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Districts. In the, and trump racked and todays conventions after winning the states primary earlier this week. In missouri, nbc news projects on the trump the winner of the republican caucuses running of all the states 54 delegates. Overnight a, hode trump won 32 delegates that were all up for grabs. As for, trumpy is not in any of the states today, hes instead in the stump in virginia and North Carolina. Clearly feeling the momentum ahead of Super Tuesday. Over the past few weeks, weve been on a rocket to the republican nomination. Its been a rocket. Now, let us not forget about nikki haley. Her campaign also in North Carolina today, stumping ahead of Super Tuesday, despite todays outcomes in missouri and michigan, haley vows to keep charging ahead, despite failing to win a single Primary Contest thus far. Now is the time we need a new generational leader, that can put in eight years, day and night, fixing the things we need fixed, with no negativity, no drama, no vendettas, just real results for the American People. But joining me now, shaquille brewster, nbc correspondent. He is live in grand rapids, michigan for us. Shaq, its good to see you again. So the caucus in michigan was complicated, chaotic, messy. Explain to our viewers what exactly happened there. Well look, it was complicated and messy for two different reasons. For one, the process was going to be confusing, and thats because michigan had a primary on tuesday, but they also had this convention. 39 of michigans 55 delegates for the republican nomination were going to be allocated this weekend at the convention. So because they had this hybrid process, that inevitably was going to be somewhat confusing. Donald trump, winning the overwhelming share of those delegates. But it was also confusing, because there is a real divide in michigans state Republican Party, a divide that really wasnt settled until the past couple of days. There were two different people claiming to be the gop chair. There are two different conventions that were supposed to happen in two different cities for today. That was until a judge earlier this week stepped in and declared that is the actual correct chair of the Michigan Republican party. I asked him about that divide heading into november, and what that means, and what that could mean. Listen to what he told me. And, clearly there is going to be some division. And, there is going to be some hurt feelings. But, those are starting to fall back. And people are going to start now saying okay, well we want to win in november. Thats what Political Parties do. They help candidates a their elections. And thats what we will be focused on. But his message, despite the Court Battles, despite the rivaling conventions, he believes that Michigan Republicans will be unified. And if you at least look at the results, in the Delegate Poll that donald trump has earned from today, and from tuesdays primary, you can see that this Republican Party here is really united behind donald trump. All right, shaq brewster, live for us in michigan. Good to see you as always my friend. The Battleground State of michigan will be one to watch this november, for several reasons. During tuesday nights democratic primary, more than 100,000 michiganders sent a message to President Biden, casting an uncommitted vote in protest of his administrations handling of israels war on gaza. A reminder, in 2020, biden won michigan by fewer than 150,000 votes, while he still won tuesday nights primary, the uncommitted movement does not stop with michigan. And it will not, until biden shows that he here is the message being sent. As joe nichols puts it in the nation, the message was blunt. Bidens presidency could hang in the balance, if he does not Pay Attention to voters he needs in november. Joining me now to discuss this is Academy Award winning filmmaker michael moore, he is also part of the group listened to michigan, which helped organize the uncommitted push. Michael its great to see you again, thank you so much for making time for us. Earlier this week, you said would is participating in is something that is killing civilians, and children. More than 30,000 palestinians have now been killed in this ongoing war. At this point, does the president stand a chance of winning some of, those or any of those uncommitted voters. Would calling for a ceasefire at this moment be enough . No. But, it would go a long way. I cant speak for everybody who voted, obviously. We organized this campaign, listen to michigan, mister president , please. We organized this in less than three weeks. So, this is the most amazing thing to have happened. Over 100,000 michiganders, democrats, i would say the vast majority of whom voted for biden in 2020. To come out and vote, uncommitted, to send that message to the president that not only must there be a cease fire now, but we must stop, as Senator Sanders said earlier today, we must stop sending, we shouldnt send another, nicholas what he said, in bombs, guns, planes, bullets, to israel, until they stopped this madness. And i think that that is how people felt, going to the polls on tuesday, or that we needed to send a strong message. Now for people listening to those who think oh, why are we throwing the election to trump. I dont know, honest, one thing i think i feel safe saying is that those who voted uncommitted on tuesday are not going to vote for trump. My fear, and the reason why those of us started this campaign, is to basically save biden from