Will be back on monday. All in starts right now. Tonight on all in. The justice has become increasingly on embarrassed about displaying himself as partisan. The shocking news about a Supreme Court justice. You have the leaders household disrespecting the flag on display evidently to own their liberal neighbors. Tonight, new concern about the course credibility. This is taking down the Supreme Court. New calls for the justice to step aside from cases involving trump on january 6th. It was a frat Party Atmosphere that was created when they got back from trumps trial. Trumps posse returns as the caucus goes on full attack. I think your fake eyelashes are missing up. And what to expect when the trump trial wraps up next week. All in starts right now. Good evening from new york. I am Alisa Menendez in for chris hayes. If theres one thing that donald trump and the Republican Party want you to believe is that they love the American Flag. They stand up for it whenever they can. Back in 2017 when trump lasted athletes for kneeling during the National Anthem to protest racism and police brutality. I think its very disrespectful to our flag and our country. And when you get on your knee and you dont respect the American Flag or the anthem thats not being treated with respect. 120 20 when trump reacted to the summer of protests by demanding a ban on flagburning. I think flagburning is a disgrace. We have a Different Court and i think that its time that we review that again. If you wanted to try to pass a very powerful flagburning statute again antiflagburning, i hope youll do it because will back you 100 all the way. But later that year when voters rejected trumps Reelection Bid Trump and his supporters took it personally and many began to fly the American Flags upside down. Something the u. S. Flag code of 1942 says should only be done as a signal of dire distress in instances of extreme danger to life or property. Pro trump protesters rallying under the cry of a stolen election, stop the steel. The inverted flags at far right proud boy rallies, other White Nationalist galleys gatherings in State Capitals and even at the insurrection on january 6th. It is in that context that you got to process yesterdays news. A report by the New York Times about how during trumps attempt to overturn the 2020 election in the courts, and days before joe biden would be inaugurated, and upside down American Flag flew over the Virginia Home of conservative Supreme Court justice sam alito. This, a member of the highest court in the land, which was asked to intervene in trumps Election Appeals which will soon decide whether trump is immune to prosecution for inciting the insurrection. And then it was the excuse for it. I had no involvement whatsoever in the flying the flag. It was briefly replaced by mrs. Alito in personally insulting language on yard signs. In nearly 2 decades on the Supreme Court alito has become the face of the extreme rightward tilt in the source of many controversies. The author of which overturned Roe Versus Wade and the hobby lobby decision that gave businesses their ability to impose religious convictions on employees. In both cases he was accused of leaking the decisions ahead of times, charges he has denied. And last year pro public reported on how alito had accepted a luxury vacation from a billionaire republican donor. The justice not only failed to report that trip, he failed to recuse himself when the donor had business before the court. That story was just part of a larger pro public a series which were recently won a probe enterprise for another billionaire republican donor alitos conservative colleague, Clarence Thomas, who has also refused to recuse himself from trump related cases even after his wife, virginia thomas, emerged as a key organizer of the stop the steel rally. It is a lot to digest. This week we want some republican lawmakers blast the american Justice System outside of the courtroom where donald trump is on trial. On the republican lawmakers were unraveling at a House Oversight committee. Those are serious breaches of decorum and democracy to be sure. But it pales in impact to the extreme right wing control of the Supreme Court. This court will soon weigh in on Donald Trumps responsibility for january 6th and his possible immunity from prosecution. Senator richard blumenthal, sitting on the Judiciary Committee. He joins us. You have heard the story, youve heard alitos response. Your initial reaction . My reaction is there is absolutely no way that Justice Alito can sit in judgment on two cases where Donald Trumps interests and the insurrection itself is directly involved. He has disgracefully and shamefully displayed the flag in utter disrespect. Even more, he has shown his bias when it comes to those cases. In another era there would be absolutely no question about the need to question his resignation. But this court has been so disrespectful of basic standards of decency that it may well kind of be taken for granted. Heres the simple truth. He goes the American People and congress and expedition. About how this kind of disrespectful display of the flag occurred and without question he needs to recuse himself from those cases. Step aside on all of the cases that involve donald trump. Can i ask you, senator, do you have a sense of the Pressure Points that would actually get alito or thomas to recuse themselves . The Chief Justice of the Supreme Court. Its now time for Justice Roberts to lead, to demonstrate spine and