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David, who used to run the Southern District of new york, which makes him a great guest, i learned from him, to pull a lawrence is hard to do. I dont have his experience. Going. I dont have his sunny disposition. Sometimes he will say hey rachel or nicole, tonight we have a Sketch Artist from inside the courtroom. We have Justice Stephen breyer, more from that interview. We have emily, former manhattan d. A. Official, and my thoughts from being inside the courtroom. I want to tell you that is what is coming up. Your show is the go to during any time, but especially now. I am upset it takes me as long as it does to get to my office because i dont want to miss anything. I will see you soon. Thank you. I say all that in salute to all of our colleagues. We are reporting tonight on one of the most significant dave yet and trumps criminal trial i will tell you exactly the evidence for what it was so significant. The defendant lost this long awaited gag order clash, began the second lease of testimony. Today, i was inside that courtroom and reporting from out front afterward. I watched the witnesses and the jury with my own eyes, and that can matter more in a case where we have no Video Cameras. I will be reporting what i saw inside the courtroom just as our other Court Reporters have been doing as we rotate. Right now we are going to get the witness in this report and we will start with the big statement from the judge telling defendant from you lost. You violated the gag order, take this stuff down and the worst could be at home. The judge just issued a ruling on gag order violations, finding trump in contempt. They are threatening to throw the republican nominee for president in jail for talking. He was only ordered to not speak about witnesses, jurors, Court Personnel or families. He says in part that this was a willful violation by donald trump. I can see the site of the defendants face as he watched. He looked composed or nonplussed at times. He threatened him with jail time if he violates it again. That all happened today. Legally the defendant, donald trump is not in control of any part of these proceedings. The judge is the individual in our Government Process at this point in the trial who determines both what constitutes violating the gag order and what the punishment can be if he does it again. What you have here was nine violations from online posts like by the d. A. And reviewed by the judge, 9000, but the real threat is what was said today. Trump continues to attack witnesses or violate the order, he could face jail time, the judge saying he just will not tolerate willful violations of the orders and if necessary will impose on incarcerated tory punishment. You can tell from the root word, incarcerate or incarceration, i have the same document. That is the one part. The whole thing is longer and we saw the lawyers scurry out of the room and review it, but it is that word, incarcerated tory that got everyones attention. The defendant knows what that means. He heard that. In a sign of compliance, the trump team swiftly took down past online posts that the judge deemed violated the order. That occurred also during the morning break. The prosecutors called a witness from cspan to confirm that basically the videos of trump that they showed the jury were valid. So the jurors could see from all of us that it was a big issue back in 2016 the trump is facing these allegations from women about relationships. I was thinking about this in the room watching these jurors who all look like new yorkers with their notes out. To the best of my ability, i cannot tell you that they look like super political nerds and i also know from watching the voir dire that they answered a lot of things by saying i kind of remember i dont remember that. People are busy living and this is eight years back. If you are watching this, you might remember, but not everyone does in today was the first time that trumps voice was actually heard within this trial is a watched these videos. I have no idea who these women are. These are lies being pushed by the media and the Clinton Campaign to try and keep their grip on our country. They are all false, they are totally invented fiction. Everywoman lied when they came forward to hurt my campaign. The events never happened. All of these liars will be sued after the election is over. Michael cohen is a talented lawyer. That is some of what was played. That is late october 16. So again, if you are just a regular citizen not obsessed with this, you might not know that in late october 2016 this was a big enough issue that it was coming up day after day that the candidate was talking about at the access Hollywood Tape, connected to not only what he said, but to these other things, which we now know from this very interesting if nothing else set of evidence in the trial was just the tip of the iceberg tried to keep back the other stories and allegations. The prosecutors brought out that witness to attest to the videos and the jurors saw that. The key witness was former attorney first Keith Davidson. He was on the other side of cohen in these transactions. That is a sketch