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Tonight, Donald Trump is doing it again. Trump says when i win, the people who cheated will be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law. Tonight, republican nominees plan to undermine a free and fair election. New evidence of of Post Debate Polling for Democrats Plus michigan republican Gretchen Whitmer on the fight for her state. What is the leader On Fertilization allow his party to drop protections on ivf . All and starts right now. And s we are in the stretch of the campaign. Everyone is obsessing over swing stale polling. We dont elect our president s by a popular vote in the country. We have a frankly undemocrattic system. Reality of how american elections for president worked for than 230 years. Thats how it works. Thats one of the sort of Ground Truths of this election. The other Ground Truth that defines this election is that s one of the two candidates has shown us and told us he will not commit to a peaceful transfer of power. Harris Walz Campaign is i thinki it is fair to say running uphill. The only option for Kamala Harris and democrats and the pro Democracy Collision popular Front Use democratic means to save democracy. If they win, they can and should strongly defend that victory in court. If they lose which is a real possibility, they must peacefully transfer power. Thats the way it works. Those are the only options on the table. Look at the results. We have had eight president ial national elections, the democratic candidate won the popular vote every time except one. They got three terms in office. 2,000, 2004 and 2016. Not to mention a super majority in the Supreme Court. The republican party was only able to build a true national majority once but held the highest office in the land 12 years. It is a pretty sweet deal. Lets look at the last two elections. In 2016, nearly 3 Million more americans voted for Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump. Thanks to Electoral College he became president. In 2020, Joe Biden won with a popular margin of over 7 Million votes. The Electoral College is the plus few handicap. If she is able to mobilize that. In the polarized country is tough right . And win the right Swing States to Cur 270 electoral votes, what we know is Kamala Harris will have to deal with a full Scale Maga republican effort to overthrow the election. The second time in two cycles. Donald trump Will Rerun his Play Book from 2020. He will attempt to use the courts and manipulate State Lawmakers and Election County boards and Election Officials and member of congress. He will target Election Officials. He hewill rail up his supporter and lets be honest, likely urge them in his own coded not so coded way to violence. He is already doing this right now. Every day. It is not news anymore. But every day he is doing it. Listen to how he tells his supporters not to trust the outcome of the election in an interview with a right Wing Conspiracy Theorist yesterday. What we dont have confidence in is how do we stop a rigged election . How do you stop ballots, the democrats will try to get these oversea ballots. Who trusts them . How do you trust this system . And how do we stop Voter Fraud . I dont trust the system. They are horrible cheaters. They were in the last election and probably in 2016. Okay, just to be clear, the Postal Service didnt endorse Kamala Harris. Yeah, lots of americans live overseas including Tens Of Thousands of active service members. They should probably be allowed to vote. Trump followed up with a social Media Post saying quote when i win, those people who have been cheated will receive long Term Prison sentences. This is almost like Copy And Paste at this point. He does it all the time. Promising those involved in unscrupulous behavior will be sought out. That comes the day after Election Officials in several states received suspicious substances. Election officials were targeted with the packages that contained a white powder. The Return Address identified the u. S. Trader elimination army. Thankfully, there are no reports of injuries and the substances appear to be non harmful but the envelopes caused some of the offices to be evacuated. Fbi is investigating and working with the postal Inspection Service to intercept any additional letters before they are delivered. We learned the office of the secretary of state Of Colorado who i will speak to in a moment received a similar package containing the white powder today. Thats under investigation by the fbi. The colorado state patrol. So, 49 days left before the election. Donald Trump Day in. Day out. It is happening every day. Spreading Menace And Fear undermining the foundational structures of democratic elections. Making sure his supporters will only believe the election is fair if he wins. You would rightly think thats a country where democracy was under very acute and dire threats. Just not okay. The only way is through democratic means. By joining with our fellow citizens to build a mayorty big enough to win this campaign and preserve our democratic birthright. The Colorado Secretary of state is the head of secretaries of state. Received one of those threatening packages contains a suspicious substance and she joins me now. Secretary, first of all im sorry that happened to you. If you rrcan give us any update on what happened and how you learned of it. Well, first off, chris, thank you for having me on. And thank you for showcasing the continued threat on democracy. So we are the seventh public state to have received the mailing that contained a white powder. The tepowder