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Plus, another weekend, another threat from News/donald-trump'>Donald Trump to jail his political opponents if he wins in november. And also today, News/andrew-wiseman'>Andrew Wiseman is here to talk about News/judge-measure'>Judge Measure mechans decision. Okay, everyone. Here we go. We are 58 days officially out from the election. We are two days out from the first debate between News/kamala-harris'>Kamala Harris and News/donald-trump'>Donald Trump. And as if we needed any more evidence of just how important that first News/facetoface-meeting'>Facetoface Meeting could be, weve got plenty more in just the past few hours this morning. A News/brand-new'>Brand New poll from the News/new-york-times'>New York Times out just this morning, shows the race virtually tied. Not a huge surprise. As weve said many times on the show, national polls dont matter. Weve also got News/brand-new'>Brand New News/head-tohead'>Head Tohead polls in some News/battleground-states'>Battleground States as well. Here they are from cbs News. Michigan, harris up 5149. Pennsylvania, tied. Wisconsin, harris up 5149. All within the margin of error. Look, News/kamala-harris'>Kamala Harris had an incredible summer. Incredible. No one should deny that, and momentum has brought so many democrats and democratic leading momentum back onboard. That is all incredibly important. But guys, this race is going to be really tight. Its tight right now. It was always going to be. Which makes the stakes on tuesday pretty high. Its also an opportunity for harris. Ill talk about that. When News/harris-and-trump'>Harris And Trump walk out on that stage, its going to be the first time theyll ever actually meet in person. I know. When i heard that, it kind of bends the mind, especially when you remember a big reason they havent met is because trump didnt show up to the peaceful transition of power after he wrapped up his attempted coup. But when they do finally meet and debate again in just two days, there are going to be so many things to watch out for. Heres some of them. First, how harris responds to trumps attacks. We know hes going to attack her. Of course, he is. We know many of his attacks will be false, racist, sexist, all of the things. This is his seventh time on a national News/debate-stage'>Debate Stage. We certainly know how all of this goes. What will she do in response . Remember, we did get a little bit of a hint in her first sit down interview since becoming a nominee. He suggested that you happened to turn black recently for political purposes. Questioning, a News/core-part'>Core Part of your identity. Yeah. And the same old tired playbook. Next question, please. Thats it . Thats it. I mean, i love that response. It also fitting into the smart strategy of kind of shrugging him off and barely giving him the time of day, probably making him completely insane. Its also part of making trump small, not building him up as this giant insurmountable guy. Its also different when the guy youre belittling is standing next to you on the News/debate-stage'>Debate Stage, but if theres one News/thing-weve'>Thing Weve learned, its that cutting trump down to size gets under his skin. That is a very powerful tool. People who already like News/kamala-harris'>Kamala Harris will love that. Will love those moments when she does that. It will trend everywhere. But remember, she needs to do more than she needs to gain. She needs more than her current level of support in order to win the election. And right now, people still want to know more about her. According to that News/new-york-times'>New York Times poll i referenced out this morning, 28 of likely voters say they needed to know more about harris. Thats a huge opportunity for her. It means she cant just cut trump down into the debate, thats appealing to some people. Its not going to be appealing to people she needs to win over. She also needs to lean into her voters. Bringing more people onboard. Part of that is presenting herself as the candidate who will bring about change. According to that same News/new-york-times'>New York Times poll, 25 say harris represents change, while more than 50 say trump does. That doesnt mean shes got to run away from all that shes accomplished in the biden harris. Showing that she represents something new, even something joyful, joyful is a good thing. While the other guy is just an old, confused, negative dog with no new tricks. To that point, heres what News/james-carville'>James Carville wrote just this week. Throughout my nearly 40 years in the News/campaign-war'>Campaign War rooms, through every News/election-loss'>Election Loss and victory, News/one-thing-remains'>One Thing Remains consist ent. Basically, everybody wants change. Harris has a big opportunity, a big one on News/tuesday-night'>Tuesday Night to show the american people that she is that