himself. Because of what hes done, to support this massacre, to fund it, to be the banker for israel in the slaughter of these people. That, he is essentially guaranteeing that thousands and thousands of americans are going to stay home and not vote on an election day. Because theyre not going to vote for trump. And this is how trump could win, because those, those hundred and 50,000 that he won by in 2020, hillary lost michigan by just 11,000 votes. Thats two votes, on average two votes her precinct in michigan, thats it. Thats how close this could be. And to have 100,000 plus come out on tuesday and say you know what, our conscience will not allow us to support this. And, if people say well, so does your conscious allow you to let trump win . No, no. What it means, actually to me personally, is that now ive got to double and quadruple my efforts to make sure trump loses. Because biden is working against me. Biden is working against the democrats. The democrats in michigan, first of all, 75 of the people in michigan, according to the last poll i saw, are, they want a ceasefire, and want the massacre to stop. Thats republicans, and democrats. So. The fact that joe biden isnt listening to the people, its a sad thing. Its going to hurt him, if he doesnt change, and change now. And going on tv a couple of days before the primary, with seth meyers, poor seth. Stuck with the ice cream cone, with biden. And, when biden promised that there would be a ceasefire by this monday. I just, from your reporting here on msnbc, that doesnt sound like thats going to happen. And so, you know, what do we, who dont want trump back in here do at this point . Because, and again i cant speak on behalf of the arab and Muslim Americans in michigan, who voted. But ive heard from enough of them, and ive heard from enough young people of all ethnicities and races, and genders. Young people hate war, mainly because theyre the ones sent to war, to die in those wars. Can i ask you about that real quick though. Can i ask you. You bring up a really important point that i want to ask you about. Because, how broad is this coalition . There is this perception, certainly some in the Mainstream Media are trying to portray this as an Arab American thing, or a Muslim American thing. No. Saying hey, the guy on the other side wants to deport you. You are a part of this, you tell us, how broad is this coalition that is behind this uncommitted vote . Who is it . Listen, im, im going to tell tales out of school here. Those of us who were involved and helped organized and promote this on tuesday, the listen to michigan campaign, we were hoping to get maybe 10 to 15,000 votes, that was it. A few people, the optimists, thought maybe 30,000. The fact that it was over 100,000 means it was it wasnt just the 9000 people in dearborn, or the other arab cities in michigan, which have an Arab American mayor, and an arab American City council. No, this was, of course it was muslims, it was Arab Americans. But it was also vast, vast numbers of young people, who just said thats, it im out, im not going to vote for trump, but im out of this. If this guy is going to continue the war, if he is going to continue to embrace netanyahu, i will not participate in this. And so you had young people, you had progressives, you had all kinds of democrats, as i said, the vast majority of democrats in all of the polls are against Biden Funding and arming this war. So, why wouldnt biden listen to this . He wouldnt even acknowledge it, when he won the primary. And thanking the people of michigan, he just ignored the hundred thousand people. If, as Michelle Goldberg said in the New York Times last friday, if he loses michigan, he loses the election. Why would you risk that, President Biden . Why . Why, this is what we need this is, what you should do is the moral thing, which is stop the carpet bombing, stop the slaughter, make sure aid comes in. Dont be dropping aid with parachutes like it was some kind of looney tunes cartoon. You know, youve got 2 Million People starving to death, and you are dropping a few hundred parachutes. Is that a joke . Is that like your ice cream announcing were going to have a ceasefire by monday . This is not funny. This is not a joke. And the young people of michigan, the people of color in michigan. I mean, in michigan we have what, 13, 14 black cities, majority black cities. Detroit, flint, saginaw, pontiac. These are African American cities. They dont support this. Its, but they support biden, i support biden. We voted for biden, we want to vote for him again. And, but a lot of people, and this is what i was saying about our friends in the detroit area, who are palestinian. Who have Family Members who have died in these last, almost five months. Family members that have been killed by their in dearborn, and detroit, they are tax dollars. They helped to fund the slaughter of their of their, cousins their nieces, and im just asking anybody whos watching this right, now whos not, air not muslim, if you discovered that the united states, your country funded, and carried out, through the production of these arms that are given to israel, carried out the slaughter of your grandparents. Tell me what you would do. Tell me how would you vote, or would you maybe not vote at all, and just sit it out because you are so upset, so disgusted, with the murder of innocent civilians, two thirds of whom are children and women and elderly. You know, i mean these are real people, detroiters, who have lost hundreds of people, who have lost, or