of him you see, but Keith Davidson is not a household name. We have always tried to talk to everyone we can. If you happen to watch the news back in the day when all of this first came out, Keith Davidson was someone we spoke to here on the beat. The affairs happened in 2006. Michael and i first contacted each other about the matter into thousand 11. At a minimum, they knew about me and about stormy and into thousand 11 and 13 and 14, they knew about it into thousand 15, they knew about it when from declared he was a candidate. I was looking at that, you see him recounting how long this had all been going on. The d. A. Put davidson on today, that is long before we have heard from Michael Cohen. It may be because davidson does not have the kind of credibility issues that house. The bad news for trump was a davidson is still confirming the same key details that we know cohen confirms because we heard what cohen has to say. The negotiations with the inquirer which had what became an obviously clear agenda of burying these stories and the jury saw this compelling evidence i mentioned between davidson and top National Inquirer editor. This is a repeat into a process that even at the high levels of campaigns you dont always see because it is secretive. A lawyer tipping up the inquirer about the former playmate as a blockbuster trump story. The Tabloid Editor responds i will get you more money than anyone. You know why. Now if it was years ago and you got your hands on that sort of text message, you might not know why. They apparently did. Now the rest of us do, the National Inquirer had this unusual deal of catching and killing stories. They did it for more people than just trump, but those other people are not on trial in this new york courtroom. Now when asked what that meant, the lawyer response he knew the National Inquirers publisher and trump were friends and had a business relationship. We are going from that old text to this testimony today against trump. He went on to say they wanted to close deal quickly, that abc was interested in the mcdougal story. I know there is a lot going on, but abc is the kind of network we would expect to share, to publish, broadcast the story if they got it because abc is a traditional news network. Not so much the inquirer and they are doing with the d. A. Says is the work of the trump campaign. The inquirer said they would lay it on four google and then davidson said good and throw an ambassadorship for me. He said the comet was unjust, but it refers to something the d. A. Wants to prove, that this whole part was about trumps candidacy that somehow, if Karen Mcdougal had this deal with ami, it would help trumps candidacy. Even a joke by text can become criminal evidence because it goes to what they are saying. A props up what cohen is saying. It confirms a lot of the testimony we have heard. Trump is presumed innocent. Theyre trying to meet the burden by stacking up these different people saying this was about the campaign. It was not about some Privacy Interest of trump who is so known to jealously guard his privacy. That is not really his thing. They also try to corroborate this conspiracy with the prosecutors saying is it safe to say if you close the deal it would benefit trump. Davidson confirmed today yes. The inquirer reached an agreement about 150,000. We learned today, i was there watching as they went back and in the jury seemed interested, they started out with an ask of 1 million for mcdougal mama which is a lot. You can see these jurors who are just people with normal jobs leaning and go you get 1 million for that you make ultimately they landed the sum of 150,000, which we knew. Davidson testified that cohen was pleased with the deal. Prosecutors also discussed the Stormy Daniels steel and claimed that it was the same motive. Take a woman who talks about this past history with trump and the videos they showed in the morning that showed trump could not afford one more scandal like this and get the deal done. So davidson confirmed that the access Hollywood Tape was driving all of this because donald trump was already looking at a very tight race, losing race and could not afford another scandal. David texted the inquirer guy. Trump is screwed. Howard eggen has a boss who is trying to help trump inset of the time waved the white flag, it is over. Davidson said the inquirer then backed out. That was why he then ended up negotiating directly with cohen. Also criticized did you believe cohen was going to be the ultimate source of the funds and this is where the sort of pot took a turn and they are showing is all to the jury text by text today. He responded never. Never prior to the funding. The prosecutors say where did you understand the money would come from and he replies from trump or some corporate affiliation, basically trump or some shell bank. Then he discussed his frustration, saying dylan, the inquirer tells me to push for the cash and tells me to call cohen. When i call cohen, he says i am not paying anything. Davidson testifies it is one more snafu. I thought cohen was trying to kick the can down the road until after the election. At this point you may say why did the prosecutor