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Vladimir putin wants donald trump to win. Benjamin netanyahu wants donald trump to win, but the difference is the biden administration is in many ways helping benjamin netanyahu, providing him the impunity to do the very things that not only end up killing palestinians and lebanese and endangering israelis, but also increase the possibility of donald trump being president. How does that make any sense as policy from a democratic administration? and then there is the human toll. The expectation that there will be retaliation on the part of hezbollah and i wonder how you are guarding yourself as we are in this strange period. I guess there could be more explosions tomorrow, but as we sit and wait for retaliation from hezbollah for attacks that israel began the day before yesterday. The biden administration has to use american leverage these iv israel to get israel to recognize that it's problem with hezbollah and with gaza is a diplomatic problem and the way to get an end to the rocket fire from hezbollah is to get a ceasefire in gaza. A ceasefire, by the way, that many of israel's own security chiefs wanted, but benjamin netanyahu has torpedoed. We have a tremendous amount of leverage with israel. When is this president it is almost a year now into the war with gaza when is this president going to use it? peter beinart, asking big questions at this hour. Thank you for your time. That is our show tonight. Now it is time for the last word with lawrence o'donnell. Good evening, lawrence. Good evening, alex. In the studio tonight we have the beginnings of a senate quorum. We have senator raphael warnock joining us and senator jon tester. Exciting. You could maybe pass a bill, because they can't seem to. Enjoy that room, lawrence. Have a great show. Thank you. Thanks, alex. All abortion bands are the same, but some abortion bands pretend to be different. I believe in the exceptions for rape, incest and life of the mother. I believe strongly in it. If the trump abortion ban in your state includes exceptions, how do you qualify for those exceptions? each of those abortion bans that include exceptions include strict legal rules for qualifying, rules that are designed to be impossible to comply with. How do you prove to the abortion ban authorities in your state that you are raped? how do you prove to the authorities that you were raped by your stepfather? i've never slept a full night in my entire life. I was five years old when my stepfather abused me for the first time. I just felt like i was alone on a planet with a monster. I was 12 when he impregnated me. I just remember thinking, i have to get out of my skin. I can't be me right now. I did not know what to do. I was a child. I did not know what it meant to be pregnant at all, but i had options. Because donald trump overturned roe v. Wade, girls and women all over the country have lost the right to choose. Even for rape or incest. Donald trump did this. He took away our freedom. I am kamala harris and i approve this message. That little girl was five years old the first time her stepfather abused her. 12 years old when she got pregnant. The abortion ban writers pretend that a 12yearold could look up the law in her state, find out if there is an exception to the trump abortion ban and then apply for her abortion. Apply where? how? what is she supposed to do, drive herself to the courthouse? convince a judge by herself? how should she do that? how can she convince anyone? then she drives herself at age 12 to a doctor with a permission slip to get an abortion? and how does a mother dying in a hospital bed get to a courthouse to prove to a judge that she is dying so a doctor can perform a routine procedure after that woman had a miscarriage? when you are writing an abortion ban with those so called exceptions, you could leave the enforcement of those exceptions to doctors. Let the doctors assess the patient's and decide if they are telling the truth about being raped, being raped by a member of their family. Let a doctor decide if the life of the mother is endangered. The republican men who write abortion bans do not trust pregnant women and girls and they absolutely do not trust doctors about anything, so they have come up with complex schemes, which really mean there are no exceptions. The exceptions are just a rhetorical crutch for republican politicians like donald trump. Here is how much georgia republicans don't trust doctors. They actually hate doctors and they put it in writing. The penalty for a doctor who intervenes to save the life of a pregnant woman is 10 years in prison and the loss of their medical license. The ultimate threat to any doctor is the loss of the doctors license. That is enough. That is enough of a threat to scare the doctor away from doing anything. That penalty, the loss of a medical license, plus, plus 10 years in prison, shows you that georgia republicans are trying to terrify doctors and nurses into never trying to serve any kind of medical procedures under the socalled exceptions. The way georgia doctors and nurses read that law, they were compelled according to important reporting and propublica to just watch as amber nicole thurman's infection spread after she took an abortion pill that produced a miscarriage. Those doctors felt legally compelled to just watch as