next chapter, which she said yesterday in pittsburgh, is her goal for this debate. Whats the one thing you want to really get across to him . Well, theres a lot. But look, its time to turn the page on the divisiveness. Its time to bring our country together. Chart a new way forward. And for anyone paying close attention was probably watching right now, i think its safe to say the contrast between those two candidates is already quite clear. Were going to do fine. Were all in this together. I never met her and never touched her. Im here in pittsburgh here and i just admire your work. I look at a woman and i start grabbing her and kissing her and making out with her. Whats the chances of that happening . Please, deliver a message to your teacher. Youre going to say the News/vice-president'>Vice President asked me to deliver this message. Heres the message. Thank you for being a teacher. Frankly, i know youre going to say its a terrible thing to say, but it couldnt have happened. It didnt happen. And she would not have been the chosen one. I mean harris lifts up and supports women, while trump lashes out at them and says all those creepy things he just said. She also vows to fight for the working people, while trump is fighting for himself. She represents the future, he represents the past. She is the News/prosecutor-and-trump'>Prosecutor And Trump is the convicted felon. That choice is it. It also needs to be made News/crystal-clear'>Crystal Clear on News/tuesday-night'>Tuesday Night. Two candidates literally standing News/side-by'>Side By side on a News/debate-stage'>Debate Stage. There are very few people who know what its like to run a president ial campaign during the gauntlet, and even fewer know how to win. Thank you for being with me this morning, News/james-carville'>James Carville. Thank you for being with me. You wrote this very compelling piece for the News/new-york-times'>New York Times and you wrote in there, that there are quote, i quoted from it already in the show, there are three imperatives for News/kamala-harris'>Kamala Harris if she wants to win in november. One is to help trump hurt himself in the debate, which sounds to me like, get under his skin so he says, or does something crazy. Tell us more about that. It certainly means that, and it certainly means contrast with him. This is him, this is me. I think you made the money point. People know who News/trump-and-harris'>Trump And Harris is. People know what trump is. They dont yet know what News/vice-president'>Vice President harris is. If she can successfully fill out the what, she has some upside here. Some real upside, and i think thats very important. She can gain more or lose more. Trumps going to be at 48, No Matter What he does. She can either be at 52 or 46. Its kind of a choice. By the way, jen, i never try to predict things. I said when it started its going to be a close election. I got attacked as being a News/debbie-downer'>Debbie Downer and whats james doing . Of course, News/no-one'>No Ones attacking me anymore. I think shes going to do really well on News/tuesday-night'>Tuesday Night. I really do. My expectations are high. She has the right people for debate prep, im very encouraged by what im hearing, and i have very high expectations. I do. You should never say that, but ive just said it because i mean it. We love candor. I agree with you. Shes a good debater. Shes got good, smart, fierce people prepping her for the debate so thats all true. And its going to be interesting to watch. In terms of what defines an affective debate, its not just about winning a debate. Winning a debate doesnt win an election, but what helps her . She largely avoided attacking trump directly, she kind of brushed off the question. I loved that answer in that moment. I think that worked in that moment. Part of her objective is to continue introducing herself. Like to 28 of the likely voters who say they still need to know more about her, according to the News/new-york-times'>New York Times poll. How should she balance hitting trump, which democrats will love, and people who already love her will love and focus on her own message in this debate . Is there overlapping . Is there a balance needed . My dad was a News/champion-college-boxer'>Champion College Boxer at lsu. He would teach me how to box and he would say News/throw-a-combo'>Throw A Combo and get out. Come back in, News/throw-a-combo'>Throw A Combo and get out. She can hit him, but dont dwell on it. Success is going to be defined, the people think they know what she is, better News/wednesday-morning'>Wednesday Morning than they did tuesday morning. And its not always going to be favorable, but in a more favorable light. If she accomplishes that, thats the biggest thing she can do. And again, on chesters advice, go in, News/throw-a-combo'>Throw A Combo, get out. Its a very News/harry-reid'>Harry Reid reference. Im very