have wounded Family Members, or who are starving to death right now in gaza. Where would, just asking you, fellow white people, what would you do . What would you do . And why is there even, why is there an open air prison called gaza, for 15 years . You know, when people are in prison, this cause theyve committed a crime. Can somebody right now tell me what the crime is that the Palestinian People, as a group of people, have committed . What is the crime . Because according to my knowledge of history, the enemies of israel, who have been persecuting the israelis, the jewish people of this world who have been persecuted for 5000 years. But for the last 2000 years, most of the ecution has come from white, european centric, christians thats been your enemy. Not no palestinian help to build auschwitz, no Palestinian State on the docks of new york city, when boatloads of jewish refugees tried to escape the holocaust, came here, to be protected by this country, and were turned away from the docks in york, and sent back to germany to die. No palestinian did, that no palestinian ran the spanish inquisition. Your enemy, your enemy is not the Palestinian People. It is White Christian european people, who have been Slaughtering Jews for the last 2000 years. And lets just call it for what it is. Why are they in an open air prison . Why are 2 million of them in an open air prison . And im sorry to go on so long, but her uncles unhappy. Im sensing an underlying issue. Its tmobile. It started when we got him under a new plan. But then they unexpectedly unraveled their price lock guarantee. Which has made him, a bit. Unruly. You called yourself the uncarrier. You sing about price lock on those commercials. The price lock, the price lock. So, if you could change the price, change the name its not a lock, i know a lock. So how can we undo the damage . We could all unsubscribe and switch to xfinity. Their connection is unreal. And we could all unexperience this whole session. Okay, thats uncalled for. All right, back with todays republican caucuses, and conventions in michigan, missouri and idaho. Because Super Tuesday is our next stop on the road to november. With me now, democratic strategist who was in advisor to the obama campaign. She is now a host at sirius xm. And jennifer former chair of the New Hampshire Republican Party, and cofounder of the lincoln project, ladies its great how both of you with. Us jennifer, how significant are todays caucus results in your, eyes especially when it comes to momentum ahead of Super Tuesday . Well, what these results show is less momentum, and more just a continuation of whats been happening from day one. So many of us have said its not just me, the nomination belonged to donald trump before the first primary took place. And what we saw in michigan today. I mean, nikki haley, barely over 2 . And we know there is more action coming on tuesday. But, there is simply no path for anyone other than donald trump. I think the question, the more significant question is, what do the results of Super Tuesday, and the fact that donald trump is going to be the nominee, how does that bode for the, people and how does that bode for and in both cases i would say not. Well and michelle, what, if anything, to democrats take away from today, as they face did this inevitable second matchup between donald trump and joe biden . Well, this honestly was the matchup that the Biden Campaign actually wanted to have. So i think that this showcases that trump is still the commander of the Republican Party, not that thats a surprise to anyone. But for joe biden, it also shows that michigan is still competitive. I dont think there is ever thought that it wasnt, but in particular as it relates to what we just heard from michael moore, your previous segment, i think that the coalition that has been built against what we are seeing happening in gaza right, now is a very vocal and expansive coalition. And to be able to really win in a place like michigan, and to remain competitive in that race, he is going to have to find a way to break away that coalition, showcase that there are some restrictions that need to be applied to the funding that israel has received from the united states. And i think he is going to have to make his call outs against what netanyahu is doing, and what the idf is doing, a lot stronger. Jennifer, nikki haley said that she is fighting for Super Tuesday. And with trump continuing to sweep up delegates today, what is the end goal here for the Haley Campaign . What more does she need to be convinced that she does not have a chance to win this republican nomination . Well, i came to the conclusion that its not her goal, at this point, to get the nomination. And she knows that. Nikki haley absolutely knows where she stands on this. She knows what the numbers are. I would suggest that there are two pieces to this for nikki haley. The first is, if by some act of god, the gop decided to abandon trump as their nominee, say at the convention, for any reason. And i believe that there is a 0 chance of that happening, no matter what happens with trump, the party is going to stay with them. But she is certainly position as being the person who stayed in, and made the argument, and could be the person that gets some of that. Although if you think about the fact that the party wants trump as badly as he does, they are not just going to turn around and hand the nomination to someone like nikki haley, who has been fighting against him. Frankly, i think that nikki haley and chris