norman. It wasnt happy news about a new baby. It was a very frightening phone call. She was very upset, and she was crying. And ill never forget how she sounded on the phone. Andrea Canning Robin was frantic, and her world was about to be turned upsidedown. Robin is about to make a disturbing discovery inside her daughters apartment. Narrator Coming Up Robin Owens oh, my god. Operator what . Maam, what . I ran out of the apartment, because im scared, and the 911 Operator said, go back in there. Robin owens oh, god. Please send something. Operator maam. Ok. We are. Robin owens oh, god. Oh, god. Operator maam, hold on, honey. Hold on. All at once, just in a flash, her life just changed. Narrator when dateline continues. [coughing] Copd Isnt pretty. Im out of breath, and often out of the picture. But this is my story. and with oncedaily trelegy, it can still be beautiful. Because with 3 medicines in 1 inhaler, trelegy keeps my airways open for a full 24 hours and prevents future flareups. Trelegy also improves lung function, so i can breathe more freely all day and night. Trelegy wont replace a Rescue Inhaler for sudden breathing problems. 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But mine is providing Aroundtheclock Protection to progressive customers who bundle home and auto. Jamie, we need you out here for football. Youre giving up on your dream, james. No, dad. Im giving up on yours. No, james, wait oh, thats not the exit. When your child has moderatetosevere eczema, its okay to for them to show off. Show off their clearer skin and noticeably less itch with dupixent. Because children 6 months and older with eczema have plenty of reasons to show off their skin. With dupixent, the 1 prescribed biologic by dermatologists and allergists, they can stay ahead of their eczema. It helps block a key source of inflammation inside the body that can cause eczema to help heal your Childs Skin from within. Serious allergic reactions can occur that can be severe. Tell your doctor about new or worsening Eye Problems such as Eye Pain or Vision Changes including blurred vision, Joint Aches and pain, or a parasitic infection. 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And i came over to her apartment, and it looks like its been trashed. I ran out of the apartment, because im scared, and the 911 Operator she said, you know, go back in there and see if you can find her. Andrea canning inside the front door, seen here in this police video, Robin Saw brittanys new flat Screen Tv lying on the floor. Robin owens oh my god. Operator what . Maam, what . Andrea canning next to The Living Room couch, the scattered contents of her purse. Then, robin heard The Sound of Running Water coming from the bathroom. Robin owens oh, god. Operator maam, talk To Me. So i had been everywhere except for the bedroom. And there was back in the back, and i didnt want to go in there. And i get to the doorway of the bedroom, and i just got a glimpse of her. And i just knew that she was gone. Robin owens shes in the floor, dead. Operator are you sure . Dont Robin Owens shes shes naked. Oh, my god. Operator in where . What room . Robin owens in her bedroom. Operator ok. Robin owens oh, god. Please send something. Operator maam. Ok. We are. Robin owens oh, god. Oh, god. Operator maam. Hold on, honey. Hold on. I ran straight out of the apartment. And by this time, the ambulance, and police, and fire department, and all the Emergency Crews are coming. Andrea Canning Robin was in shock. The pain was more than she could bear. At the scene, a police cruisers Dash Cam captured an officer trying to console her. Robin owens oh, god. I just cant believe this happened. Why did it happen . Why . Its the worst horror a mother could ever have to witness. It is. And you wouldnt thinking anything like that would happen in A Million years. And all at once, just in a flash, your life just changed. Andrea canning Brittany Eldridge had been strangled and stabbed in the throat. Police found her on the floor next to her bed, her naked body partially covered by lingerie. She was just 25 years old. The unborn boy she had named zeke was gone, too. After the shock has worn off, you must be thinking, who did this . Im thinking, how in the world could Somebody Murder a young lady thats eight and a half months pregnant . You know, how could somebody be so cruel . Im thinking, why . Thats a question thats never answered, is why . Were you the one who broke the news to jeffrey . Yes. That must have been extremely difficult. It was very hard. Andrea canning jeffrey, brittanys older brother, was at the gym. When i got back to my locker, and i got my phone, i had, like, 40 missed calls or something. She said, somebody killed your sister. Did you immediately ask, who did this . I never thought about it. Andrea canning all jeffrey could think about was that brittany was gone the Kid Sister who had always filled him with pride. She often talked about becoming a mom. Now, that dream would never be realized, and in its place would be a murder investigation. It was a very closedoff scene that they had. Of course, crime Scene Tape