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good evening once again. i am stephanie. we are 146 days away from the election, get your calendar out, mark it with a sharpie, one more day down. after a brief stop in wilmington following his son, hunter office criminal conviction, president biden landed in italy for the g-7 summit where the ukraine war will be a main focus. though biden is off the campaign trail the 2024 election is front and center with allies worried about what a second trump term could mean for that war effort. gabe gutierrez has more. >> reporter: president biden landed in italy for high stakes summit, a critical focus, the war in ukraine. a russian missile strike in president zelenskyy's hometown killed nine, injuring 21, including two children. the white house announced president biden will sign a bilateral security agreement with long-term defense cooperation as russian warships arrived off the coast of cuba 90 miles from the u.s. the pentagon has since sent ships and aircraft but say they are no current threats. the biden is looking to shore up support and allies support. but around the world right-wing parties have seen a swinging victory. also, the conviction of hunter biden. press secretary, not ruling out the president commuting hunter biden's sentence which could reduce or expunge prison time, but not expunge the crime. any talk of a commutation, they say was premature. aids meanwhile are looking forward to the september tax evasion trial in california which could show information about his foreign business dealings. >> at home, the republican- controlled house of representatives narrowly voted to hold attorney general merrick garland in contempt of congress over his refusal to release audio of president biden's interview with the special counsel robert hur. let's get smarter with our leadoff panel . and it's a great one. molly, special correspondent for vanity fair, msnbc contributor. evan, reporter for notice, democratic new york congressman, my friend, max rose. molly, let's start with the g-7. there is concern from european allies of the united states would look like if we had a second donald trump term. however, they are so worried about us, shouldn't we be worried about them? there was a whole host of elections in europe, and the far-right had a big sweep. >> they should be worried about us, we are worried about us, too. the one thing you can say in europe is they have coalition governments, so they don't, their president does not have the same power, they have multiple parties, many parties can be in power or percentages of them can be in power. it's not quite the same as what happens here in the states when a president, when a party really comes into power, but certainly i they are worried, we are all worried, a party no longer believes in the fundamentals of democracy, you have a guy running as an autocrat. it's really scary, and look one of his favorite things to talk about is ending nato. >> max is giving you the face of i have something to say about this. >> that's the face. [ laughter ] >> looking at the same polls as we are, they see how well trump is doing, so how does president biden reassure them, our allies, reassure ukraine we have your back? >> i think first of all, point to the fact he's beaten him once before. >> there you go. >> since 2016, most of the time when trump's agenda is on the ballot the vast majority of the time it's lost. there is one audience in which trump has a resounding popularity, and that is most republican voters. that's mostly irrelevant when it comes to general election, and look. the biden campaign is pointing to one fact, that is election day gets closer or election month, and people wake up to the true stakes of this election, and to trump's real craziness, the craziness of maga extremism, they are shifting to biden in a dramatic way. >> evan, the house, what did he expect besides a big show with attorney general merrick garland? >> i think this is one of those things that is really strange moment for the gop. on the one hand they are talking about how the legal system, merrick garland is a corrupt and has to be taken down and the whole justice system with him, but this is the same doj that just convicted hunter biden who convicted for a long time with the help of special counsel appointed originally by trump in the first place, so this is part of that swirling conversation they have where they are trying to kind of make the justice system part of this election, attacking it is corrupt, as being not reliable. but on the other hand they are like this whole thing, you don't have to take my word for it, one republican member of congress, david joyce out of ohio, didn't vote to for this contempt vote, and he set up a former prosecutor. he said we have to at some point stand up for what this is all supposed to be about which is these people who have these jobs we have to spit their jobs, believe in our system, and these attacks on the system, are very cynical attacks , the question is, just how far they will go with it and how long they can balance the edge they are