backbone. To call for his colleague to step aside from these cases and reply to Justice Thomas as well. Another one, my republican colleagues will be joining and calling for a Code Of Ethics. Not the set of vague rules and principles that the court has argued, but a really enforceable Code Of Ethics with that would apply to this kind of disrespectful, indecent behavior. And third, we need an Inspector General for the Judicial Branch as well as most particularly for the Supreme Court. A very clear eyed about the likelihood of those measures taking place in congress because republicans have simply abandoned their sense of ethical standards and we will have to put the Supreme Court into judiciary on the ballot as an issue going into these coming elections and really tell the American People they have a choice to make between candidates who say they are going to stand up for ethical conduct and others who try to walk away from it. Senator, i hear you on the ballot box. At the same time, i wonder if the Senate Judiciary committee should investigate any of these claims. I believe we should. We should investigate Justice Thomass violations of basic standards of ethics. I think that Justice Alito has committed very similar actions and his latest is one more that cries out for accountability. Remember, the Supreme Court consists of nine members of the Judicial Branch that is seemingly above the law. The highest court in the land has the lowest or no real enforceable standards of ethics. The only way to hold them accountable is to have a hearing in the judiciary. It is the Judiciary Committee i will be doing it. Anyone that cares about democracy ought to care about this institution. I appreciate and understand that this can seem a little esoteric to some folks in the context of the decisions that the court is going to be making in just the next few weeks and months. Can you explain to American Voters why this matters . Why it matters, the United States is slow walking a decision that is critical to the prosecution of donald trump in federal court. Second, it will soon decide cases that are critical legally to the key questions and stake in the prosecution of the january 6th insurrectionist, whether they can be held accountable under a particular federal statute that could also be applied to donald trump. And second, whether donald trump should be given Blanket Immunity for almost anything he did, which is what he argues, as president or in the days afterward during the insurrection. Those are the two key legal issues that will decide the direct bearing on donald trump cutting through all of the legal niceties and technicalities. The Supreme Court will answer to no one for those decisions. Two members of this court and maybe more have demonstrated their bias. That is exactly why they need to step aside, Justices Thomas and alito. Theres one more point here. The Supreme Court is taking down , to the selfinflicted wounds, not just the fairness in individual cases but the institution itself. The Supreme Court has no armies or Police Forces to enforce its orders or rulings. It has only the trust and credibility of the American People. Which it is destroying. Its approvals are plummeting. And with good reason. Because it has squandered its trust. Senator richard blumenthal. Thank you so much for being with us. Lets talk with melissa murray, a professor of constitutional law. She has also worked for justice when she was on the u. S. Court of appeals for the second circuit. And she is the cohost of the podcast. I see you in the peripheral vision as the center talking. Your thoughts on what we just heard . The senator is exactly right. Her obviously needs to be accountability and there has needed to be accountability for some time but the Accountability Apps to come from the court and this is a court that in, bravo tv terms, who is going to check me boo . Nobody. Nobody is going to check this court. Its on its own steam, high on its own supply and doing what it wants. Justice alito basically told us where his political allegiances lie. He and his wife were apparently so perturbed by this antitrump display that they felt free to fly the American Flag upside down. That by itself i think is notable. If you didnt know, for the past eight years for Justice Alito was on the particle spectrum, now you know. Hes very firmly in the trump camp. So is his wife. They are flying the flag upside down. This symbol of stop the steel. And his statement to the press did not dispute any of this. He didnt say, i didnt fly the flag. He didnt say, i know what it means to fly a flag upside down. Instead hes just like, we did it to own the libs. Which raises a whole separate set of questions. Justice alito is the author of the jobs the right to an abortion from millions of women in america. For someone who is so intent on controlling american women Justice Thomas and Justice Alito seem to have no responsibility for controlling with their wives do on their own time. Its not a feminist message im trying to send here. Before you comment everyone elses cervix maybe get your own house in order. This is an optical disaster for you, for the court. If this is your wifes doing that maybe she shouldnt be doing it. One of the things to pick up on the fact, as you said, that this was the message that they came forward with. So theres the response. The times is reporting. Its a terrible response, fyi. Then they go a step further with fox news. This was Fox News Anchor Shannon Bream who is