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image in saudi arabia as temperature soared up to 125 degrees. the effects of the extreme heat made worse by the lack of accommodations and cooling centers for those who travel there without proper permits. days of heavy rain and flash flooding striking down utilities and forcing evacuations across iowa. governor kemp reynolds issued a disaster proclamation for 10 counties. a groundbreaking ceremony today for the new tree of life synagogue campus in pittsburgh. that is where 11 worshipers were murdered in 2018 in the deadliest anti-semitic attack in u.s. history. construction is expected to be completed by 2026. in moments, what the contenders on donald trump's short list for vice president said this morning. very good day to you all. welcome everyone to alex with reports. we begin with decision 2024. lee four days until he looming or historic debate. former president trump and current president biden said to go face-to-face for 90 minutes and what is being described as a rematch with greater risk and reward as each frame the other and calibrate expectations. >> right now, as you know, it's been reported that right now, crooked joe has a lot to study and prepare. they want to get him good and strong. we want to strengthen him up. so he comes out -- he will come out -- okay. i say he will come out all jacked up. >> i don't know. who knows what donald trump is going to do it any minute or any time? i bet he's going to talk hundred times off the microphone because he's a bully. the best way to fight a bully a stand up to him. joe biden has done that before and will do it again. >> the president will bring up trump's conviction during the debate. biden camp outlining new plans for 300 watch parties and postdebate rallies in swing states. surrogates on each side today aching pitches and predictions. >> for me, this is about the contrast between the two. donald trump has said, block congressional action because he wants more chaos at the border. he wants as much division as possible in this country. >> the cnn moderators are going to do everything they can to go after president trump to try to get under his skin. i think what president trump is going to do is focus everything back to the terrible biden agenda. >> all of this as nbc news reports donald trump has narrowed his choice of vice presidential running mate to three. senators jd vance and marco rubio are now the remaining contenders. we have reporters in place covering all the new developments for us. we begin with allie rother at the white house. i was president biden spending his final days before this big debate? >> alex, just four days remain until what is expected to be the biggest prime time moment of the 2024 election so far. and that is when president biden and former president trump will face off on this debate page on thursday for the first time in four years. the president is still deep in his intense preparation sessions for that big moment and his retreat at camp david. he is in these preparation sessions that are being led by his former chief of staff, ron klain, but is also huddling with those closest, those in his inner circle, closest campaign staffers, as well as his most trusted advisers. these are people including national security advisor jake sullivan, julie chavez rodriguez, as well as the president's personal lawyer, bob bauer, who is reprising his role for former president trump like he did for biden's debate prep in 2020. all of these people are mining their experiences, their expertise to help the president prepare for this big moment. they are poring over policy material with him to better help him create this contrast on the debate stage on thursday between what a second biden presidency or a second trump presidency would look like. they are also helping him hone in on possible attack lines or responses to what the biden team sees as the inevitable, those personal jabs and president trump on the debate stage on thursday. we heard from biden campaign co- chair mitchell andrew who talked on meet the press about how the biden team is preparing the sharp attack lines of their own, suggesting that the president concedes on the felony conviction in his hush money trial. >> the fact of the matter is that the sky is blue sometimes, and donald trump is a convicted felon. the american people have to sit in that for a second. the person who wants to be president should have to go and sit his probation officer before he goes to the debate. but it's not just a call donald trump a convicted felon. he goes to his behavior and he goes to his character. >> alex, the president's team also preparing him for some factors that will take place on thursday that may put both of these candidates, both the president and former president, a little bit out of their comfort zones as we know the cnn debate will put strict limits on the speaking time for these candidates. there will also be a bad on notes and interactions with members of these two men's staff as well is no studio audience in the room. >> there are a lot of different rules this time around. thank you so much. let's bring in nbc campaign manager