on. it is bad when trump gets convicted, but it's good when hunter does, but it's hard for them to figure out a unified message here. >> max you were in congress and voted to hold trump cabinet members in contempt. >> look, it is a very serious tool that congress has that can carry extraordinary consequences. we see this with steve bannon and the contempt vote in and around that. the problem here is that congressional republicans are not treating this seriously, because what their allegation here is that they need to hear the video or see the video for something they already have the transcript for, and this directly infringes upon executive privilege. now, the ministration that has the authority to carry out the consequences of a contempt vote is the justice department of which the general obviously runs. so this is going nowhere, this is a symbolic vote, they know it is a symbolic vote, but what they are looking for is a way to elevate joe biden to where donald trump was when he committed egregious acts against the constitution, and they can't find anything. so, now they are just flailing in the wind, and it's pitiful. >> doesn't that make it more embarrassing? >> that ship has sailed, but look at how embarrassing they are, look at hunter. right? they literally would say the same thing if the case went either way. hunter biden is proving guilt, or the jury comes back and says he's guilty. they say this shows the judicial system is being weaponized against us. what if the jury said he was innocent to mark this shows that the jury system will come out against donald trump in one way and another way. against hunter, they have no idea what they are doing, because the fact are not on their side, and they are constantly appealing to this extremist base that is massively different. >> alternative facts, which, reminder, are just big, fat lies. a week ago, hunter biden told abc news, the president said he would not pardon his son if convicted. but today the white house wouldn't rule out muting his sentence. what's your take on that? >> i hope they won't commute his sentence. they have a chance to say the law is the law no matter if it is trump or biden, and remember part of trump's danger is that it tears down important institutions of our democracy, so there is opportunity for biden to say you know the jury found him guilty, this is how it is supposed to work. period, end of paragraph, end of story. >> two weeks to go before the first presidential debate. what's your advice for the president? >> the president doesn't need my advice here. >> trust me, i'm sure he doesn't. >> i think we all are thinking supporters of the president, as well as folks who are independent is just relax, man. we got this correct? this is the one individual who has beaten donald trump read >> right. >> and as long as you bring what you brought last election, i think it will be a resounding success. >> at the state of the union, that fire. yes? >> there are political standard reality, standing presidents often do bad in their first debates-- >> they are both presidents. >> i guess. one of them has been president for while, one hasn't. >> there have been so many media pieces about painting him as this old fool. every time he gets up there people are like oh my god, he's amazing, so he benefits from that. >> i think the campaign making this move, i did reporting on this, it's about a game reset, and they think the more they get trump and biden on the stage it's better for biden. something i think about in my mind you know, how many debates i've been to where it's like this guy is going to wipe the floor with him, then these incumbent presidents sometimes have a hard time. i don't know what that means exactly, but something i'm thinking about. >> i was going to say the weakness of donald trump we don't often think about here is that because he is so disciplined with these talking points over and over again, there is nothing beneath that. >> there's no policy-- >> nothing at all. and particularly now as joe biden can stand on these extraordinary policy achievements to say nothing of the fact that literally rescued our economy the second you push donald trump has those talking points and those taglines he looks extraordinarily weak. >> there's no policies in trump's talking points, no pushback, and now we will see unfiltered donald trump. and that today is more unfiltered than ever before. it's hard to even follow what he is saying, so we will be watching. i want to talk about the gop pushing over and over president biden's h as an issue even though trump is almost the same age, but they are getting help from some tv stations owned by right-wing broadcaster sinclair, and i want you to watch this. >> the wall street journal calling into question the fitness of president joe biden. >> all wall street journal is calling into western the mental fitness of president joe biden. >> to question the mental fitness of president joe biden. >> the issue could be an election decider. >> the issue could be an election decider. >> acts as if it is on script. >> the suit and bowtie combination