Transcripts For MSNBCW Alex 20240616

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average temperatures in every state between thursday and sunday. the heat has already arrived in the midwest and south. sean combs has returned is key to new york after a request by eric adams. that was in response to the 2016 police surveillance video showing combs assaulting his former girlfriend. adams bestowed the honor to combs last year and said he was deeply disturbed by that footage. a sun country airlines flight was forced to make an emergency landing on friday due to engine failure. 176 passengers, landing without any major injuries. especially when it comes to yuppies and donald trump. the offer of a new book joins me. good day to all of you from headquarters here in new york. we begin with decision 2024. president biden will return to washington tonight to begin extensive debate pap with his first chief of staff. he is in california with a record-breaking $30 million in campaign cash. at last night's fundraiser, he also delivered his harshest criticism yet of the supreme court. >> the next president is likely to have two new supreme court nominees. two more. two more. he has already appointed two that are very negative in terms of the rights of individuals. the idea that if he is re- elected, the supreme court has never been us out of kilter as it is today. i mean, never. this has never been a court that has been this far out of step. >> donald trump will meet with gop house speaker mike johnson at mar-a-lago. trump has asked johnson to help him overturn his 34 count hush money felony count conviction. they are heavily courting younger voters. >> what we are trying to focus on is, how do we make sure we have four more years were the american people, particularly kids like me, growing up in poverty, have the best future we can possibly have. that takes donald trump. >> we are seeing a surge of turnout, especially with young people that are freaked out that republicans led by donald trump are going to take away their right to reproductive health care and destroy our democracy. a new reaction from milwaukee residence to new billboards highlighting trumps use of the word horrible to describe crime in their city which is hosting the republican national convention next month. >> is coming here in a couple weeks, so i think it takes an awful lot of ignorance to say something that negative before he is coming if he really thinks he should be president. >> we got a number of correspondence in place covering all the days new developments. we begin with aaron gilchrist in los angeles where the president held his star-studded fundraiser. what all did we hear from the president last night, and how easy preparing for the upcoming debate? >> president biden is set to head back this afternoon after raking in $30 million at that celebrity packed event last night here in l.a. $200 million more than originally projected. this was the most successful fundraiser in the democratic party's history. arbor streisand introducing the first lady. president biden and former president barack obama headline, interviewed by jimmy kimmel, and they talked about a wide range of topics. immigration, election interference, global conflict, healthcare. kimmel also asked about the supreme court decision to overturn roe v wade and ended abortion protections at the federal level. the president warned about how he feels the court will change if former president trump is able to win and appoint new justices. let's listen. >> after the decision of roe v wade, the dobbs decision, you had clarence thomas talking about the fact that there are going to be other things we should reconsider, including in vitro fertilization, including contraception, including all these things. and by the way -- by the way -- not on my watch. >> now, this crowd of hollywood a listers and influencers was very receptive to biden's remarks and his ideas which will help them raise money. in some of the ways, i think it creates another group of surrogate to carry his message forward. you think of the one photo that julia roberts posted on instagram got more than 300,000 likes. that is the sort of person that can put out a message for the biden harris campaign at this point. we know this debate is coming soon. the debate at the end of the month, resident biden expected to head back to washington in the next couple of hours here, and he could begin to break early next week. he's likely to spend some time at camp david, the presidential retreat in maryland. his former chief of staff has been tapped to help with the debate preparation, and the president looks to be ready for that face to face with donald trump come june 27, i believe. >> right you are. 11 short days away. joining me now, the democratic congresswoman from california. the president raising $30 million for his campaign last night. how much influence does hollywood really have on voters? do they bring in the votes? does it translate to that? >> i think it does. sorry that i wasn't able to be there last night, but i didn't want to outshine him. although i was in philadelphia with him for the launch of his lack voter campaign. i think it is a great thing to have him here in los angeles. it's a city of innovation, perseverance, hope. there's also a huge economic driver for the country. we are the epicenter of entertainment. to have him here to energize and remind democrats that we are the greatest force in telling the story about what is at stake, what is at risk, and what is worth saving in this election and why not have a little star power help with that? >> you probably would have shown him up in some glamorous gown. i know you can do that. let me ask you about social media influencers. they have more clout with voters than hollywood celebrities right now in terms of the voting demo the democrats want to target? is there a risk the biden campaign misses that segment of voters? >> i don't think so. dark brandon is probably on tiktok. i think it's important to talk to all of your voters, all of the