Transcripts For MSNBCW All 20240619

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>> could you state your name as well? you have the right to remain silent and you the right to be represented by counsel. >> the first trump wave is still being processed. >> how concerned are you that your candidate is in jail the week at the convention? >> alarming no evidence the new trump crime wave will be worse. >> ladies and gentlemen, it's very simple. victory or death. move over dr. oz and kari lake, meet trump's new recruits to run your government. >> on strippers. >> a strip club -- >> the making of the trump met the. >> love, did you come up with the package? >> no. >> who did? >> a new look at the reality show distortions that paved the way to the white house when all in starts right now . good evening from new york i'm chris hayes. one of the most seismic stories is the rest of all of what you might call the trump crime wave. the wave began in 2021, remember, donald trump was president debt resident amid the backdrop of chaos of the pandemic in the george floyd protests in the police response to them. of course, then former president trump through fuel on the fire at every opportunity. we saw enormous biking crime across red and blue states in small towns and big cities. the murder rate jumped by a record 30%. you can see the filing crime overall was up more than 5% in 2020 and over the past three years, president biden we have seen a huge nationwide declined in crime. the latest data suggests that violent crime rate may have dropped another 15% inches the first three months of 2024 compared to the same period last year. the trends in crime are down even with holes in the data from various cities. the overall picture is clear. of course, the trump crime wave is about more than the macro statistics although those are the most important for people with lived experience. it's also the fact that the man himself is a criminal. just convicted of 34 felony counts in new york and amanda surrounds himself with criminals bringing them on stage and even in the courtroom with them during trial. donald trump believes following the rule of rilaw is for sucker he has imbued the republican party with his mafia e those. stitches get stitches. top dog should get away with everything. brother talk among trump and his allies about backing the blue, when law enforcement is not under his control as it would be in an authoritarian enterprise, then it becomes the subject of suspicion and insults. look at what happened at the pennsylvania state house this morning. democrats there welcome two capitol police officers enter by the violent pro-trump mob out for blood on january 6. donald trump raises the insurrection is who beat the cops bloody as warriors and hostages who he promises to free from prison if reelected. when these two officers were introduced on the statehouse floor, listen to how st republicans reacted before they were drowned out by democrats. >> this morning, it's with incredible honor and humility that for the first time on the floor of this house, we are so t thrilled to welcome former united states capitol police sergeant and former united states capitol police officer harry done. both of these men were present physically and verbally attacked, but bravely defended democracy at the united states capitol against rioters and insurrections on january 6, 2021, they are traveling the nation and staring their stories to raise awareness to the threats of democracy in our nation. please stand. welcome to the floor of the house. >> [ applause ] >> pennsylvania republicans, you could've heard it when she talked about threats to democracy. they not only jeered but they may have walked out according to several lawmakers who were there. it does not stop there. whenever any parts of the machinery of law enforcement, state or federal level, our bear to trump or his followers then they become the target of threats. just about always. hears an example last week. a texas man was arrested and charged with threatening an fbi agent involved in the hunter biden investigation. to be clear because this headline, this man was not ia biden fan angry about the conviction of the president's son rather he was a trump supporter angry about a slew of false claims about hunter biden and the 2020 election. who might say these are the fringes in the something to that but it goes beyond that. last month, donald trump's allies went on this crusade against joe biden's department of justice and the fbi. they took a standard part of the warrant used in the document search for mar-a-lago and turned it into an assassination conspiracy theory. >> the biden administration authorizing the use of deadly force during the fbi raid of former president trump's mar-a- lago estate in 2022. >> they were thinking of using deadly force? it's on the table? it might be necessary? >> authorized armed agents to use deadly force in the mar-a- lago grade. that is insane.'s or any justification for that? >> my mind as a prosecutor goes to maybe they wanted the engagement of physical force. maybe they wanted to come in without fbi or doj without all of that, identifying and, so they could engage in deadly physical force. >> why was merrick garland g prepping for for a shootout? >> deadly force, does it mean joe biden was authorizing the fbi -- if it came to that, and he resisted arrest, it would be okay to kill donald trump? >> that's what it seems. >> that's a sample. it was spun up that it was a biden assassination plot against donald trump. trump himself