the one guy had. well, i think at notice, this nonprofit, we are trying to create a pathway for new journalists into the business and do it right. the sinclair broadcast is referencing, i know from reports, these are good reporters, the story had a lot of nuance in it. when it gets pulled into the city clear sinclair version, it mix me kind of annoyed, because it's taking the ideals of our business, to sort of give everybody all the facts, tell all sides of everything, and it pretends it's doing that and pushes everything out there. it's dangerous considering those who are voters watch and rely on local news. this is why they do this. >> also, many voters do have a natural instinct or concern about the present's age and right-wing media is supercharging this concern. >> i'm going to push back on the wall street journal story. >> you and i are friends, aren't we? but i mean the only person on the record there was kevin mccarthy, who had also said, privately one thing, publicly another, that biden was sharp. live anonymous sourcing there, journalists-- >> i've heard all that i-- >> i'm just saying-- >> that aside, you-- don't tell me when you go to dinner parties or gas stations or school fairs or barbecues people are talking about-- >> but that's all i have to right? it is the hillary's email. all they have is that he is old. >> yeah, but this is the responsibility of the biden campaign to push back on this idea, and it's an easy thing to do, and i think they are letting him get out there .exactly, then message that. when but eventually learns about politics, you can't push people to change what they are thinking about. right? you can't say i know that's here, i know you are but what am i? or shift to something else, right? take what they are thinking head on. and you are seeing that with the biden campaign's messaging. once they put money behind you can't replace money in this business. >> isn't that why this debate could be a huge win? they cherry pick this and that and say he's shuffling or feeble. when he is standing against trump, and if he knocks it out of the park at the last state of the union, how could you possibly say this guy can't get a word? >> 1000%. the american people will come face to face with the fact donald trump is not just old, he's an idiot. and when they see that they certainly don't want someone as dumb and crazy as him back in the white house. and that's what this debate is going to be all about. intelligence. >> people feel like americans are engaged in this election yet. those on the democratic side are like when is this thing going to start for real? the is that maybe this debate will do that. many democrats feel like if it's an election where we are paying attention that's good for them, and when people aren't they feel like-- >> a debate before a convention. and it's a great move. >> i know we will watch. thank you for starting us off. trump goes to capitol hill tomorrow for the first time since this happened. now he is returning to talk election strategy with republicans. it's like i can't believe it. and good news on inflation today, but is enough to get the fed to lower rates? the 11th hour getting under way. is it gone? totally gone. itch relief just got easier. apoquel. the trusted number one treatment for allergic itch is now available in a tasty chewable that works in a day. do not use in dogs with serious infections. may cause worsening of existing parasitic skin infestations or preexisting cancers and serious infections. new neoplasias have been observed. do not use in dogs less than 12 months old. ask your vet for apoquel chewable. do it! i said three years ago right after the capitol was-- attacked, i would support our nominee, regardless of who it was-- including him-- i've said earlier this year, i support him. he's been earning the nomination by the voters all across the country, and of course, i will be at the meeting tomorrow. >> of course he will be at the meeting. for the first time since january 6th donald trump will return to capitol hill for a meeting, the two men have not seen each other in years, as the campaign continues. former strategist and director for new york state democratic party, and former political director of california's republican party, cofounder of the lincoln project, his new book, the latino center, how america's largest minority is transforming democracy comes out next week. basil, he said he was practically more ugly practically morally responsible. how do you think on this? >> well, yeah, it's funny-- >> there's a turtle shell, somebody is going back in it. >> they can say a few things, haven't seen the guy, all of a sudden he's winning. he seemed a little reluctant but not that surprised he's going to have to sit down with trump, but nothing succeeds like success. and trump winning these primaries is whatever attempts to isolate him, to alienate him, to try and find somebody else, that didn't work. >> senior madrid? >> it has been persistent from new hampshire to mexico, 20% of voters are driving to the high school gymnasium to vote for somebody that isn't even