Transcripts For MSNBCW Jose 20240624

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♪ sweet child of mine ♪ [ gasps ] welcome back. it is 11:00 a.m. eastern and 8:00 a.m. pacific. i'm ana cabrera in for jose diaz-balart. we begin with the second anniversary of the roe v. wade ending the constitutional right to an abortion. that decision triggering a string of anti-abortion laws affecting millions. leaving one in three women of reproductive age living in a state with an abortion ban. and it reignited the debate around abortion with president biden making reproductive rights a centerpiece of his bid. later this hour kamala harris will deliver remarks at the university of maryland on this critical issue and just this morning the biden campaign releasing a new ad on a louisiana woman denied emergency care when she was having a miscarriage because of the state's abortion ban. >> i was turned away from two emergency rooms. that was a direct result of donald trump over turning roe v. wade. he's now a convicted felon. trump thinks he should not be held accountable for his own criminal actions but he will let women and doctors be punished. >> let's get to correspondent yamiche alcindor. in key states today, what is the message? >> well the vice president is leaning on the issue this is a high stakes election and women's reproductive health care will be on the ballat. she spoke to mika brzezinski. take a look at what she told her. >> if you look at where the american were in so-called red and so-called blue states. every time this issue of abortion is on the ballot, the people voted for freedom. that is what the american people are. i do believe the contrast is clear and in november it will be stark. >> now, the oath thing that the vice president will do today is talk about donald trump in particular and talk about the fact that she blames him for what she sees as chaos and confusion and danger to women's lives all across this country because roe v. wade was overturned. of course it is part of a larger push by the biden campaign to center reproductive rights as a key issue as they see as a winning issue for them when many believe that the biden-harris campaign has a better stance. we got some speech excerpts from an event the vice president is going to dode. but i want to point out, she said in part, trump has not denied much less shown remorse for his actions, instead he proudly takes credit for overturning roe. in a court of law that would be called an add pigs. some would say a confession. in the case of the stealing of reproductive freedom from the women of america, donald trump is guilty. so she's leaning in on the fact that she's a former prosecutor, and using that language of guilty to really go after donald trump and attack republicans. i want to add that the biden-harris campaign will say if elected, donald trump will enact a federal ban on abortion so women in blue and red states that all of them would not have access to abortion. of course, the former president trump has been saying he wants to leave this issue to the states. he's been saying a lot but that is one of the things that he's been saying. but the vice president and the president are going to be saying today and in messaging throughout their campaign that he should not be trusted and that a federal ban on abortion could happen if he's elected, ana. >> thank you for the reporting. and now joining us, donna edwards, from maryland and barbara comstock, and they serve together as issue one council or election integrity. congresswoman edwards, two years after roe was overturned, now we have that patch work of ant anti-abortion laws. how do you see the landscape of the election. >> i think the landscape has been forever altered after the dobbs decision. we see some states that already had access to abortion and legal access to abortion are doubling down on protecting providers, on providing services to out-of-state women seeking an abortion. and i think that it has changed the political calculation. abortion is a motivating issue and i think for democrats in particular, that largely not paid attention to abortion rights during the election cycle, this is a defining issue and i think that the biden campaign, biden-harris campaign are right on the money when it comes to doubling down on protecting abortion rights. congresswoman comstock, just this past welcome, former president trump took credit for overturning roe. he credited his conservative supreme court justice picks. take a listen to what he said about abortion. >> getting it back to the states, puts the question where it belongs, with the voter of the people and over time it will all work out. it is working out right now. but it is all going to work out and it is what everybody wanted, including the legal scholars, but it is what everybody wanted it to be. >> is this where everyone wanted it to be because the latest poll shows americans believe abortion should be legal in all or most cases but that is not reflected in many states. >> no. like so many things, donald trump doesn't understand kind of basic things about pregnancy, about the law, and i think that the real problem for republicans is that the laws that have been enacted have been enacted by a lot of the maga people, people like ken paxton and texas. and one of the things that i think is really effective in this new ad that you just showed is that they're talking to a wider group of people. i mean, women who miscarry, who want to have their pregnancy, may consider themselves pro-life or maybe in the middle on the abortion issue, these are people that want to have their babies and find their health care threatened because if