jumped right on the conspiracy bandwagon and blasted out a fundraising email trying to make money off it., quote, breaking biden's doj was authorized to shoot me. joe biden was locked and loaded, ready to take me out and put my family in danger. as we have seen, as i told you about the guy threatening the fbi agent, those words are very dangerous which is why special counsel jack smith has asked the judge overseeing the documents case to bar trump from making statements that endanger law enforcement. and smith's second petition after judge cannon denied the first request, he writes of former president, quote, deceptive and inflammatory assertions put a target on the backs of the fbi agents involved in this case, as trump well knows. here is the thing. in response, a group of 24 republican state attorneys general from across the country filed an amicus brief, a gag order petition in a florida court, an amicus brief supporting trump calling jack smith's request, quote, presumptively unconstitutional. of course, defending the bus's right to falsely accuse the assassination plot against him and tangibly danger ring lives is what you do in the trump crime family. congressman dan golden, democrat serving on the oversight committee. you are a prosecutor as well. i have to say i was really brought up short by the amicus r brief by the attorneys general.t that our first amendment issues when you have a candidate is involved in criminal trials so there is some things to worry about. to have a who's who list of every attorney general saying it's important donald trump be able to say these things about fbi agents when we have the evidence that this does put them in danger. >> let's even take a step back and how unusual it is for state attorneys general to file income amicus brief in a federal district court -- >> on like a motion on a gag order. >> even if this were to go to the appeals court, you still would not see state attorneys general chiming in on something. what is clear is this is a continuation of what house republicans have been doing. what all republican elected officials around the country including attorneys general is they are trying to use their official position to assist donald trump's defense against these criminal cases and to help his campaign. the way they are trying to gaslight the american public is by claiming that joe biden is using what they call law fair which means he is politicizing the doj and then you get the question of, if he's politicizing the doj, why would he charge his own son? it doesn't make sense but it's the projection to try to disengage and offset their own efforts to abuse their authority, their official authority, for the benefit, as you put so well and i was a prosecutor, the mob boss of the republican party. >> i want to come back to the conspiracy theory but the amicus brief, it's bizarre. it's all of them. the hill they are dying on is it's not that he is innocent. it's important for him to be able to go around saying these things about fbi agents that are obviously inflammatory. obvious incitement. >> i thought what jack smith said and special counsel that is the critical line is as trump well knows. because, it's one thing if this is the first time you have done something like this, and you may not understand how your words will be interpreted by your followers. we are so far past the. we have january 6, we have the guy who sent all the bombs to people. >> a man broke into the speaker of the house and almost beat her husband to death. >> attacked the fbi and had to be shot. it is crystal clear to donald trump, to all his supporters, steve bannon singing victory or death, that they know what reactions their words are going to have. they have no plausible deniability. that's what jack smith put thatt in there. donald trump knows when he attacks the fbi, it will incite his followers to attack the fbi. it's all part of the authoritarian playbook because he wants to undermine accountability. he wants to undermine checks and balances so he attacks the c media. he attacks the accountability institutions, fbi, doj, intelligence community, anybody who can call him out and expose his wrongdoing is someone subject to attack. the worst part about it is it's not just him. you have 24 attorneys general now. people formally with dignity and integrity of stooped down to this level, they are undermining their own authority in many ways. those attorneys general work with law enforcement. he is undermining law enforcement. >> the scariest aspects of this is that with this look like if the department of justice were back at the hands of donald trump. i want to read from project 2025 description of their vision of the department of justice. it's a blueprint for the next republican president who in this case would be trump. the doj has become a bloated barack or c with a critical core personnel who are infatuated with the perpetuation of a radical liberal agenda in the defeat of perceived political enemies. it's essential that the next administration place a high priority on the reforming the doj. anything other than a overhaul will other further erode the trust of the significant portions of the american people and harm the very fabric that holds -- >> i get scared. i get scared for what is clearly an effort to effectively politicize and overtake our criminal system and the department of justice. i worked in the department of th justice for 10 years and worked with fbi agents. fbi is notoriously a republican leaning institution. it >> the notion it's a bastion of woke