sununu, and a few other folks who are involved in his campaign, are looking very carefully at 2028. I think that they are looking at trying to build a coalition for the party, that 30 to build on, where they can build something going forward, when the 2028 cycle comes around. And, as the former Campaign Advisor yourself, what would you be saying to nikki haley tonight, if you worked for her from a campaign perspective. Is there any reason for to stay in this contest . The only reason nikki haley is in this contest as because she was hoping originally that one of those, one of the many Court Battles that donald trump faces was going to knock him out. But i agree, honestly with was previously set. Nikki haley is looking towards the Republican Party beyond 2024. I think that is that that is an elusive thing to do, honestly. Because the Republican Party has shifted so far to the all right, to the extreme right, that another four years of a trump presidency, or the possibility of that, would totally eradicate that 20 or whatever she thinks is available. Nikki haley, from the beginning, had more of a moderate voter support, she had disaffected democratic support. She never really that much with the Republican Party, because she is Still Holding on to the Republican Party of two decades ago, versus the Republican Party of now. All right, please stick around. Weve got a lot more to discuss, after the break. Desperate aide falling on gaza, quite literally. A Reality Check on how the Biden Administration says it is sending to innocent people, trapped by. War trapped by. Wa with nurtec odt,. I. And prevent Migraine Attacks, all in one. Dont take if allergic to nurtec. Allergic reactions can occur, even days after using. Most common side effects were nausea, indigestion, and stomach pain. Ask about nurtec odt. The longlasting scent of gain flings made it smell like dave was in his happy place. The Massage Chair at the mall. But. He wasnt. Gain flings with oxi boost and febreze. Liberty mutual customized my Car Insurance and i saved hundreds. Thats great. I know, ive bee telling everyone. Baby liberty. Oh baby liberty. How many people did you tell . 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Im the only candidate with a record of taking on maga republicans, and winning. When they overturned roe, i secured Abortion Rights in our state constitution. When trump attacked our lgbtq and asian neighbors, i strengthened our hate crime laws. I fought for all of us struggling to keep up with the rising cost of living. Im evan low, and i approve this message for all of our shared values. What do i see in peter dixon . I see my husband. The father of our girls. I see a public servant. A man who served under secretary clinton in the state department. Where he took on the epidemic of violence against women in the congo. I see a fighter, a tenacious problemsolver. Who will go to congress and protect Abortion Rights and our democracy. Because he sees a Better Future for all of us. Im peter dixon and i with nurtec odt, i can treat a migraine when it strikes and prevent Migraine Attacks, all in one. Dont take if allergic to nurtec. Allergic reactions can occur, even days after using. Most common side effects were nausea, indigestion, and stomach pain. Ask about nurtec odt. I want to show you images of a boy named ill be honest with you what you are about to see is hard to take, but it should be. Hes ten years old, and suffering from malnourishment in gaza. On wednesday, he was photographed at hospital in rafah, where he was receiving medical treatment. As of today, there are no updates on his condition. In gaza, constant israeli bombardment, displacement, in a near total restriction of aid entry has lead to catastrophic levels of hunger and starvation. The United Nations has now ten children in gaza have been officially registered in hospitals, as having starved to death. In the unofficial numbers are expected to be even higher. Yesterday, President Biden announced that the u. S. Will airdrop food and aid into the gaza strip, and it first came, today it contained about 38,000 meals. Let me say that again, 38,000 meals. Sure, other countries, including jordan, egypt, france have also dropped aid into gaza. But lets just put this into perspective for a second. There are more than 2 Million People living in gaza, most of them displaced, and one quarter are one step away from famine, according to the United Nations. In order to get three proper meals a day, gazas population would need about 6 million meals delivered day, in and day out. So 38,000, just today, isnt going to make a dent. Joining me now to discuss this is michael , United Nations Special Rapid Tour on the right to food, and a professor at the university of Oregon School of law. Professor its great to have you with us. To you believe israel is deliberately starving the palestinian population. Can you tell us why, if you do believe, so that that is the case . Yes, thank you amen. Every Single Person in gaza is hungry. And as you said, about a quarter of the population is starving. For months, weve been seeing that famine is imminent. And i think its fair to say now, that we are seeing deaths of children, that children are starving to death, that there is a very good chance that famine is most likely occurring , and that israel has been intentionally starving the Palestinian People in gaza. If we say, the war broke out, this war broke out on october 7th. On october 8th, israel immediately shot off all water into gaza, so that that 75 of