Transcripts For MSNBCW Katy 20240704

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Good to be with you. Im katy tur. Mitch mcconnell is stepping down as leader of the Republican Party in the senate, a position he has held now for 17 years. What is going to change . Mcconnell has been hugely effective as leader. He single handedly blocked President Obama from filling a Supreme Court seat, refuse to go hold a vote on merrick garland. Coming up with a novel and hugely controversial policy that Supreme Court vacancies cant be filled in election years. A policy he immediately said did not apply when President Trump had the chance to fill Ruth Bader Ginsburgs seat just before november 2020. From the Supreme Court to the federal courts across this country, no Single Person has arguably had a bigger impact, confirming 228 judges in the trump years alone. Almost all young, White Conservative men who will be able to serve for the rest of their lives. In spite of that success with trump, mcconnell has also been seen as one of the last guardrails against maga. Holding firm on ukraine funding, or at least trying to, and pushing, quote, Candidate Quality over trumpism. And yet hes also the man who arguably single handedly allowed donald trump to maintain control of the Republican Party. Coming up with another novel theory back when trump was impeached for january 6th. The man is to blame, mcconnell said, but we cant convict him and bar him from running again because hes no longer president ial. Given that record, what will change when mcconnell steps down . Could the gop senate turn into something more like the house gop . A functionally Unfunctional Chamber Where Trump Acolytes Ride rough shot over the few moderates that are still left. Joining us now, nbc news chief political analyst, chuck todd, punch bowl cofounder, jake sherman, and former republican congressman, charlie dent. Jake, since this is your life, tell us, was this a surprise today, and what happens now . Well, katy, it was a surprise today meaning we had no idea it would happen today. This is not a surprise more broadly, right . Mitch mcconnell is 82. Hes obviously had his Health Challenges this year, as he indicated on the floor, his wifes sister recently passed away. And then theres the obvious big conflict, right. If trump is going to be the nominee, it is not sustainable for Mitch Mcconnell to be the Senate Republican leader period, hard stop. Whether he did this now or in november or in december, it was just a matter of time. Now, the question about how this is going to change is a very important question. A lot of that will depend on whether donald trump is elected president. If donald trump is elected president , John Barrasso or another very conservative member of the Senate Republican conference will likely become the leader. If not, someone like john thune or john cornyn, they have a chance. People mentioned steve daines, people have mentioned tom cotton, anybody who has eyes on becoming the Senate Republican leader is going to throw their hat in the ring right now. The senate has been seen as kind of the last, as i said, Bulwark Toward Maga republicanism, its been kind of eroding lately. There have been louder voices than the senate gop. Obviously the bipartisan Immigration Deal was an example of that, the fact that ukraine funding was so hard to pass in the first place in that chamber is another example of that. Do you see this devolving into what we see in the house, the trumpled conference that is trying to silence or nullify the influence of the few moderates that are left. Not to sound repetitive to jake, but all of this depends on november. If trump wins, then, yes, youre going to have, you know, its going to be the apprentice show at maralago. You know, and youre going to have to go down there and kiss the ring, and it becomes an audience of one and a decision of one. Being slightly cynical there, but i dont think im too often the reservation on how that would play out. I think the question is if trump loses, you know, i put republican senators into three camps, right, you have those that are truly members of the sort of long time establishment. Those that are truly maga, and then there are those that put their finger in the wind. And right now are acting maga. Right . But as soon as trump loses, theyre going to be ready to run right back to the establishment. Im looking at you, lindsay graham, its sort of senators like that who have been vacillating a little bit. I think if trump wins, then, yes, the momentum is for maga and barrasso is probably the best or steve daines is the best the establishment can hope for. But if biden wins, you know, there really could be a movement, you know, then suddenly the john cornyns and john thunes of the world may be seen as a real up side and somebody that the conference desires. Do we think thats going to happen, charlie . Donald trump lost in 2020, there wasnt a move away from them. There was a move toward him. If he loses in 2024, he could theoretically run again if he wanted to, his hold over the Republican Party is still pretty firm. He has so much sway over who gets into the primary, and who survives the primary in a lot of these races. Is it realistic to think if he loses again, the party is going to move back to where it was, given where the voter base is . In a more functional party, you would have given up on losing by now. Donald trump made losing great again