apparently told by Justice Alito, he told me a neighbor on their street had a f trump sign that was within 50 feet over people get on the school bus in january of 2021. Alito brought this up with a neighbor, which at the time it seems that Fairfax Schools were remote so there were likely no children. But the fact that he chooses to go to a conservative media outlet to expand his story. This is not the first time hes done it. This is not the first time hes gone to a conservative media outlet. Hes gone to the Wall Street Journal many times to stay his views that the organized bar doesnt offend the Supreme Court enough. He has done this before. The idea that you are so disgruntled with your neighbors decision to display a sign, however vulgar, that your responses to fly the United States flag upside down in violation of the u. S. Flag code is a real choice. If thats how you are owning the libs, i guess. Let me ask you this. You worked for had ever flown the American Flag in any manner other than it was intended. She would be living in Guantanamo Bay right now. But i can do you one better. Today is may 17th. Its the second anniversary of brown versus board of education, which was argued by the first africanamerican to sit on the United States Supreme Court. He occupied the chair that Justice Clarence thomas now sits in. When Justice Marshall and his wife came to d. C. , when he took his ron the court, they were very careful. They didnt socialize with the people they had socialized with before. And they were very social people. Mrs. Marshall understood that she could not do the things that she had done before. Her husbands position made it so important for them to maintain this complete neutrality. They had to basically sequester themselves and they didnt lead very exciting social lives. They were pretty much reclusive and d. C. Once he took that spot because she knew he had to be above reproach. Where is that same concern on this court for being above reproach . You would never see it for any of these liberal justices. He wouldnt have seen it from thurgood marshall. But all you do is see it from these republican justices. You cant seem to stop being instruction forward. The historical reference was indeed one better than my theoretical. We are running out of time. Any task you real quickly. I saw a look for me when the senator referenced the Chief Justice. The Chief Justice in name only. God loved john roberts. This has got to be another terrible day in his many terrible, terrible days because of sam alito and Clarence Thomas. But is he going to step up . I doubt it. He can barely corral his unruly caucus. He has a super majority. They dont need him for anything. They can always peel off and have five. Hes relevant to them. Many terrible days because of sam alito and Clarence Thomas is a great name for a memoir for either a Chief Justice were americas women. Thank you so much as always. Coming up. With Michael Cohen expected to wrap up his testimony early next week is the case against donald trump finally about to go to the jury . What to expect when core is back in session. Back in session. If you have Chronic Kidney Disease you can reduce the risk of Kidney Failure with farxiga. Because there are places youd like to be. 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Trelegy may increase your risk of thrush, pneumonia, and osteoporosis. Call your doctor if worsened breathing, chest pain, mouth or tongue swelling, problems urinating, vision changes, or eye pain occur. What a Wonderful World ask your doctor about oncedaily trelegy for copd because breathing should be beautiful. Donald trumps Criminal Trial is off today because trump attended his sons High School Graduation this morning. In his headline a Campaign Fundraiser in minnesota today. The trial will pick up right away monday morning. Michael cohen returns to the stand for more Cross Examination adding to the more than 14 hours of testimony he artie gave this week. Here to help get an idea of what it looks like, Kristi Greenberg who serves as deputy chief for the Southern District of new york has been watching this trial from inside of the courthouse and philip hamilton, a defense attorney with experience in front of a Presiding Judge they both join me now. 14 hours. Why . Is that a choice . Is that a strategy . Is it effective . It is a strategy. Look, i think there is a lot of ground to cover but i also think its taking longer than needed to make the points that he wants to make. It feels like you are watching the last challenge of the apprentice where somebody is bumbling through and they are not quite sure how to get to the end. Thats kind of what it feels like when youre watching it. You know that theres a point but its taking a while to get there. Theres a part of me that thinks that the clan all this, donald trump, is enjoying every minute of those 14 hours. Is clearly a lot of animosity and tension has existed between him and Michael Cohen dating back at least six years at this point, probably going back a little bit further. I think he has enjoyed him being beat up even if it really has gone a bit longer than ultimately needed to. And even if, ultimately, its not really any more effective than showing that he has lied under oath, that he has an axe to grind with trump, and that is a jailbird. We know that. In terms of threading that into the narrative of this case, i dont necessarily know where that cross has been helpful other than showing that hes not credible. If you