her blood pressure dropped. Doctors and nurses watched amber nicole thurman slipped toward death for 20 hours because they believed they were handcuffed by the republican men in georgia who, like donald trump, lie about their concern. For the protection of the life of mothers. As we reported last night, amber nicole thurman died on the operating table after spending those 20 hours worrying about what would happen to her 6yearold son. As she felt herself dying, that little boy will someday know the full story of how his mother died and who is responsible, beginning with george w. Bush who appointed samuel alito and john roberts to the supreme court and donald trump who appointed neil gorsuch and brett kavanaugh and amy coney barrett to the supreme court. Donald trump forgot to tell his supreme court justices when he interviewed them for the job that he believed strongly in abortion ban exceptions for rape, incest and the life of the mother, because those judges forgot to put that in their supreme court decision which said politicians in any state can do whatever they want. To any woman, like amber nicole thurman. Whatever they want. Republican men and state legislatures and governors offices can put pregnant women or women trying to recover from a natural miscarriage through any torture they want. That is what the supreme court said they can do. The supreme court, thanks to george w. Bush and donald trump, said that little girls raped by their fathers or uncles or babysitters or stepfathers can be abused by republican men in state legislatures and republican governors, because yes it is indeed child abuse when republican men put up qualifying roadblocks that are impossible to get through for a 10yearold girl to have an abortion to relieve that girl of her 's baby. No one in the republican party apologized to the 10yearold girl who had to leave ohio to get an abortion. There are republicans who want every rape baby to be born, no matter what the victim of that rape wants or needs to survive. The exceptions are a lie. The republican legislature who writes those fake exceptions are lying in legislative language. They are abusers of rape victims, second only to the rapists themselves. They are abusers of mothers who try to cling to life in hospital beds where republican politicians have removed the healing tools from the doctors hands. The only reason we know about amber thurman is because the georgia department of health automatically tracks maternal health through the georgia maternal mortality review committee. Not every state automatically investigates maternal death, but georgia does and that committee found that amber nicole thurman was killed by the law written by the republican men of the georgia legislature. The committee did not put it that way, of course, not in those words, but the committee of doctors did say that she died because her treatment was delayed for 20 hours. It is the republican law that delayed her treatment. It is the republican law that killed her. The law that was possible only because george w. Bush and donald trump's appointees to the supreme court allow that law. They are responsible for another death now according to reporting by propublica today. Kenny miller was 41 years old. She was a mother of three. She had lupus, diabetes and hypertension. Pregnancy can pose life threatening risks. Because she was winning by the abortion ban she did not even consult with the doctor when she ordered abortion pills online from india to terminate her risky, unplanned pregnancy. After taking the abortion bill which induced a miscarriage, she was in intense pain for days, but she never contacted a doctor. Her son told propublica why. If you get caught trying to do anything to get rid of the baby, you get jail time for that, he said. Republican men in the georgia legislature wrote the fear of prison into law, a fear shared by people who have not read the details of that law. Who have not read what the exceptions might be that they might qualify for, but they do know that there is prison written into the law because that is how much the republican men of the legislature want to police the bodies of women in georgia and police the conduct of doctors and nurses. In the days after her miscarriage she took painkillers to try to stop the excruciating pain. The maternal death rate for mothers with lupus is 20 times higher than mothers without lupus. 20 times higher was a chance candi miller did not want to take, but that would not have qualified as an exception under georgia's fake life of the mother exception. Propublica surveyed dozens of doctors in nine states with abortion bands. None of the hospitals approve abortion for women with high risk complications unless the patient is deteriorating and the issue is urgent. Candi miller died on november 12, 2022. Propublica writes her husband found her unresponsive in bed. Her 3yearold daughter at her side. An autopsy found the painkillers she took included fentanyl. Her sister said, quote, she was trying to terminate the pregnancy, not terminate herself. Propublica reports that the state committee of experts and maternal health, quote, decided it was preventable and blamed the states abortion ban, according to members who spoke to propublica on the condition of anonymity. Candi miller and amber thurman died in 2022. The investigations of