you're in one of the 21 states that have the strict abortion laws that this woman that couldn't get her health care because they won't -- unless your life is in danger, they won't give you a dnc, which is what the normal, if you're going through a miscarriage and you might need a d and c and because you have infection and the baby could not survive. this care is no longer available. so i think it is important that the message get bigger than abortion and that it be understood by both pro-life or people in the middle, that because of the hash that trump and the maga world has made of this whole issue, it is that there is a much bigger picture here than is being missed and it is birth control, it is ivf, and of course it is women's health that i think was also effective in this ad, they highlighting that a convicted felon is making decisions and convicting doctors for giving these women their health care. and in idaho, where they also have a strict ban, there was a woman who had her water broken and she had an infection and in the case there she was either going to have an amputation of a limb or a hysterectomy because they would not give her the health care -- in that case the baby would not be able to survive but because death wasn't imminent, they wouldn't give her the health care. that is not pro-life. that makes no sense. and in this whole interference that has not been resolved, i think there needs to be a moratorium now and give pro-life and the pro-choice community -- i mean the pro-life community is losing because this has been handled so poorly. >> congresswoman americans support some form of abortion rights but trump is trying to tap in to the voters who oppose abortion on every legal and could it work for him politically? >> look, donald trump is a liar. and he's going to say whatever it takes to motivate his base to get them engaged. i mean, actually his messaging now on abortion is all over the place. he's not for a abortion ban and he is for a national abortion ban, but expressed support for ivf but expressed support for what alabama did to limit ivf. he's all over the map. and i think that right now, if that is his base, then he has to motivate them to show up. because all of those suburban women that we talk about, young people, young women especially, are supportive of abortion rights and the majority of american people are. when you have these ballot questions that are going to be on the ballot, they're going to win and motivate voters and i think democrats bet is that that is going to increase turnout for them at the top of these -- top of these tickets and all the way through. so, i just -- i just don't know what trump's strategy is here. if he's got those people, he certainly is not getting any more by messaging that it is so down to the bone when it comes to these conservative christian right voters. there is nobody else that he's appealing to. >> and yet, it does seem like he maybe is making no one satisfied on this issue. he's indicated he would not sign a federal abortion ban. listen to what one woman attending the faith and freedom conference told nbc news. >> it is very disheartening. he called himself the most pro-life president and we're hearing comments saying that he supports a restriction at a later week. when most abortions happen before that point any ways. there isn't a candidate that is currently one of the mainstream parties that is 100% anti-abortion. >> so congresswoman, if trump is not going far enough for the conservative base, but he's still out of step with most voters, where does that really leave him? >> well, actually that woman got it. trump only cares about his political viability. he doesn't care -- he doesn't have a position on abortion. but what he cares about is what gets him votes. so in arizona, he asked republicans to repeal their ban because he was worried that that would hurt him in arizona. but if you're in a really red tate where they're banning abortion, he doesn't care because he doesn't worry about losing that state. so if he were to become president, then all bets are off. because then he doesn't care what happens to women. and so that is the threat of having a convicted felon, and somebody who doesn't care about anybody but himself, be president, who doesn't understand these issues and has no sense -- doesn't care about those babies. doesn't care about the moms. look at how he treated his own wife when she was pregnant and home with a baby. so, listen, donald trump is a self-serving nar issist. don't trust him on this issue, because he's always out for himself. >> denna edwards and barbara comstock, thank you for taking the time. and we'll monitor kamala harris's speech and later this hour we'll bring you any developments there. and the donald trump classified domes case in florida and where his lawyers convince the judge to dismiss the charges. about two coordinated attacks in russia that left 20 people dead. and here at home, the summer getting off to a deadly start. in the water, what you need to know. we're back in 90 seconds. hi. i use febreze fade defy plug. and i use this. febreze has a microchip to control scent release so it smells first-day fresh for 50 days. 50 days!? and its refill reminder light means i'll never miss a day of freshness. ♪ (vo) you were diagnosed with thyroid eye disease a 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defense challenge to how special counsel jack smith's office is funded saying it violates the constitution's appropriations clause. and then this afternoon, the judge will hear a gag order request from the special council to restrict trump from commenting on law enforcement officers involved