spend so much time on those details . You might even say what is the Newscaster Spending so much time on the details you mac they are not little details. They go to the heart of the criminal motive that the d. A. Is trying to prove because if this was all just a coverup of private stuff, you dont really get that second crime, you dont get the felony. There is business fraud, overwhelming evidence for business fraud, but that is a misdemeanor. If you prove against the backdrop of everything i told you they went through in one day in court, trump in October Lamenting and clapping back against these women who are making these allegations in the access Hollywood Tape in the money deal and the feeling he was hanging by a thread and then you add to that the idea that as long as they could keep it quiet until the auction, that is all they cared about. You start to say was this private money or free press and the press can do a lot of things. Tmz buys stories as well. Was it Something Else . Was it a secret off the Books Campaign Crime Program you mac where Michael Cohen and the inquirer moved a lot of money around in they did not reported to the fec and was not there to the other candidates and they got caught. That is what they are trying to prove today. We have two experts here to break down how far they got on proving that. We are back in 90 seconds. 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Tell your doctor if you have a parasitic infection. Step back out there with fasenra. Ask your doctor if its right for you. I sat down with the prosecutors about 20 hours in total. 20 hours with sd and why. To put together through the questioning where they are going and what evidence they believe is important, and i think yes, they are of the opinion that it was politically motivated. Youth davidson, star witness talking to us years ago about a different investigation, the feds looking at the same question, was a a politically debated Campaign Crime . As promised, we turn to our experts, emily basson and bringing this case, duncan levin. Welcome to both of you. I have to be in the courtroom today. We have been rotating, but irrespective of that, it was a very busy day with the Gag Order Ruling and the star witness. I went through what we learned. Do you think the d. A. Moved the ball today . I think he did, i think you are seeing different witnesses confirm each other and overlap in this presentation of evidence, all pointing toward trying to influence the election, and what is allegedly a conspiracy to do that i catch and kill, by taking these stories, paying for them, you know, clear references to the idea that it was cohen who is going to provide the money, but it was on behalf of trump, and that is the most important set of facts, that the prosecution needs to prove in order to make this stick. Being in that room, i will read from the text i mentioned, it also got the jurys attention. Everyone looked at the defendant and how he is reacting. This was the text from when they were discussing the story, the editor says we will put this up, did he cheat on milani a . Davidson, says i cant say yet. Sorry. The allegation would continue on to include that time. That it was that allegation. Some of the sketches grant that, as i mentioned. What does that do in a case like this . Will the jury remember that . No doubt that this will be something that the jury takes with and even though the judge has stopped the prosecutors from introducing some of the evidence in the case that is most salacious and with this is the way of the prosecutors getting up before the jury and you may be forgiven for forgetting that this is a falsifying Business Records case with all the salacious details coming out, but what the prosecutors are trying to do is establish that this is a case where there was a conspiracy to commit Election Fraud and this dealt with the election and this Testimony Today Put Trump at the center of the conspiracy and conversations and showing that Michael Cohen did not really have authority to act on his own. Emily, we will put the sketch backup. It was such a moment and it really underscored the fact that whatever the jury hears about Michael Cohen, there will be some conflicting information on credibility. There is a lot of people who seem to be reporting out along with Text Evidence Reporting out the same stuff cohen says. Right. That seems to be what is crucial in terms of setting up testimony. You have david packer, the jury starts out with him, now you have Stormy Daniels, you are creating a set of buffers for cohens testimony and then you have the parts of the alleged conspiracy and hopefully by the time from the prosecutors point of view, hopefully by the time the jury hears from calling, they are set up to believe him because all these other people have already put the Building Blocks there for him to stand on. What do you make of how quickly the violating posts by trump came down once the judge actually said you know, you violated this and you might go to jail if you dont shape up. This is the judges courtroom. He gets to make the rules, and trump can bait him into the kind of fines we saw today and the threat of jail time. Once