running anymore as long as it's not trump, that's a problem. unless is able to coalesce that leadership, and personally speaking, i know it the pressure is like any republican speaks or out of turn will be bullied and forced into fealty behind the leader. >> is not even jumping to make that person. nikki haley, he's not even racing to make her his vp. >> it's a more significant problem, what i will say is this both biden and trump have challenges with their respective bases, but donald trump has an election day problem that's not showing up in his polling. joe biden has a poll and problem that is not showing up on election day. >> you will have to say that to me again. >> joe biden has a polling problem that's not showing up on voting-- >>, oh yes. >> trump has the opposite problem. if the map does not follow the train you follow the terrain. democrats are coalescing behind their nominee and are not backing donald trump at historic levels. >> it's interesting, because we both have been at state parties, one thing you generally don't hear from trump is money and resources he will put behind other candidates running elsewhere on the ballot. >> not only is he not saying it, but his daughter-in-law, lara trump, all the dough goes to him. >> paying off his legal debts and so one. maybe the mitch mcconnell meeting is you are the nominee, i couldn't keep that from happening, but at least take care of some of our candidates, as a strategist you would want that to happen from the top of the ticket. >> you think mcconnell will say donald trump will go you're right. let's help some valid candidates. >> and i have to make that point otherwise you lose two houses if you don't support the rest of the ticket. >> the trump campaign is saying the goal of this is to unite the splintered republican party in the house and the senate behind trump's agenda. is that really his goal though? >> well first it should be if it's not. >> it should be, but let's look at what his policies are, let's look at what his actions are. is there uniting action? >> no, but policies? the only decision he's made was to pull back on the immigration plan they've been advocating for for a long time, so even their own plans they are walking from, so i believe the goal is to try to instill discipline and say no one else is leaving the family here, if you leave the family there is prices to pay, because he has a significant weakness in the republican base, and any leaks could be devastating. >> accept the family is not the republican family, it is the trump family. could he be successful? in truth he has done a better job, or republicans traditionally do a better job of getting in line and following their leader. do you believe for him or them something good could come of it? >> to the point i was making earlier about success, if you look at some of his primary candidates they've been successful, but a lot of the general election candidates where he has supported election deniers have not been successful, so to me there has to be a realignment is, if you will. there has to be a realignment of the strategy going forward. how do moderate republicans sit next to a trump republican and think they have the same outcomes in mind? i don't know that can actually have been right now. that's why joe biden believes there's an opening. some republicans like do you really want to get this guy? if you look at what's happening in europe right now, the rise of the far right, and donald trump is echoing some of those same talking points, if i am joe biden i'm saying not just this guy now, but where is he taking us as a country? this is incredibly dangerous, and i imagine republicans are saying to themselves we are torn on this, and i can't really stand with this guy. but trump has got to find a way to get them in line. >> you recently wrote joe biden saw what was wrong with democrats' immigration policy, and how there's incorrect assumption when it comes to the latino voter. >> what we have to recognize, and quick is the latino voter is not the voter we have had this stereo typical image of for the past 30 years. most of the polling is showing 70% of them support joe biden's asylum changes. that is a change from what would have been 20 years ago when it was probably the reverse. so you have to give joe biden credit of taking political risk, telling the louder voices that were moving to the center on this, and i think it is a beautiful strategic move, and the first time we are seeing democrats lead on a broad array of reforms with border security, and he's going to actually enact, this is not his last executive action. i think immigrants will like it , on the left a lot. reform, executive action by executive action. i think it is a bold move, and a good move on policy. despite progress on inflation, the fed decides to keep interest rates where they are. we'll get into the state of our complicated economy when the 11th hour continues. continues. what is cirkul? cirkul is what you hope for when life tosses lemons your way. cirkul is your frosted treat with a sweet kick of confidence. cirkul is the effortless energy