for the Republican Party. If you look at what happened since 2016, the house is gone, the presidency is gone, the senate is gone. Theres been nothing but defeat because donald trump is to swing voters in swing districts, also having problems with his own base. Hes going to lose perhaps 20 of the republican vote in this general election. Its quite likely. I dont know how you win a presidency that way. At some point, the Republican Party is going to have to figure out if its more dedicated to winning elections or pandering to donald trump. Its that simple, and you know, mcconnells announcement today, of course, sends a bad signal to those who are part of the governing wing and are serious about winning races. Does anything get done, i guess, get back to my very first question, does anything actually get done . Were looking at the house, jake, and the house is getting almost nothing done. Theres a shutdown looming, and mike johnson is talking about a continuing resolution, shortterm resolution. This would be the third or fourth at this point, cant come to a solution on whether to keep the lights on. In a post mcconnell world, a, It Depends On who runs the senate, and b, i want to go back to one other thing. I think chuck is on the money on if biden. We saw this by the way, when biden won the presidency, we saw this state of bipartisanship, the chips bill, the infrastructure bill, people, republicans, the gun bill, republicans, excuse me, were all of a sudden willing to work with democrats to get big things done that you wouldnt otherwise see them get done. If biden wins, i think youll see that in droves. If trump wins, i think its going to be a different kind of get things done. I dont think, though, katy, that the house, the senate is going to turn into the house any more than it already has. I think there is some and maybe i could be proven wrong here, but there is some more heft in the senate than the house. There are people that take themselves more seriously, i think probably in a positive and constructive way. I think all of this, and this is what we all go back to, theres a race, already, katy, breaking out on the other side of the building where senators are positioning themselves to be the next leader. It feels so premature, when we dont know what world were going to be living in, if were going to be living in trumps america or if were going to be living in bidens america. It all just seems to be Spinning Wheels at this point. Doesnt it make It Interesting that Mitch Mcconnell is stepping down no matter what, not waiting to see if donald trump would win again, chuck. I wonder if this is his way of endorsing trump. We have been hearing that the two camps have been talking. Whats the ultimate gift to trump, you wont have to deal with me if you win the presidency, maybe mcconnell doesnt formally endorse. This is what he does in lieu of. Im being a little tongue in cheek there, but look, i think he did it early because the speculation is out there. Theres a shadow campaign. Theres an assumption that he probably isnt going to be leader after this calendar year. Rather than have this whisper campaign, i think he decided to rip the bandaid off and in some ways, it takes him out of the cross hairs. Governing is done for the year. They kind of have a path, you know, to Government Funding here that isnt pretty, but its, i think, mcconnell assumes they know kind of whats going to happen here, whether theres a quick shutdown or not, continuing resolution. This isnt going to be there probably isnt going to be passing a lot of bills. I think theyre going to do whatever they can to keep the lights on. I think he kind of knows its done. Why not make that announcement now. It strikes me as a way to sort of rip the bandaid off. Is ukraine funding dead . Does ukraine funding go anywhere . I think theres a shot that ukraine funding will pass. There are a significant number of House Republicans who are very passionate on supporting ukraine. And i suspect speaker johnson will continue to come under tremendous pressure from people like mike turner, mike mccall, Patrick Mchenry and others who feel passionately about this. I dont know that speaker johnson wants his legacy to be tarnished to succumbing and appeasing vladimir putin, and perhaps a failure of ukraine. So i still think theres a real chance ukraine funding can be passed. Im optimistic republicans can do the right thing in the house, not until they have exhausted every alternative, and they need democratic support and assistance on that as well as the spending bills that will be dealt with imminently. Why do you think mcconnell made a point of mentioning his anyone . Hes old. I think hes 82. In poor health. I think thats obvious, and i think hes obviously drawing a parallel, whether he means it or not, to biden, and i think, listen, hes had a tough run at it the last year. He was out for a long time. No one is suggesting he is the person he used to be. Not only his health issues, but hes up there in age. I want to make two points quickly, on chucks point, and on mr. Dents point. On chucks point, i think he did this now because he didnt want to seem like he would be pushed out if trump were elected in november. Hes doing this on his own terms. Not waiting to see the results of the president ial election, and i think most people in his orbit and in the Senate Republican conference realize that the yarn is almost out. Now, on ukraine funding, i