that is real, i think you see trump, like many independent living to protect himself from these kinds of consequences, and all of a sudden, the more domineering approach that trump likes to take, the way he wants to see himself, it has a cost and his lawyer said to him we cant have this during this trial. I showed earlier the actual video of trump. I mentioned the jury is experiencing is and the rest of us and some of us may be over informed, or index. I would not expect you to disagree with random citizens of this to remember yeah, october, that was this chapter, you know. August was about clinton and october, that is not really how most people remember it. They remember they did not like a certain candidate, and check for the prosecution in an environment where everyone says is this political or fair is that they are so proving a campaign related case, trying to show a motive in october with those videos while disclaiming the idea that any of this is targeting him because of his politics. That could be an area where the defense makes more hay. I am not here to say he needs help, but i can imagine a Defense Lawyer saying what are we doing in 2024 watching campaign use in 2016 and what exactly are they up to. I am curious what you think about that. I think it is important to remind people of those things that happened, even the over informed among us tend to forget. People tend to forget things from eight years ago and this is the crucial set of facts the jury has in front of it. It is supposed to be concentrating. The jury is not supposed to be thinking about the News Swirling around now, they are supposed to be immersed in this particular moment what was the context for it, the campaign, you know, where do the candidates stand, why would trump have wanted to keep this secret, so that is where the prosecutors are taking the jury, back to that moment in time. We appreciate your points. You have got to bring that story back. Thank you as always. Duncan can but we do have to go to a break, but i have a big question for you about what it is like in that room and how they move the ball specifically with Keith Davidson, the choice to have him who is less known than kumngo first. It is like they seem to be running a certain play with the less known people first and im curious, given your experience why they are doing that. I will give you a second to think about that. We have a special guest to join you. A lot more on the trial, including the contrast with joe biden. We have an authoritarian valve from trump and and interview. And i was in the courtroom today with someone who is in the courtroom everyday, the Sketch Artist behind in these now iconic images. He joins us next. Next. Right. And did we mention, it really, really sticks . Salonpas, its good medicine. Everybody wants super straight, super white teeth. They want that Hollywood White smile. New sensodyne clinical white provides 2 shades whiter teeth and 24 7 sensitivity protection. I think its a great product. Its going to help a lot of patients. look, things may seem fine down there, but you need to watch out for diseases. Ill be okay. Does this look ok . ugh. How do i protect myself . With the new Scotts Healthy Plus lawn food. Its the only product that prevents 27 diseases while feeding your grass to help keep your lawn healthy this season. Want me to show you how to put it on . No, i think i know how to use a spreader. 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Healthcare to after care. Community schools can wrap so much around public schools. And through meaningful partnerships with families, they become centers of their communities. Real solutions for kids and communities at aft. Org and theyre all coming . They become centers of their communities. Those who are still with us, yes. Grandpa whats this . Your wings. Light em up gentlemen, its a beautiful. Day to fly. The most famous man on earth is on trial and there are no cameras allowed. Just the artist, pastels and their desire to make trump look as bad as possible. Every sketch of trump looks like the grinch had with a lorax. He is just joking. Colleges speaking this weekend mocking this whole process, but also saluting it, the courtroom Sketch Artist provided the only images of what happens inside this courtroom. We will get to yours. Okay. I have the artist piping up. Trump is on trial. No Video Cameras are allowed during the proceedings. The court artist is playing this role. The disembodied voice you heard tonight is our special guest, christine, a veteran courtroom Sketch Artist with a Front Row Seat in this trial. We showed you some of the other Sketch Artists. This is some of her work. I saw this today, they sit near the front behind the lawyers and bailiffs, right by the defendants. She has been depicting trump at this trial and it is not her first time. She is telling us she drew trump in an Antitrust Case and predicted other trials like john gotti or the central park five prosecution, a case highlighting racial tension in the city, and then donald trump used that case calling for the Death Penalties for those defendants whose charges were later overturned. Does art imitate life . I am thrilled to