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And the white house. That is the show for this evening. Now it is time for the last word with lawrence odonnell. Alex, ben rhodes and jen psaki, i could listen to them going on and on. Keep them running through the top of the hour. At this table tonight, all four of us were at the courthouse today, in the courtroom, listening to the judge who may have had the most important stuff to say today and of course, Stormy Daniels had a lot to say today. She sure did. I will be watching. Have a good show. Tonight we begin at the end, because this time the end tells you everything you need to know. About what came before that in the courtroom today, where donald trump was called the orange turd repeatedly by Stormy Daniels and by his own lawyer. Thats right, that is how Donald Trumps day went today. The woman he has paid more money to than any woman he has not married, criminal defense attorney necheles, repeatedly called her client, donald trump, the orange necheles he, on what she thought was an effective crossexamination of Stormy Daniels. Imagine donald trump sitting in the courtroom, slumped in his chair, leaving his eyes closed for long stretches, being forced to listen with eyes closed or eyes open, to one of his Criminal Defense Lawyers on whom he has lavished money, money provided listen to her repeatedly call him the orange turd. Donald trump is of course the most Banal Human Being who has ever entered the courthouse, but his colossal vanity combined with his even more colossal stupidity leaves us unable to tell what he was experiencing. A normal person couldnt be more humiliated. Donald trump, was that the first time he heard himself referred to as the orange turd . His lawyer was doing what he ordered her to do, which was keep Stormy Daniels on the Witness Stand as long as possible in the trump belief that simply minutes on the Witness Stand count as somehow scoring points against Stormy Daniels. The orange turd landed an hour into a belabored Cross Examination by Susan Necheles that was repetitive, tedious, and almost entirely irrelevant. At 10 20 a. M. , highpriced lawyer Susan Necheles said to Stormy Daniels, quote, isnt it a fact that you keep posting on social media how youre going to be instrumental in putting President Trump in jail . Answer. Show me where i said i would be instrumental in putting President Trump in jail. All right. If we could show the witness j 43 please. Do you recognize that as your post . Answer, yes. Question, and i dont see the word instrumental or jail. Blow it up a little bit more. Susan necheles then shows the post on all of the screens in the courtroom for the jurors to see and the spectators to see and for donald trump to see and then she says, quote, you were responding to the post, someone elses post there . Answer, yes. Someone calling me a human toilet, so i capitalized on the joke. Question, the other post. Michael cohen and Stormy Daniels, a. K. A. The human toilet, are the star witnesses, right . Answer, yes. You said, exactly, making me the best person to flush the orange turd down. Answer, yes. So, Susan Necheles brought the orange turd into the courtroom and kept it there. The questioning about the orange turd went on and on. Stormy daniels said, quote, i dont see instrumental or jail there. Youre putting words in my mouth. Question, so when you said you were the best person to flush the orange turd down, you werent saying you were going to be instrumental in causing him to be convicted of a crime . That is not what you meant . Answer, no. Question, what does that mean . Answer, im pretty sure this is hyperbole. If somebody calls me a toilet, i can say flush somebody. See how that works . Now trying to explain a joke to a lawyer in court is always pointless. Question, you said you were going to flush President Trump . Answer, i didnt say President Trump. It says orange turd, so if thats whats interpreted by you question, what do you mean . Answer, i dont know what i mean. Question, you have no idea. Answer, im also not a toilet. Im asking you whether you knew what you meant when you said and orange turd . Answer, yes i do. Question, what did you mean . Answer, i meant im not a human toilet, so if they want to make fun of me, i can make fun of them. Question, you dont want to admit you meant mr. Trump . Answer, i absolutely meant mr. Trump. Question, why did you say no . Answer, it doesnt say instrumental and putting him in jail. So it went with Susan Necheles repeatedly pretending to quote things that she was not quoting and getting caught by the witness, Stormy Daniels, who then proved that Susan Necheles had mischaracterized what she was presenting to Stormy Daniels and Stormy Daniels did not spend one minute in law School Learning how to do that. That is a sample of what happened in the morning. But as i said, the most important part of the day by far was the end. That is when judge merchan got the last word and provided the most important possible review of Stormy Daniels performance on the Witness Stand, as did the Trump Lawyers. Stormy daniels left the Witness Stand that 12 23 p. M. , two hours after Susan Necheles invited her to repeatedly call donald trump the orange turd to his face in the courtroom. Three more, far less colorful witnesses then took the Witness Stand and judge merchan into testimony early today at 4 00 p. M. So the Trump Defense could have time to raise two motions, both of which were raised and denied by the judge. First, criminal defense attorney todd blanche who is the lead attorney in this case and has already been so thoroughly humiliated in that very courtroom, that he enters, exits, and