in this case. let's go to florida and ken dilanian outside of the courthouse in fort pierce and with us danny receivales. we just learned jack smith is in the courtroom for this hearing. what has been happening so far? >> reporter: that is right, ana. jack smith is in the courtroom. he whats not here on friday but he's here today and they're arguing over a rather legalistic question that has been litigated in the hunter biden case which is the question of whether the existing appropriation from the special council is legal under the constitution because is dates back to the old independent council act that expired in 1999. so donald trump's lawyers are trying to argue that it is not legal and this entire case should be thrown out. it flows from the argument on friday where they argue that the special council office was illegal under the appropriation clause. the big picture here is many legal experts say these are not the things that should burn a day and a half of hearing time before a trial judge. these appellate court issues, not fact the issues. but nonetheless, judge ilene cannon has decided to have a hearing on every disputed matter, the question of whether the technical language of the law, of independent counsel statute applies here and whether the case should be thrown out on those grounds. it is a real long shot. hunter biden's lawyers tried it and failed but we don't know what judge cannon will do here. >> and the idea this is something new to be discussed, this special counsel appointment and whether it is legal, where it is constitutional and legitimate. this has been tested before, hasn't it. so why would she be spending all of this time focused on there. >> yes, it is been tested. the defense response is yeah, but for these particular facts there is a difference and that is a pretty common argument in courts, which is, here is the general rule and but if you're on the other side, we have slightly different facts. but ken has explained it perfectly. this is a long shot. you're making this motion as a defense attorney for two reasons. number one, you have to try everything, even if it is a long shot. and you're preserving the record on appeal and that means that you've already been convicted. that is why you see all of the motions on the record is to preserve the issues for appeal. >> get the motions by the defense. but fact that the judge hasn't dismissed these. you have u.s. versus nixon and you have the mueller special counsel and the wife special counsel appointment in the hunter biden case which were also challenged and other courts said they fail to meet the standard here. so she knows about the record. is there anything more than just to delay it and work in trump's favor. >> i think that is a fair criticism of judge cannon, how long she's taking. on friday, after allowing all of this testimony and an actual hearing on an issue that she could have decided on the papers, she asked for five pages additional briefing. if your a judge. you want all of the information before you make an important decision. but on the other hand, you got to draw a line somewhere. you can't absorb all of the information from beginning of time to make a decision. i judge has a duty to move the case along and that mandate is even more pronounced in federal court where cases move relatively quickly. and since every judge in the federal system has almost complete control over their own docket, you get these kind of differences and this is a judge that is erring on the side of spending a lot of time on the issue and it is a fair criticism that she's taking too much time which eventually will be to the benefit of trump, not for legal reasons but simply because if he's elected, he will make this case go away if it is still pending. >> ken, talk to us about this hearing on the special order for a gag order on trump. >> this is a question that does seem ripe for a hearing because it is a new issue. we've seen judges in new york and washington, d.c. impose gag orders on former president trump. that hasn't happened in this case. but jack smith is asking for one because of the comments that donald trump made, false statements about the fbi's authorization for use of force that was included in the mar-a-lago search warrant. it was a standard pro forma document reminding the fbi agents that they have the right to use deadly force if they feel they have a reasonable fear that their lives are in danger. and his lawyers said that president trump had authorized the fbi to kill donald trump during that operation. and donald trump wasn't there during the search. so jack smith is asking for prohibition on those comments because they are putting the lives of fbi agents in danger and he cited in court papers the fact that after the mar-a-lago raid, a deranged person armed attacked an fbi office in cincinnati and only recently there were violent threats to made to an agent investigating the hunter biden case by a trump supporter. so these words have consequences, that donald trump said, and jack smith is asking the judge to prohibit him from saying that the fbi was using force against trump. >> and this issue about safety. >> so we have gag orders in other trump trials. >> three other trump cases and three other judges. >> here is what is different. here is what the government did well. they focused and it is not a gag order it is under the bail reform act and that is conditions of the his pretrial release. and they're asking to modify it. and this is what i think have going for them. the government made this targeted. they said this is what he did, he talked about fbi agents in a way that endangers them. here are the exhibits