was harmless. But to Context Chillize this, these mailings were sent to multiple states last november and contained a powder laced with fentanyl. So we do take mailings like this as a threat. We discovered this letter re today. And acted quickly so it never actually got to our office. It was intercepted prior. But i would say you rightly mentioned Donald Trump once again decided to threaten Election Officials again today. But he also did last week or so. And these threats come on the heels of once again, Donald Trump threatening Election Officials. Who are just republicans, democrats, and unaffiliated doing their civic duty to uphold the elections. It is striking that list of states. The way the math works in the state of wyoming. What that states political leaning is. Just kind of a sample. I doubt it is a bunch of hard core libs occupying every corner of the election. To your point. You pin the blame here, you tweeted that Donald Trump is a liar. We have great elections, trump is a threat to our democracy. You understandably pin the blame for the threat on him. We dont know who sent the powder and they may not be who they appear to be. But how much Cause And Effect do you see between what is coming specifically from trump and what shows up in terms of what happens to Election Officials in your state and in the secretaries of state you talked to around the country . Donald trump knows exactly what he is doing. When he posts information about Election Officials, specific secretary of states, judges, juries, he knows what he is doing. To your point. He doesnt need to say Go Attack and threaten these people. Its clear enough that is what his intention is. And frankly, if he didnt know what he was doing initially, he does by now. Because this is a pattern. His threats have taken a real effect. This 2020, colorado has seen a huge turnover in County Election officials who have stepped down because of the threat environment. We are seeing that all across the nation. But on top of that, at The End of the day, Donald Trump walks the line of skirting accountability. But Election Officials or anybody who is standing up for democracy that. Cos in his cross hairs i think need to speak out and pursue prosecution. So i hope the Fbi And Law enforcement investigating these letters and any threats coming to Election Officials need to be taken very seriously. I would urge prosecution. At The End of the day, we need election to be safe and secure and if Election Officials are afraid to do our jobs, thats a major problem for our democracy. More than that, no one should be threatened for simply doing their job. There is reporting in the Associated Press about these threats. Across the country. Local Election Directors are beefing up security. To keep their workers and Polling Places safe to ensure ballots will not be tampered with. How much effort is going into this given the environment that has been created across your state and other states . A tremendous amount of effort. And the planning to safeguard and fortify our elections did not just start this month. It has been ongoing since 2020. Take colorado for example. We are the Nations Gold Standard of elections. And in part, it is because we are continuing to innovate. I led a new law making it a felony to be a fake elector. We led new laws on ai and deep fakes. Out lawed guns at polling locations. Made it a T Felony to compromis voting equipment. So we are seeing these new threats and acting very quickly in colorado. At The End of the day, states need to do what they can to tighten procedures. But at The End of the day, democracy will be saved through democratic institutions. Americans at The End of the day have all the power in their hands to safeguard the future of this nation at the Ballot Box in november. Jena griswold who just gave birth to a little boy. Thats amazing news. Yes, three or four weeks ago, so in the just today. But mario and i, my husband, we are happy to welcome our new Son Luka Andres to the world. What a great name. Hope you get some time off. Appreciate it secretary of state. Thank you, you too. Coming up, the Kamala Harris Post Debate Bump is real and we have the numbers to prove it. Ill break down the latest polls next. Down the latest polls next. Have you ever considered getting a walkin tub . Well, look no further Safe Steps best offer, just got better now, when you purchase your brand new Safe Step walkin tub, youll receive a free Shower Package. Yes, a free Shower Package and if you call today, youll also receive 15 off your entire order. Now you can enjoy the best of both worlds the therapeutic benefits of a warm, soothing bath that can help increase mobility, relieve pain, boost energy, and even improve sleep or, if you prefer, you can take a refreshing shower. Allinone Product Call now to receive a free Shower Package Plus 15 off your brand new Safe Step walkin tub. Introducing a revolution in Pain Relief. Absorbine junior pro, the strongest numbing Pain Relief available. Its the only solution with two Max Strength anesthetics for fast penetrating Relief Absorbine junior pro. Nothing numbs pain more. We are a week out from the debate. Probably the only president ial debate of this cycle between the two candidates. It happened one week ago today. And you arent insane. It was what you thought it was. Kamala harris sounded like a sharp prepared supremely confident individual and Donald Trumps performance was disastrous. The biggest lingering question, would the performance actually resonate with voters . Now we finally have enough data to say yeah it did. Vice president Kamala Harris