their deaths were just completed. We are now two years later. That is how long it takes from the time of the death to release the information by the investigators. That means there are likely many, many more women in georgia who have already died, already been killed by the republican men of the georgia legislature, but have not yet been reported. The georgia abortion ban went into effect after the supreme court made that possible on july 20, 2022 and women began dying immediately according to these reports. How many died in 2023? we have no idea. It will probably be a larger number than 2022. How many died in 2024? we won't know probably until 2026. The martyrs persecuted to death by donald trump and george w. Bush in the supreme court and republican legislators are dying in silence. Some of them will speak to wes two years later, from the grave, about what happened to them because their deaths are being investigated. Investigated very slowly. Those martyrs, like martyrs before them, throughout the ages, can change the course of history. Ours is a fight for the future and it is a fight for freedom. The freedom to vote. The freedom to be safe from gun violence. The freedom to live without fear of bigotry and hate. The freedom to love who you love openly and with pride and the freedom of a woman to make decisions about her own body. And not have her government telling her what to do. And understand on that last point how we got here. Everyone here knows. Donald trump and selected three members of the united states supreme court with the intention that they would do just what they did, which is overturned the protections of roe v. Wade and now in more than 20 states we have a trump abortion ban which criminalizes healthcare providers. In one state, providing prison for life. You guys may have heard the story about the horrendous, most recent stories about what happened in georgia. Many of these trump abortion bands, they make no exceptions for rape or incest. It is immoral and today 40% of latinos in america live in a state with a trump abortion ban. So imagine if she is a working woman. Understand that the majority of women who seek abortion care are mothers. Understand what that means for her. So she has to now travel to another state, god help her that she has some extra money to pay for that plane ticket. She has to figure out what to do with her kids. God help her if she has affordable childcare. Imagine what that means. She has to leave her home to go to an airport, stand in a tsa line. Think about this. Everybody here, you are policy leaders. I say to my team especially the young people i mentor on any public policy we have to ask, how is this going to affect a real person? ask how it would affect a real person. Go through the details. She has to stand in the tsa line to get on a plane sitting next to a perfect stranger, going to a city where she has never been, to go and receive a medical procedure. She has to get right back to the airport, because she has got to get back to those kids and it is not like her best friend can go with her, because the best friend is probably taking care of the kids. All because these people have decided they are in a better position to tell her what is in her best interest then she has to know. It is just simply wrong. That was the vice president speaking today. Joining us now is democratic senator raphael warnock of georgia. Thank you so much for joining us tonight. Good to be with you. Georgia has now taken center stage in the abortion ban coverage, thanks to this committee within the georgia department of public health that has a mandate to investigate maternal health outcomes, especially that end in fatalities. Without those investigations we would know none of this. That's right and i have introduced legislation to bolster this kind of investigation. Maternal mortality is a major problem in our country. We have the dubious distinction of having maternal mortality rates much higher than any other wealthy nation and states like georgia are a terrible example of that. With amber thurman and other cases, what we are seeing is when men in the legislature try to write a law that will control women's bodies, beginning with the subject of abortion, it is impossible for them to stop there. These aren't necessarily laws that are policing abortion. They are taking full control of every pregnancy in the state and every outcome, including outcomes involving natural miscarriages where a woman might need a routine procedure after that that is now a felony in georgia. And if donald trump has his way and he created the context for all of this. Appointing these conservative judges. He knew exactly what they would do. He's been bragging about the fact that he overturned roe v. Wade. We are seeing the impact with ivf. We are seeing the tragic impact with these two black women now who have died in my home state, so we are seeing this all across the country, but especially in a state like georgia. A state where there are almost no restrictions on guns and plenty of restrictions on women's bodies and as a result of that you see young children, high school students, dying in a classroom in winder, georgia, and women bleeding out to death in parking lots because their hands are tied, their doctors hands are tied. So georgia once again is center stage and this whole drama is