into the boxing references. We used to go to fights together, yeah. He would love that. This is a piece in your oped that i completely agree with. You and i both know something about News/working-for-change'>Working For Change candidates who won. Both clinton and barack obama, separate years apart. But she has kind of a disadvantage in that poll in terms of presenting herself as the change candidate. Polls are imperfect, but it is an interesting thing to be clear at, if youre her. How does she do that, while still being proud of what shes accomplished, but showing shes the turn the News/page-candidate'>Page Candidate in this debate, which is a big opportunity. Right. If you read the piece and as you know, you have to supplemented the biden. You have to come up some new ideas. I think shes starting to do that. Its the old line, the president left the building to build on with, not to sit on. Tend to be more aggressive here. You just signal that youre new, you can be your own person. She has the opportunity to do that. By the way, im almost certainly going to do that. If they dont, theyre pretty bright people, and to not do that would just be criminally, politically stupid. Shes got to do some of that. She looks different. She feels different, but people need to hear different too. That will be an interesting thing to watch. Let me ask you, i didnt think wed ever hear News/dick-cheney'>Dick Cheney endorsing a democratic candidate for president. Its important to note just how significant this is. This is News/dick-cheney'>Dick Cheney was kind of the opposite of anything democratic candidates have one on for quite some time. This week, News/liz-cheney'>Liz Cheney, and News/dick-cheney'>Dick Cheney both announced they will be voting for harris. Heres something News/liz-cheney'>Liz Cheney said, i think republicans should hear. I want to play it. There is absolutely no chance that News/ronald-reagan'>Ronald Reagan would be supporting News/donald-trump'>Donald Trump. Donald trump doesnt stand for any of the things that News/ronald-reagan'>Ronald Reagan did. Shes been bold. Shes not afraid to be out there. Good for her. I think one of the questions i have for you on the political front, is who do the News/cheney-endorsements'>Cheney Endorsements appeal to . Who will it impact . If youre the harris campaign, what do you do with it in the ideal scenario . First of all, the combination of cheney, News/vice-president'>Vice President and News/liz-cheney'>Liz Cheneys endorsement,ing i think its going to give license to some traditional republicans, probably more affluent, who didnt like trump, but never voted for a democrat saying okay, i can do this. It has the potential to be very helpful. I could see some of that on the main line. I could see some of that, you know in parts of phoenix, political parts. I could see some of that, buckhead. Theres plenty of places where we might lose 6337. We might lose 6040 over a period of time, that accumulates. We know that. The theory that small changes lead to big results is absolutely true. Yeah. Go ahead. I think there are people who say, man, ive got to hold my nose, i dont know if i can do that. Will say News/dick-cheney'>Dick Cheney is doing it. Maybe i can. I saw News/nikki-haley'>Nikki Haley on another network this morning, oh, my god. She was talking about how much she loved taiwan and pointed out that trump said let china do what she wants, and she started talking about afghanistan. Does that woman have any courage at all . If she does, its not evident to anybody. Shes not delivered on the News/courage-quotent'>Courage Quotent over the last several months. I dont know if shes more spineless or gutless, but one of the two certainly apply to her. James carville. Thank you for taking the time. I really appreciate it. Coming up, News/andrew-wiseman'>Andrew Wiseman and News/dan-goldman'>Dan Goldman are standing by in studio here. I cannot wait to talk to them after the avalanche of News this week. First, were not making this up, just another weekend for News/donald-trump'>Donald Trump. Michael tyler is the News/communications-director'>Communications Director for the News/harris-walz-campaign'>Harris Walz Campaign and he joins me next. Honey [bees buzzing] and how do i keep my protection against covid19 up to date . With a covid shot this season, designed for recent variants. You can get your News/covid19-shot'>Covid19 Shot when getting your flu shot, if youre due for both, as recommended by the cdc. The fresher the better ask your News/healthcare-provider'>Healthcare Provider about getting this News/seasons-covid19-shot'>Seasons Covid19 Shot when getting your flu shot. What News/tractor-supply'>Tractor Supply News/customers-experience'>Customers Experience is personalized service. Made possible by tmobile for business. With tmobiles reliable 5g business internet. Employees get the information they need