water was no longer available in gaza. On october 9th, the israeli Minister Of Defense announced a complete and total siege against people in gaza. And thats what israel did. It denied the access of food, fuel, and medicine into gaza, for quite a long time. Now, we see humanitarian aid trickling in. But israel is systemically denying them aid, and has been systemically denying aid reaching the north, for most of them all of february, and into january as well. And what humanitarian aid is reaching is just a trickle. And this is all through conscious choices. And israeli politicians have announced their strategy, they have imposed their strategy. And now we are seeing the vial effects of the starvation. You are at the United Nations leading expert on the right to food. Can you clarify for us what the right to food is, under international law. And, the extent of israels violations of Palestinians Rights to food, since october 7th. How does this compare to other hungry crises you have seen around the world . In the simplest terms, the right to food means everyone has the right to access good food, at all times, that means you have to have food in your markets, and it means you have to have access to your land to grow food. It means you should have access to fishing, and hunting. However it is, all people should be able to eat a good meal, feed their families. Thats just a basic human right, a basic sense of dignity. This human right, like all human rights, applies all of the time. It doesnt matter if there is a war or not. There are where there are wars where people are still able to access good food. And in fact, israel has a responsibility, under international law, to ensure that either it provides humanitarian relief, or enables humanitarian relief reaching people in palestine, exceeding, people in gaza. So whats happening, now, in terms of not just the denial of humanitarian relief, but whats happening is that convoys, trucks that are finally making it through the checkpoints, are giving their coordinates to the israeli forces. Nevertheless, there are reports of those convoys being targeted and shot at by israeli forces. And we know of repeated instances of when civilians are trying to access humanitarian relief, humanity are shooting at civilians. And i will add one more thing, from a right to food perspective. Israel is not just denying and slowing down humanitarian aid, and killing civilians while they are trying to access their eight. They are destroying the food system of gaza itself. They are destroying farmland, orchards, greenhouses. They are also denying fissures access to d. C. And theyve destroyed over 75 of small fishing fleets. Gaza is defined by the sea, its a coastal city. So not only are they denying humanitarian aid, they are making it virtually impossible for people in gaza defeat themselves today. But also into the future. Let me ask you about what needs to happen to address this starvation, in the hunger crisis. I dont even know if you can begin to say how a society, a place, a people begins to recover from this in the medium to short term. But in the immediate daytoday survivability of the Palestinian People, what must happen . What does the International Community must do . Because as i said, 38,000 meals dropped on a population of 2 Million People, it is not even a drop in the ocean. Yeah, these air drops are a sign of the failure of the International Community. And, israels denial of allowing humanitarian aid to enter. What needs to happen is an immediate ceasefire, thats it, very simple. An immediate cease fire, right now. And there needs to be unfettered, full access of humanitarian aid to everyone in gaza, right now. Otherwise, this famine is going to happen. All right, michael thank you so much for your time, i greatly appreciate it. And, appreciate you sharing your thoughts with us. Thank you amen. Next up, it is time for worst of the week, a true contest of who has gaslight the American People best, over the issue of ivf. Ivf. All right, michael thank you so much for your time, i greatly appreciate it. And, appreciate you sharing your thoughts with us. Thank you amen. Next up, it is time for worst of the week, a true contest of who has gaslight the American People best, over the issue of ivf. With nurtec odt, i can treat a migraine when it strikes and prevent Migraine Attacks, all in one. Dont take if allergic to nurtec. Allergic reactions can occur, even days after using. 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Most common side effects were nausea, indigestion, and stomach pain. Ask about nurtec odt. Its time for our worst of the week. And then this go around, it is the gops ivf flipflop addition. Because the socalled grand old party is all over the place, when it comes to reaction to Alabama Supreme Court decision, to all but banned ivf. Which brings us to our first contender this week. Mississippi senator cindy hyde smith, who brought passage of a bill to federally protect ivf. In her objection hydesmith reason that alabamas high court did not ban ivf, nor has any state banned ivf. The senator apparently didnt see what happened at Alabama Clinics after the Supreme Court ruling. If she had, she would know several clinics immediately paused ivf services. As weve seen time and time again, even if theres not an explicit banning in place, murky, broad decisions like this have a chilling effect. Also, if her worst of the, week was House Republicans who just say they support ivf, without taking real action to do so, such as South Carolina