constituents that represent our district i live across this country. so are influencers. i certainly believe that we have an oversaturated market with so many folks looking to social media and being on their phones and devices to get news. but if that's where voters are, we have to meet them wherever they are and tell them the truth about what president biden and vice president biden have done to keep us safe and protect their rights. >> donald trump, for his part, he would rather return here to capitol hill for the first time since a january 6th attack. including those who condemned him following the riot. senator mitch mcconnell says he shook hands with trumpet multiple times. do they have amnesia, as congresswoman nancy pelosi has suggested? i'm interested with the apparent about-face in allegiance to donald trump. >> amen, alex. i think it's nauseating to see such slavish devotion to delusion. here is the chief engineer behind the january 6th insurrection walking past capitol police and house floor employees who protect us and help us every single day and whose lives he put at risk to go and talk to sycophant republicans in the house and in the senate, and the only language he knows -- quid pro quo. he says, i will help you if you help me. look how that helped michael cohen, rudy giuliani, herman cain. he went to republican congress people and said, hey, take out doj. under resource homeland security. defund the government. put out bills that hurt allies, our veterans, our women. confused the american people on reproductive rights. don't talk about how good the economy is going. condescend africa, and i will endorse you. what the speaker johnson do? he comes out and says, hey, we talked to presidential candidate donald trump, but we are going to drink that bleach again. >> when you put it like that, it is stunning. donald trump was in detroit yesterday trying to win over black voters. his advantage with them somewhat waning. congressman jim clyburn said, he thinks something is wrong with the polling. take a listen. >> anybody who believes that donald trump will get 30% of the black male vote or 12% of the black female boat -- i got a bridge down there on johns island i'll sell you. >> so look. as we know, the black voting block is not a monolith, but is it a false narrative that some portion of black voters are somehow leaving trump? and if it is, who can help shift this message for president biden's campaign? >> as you know, i just voters, not the polls. i think black voters have been historically very quiet. we keep our cards close to the best when it comes to who we are going to -- and we came out in droves. because of trump, almost half of black women live in states that have little or no abortion access. that also means they live in states where either they or their providers or partners can be criminalized. that is because of trump. and biden and democrats are working to reverse that. biden is the one who cut student debt. he is cutting medical debt. he has created an economy that has historically low unemployment numbers for black americans. he's the one who has a vice president was a black woman and put a black woman on the supreme court. he is the one who has funded the office of civil rights and people j. what has trump done? trump told black folks, hey, kill your nana. covid isn't real. trump staffed the courts with judges who are taking away the black right to vote. he has allowed china to go in and exploit so many of our democratic allies on the continent. he has said white supremacists are fine people and he's created a reality real vice presidential hopefuls telling black people that jim crow was good for them. we just have to continue to rewind the tape and show the receipts to black voters to show the contrast between president biden and donald trump. >> congressman clyburn also told politico that he's going to skip prime minister benjamin not netanyahu's speech next month. he's considering holding an alternative event. representative saying he plans to skip it as well. you are a member of the foreign affairs community. is it disrespectful 28 u.s. ally not to attend? does the ongoing war challenge that? and will you attend? >> you know, every representative needs to make the decision that is best for them, their heart, and their district. i will tell you, i am still in my feelings about how congress, you know, treated president obama by inviting prime minister netanyahu to speak before congress. you know, i think president biden has been very gracious and patient and stern with prime minister netanyahu, who, at times, has thumbed his nose at the president. i do think this invitation is rewarding bad behavior by the speaker to netanyahu. i also think it is incredibly disingenuous that he disinvited the president of kenya, who has been a strong ally to us, was working with us at haiti, and an incredible democratic ally on the continent of africa. i, too, and in my feelings about this invitation. >> all right congresswoman, good to see you as always. he will have you back again soon. you reaction to president biden's recent border crackdown as he continues new actions to protect undocumented spouses of u.s. citizens. julie, welcome. what is the latest on this? >> just symbolically, we are cupping up against an anniversary of the program that has rewarded so many young migrants who came to this country who congress have not been able to protect over the last couple of years and decades, and making that program permanent. that is definitely something the administration is looking at closely in terms of our wording to extend this program to the undocumented spouses to give them work permits to make sure they are protected against deportation. at the same time, given that this is something that hispanic lawmakers that i speak to here regularly have called for an immigration advocates as well, the biden administration did put forward some administrative action that we have reported here on extensively that would cap the number of migrants, the number of illegal migrants throughout