is up six points nationally. If you look at polling aggregate, her lead is up to four points nationwide. A new Suffolk Poll shows harris leading by three in pennsylvania which is within the margin of error but better than what she had before the debate. I still think it will be a really close race. At the very least i would say, based on the data we have now, a week out, the polls do confirm that yes, the laws of political gravity do still sort of exist. Margie, as someone you works in polling if that is your read. Theres a ton of polls. This stuff can be difficult to parse. But the debate was a win for harris. Surely the debate was a win. Polls taken at the time. The coverage people were absorbing all point toward a harris win. That doesnt mean these small differences in Polling Averages mean something really massive that will last until election day. I want folks to take caution. This is not a big movement in polling. There may be some shifts and may not be some shifts. Let me ask you this. Kamala harris had high expectations and exceeded them. She was today before the National Association Of Black Journalists and did a long interview with journalists on stage. It seems to me that in those settings she has performed incredibly well. Should the campaign think about her doing more of that . I think she had a robust conversation with the National Association Of Black Journalists and the campaign should and likely is thinking about ways that she can both speak to journalists and have this robust conversation as well as the american people. She was able to hold her own. She said it at the conversation that she wants to earn peoples vote. She is not taking anything for granted the Mind Set of Vice President harris is that we hear the calls but we are not going to pay attention to them. We will continue to go out and earn these votes. And they will continue to have these strategic conversations in front of journalists and the american people to get to know her. One of the things that makes this race difficult to read, the Swing States are insanely close. There is a national popular Polling Lead but it is only two or three points which wasnt enough in 2016. Then there is the question of Polling Error. And you know, obviously, in 2020, there was a big Polling Error that masked higher levels of republican support. In 2022, it went the other direction. This is nate cohen writing about this. If polls errorred as they do in 2020, trump would sweep the battleground. Conversely, harris would win big. It is also possible they cancel out and the polls will have their best year in a decade. All this to say we just dont know. But the fact we have had Polling Error go into two different directions in two back to back elections makes it even more confounding. Yeah. It is over time, we have collectively spent a lot of time talking and discussing polling in terms of coverage. Backseat when i got into the business, there was no such thing as data journalism. It was a completely different thing. Somebody once said and this i think still rings true that polling is something that is designed to measure pounds but we look at it to measure ounces. We wanted to show a Decimal Point and say this will happen. But people are saying what they think they will do. They dont know if they will vote at all let alone who they will vote for. There are different types of voting across the State And Voter files and ways to reach people. Plus, you have the increase of texts, Cell Phone calls and online. There are a lot of complications to polling and each Election Cycle it gets more and more complicated to reach people. So that is why it is important to think of this as a tight race. Where undecided voters watching the debate are viewing it through the lens of their own partisanship. This is about making sure people who are maybe a little less motivated to vote are reminded to go vote. And make sure people feel included. The North Carolina ballots will go out on the 25th. We are moving from, to the get people to vote that you are pretty sure will vote for your Candidate Phase of this. Today is national Voter Registration day. Part of being vote ready is to know which candidate to vote for. Which is why the Harris Campaign has so many grounds to cover. Talking to voters. The polls got wrong the 2022 midterms. Around abortion being a top issue. But the reality is one in three women live in a state with an abortion ban. Black men, Vice President harris talked about the Polling Shift in black men and how she is going to engage them. So the campaign is getting Folks Vote ready. While the polls show us indications we should watch out for. Thank you both. Still to come, Donald Trump is in Michigan Tonight hoping to flip that state back and the governor of that state Gretchen Whitmer joins me next. Retchen whitmer joins me next. Yuck. No wonder you hate cleaning your gutters. Good thing theres leaffilter. 