spends the day at the Defense Table looking like the saddest man in the room every day. Todd blanche argued a motion to the judge to rewrite his gag order on donald trump to now exclude Stormy Daniels from the gag order so that donald trump can tweet about her. Do whatever he does on truth social. Todd blanche insisted the Stormy Daniels presented what he called a completely different version of events. Donald trump should be free to respond to that new version of events. The judge said for example, what todd blanche thought was a different series of events. Quote, i felt the room spin in slow motion and a few other lines to which the judge said i dont see a new set of facts. The District Attorney argued that the additional elements were not inconsistent with her previous statements. Judge merchan explained why he would not change the gag order. Quote, my concern is not just with protecting ms. Daniels or a witness who already testified. My concern is protecting the integrity of these proceedings as a whole. That means everybody sees what happens. Witnesses who have not yet testified well see what happens. They will see how witnesses who have testified are going to be treated by your client and i cant take your word for it that this is going to be low key. This is not going to be an attack. This is just going to be a response to what was said because that is not the track record. The reason why the gag order is in place to begin with is precisely because of the nature of these attacks. These were very real, very threatening attacks on potential witnesses, so the track record, your clients track record, speaks for itself. I cant take your word for it, that he will just say hey, i dispute the facts. So with regard to your application to modify the gag order to allow your client to respond to ms. Daniels, that application is denied. Then judge merchan listened to blanches motion for a mistrial, based on how devastating Stormy Daniels testimony was to donald trump. Todd blanche called Stormy Daniels testimony about what happened in the hotel room, quote, a completely made up encounter with donald trump and todd blanche complained plaintively, as close to tears as any man in that room has come, to the spanking. Quote, and then questioned about President Trump spanking, being asked to be spanked during the incident again, how that is relevant to why we are here, especially when you weigh it and compare it to the prejudicial nature of that sort of testimony. A series of questions about rolling up a magazine and spanking him. The designated family spectator supporter, eric trump, did not show up today. So there were no Family Members sitting with us in that Courtroom Listening to all of the legal talk about donald trump. Being spanked by Stormy Daniels. Todd blanche insisted that, quote, this is not a case about sex. There should not have been any testimony at all about sex, including the moment Stormy Daniels described right before. Todd blanche quoted Stormy Daniels testimony to the judge. She says, i went to step around. I laughed nervously. Tried to make a joke out of it and to step around to leave. Even though i was moving like i was in a fun house, like slow motion. I thought to myself, great. I put myself in this bad situation. Like, what did i do . How did i misread everything . He stood up between me and the door, not in a threatening manner. He didnt come at me. He didnt rush at me. He didnt put his hands on me or nothing like that. I said, i got to go. He said, i thought we were getting somewhere. We were talking. I thought you were serious about what you wanted, if you ever want to get out of that trailer park. Again, this is an extremely prejudicial statement by a witness that was never said. There is no evidence that that was said to ami. There was no evidence that that was said to cohen. There was no evidence that that had anything to do with the motive of anybody involved in this case to enter into that nda in 2016. Prosecutor steinglass had an answer. Blanche says she never said any of this in 2016. She did not speak to cohen or ami in 2016, but you know who know what happened in that room . Mr. Trump new. Those details of what happened in that room, those messy details, that is motive. That was mr. Trumps motive to silence this woman before she could tell her story in 2016, less than a month before the election. So this is not irrelevant. Mr. Trump was aware of those details and the fact that testimony is prejudicial and messy, according to blanche, that is why mr. Trump tried so hard to prevent the American People from hearing about this. The prosecutor told the judge about Additional Details of the sexual encounter that Stormy Daniels revealed in her interview with the District Attorneys office. The District Attorney deliberately did not use those details in Stormy Daniels testimony because the District Attorney knew the judge wanted to minimize the details of the sexual encounter in the testimony. Here is an example of what the prosecutor deliberately left out of Stormy Daniels courtroom testimony. Quote, at one point ms. Daniels was asked, you know, did you feel anything unusual . Now the answer to that question was going to be, i felt what it felt like to feel the skin of a 60yearold man. I was 27 years old and that was different than anything i had ever felt before. Now thats the kind of detail that would corroborate her account of having a sexual interaction with the defendant, but was not elicited. Your honor sustained the objection. There are other details that i dont want to put on the record. The prosecutor said that the defense can offer evidence that nothing sexual happened in that room, simply