the points of entry to cap that number and to turn them away. let's take a listen to what a progressive member of the house had to say about that. on the flipside, you will hear from senator jd vance, a conservative republican and someone who is in the running to be the president's vp pick this time around. watch this. >> i don't think it's the right policy. i understand the presidents frustration. he has waited three years to get congress to fund immigration judges, border patrol. we haven't done it. we have an artificial cap, and people are basically going to go to gangs and come through non-port of entries. and we don't want to have that situation on the border. >> to deport every single illegal alien that came into this country during the biden regime. >> of course, vance there is speaking at a very conservative congress conference in michigan, turning point usa. he is speaking to mainly a crowd of trump supporters. the thing is, when you hear that dynamic, what these lawmakers are pushing back against in terms of this executive action, the biden administration is trying to be on the offense when it comes to this issue. you contrast that with what a republican audience wants to hear, maybe even independent voters who see immigration and the heightened exasperation of illegal immigration over the last couple of months and years. certainly, the biden administration has to toe the line here. >> thank you for that. there's new reporting about donald trump's private request from house speaker mike johnson. we are back with that in 90 seconds. em,... ...we're going for a better treatment than warfarin. eliquis. eliquis reduces stroke risk. and has less major bleeding. over 97% of eliquis patients did not experience a stroke. don't stop taking eliquis without talking to your doctor as this may increase your risk of stroke. eliquis can cause serious and in rare cases fatal bleeding. don't take eliquis if you have an artificial heart valve or abnormal bleeding. while taking, you may bruise more easily... ...or take longer for bleeding to stop. get help right away for unexpected bleeding or unusual bruising. it may increase your bleeding risk if you take certain medicines. tell your doctor about all planned medical or dental procedures. the number one cardiologist-prescribed blood thinner. ask your doctor about eliquis. 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(vo) new and existing customers get iphone 15 on us when they trade in any iphone. verizon political threats and even violent rhetoric this weekend at a conservative conference in detroit. former president trump and his allies keep spreading false information about the 2020 election and threaten political retribution. jake trailer is on the ground force in detroit. jake, welcome. what are we hearing from this conference? >> alex, turning point has really become the strong arm of the far right conservative movement, and specifically with a lot of young voters. over the past few days here in detroit, turning point hosted the people's convention. those that poke spoke on stage were trump and everyone in trump's quarter. what they spoke about was really just echoing his rhetoric about election interference in 2020. there's also these kind of ambiguous calls to action that come from a lot of trumps supporters and speakers, talking about 2024 and ensuring that voter fraud, in their words, does it take place again in this upcoming election. one of those came from trump's longtime adviser, steve bannon, who is going to report to jail on july 1st for contempt of congress. just look at what he told the viewers and crowd this afternoon. >> are we at war? is this a political war to the knife? are you prepared to leave it all on the battlefield in 2024? >> so that, i think, alone speaks for itself, alex. when it comes to trumps remarks here yesterday after visiting that church in the west part of detroit, trump focused on 2020 election interference. he did talk some about policy, but again, it was a really sharp focus on 2020, but also still on being found guilty in his criminal hush money trial. i want to read you just quickly, saying, i'm the only one who in history was indicted and his numbers went up. i'm the only one in history who got impeached and my number still went up. still angry rhetoric coming from him, it has now shifted to almost how he is benefiting from it, how his fundraising is going up and how his polling is getting up due to this verdict. it's clear he's going to continue to do that through most of this election. >> that is happening until it turns around, and then he will be complaining again. former fellow prosecutor, now legal affairs columnist with politico. good to see you. we heard steve bannon naming names in that speech. he was signaling out merrick garland and jack smith as well. what concerns you most about this and what does it tell you about the planning that may be behind trump's retribution threats? >> well, it is crazy, because what trump is essentially planning to do or threatening to do is to weapon eyes the justice system in a way that he is accusing his adversaries are doing, and he is essentially serine, you been unfair to me, so i'm going to trump up charges and imprisoned and arrest people for essentially non-crimes. that is very concerning and should be alarming to everyone. this is the sort of thing the tyrants suggest and there really is no place in the united states of america. >> president biden was asked about trump's rhetoric at the fundraiser last night. here's what he said . quote, the idea that he's actually threatening retribution, did you ever think you would ever think you would ever, ever hear anything like this? i mean, do you think america's institutions are prepared for a potential assault the one that steve bannon describes? >> i don't think they are, and i'm very concerned about that. we do have some backstops in this country, like the fact that we have a jury system. thank goodness. we have a constitutional right to trial by jury. but given were trump is at, what he's talking