around. Andrea canning when reporter Jamie Satterfield of the Knoxville News sentinel heard about a body being found, she went straight to the scene. Are police talking to you . Are they telling you anything about whats inside . No. The major crimes folks came later, as did the Crime Scene folks. Andrea canning what investigators found was a ransacked apartment, suggesting a burglary that was interrupted and had turned violent. In fact, there had been a series of burglaries in the area in recent days. For Jamie Satterfield, there were things to speculate about in those early moments, but nothing concrete to report. Other than just hunches and all that, we just didnt have anything to go on. Did you have an open mind, as to the scenarios of what might have happened, who could have done this . I didnt focus in on any one person. I just wanted to know who did it, and why. Yeah, i never had a specific person in mind that could have done it. I didnt have a clue. Andrea canning there werent many clues. But there were so many questions. And in this case, there would be no easy answers. Narrator Coming Up Norman Clark that was my baby, man. Officer i understand. Norman clark my familys out there. Officer i understand. Norman Clark I Cantim sitting in the back of a Police Car Officer look, look Norman Clark I Cant even grieve. Narrator the fathertobe, from grief to disbelief, when dateline continues. Announcer what if you could whiten your teeth by simply brushing your teeth . Now you can with smileactives, the Teeth Whitening breakthrough that safely gets your teeth white and keeps them white every day just by brushing your teeth. Christine i never thought that whitening my teeth could be so easy. I just put the gel on the brush, the toothpaste on it, brush and i can see my white teeth. 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Announcer why spend hundreds of dollars for Whitening Treatments at the dentist, when now you can whiten your teeth with new smileactives pro Whitening Gel every time you brush your teeth. Call or go to smileactives. Com and for a limited time get new pro Whitening Gel for just 24. 95. Order in the next 5 minutes and buy one get one absolutely free for just 24. 95. Thats two for one and save 58 . Weâ– ll even include free shipping. Get your teeth whiter, guaranteed, or return it within 60 days for your money back. I smile every day now. The difference is literally night and day. So now im always smiling or cheesing because now my teeth are much wither. Announcer this offer is not available in stores, so call or click now before the special buy one, get one free offer goes away. BeforeAndrea Canning when, Norman Clark heard about Brittany Eldridges murder, he left work and rushed to the scene. Whats going through your mind as youre racing to Brittanys Apartment . That its not real. That this wasnt going on. This wasnt really happening. When i got there, there was Police Officers there. So i pulled up to her apartment. I parked right in front and jumped out of the car, and i was heading into the apartment. Andrea canning heres norman at that exact moment, captured on a police Dash Cam. Norman clark thats thats my my baby. Officer ok. Ok. Ok. Ok. Andrea canning what did you say to that Police Officer . I told him that that was my baby that was in there. I needed to get in there. I was thinking that the baby could still be born. That was what was going through my mind the whole time. Andrea Canning Norman says officers blocked him from entering the apartment, and in a matter of minutes, they had him in the back of this police cruiser. Norman clark im in trouble . Officer no, sir. Youre not in trouble. No, sir Norman Clark so, tell me more, please. Just update me, because im really confused right now. Andrea canning the police were asking questions, and so was norman. Norman clark so youre telling me this is normal . Officer yes, sir. This is protocol, sir. Norman clark but why for me . Officer youre the boyfriend. Norman clark and i sat there for a While Id say probably for an hour. I was in the back of the car. Did you wonder why you were sitting in the back of the car for so long . I was. And i understood that they wanted to ask me questions. I just didnt understand why i was sitting in the back of the police car, and being treated like that. I was just going to ask you how were you treated . To me, i felt like i was treated unfairly, especially voluntarily answering every question. I feel they just automatically did jump to a rush of judgment on who i was, you know, for showing up there. Officer we have to talk to the people that know her, because we have to figure out what whats going on there. Norman clark that was my baby, man. Officer i understand. Norman clark my familys out there. Officer i understand. Norman Clark I Cant im sitting in the back of a police car. I cant even grieve, or do anything, because im so worried about i dont even know whats going on. Im devastated that this happened to my friend and my child. Did you start to think, maybe i should get a lawyer . Norman clark no. The fact that the tone theyre taking with