by putting donald trump on the Witness Stand where he can say anything he wants about Stormy Daniels. There is no gag order on the Witness Stand. Todd blanche was outraged that Stormy Daniels testified that donald trump did not use a condom. The prosecutors response to that was that donald trump asked a lot of questions about the testing in the adult film industry. How often the testing happens, whether performers were required to wear condoms, et cetera, questions about that. The reason that is relevant is because it explains his decision to not wear a condom and the fact that that testimony comes out is because the description of the conversation that she had with mr. Trump, again, corroborates her story. Todd blanche asked to speak again very briefly after the prosecutor completed his argument. Very briefly, the court, very briefly. I mean, judge, what they are saying is not true. For example the people just told you that ms. Mcdougall was not on the witness list. Im not going to get bogged down on that. But judge, it is not relevant to this motion. That is why i am saying, very quickly, whether she was going to be called has nothing to do with this motion for a mistrial. But it does, your honor. The court, no it doesnt. I am making the ruling and i decide whether it does or it doesnt. Im telling you it doesnt. Now it is so difficult to convey how angrily and brusquely judge merchan treated todd blanche in that courtroom. It was something we have not seen in that courtroom before, because judge merchan is normally a mild voice. A calm speaker in court to make shoe lean forward to hear him and you always do. Because he is so clear. So simply raising his decibel level slightly and the quickness and intensity of his speech, slightly, as he did, has an enormous effect in that room. It is bombastic in its way. Judge merchan plays his role in such an understated way that when he leans into anything, it lands like an explosion, as it did today. So, judge merchan, after ordering todd blanche to sit down again, launched into his decision on the mistrial, saying that he agreed that the mention of the condom should not have come out and what he did not understand was why Donald Trumps highpriced criminal defense lawyer, specifically Susan Necheles, did not object. The judge said i wished those questions hadnt been asked and i wish those answers hadnt been given, but for the life of me i dont know why ms. Necheles did not object. She made about 10 objections, most of which were sustained. Why on earth she would not object to the mention of a condom i dont understand. And so it went for most of the issues raised by todd blanche. But the crushing blow to the motion and to todd blanches work as a lawyer in this case came when the judge explained to him with donald trump sitting there listening, that todd blanche lost this motion for a mistrial with the very first thing he said in this trial on the first day. Judge merchan. Mr. Blanche in your Opening Statement your denial puts the jury in a position of having to choose who they believe. Donald trump, who denies there was an encounter, or Stormy Daniels who claims there was. Although the people do not have to prove that a sexual encounter did occur, they have the right to rehabilitate her credibility and story which was immediately attacked on Opening Statements. The more specificity ms. Daniels can provide about the encounter, the more the jury can way to determine whether the encounter did occur and if so whether they choose to credit ms. Daniels story. Judge merchan pointed out that he himself objected on behalf of the Trump Lawyers and incidents where they failed to object and on his own they stopped lines of questioning. Judge merchan explained that Stormy Daniels explained in her interview with the District Attorney that seeing the movie, bombshell, made her review her own thoughts and feelings about what happened in that room with donald trump. The movie, bombshell, was a brilliant film starring charlize theron, margot robbie, john lithgow, and the horror story of roger ailes sexual harassment, Sexual Assault and rape of women at fox news while running that poisoned workplace. The judge said, quote, ms. Daniels watched this movie years later and it was at that point that certain memories came back and certain explanations came back to her for her feelings. I ruled immediately that that could not come in. I felt that somehow to inject roger ailes into the proceedings would be unduly prejudicial to your client and i did so, even though these feelings of the numb hands, the room spinning, the blacking out, went unexplained and i did that to protect your client. I disagree with your narrative that there is any new account. I disagree that there is any change in story. What happened is people have gone into more detail than they originally planned and the fact you went after her on Opening Statements, attacking your claim that they never had sex, you didnt attack that there was a fabrication of business records. You didnt attack any of the other elements of the defense. You said my client denies there was ever a sexual encounter again, as i said before, right off the bat. That puts your clients words against ms. Daniels words and that in my mind allows the people to do what they can to rehabilitate and corroborate her story. Your motion for a mistrial is denied. I will see you tomorrow at 9 30. At 9 23 a. M. Today, donald trump was in the hallway before entering the courtroom, giving one of those fiveminute speeches of his to the cameras while ignoring every question he was asked and he said then, quote, i want to thank my lawyers. Theyve done a very good job. That was exactly one hour before Susan Necheles called him the orange turd and it was seven hours before judge merchan crushed and humiliated Donald Trumps Criminal Defense Lawyers. Todd blanche said this is not a case about sex. But judge merchan said that in todd blanches Opening Statement, todd blanche made the mistake of making this a case about sex. Andrew weissmann, lisa rubin, Adam Klasfeld were all at the courthouse today and they join us next. Us next. Nothing dims my light like a migraine. With nurtec odt, i found relief. The only Migraine Medication that helps treat and prevent, all in one. To those with migraine, i see you. 