liberals. >> to their credit, did not know what their politics were because we checked politics at the door when you're career civil servant. that's what trump does not like. he wants to make everything political, it's part of the reason you say project 2025. i join date task force in congress that is being chaired by jared huffman of california that is the stop project 2025 because it's trump's former senior executives who have now gone over to the heritage foundation and to put together a 900 page playbook to take over american government, to create an authoritarian dictatorship that would do what they said on the doj in terms of getting rid of all nonpartisan career officials, eliminate the department of education. ban rtabortion. the list goes on is to all of the efforts that they are laying out in plain language as to how they are going to take down our democracy, and we will continue to amplify this because it is scary of what will happen to our country if donald trump becomes president. >> dan goldman, great to have you here. from strip club loving there is to carpetbagging billionaires, the latest slate of candidates running this november. . 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...i don't want to miss that. that's amazing doc. mobile savings are calling. visit to learn more. doc? i am joined by qualified guests help me look at the issues. this week, representative jasmine crockett and chip criminal justice. why is this happening? listen where you get your podcasts. podcasts. it's another election cycle and as in previous cycles, the republican party is fielding candidates we like to call freaks and geeks. it's been a feature that the trump be elements of seized control at grassley's level and from that and primary contest they have elevated extreme candidates who are downright repellent to swing voters and otherwise winnable races. whatever mojo trump has when he runs, he lost the popular vote twice, it has proved not to be replicable by his strange fellow republicans. we saw this in 2022. they were supposed to be red wave but republicans did not have candidates who could surf the wave. herschel walker in georgia a nfl star who had no political experience and a reputation for dishonesty. when he was on his, he was rarely coherent. >> the other night i was watching this movie. it was called fright night or freak night about vampires. i don't know if you know but vampires are cool people. the werewolf that killed a vampire, did you know that? i don't want to be a vampire anymore. >> then pennsylvania with a candidate for governor was doug mastriano pictured on the left at the stop the steal rally on january 6 just before the violent insurrection. you can see the denying qanon doug mastriano at the left at his confederate civil war uniform. and kari lake who ran for governor, former tv news gov -- who campaigned against the fake news media. he parroted trump allies but she claimed her own election was stolen and still does. in fact, lake who is not the governor although she think she is, she's on the ballot again. running for senate against the popular war veteran ruben gallegos. she has been losing to him at every major poll taken in that race since february. which is to say republicans are doing the same thing again. in minnesota, incumbent democratic senator amy klobuchar, a former nba player turned infowars lover. he has advanced conspiracy theories from nancy pelosi's husband and the federal reserve while reportedly managing to oh over $800,000 in child support is having to answer questions about why his campaign spent $1200 at a florida strip club. >> your claim as there were filings which said you spent campaign funds at a strip club -- >> no. they didn't say i spent the funds at a strip club, they said not on strippers. >> it was spent at a strip club. >> a strip club sells food. >> you spent the money on food at a strip club? >> you seem to be unfamiliar with strippers, strip clubs and i will inform you that they have food at strip clubs. >> delicious. white rallied against -- railed against the jewish elite. claimed women have become too mouthy. that's not an isolated incident. a guy named mark robinson who spent years posting unbelievable bile about jewish americans, black folks and from denying the holocaust happen declaiming the movie black panther was created by agnostic djoos vision put together by satanic marxist. robinson ranted against women and abortion so many times that his democratic opponents stitch them into one brutal ad. >> by say i was the governor. we can't have an abortion in north carolina. for me there's no compromise on abortion. it makes no difference why or how that child ended up in that womb. in this country, it's not about protecting the lives of mothers. it's about killing the child because you were not responsible to keep your skirt down. it's not your body anymore. >> killing a child because you were not responsible enough to keep your skirt down. running for governor in north carolina. this is haunting republicans everywhere including indiana where the republican senator is running for governor. he came prepared but rather to a c to his wishes the state party convention selected a pentecostal pastor, podcasters self-described christian nationals whose only public service expense was an attempt to purge controversial books in his local library. gained notoriety of the capitol insurrection for claiming that gut had spoken to him and endorsed the rioters. >> a lot of people are freaking out over what they saw and i can understand that. i was