that gets you in the zone. cirkul, available at walmart and hi, i'm kevin and i've lost 152 pounds on golo. i decided to give golo a try. taking the release supplement i noticed a change within the first week and each month the weight just kept coming off. with golo you can keep the weight off. the latest u.s. inflation report is out. you know we are going to talk about it, because it's good news for consumers, you and me. it showed inflation slowed down in may, up 3.2% from a year ago, but the federal reserve is not calling victor yet again, so we are not seeing a move. the central bank announced it would keep rates unchanged and suggested one cut could come this year. dan nathan join me now. is the. david is correspondent for bloomberg and host of their podcast the big tank. let's begin with the inflation report? >> it is up 3.3% versus that report for 2.4%. year this is stacked on what rose last year, right? >> said people still don't feel great-- >> yeah, and it's it. you've heard the term like the economy is okay, we have unemployment at 50-year lows, we are getting housing prices are really high, but what they pay for in the supermarket or for auto insurance is still really high, and that's one of the things weighing on consumer sentiment. >> i agree to that. these numbers were good, not quite the numbers the fed wants to see, but the longer this continues, with rates high as they are the more strain it is putting on low come americans, and that's the balance, to get inflation to the 2% target in a way that doesn't lead to a lot of job loss. >> so let's say the fed cuts rates in september, people are like that will be good for joe biden. what will happen? >> you have the risk that it reinflate certain parts of the economy, and that's important to think about the fed wants to be very vigilant if they want to break the back of inflation, and i think that's a better message for americans struggling to pay the bills right now. if you lower interest rates the idea you might reinflate risk assets-- >> people may not know what that means but before i started said don't get too technical. >> [ laughter ] >> okay, if you own stocks and you own a house and have a mortgage below 3% and you have savings, this is a great place to be. all those things have been inflating with inflation. there are two economies, one side who owns all this stuff and has been benefiting, then the other side where wages have not kept up with inflation and things are starting to slow a little bit, and the having trouble making ends meet. >> i want to talk about donald trump for a moment. tomorrow he is scheduled to speak at the business roundtable. these are some of the most powerful successful companies in the world, meet with their ceos. president biden was also invited, right? every nominee, he's at the g7 summit. if you are the biden campaign how do you message around this? we all know is going to happen. president trump will have this meeting and basically take it like i just got endorsed by corporate america. they just met with me, and yes, he will be the only presidential candidate meeting with him tomorrow, because president biden is at the g7. what do you do with this? >> i don't know that brings a lot of credibility to the campaign-- that's true, a lot of folks know him. when i think what you will hear is, this group of executives meet every quarter, that's what's happening here. they will meet with president trump, but he will play it the way he will play it. we won't know a huge amount of what is said, but it's a tricky position for the white house to be in. they will try to underline the fact he's trying to undermine things. >> biotin is polling badly on the economy, when you think about some of the data we are seeing. one reason the said isn't cutting rates is the growth data is better than expected. they wanted to slow the economy down a bit, so they have implement really low, people have savings left over from the pandemic, so, i haven't really achieved their goals yet. the big message today is that they are confident they will get to the inflation goal towards 2%, but now it is above 3%, so they will, like right now i get it, they need better surrogates out there. they need to talk about these-- >> when donald trump tomorrow is talking to these business leaders, and many who are invited aren't confirming whether or not they will attend, and he tries to lay out all this nonsense about the economy on them, they know it's not even true. how do you think it's going to be received? >> they know that, but i think a lot of the making this calculation that he could win in november, they will have to deal with him if so. that's what they are trying to navigate, the jerkiness of that, and you hear from the heads of these companies that say you have to do business with whomever is in the white house, so you can look at this and say they have to meet with these folks, and this is a way to do it. >> i have to ask you about this idea of a small group of super wall street heavyweights want to start this new national stock exchange, in texas. what is this all about? >> good