me no, maam. Why not . There was no reason for me to have a lawyer. I was innocent, and i was answering every question that they wanted to know. Andrea canning detectives had more questions for norman, Downtown At police headquarters. Detective you have the right to consult with a lawyer, and have a lawyer present with you while youre being questioned. Andrea canning he didnt ask for a lawyer there, either. Detective i just want to make sure that youre still willing to talk To Me. Norman clark yeah. Andrea Canning Norman says he had nothing to hide, and tried to be helpful. He told detectives he did have plans to see brittany the night she was killed, but ended up going straight home after work, and then spent the night with a friend. He gave police his phone, said they could search his car, and when they wanted dna from him Detective Id like to get a, uh a Saliva Sample from you. Norman clark ok. Andrea canning he let them take a sample immediately. That night, detectives drove norman to his house to collect the clothes he wore the night before. Then, it was back to headquarters for another round of questioning. It had been a very long day. Norman felt hed cooperated every step of the way, but by now, hed reached The End of his rope. Norman clark ill give you anything you want. Ive given you everything. Detective and we appreciate that. We appreciate your cooperation. Andrea canning detectives spent hours with norman that day. But after that second interview, he was released. Norman was relieved. But there would be tough days ahead. Crowd singing how sweet The Sound Andrea Canning just one day later, he attended a candlelight memorial vigil for brittany. How were you received at those vigils . Oh, with open arms from the whole family. You know, they knew that i had just lost two people that i loved, also. Andrea Canning Brittanys family buried her a few days later, still not knowing who was responsible, or even who would want to harm her. Of course, there was someone police knew they needed to look at the man brittany had recently divorced, terry eldridge. Brittany was 17 years younger than terry. She was only 22 when they got married. It wasnt long before their marriage was in trouble. Jeffrey owens really, it started to fall apart because she was getting antsy, and just really wanted to have a family, and kind of settle down, you know . And he was just out driving a truck all the time. You know, she just kind of felt like this is not right for me anymore, like, you know, like it used to be. Andrea canning the final straw was when terry found out brittany was having an affair with her coworker, Norman Clark, and was pregnant with his baby. Given that basket of facts, the police investigating Brittanys Murder knew it was time for a talk with her exhusband. Narrator Coming Up investigators uncover secrets from Brittanys Life Brittany Eldridge Everything changed. It like, instantly. Narrator and from someone elses. How many women were you seeing at the time . Maybe 15 to 20. Narrator when dateline continues. You can feel it, when your dream becomes a pursuit. And with vitiligo, the pursuit for your pigment is no exception. Its time you had a proven choice to help restore whats yours. Opzelura is the first and only fdaapproved Prescription Treatment for nonsegmental vitiligo. Proven to help Repigment Skin over time. Restoring whats yours. Its possible with a Steroidfree Cream that you can apply yourself. 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He gave them his dna and his full cooperation, but he had not shared everything. Norman had a secret, one police would soon discover. Now, it was time to question the other man in Brittanys Life her exhusband, terry eldridge. Once again, Heres Andrea Canning with deadly circumstances. Andrea canning after more than two decades covering murder investigations, reporter Jamie Satterfield knew this one was a nobrainer. The husband who discovered his wife was having another mans baby was someone detectives needed to investigate. Did you wonder immediately about Brittanys Exhusband . You know, the exhusband is always your first suspect. Their divorce had not been very pleasant. It was a little bit ugly. Andrea canning so detectives questioned Brittanys Exhusband, terry eldridge. Terry was looked at by the police. They did take a dna sample. And it did Cross My Mind what if terry did do this . You know, you have to think about all the different possibilities. You know, could this person have done this . Would they have done it . What would have been their reason to do it . Andrea canning but when the results of Terrys Dna Test came back from the lab, it didnt match samples from the Crime Scene. Police also found out he was nowhere near Brittanys Apartment at the time of the murder. His alibi was airtight. He really ended up not being much of a player in the case once they ruled him out. Andrea Canning Eldridge was cleared of any wrongdoing. Norman clark had been questioned and released, too. If police had any leads, they were holding them close. I was curious why they were being so particularly tightlipped about it. I