dont think theres any chance mike johnson puts this on the floor. I would put it at 1 or 2 . I think it will pass. I think it will pass because there are these members of the House Republican conference that want to get it through, and sign a Discharge Petition or take other legislative maneuver to get this done. I think theres very minuscule chance that johnson puts this out. Let me ask you, charlie. Ill call it a policy questions. Its not really a policy question. What does does the house do with the hunter biden stuff, now that their big, you know, key witness has fallen apart, hunter biden is testifying today. Well, it seems to me that, you know, the impeachment of joe biden is now done. Its tanked. The votes arent there in the house to do it. Obviously hunter biden has all sorts of problems. They made a compelling case to impeach hunter biden. Hes not a federal official. I think they really spun their wheels, wasted a lot of time, and i think theyre investigation now is in deep trouble. So thats the politics of it. And by the way, i do think that there is a real chance that there could be a Discharge Petition on the ukraine funding. You know, i dont know if johnston is going to bring it up or not. I think hes going to be under tremendous pressure, and that Discharge Petition is going to happen, i think, at some point. Charlie dent, jake sherman, chuck todd, thank you very much for starting us off. Big day, big news. Appreciate it. Still ahead, what we just learned about Donald Trumps finances from a court filing in new york. What he just admitted. And republicans are running from today. What theyre running from when it comes to ivf specifically. Plus, President Biden and Prime Minister netanyahu are clashing over the war in gaza. What we know about the chances of a cease fire deal. For severe eosinophilic asthma. Not for sudden breathing problems. Allergic reactions can occur. Get help right away for swelling of face, mouth, tongue, or trouble breathing. Infections that can cause shingles have occurred. Dont stop steroids unless told by your doctor. Tell your doctor if you have a parasitic infection. May cause headache, injection site reactions, back pain, and fatigue. Ask an Asthma Specialist if nucala is right for you. christina with Verizon Business unlimited, i get 5g, truly unlimited data, and unlimited hotspot data. Back pain, and fatigue. So, no matter what, im running this kitchen. vo make the switch. 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The problem for them is that new york law requires that where a judgment directs you to pay a particular sum of money, the only way that you get a stay is by posting a bond or an undertaking in the amount that you are ordered to pay. And they acknowledge that. They say that if they were to get a bond through an Insurance Company or a surety, that bond would probably be in about 120 of the judgment or 550 million. Quite a bit of cash. But they acknowledge almost, you know, out right that they cant pay it right now. They say, if they didnt get a stay on the terms theyre outlining in the brief, meaning 100 million up and continued supervision from the monitor, which is part of the judgment, that properties would likely need to be sold to raise capital. Which means they would have to have a fire sale of properties in order to post the bond that would ordinarily be required. Hes admitting he doesnt have the money for this. Hes admitting he doesnt have the money, and hes trying to persuade the court that 100 million and ongoing supervision by retired federal judge Barbara Jones is enough to ensure the property is not dissipated, assets are not transferred, the status quo for them financially remains. Their argument was, listen, this was good enough during the trial. You had this in place, lets continue it while we appeal this. Whats your opinion of what judge engoron might say about this . The argument was not made to judge engoron. Let me be clear. Was this made to judge engoron, i skipped right over it. This was made to the First Department of the Appellate Division. The equivalent of a federal Circuit Court of appeals. They did have an argument today in front of justice neil singh of that court, and he will make a decision by the close of business, whether to grant a temporary stay. Then an application for a longer term stay will go to a full panel of the court. Remember, trump has until march 25th, katy. Thats the date on which the current Automatic Stay that any party would get under New York Law Is going to be gone. You get a stay on enforcement of any judgment that requires money for 30 days. After march 25th, all bets are off. If the full Appellate Division doesnt act by march 25th and Justice Singh doesnt give the stay, the judge can move ahead and start collecting. Theres a lot of time between then and now. I raise that. Thats the operative day. Let me ask you, what happens if it does run out, and tish james starts collecting, how does she start collect something. One of the ways she starts collecting is by identifying what trump owns, and she can collect against properties. Can she seize properties . She cant seize them without further Court Intervention but she would ask the court to enable her, essentially, to seize properties or get a lien on properties. The problem here is that donald trump has lots of creditors. He has tens of millions, if not hundreds of millions in existing mortgages on many of the