about here, he is essentially suggesting indicting and arresting people for no reason whatsoever, other than the fact that they are political adversaries of his. and one thing i will tell you from experience in representing a lot of clients, just the mere fact of an indictment, the mere threat of an indictment can turn someone's world upside down. think about andrew mccabe. the charges were dropped against him. he's the deputy director of the f vi. look at the immense cost and burden that was put on that man and his family merely by essentially a suggestion of false charges. >> good point. we have the new york times reports that the resistance to a new trump administration has already started with the folks taking extraordinary steps in case trump wins in november. you think they are jumping the gun? at the same time, do they recently have enough time to prepare? >> it is a very difficult situation. i do know people who are themselves concerned about retribution if trump does win the presidency. really, the way that that can be determined is the ballot box. ultimately, people are going to have to do what they can to mobilize and make a difference there. but if trump is president, there is no question -- he is campaigning on these threats, and realistically, it will take an extraordinary effort by not only attorneys, but others to try to defend those who are unjustly accused and charged by trump and his administration. >> let's talk about the supreme court, which is taking some pretty heavy criticism of the delay in releasing its ruling on trump's claim of absolute presidential immunity. i am curious what you think might be holding it up, because this is definitely the most important case of his term. do you really think they have it figured out the way they are going to vote on it yet? >> i think it is potentially one or two justices who are holding it up. i mean, if there is a decision that is not unanimous by the court by which you have multiple justices writing separate opinions, you could have a single justice holding up the issue to that opinion or that decision because he or she has her own opinion that they are working on writing. one thing about the justice system in general, acting swiftly is not always its strongest suit. is that old saying about the wheels of justice turning slowly, and i think it's been a great example of why mobilizing during an election is a much more effective way from getting to point a to point b. >> last question is, tomorrow donald trump meets with mike johnson at mar-a-lago. he's going to asked johnson to help him overturn his 34 count hush money trial conviction. political reports they are whipping up a bill that would allow charges at the state level to move to the federal court. how far do you see these efforts going? can republicans save trump from this? >> they can't. putting aside whether they have the votes or not, which is beyond my level of expertise, what i will say in that -- trump has been convicted. that is not going to change. nothing is going to change about that before his sentencing in july. the reality is, there is a state system he has to go through. there is no way that the supreme court is going to intervene at this point. on this bill they are contemplating, all it will do is move the case to federal court. i'm not sure a federal judge in new york is going to be doing anything any different than the new york state judges. they are reinterpreting new york law. it doesn't actually have the impact that trump is hoping for. >> okay. renato mariotti, good to talk to you always. coming up next, what prompted israel's surprising new move in gaza. i'm having trouble getting around but i want to live in my home. i can do it with the help of a barber, personal shopper, an exercise buddy. life's good. when you have a plan. ♪♪ you want thicker, stronger, fuller hair? 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can nothing else be done about this national epidemic? >> alex, so much can be done about this national epidemic, and honestly, so much has been done despite this horrific shooting at a splash pad that involved young children with their families, and that is absolutely horrific. i also want to note that this administration, led by president biden, has led some of the most that has fueled done violence prevention efforts in communities across this country. and what we are seeing as a result of that, this is terrific news here, between 2023 and 2024, a dramatic decrease in gun violence across this country is what we are seeing. in boston, more than 80% reduction in homicides. every major city, we are seeing reductions. and it shows. better policies, sharper enforcement of the law is key, we also need to talk about culture change in this country if we are really going to turn around. >> so on that statement there, i'm going to play for you part of a heart-wrenching interview that maggie vespa did with a local teacher just a little bit earlier. take a listen to this. >> i was just feeling really comfortable. i knew something was coming, because we get complacent. she felt that -- same thing. i've been feeling the same thing. can you go to the splash pad, can you go to the beach? can you go to the mall? it's everywhere. we are not going to get away from it. >> what she said, the part about changing culture. what are we supposed to tell folks in these communities? what can the average person even do about this? >> thanks for asking that question, alex. even just seeing those heartfelt comments and hearing them as a human being, as someone in the community, as a human being, there's so much we can do. start right with where you live. safely store that firearm. eight kids a day are killed or injured with guns in their own homes, alex. if your kid is going on a play date, ask about the presence of guns in the home. we have an epidemic of gun violence of all sorts. a huge percentage of the gun violence in this country happens in people's homes, and we can be the first line of defense against that. not just if we happen to have a gun, but in