in prayer this morning and you know what the lord told me? he said i sent those riots to washington. he said what you saw yesterday was my hand at work. >> it's always in the car those videos. as michelle goldberg, they are freaked out that his candidacy gives democrats an opening in a red state. his elevation is the latest son of a conflict splitting republican parties nationwide as gop activists demand greater levels of belligerence from their leaders. the crazy thing is even when the party elites get the candidates they wanted, they tend not to be appreciably more palatable to mainstream voters. in pennsylvania where they got tv dr. oz to run for senate even though his residence was across the river in new jersey? this year they are running david mccormick, another rich carpetbagger who spends his time in a $60 million mansion in connecticut but with this hedge fund wealth. he's not alone. to challenge tammy baldwin in wisconsin was a contested swing state they have selected the ceo of the utah-based bank who lives in a $7 million oceanfront mansion in california not far from his main office. he recently took fire for defending his claims about voting irregularities by suggesting that residents of nursing homes are too close to death for their votes to count. all this is a reminder we are at a paradox of the trump era that only trump gets away with being trump-like. everybody else being polarizing and repellent does come with some political costs. gravity does exist for them. this has led republicans -- over and over again. the majority in the senate with better candidates. this election so far is looking to be a similar story. but, of course, there's the guy at the top of the ticket who has at last count 34 felony convictions and running neck and neck with the incumbent president. cumbent president. i'm jonathan lawson, here to tell you about life insurance through the colonial penn program. if you're age 50 to 85 and looking to buy life insurance on a fixed budget, remember the three p's. what are the three p's? 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>> i think that what you see is democratic have coalesced the democratic base more effectively than biden has. if you're an optimist, you say these voters that are choosing bob casey and tammy baldwin, the nice thing is biden campaign has a good sense of who the voters are. you can run a campaign to those voters. the flipside is republican and you went through that rogues gallery, which we've seen earlier, they have lost a dozen senate races they could've run -- won. they are underperforming trump. at the end of the day the races will close. most republican senate candidates will get 94, 95% and democratic side the same. when you look at the polls were biden's trailing narrowly and you look at senate democratic candidates doing better, it's a source of optimism. you have to close the sale but in politics when running a campaign, you always like to have a delta like that. we are underperforming data but you know who they are and you know what issues are driving them. a lot of this potentially could close in biden's favor if he has a strong debate the most important 90 minutes of his political life. if he comes out of that over performing which i think are quite low, you could begin to see voters come home who are right now choosing democratic senate candidates. >> someone working on the battleground states is a pollster, and curious what you think? >> i do tons of focus groups and in every group we start with something like, what's a word for two how you feel the country is going? what is going well and what is less well. almost every group, what the audience or what state, people say we are so divided. it feels terrible. i don't feel i can and get along with my neighbor. people are driving more angrily. facebook or talk to people anymore. what that tells me -- and you see it when we talk about politics, people are not looking for more trump. you know what i want? i want more anger in politics. i want more people bring their grievances from the past. i want more people trying to ban abortion. i do not hear that in focus groups. i think that's why you see in all these races in all different ways republican candidates not able to re-create what trump the support that trump has had. the difference in what you see and down ballot races in the presidential level, at the presidential level yet people ached in the cake. less volatile. it will not move based on what's happening as we get introduced to the candidates the way senate gubernatorial candidates have been and will continue to be which is what makes things like the debate very important as people refine their opinions. the other piece of optimism are few. if you look at these double haters, group that lots of people are tracking. people unfavorable toward biden/trump, those voters, they think trump committed a crime. he is guilty in the majority according to the poll review release think you should drop out. the double haters, is fluid group that's a larger percentage in the cycle, they do not support trump. they feel is guilty of a crime and they think he's not above the law and the convictions were fair. the other thing is what's happening within the republican primary, see on the republican side, nikki haley dropped out and has collected votes in some republican primaries. assigned they are unhappy with their choice. >> the top of the ticket issue, david, strikes me that you have issue inheritance. interest rates are high right now and inflation has been an issue and people