say christine is making her big debut along with one of the former prosecutors who might be in some of those sketches sooner or later. Welcome to both of you. So nice to see you. I have drawn him already. I have in several of her sketches pick do you remember the case . There were pretrial hearings in the Harvey Weinstein case. I have been the subject. You were there today. Why dont you tell us what you look for, what you watch for as you work and we will put up some more sketches as you tell us. Today was exciting because trump had his supportive Family Member showed up, his son. I could see that he was visibly moved to have him there, and he stood at the rail and spoke to him for a bit, and we have not been able to get a good shot on trump this whole trial and so today was lovely. Lets look at this. We will put this up and you tell us, you are the eyes of the country or the world sometimes. What are you looking at when you try to capture this . I am just trying to get what is there. The marshals block our view, so they are very convenient for flushing out a Composition Pick you reflect that reality. Nowadays, i dont know if you know this, everyone thinks they are a photographer some people zoom all the way in. Instead of zooming in can you show us what it feels like in the courtroom, if there is security, there are armed people you do that and then are you trying to get emotions between them . Between father and son, i had not realized that eric was taller than his dad. It was just a very intimate type of conversation where they were in each others face. So i was happy to see that. That is the published version. We use these as the audience knows. You also brought the same one. Lets have you hold that up. How long did it take you to draw it . I did for abuse today. It is knocking me out, i couldnt believe it just had one witness after another. You know. Duncan, the trial is primarily for the jury. The judges make a difference, but it is really how the jury experience as it they are advised to look at the evidence, but they also look at people. They look at emotion, they make judgments. How much does it matter what they see . That is something we tell our clients as Defense Attorneys all the time, which is that the jury is always looking at you. Your demeanor, how you are scribbling on your notepad or whether you are falling asleep as has been reported in this trial, so the jurors are watching your demeanor as a defendant and they are watching this defendants demeanor. This is the first time anyone has been in a room with him and so obviously it is larger than life. I think while the press is not allowed to be sitting there with cameras for good reason, there are legitimate privacy concerns, it is good that we have these moments in time that are captured by Courtroom Artist to get a glimpse of what people are looking like. How does this experience compared to other big trials . The way the fbi has him isolated the rest of us. Usually overtime, theres a feeling of community. You know. He has not been able to come anywhere near any press person or have any kind of conversation or to feel a little bit of humanity. In earlier trials, you did speak with him. How would he talk to you . He would tell me i was his personal artist. He liked i made him look like blonde elvis. Yes, this was back in the early 80s. I have to ask if there was some dilution in play. You know. He was a goodlooking guy pick respect. He would enter with you you make when you see him talk to others . I am sure he did. How does that compare to the man we saw today . I happened to be seated near you. It was not my choice, but i was seated near you and we were looking up and he seemed to be in character as other politicians are as well the whole time and walking down the aisle and doing this and being aware without cameras on, he knows other reporters are watching him. Did you find him more in character this time around . I think i dont like the word robotic, but he is very stony. That is a good word. He does not show any kind of play of emotions on his face until he gets annoyed and then you see it. Briefly, the decision to put on other witnesses before . I think other mrs. Had to get called today was because he refused to stipulate anything, but the system Running Today was riveting, it showed the unseemly underbody of Pedaling Gossipy stories about and what happens behind the scenes and it corroborates allens testimony and packers testimony. I think it is a the testimony the jurors will hear. I wanted to catch up that question. Your work is seen by so many millions, it is interesting. We will finish with another artist, sean carter who said i am in the hall ready, i am on the wall already, i am a work of art. You are on your way there as well. That is charming. Thank you. Thank you for coming. We would love to have you back. Interesting to get that view from inside. Still ahead, the new warnings from trump about the little prosecutions authoritarian vows, a lot coming up. 