for trailer we talk to about donald trump and how is gearing up for thursday. do we know anything more about his vip pick, jake? >> debate week is finally here. all eyes will be on that stage this upcoming thursday. before then, we are trying to get intel and understanding into what that actual preparation is looking like. dosha burns and i spoke with the former president yesterday, asking for how he's preparing at a campaign stop in philadelphia. he pointed to the crowd around him and said, this. this is my preparation. we know the trump has this time around can engaged in nonconventional preparation. we also spoke to the former president about where he is at and his vp selection. take a listen to some of that. >> reporter: trump saying his yet to be named running mate will be at the debate and that he has made his choice, but hasn't told anyone who it will be. sources tell nbc news the focus has been on three top contenders, each with a history of being critical of trump. florida senator marco rubio ran against trump in 2016. >> what we are dealing with here, my friends, is a con artist. >> reporter: ohio senator jd vance adamantly opposed trump. and north dakota governor doug burgum briefly ran against trump for this years nomination. >> i don't think so. >> why? >> i just think that it's important that you are judged by the company you keep. >> now, alex, is worth noting as well that the former president told us yesterday that he specifically knows who his vp pick is. however, no one else is going to know. though they may be present at the debate, trump says that he will announce that person closer to the rnc convection in mid july. we do know all eyes will be on atlanta this thursday. >> those clips we played, if loyalty is the number one thing, one of those three certainly has to change their tune. anyway, we will see. thank you so much, jake. coming up, will be joining us with expectations for thursday's debate and what he hopes to hear from president biden. plus how democrats division over israel could impact the election. breaking news on the heat wave that is brought sweltering temperatures too much of the u.s. for 6 straight days now. in fact, 95 million americans are right now under heat alerts from coast to coast where the humidity has it feeling well into the triple digits in places. just a few moments ago, a rare tornado watch was issued for parts of new england and the northeast. we have severe storms expected to strike the area today. joining me from washington where it is a now steamy 97 degrees -- it is going up every hour -- gary graham bock. i guess everyone needs to be jumping into the pool. i hope you have your bathing suit on at some point today. >> i should have bought it. i'm sure the camera folks would be thrilled about that. however, it's 97 degrees right now. it's 100 degree real feel. it's not bothering anybody here. folks here in this d.c. pool are absolutely loving the weather, and this is the place to be. when we talk about these records, these potential records, we have seen more than 12,000 records broken for high heat this year across the nation. that is a very big deal. yesterday in d.c. alone, we saw a 100 degree day. that's the first 100 degree day we seen in june in 12 years. and it's not getting any better anytime soon. we are expecting the heat throughout the week to stay above the 98 degree mark. nobody here seems that much of a problem with it. >> going to the beach. >> you have any plans to go to the beach this summer? you are going to go to the beach? do you like the pool, too? >> yeah. >> what you like about the pool? >> going to play with my brother. >> are you having fun today? >> yeah. >> what are you doing? >> swimming with my sister. >> yeah? love swimming with your sister? what is your favorite part of summer? >> unfortunately, it's not all fun and games around the country. up in upstate new york, there is a tornado watch put out by governor kathy hogle for a number of counties in upstate new york. in iowa, we saw some heavy rain that broke a levy, caused some serious flooding out there as well. so some serious weather from coast to coast here. >> you can't seem to escape it anywhere. inc. you so much, gary. this thursday night, a big topic on the sunday talk shows as well, plus how every day, how the audition day -- it's really an audition way when you want to be donald trump's second in command. we are back in 90 seconds to talk more about that. that. all in one. to those with migraine, i see you. for the acute treatment of migraine with or without aura and the preventive treatment of episodic migraine in adults. don't take if allergic to nurtec odt. allergic reactions can occur, even days after using. most common side effects were nausea, indigestion, and stomach pain. it's time we all shine. talk to a healthcare provider about nurtec odt from pfizer. so rich. so indulgent. it's indulgent moisture body wash for soft, smooth skin. bye-bye dry. hello glow! in just 14 days. indulge with olay body wash. i'm having trouble getting around but i want to live in my home. i can do it with the help of a barber, personal shopper, an exercise buddy. life's good. when