properties that he owns and in other cases, he doesnt own properties outright. He may own 30 , 20 , so its complicated. Michael cohen was saying if he were to have a fire sale, it would still be hard for him to come up with this cash. There are mortgages, he would have debts to pay on the leases, on the Land Holdings on whatever he might own in new york. There are a lot of hungry mouths to feed that would have their hands out. So bankruptcy . I dont think thats a solution for him here. I think more likely if he doesnt get the stay that he wants here, he will try to creatively raise the funds in some other way. So for example. With sneakers . I dont think with sneakers. Even the limited run of sneakers is going to do it, but i do think that donald trump could cast a wide net, could seek financing from sources that arent traditionally used for this purpose. Normally people in this position would go to an insurer or a bank and seek a loan. Donald trump may go to highly wealthy individuals, private equity firms, cut a deal where they get an equity stake in one or more of his properties in exchange for some cash. Desperate times call for desperate measures. Lisa rubin, thank you very much. Coming up, what we know about where negotiations stand for an israel hamas cease fire. First, though what republican senators are saying versus what theyre doing, when it comes to ivf. Anthony this making you uncomfortable . Good. When youve got Type 2 Diabetes like me, you have up to 4 times greater risk of stroke, heart attack or worse death. Even when meeting your a1c goal. Discomfort can help you act. Im not trying to scare you. Im empowering you. To get real with your health care provider. Talk to them about lowering your risk of stroke, heart attack or death. 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It started when we got him under a new plan. But then they unexpectedly unraveled their price lock guarantee. Which has made him, a bit. Unruly. You called yourself the uncarrier. You sing about price lock on those commercials. The price lock, the price lock. So, if you could change the price, change the name its not a lock, i know a lock. So how can we undo the damage . We could all unsubscribe and switch to xfinity. Their connection is unreal. And we could all unexperience this whole session. Okay, thats uncalled for. Pull a republican aside in the hauls of congress, and most will tell you they are all for ivf. There will be a correction to the Alabama Ruling said senator lindsey graham. Im pro ivf, its protected in my state said senator josh hawley. Its peoples opportunity to have a baby. I completely support it said senator rick scott. Why then are conservatives in the senate now signaling they will block a bill to federally protect ivf treatments. And what this issue on top of abortion could do to novembers election. Joining us now, former white house Director Of Communications to President Obama, jen palmieri. Cohost of the msnbc podcast, how to win 2024. Jen, its really good to see you. Ivf on top of abortion, whats it going to do to 24 . Every couple of months we have an earthquake when it comes to womens rights. Something that puts into stark relief how devastating it was for the Supreme Court to overturned roe v. Wade. The ivf decision, that was, you know, for the people who pay deep attention to this issues and whats been going on for the last ten years, it is the logical outcome of overturning roe v. Wade and what a state like alabama is going to do it. But its just shocking for the rest of the country, and i know republican lawmakers are rushing to try to make to try to clean them up and say therefore legislation to protect ivf, but, you know, thats contrary to their history, and their records, but then also just what it means, you know, really thinking in what it means to overturn roe v. Wade. I think its a huge deal. Its going to be such a big part of 24. So this is not senators arent being asked to make a federal law that protects abortion. I know Democratic Senators want that. Republicans obviously dont. But no federal law to protect ivf. Why would conservative republicans in the senate be against federalizing that when they say they believe in the procedure . Its a good point. If they are so concerned about it, that is the way to do it because of roe v. Wade being overturned. Otherwise states have the opportunity to take these kinds of actions. But then thats when they run into, you know, the brick wall of the contradictions and history of their positions because that would be thats at odds with what their position has been for a long time, this should be left to the states and also a lot of them supported bills that protected, said that life started at the embryo stage, and that puts ifv at risk, and, you know, i think that it reminds me, katy, of what happened in Virginia Last year when the State Legislature was up for when they were up to be voted on, and the republican governor there, Glenn Young Kin tried to make the whole campaign about passing a 15week abortion ban and thought that was the moderate position, and people could get behind it. It just didnt work. He ended up losing a seat, and the democrats took control. I think that when, you know, after roe v. Wade, its just such a shock to the country that when people hear republicans talk about abortion and womens rights, and how theyre going to protect ivf, its just not believable. Even if its a position that