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And thanks to special Government Grants that are available now, every dollar you give can multiply up to ten times the impact. And when you use your credit card, youll receive this special Save The Children tote bag to show you wont forget the children who are living their lives in conflict. Every war is a war against children. Please give now. Are you keeping as much of your Investment Gains as possible . High taxes can erode returns quickly. At creative planning, your portfolio is managed in a taxefficient manner. Its what you keep that really matters. Book your free meeting today at creativeplanning. Com. This trial has Immobilized Trump from being Candidate Trump , from doing his campaigning. Tonight, we can note he is still able to do interviews. He just sat for what was described as two lengthy interviews with time magazine. Rather than rebut allegations of an authoritarian second term he admitted some of them. He vowed more direct control over prosecutors so that he could personally call in federal criminal cases. We just want to be clear the u. S. Has long guarded against that kind of use of prosecutions. It sounds more like putin than either major party in america. Trump is trying to sort of use more force on the home front as a strategy. He is saying this stuff out loud so when it happens they will say he told you he was going to do this, just to point the National Guard around the portal to report a documented immigrants. That would be an expansion of force in the home, and against all the outrage about womens rights and ivf and other things, he says that he would allow residents to crack down on womens pregnancies in 2024. These are his words. In many parts of america, there are voters who still are warming to trump or have concerns about biden but they say he may be going back to the trump. They minimize what trump says he will do. So they say all this talk is overdone or hes not really going to pardon everybody or talk of retribution is overblown. So getting this person who is a candidate on record right now so you can read these articles and learn has a purpose. Voters should know what they are considering voting for. You are promising America Tonight you would never abuse power as retribution against anybody . Except on day one. Except for day one. We will root out the communist fascist and the radical left thugs that live like berman within the confines of our country that lie and steal and cheat on elections, the threat from outside forces is far less sinister, dangerous and great another from within. The threat from within, hes talking about his fellow americans. Trump used this interview to reiterate his threat to prosecute Joe Biden In Trump wins. That is kind of an admission of illegality and while trumps allies on the Supreme Court claim they worry about the cycle of prosecution that could happen, they talked about that, trumps new threats add to the risk that the court looks more obviously artisan because trump is the one typically threatening to abuse power, to take hostages. That is the kind of contact that judges are not supposed to reward even if that conduct is being shared by the person who put them on the court. Trump providing the illicit conditions that he was asking the justices to guard against, which is a big problem as the New York Times put it. That is obviously hypocrisy the question is to the trump appointees on the Supreme Court even care about that kind of thing . We have talked about the trial on the campaign. When we come back we have a biden story about something that many people thought would never happen and certainly not from the older generation of democrats, which is a part of. 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People like me. Please join easterseals with your monthly gift right now. we cover a lot of different stories and most stories are about what already happened. You are prosecuted a law already on the books in something you already did. We have news from bidens team about the future. The penetration is poised to take a step towards trying to fundamentally change the federal laws that restrict marijuana and as we have reported they discriminate against minorities because a lot of rich kids in College Smoke all the weed they want and a lot of people smoke weed legally at the state level. Plans to reclassify this drug from what has been listed category, which limits research and justifies penalties, they call that schedule one, moving it down to schedule three. This is a process and it involves health in law and drug policies, so it is subject to review. This could have applications for many people, it could minimize to Drug Offenses and change the way the government deals with researching this drug, which is not to root for or against it use, but to allow their science and more information about the drug. We have reported a lot on the way the war on drugs has operated. Joe biden was one of the senators pushing for harsher policies. Now he is trying to reform them and that is striking news. We have a lot more on this day you stay with me and we will be right back. Thats a pretty good burn, right . Our biggest challenge . Uncertainty. Hidden fees, surcharges. Who knows what to expect turn shipping to your advantage. Keep it simple. With clear, upfront pricing. With usps ground advantage®. [ gasps ] with way days coming tage®. Wayfairs biggest sale of the year is back for three days only may 4th through 6th. Get excited to get up to 80 off. Ooo, yes. Plus score Free Shipping on everything. 