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Also with us, lisa rubin who was at the courthouse today. Andrew weissmann, former fbi general counsel. He is a msnbc legal analyst and coauthor of the New York Times bestselling book, the trump indictments. We were all there today and i have to say there is this courtroom, as you know, it becomes a community. Especially as they go over time and usually much of the audience is the same, as is the case in this place. We have all in this Community Come to know the leader, the judge, judge merchan. I want to begin with you on this point about losing the motion for the mistrial in the worst possible way you can lose that motion, which is something you said in your opening. Legally what was going on, if you open the door to the argument you cant complain. You cant make an argument and so you dont get to respond. That is legally what was going on. I think the reason that judge merchan, who i agree with you is usually just so polite and calm and hes got such a great judicial temperament, the reason i think he was annoyed is, i cant say for sure, but every bone in my body tells me this is calculated on the defense part. This is not we forgot to object. Susan necheles is really experienced. She does not forget to object. So when you have gamesmanship, i mean, they want this in the case. A calculation. Wait until summation. They will say look what they did with the case. They tried to call Stormy Daniels. They wanted this to be as salacious as possible because they dont have a case and they wanted to bring in all this stuff. That allows them to do something, because to this point there is no counter narrative. There is nothing. As we all set here, there is one narrative consistent with the evidence. Im not saying this is a bad strategy, but they have to do something. You will hear in summation, like look at the birdie over here. So that is why the District Attorney knows this is what Defense Lawyers do. So they say it should not have come in, we are complaining, judge. You know they are going to use it. Judge merchan sat through 1 million of these cases. He knows it. He is expecting slightly better from the lawyers and saying, im not going to listen to gamesmanship. You should have objected, you did not object. The rule on appeal, by the way, if you dont object you can appeal, but the standard is really hard. If you make the calculated decision not to object. Lisa, what stood out to you today . Im sorry, i know that is the hardest question i can ask, but go ahead. I think what stood out to me today was the differential treatment by two witnesses by the defense. Trumps Executive Assistant in the white house, Madeleine Westerhout, and Stormy Daniels who continued to be on Cross Examination today. Last week we talked about the fact Stormy Daniels was 27 years old when the incident happened. Madeleine westerhout when she was fired from the white house for indiscreetly sharing details about how trump felt about his daughters, for example, and how he felt about her in comparison, she was 28. Get on her crossexamination, after she had broken down about that youthful indiscretion, what did Susan Necheles say to you . You are very young when you left the white house, werent you . You made a mistake and he has forgiven you. All i was thinking about was the woman you excoriated this morning for your life choices, for not having the same College Education and polish that Madeleine Westerhout had, the woman you call a sex worker even though what she did for a living was not being paid to have sex with people. You did that deliberately. They were the same age and but for the grace of god they couldve had the same Life Experiences and they didnt. That difference in treatment between Stormy Daniels, treated like a pariah for having the audacity to be an exotic dancer and Adult Film Actor and Madeleine Westerhout is treated like a victim because she cried about leaving her white house job. That really stuck with me. Susan necheles you get the feeling had orders from donald trump to keep Stormy Daniels on the Witness Stand and torture her. Much longer than was relevant and you can catch specific questions ordered by donald trump. For example, the question of Susan Necheles. He did very well at the golf tournament, right . Stormy daniels, i dont remember. Susan necheles, he was playing golf himself. Stormy daniels, he was playing golf. I dont remember what the scores were. Because i get to sit beside adam and he is active on the laptop and can fact check this, we discovered that donald trump came in 62nd out of the golfers there and maury povich, eight years older than donald trump, now 85, older and a much nicer man, he came in 30th. He came in way ahead of donald trump. That is one of the ways she pointlessly stretched out this crossexamination this morning. Absolutely and that was probably the kindest word that Stormy Daniels said in response. I dont remember. Maybe her memory just faltered at that time. There was a remark in your opening monologue about explaining jokes to