are the defense what you do . Comsar, who gets back on the stand . If Michael Cohen gets back on the stand. At this point you need to try to start to ulterior motives with which trump would have had outside of the election interference. Starts to talk to her more that you know he has a wife. You know it having worked in that organization how important his brand and business is. And the fact that allegations, such as what we are coming out with, Stormy Daniels or anything else could affect the bottom line. I havent really heard that. I havent heard that coming from the defense. I would at least think if i had him on the stand for a few hours you know hes a liar. In essence, even if they dont mount a formal defense, beginning to accept some alternative possibilities. You need a narrative. We need a theory of defense. Its not enough to come and say this person is a liar because this person might be telling the truth in this instance. I need a little bit more about we are discussing these corroborating documents. I need a narrative understanding why Michael Cohen made this 130,000 payment. For what the prosecution has laid out in their narrative, lots of witnesses, starting with packer, who didnt have the same that colin has. What they need to do, they havent really focused on the case, as phillips has said. Its been a lot of Michael Cohen is a liar and because of all these other things you should believe hes lying about the conversations that only he had with donald trump that are critical to showing his knowledge and intent. For example, you have the Stormy Daniels payment and you have the fact that Michael Cohen is saying donald trump told me to delay those payments. We know the payments were delayed. The paper trail tells us that. Michael cohen is the only one saying, donald trump told me to delay it because of the election. And he didnt care what would happen about his marriage. He didnt care how it would affect his family whatsoever. Other things that were said in terms of the reimbursements. You are only getting from the fact that donald trump promised to pay Michael Cohen back and that there is a meeting where donald trump was shown by allen the document laying out the details that donald trump actually saw that document and understood the details of how these then records would be falsified and how the payments would be made. You also only get from Michael Cohen the fact that once the fbi comes and reads his house donald trump says to him, dont worry, im president of the United States. Im going to take care of you. And the fact that in 2018, when Michael Cohen goes out and lies about all of this and says i did it all on my own, i didnt involve donald trump, that donald trump knew about that and directed him to do it. All of these things are critical to the prosecution showing Donald Trumps knowledge and intent. I think if you are the defense you have to take that headon and say, nobody else was in these conversations with you. Again, as phillips said, lay out that alternate narrative. These conversations didnt happen. That has to be her defense. And even if he fights he will on that point, what you know he will, hes not going to give the prosecution those answers. The fact is, youve done a good job of showing is a liar. So even if he is saying no and denying everything you dont even worry about that. We have to get the narrative out. The jury has to know where you are going. You can just wait until Closing Arguments to say all of this. The jury needs to be locking step. I am exploiting some of these issues and going a little bit deeper into the narrative so that its not just, hes a liar but then what . 30 seconds left. What are you doing this weekend . I will take the prosecutors side. I am preparing for the redirect of Michael Cohen in particular. I think i do go back to that call and really just try to lay out for the jury, there were a number different conversations. Not just the one that taught blanche that, look, you are talking to kate, talking to somebody else. There were a number of different calls and conversations were donald trump said he was approving the payment to Stormy Daniels. Make that point, made the. 8 years ago. People dont remember everything that happened eight years ago. But he remembered the key points that he had and donald trump approved the payment. Thats what matters. Now preparing to attack that redirect. Im opening the door little bit more just in the sense of attacking the prosecutions overall casey and particularly with respect to those calls, himself. We will think of you when we watch on monday. Thank you some of both for being here. They take a break from underlying the undermining the rule of law for a congressional hearing. Thats next. In that dishwasher. Only Platinum Plus is packed with more dawn to remove up to 100 of grease and food residue. Get the highest standard of clean, even in your machine. Clean enough for ya . Yeah. Scrape, load, done. Cascade Platinum Plus. Dare to dish differently. Were talking about cashbackin. Not a game were talking about cashbacking. Were talking about. Were not talking about practice . No. Cashbacking. Word. Were talking about cashbacking. Cashbacking. Cashbacking. Cashback like a pro with chase freedom unlimited. How do you cashback . Sup . Who are you . Cashback like a pro with chase freedom unlimited. Im your inner child. Get in. 