playing out in our state and the people of georgia have a serious decision to make. When you write a law and you put in a 10 year prison sentence, you are not saying to doctors, use your best medical judgment and save lives when you have to save lives. You are saying to doctors you could go to prison for 10 years and never see her children again if you cross one of our lines. Right and anyone looking at this honestly, that's the thing about this issue. I certainly have seen this. The medicine is much more complicated than the politics, which is why you have to leave the politics out of the patient's room. I have often said that a patient's room is too narrow and cramped of space for a woman, her doctor and the united states government. That is too many people in the room. Too many women too many men in the room. This election is about freedom. Freedom of bodily autonomy. The freedom to have children and to thrive and the freedom of our children to be able to go to school without worrying every day that they are going to be the last, the most recent tragic story of a mass killing and we have seen all of that play out in recent days in georgia. So you are on the senate floor this week, trying to defend the simple practice of in vitro fertilization and the united states of america, which was never under threat in any way, anywhere, until the supreme court overturned roe v. Wade and republicans decided to keep going and many of them are attacking ivf. They want to ban it. Chuck schumer brings a vote to the floor of the senate and republicans vote against making ivf legal in all 50 states and they kill the bill. When people show you who they are, believe them the first time. I think that is what maya angelou said and they have now had two opportunities to vote and to support ivf and in both cases the republicans have turned away from supporting women's freedoms. So that is the choice that is in front of us. Donald trump says he personally is in favor of ivf. He is also in personal control of the movements of one united states senator, j. D. Vance of ohio. He could have ordered him to vote for ivf. He did not. I believe donald trump based on his actions. I believe him when he says, you know, that he is proud of the fact that he overturned roe v. Wade and we are seeing tragic implications. Too often for politicians who are thinking about politics, these are just games being played, but it is not a game for these families who are literally trying and you have the government showing up in ways that are completely unhelpful. You one georgia statewide more than anyone in the past couple of years. You had to run a couple of times for the seat. Ken kamala harris, will kamala harris in your view when georgia? listen, the road to the white house runs through georgia. Tell us the truth. Georgia is very much in play. It is in play and i think i know a few things about winning georgia. I've done it a few times and look, this will be a tight race. It will be a tight race in georgia, but you know one of the things i learned running in georgia is that you have got to show up and kamala harris has been showing up on the ground. Not only going to metro atlanta. She went to my hometown of savannah. She went down there this weekend. She and tim walz have been to the state time and time again, which shows you they are taking georgia seriously. They know it is in play, but guess what? the other side knows it is in play, too, and maybe that is why you have bad actors that are state board of elections right now trying to create conditions where they can murky the waters. The answer to that is massive voter mobilization. People showing up to the polls. We can when georgia and i will be doing everything i can to make sure that we once again put georgia in the right column. Who do you think is the number one presidential campaign issue in georgia this year? look, people need to know that you will make their lives better. When i look at what kamala harris is doing, focusing on the cost of housing, which is a longterm, systemic issue. As i move across georgia, people talk about this. Whether they are trying to buy a house or rent an apartment. The on affordability of housing in our country. A lot of it driven by the lack of supply, so she wants to bring 3 million new homes online. I have legislation in the senate to support that effort. Folks are concerned about the cost of prescription drugs. Again, a longterm issue, but we did something about it in the inflation reduction act, which included my bill which capped the cost of insulin to $35 outofpocket for seniors. We have more drugs under that, but if donald trump is elected he wants to roll all of that back. He is more concerned about big pharma. I'm concerned, kamala harris and tim walz are concerned about normal people. And scheduled in georgia friday this week i believe. I cannot thank you enough for honoring us with starting off your discussion tonight. Good to be with you. Thank you very much. And when we come back, from georgia to montana, reproductive freedom is on the ballot. Montana senator jon tester, who is in a very difficult reelection campaign, as his reelection campaigns are always difficult in a heavily republican state, will join us next. My hand flat. Three i want a nonsurgical recovery. Four i want options nonsurgical options. And five. . . And if nonsurgical treatment isn't offered? i'll get a second opinion. Let's go! take charge of your treatment. If you can't lay your hand flat, visit findahandspecialist. Com to get started. 