you have a plan. ♪♪ >> new today, lawmakers are hitting the airwaves to draw the contrast between donald trump and joe biden ahead of the debate rematch, now just four days away. julie sirkin is joining us from capitol hill. julie, what do the candidates and their supporters say today? >> they are supporting who they are supporting ahead of this debate. who better do want out there than your allies, your friends, your surrogate? the most prime time, pivotal moment of this campaign season so far. and that is exactly what you heard on the airwaves this morning and yesterday when i was at an event for the former president. he really heard from their allies and surrogates. in trump's case, talking about how he will make a point of the border, immigration, inflation, all of these items. the former president believes they got much worse under the direction of president biden. in contrast, you're going to hear his allies talking about how he's going to make a case that he's different than the former president. the former president is a convicted felon, biden took america forward in a better direction for american workers. but don't take my word for it. take a look at what elizabeth warren had to say about president biden and from lindsey graham on trump. >> joe biden is going to be joe biden, and he's going to draw the contrast. he will be out there for working families. he's going to say $35 million people seeing the student loan debts canceled, and that's the contrast with donald trump, who has been out there telling -- his words -- rich as -- donors that if they will just give more money to his campaign, and he's going to cut taxes for billionaires. >> most americans believe that they are not safer under president biden than they were trump. chris , a dear friend, said there's a good case to be made that you are safer today than when president trump was president. if you believe that, you shouldn't be allowed to drive. that is silly. that is dangerously wrong. >> the man they are referencing, chris , a major biden ally had to say this morning. obviously here the surrogates from the former president and the current one trying to build the case that this is the trial between two futures. we have a record, that's what makes this debate so unique. both men have had experiences already in the job. but aside from trying to appeal to their bases already, they're going trying to court the center. the independent voters that perhaps see both choices as not the ideal ones. you are going to see age, in both the case of the former and current as well, just a couple of years apart. you will see some of the top issues come up as well. the anniversary of which, the overturning of that historic decision a couple of years ago is tomorrow. a lot on the line for these two men as they prepare for this debate on thursday. >> thank you so much. joining me now, a member of the house select committee between the united states and china. let's get first to the debate on thursday, because as were well aware, it shows a very tight race before the president and the former president. what message will be the most productive president biden to make to the american people as he tries to put distance between himself and trump? >> thanks for having me on. trump and the republican party are not the party of law and order. they are torpedoing partisan border legislation to try and defriend the fbi, they are tricky surge machine guns onto our street. they are aiding and abetting cop killers from january 6th. and they are nominating a convicted felon to be president of the united states. meanwhile, joe bide standing for the rule of law, not the law of the ruler. that needs to be the contrast that is drawn home. >> i'm glad to hear that. it's not one that you hear as predominantly as questions about the economy, border policy, certainly some of donald trump's favorite attack lines come from those regions. there are also issues that americans feel deeply about. does president biden have an argument that could deflect and diminish those trump attack lines? >> yes. first of all, president biden, as he stated several days ago, is navigating the quintessentially american path on immigration. he says we need to have law and order at the border. he has proposed legislation to do that. we are also a nation of immigrants, and we will welcome those were coming here to build a better life for themselves and their children. and americans support that compassionate rule of law approach. on the economy, joe biden has a big story to tell. 15 million jobs, 18 million small business applications. even more importantly is the choice ahead of us. next congress will be a tax congress. the trump tax cuts are going to be expiring. we are going to have to reauthorize some version of a tax policy change. donald trump wants to explode the deficit by giving tax cuts for the wealthiest americans and threaten social security and medicare by so doing. joe biden has been very clear, he wants to get working-class and middle-class americans a tax cut. >> let's look overseas now is vladimir putin met with kim jong-un this week. is that alarming to you? as a member of that house