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They want to hold the Attorney General and in contempt without giving into the ridiculous commands even though the white house has already exerted Executive Privilege over the audio. And if all that was not embarrassing enough the reason they held the hearing that it 00 p. M. At night is because a bunch of republicans on the committee spent their afternoon here in new york and Donald Trumps manhattan Criminal Trial. Things get even worse. Once actually held the hearing the entire proceeding was derailed. By congressman Marjorie Taylor greene. I would like to know if any of the democrats on this committee are employing judge mershons daughter. Please tell me what that has to do with merrick garland. Do you know what we are here for . I dont think you know what you are here for periods i think your fake eyelashes are messing up hold on. Hold on. Order. Im just curious. To better understand your ruling. If someone on this committee then starts talking about somebodys bleach bond bleach blonde body. Chairman, a make a motion to strike those words. Robert garcia is a democrat of california that serves on the Oversight Committee where he watched all of that unfold leslie. Congressman, so good to see you. You are in the hearing last night. I know how it looked and felt as we watched it unfold. What was it like in the room and what do you make of the republican theatrics . First, lets be really, really clear. This was 100 Marjorie Taylor green and her entire clown show in the Oversight Committee. It was really hard to watch. She disparaged Congresswoman Crockett and ocasiocortez. James culver did absolutely nothing to stop this madness. And thats whats most frustrating. He let the thing go on, and on, and on. We cant even get to oversight. Marjorie Taylor Greene has turned congress into this huge joke. Shes attacking the way members look and address. We arty know that this whole investigation is a sham. Lets not forget why we were there so late at night. The hearing was actually scheduled for 11 00 a. M. In the day but they canceled it and move it to the nighttime because all those Committee Members wanted to be at the donald trump trial in new york missing votes during the day instead of actually having the hearing. This completely on them. Marjorie taylor green, by the way, should be removed from all committees and the Oversight Committee has got to get back to work. There is one name you did not name. That is a lauren boberg. I want to play in exchange you had last night. We know that trumps public statements have been crazy for years. And we know that hes too tired and sleepy to stay awake through his own Criminal Trial. Its not President Biden who is not sharp. It is in fact donald trump. Mr. Garcia, maybe you could lift up that picture of President Trump sleeping. As you say, i think hes praying. But if he is sleeping he certainly looks pretty while he sleeps. Do you think donald trump was deep in prayer . Absolutely not. We know first hes not a religious man. That was bizarre. She went on this whole tirade about donald trump actually praying but he is not sleeping during the court trial. We know that the New York Times, New York Post and nbc, forbes. All outlets have reported that donald trump has actually been asleep for long periods of time during his court trial. And thats what we are pointing out is the hypocrisy of the court case were donald trump is sleeping, as we all know, is a serious issue. What they are trying to do is say that somehow President Biden is too tired or too old. Or somehow hes not mentally all there all the time. Which we know is complete baloney. And even robert, who they are supposed to be investigating has zero evidence here. So this is a complete joke. Donald trump has been sleeping on his case and lauren knows that. I want to put all of this in the context of why it matters. It was really well intercalated often on this network as an expert on authoritarianism. The goal is to obstruct governance. Description and Information Warfare are Marjorie Taylor green greenes aides. Government oversight, the key to healthy democracy. What we are watching unfold, it would seem to me even bigger and more nefarious than any single exchange. Absolutely. We should be really, really clear that oversight is a critical function of government. Especially when you have authoritarian governments. Especially when you have folks like donald trump. The fact that we cannot conduct business, the fact that we cant be investigating why kushner, we see 2 billion for the saudis. The fact that we dont know why donald trump is Promising Oil executives tax breaks and incentives. Thats real oversight. Folks like Marjorie Taylor greene dont want oversight. They want chaos and to protect donald trump. That is a threat to democracy. Congressman robert garcia, thank you so much for taking the time to be with us. Happy to be here. Thanks. Still to come. The chaos of the caucus and the impact on our democracy. Will join me in the next. speaking to self about our honeymoon. What about africa . Safari . Hot air balloon ride . Swim with elephants . Wait, can we afford a safari . Great question. Like everything, it takes a little planning. Or, put the money towards a downpayment. On a ranch. In montana. With horses lets take a look at those scenarios. J. P. Morgan Wealth Management has advisors in Chase Branches and tools, like wealth plan to keep you on track. When youre planning for it all. The answer is j. P. Morgan Wealth Management. I was born with wings, but psoriasis swooped in to clip them. It crushed my confidence. But no longer Will Psoriasis get a piece of me. I can love my skin again. With bimzelx. Only bimzelx targets and blocks il17a plus f to calm inflammation. 