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Switch to comcast busines internet and mobile and find out how to get the latest 5g phone on us with a qualifying tradein. Don't wait! call, click or visit an xfinity store today. The term happy warrior was first used in american politics 100 years ago when franklin roosevelt used that term to refer to his dear friend then, al smith, the governor of new york. The term happy warrior has been applied to others over the years since then, but when i think happy warrior now, i think senator jon tester. Because of freedom. You know? if there is one thing in montana it is your love of freedom, right? you love it. You don't want a politician or a bureaucrat telling you, especially if you are a woman, what healthcare decisions you're going to make, do you? and that is why we are here. We are sure we have our freedom. Three weeks ago, a montana talk radio station reveal these comments by senator jon tester's republican opponent, tim sheehy. I find abortion to be a terrible, terrible thing. I want it all to him tomorrow. I think it is sinful, i think it is terrible, i think it is a repulsive thing to do. Last week senator tester's campaign released to this ad. I'm jon tester and i approve this message. The last thing montana women need is having the government tell us what to do with our own bodies. Tim sheehy wants to let politicians ban abortions even in montana. He wants to take away our personal freedoms. He must think he knows better than women and their doctors. I am not voting for tim sheehy. Say no to tim sheehy before our reproductive freedom is gone for good. Joining us now is the happy warrior, montana senator jon tester, running for reelection and democrats are just asking for one more miracle from you. Winning a senate seat in the republican state of montana. We are on track to do exactly that, lawrence. Look, the people in montana know me. The ones moving in over the last few years are getting to know me. They understand that i am a lifelong montanan and my wife and i get to farm the land that my grandparents homesteaded, which is an incredible honor and basically i have lived within 100 miles of where i was born my entire life. So i understand real issues. I understand issues around freedom. I understand issues around healthcare and public lands and distance and all those things that are important to montanans. The other thing i will say is this. Montana is changing and a lot of montanans don't want to see our state change. It is the greatest date in the greatest country that has ever existed. That's my opinion and i believe that in my bones, but the bottom line is that it is the greatest date because we have people in washington, d. C. Who have understood that a handshake means something and your word is your bond. That is why we will win this race. I heard your opponent say on that tape about abortion, i find abortion to be a terrible, terrible thing. I want it all to end tomorrow. That is all abortion everywhere, every state. And that is what he believes. The bottom line is, and i watched the previous segment with reverend or not, the bottom line is this is too important to have the government at any level or a judge or bureaucrat or u. S. Senator telling women what decisions they need to make. This decision should be left to the woman and her medical professionals. We need to have roe restored so women have this freedom back. Repealing roe was probably the biggest elimination of freedom in my lifetime and i will tell you i don't think that is what montanans want because we have democrats and republicans in montana, but they all love freedom. None of them want the government telling them how to live their lives. That is an interesting point about montana values and freedom. You can go back years in democratic politics especially. I can remember we had a democratic senator getting himself elected in montana. It was not easy then. Democrats running in those kinds of states stayed away from subjects like abortion. They did not want to be associated with the democratic party position on a bunch of issues which they supported in washington, but they just did not want to draw attention to it in conservative states. It seems like something changed on this subject. They repealed roe and took away women's rights to make their own health care decisions. I think it has woke up a bunch of people in the state of montana. Abortion is not a simple issue. It is an incredibly difficult decision and people have to make these decisions and my heart goes out to them. The bottom line is washington, d. C. Or state capitals or judges, they should not be making these decisions. They are too important. Truthfully only the women and her doctor know what these people are going through. Those people know what the risks are and that is where the decision should lie and i think what has changed is you are right, nobody likes to talk about abortion, but the truth is this is a freedom that has been taken away and people say that ain't right and we've got the ballot initiative. You showed a clip of the rally that we had and people are fired up about this and they are fired up because we like