theoretically tests well, when it comes out of a republican politicians mouth that supported roe v. Wade, they seem to lose credibility with voters. I imagine many rooms right now all over the country for local races, for state races and federal races, there are conversations being had about how to make sure voters understand this issue, and not just voters and democrats, maybe republican women or republican men who are trying to start a family. How do you convince them to switch parties, if they feel like they are republican and dont identify with much of the democratic platform . I think you have to make this about a fundamental choice around freedoms. For people who are long standing members of the Republican Party, you dont want government intrusion. You want to protect the right for you to decide with your doctor what your health care is going to be. You dont want the government deciding what your kids are reading schools. Its these kinds of freedoms that whats happened to the Republican Party, a maga wing taking over, people have lost these freedoms. If it is, you know, with integrity, put under that frame, that can be compelling to republicans, you know, sort of formally republican voters, and people are smart. They understand whats going on, they note that theres an erosion of rights. It is not the american they want to live in. Its not the america they thought they would ever live in. You have to make it clear to people. I dont think you have to work hard. Ivf, this is something that is all families. A maga agenda is hitting people where they live. Its not theoretical. I think its going to make a big difference. It doesnt discriminate. Jen palmieri, good to have you. Thank you very much. If you want more of me and jen along with the other half of the how to win 2024 podcast, claire mccaskill, were going to keep the conversation going, make it more interesting, tomorrow at the 92nd street. 8 00 p. M. Eastern. Tickets are hot, selling fast. I believe there are a few still left. Be sure to join us or watch online as well. Coming up, a trump era gun measure was before the Supreme Court today. What the justices signalled. And President Biden said israels war in gaza is quote, over the top. He has pushed for a twostate solution. Why isnt he doing what my next guest Richard Haass is arguing, which he says would be far more effective. Uld be far more effective. What if you could go from this to this. With just one step tresemme silk serum. Time for the ultimate humidity test. Weightlessly smooth hair your turn. New tresemme keratin smooth collection. Breathing claritin clear is like. is he . Confidently Walking 8 Long Haired Dogs and living as if he doesnt have allergies . 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Tell your doctor if you are or may become pregnant. Put uc in check and keep it there with rinvoq. Ask your gastroenterologist about rinvoq and learn how abbvie can help you save. I launched our campaign at this union hall. Ask your gastroenterologist about rinvoq lets go win this thing then we hit the road and never stopped. You shared with me your frustration at working harder to barely get by and afford a place to live. Your fears for our democracy and freedoms and your dreams for yourself, your family, and the future. It is not too late to realize those dreams. Im adam schiff, and i approve this message because together we can still get big things done. What do i see in peter dixon . I see my husband. The father of our girls. I see a public servant. A man who served under secretary clinton in the state department. Where he took on the epidemic of violence against women in the congo. I see a fighter, a tenacious problemsolver. Who will go to congress and protect Abortion Rights and our democracy. Because he sees a Better Future for all of us. Im peter dixon and i negotiators in qatar are still pushing for a deal between israel and hamas as President Biden and egypts president assisi are hopeful a compromise will be reached in a matter of days. But israel and hamas are not saying that. In fact, theyre claiming the opposite. Joining us from tel aviv, raf sanchez, what are israel and hamas saying about potential for a deal . Reporter we spoke to an israeli official earlier, they are saying at this particular time the talks are basically stalled. They say they are waiting for a formal hamas response to that framework of an agreement hammered out in paris over the weekend, negotiations involving the cia director. The broad contours of the deal pausing fighting for up to six weeks. Hamas releasing 40 hostages, israeli releasing prisoners in exchange. We spoke to a senior political official. He confirmed to us they are still studying that proposal but he says there are still major outstanding issues between the two sides, so nothing at this point that we are seeing on the ground appears to justify President Bidens optimism that a deal is possible by monday. And the white house has been asked repeatedly why exactly did the president feel that monday was achievable, why did he feel it was something he could say in public. They say he was expressing a general sense of optimism, a general determination to try to get this deal over the line. We do know the u. S. Is pushing very hard to try to get an agreement in place before the start of the muslim holy month of ramadan on march 10th. There is a feeling that so far the regional aspect of this conflict has been contained to a