do not blame tammy baldwin for that. to be honest, joe biden has as much control over it as tammy baldwin. people don't identify. it seems to be part of it. to the extent people, the economy or they are not senate candidates in statewide candidates do not get that same blame. >> no question. the buck stops here and that's true for governors and mayors but particularly the presidential level. there is no doubt. that is why you are starting to see the biden campaign layout a searing economic contrast. even the polls today showing the question of who cares about people like you and your family. joe biden has an advantage over trump. super important. in 2012 when we will go a tough reelection against mitt romney with a weak economy, that was a question. if you are a teacher or a welder, a nurse, a retiree, obama gets you and romney never will. joe biden, that was something effective in 2020 and it can be again. these are pools and not reality. you showed wisconsin, tammy baldwin almost at 50 is important. what really matters, some of the polls you showed in wisconsin and other states, the polling average is 41-40. where's the other 19? they may not vote. the biden campaign probably in most battleground states likes who those undeclared voters are more than donald trump. he has coalesced more of his base. that's a reason for optimism. >> if you could pass along a message to kellyanne conway, they should lean into this trump tax idea where we tariff taxes. i would pass that along. that's a winner. thank you both. appreciate it. coming up . how donald trump is still obsessed with the tv show the helped propel him to the presidency. the author of the apprentice book joins me. book joins me. the virus that causes shingles is sleeping... in 99% of people over 50. it's lying dormant, waiting... and could reactivate. shingles strikes as a painful, blistering rash that can last for weeks. and it could wake at any time. think you're not at risk for shingles? it's time to wake up. because shingles could wake up in you. if you're over 50, talk to your doctor or pharmacist about shingles prevention. ah, these bills are crazy. she has no idea she's sitting on a goldmine. well she doesn't know that if she owns a life insurance policy of $100,000 or more she can sell all or part of it to coventry for cash. even a term policy. even a term policy? even a term policy! find out if you're sitting on a goldmine. call coventry direct today at the number on your screen, or visit you know what i'm talking about. >> i think your fake eyelashes are messing up. >> order. >> order. >> i am curious, to understand your ruling, if someone on the committee starts talking about somebody's bleach blonde bad body. >> a what? >> that exchange between marjorie taylor greene and jasmine crockett has taken on a life alone. her limited to her a letter to phrase to unprompted attack on her appearance from marjorie taylor greene. official teacher from her office in a fundraising email from the biden/harris campaign. this week on why is this happening, sat down with jasmine crockett and got the back story behind the now iconic phrase. >> where did bed build come from? >> it came from my granny. my granny, and if anybody knows anything about older black women, they say a lot of stuff. they don't care. and so my granny was good for saying that somebody was bed built and while she probably was my favorite person on the face of the planet and i miss her every day and i can only imagine what she would think of me now. it's amazing when you think about how important people like my grandma has been to my life and even when they are gone, they are always still with you. i have been able to share my granny with the whole world. that was something my granny used to say. >> amazing conversation and jasmine crockett is one of the most fascinating members of congress. former public defender and it attended the same college as amy coney barrett. you can listen to the full conversation by scanning the qr code you see on your screen with your phone or searching why is this happening ever you get your podcast. it was a fun one. one. i know you love your dadda. of course he loves you. he just doesn't show it on his face... or with his body language. ♪ she's got a smile ♪ ♪ that seems to me ♪ come on. oh, junior! no no no no no no. haha! good job junior. way to go. [ minion language ] have you heard of that ancient urban legend that's come along for every rich guy? the rich guy's car breaks down into good samaritan helps to fix it in the next day the samaritan finds his mortgage has been paid off by the rich guy. a version of this made-up story about henry ford and they told it about bill gates and donald trump. the difference is trump depended on stories like that. spot terrific. >> been waiting a very long time. >> this sounds like trouble. >> i want to know if the story was true. you were traveling to atlantic city and your limo broke down. a husband and wife pull up and the husband said i will help them out so i helped at the limousine and a week later the husband and wife received the deed to their house paid off? is that a true story? >> it is true. it is true. >> [ bleep ] awesome. >> it goes to show what type of man he is. a great man. >> donald trump's entire adult life and career is an urban legend and pulled enough to get him elected president. no better example than the tv show, the apprentice. a book out called apprentice in wonderland . how they took america through the looking glass examines a work behind building the myth that trump ran on