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Its a very fascinating question. There is none. Except for her own particular political ecosystem where she gets to go off and craft on fundraising. Theres no reinforcement within the body politic of the gop. Coc members out here with their names on her behalf. You dont see the Leadership Rallying to her cause and creating a space, a safe space for her to operate. You get a lot of condemnation about her antics. This needs to get under control. There is no real reward for her as we would have seen in the past as a member got into a pitch battle with a democrat on a policy issue. That everyone would come rallying around that. She was in this girls killing it. Simone is coming in and prepared. Its both a lifetime ago where politics operated completely differently. Marjorie taylor green, the antics are crazy. The genie is out of the bottle and now they want to put the genie back in the bottle. They want to whisper. You want to get on the phone. We are just really tired of this. I did not see anyone in that committee, i did not see a republican on the dais. A senior republican stepped in and said, congresswoman green, we need to stop. I did not see the chairman of that Committee Step in and say, we need to stop. Is matter fact, the speaker of the house today, both sides of the conflict. Ive been told to shut up on National Television before about the white man while i was at work. When we are here we are at work. I had to respond in a way that allowed me to keep my job and be able to come back the next day. Had my mother not called me asking me questions about what i was saying at work. I dont know if i would have responded in the same way that the democratic members of congress did. Thats neither here nor there. It is Marjorie Taylor greene is the issue, is the problem. They need to corral her and get her under control. From the Permission Structure thats a very good example. When you go back into play the whole thing he didnt hear a peep out of any republican on her side. Not one. It wasnt a question of even coming to her defense. It was even getting engaged in that part of it because they are tired of it. And she has been somewhat isolated. And we have the example of lauren. This shows you the two sides of the coin. The other side, shes in a district. Her behaviors change. Shes doing a side of the shoulders. I want to catholic school. What is this . What is this . This is how it goes. Here, here, here baby girl. Change the behavior because shes in a district now or they dont know her. Not a lot of people are happy that she is in that district. So shes got to convince them. Even though it is she has to convince them that shes not crazy like Marjorie Taylor greene. Clutching the pearls and shouldering it out. I apologize to the American People for the behavior that was just on display. You dont need to apologize for her. Maybe the children are asleep by now. Its 9 00 in the morning. I think the antics that have come out of the Republican Caucus are exhausting. It is a small but very loud minority that has been allowed to run rampant. And frankly, they need the cover of the leadership to help her raise money to do all of these other things because her antics are being rewarded by the people in her district and some of the most far right folks across the country. Lets remember, they were going to do a sham inquiry because they want this audio tape that they are never going to get. But then they delay until 8 00 p. M. Because they need to go to new york city in order to stand outside and be on trumps talking points. Then they come back. If you want to play victim, im proud of the democratic members for standing up for themselves. Im glad they stood up for themselves. Thank you for staying with me because we want to dig into the president ial debates and whether they think they are really going to happen that is next. Ppen that is next. Dovato is a complete hiv treatment for some adults. No other complete hiv pill uses fewer medicines to help keep you undetectable than dovato. Detect this marnina learned that most hiv pills contain 3 or 4 medicines. Dovato is as effective with just 2. If you have hepatitis b, dont stop dovato without talking to your doctor. Dont take dovato if youre allergic to its ingredients or taking dofetilide. This can cause serious or lifethreatening side effects. If you have a rash or allergic reaction symptoms, stop dovato and get medical help right away. Serious or lifethreatening lactic acid buildup and Liver Problems can occur. Tell your doctor if you have kidney or Liver Problems, or if you are pregnant, breastfeeding, or considering pregnancy. Dovato may harm an unborn baby. 