certain extent, but that serious fighting over ramadan, especially if israel carries out its threat to go into the Southern City of rafah, where more than a million palestinians are sheltering, you could see really Serious Violence spreading. A lot of concern, also, katy, about jerusalem, the potential of a flash point at the alaqsa mosque where we have seen violence in the past. A lot of concern about israels far right National Security minister who is in charge, reports in the israeli media that he has been stripped of his powers over the alaqsa mosque as the Israeli Government tries to keep things quiet in jerusalem. Raf sanchez, thank you very much. Joining us, president emeritus on the council of Foreign Relations and Senior Partner at center view partners, Richard Haass. Its really good to have you. You have been very clear that Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and President Biden are not on the same page. Do you see what President Biden is trying to do right now as enough on this issue of israel and gaza, the cease fire, hostages, and whatever happens the day after . I think the president is going in the right direction, but to answer your question, ive got questions of two things, one is what you were just talking about. Its not obvious to me why he would be making predictions about this deal. It gives too much leverage to israel and hamas to try to use his leaning for as pressure on him, plus, i think its quite possible that hamas may not want a deal, daring the israelis to use force against the palestinians in ramadan. It would trigger widespread support for hamas throughout the arab and muslim world. Let me put that there. More broadly, theres much more the administration could be doing. I have talked about the president speaking directly to the israeli people, going over the head of the government. I like the symbolism of going to the israeli parliament. We could be pushing for our own resolutions in the u. N. Security council. We could be putting conditions on the use of armaments. We could be putting economic sanctions on goods the israelis want to export that are made in settlements and so forth. I think theres lots of things we could be doing beyond what it is now. And whats also clear to me. And id be surprised if you disagree. We are trying to persuade the Israeli Government to adopt a different strategy. So far, theres precious little evidence that they are open to being persuaded. I think we have to stake out a much more independent policy. You have argued that thats partially going to the israeli public directly and doing what Benjamin Netanyahu has done here, which is go to congress and deliver a speech around the president s invitation, doing it at the invitation of congress. Do you think President Biden, a, would be invited to the ka knesset and if we were, why would he not try to go do that . President biden if he wants to speak to israelis, he could do it. Hes far more popular in israel than the Prime Minister. I like the symbolism of speaking from the knesset. If that didnt work, universities, private arrangements or from here. Quite honestly, more important where he speaks from is what hes prepared to say, and he doesnt need the permission or invitation from the Israeli Government to say things that need saying. He doesnt need to push for a twostate solution. He shouldnt do that tomorrow. The pieces arent in place, but he can talk about the need for israel to show great restraint. He can talk about the need to start a political process, and theres lots of things he can put on the table and he can make it clear that hes not doing this to israel, hes doing this for israel. If israel wants to be a secure, democratic state, it has to adopt a different policy towards the palestinians, not as a favor to them, but as a favor to itself. Theres a lot of talk in michigan, about this protest vote, the voting uncommitted to send a message to President Biden about where Arab Americans stand on his policy and his support of israel and its bombardment of gaza. If donald trump were to win, how much worse could it get . Look, the Previous Trump Administration put the palestinian issue off to the side. The entire logic of the Abraham Accords was to normalize relations between arab governments and israel. Ignore the palestinians, thats not going to work anymore. The saudis and others who were prepared to come forward are not prepared anymore with something significant for the palestinians. One of the rules of the middle east, one of the lessons is things can always get worse, and that could mean much more violence in the occupied territories of the west bank. Could be an open ended, costly, terrible occupation of israel and gaza. It could be the war spreading to the north between israel and hezbollah in lebanon. Again, as bad as things are, we should never ignore the possibility that not only could they get worse, they are likely to get worse unless theres a major change in diplomacy here. Im running against a wall. Do you foresee the Biden Administration if they get extended for four years, recognizing a Palestinian State, going around israel and recognizing a Palestinian State . I wouldnt do that. No, i think what they should do is articulate the need for one and the conditions that would have to be met by the palestinians before the United States could support them . Richard haass, really good to have you. Thank you very much for joining us. Thanks, katy. Judge