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guaranteed of this progress so we are moving carefully. >> that's tonight's last. where the 11th hour stephanie ruhle begins now. r stephani >> tonight, republicans in the house vote for a formal impeachment inquiry into president joe biden in the final days of the year. but here's the question. do they have any evidence? then, federal election interference case put on pause as trump's legal team accuses jack smith of trying to steal their christmas. then, the showdown over the abortion pill, now headed to the supreme court while reproductive rights hang in the balance, as the 11th hour gets underway on this wednesday night. >> good evening once again. i'm stephanie ruhle at msnbc headquarters here in new york city. today president joe biden officially became the subject of a formal impeachment inquiry. late today, in a party line vote, or the gop-controlled house voted to 21 to 2:12, officially approving an investigation that has been underway for months. house republicans have been focusing on the business dealings conducted by president biden's son hunter. they have accused joe biden of profiting from those deals when he was vice president, which he has repeatedly denied. tonight, after the vote, the president issued a statement that read this, in part. quote, there is a lot of work to be done, but after wasting weeks trying to find a new speaker of the house and having to expel their own members, republicans in congress are leaving for a month instead of doing anything to help make americans lives better. they are focused on attacking me with lies. members of both sides of the aisle island coated the highest voices in impeachment had this to. say >> we don't think this helps the key witnesses that we want. there are three names mentioned the resolutions, nine, 1870 resolutions. one was president united states, joe biden. >> the reality is that republicans are pursuing this on behalf of donald trump. this is an act of political retribution the donald trump has compelled house republicans, ordered house republicans to pursue. this is extremism on full display. >> just hours before the house, vote hunter biden himself appeared outside the capital. and he was swinging. house investigators were inside waiting for him to appear at a closed-door deposition. hunter, who has been served a subpoena to testify in the impeachment probe, has insisted he will absolutely do it, but he wants it to be in public. >> for six years i have been the target of the unrelenting trump attack machine shouting where's hunter. well here's my answer. i am here. let me state is clearly as i can, my father was not financially involved in my business, not as a practicing lawyer, not as a board member of burisma, not in my partnership with the chinese private business man, not in my investments at home or abroad. it certainly not as an artist. during my battle with addiction, my parents were there for me. they literally saved my life. they help me in ways i will never be able to repay and of course they would never expect me to. and in the depth of my addiction i was extremely irresponsible with my finances. but to suggest it's ground for impeachment is beyond the absurd. it's shameless. >> hunter biden of course has been indicted on federal tax and gun charges. oversight committee james comer and judiciary committee chairman jim jordan f threatened to hold him in contempt of congress for not complying with that subpoena. pretty hypocritical given what they've done in the past. well, jim jordan specifically. with that let's get smart tonight with the help of our leadoff panel, mike memoli is here, and he has covered president biden, his family, and his inner circle of advisers for a decade. nobody knows the bidens. better luke broadwater, and tim miller, a contributor the bulwark and communications director for jeb bush. let's start with jim jordan. he's out there talking about getting witnesses. i want to understand, what kind of witnesses does he think he's going to get? and these just people who hunter biden was dealing with in the past that will clearly embarrass the president? but do nothing to prove any wrongdoing? and these investigators, what are they allowed to do? >> jim jordan has lined up about nine witnesses he wants to hear from over the next two months, in particular to that are named in the impeachment inquiry resolution that our tax investigators. these are two men that they want to question about why felony charges were not brought against hunter biden earlier. the republicans theory is that they were somehow political interference to protect hunter biden so we haven't heard from these gentlemen yet i guess we will have to hear what they have to say. but those are the stated reasons why john jordan wants to hear from these additional people. >> but how does this hold any water, team? this argument of the doj is working on behalf of joe biden to protect him and his family. hunter was charged. >> this whole thing is so ridiculous. it is plainly absurd on its face. hunter might go to jail. this is the worst deep state of all-time, if there is a deep state plot to protect the bidens. leave undated joe biden's only surviving son on very serious charges. they have not done anything in joe biden's bidding. if anything a criticism of the doj is that they didn't move fast enough to go after donald trump after his obvious crimes that we all saw with our eyes on