instantly. This is how business goes further with tmobile for business. A test or approve a medication. We didnt have to worry about any of those things thanks to the donations. And our family is forever grateful because its completely changed our lives. Okay. The cost of childcare is something that really matters to millions of parents in america. No kidding. Take a look at this recent poll. 89 of voters, 89 , want a plan to have candidates help supporting childcare. So trump was asked about it. Its a very clear question but what made absolutely no sense was his answer. If you win in november, can you commit to prioritizing legislation to make childcare affordable . And if so, what specific piece of legislation will you advance . Well i would do that and were sitting down i was something, we had News/senator-marco-rubio'>Senator Marco Rubio and my daughter ivanka was so impactful on this issue. Its a very important issue. I think when you talk about the kind of numbers that im talking about, that because, look childcare is childcare. Theres something, you have to have it. In this country, you have to have it. But when you talk about those numbers compared to the kind of numbers that im talking about by taxes foreign nations at levels theyre not used to, but theyre get used to it very quickly, and its not going to stop them from doing business to us, but theyll have very substantial tax when they send products into our country. Those numbers are so much bigger than anything were talking about, including childcare. I look forward to having no deficits in a short period of time, coupled with the reductions on News/waste-and-fraud'>Waste And Fraud and all of things that are going on in our country, because i have to stay with childcare, i want to stay with childcare. Including growth, but growth also headed up by what the plan is that i just told you about. Okay. No one could possibly explain what hes talking about. Because it made absolutely no sense. Now, i should also tell you, in case you missed this, that News/donald-trump'>Donald Trumps Running Mate also talked about childcare this week. J. D. Vances answer was definitely easier to understand, well give it to him. But also very concerning. One of the ways that you might be able to relieve a little pressure on people who are paying so much for daycare, maybe News/grandma-and-grandpa'>Grandma And Grandpa wants to help out a little more. Okay, these people have never dealt with childcare, or childcare issues in their lives. 89 of voters want a plan for affordable childcare. Donald trumpsplan is about tariffs, and vance says let News/grandma-and-grandpa'>Grandma And Grandpa do it. Now he also cant explain it, im not going to ask him to do it, but we just watched News/trump-attempt'>Trump Attempt to answer a policy question. What people are going to do for the american public, it was very uncomfortable territory for him, and uncomfortable to watch. But if trump says something incoherent like that on a News/debate-stage'>Debate Stage, how is News/kamala-harris'>Kamala Harris going to respond . First you have j. D. Vance who essentially blames the family. And News/donald-trump'>Donald Trump, if youre able to sort through everything that he said, his solution to this seems to be actually raising taxes on the Middle Class through his across the board tariffs. These are guys who clearly have spent no time thinking about the struggles of raising kids and raising a family. The News/vice-president'>Vice President is going to approach this with a fundamentally different approach. Shes already talked about the way we can help solve this is by lowering costs. You take the child tax credit, which maga republicans stripped away, shes going to restore and expand it, to lower costs for working and Middle Class families around this country. Loweringgrocery costs. Lowering housing costs, mortgage and rental assistance to bring down the cost of housing, and of course, making sure that we have a News/tax-code'>Tax Code that actually benefits working and Middle Class families, not those at the top, as News/donald-trump'>Donald Trump wants to do, not just through his tariff proposal, News/nothing-but-tax'>Nothing But Tax cuts for ultra wealthy people like News/donald-trump'>Donald Trump, more corporate giveaways. This is one of many contrasts that the american people will be able to see both on the News/debate-stage'>Debate Stage and for the final two months of his campaign. The choice is very clear, obviously, it needs to be clear to people watching at home on the News/debate-stage'>Debate Stage. I talked about this News/new-york-times'>New York Times poll a little earlier in the show. 25 of people in that Poll Thought that News/vice-president'>Vice President harris would represent the change while a much larger percentage, more than 60 of likely voters let me start this again. More than 60 of likely voters