luck. it's like the anti-woke stock exchange. it was probably more than a dozen exchanges, regional ones, they just don't work. if you manage money and are executing you need to know where the liquidity is. let's say this woke warrior is moving his company to texas right now, they will vote on it, tesla shareholders tomorrow. if he wanted to list his stock there's no liquidity. it would be a horrible thing for shareholders. this will take years, if it has a chance to be successful. >> this woke warrior who reaps the benefits of support for electric vehicles the biden administration has put forward, and reminder, the exception of patagonia, there's no woke companies out there, they are just companies trying to do business with as many consumers as possible. dan, risk assets. when we return, in a time when our politics are as divided as ever, we will speak to our next guest for help. how stoicism could be the answer when the 11th hour continues. there's only one rule to life, the great novelist said, [ bleep ] you've got to be kind. every human being you meet is an opportunity for kindness. the kindness we treat people with is i think in some ways a precursor to the justice that we live the way society is set upon. >> feels like our new political discourse has become so toxic these days that nothing can get done. people talk past each other, and sometimes we are unwilling to see the humanity and one another, so, what can we do about it? something right now. ryan holliday, new york times best-selling author, right thing, right now, good value, good character, good deeds, make it your summer read. thank you for being here. i love this book. every day my daughter walks out of the house i remind her kind is the new cool. help us understand the historic philosophy, give us the background on stoicism. it's not an idea currently in our zeitgeist. >> it's this old idea that philosophy is this abstract theoretical thing, it's how you live your life. courage, discipline, justice, and wisdom. and it shows up in here you treat people, the standards you hold yourselves to, the studies, so i am trying to bring philosophy down from the ivory tower into our actual life as a way of living. >> how did you come upon it? how did this become your work? >> i think that is a long tradition. someone recommended to me the meditations-- >> i was thinking, you were just thinking marcos. >> is the most powerful man in the world, but he kept his journal, his thoughts about dealing with frustrating people, how not to lose his temper, not dealing with his fear of death, dealing with the fact he has this power but wants to use it for good and those notes are one of the most remarkable pieces of literature ever produced by a human being. >> how do the virtues of stoicism help cure this toxic stoicism today? >> stoicism to me is a set of standards, exercises you can run through when you feel annoyed, scared, when you feel anxiety, i think we are all so overwhelmed, and we never make good decisions then. think of stoicism of trying to be a little less emotional, trying to strip the impulse out of our decisions, so we can step back and be logical about what we are doing. it's important to talk about kindness, because we think of hardhearted stoics. what he learns is to be free of the passions but full of love, and that to me is life right there. >> what about the golden rule? treat others as you wish to be treated. if we could do that, does that solve it all here? >> i don't think it's a coincidence pretty much every philosophical and religious tradition has a formulation of the golden rule, like the one thing we independently discovered over and over and over again. it's so simple. and it does, it solves so many of our problems. >> i realize we are mired in problems, constantly talking about how divided and angry we are. however at the same time you are talking about this. the work you are doing. people are doing similar work all over the country all over the world. are you optimistic mark >> i am. former secretary of defense would carry meditations with him. he says cynicism is cowardice. >> yes. >> i think it's an act of courage. think of what the stoics went through, the people who were descendents from what they went through. that they got out of bed was profound courage, and the things we despair about, yes, they are real, and they are fixing problems. but if there's a time you would want to be alive it's this one. we are to hide by the color of our thoughts, so if you focus on the negativity of course it will look awful, but if you think of the things, a daily stoic, million people start focused on these ideas of how to be a more virtuous person. how to be braver and do good and study wisdom and be disciplined. that's more than has ever existed in human history. that gives me hope. >> if tomorrow it is 1,000,001 then we have already won. good luck to you on your book. when we come back survivors of the sandy hook shooting graduated high school today. how they remember the classmates they lost when the 11th hour continues. hour cont. ? totally gone. itch relief just