in his continued obsession with different reality show. joining me is the author that book. co-editor-in-chief a variety. it's great to have you here. the quote on the back of the book which is a funny quote, trump, and you think i would've been president without the apprentice? i say yes but many say no. eric trump in the book says the apprentice paid the way for the entire presidency. we were talking about the different rules that seem to apply to trump politically than other people who try to be him. in some ways the explanation as he was on a tv show for 15 years about how amazing he was. >> he played a character, the character donald trump on the apprentice and that's why he's able to make the american public love him. the track crowds and make people think he's a good leader in this book is about the apprentice in his origin story but based on six interviews i had with donald trump starting in 2021 after he left the white house. he gave me more axis than any other journalist. it unlocks the key -- >> i'm laughing because he wants to go back there. everyone would be happier. donald trump would be happier. i would be happy. the world would be better off. >> the family would be happier. they would still be judges. it's important for people to read the book in here in trump's words what he thinks his accomplishments are. what he thinks he's capable of and how little he cares about governing. he's only interested in show business. >> his accomplishments, from the book, looking at a page from the nielsen ratings published in a issue a variety from the week after the airing of the apprentice for season finale. talk about a femoral. no one cares. they don't matter the day after. it is framed and bolted to the wall, something that carries as much failure to him as the u.s. constitution if not more. this sheet of paper comes from an america where the apprentice was, if only for a few weeks, the number 1 show. this is my life. >> he said it with a straight face. he was looking back at nielsen ratings that he has framed but when i visited him in mar-a- lago, there is a copy of it there. ratings are what drives him. audience is important to him. how much of it was production and how much was him? >> the reason he had the ability, the most consequential tv show, the apprentice, the reason had the ability to win the primary as he was famous from tv. why did it work? >> he was funny on tv and he would say crazy things and he was rewarded. the american public like that but it's an neck. he is playing a character and it's important as biden goes to the debate for him to realize and for this to be a warning, he is playing a character on a reality show. we can't look at him like a normal politician. >> is he a character in his own head? he says, after i lost the election, trump says, these words come tumbling from his mouth almost against his own will and he winces in surprise. a moment of candor that catches them off guard even if you can believe is that it. i called the election, but then when they said we lost, then he corrects himself looking please. >> deep down he knows he lost the election and this character he plays that denies the election was rigged speaks to his pace and gets good ratings and a lot of attention. he was confused in his storytelling and he remembered clearly what happened when he was on the apprentice but struggled with chronology of events and remembering what happened in the white house and his short-term memory is shot. not as clear as his previous memory from when he was in show business. >> what do you mean? >> i was with him the day his sister died and he started speaking about his sister in present tense. he didn't cancel our meeting and he started talking about his ratings on the apprentice and how much his sister loved the show which probably was not true. it probably was the true. and started talking about this nft business he was launching. is called apprentice in wonderland because it's an alternate reality. we are not living in the real world and it's important to people to realize what we are headed for. >> trump tower feels like great gardens without the cats. what do you mean? >> it was deserted and quiet. this was may 2021 shortly after he had to vacate the white house. issues of trump magazine, it had not existed for years. he was contacting himself as an actor who no longer had cameras following him around. >> when i read that line, people can google it, on the price is right there is the wheel. you only see one side but when you see the other side, it's two by four and would put together. all set furniture looks like that. trump tower is like that. many people say it is shot. that's the whole thing. the whole thing is that. all the price is right wheel. >> when you go on a set and the host is not there in the audience is not there and you see how old everything looks. that is what trump tower is like without the cameras. absolutely. >> he just wants to go back in time. was it a mistake? does he regret he became president? >> he said he would never run for president if it was never the apprentice. he would not say out loud he regrets it but he missed being on the apprentice. it is clear. this is what he wants to do. >> can we get him a show. the book is called apprentice in wonderland out today. thank you for your time. that's all in. alex wagner starts right now. . now with alicia in for alex. 12 years ago then president obama signed one of the most important executive actions of his presidency, one that wou

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