committee on china, what does that suggest to you about the china- russia relationship? >> yes, it is concerning. it does underscore vladimir putin's weakness, that he is having to turn to a kingdom that is economically and politically isolated from the rest of the world for the munitions he needs to carry on his brutal war in ukraine. ukraine, in contrast, can turn to nato for its war. when you compare that to the $50 billion in economic aid the g7 has secured as well as the security alliances that are being shaped for ukraine's aid, we are doing an effective job in the west of sending a message to vladimir putin he can't just wait us out. we will be with ukraine as long as it takes. however, we have to do one more big thing, and we have to authorize ukraine to u.s. any site of military application in russia at any time. right now, we are still handcuffing ukraine excessively and not allowing them to hit the oil and gas fields that would impair russia's war economy. >> interesting. i know that has been something much discussed. let's talk today about benjamin netanyahu. he has doubled down on his claims that the u.s. was withholding weapons from israel. is that the case? because the biden administration has said it does not know what he is talking about. >> the biden administration is sending israel the material that he needs to secure a defeat of hamas, which is the shared goal of the united states and israel. because unless hamas is excluded from any postwar governance in gaza, there will be more hostages in the future. that is hamas's charter. and there is deep alignment there between the two countries. unfortunately, prime minister netanyahu is isolating himself. not just for president biden, but also from his own war cabinet who had to dissolve because they disagreed with him. his former prime minister, who said that netanyahu lacks a strategic vision for gaza. the prime ministers politicizing this relationship for his own purposes and joe biden is asking like a statesman by refusing to do that. >> let's look at the big rally yesterday. senator bernie sanders appearing at one here in new york. much of their message targeted the pro-israel group which injected a whopping almost $15 million in a campaign against him were his criticisms of israel. here's congressman bowman yesterday. >> that is why they are spending record amounts of money. >> why is our political establishment doing that? because jamaal bowman dared to speak up for palestinians. >> cease-fire now! we are not going to stand silent while u.s. tax dollars kill babies and women and children! >> we make a pro-israel groups trying to moderate the views of democrats in this way? is it problematic for democrats? as the president is going to this debate and the election, since it doesn't seem to be a unified message on israel, there certainly is a divide. >> the vicissitudes of any given primary of domestic politics in general are always going to be turbulent. what's important to me is the u.s. and israel relationship remains grounded in common values and a shared vision of a democratic future for israel and the united states. that requires strong bipartisan support in congress. that is what we must build upon. that is what president biden has built upon, and that is what a statesman in israel would build upon as well. >> okay. congressman jake auchingloss. thank you so much. we invite you to watch vice president kamala harris interview on morning joe tomorrow morning. that starts at 6:00 a.m. eastern right here on msnbc. big predictions for thursday's debate, but first, the updated timeline you need to see about donald trump's legal life. wipe some court watchers are reading into something ominous about the lack of expediency by the supreme court. preme court. 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>> well, you know, in my view, it is really inexcusable. you look historically at the case against richard nixon during the watergate tapes case. the court heard oral argument in that case and issued its opinion 16 days later. we have been waiting for almost three months now for the court to issue its opinion in this case. and although certainly it is a complicated issue and likely there are differences of opinion, it is not just a defendant who has a right to a speedy trial. it is also the public. as you said, every day that passes by is another day that the case does not go to trial, and i think the court is failing to recognize the urgency of the public's right to a speedy trial. >> there's a lot of content to the way they've handled this in terms of timing, but there are a number of court watchers were reading something ominous into the lack of expediency. do you share that? >> i don't know. one of the reasons that the court often issues its most important decisions at the end of the term is because there is so much disagreement over them. often's, it's the 5-4 decisions in the blockbuster cases that come out in these last days of june. this is when you get cases like dobbs or affirmative action or marriage equality. and that's because there are so many different opinions and drafts that have to go back and forth. i like to give good faith