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The state is one of the most successful areas of democratic resurgence in the maga area. It is still absolutely neck in neck with recent polls showing what is essentially a dead even race between Donald Trump and Vice President Kamala Harris. The michigan governor has been a big part of the party. She joins me. Governor, great to have you on the program. Thanks chris. Good to be with you. I will start with a general Vibe Check about the state of michigan. How you feel the campaign is going in that state . You have the president ial election, but there is a crucial senate seat. How are things going . Im optimistic but im sober. The whole time i have been on the political scene, elections are close here. We cannot make any assumptions. Im proud to be a cochair of Harris Campaign. She lived a life like most in michigan. She was not handed a huge inheritance. Worked her way through school and dedicated her life to public service. But it will be a close race. I saw a question about manufacturing in your state. The question was to former President Trump about what the biggest threat to manufacturing was, he answered nuclear weapons and went on a tangent. I didnt quite get it. Nuclear is a threat to everything. So yeah. Sure. My question is about manufacturing in your state. If you look at the data, there is more Growth And Manufacturing investment in Factory Construction than we have seen in a generation. Is that tangible in the state . It is tangible. You can see it. You can see what has happened because of the Biden Harris Administration. The work they did on the chips act. On shoring of Supply Chains that were sot critical to our manufacturing base. We are doing a lot of it here in michigan and we are out competing the world when it comes to clips, clean energy, batteries, et cetera. This is all thanks to the Biden Harris Administration which got it done. Donald trump, i dont know why he is talking nuclear weapons when it comes to manufacturing. Yeah, maybe he is talking defense sector. I Cant Figure it out. But at The End of the day we know how to get things done. We are the heart of manufacturing in this country. And those are good paying jobs. I want to ask something i talked about with jena griswold. Your state has seen attempts to subvert the election. Bullying Election Officials. There was a plot specifically against you. And your life. There are attempts to get fake electors. What is it mean for your state that the X President the threatening prosecution. And how confident are you about the integrity of the system you have in michigan . Same old line from the same old guy. He runs on grievance. He offers nothing to make michiganers lives better. Kamala harris is focusing on putting more money back in americans pockets. When you listen to the words Donald Trump says. They dont make a lot of sense and are never focused on the american people and making your life better. Kamala harris has dedicated her life to public service. Ensure we have good paying jobs and that more people can get into them because we have the skills they need without a lifetime of debt that comes with it. So i feel good about that. But i feel his rhetoric is dangerous. I have been calling for people to lower the temperature on rhetoric for years. We have to all stand against this. This ugliness that has become a regular part of political campaigns where people threaten their political opponents. And can threaten their lives at the same time. It is unacceptable. You took over in 2019. As the new governor, you had to deal with covid. Both the public health aspects of that. The politics of it. The economic aspects of it and the aftermath of it. What did you learn about the trajectory and are you optimistic that we as a country have learned something the last five years . I am optimistic. People asked me that question. How do you stay optimistic . With 28 recall attempts and historic Flooding And Attempt to kidnap and kill you . Why do want to keep doing this . There are good things i learned in my life that keep me focused and centered. I am optimistic but i am sober. There is no question this will be a tight election. Our ability to ensure our kids have a climate that will sustain their lives and livelihoods for generations to come. So im optimistic but sober and thats why im doing the work. Michigan governor Gretchen Whitmer, thank you so much for making time for us tonight. Thank you. Still to come, Donald Trump claims to be the leader On Fertilization . Why did he allow his party to kill a bill protecting ivf . Just today, again . Thats ahead. Ecting ivf . Just today, again . Thats ahead. Announcer what if you could whiten your teeth by simply brushing your teeth . 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So now im always smiling or cheesing because now my teeth are much wither. Announcer this offer is not available in stores, so call or click now before the special buy one, get one free offer goes away. Congress is considering boosting funding for the secret service. Members of both parties want to make sure the protective service has the resources it need to do its job. That comes two days after members of Donald Trumps secret Service Detail spotted an armed man in a Tree Line where trump was golfing. An agent opened fire on the suspect. The man was later apprehended. The suspect, a selfproclaimed former Trump Supporter arraigned in a courtroom on federal gun charges. The fbi says he also has numerous previous charges including for illegal guns. An Assassination Front appears to have been prevented by the secret Service Detail. That stands in contrast of failures in butler, pennsylvania. Killing a spectator. And injuring three. Kamala harris and Joe Biden had loud clear statements against the violence. They were hardly alone. The vast majority of americans understand that political violence is wrong on its own and also toxic to democracy. There had been i thought a broad consensus on this. It seems clear political violence is becoming more common place in the u. S. Recently. Before the attempts against trump, the January 6th insurrection was the most explicit example. There have been racially motivated mass shootings and threats against teachers, libraries. We told you earlier, the fbi is