think my primary concern was that this was just a case that was going to get shelved. Andrea canning thats exactly what Brittanys Family feared most, too that she, and the baby she was carrying, would be forgotten. We are her voice. We have to keep her memory alive. Andrea canning a full year passed. Then, two with no arrests. But investigators were still working the case, in part because they heard from someone with inside information, someone unexpected the victim herself. Brittany eldridge vanderbilt. This is brittany. Can i help you . Andrea canning remember, Brittanys Employer recorded every call she made on company phones. It was done for Quality Control but now, investigators could listen to her conversations, and those calls explained a lot about her relationship with Norman Clark. Friend how are things going with you . Brittany eldridge um, well, very odd with norman. Andrea Canning Brittanys conversations with friends made it clear the oddness with norman began the day she told him she was pregnant. Brittany eldridge he was emailing me like normal. And then, as soon as i told him, everything changed. It like, instantly. Friend wussy. Brittany eldridge yeah, i mean its weird. Andrea canning Andrea Ray, a close work friend, says brittany often gave her an earful about norman. Andrea ray i think that she had hopes that he would respond, you know, to her pregnancy in a positive way, and that that would somehow bring them together. But that was not the response that she got. Brittany eldridge I Cant take the wishywashy, like, bipolarism. You know, i dont know if, on a daily basis, hes, like, thinking about all this. I mean, how can you not, for one thing . Andrea ray hes a guy. Thats why not. [laughter] Andrea Canning brittany was still in love with norman, and pregnant with his child. She seemed desperate to figure out her future as a mother, and how norman would fit into her life. Norman, to put it mildly, was not acting like he was ready for a commitment. Norman clark hey, whats up . How you doing . Woman im great. Andrea canning investigators had access to all of normans recorded work calls, too. They were very revealing. Friend you know, i wanted to ask you, uh, you ever get with, uh Norman Clark oh, yeah. I banged that out last week. Friend did you really . Norman clark yeah. [laughter] yeah, yeah. That was only my second time seeing her. Friend congratulations, dude. Norman clark oh, thank you. Thank you. Friend youre wild, man. Youre wild, dude. Andrea Canning Norman, it turns out, was in other relationships at the same time he was with brittany. When we sat down with him, norman said he loves sex and women lots of women. How many women were you seeing at the time . Maybe 15 to 20. [laughter] norman, thats a lot of women. I was single, and im a very friendly person. They knew that i was not looking for a relationship. So it was friends with benefits. How do you even meet that many ladies . Through work. Online dating sites. Were you sleeping around with multiple coworkers . Yes. Did that ever get messy . No, maam. Seems a little odd that all these women were ok with you sleeping with all these other women. I wouldnt be ok with that. But maybe im oldfashioned. Well, i mean, with the different women that i met, they accepted what it was. Because i was honest upfront this is what im looking for. Andrea canning 15 to 20 different women at the same time . Hard to believe brittany would be ok with that. And norman didnt quite fit the image of a playboy. To save money, he was living in his parents basement, yet was still barely staying ahead of debt collectors, who would call him at work. Debt collector youre still due for september, october, and november. Norman clark for the for the payment . Debt collector yeah. Andrea canning investigators might have simply written off norman as a lowbudget Don Juan except for this. Three days before brittany was murdered, after months of ignoring her, norman suddenly showed an interest in her and their baby. Brittany eldridge im trying to figure out this Text Norman sent me last night. He said, ill be back sunday. Stay pregnant till then. Promise . And she said, what do you think that means . And i said, i have no idea. And she said, well, i guess he wants to be part of this babys life. Andrea ray well, he doesnt get a trophy for that. Brittany eldridge no. [laughter] Andrea Canning why the sudden interest . What was norman thinking . Investigators believed an entry from Brittanys Diary provided a hint. She wrote that she planned to take norman to court to get Child Support for her baby. She knew that he had a child with someone else, and that he did participate, there. So while wouldnt he here . Andrea Canning Andrea says the night before the murder, she was on the phone with brittany, who was texting with norman at the same time. She says that he wants To Meet monday after work, and i said, tell him no. Andrea Canning But Brittany said yes. Norman insists he blew off their date and did not go to her apartment monday, the night she was murdered. But her family didnt believe him. Theyd grown very suspicious of