to the justices and say that they are not deliberately trying to stall this issue, it would be nice to see them acting with appropriate urgency so that this case can get on with the show. >> politico has reported on a rift -- if you want to call it that -- among the conservative justices. thomas and cody barrett. it became apparent after the gun law on friday. do you see a rift there? could it be extended into trump's immunity claims? >> yeah, really interesting language here. amy coney barrett really charted out some independent territory here for herself. clarence thomas, of course, in his dissent, the case from friday, the importance of history and tradition. but justice barrett really pushes back here and talks about, you know, history and tradition can be helpful, but it is not the end and it self. it's a means to an end. we can't be trapped in amber forever just because of what happened in the law. certainly in a case like restoring gun rights to domestic violence offenders, if we look at what the world was like at the time of the founding, there was not a lot of sympathy for women who were abused by their husbands at the time. so she says we have to take note of sociological change. and so i think she is really staking out some different ground here. and is it a rift? i don't know if it has spilled into their personal lives, but on paper, she goes so far as to accuse justice thomas of what he is accused others of. >> we should remind viewers that it was an 8-1 ruling, justice thomas, the lone dissenter in that ruling. really on an island unto himself on that one. the classified documents case, judge cannon is hearing five pretrial motions over three days. tomorrow, she will hear the gag order on trump's prompted by his false claims that the fbi wanted to kill him. does this set her up for some sort of an existential challenge, considering any which way she rules is likely to be appealed? >> yes. once this case gets into the hands of the 11th circuit court of appeals, they have, in front of them, the opportunity to remove her from the case. i think that is what is so interesting here. the government, of course, is arguing that this should be a very limited order to venting donald trump from saying these false and defamatory things about fbi agents who are likely to be witnesses in this case. on the other hand, donald trump is arguing that this is some violation of his first amendment rights. though we've seen again and again in these cases that limited gag orders happen routinely in criminal cases and is certainly to be found in compliance with the first amendment. whichever way she rules, i think it's quite likely that the nonprevailing side will appeal. once the 11th circuit court of appeals has it, they do have that opportunity to assign the case to a new judge. >> let me ask you the big one we are expecting. your ideas on the trump immunity ruling. will they drop the ruling before or after the debate on thursday? what do you think ? >> i think there's a decent chance it comes out before thursday, but it's hard to predict. i don't think that they are considering that whatsoever. i think the issue decisions when they are ready. if it's ready, it will come out. what do i predict? i think they're going to find, regardless of whether they draw the line on immunity, that donald trump's conduct in this case is not protected by immunity. and so the case can get back on track. i suppose there is a possibility that they set a test, and they send it back to the lower court for fact- finding as to whether it meets this test, which would involve further delay in the case. based on the statements, even the most conservative justices have said during oral argument, i'm not worried about this case, but we are writing for the ages. their concern is about where to draw the line for future presidents even if this president clearly crossed the legal ground. >> always a pleasure. thank you so much. risk versus reward. how what happens thursday night could come back to haunt each candidate. candidate. begins to neutralize acid on contact. r-o-l-a-i-d-s spells relief. slowing my cancer from growing and living longer are two things i want from my metastatic breast cancer treatment. and with kisqali, i can have both. kisqali is a pill that when taken with an aromatase inhibitor helps delay cancer from growing and has been proven to help people live significantly longer across three separate clinical trials. so, i have the confidence to live my life. kisqali can cause lung problems or an abnormal heartbeat, which can lead to death. it can cause serious skin reactions, liver problems, and low white blood cell counts that may result in severe infections. avoid grapefruit during treatment. tell your doctor right away if you have new or worsening symptoms, including breathing problems, cough, chest pain, a change in your heartbeat, dizziness, yellowing of the skin or eyes, dark urine, tiredness, loss of appetite, abdomen pain, bleeding, bruising, fever, chills, or other symptoms of an infection, a severe or worsening rash, are or plan to become pregnant, or breastfeeding. long live life and long live you. ask your doctor about kisqali today. 