a lawyer and the thing that stuck out to me was just how funny and witty and disarming Stormy Daniels was. That was a weapons use to defend herself in Cross Examination because there was a stark contrast, stark difference between Stormy Daniels who took The Stand On Tuesday and was nervous, racing through her testimony and had to be reminded Something Like 5w2 slowdown for the court stenographer. The very confident, very witty person on the stand today, engineering on the spot as if she was screen written by oscar wilde as a pornographic film actress, and disarmed this presentation of her as an extortionist. As someone who is involved in an elaborate shakedown. A political shakedown. That use of humor as a weapon i believe was effective on the jury. We will squeeze in a quick break and we will be right back. Ht back. Thats great. I know, right . Ive been telling everyone. Baby liberty. Did you hear that . Ty just said her first word. Can you say mama . Baby liberty. Can you say auntie . Baby liberty. How many people did you tell . Only pay for what you need. Jingle liberty. Liberty. 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Tide pods childguard packaging. This afternoon this book came into evidence in the case. A 2007 book by donald trump called think big. There were statements donald trump wrote in the book that were quoted in court today, including this line. This woman was very disloyal and now i go out of my way to make her life miserable. Just the way he lives his life and there were several other ugly quotes like this. What did the prosecution establish with that . There was the theme with this witness, particularly, donald trump values loyalty and Allen Weisselberg is loyal. As a matter of fact, Value Loyalty above everything else. People like Andrew Weissmann are great and have proven themselves over many years. We know already and it really cant be disputed that Allen Weisselberg knew about the payments. In his own notes, he identified them. You would have to believe that he, against Trump Organization rules, where you have to have donald trump approve those payments, he did it on his own. He never told donald trump at the risk of being fired. Nothing to gain, everything to lose and the scheme, the way you would have to pull this off involved sending donald trump the checks and fake invoices and hope for a year that he does not ask the question, what am i paying for . Because Michael Cohen has not been performing any Legal Services for me. The idea that they will have to say that Allen Weisselberg was disloyal is what they have to show that is preposterous. He thought this is a loyal employee of his. One of the things that makes this a really good trial, apart from a former president in the subject matter, is that every witness turns out to have something that matters. When the woman from the Publishing House got on to talk about this book and she will read some quotes you thought okay, how much can that be . It turns out they are confession quotes. They confess to things that are elements of the behavior in this case and then you get this woman you mentioned who used to work in the white house, basically handling Donald Trumps mail. She spends a very long time confirming the fedex receipts that she got from the white house. And then she also throws in, oh yeah, when the access Hollywood Tape hit they had conversations about changing the candidate. That is the single most dramatic statement under oath about the way that the access Hollywood Tape landed and that came from nowhere in that testimony. It did, but they know they know it is coming. But we are sitting here i think people said before this started, everyone was talking about Michael Cohen. Hes been talked about a fair amount, but he has not walked into the courtroom yet. Think about all of the evidence, whether it is tweets or texts. Fedex receipts, bank statements. They are surrounding Michael Cohen with evidence as tall as he is so that by the time he is in the witness chair, talking about his narrative, the only one by the way that spans from the beginning of the conspiracy, is the only person who had that involvement. All of this evidence, documentary, mostly, but also as you noted, even the sort of offthecuff statements by someone like Madeleine Westerhout to we thought would be testifying to i gave him the checks and he looked at them before he signed them. Has that offthecuff admission about what she saw at the rnc. It is some brilliant lawyering and i daresay this is what alvin bragg was doing when he came into office, making sure that if he were to bring this case they had all of this kind of evidence, much of which is not in the book. I dont remember hearing about this kind of evidence. Emails about whether or not donald trump was so cheap that he would think about spending 650 for a frame in which to place a picture of his mother. Theyre trying to establish this is a person parsimonious about everything except repaying Michael Cohen. There are scenes of donald trump signing checks at the white house, but that 650 i thought was effective because what they are going for all over the place is this guy is a micromanager. They quote him in this book as saying dont trust anyone who works for you. Check everything yourself, dont trust anyone who works for you. Not just dont trust people who dont work for you. He says hire the best people you can and dont trust them. That brings us to where this is all going eventually, which is the delivery of these checks to the white house for donald trump to sign and today the testimony brought Michael Cohen physically into the white house, presumably at the time when one of those checks was being