norman, and wondered why police hadnt moved in on him. How frustrated were you that he was walking around . Very frustrated. I even called the Lead Investigator at one point, and told him, if you dont come get him, i will take care of myself. Were you being serious . Oh, i was being dead serious. Andrea canning despite the familys frustration, the case was moving forward. And almost two and a half years after brittany was killed, prosecutors presented their evidence to a grand jury. They charged Norman Clark with the murders of both brittany and their unborn son. Clark was arrested on may 14, 2014. He pleaded not guilty. Norman clark when youre arrested for something you didnt do, and then theres no evidence to even show that you should have been arrested, thats when things really hit hard. Thats when i really got scared. Andrea Canning Norman Clark had reason to be scared. If convicted, he could spend the rest of his life behind bars. Narrator Coming Up theyve taken a good, young man, and theyve destroyed his life. Narrator Norman Clark on trial. And on the stand girlfriends. Many, many girlfriends. But where was the evidence . He gave dna. He gave hair samples. They all came back negative. Narrator when dateline continues. If you have wet amd, you never want to lose sight of the things you love. Some things should stand the test of time. Longlasting Eylea Hd could significantly improve your vision. More people on Eylea Hd had no fluid in the retina, compared to those on eylea at 4 months. Eylea hd is the only wet Amd Therapy that helped 8 out of 10 people go up to 4 months between injections, after 3 initial monthly treatments. If you have an eye infection, Eye Pain or redness or allergies to Eylea Hd, dont use. 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Ask your Eczema Specialist about dupixent. Ask your Eczema Specialist Andrea Canning in august 2015, nearly four years after Brittany Eldridges death, Norman Clark, a man whod never been in trouble with the law, went on trial for murder in a knoxville, tennessee courtroom. How nervous were you, going into trial . Your lifes on the line, here. Your future. I was extremely nervous and scared to death. Andrea canning the prosecution told the jury Norman Clark strangled and stabbed brittany because he didnt want her to have his baby. Reporter Jamie Satterfield she believed it was the baby that was the target, that this baby was going to ruin normans life. And so he killed brittany more to kill the baby, and she was collateral damage. Prosecutor Leslie Nassios painted an ugly portrait of clark a man having trouble paying his bills, a playboy trying to juggle relationships with more than a dozen women. Leslie nassios can you describe to the jury the nature of your, uh, relationship with him . I thought he was my boyfriend. I loved him with all my heart. Andrea canning the jury heard all about Norman Clarks prolific Sex Life as several of his lovers took the stand. Leslie nassios at some point, did your friendship with him become intimate . Yes, maam. Leslie nassios i dont mean to embarrass you, but did he, uh, have a particular way of referring to, uh, a part of your anatomy . Yes, maam. Leslie nassios in what way . What did he say . Ownership. It was his. Andrea canning he must have been stretched so thin to be attentive to 15 different women. That is one of the reasons that the prosecution said he was just he broke. And now, heres this baby, and brittanys saying, im going to take you to court. Andrea canning next, the prosecution established a timeline to place clark at Brittanys Apartment at the time she was killed. Heres brittany leaving work at 8 05 pm. The medical examiner estimated her time of death as early as 8 30. An Fbi Cell Phone expert testified that Clarks Phone pinged off a tower near Brittanys Apartment at 8 28, and again at 9 05. Leslie nassios we know where his phone was. It was in Brittany Eldridges Cell Tower Location during those critical times. Andrea canning remember, Clarks Alibi was that he was at a friends house the night of the murder. That friend, leanne hawn, was actually one of his many girlfriends. Clark was at leannes that night, but her testimony seemed to shred his alibi. Leslie nassios your testimony is that he comes into your bedroom without calling you, without any notice, and you recognize the time as around 10 30. Andrea canning the prosecutor said if clark was at brittanys at 8 30, and arrived at leannes two hours later, that gave him plenty of time to commit murder, stage the Crime Scene to look like a burglary, and clean himself up. Now, Ladies And Gentlemen Andrea Canning after presenting a circumstantial case, the state rested. Norman clarks Defense Attorney, Greg Isaacs, derided the States Case as all theory. They had no physical evidence, no eyewitnesses, no Proof Clark was a killer. He gave dna. He gave a statement. He gave hair samples. They all came back negative. Andrea canning the defense aggressively attacked the States Case and witnesses, starting with leanne hawn, the Woman Clark says he spent the night with. The question was, when did he get to her house . You have no idea, when you saw him at 10 35, as to what time he arrived, correct . Leanne hahn i do not. And you were asleep with your television on, correct . Yes. Andrea canning the defense drove home the point since leanne was sleeping, her testimony about when clark arrived was meaningless. Isaacs said clark actually arrived much earlier, and watched Monday Night football alone before getting into bed. The defense argued there was no Way Clark could have committed a violent murder, cleaned himself up and the Crime Scene, staged a burglary, and then made it across town, all in less than an hour. Andrea canning the states fbi expert said Clarks Cell Phone signal placed him near Brittanys Apartment the night she was killed. The defense countered with its own expert, who said the state got it wrong. We had, uh, one of the nations preeminent experts on this. He and the Fbi Agent testify against each other all over the country. It feels like this is almost one of those scenarios where the experts kind of cancel each other out. Exactly. Norman clark ill give you anything you want. Andrea canning it was a rush to judgment to pin the killing on Norman Clark, the defense said, claiming investigators overlooked the most obvious explanation for the crime the killer was a burglar who was caught in the act. Greg isaacs there were 12 Break Ins that occurred within a three to fourweek period in a very close proximity, and 10 of the 12 involved flat Screen Tvs. Also, there was a breakin in that very same complex four days before the homicide of Brittany Eldridge, so very powerful. Why not take the tvs . We dont know. Maybe the person got startled. Maybe they couldnt do this. Thats Law Enforcement job, not mine. Andrea canning finally, the defense said there was powerful evidence to support the Burglar Theory that would prove Norman Clarks innocence irrefutable physical evidence. There were two unknown dna samples on the lingerie that covered Brittneys Body in her bedroom, where she was found murdered dna from an unknown male contributor, not from Norman Clark. All we have done, since day one, at 12 34, is focus on Norman Clark. Andrea canning as the trial drew to a close, Defense Attorney isaacs told the jurors to focus on the evidence, not Norman Clarks womanizing. This is not a place for moral judgments. Theres a Guy Upstairs that does that, uh, in a different court more majestic, at The End of the road. Andrea Canning Clark did not take the stand, but he says the state did not prove its case. The prosecutor said that you had the means, you had the opportunity, and you had the motive to Kill Brittany. And i feel all that is wrong. Definitely far from the motive, because it doesnt make any sense. And the opportunity its pretty much impossible. So. Well. Its not impossible. To me, it seems impossible to get that done in that short span. Officer youre the boyfriend. Norman clark first suspect. Andrea canning the motive, from Law Enforcements perspective, was very clear. You didnt want to be in a relationship. You didnt want this baby. You wanted it to go away, so you could continue to live your lifestyle. Right. I dont understand how they could say that, when if you know my lifestyle, then you know that i love children. I take care of my own child. And i wanted more children. Well, theres the other side of your lifestyle, too that youre sleeping with 15 different women. Right, which has nothing to do with the murder. Andrea canning during the trial, Norman Clarks mother was in the courtroom, supporting her son. As the jury started deliberations, she was anxious and bitter. Theyve taken a good young man, and theyve destroyed his life. Andrea Canning Brittanys brother, jeffrey, was certain the jury would return the verdict hed wanted so badly. Id thought, 100 , we got this. There was no doubt whatsoever that they were going to come back and return a guilty verdict. Andrea Canning But Nobody on the outside really knows what happens in a jury room, and after deliberating for six hours, this jury gave up. They came close, but could not reach a unanimous verdict. The vote was 11 not guilty, only one guilty. At this point, im going to declare a mistrial and disband this jury. They come back hopelessly deadlocked. And not only that, but its 11 to 1 acquittal. Right. You must have been just shellshocked. Devastated. Just devastated. Andrea Canning Norman Clark had been held in jail for 15 months since his arrest. He was released after his mistrial, but was still an accused murderer. Do you feel like you have a Cloud Hanging over your head . Oh, yes, maam. Definitely. Its a huge, Dark Cloud above my head. Andrea canning that cloud would remain, because prosecutors decided they would try Norman Clark again. Same charges, same evidence, same prosecutor. Would it lead to a different outcome . Narrator Coming Up Trial Number 2. Norman clark is a killer. You can destroy my character or try to but you still are not going to prove that i was guilty. Narrator when dateline continues. Upset Stomach Iberogast Indigestion Iberogast Bloating iberogast thanks to a unique combination of herbs, iberogast helps relieve six digestive symptoms to help you feel better. 