said the next president should represent a major change from joe biden. But only 25 said the News/vice-president'>Vice President represented the change. Thats an opportunity. People need to see shes going to bring about that change. How important is that in terms of a goal on this debate on News/tuesday-night'>Tuesday Night . Well listen, i think the american people absolutely see the News/vice-president'>Vice President shared her vision for where she wants to take this country. Shes been doing it since News/july-31st'>July 31st and will continue on News/tuesday-night'>Tuesday Night and throughout the rest of this campaign. I do think News/donald-trump'>Donald Trump, as that polling suggests, he would bring about change, i think its bad change. You look at his project 2025 agenda that we talked about earlier, it is nothing but banning abortion nationwide. It is about returning to the failed economic approach that only benefited people like News/donald-trump'>Donald Trump. Its about as he says on truth social, jailing his political opponents. Thats certainly change, but not what the american people are looking for. The News/vice-president'>Vice President understands that the american people are looking for a way forward. Thats why shes begun to lay out the planks of moving this country forward. Thats what the contrast will be on the News/debate-stage'>Debate Stage on News/tuesday-night'>Tuesday Night. You have a News/vice-president'>Vice President lessoning to, and understanding the concerns of everyday americans and News/donald-trump'>Donald Trump going to be on that stage airing his personal grievances. I think that will be one of the fundamental contrasts that people see on News/tuesday-night'>Tuesday Night, again, we will present aggressively for the final 50 some odd days of this campaign. All change is not good change. We could go back to the 1800s of project 2025. After his News/rally-yesterday'>Rally Yesterday in wisconsin, News/donald-trump'>Donald Trump put out a long and crazy message, which is an News/evergreen-message'>Evergreen Message on truth social. Im not going to read all of it. But heres a part of it i want to get your response to. When i win, those people that cheated will be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law, which will include long News/term-prison'>Term Prison sentences so that this depravity of justice does not happen again. What do you say to that . Id say this is another indication of the Clear And Present Danger that News/donald-trump'>Donald Trump proposes to our democracy. Its exactly what you see when you google project 2025, he keeps echoing it in his own words, in his own Social Media posts. What i would also say is this is exactly why you continue to see the News/harris-walz-coalition'>Harris Walz Coalition expand and diversify. Its why people like News/liz-cheney'>Liz Cheney are stepping up to the plate saying, if you understand the stakes of this democracy, if you care about the rule of law, if you care about whether or not america is going to remain a democracy, there is a home for you in the News/vice-president'>Vice President s campaign. The former president , News/donald-trump'>Donald Trump, makes it very, very clear, not through his own previous actions, we all saw what happened on january 6th, but through the rhetoric and the plans he has in place the danger he imposes. I think that will be very clear for the remainder of this campaign, you will see us continue to do outreach to every single community in this country to make sure they understand the stakes of this election. Michael taylor, thank you so much for joining us. We appreciate you taking the time. Rise up, go falcons. Coming up, it makes my next guest seem hes still living rent free in News/donald-trump'>Donald Trumps head. Shes an News/andrew-weissmann'>Andrew Weissmann person, whos been after me for years. The other side plays the ref, crew, and weissmann, and all these people. The one and only News/andrew-weissmann'>Andrew Weissmann is standing by to discuss all of the new developments in trumps legal saga, and he joins me here in studio next. What is wow sinex. Breathe. Ahhhhhh ref you suck ref you suck ref you suck you blew the game for us you just cost us the game . The worst call in the history of this sport. He should never be allowed to ref. i tell ya. how much i love you, love you, love you i believe. i believe. I believe in you. Okay News/donald-trump'>Donald Trump was supposed to be expensed for his 34 Felony Counts just ten days from now, but on friday, we learned that wont be happening. Judge News/juan-merchan'>Juan Merchan postponed his sentencing until two weeks after election day. Doing so he stressed was to avoid even the slightest hint that politics were playing a part in his decision. The defendant is a candidate. Weve never been in these waters before. Joining me now is our friend, News/andrew-weissmann'>Andrew