and this is what he said and what we're asking for and i'm paraphrasing or almost quoting perfect lrks he could complain about the dodge to his heart's content. they use that language. very rare flair for the government. they're very sort of meat and potatoes when they write their moats. but they are targeted. he said he could talk about doj all he wants. this is the thing that he did and this is our specific request, protect those agents because this kind of rhetoric is dangerous. that is what i think they have going for them. what i think may be working against them is the bail reform act has a mandate that you impose the least restrictive conditions. in other words, you err on the side of permissive conditions and for that reason judge cannon may follow the bail reform act and err against restricting trump's speech. but government wrote a very good motion and their argument is more compelling than the other gag orders which were so much broader than what the government is asking. >> and yet, those gag orders were in force and the judge decide to go along with that. thank you so much, danny and ken. appreciate you both. up next, gunman open fire on synagogues and churches in southern russia and what officials are calling an act of terrorism. an update on what russian officials are saying about the deadly attacks. and back at home, former president trump ramped up his rhetoric against migrants. ahead, his proposal for what he's calling a migrant fight clause. a migrant fight clause what if we don't get down in time to get a birthday gift for zoe? don't panic. with etsy we can find the perfect gift, and send her a preview right away. i love this. thanks guys. ooh, that's a relief. it sure is great to know when something's coming. 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>> reporter: well this is been described as a complex and coordinated attack, as you menged if a region of dagestan in the north caucus known to be quite volatile. in two cities, in der bent, a world heritage site, gunman with automatic weapons burst in setting fire to an icon in the orthodox church and killing 66-year-old priest who had been serving there for more than 40 years. in another town, 75 miles north on the caspian sea shore, they shot a traffic police post and attacked another church. heavy automatic gunfire could be heard well into the night. residents running for cover as plumes of smoke could be seen rising over the city. there has been no formal or official identification of the gunman but according to russian state media, citing law enforcement, two of the attackers have since been arrested were the sons of the head of the central dagestan district including his nephew who was also arrested for now officials have called for three days of mourning starting today. >> daniel, thank you for that update. and please keep us posted. and now to new concerns in the u.s. after several -- after several alarming incidents in the water in recent days. in hawaii, well-known surfing and lifeguard was killed in violent shark attack yesterday and on the east coast several people have drowned as beach-goers are being warned about dangerous rip currents. stephanie gosk joins us now from jay park in queens new york. what more could you tell us about these alarming and tragic incidents? >> reporter: yeah, it is really terrible news, ana. for a lot of people, summer is a time you come to the ocean to enjoy the water. but it could also be a tragic reminder of just how dangerous it is. there have been rip currents on this beach for the last few days although it is open now, but on friday two teenagers went missing and they believe rip currents are to blame. all this happening as we're hearing the terrible news out of hawaii, that a beloved surfer was killed by a shark in oahu. >> shock over the death of a well-known prosurfing and long time lifeguard. he was killed on sunday in a shark attack. it happened while he was surfing on the north shore. >> it was one of our own city and county lifeguards. perry was a lifeguard loved by all. >> reporter: perry was a champion surfer who dabbled as a professional actor. appearing as an extra on the show wau high 5-0 and the film "pirates of the caribbean." coming days after two teens vanished while swimming at this busy new york beach. >> the waves were extremely high and it went on top of them and sucked them over. >> it happened minutes after lifeguards went off duty. >> we think it might be a riptide but that is still an investigation. >> one of the missing teens identified as 16-year-old elijah chandler and his mother tayed at the beach before authorities called off the search. >> i wish he could come out of the water. >> reporter: it comes in two similar incidents in florida, in popular panama city beach, three friends from alabama drowned friday after getting caught in a rip current. one woman watched her boyfriend and his two friends get swept away. >> he's just a loving and kind person. i'm still trying to wrap my head around the fact that i can't call him. >> reporter: just a day earl earlier, rip currents took the lives of two other people. they move away from shore when wind blows toward the beach moving at speeds of more than 5 miles an hour, they could be impossible to outswim. so, you shouldn't try to outswim them really is the message. and we give this advice every summer, if you feel yourself getting caught in a rip current and being taken out to sea, try to swim parallel to the coast and then go in when you're no longer being dragged out and don't panic. ana. >> such important advice. we're just three days away from a presidential debate and trump has violent new rhetoric about migrants. and millions are swelter in heat. is this our new normal? 