got easier. apoquel. the trusted number one treatment for allergic itch is now available in a tasty chewable that works in a day. do not use in dogs with serious infections. may cause worsening of existing parasitic skin infestations or preexisting cancers and serious infections. new neoplasias have been observed. do not use in dogs less than 12 months old. ask your vet for apoquel chewable. do it! the last thing before we go tonight, a bittersweet milestone. the children of the sandy hook shooting graduated high school today. those seniors were 6 and 7 years old when they lost 20 classmates on that horrible day in december, 2012. many continue their work in gun violence prevention. i am so grateful for the sandy hook promise. they are always thinking of that day and always thinking of their children who were killed on that day. watch this. >> the shooting was kind of like you are most poor memory. growing up. and i think that took away a lot of the joy that we could have experienced when we were 6 years old. >> the shooter actually came into my classroom, so i had to like watch on my friends and teachers get killed. and, i had to run for my life at 6 years old. >> the what if's spoils a lot of precious moments, you know, just because you always remember they are not there. >> you wait your whole life, you can't wait to graduate. now it's here and you are no more ready than ever, and going into graduation we had mixed emotions. trying to be happy for this accomplishment, but those weren't able to join in. >> eight years ago today we experienced the deadliest attack on the lgbtq community in our nation's history. the pulse nightclub massacre left 49 dead and 53 wounded. despite the frequency of these horrific events we have to remember this, that we cannot let these attacks become normal. but tonight our hearts are with the victims of both tragedies, and our very best wishes to the extraordinary class of 2024. we are so proud of you, and i keep, i hope those students always remember that they are loved. thank you for staying up late. i'll see you at the end of tomorrow. four years ago or now? it wasn't even close. >> the greatest confidence gameo ever played. >> voters believe they were better off during trump's term than bidens. >> from crime to p'the economy and beyond. now a political party led by a criminal is conning america. then. are working you for a felon. a felon! >> the maga scandal machine and

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Savings , Doc , Line , Gig , Deal , The Go , Wifi , One , Calling , Visit Xfinitymobile Com , Biden Landed , Merrick Garland , Republicans , Point , Oman , Word , Wars , Trip , G 7 , High Stakes , 7 , Way , 11th Hour , Contempt , Administration , Message , Attacks , Ndc Trump , Capitol Hill , 11 , It , Election , Sharpie , Calendar , 146 , Campaign , Son , G 7 Summit , Focus , Stop , Ukraine War , Hunter Office Criminal Conviction , Italy , Wilmington , 2024 , President , Allies , Reporter , Term , Center , High Stakes Summit , Gabe Gutierrez , Critical Focus , War Effort , White House , Zelenskyy , Children , War , Missile Strike , Russian , Ukraine , Hometown Killed Nine , Nine , 21 , Two , U S , Coast , Ships , Warships , Defense Cooperation , Aircraft , Security Agreement , The Pentagon , Cuba , 90 , World , Support , Threats , Parties , Hunter Biden , President Commuting , Sentence , Conviction , Swinging Victory , Press Secretary , Crime , Tax Evasion Trial , Talk , Commutation , Prison Time , Raids , Information , California , Interview , Business Dealings , Home , Audio , Refusal , Contempt Of Congress , House Of Representatives , Robert Hur , Evan , Molly , Great One , Contributor , Notice , Leadoff Panel , Vanity Fair , Msnbc , Mcconnell Will Say Donald Trump , Concern , Democratic , New York , My Friend , Max Rose , Let , Elections , Host , Shouldn T , Sweep , Europe , Thing , Power , Coalition Governments , Percentages , Things , Something , Democracy , Face , Autocrat , Fundamentals , Guy Running , Nato , Laughter , Doing , Polls , Well Trump , Fact , Majority , Ballot , Agenda , Back , Wall , Most , 2016 , Voters , Audience , Popularity , Lara Trump , People , Biden Campaign , Stakes , Real Craziness , House , Maga Extremism , Big Show , System , Hand , Justice , Help , Doj , Trump , Place , Part , Justice System Part , Conversation , Contempt Vote , David Joyce Out Of Ohio , Congress , Didn T Vote , Member , Jobs , Prosecutor , Question , Edge , Hunter , Members , Cabinet , Problem , Tool , Consequences , Steve Bannon , Video , Allegation , Department , Ministration , General , Authority , Executive Privilege , Transcript , Joe Biden , Vote , Nowhere , Facts , Doesn T , Anything , Constitution , Ship , Wind , Pitiful , Jury , Case , Guilt , Jury System , Shows , Idea , Reminder , Side , Extremist Base , Which , Fat Lies , Wouldn T Rule Out Muting , Abc News , Chance , Matter , Law , Stake , Danger , Opportunity , Institutions , It Tears , Debate , Story , Advice , Paragraph , Folks , Supporters , Trust Me , Individual , Success , Presidents , State Of The Union , Reality , Fire , Debates , One Hasn T , Move , Media , Pieces , Fool , Oh My God , Mind , Reset , Game , Stage , Guy , Weakness , Floor , Talking Points , Nothing , Policy , Economy , Achievements , Policies , Unfiltered , Taglines , Pushback , Issue , Tv Stations , Saying , Age , Biden S H , Fitness , Sinclair , Wall Street Journal , Western , Election Decider , Script , Pathway , The One , Suit , Bowtie , Combination , Nonprofit , Lot , Sinclair Broadcast , Reports , Business , Journalists , Reporters , Nuance , Everything , Ideals , Everybody , Sides , City , Clear Sinclair Version , News , Person , Wall Street Journal Story , Instinct , Friends , Aren T We , Kevin Mccarthy , Another , Record , Sourcing , Gas Stations , Dinner Parties , Don T , Aside , Tell Me , Hillary , Femail , Responsibility , School Fairs , Barbecues , Politics , Shift , Something Else , Isn T , Money , Messaging , Win , Head On , Shuffling , Feeble , Park , Someone , Idiot , Face To , 1000 , Intelligence , Come Americans , Attention , Time , Election Strategy , Convention , Rates , Fed , Inflation Today , Infections , Dogs , Treatment , Tasty Chewable , Skin Infestations , Pitch , Cancers , Number One , Apoquel , Neoplasias , Vet , Apoquel Chewable , 12 , Nominee , Capitol , Him , Three , Course , Country , Nomination , Meeting , Men , January 6th , 6 , Strategist , Director , Mother , New York State , Book , Cofounder , Minority , Lincoln Project , Ugly , Basil , Somebody , Haven T , All Of A Sudden , Turtle Shell , Funny , Primaries , Somebody Else , Senior , Didn T Work , Madrid , Leadership , Pressure , High School , Gymnasium , Mexico , New Hampshire , 20 , Leader , Nikki Haley , Turn , Fealty , Vp , Election Day Problem , Challenges , Bases , Polling , Polling Problem , Yes , Election Day , Poll , Voting , Terrain , Train , Map , Candidates , Daughter In Law , State Parties , Levels , Elsewhere , Resources , Mitch Mcconnell Meeting , Debts , Some , Ticket , Happening , Care , Top , Goal , Trump Campaign , Houses , Rest , Senate , Decision , Action , Actions , Discipline , Plans , Immigration Plan , Advocating , No One Else , Family , Prices , Base , Leaks , Pay , Job , Truth , Election Deniers , Realignment , Strategy , Opening , Outcomes , Rise , Immigration Policy , Saw , Voter , Assumption , Image , Stereo , 30 , 70 , Change , Risk , Voices , Asylum Changes , Reverse , Credit , Border Security , Reforms , Array , Executive Action , Left , Immigrants , Reform , Inflation , Interest Rates , Estate , Progress , Life , Cirkul , Confidence , Golo , Treat , Energy , Kick , Zone , Walmart , Drinkcirkul Com , 152 , Release Supplement , Weight , Try , Consumers , You And Me , Central Bank , Cut , May , Victor , 3 2 , Dan Nathan , Correspondent , Podcast , Tank , Bloomberg , Report , 2 4 , 3 , Housing Prices , Feel , Lows , Unemployment , 50 , Consumer Sentiment , Auto Insurance , Supermarket , Good , Numbers , Strain , Balance , Lead , Job Loss , Target , Cuts , 2 , Parts , Risk Assets , Bills , Stocks , Mortgage , Don T Get Too Technical , Bit , Inflating , Economies , Stuff , Wages , Companies , Ceos , Trouble Making Ends Meet , Business Roundtable , Know , G7 Summit , Candidate , Corporate America , Group , Executives , Credibility , Amount , Biotin , Position , Growth Data , Data , Isn T Cutting Rates , Reason , Goals , Pandemic , Inflation Goal , Surrogates , Aren T , Many , Business Leaders , Nonsense , Calculation , Jerkiness , Whomever , Heads , Luck , Stock Exchange , Heavyweights , Texas , National Stock Exchange , Ones , Exchanges , Don T Work , Warrior , Liquidity , Company , Shareholders , Stock , Tesla , Benefits , Forward , Exception , Electric Vehicles , Patagonia , Stoicism , Guest , Answer , Rule , Novelist , Kindness , Kind , Human Being , Society , Precursor , Ways , Bleep , Discourse , Humanity , Each Other , Value , Character , Deeds , New York Times Best Selling Author , Ryan Holliday , Philosophy , Daughter , Summer , Cool , Zeitgeist , Background , Courage , Standards , Wisdom , Studies , Work , Living , Ivory Tower , Tradition , Meditations , Thinking , Thoughts , Journal , Marcos , Dealing , Temper , Fear , Death , Notes , Set , Virtues , Literature , Decisions , Anxiety , Scared , Little , Impulse , Passions , Hardhearted Stoics , Love , Others , Coincidence , Golden Rule , Problems , Formulation , Secretary Of Defense , Stoics , Cowardice , Cynicism , Descendents , Bed , Color , Fixing Problems , Ideas , Negativity , Study , Human History , 1000001 , Survivors , Sandy Hook Shooting , Classmates , Hour Cont , Bittersweet Milestone , Seniors , Gun Violence Prevention , 2012 , December 2012 , Shooting , Promise , Memory , Sandy Hook , Shooter , Classroom , Joy , Teachers , Precious Moments , Graduation , Weren T , Emotions , Accomplishment , Eight , Attack , Community , History , Events , Nation , Frequency , Pulse Nightclub Massacre , 49 , 53 , Class , Victims , Wishes , Tragedies , Hearts , Students , The End , Bidens , It Wasn T , Gameo , Four , Felon , Criminal , Led , Beyond , Scandal Machine ,

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