Weissmann. Hes former General Council at the News/fbi-and-msnbc'>Fbi And Msnbc legal analyst, and host of the podcast. Were you surprised by News/judge-merchan'>Judge Merchans ruling . I want to first talk about News/donald-trump'>Donald Trump and his attack on me. Get it off your chest. The part that thats so weird for me to say this to you, its so demeaning of the deputy attorney general, News/lisa-macko'>Lisa Macko to say that shes a puppet. Not only is there no evidence of it, and its wrong, but it is fundamentally sexist. She is capable, more than capable of making her own decisions. To me, it shows he still has a problem with strong, competent, honest, ethic people, particulary women. No question. No doubt about that. She is a legal national security, fierce, badass amazing public servant. The idea that shes anyones puppet is laughable. Ive never been attacked by News/donald-trump'>Donald Trump so i dont know what its like. Lets go back, because people want to know, i want to know what you think about all of this. Were you surprised . We knew something. He had to at some Point Say whether he was going to delay it or not. Were you surprised by it . No. Fact, miriam and i on our pod cost, if you were following, we both thought this would be put off. The reason is, one, the d. A. Had been nebulous about putting it off and sort of putting the thumb on the scale of it could be put off. People need to know and remember, what was before News/judge-merchan'>Judge Merchan was not just the pending date, but also the respect to immunity. Theres a tricky legal issue there about whether thats appealable before the sentence. Meaning, the judge said im going to decide this on the 16th, two days before the sentencing, and the issue that News/donald-trump'>Donald Trump had raised is i want to be able to have time to appeal that. That actually is a novel, so much in this case, is a novelty issue. And the judge by putting off both the sentencing and the immunity decision, in effect, i dont know if it was in his intent, but just stay with me here, that kept this whole case out of the Supreme Court before the election. At a time when the Supreme Court otherwise would have every insintive to issue justice political issue with respect to president ial immunity. It would have the same incentive to go and reach into this case and say no, there has to be a retrial. Thats interesting. And really put it off. To dig into this further, if he had moved forward with the sentencing and sentenced him to whatever it may have been, it would have incentivized . I think that the issue is, i dont think the sentencing would have actually happened because on the 16th, he would have issued a decision on immunity. He had to issue that before sentencing. And News/donald-trump'>Donald Trump says i get to appeal that before the sentencing happened. So there was a really good chance that News/sentencing-wasnt'>Sentencing Wasnt going to go forward, and the Supreme Court would have weighed in on that News/precursor-decision'>Precursor Decision on immunity. So were never in the situation, in my view, oh, but there could have been a sentencing before there would be this apellet decision. This just kicks it down the road and gives the Supreme Court a lot less incentive to reach in. If News/donald-trump'>Donald Trump is no longer a candidate, the Supreme Court has less interest to be a we need to reach in and show this case was improper, so we can show that the democrats were really doing something improper here. It just makes it more a political. Just for peoples expectations out there. Its on News/november-26th'>November 26th now. Judge merchan wanted to keep it out of a political nature. It could feel politicized then too. Could he punt it down the road further . I dont think he will. It is possible that the Supreme Court still will be able to weigh in on the decision that will be reached now, i think its on the 16th of november, which is on the immunity question. It will be before the Supreme Court at a time where we know News/donald-trump'>Donald Trump has either won the election or lost, or at least knock on wood, hopefully we will know that, although with News/donald-trump'>Donald Trump, you never know until its over. So i dont think News/judge-merchan'>Judge Merchan is going to kick this down the road any further. The other thing i thought with News/donald-trump'>Donald Trump that i would not be so happy with, is sentencing News/donald-trump'>Donald Trump after the election, if he loses, makes it much more likely that you can think about sending him to jail. You know, you will know at that point whether he has lost or not. If hes lost, the whole dad of saying i cant sentence him to jail, youll know, if shes just News/citizen-trump'>Citizen Trump and hes not a candidate. Its a different time. Andrew weissmann. Thank you so much. Great to see you. Thanks for