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[ gasps ] this. wow! do you have any ottomans without legs. sure. you'll flip for the poof cart. in the wayborhood, there's a place for all of us. ♪ wayfair. every style. every home. ♪ welcome back. ahead of thursday's first presidential debate, former president trump once again used dehumanizing language when talking about migrants this weekend. he told a gathering of conservative christians in washington, d.c., that he suggested starting a league where migrants would fight one another to ufc president dana white. >> i said, dana, i have an idea. why don't you set up a migrant league of fighters and have your regular league of fighters and then you have the champion of your league, these are the greatest fighters in the world, fight the champion of the migrants. i think the migrant guy might win. that is how tough they are. he didn't like that idea too much. but actually, not the worst idea i've ever had. no, it is -- these are tough people. these people are tough and they're nasty, mean. it is a -- it is incredible. that they come, totally unchecked. >> now the biden campaign quickly reacting saying, quote, fitting that convicted felon donald trump spent his time at a religion conference threatening to round up latinos, bragging about ripping away americans' freedoms and promise to be even more extreme as he regained power. joining us now, carl loss car bellow of florida and or vaughn hillyard who covers the trump campaign. this is just the latest in a string of dehumanizing comments related to migrants that we're hearing from the former president. and people were laughing. >> i don't know to what extent to even begin to legitimize or provide any credence made by the former president and i say that because we know that most of the migrants that are coming to the united states are men, women and children that are seeking a better life and leaving dire circumstances. and of course donald trump is not providing any details as to what this would look like. it sounds like a version of gladiator in america in the year of 2024. but when we talk about migrants, he's referred to them as vermin, dangerous, sick and criminals and said that migrants have poisoned the blood of this country and promised the largest deportation program in history. these are the words of the former president of the united states. it is up to voters to determine whether that rhetoric they want to install back into the white house in 2025. >> congressman, give us your reaction to the latest comments? >> ana, look, from a moral standpoint, this is condemnable and regrettable. this is exactly the type of rhetoric that is tearing this country apart. for some political analysis, i think this is the type of rhetoric that scare off the swing voters that donald trump and joe biden need to win the election. this is the reason why one of -- one of the main reasons why president biden won in 2020. because of america thought donald trump was too risky, too chaotic and in the way he compressed himself and here he is with a lead in swing states but making those same kind of comments which obviously are objectionable. but politically, they are major mistakes that could cost him the votes of the very voters he needs to get back to office. >> i mean, the comments are shocking on one hand. but he's gaining support with some latino voters in the polls at least it appears. how do you scare that? >> well, ana, there are many explanations for that. i mean, we are weighing a number of culture war questions if this country. i think that has benefited republicans. i also think that democrats and the victimhood narrative that they have applied to a lot of hispanic communities have been rejected by a lot of those communities. and look a lot of people assume that just because someone is hispanic, they're okay with people clossing the border illegally. and many are rejecting the biden policies. however, when trump makes comments like this, it does give a lot of hispanic voters pause and it does scare them away. so donald trump is his own worst enemy. aside from making comments that are morally objectionable, they could cost him politically with the communities that he's gained a lot of ground with in recent years. >> vaughn, switching topics, what do we know about when trump might make his vp pick announcement. >> we're 21 days from the convention, and we're 21 days away here and so for donald trump he's suggested that there was still a list in play but i want you to let you to listen to remarks he gave in a philadelphia restaurant in response to questions from our colleagues jake taylor and dasha burns. >> in my mind, yes. >> do they know? >> no. nobody knows. >> nobody knows. so he said in mis mind that he's made a decision and he did suggest that in atlanta this week at the debate, that individual would be in attendance. so we'll maybe be able to read into some of the tea leaves. but you're looking at top front-runners per sources from the trump campaign and allies, doug burgum and j.d. vance and marco rubio are on the list and there are others like elise stefanik and others in the list. michael la rosa, wrote in the new york times that one choice that could potentially threaten democrats blue wall would be marco rubio writing while no group is monolithic, there is something that latino voters have in common and that is their latin american roots and the pride that comes from casting a vote for someone who looks and talks like them. mr. rubio would break a significant cultural barrier as the first latino on a national ticket. do you