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(♪♪) >> new reaction today to the new rules and regulations for the first presidential debate rematch. thursday's rematch will be unlike any debate we have seen before with strict guidelines that include muted microphones, no studio audience, and a ban on campaign staff interaction between breaks. this morning, john meacham waited on the changes. >> i think it will be huge, because what president biden has done is he has successfully childproofed the debate stage. for former president trump. who is responsible for this uncivil tone on the stage. >> let's bring in larry, director of the university of virginia's center for politics, presidential historian, and editor in chief. good to see you, my friend. the biden campaign made the rounds on the sunday talk shows. what are the clear strategies going into this debate? let trump be trump. if that's the goal, will the new rules really benefit president biden? >> i don't know who is setting the rules for him, but trump is going to be trump regardless, whether someone tells them to be trump or not. he only has one volume on speech, and that's often quite loud and quite rude. so you can expect some of that, even with the mics turned off. i'm interested in seeing how they arrange this acoustically. even with your mic turned off, if you're loud enough, i suspect it will be kicked off by the other candidates microphone. maybe they've done something to prohibit that. i think john meacham was right. that is the origin of these new rules. at least most of it, with donald trump and how he treated the debate stage in both 2016 and 2020. i will personally believe the debate stage has been childproofed after the debate. if it is been reasonably civil. that doesn't mean they can't disagree. i'm talking about interruptions and the kind of rudeness that can turn people off when people are already turned off almost completely to politics. >> let's take a look together at this headline from the new york times. a debate rematch with even greater risks and rewards. what are the risks, and what are the rewards? >> well, for joe biden, he has to show what his staff insists there anyway, which is that he is still biggers and his mind is sharp. he's heard often by the tv pictures of his body, which is a bit older, and i sympathize with him here. your knees hurt and your back hurts and sometimes you shuffle a little bit. that doesn't mean your mind doesn't work well. let people see the joe biden they saw at the state of the union address. or let people see the joe biden they saw in that incredible display with two european trips in the same week, dozens of events and speeches and all kinds of things. i wonder how many of us could have gone through that and not been completely exhausted. but they need to show that. that is a reward. the risk is there, but the reward is substantial. for donald trump, i suppose he could decide to be civil, and that might change the edges of the image that he has with the relatively small number of independent and swing voters who will determine the election. we will all believe it when we see it. but it will be interesting to understand whether his staff and maybe family have told him that as a way to go, and if he pays any attention to them even if they have. >> okay. it's time to break out your very famous crystal ball, as are several states seemingly upper grab. let's start where you live, virginia, which is loaded blue in the last several elections. what is your sense of a state that you may know better than anyone? >> biden is still ahead. he's nowhere near the 10 point victory that he had in 2020. i think he is more around the five points of hillary clinton had in 2016 in virginia. but it is june. a lot of things are going to change. we got the first debate coming up, and then trump's sentencing. and we will see what the details of that are. and then the republican convention, and the democratic convention, and the second debate on september 10th, and all the things that we don't know that are going to happen that are on the counter. so it's a little bit early to be saying that any state is lower on the spectrum or higher on the spectrum and it was in 2020 for joe biden or for donald trump. but i think virginia is very likely to go for biden. frankly, if it doesn't, or if it's two or three points in biden's direction, it suggests that trump is probably winning the electoral college handily. >> let's get some details on north carolina. it has come very close to turning blue. the democratic governor helped push that to the left? >> absolutely. the republicans have an extraordinarily weak candidate for governor, who makes donald trump look tame in the same things he says about controversial issues. you know, with north carolina, i look at it this way. right now, we are all saying, it's going to be so close. it is close right now. if the election were held now, it would be close. no one has any clue what it will be like in november after all of these things happen. let's suppose that one candidate or the other manages to open up just a little day, like two or three points. well, if it is biden, north