congresswoman lindsey mace. She introduced a nonbinding resolution to protect ivf on the federal level. The key words here, non binding resolution. Because the resolution does nothing more than express strong support for ivf. Same thing with florida congressman byron donalds. He tells nbc news that he, quote, totally supports the procedure, and same with House Speaker mike johnson, who defended Ivf Treatment in a statement. Words are great, folks, but why not use their positions of real power to actually enact real change. Thats because they dont really want to. Just consider mace and donalds alone. They both Cosponsored The Life at conception apt, a federal law recognizing fertilization, or a fertilized egg, as children. In an attempt to ban abortions nationwide. Johnson, he too has supported interracial of the bill. Lets bring back my panel to decide who is the worst of the week. And ill start with you, is it worse for someone like senator hydesmith to clearly not understand the chilling effects of the ruling . Or is it worse for people like Congresswoman Mace and others, to gaslight voters by saying she strongly supports ivf, while her Voting Record actually shows something completely different . Thats a really tough one, and ill say, republicans on this go together with hypocrisy like sand at the beach. Its frustrating. And at the highest level, this mississippi, as you know, triggered the overturning of roe v. Wade. And at this point, it is very not surprising that you would have cindy hydesmith, who is taking the role of to also not act like she knows the true effects of what this ban on ivf to do. Not only in alabama, but the chilling effects in other places. I would probably put them neck and neck. But the bigger issue here is that the republicans have always tried to limit a womans access to choice, and a womans access to Birth Control as well. As soon as roe v. Wade was overturned, there should have never been an expectation that they would not also go after idf, that they would not go after various forms of Birth Control. This has always been what they were trying to do. The most interesting thing to me, is that several of these republicans have themselves used ivf to conceive. So i think that there is a double level of hypocrisy. That is such a good point. Now jennifer, who do you have . Well, i am going to go right along with her, and say you cant choose one over the other. Its, there are no heroes here, there are no good guys in this conversation. The overturn of roe v. Wade is one of those things for the Republican Party, where its, be careful what you wish for. It happened, they were completely unprepared for it. And look at the absolute ugliness and destructive hypocrisy, that has grown from that decision now. You know, shes absolutely right. This is not about, about life, this is about control, this is about controlling women. It is about controlling personal decisions, it is about, there is something to me, on top of Everything Else weve heard, that is very chauvinistic about this. It is about the opportunity, how much more control can we exert over women . In these cases, and thats what a lot of this is. And its also a total assault on traditional conservatism. Which supports life, supports families, supports growing, and supporting families. And when you listen to someone like nikki haley talk about the extraordinary blessing that ivf has been for her, growing her family, its shocking to listen to people who claim to be people of faith, people of conservatism, people who believe in protecting life, to behave and respond in the way that they have. I mean, lets take a look at the nonbinding resolution introduced by nancy mace in the house, that claims to support ivf services. But as i mentioned earlier, it is non binding, meaning it is nothing more than just a formal statement on the record, not even a proposed law. Is this a chance for democrats to call republicans on the carpet, heading into november . Absolutely. And i think that the republicans just keep stepping in, and for lack of a better term, when it comes to womens Reproductive Rights. They lost at the ballots when they put ballot in a ships up to put Reproductive Rights. And ivf is also among those things. It has shown extremely popular across this country. And as we, know there are already access barriers to ivf, particularly that of money. And i think that for many women who are fighting, and i have friends who have done this, who wanted children more than anything in the world, and were not able to conceive naturally. They invested, many of which also invested all of their housing, they went into second mortgages to try to make sure that they could create life. So to understand a party that stands on being prolife, and talks about this all the time, but is willing to take food away from families, reduce s. N. A. P. Benefits, push against white benefits for some of our most impoverished mothers. But on top of that, also not want to see ivf for family creation. I think thats a real problem, in that voters will want to push back. Jennifer, donald trump says he supports ivf services. But at the same time, he has hinted support for a 15week abortion ban, and still brags on the Campaign Trail that he paved the path to overturning roe. Your sense of why he gets away with, it at this point. Maybe he wont in the general election, the lie in the primary, at least he gets away with it . And we know that trump is the ultimate car salesman. He does this stick, i guess if you will, where he pretends to be a