normalizing the conversation about whether others that you know have firearms in the home, and ending family fire in those homes or in your own home. we also have to realize gun violence prevention is on the ballot in november. there's no mistake about that. from the presidency to congress to your local candidates running for office, all of us should be informed. if we really care about how we live in not having that creeping sensation when you are in that grocery store where the concert or dropping your kid at school, you can do something about that, and it's at the ballot box. we do have to normalize this conversation. we have more guns than people in this country, and we have to talk about it as the risk that it poses, not vilify people who choose to have guns in that process. >> and i just ask your reaction to what the supreme court delivered, to overturning the bump stock band on friday? >> needless to say, that 6-3 decision i found a prop appalling. i think the justice got it right. if it walks like a duck, quacks like a duck, it's a duck. the bump stocks transform a regular firearm into a machine gun. those were banned in 1934 for a reason. they were used by the vegas shooter to the largest death toll in our country. 60 people killed, 500 injured with bump stocks because it transforms guns into machine guns. this court used in overly technical definition of machine gun to basically allow people to be murdered en masse. i don't know how else to put it, alex. i hate putting it that way. but the six justices who decided that case, the next time someone is massacred with bump stocks, they have blood on their hands. it is that simple. >> okay. thank you very much. sobering, but i'm always glad to see you. how the decade that brought us conspicuous consumption may have laid the groundwork for you know who to become president. >> i put myself in my needs first. >> he froze ethics out the window. what's the point? 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describe them. how did they go from being this kind of young counterculture group focused on money so intensely. >> as you mentioned, yuppies stands for young urban professional. they are a subset of the baby boom generation. folks were very well educated. they are very focused on career success, very materialistic, very focused on status. and they gain economic and political power in the 1980s. i think understanding their story really is the origin story of where we are today as a country. >> are they a lot about me? >> absolutely. it was about being successful and the self gratification as fast as possible. >> one of the biggest names in the 80s was donald trump. as trump moved up in the real estate world, he said there are no more middle buildings. the end of the 80s, there were less and less middle anything. talk about trump's role in all of this and what it did to the middle-class. >> so trump is really in some ways kind of the quintessential yuppie. he is very focused on money, obviously, on glitz and glamour, and that is very much a yuppie quality. we start to see the '80s that is continued until now is the hollowing out of the middle- class. the irony of this is, what trump helped create is a businessman, he has now profited as a politician. a lot of those working-class voters that suffered starting in the 1980s have turned to him for some reason is their redemption right now. >> here's something you also say. their prominence increased, quote. the rest of america's general distaste for yuppies involved into an impatience with the became known as the elites. we often hear about the rights resentment. but how was trump able to convince them to support him when what you are saying, this description, he is one of the biggest examples of the yuppies? >> yuppies are kind of insufferable, and that is one of the reasons why there was so much eye rolling about yuppies. and it does speak to trump's political skills that he has managed to persuade people that he, you know, and the working class, that he really has their back. i think it's because he has been successful. people admire people that make money, even though they resent a lot of the methods that are used for making that money. again, it speaks to trump's political skill. i am certainly no fan of donald trump, but i think as a politician, he is particularly savvy in the way he has done this. >> were yuppies ever cool? was donald trump ever cool in this role? >> they were cool amongst themselves, that is for sure. the country pretty quickly had their fill of them. when the stock market crashed in 1987, there was a general consensus that this was the death of the yuppie. in fact, it has more or less continued over the last 40 years. >> you write about the culture that garnered support for president ronald reagan and an administration that focused on tax cuts for the wealthy, defunding government regulations, government programs, and deregulation, of course. how much of the way of what our country does today can be traced back to president reagan? >> so much of what happened in the 80s is going on now. in some ways, a lot of those issues that you mentioned and those policies, reagan pitched them as sort of benefiting the working class. almost all of them have actually burnt to the working class. it speaks to reagan's political skills that he was able to pull out that messaging, even though he was a beneficiary of so many of those policies at the upper end of the income scale. it has been really great. the reviews have been wonderful. people who bought it have told me they really loved it. it sometimes funny to be nostalgic about the 1980s, there is a deep message to this book that policies those that took place have come in now. >> i can tell you the last time i said the word yuppie, so best of luck with the book. triumph of the yuppies -- america in the '80s, and the creation of an unequal nation. good luck with it. that's going to do it for me tonight. we will bat back next saturday and sunday. prime weekend is next.

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