singh has issued a ruling in response to Donald Trumps 100 million bond offer in new york. A story we were talking about a minute ago with lisa rubin who is now back with us. I did a quick cursory glance of this, and tell me has he sided with donald trump. Largely hes sided with the Attorney Generals office. What donald trump really wanted to have stayed here, katy, enforcement of the money judgment, that 464 million award which represents the disgorgement amounts from judge engorons order plus interest. This has not been stayed by judge singh. What he did agree to was a couple of other provisions. He said essentially that there wont be any bar on them serves as officers or directors. That means that eric and don jr. Can stay in charge of the Trump Organization for right now. During the appeal. During the appeal for right now and until a full panel of the First Department considers this. He also said that the bar on them borrowing money from any entities that are chartered or registered with New York State is also stayed for now. The trump defendants today told Justice Singh that without that, they would not be able to secure the full bond, and of course most importantly, again, ill reiterate, Justice Singh is saying no, i wont Stay Enforcement of the judgment. They are still going to have to post the bond. They are going to have to post the bond before march 25th, unless a full panel of the Appellate Division First Department comes to his rescue. Youll see at the bottom of the page, motion date, and opposition and reply dates. That Attorney General needs to apply a brief. The reply will be due march 18th. That gives the panel a week before the automatic existing stay expires to determine whether he should get a stay pending the entire appeal which was last months. A mixed bag, but hes still going to need to post the judgment unless the full Appellate Court comes to his rescue. Theres still daily interest being accrued. Thats right. What is the interest. 12,000. And for all defendants together, around 115,000 a day. Every day that he waits, it costs him a little bit more money. Thats my understanding, katy. Lisa rubin, thank you very much. Everyone say happy birthday to lisa, its her birthday. She looks great in that confetti dress. Thanks for being with us. After refuse to go participate for months, hunter biden faced questions from two gopled house committees. What happened Behind Closed Doors, and what it means for the Sputtering Effort to impeach his dad, President Biden. And gun rights advocates get their day in high court. What Supreme Court justices said about their effort to overturn a trumpera ban. I felt that my memory was beginning to decline and thats when i started looking for something that would help. When i first started taking prevagen, i noticed my memory was so much better. Just stuff seemed to come together and fit like a Jigsaw Puzzle in my mind. Prevagen. At stores everywhere without a prescription. You know, when i take the bike out like this, all my stresses just melt away. I hear that. This bad boy can fix anything. Yep, tough day at work, nice cruise will sort you right out. When im riding, im not even thinking about my painful cavity. Well, you shouldnt ignore that. And every time i get stressed about having to pay my bills, i just hop on the bike, man. Oh, come on, man, you got to pay your bills. You dont have to worry about anything when youre protected by americas numberone motorcycle insurer. Well, you definitely do. Those things arent related, so. 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The Supreme Court is Hearing Arguments on bump stocks, the attachments functionally turn semiautomatic rifles into automatic weapons. Donald trump banned them in 2018 after the massacre at a las vegas Music Festival where a shooter aiming from a hotel room fired 1,100 rounds in just 11 minutes according to the fbi. He killed 60 people and injured hundreds more. Now, the Supreme Court, mark joseph stern. Mark, thank you for being here. Theyre Hearing Arguments, did you get a sense of where the justices stand. This is a photo finish. On one side you have four conservative justs very clearly against this bump stock ban. And ott other side three liberals for it. This comes down to john roberts and even more so Amy Coney Barrett which shouldnt be a big surprise. Because just last year they were the two swing votes on a case about the Biden Administration ban on ghost guns. Both of them sided with the Biden Administration. So i think there is some hope that this ban could be upheld but it is a squeaker one way or other. What are the arguments for overturning it . So, the federal law here bans machine guns and it defines them as a weapon that fires automatically with a single function. When you use a ar with a bump stock, all do you is lean forward and the trigger moves back and forth far faster than any Human Figurer could on its own shooting off up to 800 rounds in a single minute. The question here is whether it is still technically automatic even though the shooter keeps their finger on that trigger while the trigger does the work itself. A very technical argument and one that Justice Barrett is clearly grappling with. She said, im intuitively sympathetic, that it is automatic and ive watched video howtos and ive seen how this works and im struckling to get the mechanics down and the fate of this ban may come down to whether Amy Coney Barrett