very conservative to the base, and then tries to pivot away from it when he needs, two on things like ivf and other aspects of Reproductive Rights in the general election. Donald trump is a narcissistic chauvinistic, controlling, liar. Hes a liar, thats what he, is a liar. It doesnt matter what donald trump says. And i dont know if, i think its very frustrating to me than any of us talk about him like a regular candidate. What hes saying in the primary, about what hes saying in the general. It doesnt matter for donald trump. The Republican Party chose donald trump, in 2020, to be there 2024 nominee. He can say whatever he wants, he does not owe them honesty, he does not owe them integrity. They have already chosen him, for the Republican Party. Looking at this issue, they have got to understand, if god forbid we should ask them to stand on principle and ethics, and actually act upon what they say they believe, as far as families and life go. But this is an issue that could lose this election for them. And frankly, i hope that it does. And we saw in the midterms, we are going to see it again in 24, they are underestimating the degree that this issue is going to impact the outcome in the general election, including among some republican voters. When they lose republican votes to joe biden, its not going to be about any of these, big issues that weve been talking about on the show. Its going to be about autonomy, and independents, and having a woman be treated like an independent adult. Jennifer thank you to the both of you for joining us this evening, greatly appreciate it, all of your time and insights on this program. Thank you. Folks, weve got to talk about missouri, and a law that has been in the books for 50 years, banning women from getting divorced if they are pregnant. Jennifer thank you to the both of you for joining us this evening, greatly appreciate it, all of your time and insights on this program. Thank you. Folks, weve got to talk about missouri, and a law that has been in the books for 50 years, banning women from getting divorced if they are pregnant. With nurtec odt i can treat and prevent my Migraine Attacks all in one. Dont take if allergic to nurtec. Allergic reactions can occur even days after using. Most common side effects were nausea, indigestion and stomach pain. Talk to your doctor about nurtec today. Always dry scoop before you run. Listen to me, the hot dog diet got me shredded. Its time we listen to science. One a day is formulated with key nutrients to support whole body health. One a day. 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To be fair, it is not just the show me state, where this is law. Texas, arizona, and arkansas have similar statutes in place. The obvious first question here is, why is this even a law . Well, the crux of it has to do with Child Support and custody battles, which cannot be solidified until a child enters the world. And for that very reason, the law keeps people in women in potentially dangerous situations. Yes, Restraining Orders can be but sadly it is not enough. A report from missouris Health Department and Senior Services shows that all of more than 10,000 women surveyed between 2007 and 2014, nearly 500 were abused, either before or during their pregnancies. And the law forced them, forced them, to remain legally bound to their abusers. Now, some 50 years, later one Democratic State representative says it is time for change. Is introducing legislation to clarify that Pregnancy Status does not prevent a judge in missouri from finalizing a divorce for legal separation. In a recent interview, she said quote, in a state or we are currently forcing women to carry babies to term, i think it is important that women who are also looking to get out of a marriage have the capacity to do so. After the fall of roe v. Wade, nearly all abortions were banned in missouri with no exceptions for rape or incest. Curiously enough, the 1973 law stands in contrast with the idea that life begins at conception. Which is an argument used by conservatives, who defend Abortion Bans across all 50 states. This absurd law proves that attacks on womens rights have been in a shrine in law for decades in this country. And roe did nothing to invalidate. So it might be worth getting on google one of these days, and finding what archaic laws still exist where you live. Because missouri just proved to the rest of us, the results could be quite baffling. Thank you for making time for us tonight, make sure to come back tomorrow night. Because we will be talking to judy shepard, the mother of matthew shepard, a growing outrage in texas over a play that profiles her sons life and tragic death, that and theres a lot more to that, starting at seven pm eastern. Until then, im ayman mohyeldin. Good night. My menta th was much better. But i struggled with uncontrollable movements called td, tardive dyskinesia. Td can be caused by some Mental Health meds. And its unlikely to improve without treatment. I felt like my movements were in the spotlight. 1prescribed ingrezza is the only td treatment for adults thats always one pill, once daily. Ingrezza 80 mg is provene td movements in 7 out of 10 people. People taking ingrezza can stay on most Mental Health meds. Ingrezza can cause depression, suicidal thoughts, or actions in patients with huntingtons disease. Pay close attention to and call your doctor if you become depressed, have sudden changes in mood, behaviors, feelings, or have thoughts of suicide. 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