the old montana. We don't want to montana being changed by washington, d. C. Or someone running from out of state for the senate. We want the values we grew up with. We want montana to be the state we grew up with. One of the values you grew up with his access to public lands and how public lands are used in montana and this is unique to big, western states. This issue has nothing to do with the way people live in the coastal areas. It is about hunting and fishing and not having to be a millionaire to go to your favorite fishing hole. Being able to hike in the mountains where your cell phone doesn't work and getting away from it all. What is the voting issue on public lands? the voting issue is that public lands need to stay in public hands. My opponent said he wants to transfer it to local government or his rich buddies and the bottom line is, if that happens that changes montana in a way that devastates our state economically and with quality of life. Senator jon tester, the happy warrior. Thanks for making me feel overdressed tonight in the washington studio. Thank you very much. Good to be with you. One other thing, jontester. Com. Go to that website. Don't put a h and help me out. Jon tester. Coming up, donald trump went to the birthplace of the american auto industry last night and lied about the auto industry. The president of the united auto workers, shawn fain, will join us next. Prescribed hiv treatment, biktarvy. 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And for adults with type 2 diabetes and known heart disease, jardiance can lower the risk of cardiovascular death, too. Serious side effects may include ketoacidosis that may be fatal, dehydration that can lead to sudden worsening of kidney function, and genital yeast or urinary tract infections. A rare, lifethreatening bacterial infection in the skin of the perineum could occur. Stop taking jardiance and call your doctor right away if you have symptoms of this infection, ketoacidosis, or an allergic reaction. You may have an increased risk for lower limb loss. Call your doctor right away if you have symptoms of infection in your legs or feet. Taking jardiance with a sulfonylurea or insulin may cause low blood sugar. ♪♪ jardiance is really swell ♪♪ ♪♪ the little pill with a big story to tell! ♪♪ donald trump was in flint, michigan last night where he lied to a room full of voters including some united auto workers in that room. Here is a portion of donald trump's nine minute incoherent ramble after he was asked by a united auto workers member about auto manufacturing in michigan. My question to you, sir, is what do you see as the major threats to the future of michigan manufacturing auto working jobs and what will you do to eliminate those threats, sir? okay i will get into another little bit of a long answer because when you say major threat, to me we have one major threat. That is called nuclear weapons. We have other countries that are hostile to us. They don't have to be hostile to us. They always say if you have a smart president you will never have a problem with china, russia, or any of them, okay? joining us now is shawn fain, president of the united auto workers. So do you have a plan to defend against the threat of nuclear war to the auto industry? we have to defend the true enemy of auto workers in michigan and that is corporate greed. Donald trump showed through whatever you call that townhall that he has no clue what autoworkers or any workingclass people in this country, the reality they are living. The biggest threat to flint, michigan, we've seen it play out in the last 40 years. There used to be 300,000 autoworkers and now there are thousands left and it is due to one thing, corporate greed and a race to the bottom over decades and donald trump does not get it. He's never going to get it because he does not care about workers and it is a sick and twisted irony that donald trump even chose to visit flint, michigan. A city that has been devastated by corporate greed, which donald trump serves the interest of that 1% and even more sickening is the fact that the residents of flint, michigan were poisoned by republican leadership in the state of michigan not too long ago. So you know it is sad, but it is just a testament to who he is and what he represents. He doesn't care about working class people, he never has and he never will. I've said it before and i will say it until donald trump loses, trump is all talk. Kamala harris walks the walk and we know who is on our side. Donald trump said something in an interview with elon musk on twitter that is the kind of thing you would expect to get on surreptitiously recorded audio. It is about firing strikers and i just want to listen to that, let's listen to that now. I look at what you do. You want to quit? i won't mention the name of the company, but they go on strike and you say that's okay, you are all gone, you are all gone. Everyone of you is gone. So there he is cheering on firing striking workers and yet today the teamsters union decided that they could not decide who to endorse in this presidential campaign. You did not have any struggle with that question. It is a simple equation for us and a really simple question to answer for us. This is a which side are you on moment for workingclass people in this country and it is very clear where donald trump stands