threatening packages. Government builtings have seen bomb threats. They doubled down on malicious lies about the haitian community there. Kamala harris spoke with the National Association Of Black Journalists. Standing behind the seal of the president of the united states of america. Engaging in that hateful rhetoric that as usual is designs to divide us as a country. And yet, hear what harris opponent just last weekend said. Under Kamala Harris, and the communist left, our country is under invasion. We are under invasion just like there was an army. Except in many ways it is more difficult because they dont wear a uniform. You dont know who the hell to go after. They will take away your guns. You saw that. She will take away your guns. Would anybody like to give up their guns . She is a marxist communist fascist. Can you believe i have to say this . We are going to liberate parts of our country. I will protect our country. She will surrender our country. She has already let in 21 Million people. If she gets four more years, our country will be obliterated the countrys political history is complicated. But they have totally condemned political violence as a tool. The Trump Maga Coalition candidates are doing something else entirely. Doing something else entirely. Everybody wants super straight, super white teeth. 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They know that. Everybody else knows that. I have been a liter On Fertilization, ivf. Everyone who pays attention to the issue of Reproductive Rights knows that trumps party is mobilizing against it. It was trumps hand picked Maga Supreme Court that paved the way for ivf to be threatened in the first place as it was in alabama. When that court overturned roe v. Way. There is a way to fix this problem. You can pass a law in congress protecting access to ivf. It is something democrats have been trying to do all year. In fact, today the senate once again took a vote on protecting invitro fertilization. He was nowhere to be found and the measure was rejected by all but two republicans. Senator Jd Vance Of Ohio who was so committed to this issue didnt even bother to show up to vote. Talked about federal support. Mandating insurance companies. Nothing changed. Chris thanks for having me. And nothing changed. As we heard the same tired old stories. The concepts of his plans for the american people here. They had an opportunity to actually put actions behind their words. The leaders lead. He didnt say a word to communicate his views or direction he would give to republican senators. And we ended up in the exact same place that the american people were before. With their rights and freedoms to make decisions about their own bodies to expand their families. It is shameful. One of the things a little gaslighty about this whole thing is republicans say we love ivf. But there is nothing here. The Reality Underneath that, im curious, there is a large faction of the republican party who believes a fertilized egg is a person with the full rights under the constitution. And that is as bad as killing a person. And the whole process is wrong and should be made illegal. Those people exist and they do wield power in the republican party which seems to be the reason you are getting these no votes unless im misreading the situation. You are reading it exactly right. That is how the Alabama Legislature wound up in a position to protect it in their state laws. Because their state Supreme Court has that exact interpretation because of laws passed years prior. Doing that exact thing saying killing a fertilized embryo was consistent with murder. They have painted this picture so they have gone down this road of defying the american Peoples Ability to make decisions about their body for decades. Now, the emperor has no clothes. It is truly clear their intentions. There is no turning back. They tried to hide, bend, and Shape Shift every position in every Opportunity And Today in the united states senate, they had the opportunity to make it clear to the american people that they stand with them and advance their families and we know exactly what they believe. You have known Vice President Kamala Harris a long time. You know her very well. Both as a politician and as a person. Im curious as someone who has known her a long time, what do you make of all this . So far, doing that. What do you think . If this were an olympic game, she would be sticking the landing. She is doing outstanding and im not surprised. I have seen her leadership up close and personal and good times and in bad. Making decisions every single day on behalf of the american people. It is and im not surprised. It is exactly who she is. And she has been that way, Fearless Fighter for the people her entire career. It does my heart proud. For the american people to get to know her in the way many of us have known her for a long time speaks to the kind of leadership that our country needs in this moment. And for all of those kamala curious voters out there, she is doing a great job. Extending an invitation to build a new way forward for this country and unite us as a people. And im proud to be able to do it with her. Thank you very much for your time tonight. Appreciate it. Thanks. Thats all in on this tuesday night. Alex wagner starts now. Sticking the landing. Yeah. Much like Vice President harris. We all perform in different ways. We all have our lanes. Really stuck it tonight. Ur lan really stuck it tonight. Different ways we all have our lane. Really stuck with it tonight now weve gone 20 second

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