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Tell your doctor about new or worsening Eye Problems such as Eye Pain or Vision Changes including blurred vision, Joint Aches and pain, or a parasitic infection. Dont change or stop asthma medicines without talking to your doctor. Show off to the world. Ask your Childs Eczema Specialist about dupixent. Ask your childs eczema Craig Melvin welcome back. Did Norman Clark kill his lover, Brittany Eldridge, and their unborn son . After an eightday trial, that question left the jury deadlocked, and the judge declared a mistrial. But prosecutors were determined to see norman behind bars, and so it was time for Trial Number 2. Here, with the conclusion of deadly circumstances, is Andrea Canning. Andrea Canning Norman Clarks second trial began in september 2017. It had been six long years since brittany had been killed. Trial 2 would play out a lot like trial 1, but with one big Change Clark had a new courtappointed lawyer, kit rodgers. What was your strategy, and was it going to be different from Greg Isaacs strategy in the first trial . It didnt differ. D To Me, when i looked at it, it looked like a burglary that was interrupted and went bad. Andrea canning Prosecutor Leslie Nassios had been on the case from the very start. When Baby Zeke was born, clark was going to be exposed for exactly who he was. The birth of this baby threatened his way of life, and that his solution to that problem was murder. She was very emphatic that Norman Clark was not only guilty, but was kind of a sleazy human being. Did you worry that the jury would just not like norman absolutely. Because of his lifestyle . Yes. That was a big worry, and we i addressed that from the very beginning, and all the way through. Youll hear a lot about sex. What i want you to pay attention to is the evidence. Andrea canning after six days of testimony, it all seemed to come down to Norman Clark, and what kind of man he is. You Cant Convict Somebody of murder because you dont like the fact that he has sex with multiple partners. They did not prove their case. These murders were personal. Strangulation is a personal type of killing. It is a killing that shows control, and a desire to control the victim. Norman clark is a killer. He killed Brittany Eldridge. He killed his baby. Andrea canning those same arguments had led to a mistrial before. Incredibly, when this jury got the case, it also came down to a lone holdout. Only this time, the majority wanted to convict. We spoke to two jurors about their deliberations. The person who voted not guilty, who was not going to change their mind what was their issue . We asked, and the response that was made is, im the smartest person in the room. Yes. I have a phd. You guys are all Ganging Up on me. At that point, it became a very hostile room. Yes. And we decided to call it. Andrea canning after four long days, they were hopelessly deadlocked another hung jury. You just wake up, and you wonder, why is this happening . You know, why is my Baby Sister not here . And why can people why can the people on the jury not see what i can see . Our Family Cant keep going through these trials coming out with the same verdict. We cant do it. Andrea canning the family may not have to do it again. After six years and two trials, prosecutors said that was it. They decided to dismiss the charges against Norman Clark. All they were worried about was trying to show the jury that i had a lot of women, i loved sex, and that i had bills to pay. Thats it. You can restore my character or try to but you still are not going to prove that i was guilty. Andrea canning even when dismissing the case, prosecutors made it clear they believe they tried the right man, and would file new charges against clark if they get new evidence. Did you Kill Brittany . No, i did not. What do you say to those people that believe everything just adds up to you being her killer . What do i say to them . I dont say anything to them. I dont like ignorance in my life. So if you feel that way . Yes. Youre ignorant. And thats very sad, and i will pray for them. Andrea Canning Brittanys family prays, too for justice and closure, and how to make peace with a loss they will never understand. Over six years, i havent focused on Anything Else except for getting justice. Theres no closing the book. Me and my sister grew up doing everything together i mean, everything. How do you say goodbye to something like that . She and i had a special bond. And there are still times that i think, oh, i need to tell brittany about this, or you know, you cant call her. You Cant Email her. You Cant Text her. All you can do, now, is go to her grave. And thats not good enough. Its never going to be good enough. Craig melvin thats all for this edition of dateline. Im Craig Melvin. Thank you for watching. [theme music playing] Amanda Jennings i see her laying there. Hello, im Craig Melvin, and this is dateline. My dad is kneeling. That was the first time id ever seen him cry

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