responding to the attack too. Coming up, imagine being on News/russias-payroll'>Russias Payroll without even knowing it. This next story involves the kremlin, maga influencers, and big concerns around the 2024 election. Were back after a quick break. Control is everything to me and now im back in the picture. Feel significant News/symptom-relief'>Symptom Relief at 4 weeks with skyrizi, including less Abdominal Pain and fewer bowel movements. Skyrizi helped visibly improve damage of the intestinal lining. And with skyrizi, many were in remission at 12 weeks, at 1 year, and even at 2 years. Serious allergic reactions and an increased risk of infections or a lower ability to fight them may occur. Tell your doctor if you have an infection or symptoms, had a News/vaccine-or-plan'>Vaccine Or Plan to. Liver problems may occur in crohns disease. Ask your gastroenterologist how to take control of your crohns with skyrizi. Control is everything to me learn how abbvie could help you save. [suspenseful music] trains. 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While it may not sound familiar to you, the roster of those they hired for the scheme were already brand names in conservative media, including tim News/pool-and-benny'>Pool And Benny johnston. Youve probably seen their names on twitter. One required them to produce four weekly videos in exchange for 400,000 a month, plus bonuses. Thats about 5 Million a year for those of you who dont own a calculator. To be clear, the indictment doesnt say they knew they were on News/russias-payroll'>Russias Payroll, in fact, two of them were deceived. Nor are they accused of wrongdoing at this point. These folks were most likely just useful idiots. Unwittingwitting who didnt ask any questions. Five of the six have released statements. Some have defended the content as their own ideas, and others have denied knowledge of the scheme pretty categoric ally. But the damage has been done. They were willing to deliver what is obviously prorussian propaganda on their own accord. This is psychotic. Ukraine is the enemy of this country. Ukraine is our enemy. Something that is clearly being run to enrich our leads, and also, of course to give unaccountable mountains of cash to some of the most evil people on earth. Awesome dudes, were subsidizing small businesses in ukraine. Some of the people who run ukraine are driving around in bentleys. Ukraine is the greatest threat to this nation and the world. We should rescind all funding and financing, pull out all Military Support and we should apologize to russia. Given all those ideas, its pretty clear why russia would think of them as assets. Of course, all of this raises the very plausible question of whether other pundits are secretly on News/russias-payroll'>Russias Payroll, whether they know it or not. This is just the tip of the iceberg. Congressman Dan Golden is a former justice official, hes standing by in studio, and he joins me here next. Rising costs. Selective coverage. 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Thats according to the doj, which outlined part of their plan in writing. Joining me now is democratic congressman, News/dan-goldman'>Dan Goldman in New York. Its significant, i think, the doj is cracking down on this, and in advance of the election. It does feel like, and youve studied this closely, there are tactics, the kremlins tactics are also more sophisticated than theyve been in the past, in terms of how theyre trying to spread disinformation. A lot of it is already out there. How concerned, and eyes wide open should people be out there, that are trying to differentiate between inaccurate, accurate information and whats being pushed out there through these sources . Its important for people to recognize, not only what the doj put out this week which was incredibly brazen for the department to release such information, but it is part of this transparent effort to make sure that the public understands that russia is trying to, once again, infiltrate our election for the benefit of one candidate, in this case, News/donald-trump'>Donald Trump. They did it in 2016 in a way that News/no-one'>No One really expected. But the way that they did it was to use their own fake bots and fake News sites and Social Media platforms, or individuals. Know what they are doing is they recognize that it is a lot more effective, if they can funnel their propaganda and their disinformation through trusted influencers in this country, and thats what is so startling about this case. You have these two farright novices who started a media company, they got paid 10 Million by russia to parrot russia propaganda. It remains to be seen whats going to happen to the two heads of this tenant media, and it still remains to be seen as to what kind of evidence there is, as to whether these Social Media influencers knew that their hundreds of thousands of dollars