signed. Absolutely and to lisas point and your point about the fact that donald trump pinched every penny and that is the importance donald trump is not going to allow Michael Cohen to be paid 420,000, a significant sum more than the 120,000, without accounting for it. That is ludicrous and that is where the power of the exchange in that email about the frame, that this was a frame for his mother s, a picture of his mother for the oval office. And all of his subordinates know about it. They know that this is going to be something that might be a Little Pricey for the president. And he gets a 15 discount at tiffanys, we also learned. We will be right back with more on the trial. Trial. I have moderate to severe crohns disease. Now, theres skyrizi. Things are looking up, ive got Symptom Relief. Control of my crohns means everything to me. Control is everything to me. Feel significant Symptom Relief at 4 weeks with skyrizi, including less Abdominal Pain and fewer bowel movements. 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Seeing her today, and this is the bad part about that fact, theres no audio, people hear this now, secondhand, she was smart, careful, unflappable, i mean, theres no way that the defense was not upset and the government was happy. I want to make sure people understand the surreal quality of what is going on. The witness, Stormy Daniels, it does not matter whether she is believed or not, this is an exhibit in terms of, this is the story that they wanted to keep quiet, even if its not true. This is not the witness that you do hammer and tongs Cross Examination, hope hicks gave the starting devastating testimony, direct conversation from Donald Trumps mouth, david pecker, there was a scheme i had directly, with donald trump to catch and kill, to foment , deliberate false stories with a political candidate. Those are two witnesses that you needed to come up with some arguments that you are going to make to the jury as to why they should not be believed, those are the witnesses you need to attack and that is because what is going on is, that is the legal plan but if you think about what happened today, this is across for a political plan, it made no sense to have this witness be subject to that cross. Because donald trump is a little too litigious, turns out, theres a california case which was entered into the record today through Stormy Daniels testimony, which andrew has been talking about, repeatedly, and it went in very quietly today, the da didnt make a big deal of it, and in the California Case Where Trump was suing Stormy Daniels, donald trump admits in writing, under oath, i reimbursed Michael Cohen for the 130,000 that he paid to Stormy Daniels. So, its not a contested fact in this case. No, and it also wont be a contested fact after your friend, the paralegal at the das office comes by to testify again on or custodial records, why do i say that . First of all, we know that she is not done but we also know when she comes back, here are the tweets i expect her to enter into the record, donald trump himself, says, not under oath, but on twitter, yeah, thats what i did, i paid eiko cohen back and he gargles his words a little bit and refers to it as a retainer but it is an admission, as damning as the one he made in that california case. The other thing that i want to just point out today that is like blowing my mind, is there was a point today where Stormy Daniels is asked during her cross, there is no way to check on the details of what you claimed happened, right, and she says, no, i did not know that. And she continues, this Supposedly Sexual Encounter occurred 18 years ago so it was you and President Trump in that hotel suite, right . Theres a way to check on whether that happened, its called your client but he is never going to take the stand, and i just thought you know, while i share andrews impression that she is a very capable lawyer, i was flabbergasted enter that into this line of questioning because of course theres a way of checking on it, he himself is the way of checking on it, just as the messy details are proof of the motive that he had because he knows with those messy details are because he was there. We illuminated someone who we thought might be coming, susan mcdougall, sorry karen mcdougall, who had been the playboy model, and she was the one who got the deal, her compensation came directly through the National Enquirer and that was part of you know, david testimony. It seems the prosecution announcing today that she will not be testifying. The prosecution feels that this has been built enough, and they dont need that piece, they passed it by, in effect. Thats absolutely right, and it seemed clear for a while, they dont need her necessarily to testify, she is a background, shes context, the story is told and was told by david pecker, and the fact of the matter is, when Stormy Daniels testimony have started on tuesday there was a lot of stop and go with objections, and some stained objections, the prosecution just eliminated that by taking her off of the witness list. One of the mistakes for the defense, and keeping her on the Witness Stand as long as she did is the room is just getting more and more accustomed and used to their new neighbor, Stormy Daniels, no matter how peculiar she might have seemed when they first met her, by the third day of being in the group, the defense is making everyone on the jury more comfortable with her, weve run out of time. Adam klasfeld, lisa rubin, Andrew Weissmann, thank you all for joining us on this important day. We appreciate it. We will be right back. Right ba. T n when i can. 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