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The conservative leaning justices have criticized a host of rulings including what was once seen as a big step forward. Allowing equality and samesex marriage. This is a reminder of how what the court gives it can also take away. Conservatives talking about rolling that back. That brings us to a little more from a rare interview with Supreme Court justice breyer. He served on the court for 27 years. President biden named his replacement. I want to air more of the sitdown we had with him airing for the first time. Youre writing about and discussing for the public how to interpret the constitution. Why does that matter to a regular citizen who is gnaw a lawyer . How do you do it . I want theme know how does the Supreme Court work, how do courts work, how do federal courts work, its an important part of the government and the law that governs them. When we see these words that take significance, bear arms, due process, free speech. When you say pragmatism, how does that enlighten or reveal what those words should mean today . I think the word pragmatism is simply a shorthand. The values here in democracy, human rights, and so forth, equality, theyll help in many cases, not all. But pragmatism is a shorthand way of saying try to with the constitution maintain those values. You write about this and someone hears this and thinks, okay, what would this have to do with roe, and issues around pregnancy and abortion. Yet, you write about how you need some realistic or factual bearing for the words and the understanding at the time. They say read the words. And if you follow our system, you will read the words. It will be fair. It will be easy. It will be simple. And it will, it will stop judges from substituting what they personally think is good or bad. I dont think you can keep the simple part or the clear part. I mean, i can give you 50 examples of text that just isnt clear. Are you going to overrule every case that wasnt decided by a textualist or a generalist method . You know what . Thats all of them. Of course youre not going to do that. Youre going to overrule the ones you think are really wrong. The ones you, the judge, think are really wrong. Gee, doesnt that sound like what you just accused me of . Right. Justice breyer ever diplomatic but discussing that tension. We also discussed the issue of aging officials in government. Supreme Court Justices have lifetime tenure, age limits are something many people support. Heres that Exchange Airing for the first time. Ketanji Brown Jackson. Ketanji Brown Jackson is my successor and shes a hard worker and intelligent woman who we will see, and she will see. You have said with regard to how we run the court that if there were the kind of time limit for justices, without going into them having to worry about their next job, that could be a workable solution to some of the other concerns people have. When i discussed this in the past, people talk about changing the system at the court, and we have a system where the constitution says appointed in good behavior, which is taken to mean life. I could change that, maybe you need a constitutional amendment. I havent looked into it much. You made a choice to figure out how you want to serve. When we spoke, this is now almost a decade ago, heres what you told me. How do you know in a jub where only you decide, how do you know when its time to retire . Thats a good question. And i feel i will know. And i feel so far i seem to be able to do the job. And there will perhaps be some indication or ill think about it, but i havent thought it through enough yet to be able to give you much guidance on when ill retire. You found a way to serve a good long term and then bow out. Give up power, if you want to put it in a washingtonian tradition. Would it be better to have a system that at 18 or 20 or 22 years has some cap on Supreme Court justices . It would make the decision earlier, because even though i was about 83 years old, sounds old, but you know, its a hard decision. Its a personal decision. You think of a lot of different things. And thats why i said, it might be better, but it has to be long term because you dont want the person looking for another job. Because that could be corruptive in its own way. Dont look for another job but think about when your time is up. Wisdom from Stephen Breyer we might all relate to. Thats part of the interview. We sat down for a full 40 minutes and shared the entire thing at msnbc. Com summit. That is the entire free interview at msnbc. Com summit. Youll see it pop up for youtube and you can watch it and enjoy the rest of it if youre interested. Otherwise, ill see you back here at 6 00 p. M. Eastern tomorrow. The reidout with joy reid is up next. Tonight on the reidout so im going to go into this trial. Im going to sit in a Freezing Cold Ice Box for eight hours, nine hours or so. They took me off the campaign trail. Somebody j

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