and where kamala harris stands. You know, let's talk about donald trump. He was president. Where was he and what did he do when he was president? when factories were closing and workers were being left behind he was missing in action. He did nothing to stop it and where are all of the manufacturing jobs and industrial plan that donald trump enacted when he was president? i will give you a clue, there wasn't one, but we look at kamala harris and the body of work of the harris and biden administration. After they dealt with the wreckage of trump's massive failure to act during a pandemic they came up with the american rescue plan which saved hundreds of thousands of pensions. They came up with the industrial recovery act, inflation reduction act, i'm sorry, and also the chips act and they actually came up with an industrial plan. As we speak there are over 30 plants, manufacturing plants in the united states that are being planned, that have been built or are being built. That is the biggest industrial plan we have ever seen in my lifetime. So it goes back to that, you know? trump is all talk and kamala harris has done the work, so we know who stands with us and you look at the teamsters situation. I don't speak for their leadership, but we've done the numbers going back to 2008 and when you look at union households and workingclass people, it has been very consistent with unions, union workers. 65% typically vote democrat. 32% vote republican and you know when you look at all of the teamster councils that came out today, endorsing harris and biden, i'm sorry, harriswalz. You look in michigan, 245,000 active and retired workers have endorsed harris and walls. Look at nevada, the council out there, i think it is counsel 42. 300,000 members endorsed harris and walls. Look at new york, the largest local endorsed harriswalz. Look at pennsylvania, western pennsylvania counsel, philadelphia, they all endorsed harriswalz. I believe the numbers are really accurate with where we stand and we've just got to do the work and i believe that is going to happen. Workingclass people are tired of being left behind and donald trump is not the answer to our problems. United auto workers president shawn fain, thank you so much for joining our discussion tonight. Thanks for having me. Thank you. There have only been 141 winners of the nobel peace prize and i am honored to have a new member of that very exclusive club join us next. N. But did you know prevagen can help keep your memory sharp? the secret is the powerful ingredient, apoaequorin, originally discovered in jellyfish and found only in prevagen. In a clinical study, in subgroups of individuals who were cognitively normal or mildly impaired. Stay sharp and improve your memory with prevagen. Prevagen. 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Serious side effects include heart problems, increased risk of thrush or infections. Welcome to the modern age of dualaction asthma rescue. Ask your doctor if airsupra is right for you. There have been only 141 nobel peace prize laureates since 1901. This exclusive group includes nelson mandela, mother teresa, and the founder of the international red cross, along with four american presidents. In 2022, 10 months after vladimir putin invaded ukraine, the nobel peace prize was awarded to the center for civil liberties. The citation says after russia's attack on ukraine in february, 2022, the center concentrated on documenting war crimes against the population perpetrated by russian soldiers in the occupied areas. This work was carried out in cooperation with bodies such as the international criminal court. The organization also engaged in important efforts to document forced relocation of civilians from occupied areas of ukraine to russia. Joining us now is a ukrainian human rights lawyer, the head of the center for civil liberties, which won the nobel prize in 2022. Thank you so much for joining us tonight. Thank you for the invitation. It is fascinating to see the nobel committee giving the peace prize and in the middle of a war, but they are giving it to someone who is documenting the crimes of the war. It is really absurd to receive nobel peace prize during the war, but there is a clear reason for this, because all of this help in ukraine it is a result of total impunity russia enjoyed for decades, committing horrible crimes in chechnya, moldova, georgia, libya, syria, other countries of the world. Russians have never been punished. They believe they can do whatever they want and that is why we document war crimes. We want to break the circle of impunity. You mentioned that and i realize you had to know before russia fired the first shot that if they did that they would follow it with war crimes, because that is their pattern before they ever mounted this version of the war in ukraine. Sure, it is like a common logic. If you want to prevent war in the future, you have to punish the states and their leaders who start such wars in the present. In the whole history of humankind we have only once had such a precedent. It was the nuremberg trials where war criminals were tried only after the regime collapsed, so now we are working on establishing a special tribunal because we live in a new century. We must look further. Justice must be independent of when and how the world we cannot wait. Do you feel that your