per episode they were being paid, came from russia or not. But as you pointed out, what theyre saying is explicit russia propaganda. The idea that ukraine, a democracy in europe, that was invaded by a dictator, Vladimir Putin is the enemy of this country is so preposterous, and i feel bad for News/ronald-reagan'>Ronald Reagan, who must be rolling in his grave to see this republican News/party-rally'>Party Rally around Vladimir Putin. Yeah, its crazy the changes that have happened on that particular issue. Let me just ask you, it seems youve touched on it, we right now dont know whether they knew or not. Do you feel like, is your gut that they were useful idiots as they say in russian state craft, or is it possible . Could there be another shoe that drops here . There absolutely could be another shoe that drops. I think its clear that the head of this company knew, because their entire funding was from russia. Thats how they were able to pay these people. It is possible these influencers didnt know the source of the money, but its also possible that there were communications about what messages they should be promoting. And that is whats scary, and its just the tip of the iceberg of the republicans efforts to undermine our democracy to allow foreign interference for their own political gain, and so that they can then take down the rule of law, take down our democratic institutions, implement project 2025, which would allow News/donald-trump'>Donald Trump to be a truly authoritarian dictator without any kind of checks and balances. This is all part of the plan, this sub committee, the entire purpose of that is to chill any government efforts like what we saw with the doj do from getting involved in any way, shape, or form with Social Media sites, so that russia can do this. We only have about 45 seconds left. But theres so much going on. I want to ask you, theres a debate Coming Up in two days. What is your News/expectation-and-hope'>Expectation And Hope for what News/vice-president'>Vice President harris does in that debate . What do you think people need to see from her in that debate . As a foreign prosecutor, she can make the case. She can make the case about her, the danger of News/donald-trump'>Donald Trump. Shes a very strong, powerful woman who has a knack for getting under News/donald-trump'>Donald Trumps skin, and i expect that to happen. But one of the things that we do want to know is her policies. Shes going to have to lay that out, but lets remember, we need to have a democracy in order to implement policies. And what you see from News/dick-cheney'>Dick Cheney, and News/liz-cheney'>Liz Cheney, two very conservative republicans who disagree almost on every News/policy-matter'>Policy Matter with News/kamala-harris'>Kamala Harris, coming out and supporting her because they recognize that this election is about a lot more than policy. It is about the future of our country, and our democracy. And i hope she will emphasize that on tuesday. We need a democracy to implement policy. Very well stated congressman News/dan-goldman'>Dan Goldman. Good to see you. That is it for me. Stay where you are, because there is much more on msnbc. That grimy film on your teeth . Dr. G . Its actually the buildup of Plaque Bacteria which can cause cavities. Most toothpastes quit working in minutes. But crest prohealths antibacterial fluoride protects all day. So it stops cavities before they start. Crest. Our right to reproductive News/health-care'>Health Care is being stolen from us. The rights for ourselves, our kids, and our grandkids. Gone. Just like that. I cant believe this is the world we live in, where were losing the freedom to control our own bodies. Planned parenthood fights for you every day. But we need your support now more than ever. Visit this website, call, or scan the code on your screen, with your 19 monthly gift. Help us win the fight for the constitutional right to control our own bodies. Theres never been a more urgent time to join. So Go Online, call, or scan this code now. Sign up with your monthly gift today, and well send you this care. No matter what tshirt. It is your right to have safe News/health-care'>Health Care. Thats it. We need you now more than ever. Go online, call, or scan right now. We really dont want people to think of News/feeding-food'>Feeding Food like ours is spoiling their dogs. Good, Real Food is simple. It looks like food, it smells like food, its what dogs are supposed to be eating. No Living Being should ever eat processed food for every single meal of their life. Its amazing to me how many people write in about their dogs changing for the better. The News/farmers-dog'>Farmers Dog is just our way to help people take care of them. A very good day to all of you from New York and welcome. It is 58 days before the election. Developing this hour, you

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