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Stop taking farxiga and call your doctor right away if you have symptoms of this infection, an allergic reaction, or ketoacidosis. Farxiga so this is pickleball . Its basically tennis for babies, but for adults. It should be called wiffle tennis. Pickle yeah, aw whoo these guys are intense. We got nothing to worry about. With e trade from morgan stanley, were ready for whatever gets served up. Dude, you gotta work on your trash talk. Id rather work on saving for retirement. Or college, since you like to get schooled. Thats a pretty good burn, right . Got him. Good game. Thanks for coming to our clinic, first ones free. In the middle of the chaos and drama, President Biden and donald trump agreed to two residential the base debates. We do not know if trump will actually show up for either debate after skipping all the debates in the primaries. With the first one just weeks away, it is worth asking how this could all play out. You think its going to happen. I think theyre going to end up debating at least the first debate. I know the chairman disagrees with me, but i think it behooves everyone to better dissipate in the debate. Frankly, donald trump does not want to be caught looking weak or like a coward, which he is. On both. Facts. Which is why he so quickly agreed to the terms. I think it was a master class in boxing donald trump in for at least a little while and making him play by someone elses rules instead of his own. I agree with all of that except im not 100 on the debate part. The reason im not is that donald trump politically has no incentive to debate Don Joe Biden because in every fake poll that has come up. Im sorry bert did i just Say Something . You know youre getting pumped and set up about this election with these polls that are showing him six or seven points ahead of joe biden. You know what is going on there. It is setting the narrative for the fall when joe biden beats him all the polls coming in showed that we were leading. Lets play the game. Donald trump has no incentive to debate when you are leading. When you are ahead. It is a Cardinal Rule of politics. Why am i going to debate an opponent im leading by seven points . Why give him the space and the latitude to gain ground on me . There is that political rationale. I think where simone is correct, the political optics for trump is irresistible because he does not want to be seen as a punk who does not honor his word. We know that is what you be. You dont pay people. So if you dont pay people, youre not going to show up. Because the check is due. We will see as we get closer, but i am sitting back ready for them to come and say, well, you know, there is this problem and that problem. And the biden team wont cooperate. So i just think we just need to slow role the anticipation of the great first debate because i just i just politically dont see the Incentive Structure being there for trump to do it. The president rejected additional debates against trump. The Biden Campaign left the door open to the possibility that cnn or abc news could partner with another Spanish Language channel, which as we have seen in the past can be pretty important vehicle for reaching a critical demographic. People have to understand why the Biden Campaign set the terms the way they did. The no audience thing. We all sat there and saw the cnn town hall with donald trump. Last year, i believe it was. It was a disaster. An absolute disaster. Donald trump played off the crowd. I was there for the two debates in 2020. It was ridiculous. There were multiple times where joe biden is literally trying to yell over donald trump, who is trying to yell over him. The crowd is engaging. The moderators lose control. The no crowd keeps the debate about the issues. The other thing about who is allowed to host a debate. I think it takes out some of the ideologues that donald trump would like to get their hands on the debate. It also keeps the optics looking fair. We are only giving it evokes that had a debate in 2020 for the democratic primary. Had a debate in 2016. People youve already agreed to before that have already said yes to these folks. It is not necessarily a new round of negotiations now. I would love nothing more than nbc or telemundo to have a debate. I think we should have one. But i just do not see the biden folks going back on the terms they set. I want to make sure i ask you. Im sorry that i cut you off. The dow closed above 40,000 for the first time. Historic. Thats how we do it. You know how to do that sign. This is biden money. This is making it rain on the economy. Now the biden team needs to go out and make It Rain For Everybody Else and explained to them, your 401 k is doing a lot better today than it was a year ago then it was four years ago. Since republicans like to have the backstroke narrative and looking back. It was so much better than. Okay. We were in covid. The economy was contracting. Supply chain sucked. All those bad things happen. The dow was not giving 40,000. For the biden team, this was a very good week for the economy. Another little piece. Inflation came down. So now youre beginning to see. This 40,000 was not built in. So the tracks are set for what could be a very interesting summer economically for the biden team. Our producers are reminding us that the three of us are too online. For any of you that have not seen the clip we were referencing for the hearing last night, take a look. This is appears to be the congresswoman doing the Sign Of The Cross and correctly. It is the shoulders. She did not attend a catholic institution. If you have not been on the twitter, that is what youre missing. You know, the sign of the shoulders. That is what you do when you are panicked. This is what people get in the morning. The economy. The dow was great. Also the announcement. Today is the anniversary of brown versus board of education. 70 years. Biden. Very great speech today that msnbc took live so people can go poohpooh on another network but not msnbc. And talked about the historic investment. Tae

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