work is a document for history or a document for the present and the achievement of justice or is it all of those things? our work is a work in the human dimension, because when you have sharp geopolitical debates about the war the war turned people into numbers, so what we are literally doing, we are returning people their names and you are totally right, justice for the past or the future. Justice has a huge strategic impact to the present because if even part of russians start to have a doubt that probably this time they will not avoid responsibility, this doubt converted into an effort to decrease brutality of russian war crimes and this means that we can save thousands, thousands and thousands of lives. Thank you so much for being here tonight and thank you for the work you are doing. Thanks. We will be right back. How do i keep my protection against covid19 up to date? with a covid shot this season. 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Working together, we're building a better future for the city we all love. Ad paid for by reelect mayor london breed 2024. Financial disclosures are available at sfethics. Org. Nobel peace prize winner gets tonight's last word. The 11th hour with stephanie ruhle starts now. Tonight, vice president harris urges voters to reject trump's plan for mass deportations while the former president claims the nation is under siege from immigrants. Then weeks ahead of election

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Check , Crohn S Disease , Globe , Ulcerative Colitis , Tnf Blocker , Remicade , Humira , Damage , Remission , Doctor Saw Damage , Flares , Intestinal Lining , Fatal , Symptom Relief , Put Uc And Crohn S , Gastroenterologist , Action Hero , Music , Payroll , Paycom , Employees , Competition , Neither , Big Day , Albuterol Asthma Rescue Inhaler , Inflammation , Bit , Dinosaur , Vo , Rescue Inhaler , Rescue , Airsupra , Asthma Attacks , Asthma Experts , Both , Maintenance Treatment , Fda , Heart Problems , Asthma Rescue , Age , Thrush , Group , Founder , Nelson Mandela , Mother Teresa , International Red Cross , 1901 , Center , Ukraine , Presidents , Civil Liberties , War Crimes , Attack , Soldiers , Population , Citation , Center Concentrated , February 2022 , Efforts , International Criminal Court , Cooperation , Relocation , Organization , Civilians , Head , Human Rights Lawyer , Invitation , Nobel Prize , Crimes , Nobel Committee , Peace , Middle , Prize , Russians , Chechnya , Syria 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Propublica , Amber Nicole , Nicole Thurman , W. Bush , Court And Donald , Amy Coney Barrett , Coney Barrett , Court Decision , Child Abuse , S Baby , Rape Baby , Amber Thurman , Georgia Department , Mortality Review Committee , Review Committee , George W. Bush , Propublica Today , Diabetes And Hypertension , Georgia And Police , Mother Exception , States Abortion Ban , Trump And George , Bigotry And Hate , Trump Abortion , Tsa Line , Ban Coverage , Home State , Year Prison Sentence , Patients Room , States Government , Mass Killing , Senate Floor , Sple Practice , States Senator , J. D. Vance , D. Vance , Ken Kamala Harris , T Walz , Campaign Issue , Reduction Act , Discussion Tonight , Montana Senator Jon Tester , Montana Senator Jon , Treatment Isnt , Visit Findahandspecialist , Domino Effect Parodontax , Effect Parodontax , Gum Repair Breath , Repair Breath Freshener , Itch And Rash , Itch Relief , Lymphoma And Skin , Heart Disease Risk , Disease Risk Factor , Risk Factor , Itch Rash , Muscle And Bone , Absorption Magnesium , Pain And Swelling , Doctor Or Pharmacist , Pfizer Vaccine , Estate Office , Comcast Business , Business Mobile , Wireless Bill , Busines Internet , Internet And Mobile , Qualifying Tradein , Xfinity Store Today , Store Today , Montana Talk Radio , Radio Station , Senator Jon , T Sheehy , H Tomorrow , Week Senator , Testers Campaign , Im Jon Tester , Politicians Ban , Senate Seat , D. C , Judge Or Bureaucrat , U. S. Senator , S. Senator , Party Position , Health Care , D. C. Or State , D. C. Or , C. Or State , Or State , D. C. Or Someone , C. Or Someone , Or Someone , Hunting And Fishing , Cell Phone , Changes Montana , Washington Studio , Hiv Treatment , Onceaday Treatment , Acid And Liver , Dofetilide Or Rifampin , Kidney Or Liver , Healthcare Provider Today , Provider Today , Dads Razor , Shaving Experience , Lifethreatening Condition , Neck And Injection , Injection Site Pain , Site Pain , Muscle Or Nerve , Days Staaart , A1c Jardiance , Lb Loss , Sulfonylurea Or Insulin , Workers Member , Manufacturing Auto , Harris And Biden , Biden Administration , Recovery Act , Vote Democrat , Vote Republican , Pennsylvania Counsel , United Auto , Workers President , Peace Prize , Febreze Man , Febreze Air Mist , La La La La La , La La La La , La La La , La La La La Citis , La La La Citis , La La Citis , La Citis , Citis Industry , Food Programme , Crohns Disease , Humira Or Remicade , Steroidfree Remission , Rapid Symptom , Daughters Competition , Albuterol Asthma Rescue , Asthma Rescue Inhaler , Dualaction Rescue Inhaler , Dualaction Asthma Rescue , President S , Russias Attack , Rights Lawyer , Punity Russia , Provider And Book , Addition Housing , Financial Disclosures , Nobel Peace , Peace Prize Winner , Prize Winner ,

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