understands how bump stocks work or whether she allows herself to be misled by obfuscation put out there. When the conservative justices are leaning toward overturning the ban, what is their position on having something that functionally acts as a machine gun out there in public use . So the conservative justices are concerns that the bureau of alcohol and tobacco and firearms, atf, did not ban bump stocks until 2018. They have been on the market for years before and individual manufacturers had sent in their products to atf and said could we sell these and they sent private letters thinking we think theyre legal and were not going to punish you if you sell them and then the Las Vegas Shooting happened an now atf said we understand how these work and we need to ban them because they are machine guns. The conservative justices are hostile toward what we call the administrative state, toward federal agencies like atf and they seem to think that atf pulls the rug out from under lawful gun owners by changing its mind about whether bump stocks really fit this definition. I think that is a dubious position because atf has never issued a full formal complete rule about how these devices worked and whether they were legal. But that changed of mind could be enough to get four, perhaps five votes to overturn the ban. And with this conservative makeup and i dont know which way Amy Coney Barrett will go or chief justice roberts, but if they went on the side of overturning bump stock, what would stock them from making sure that machine guns were also constitutionally legal . That came up, and the attorney who was defending bump stocks would not say whether he thought congress could explicitly ban regular automatic rifles, you know machine guns through and through under the secondary amendment. Unfortunately, it is an open question whether not just Assault Rifles but machine guns could be banned under the current Supreme Courts Juris Prudence on this. The court said that any weapon that is in common use attains Second Amendment protection. And if all of these people are allowed to keep their bump stocks and we see making guns even more lethal, firing automatically with greater ease, i could see the Supreme Court turning around and in the future and saying, so many people have machine guns now, that Congress Cannot under the Second Amendment come in and take them away. Thrilled to what giving People Machine Guns is going to mean for Mass Shootings at supermarkets or churches or parades or schools or anything. Theyre happening everywhere. Mark joseph stern, thank you very much. Thank you. What we know so far about Hunter Bidens closed door testimony before House Republicans on the hill. We have some details. Dont go anywhere. Efore dawn. With caplyta, theres a chance to let in the lyte™. Caplyta is proven to deliver significant relief across bipolar depression. Unlike some medicines that only treat bipolar i, caplyta treats both bipolar i and ii depression. 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In preparing Opening Reparks the president s son criticized the effort as a baseless and destructive political charade based on maga motivated conspiracies. Joining us now ryan nobles. So, what is happening inside of that hearing right now, that testimony that hes giving, are republicans getting anything out of him that they want . It is hard to say. It is all happening Behind Closed Doors and what we get coming out of those moatings is a wildly different interpretation depending on if youre talking to a republican or a democrat. I do think in terms of whether or not this interview is going to aid republicans in their efforts to bring articles of impeachment to the floor to get the votes to pass, it doesnt seem as though theyve moved the ball forward. In many respects when you talk to republicans about the goals of this impeachment inquiry, this really seems that theyre changing their goalposts and what they hope to pull out of this. Listen to this exchange i had with matt gaetz about the specificity around the Bribery Charges around the president. I believe that you could bribe someone by paying their family members. Like i dont get this construct that unless joe biden received cash that he somehow wasnt involved in the bribery operation. Joe biden was doing the bidding of burisma, doing the bidding of Chinese Communists and his family was getting enriched as a consequence. To me, that is bribery. If you read between the lines, republicans have tried to convince us that joe biden was being personally enriched and his brothers Business Dealings but there has been explanations for 200,000 check that Bidens Associated Say was part of an interest free loan that he paid back. To the idea that now, if hes around other people being enriched that indicates a bribery scam. That is difficult to prove if a court of law and i do get the sense there are moderate republicans who also believe it doesnt rise to the level of high crimes an misdemeanor which would warrant impeachment proceedings. So that is the bar and over the next couple of weeks well see whether or not they could get to the point that they could get something that most republicans will vote for. Well see. Ryan nobles, thank you very much. And that is going to do it for me. Ive been off for two days but Nicolle Wallace is back in. So welcome back, nicolle. Deadline white house starts right

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