agree with that? >> well, ana, certainly, we've seen that trend where more and more hispanics are supporting republicans and president trump and someone like marco rubio could really help accelerate that shift that we've seen in the latino community in recent years. additionally, rubio, would give a lot of the republicans who are skeptical of donald trump a greater level of comfort since he's someone who they're familiar with and who does come from the republican establishment even though he has become more populous over the years. so i definitely think that politically, marco rubio would be the most powerful choice for donald trump. that may not be who he's most comfortable with. people say that doug burgum is the candidate that he favors most personally. but i do think that marco rubio would be a powerful weapon for donald trump. >> there is always the trickiness about them both being from florida and whether that is -- >> that is one big complications. >> and if that is allowed. thank you so much. and on thursday, by the way, rachel maddow and team will lead special coverage and analysis of the first presidential debate hosted by cnn. you could watch thursday beginning at 7:00 p.m. eastern right here on msnbc. up next, we have the latest on a dangerous situation in saudi arabia. the heat taking a deadly toll on this year's haj pilgrimage. and sweltering heat for millions and this isn't a new normal but an end to normal. o normal you know what's brilliant? boring. think about it. boring is the unsung catalyst for bold. what straps bold to a rocket and hurtles it into space? boring does. boring makes vacations happen, early retirements possible, and startups start up. because it's smart, dependable, and steady. all words you want from your bank. for nearly 160 years, pnc bank has been brilliantly boring so you can be happily fulfilled... which is pretty un-boring if you think about it. turning you to saudi arabia, where 1300 people died during the pilgrimage to mecca. temperatures soared as high as 120 degrees farenheit according to the saudi national center for meteorologists. here in the u.s., more than 40 million people are under heat alerts. today the scorching heat could again bring temperatures above 100 degrees for some cities. meanwhile, there has been catastrophic flooding, which has killed at least two people. iowa declaring a disaster in 21 counties. joining us now, david wallace wells from "the new york times." good to see you. we're seeing this extreme weather across the country. and around the world. is this the new normal? is it going to get only worse? >> the only time the temperatures are going to stop rising is if we get our carbon emissions down to zero. and even though we are doing a lot better on that mark than we were a few years ago, we're looking at best another 20, 30, 40, maybe even 50 years before we get to zero which means for that entire period i think things will be getting harsher and more intense and climate impacts that is unbelievable. now, this climate crisis of course affects everyone. our health, agriculture. economy. equality. why do you think climate change has become such a politically charged topic? >> well, in different part of the world, that question can be answered in different ways. there are other parts of the world where there's much more consensus. a recent poll suggested that 80% of the world's population wants their governments to do more. in the u.s., we're dealing with a polarized country. a country divided along partisan lines more than any other parts of the world. even here, there are signs that climate action and decarbonization are becoming less because it's becoming such a good business for red states. there are republicans who want to down play the business of climate change, but i doubt they're going to turn away the money to support their booming businesses in texas and south dakota and across the midwestern states. i hope that means in afew years time, it's less of a devisive issue. we'll see. at the moment, i think our greatest teaching tool is the climate itself, which is showing us every summer how intense it can be. >> yeah, we can highlight all the impacts that affect millions of people, but for many, it just feels hopeless. like there's nothing i can do to impact this. so people kind of ignore it. what can we do on a personal level in terms of even how we think and talk about climate change and is there action that can be taken on an individual basis? >> you want to cut your carbon footprint, the things you can do are to buy an electric car, if you can afford it. fly less or not at all and stop eating red meat. much more important are the actions on a social skill. the kinds of investments possible through legislation are much, much larger than anything we can achieve as individuals. thank you so much for the conversation. it's not an issue going away anytime soon. important of these conversations. now to live pictures after the university of maryland where at any moment, vice president kamala harris will mark two years since the supreme court overturned roe v. wade. more on the biden campaign's predebate push, next. predebate push, next [announcer] introducing allison's plaque psoriasis. she thinks her flaky gray patches are all people see. otezla is the #1 prescribed pill to treat plaque psoriasis. allison! over here! otezla can help you get clearer skin and reduce itching and flaking. with no routine blood tests required. doctors have been prescribing otezla for over a decade. otezla is also approved to treat psoriatic arthritis. don't use otezla if you're allergic to it. serious allergic reactions can happen. otezla may cause severe