carolina could turn. north carolina is often a very close state. if it is in trump's direction, if the close list yields a two or three point lead for him, minnesota becomes reasonable. it's not the old minnesota. it's not your grandfather's minnesota. >> let's dip into georgia with this angle. it could be this year's biggest wild card. it is still, though, a deeply red state. the biden campaign, larry, is planning more than 200 events across georgia this week. but beyond that, what do they need to do to keep georgia in november? >> they need to excite democratic voters there, particularly minority voters. everybody knows right now of the minority voters, both the black and latinos, are not as excited as democrats would want them to be, or anywhere close to as excited as they were in 2020. that simply has to change. i didn't win too many key states, swing states, with very small pluralities. but again, months ago, opportunities to do that, and they clearly understand what needs to be done, and they do have the resources to do it. yes, trump has exceeded biden's totals now in fundraising. i suspect -- i don't know this for sure. we haven't seen the full numbers, i suspect a lot of it is going to his legal fees, which can only grow exponentially in the next few months. >> give me a sense of the veep pick, the three names entered now. we have doug burgum, and senators jd vance and marco rubio. who helps trump the most? >> probably rubio would, because he has some appeal to latinos. and already, they are weakening in terms of their democratic ties. he might add two or three percentage points. note that all three of them are from deeply red states. in the old, old days, candidates tried to pick a candidate from a big state that was competitive or might even lean to the opposition. everybody always uses the example of lyndon johnson, there are plenty of other examples, too. well, that is gone. in this particular case, even the presidential nominee, maybe they would do best by taking an advanced course in groveling. that might well suit them best. and they are all taking back, they are all eating without salt, pepper, and tabasco, their prior words of criticism for donald trump. whichever one of them is picked, if trump actually gets elected, that will be there future for 4 years. okay, enjoy it. >> it seems like some of them are certainly been taking that class already. thank you, my friend. those who take your classes are very lucky. the aftermath of florida's don't say gay lot two years after he passed. also, among reverend sharpton's guests, quentin folks, new york governor kathy hogle, and los angeles mayor karen bass. just over an hour from now at 5:00 eastern. 5:00 eastern. all in one. to those with migraine, i see you. for the acute treatment of migraine with or without aura and the preventive treatment of episodic migraine in adults. don't take if allergic to nurtec odt. allergic reactions can occur, even days after using. most common side effects were nausea, indigestion, and stomach pain. it's time we all shine. talk to a healthcare provider about nurtec odt from pfizer. power outages can be unpredictable, inconvenient, and disruptive to your life, posing a real threat to your family's comfort and safety. when the power goes out, you have no lights, no refrigeration, no heating or air conditioning. the winds are not letting up at all here. we're going to see some power outages. number one thing to prepare for is extended power outages. are you prepared? 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>> we are seeing parents get a lot more politically engaged. >> reporter: stacy staggs is one of those parents. >> this law was designed to allow hate and anger. and to discriminate against people for things they don't have any control over. >> reporter: she says they are in over compliance of the law, canceling the subscription to entire online library database of tens of thousands of books over just a handful of titles in question. the state's department of public instruction which oversees schools did not address the book bans, but noted the legislation advises people against a name or pronoun change if he could result in abuse or neglect. >> how concerned are you about the scope of your child's education? >> i'm going to cry. it keeps me up at night. you have seen more instances of kids calling each other names, physical fights, intimidation and bullying. >> reporter: some of those instances highlighted in a 113 page title federal complaint that stagg, alongside dozens of teachers and students gave testimony four, challenging the state law. as a way for the review, trance students like noah and milo wants to show lawmakers that students like them aren't a threat, but laws in place are. >> this is the time in your life are you sort of figure out who you are. and so without having the safety or feeling kind of threatened by these new laws is, like -- not good. >> things are kind of awful right now. but the best thing we can do is just keep living. >> that was maura barrett reporting. you know what you will be looking for thursday night's debate? 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