diarrhea, nausea, or vomiting. some people taking otezla had depression, suicidal thoughts or weight loss. upper respiratory tract infection and headache may occur. ♪♪ [announcer] with clearer skin girls' day out is a good day out. live in the moment. ask your doctor about otezla. nothing dims my light like a migraine. with nurtec odt, i found relief. the only migraine medication that helps treat and prevent, all in one. to those with migraine, i see you. for the acute treatment of migraine with or without aura and the preventive treatment of episodic migraine in adults. don't take if allergic to nurtec odt. allergic reactions can occur, even days after using. most common side effects were nausea, indigestion, and stomach pain. it's time we all shine. talk to a healthcare provider about nurtec odt from pfizer. i'm a bee and i've bumbled my way into your car. buzz but this hive isn't big enough for the both of us. boo oh wow, what a buzzkill. and if you don't have the right auto insurance coverage, paying for this could really sting. so get allstate, save money, and be protected from mayhem... like me. what is cirkul? cirkul is the fuel you need to take flight. cirkul is the energy that gets you to the next level. cirkul is what you hope for when life tosses lemons your way. cirkul, available at walmart and right now in maryland, vice president kamala harris is there you see, marking the two-year anniversary of the supreme court's dobbs decision. nbc news white house correspondent ali is joining us. we're listening and will monitor this campaign event with the vice president there making some remarks. i'm just wondering, you know, how does the biden administration or the biden campaign see this issue going into the election? do they see it as the issue that could make or break their campaign? >> yeah, well, they certainly see it as was proven during the midterm elections as an issue that galvanizes voters and energizes voters to get out to the polls. that's why we expect the president to make this issue really a center piece on the debate stage thursday night when he faces off against former president trump. the white house, the biden campaign, sees this as something that could really make a dent in polling. could really make a difference in november. that is why we're seeing the biden team really seize on this opportunity. this anniversary today to really lean in on this messaging. we're seeing the president in a statement, as well as a new video, go into this and really lay the blame for this decision two years ago to reverse roe at trump's feet. he argues in this video that if given another four years, maga republicans will try to ban abortion nationwide. he also argues that ivf as well as birth control is also at stake. we saw the first lady as well over the weekend, campaigning in battleground states. really energizing and talking about this issue. and also, we are also seeing a new ad today on, as well as new videos posted by the biden team, that are really featuring the personal stories of women who have been personally impacted in the aftermath of that decision two years ago. >> again, these remarks in maryland with the vice president. she'll then go to arizona later today to another event to really highlight the abortion issue there. thank

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Vanities , Gardening , Dramatic , Wayfair , Western , Shine , Darling , There S A , Tile , Legs , Style , Ottomans , Poof Cart , League , Dana White , Christians , Gathering , Ufc , Fighters , Champion , Migrant Guy , Religion , Quote , Latinos , Freedoms , Carl Loss Car Bellow , Trump Campaign , Vaughn Hillyard , Latest , Extent , Circumstances , Credence , Children , Men , Version , Gladiator , Vermin , Criminals , President Of The United States , Deportation Program , Blood , White House , Analysis , Type , Congressman , Standpoint , 2025 , Swing Voters , Joe Biden , Scare , Swing States , Lead , Biden Won , 2020 , Mistakes , Votes , Polls , Explanations , Culture War Questions , Victimhood Narrative , Someone , Communities , Hispanic , Many , Enemy , Biden Policies , Border , Ground , Switching Topics , Vp Pick Announcement , List , The , Convention , Play , Questions , Nobody Knows , Restaurant , Response , Mind , Colleagues , Yes , Philadelphia , Dasha Burns , Jake Taylor , Individual , Attendance , Mis Mind , Tea Leaves , Sources , Atlanta , Marco Rubio , Allies , Others , Vance , Doug Burgum , J D , Elise Stefanik , Choice , New York Times , Writing , Blue Wall , Michael La Rosa , Rubio , Pride , Vote , Latino , Roots , Ticket , Mr , Barrier , Talks , Latin American , Trump , Trend , Hispanics , Shift , Level , Populous , Comfort , Establishment , Republican , Complications , Trickiness , Personally , Weapon , Team , Coverage , Rachel Maddow , Cnn , Saudi Arabia , Toll , Situation , Haj Pilgrimage , Msnbc , O , Isn T A New Normal , Temperatures , Center , Pilgrimage , Meteorologists , Mecca , 1300 , 120 , Flooding , Heat Alerts , Disaster , Iowa , 40 Million , Counties , Weather , Around The World , David Wallace , Carbon Emissions , Mark , Zero , Climate , Impacts , 30 , Climate Crisis , Agriculture , Parts , Topic , Economy , Equality , Climate Change , Consensus , Population , Governments , 80 , Climate Action , Lines , Decarbonization , Signs , The 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Correspondent Ali , Elections , Center Piece , Debate Stage , Polling , Opportunity , Dent , Video , Statement , Feet , Blame , Four , Battleground States , Campaigning , Weekend , Stake , First Lady , Videos , Stories , Aftermath , Thank ,

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