january 6th. so the whole deep state thing is ridiculous there's. no evidence behind it. this impeachment inquiry is a total kangaroo court pr stunt. what is different, fundamentally, about an inquiry, then what they have been doing since the minute joe biden got in there? they've been having observed oversight hearings and calling witnesses and bringing people forward for years now. with nothing. they have. nothing they can't even see what this inquiry is about. they don't have high crime or misdemeanors. they're outlining. it's just total buffoonish nonsense. and troy nehls, republican congressman, when asked what he's hoping from gain from the inquiry, his response, all i can say is donald trump 2024, baby. that's all you have to. no that's always. as donald trump 2024. they have no actual substantive evidence. the inquiry is meaningless, it's just a pr stunt to make donald trump happy. >> michael, help us understand the white house strategy. for quite some time a lot of democratic strategists have said hunter biden just needs to stay quiet and go away. obviously he is the son of president biden, jill biden, he's or sunday, love him more than anything. but he needs to get himself out of the public eye. and he was out there making a public statement today. so what is with the strategy? >> well, so many things really fascinated me as we watch this day unfold, starting with what a white house source called the forceful and powerful statement from hunter biden through the debate on the house floor over this impeachment inquiry resolution and ultimately with the statement they read part of from president biden himself tonight, after it was passed, and all of which really speaks to what the white house does and the biden team sees is a political advantage in this case. there was a surprising and strong coordination in terms of talking points of house democrats on the floor as well as what we were hearing from biden's campaign, saying this was an act of political retribution, being directed by donald trump, who simply wanted to see his likely opponent in the general election next year also have an impeachment on under his belt. but i was also struck by what was the personal dynamic to today's events. some of the very white house officials i was hearing from today after hunter biden's statement are ones who are often reluctant to speak about this, in part because of the toll that this is taking on the family, frankly. they did see this is a strong moment for hunter biden. it's especially important in light of the timing, because monday is a very solemn anniversary in the biden family. it's the anniversary of 51 years ago of the accident of the claimed the life of president biden's first wife, his daughter, and severely injured bo as well as hunter biden. this is a day is that is mired quietly and privately by biden since he became president, but long dating back to the president itself to the accident itself. it's poignant to hunter biden but also to the president as well. and so seeing this play out in the strong statement from hunter biden is an important signal for the president, and something that i think is often lost on the part of republicans. a, this is a publican public opportunity, people often seen family struggle this way and understand the personal toll being played out as well. >> this is a country with countless families that have someone battling addiction. it was somewhat surprising to see hunter biden out there today talking about the life, the troubled life that he has lived. luke, i want you to hear what mike johnson said before he was speaker of the house, back in 2019, when democrats open an impeachment inquiry, of course, into donald trump. watch this. >> the founders of this country warned against a single party impeachment. you know why? you guys know why. because they feared it would bitterly and perhaps irreparably divide our nation. the founding fathers, the founders of this country warned against a single party impeachment. they said that it would be bitterly divisive, perhaps irreparably divisive for the country. the founders of this country warned us against a single party impeachment because they feared it would bitterly and perhaps irreparably divide our nation. >> i'm glad we don't do a shot every time something we hear about to see on this show, because it's crazy. he was clearly on message back then against a single party impeachment. i know, luke, you've been reporting on how much trump is influencing this whole process. is he behind all of it? suddenly speaker johnson is a okay with it? >> will don trump's wielding tremendous influence over the house republicans. he has encouraged that both publicly and privately to go forward with the impeachment inquiry, both with the personal meetings and personal phone calls, but then also with public statements urging it on. and you are hearing republicans in leadership say as much. they are saying well yes we are now going to have political impeachments, where the bar for impeachment has been lowered so low that it will now be whoever is in office, the other party, in this case the republicans, will attempt to impeach them. in some cases there openly admitting it. in other cases they are still saying that we're just following the facts in the evidence and a good eagle ford with impeachment if the facts and evidence are there. but it seems very much from the vote today what trump is encouraging in the way speaker johnson has coalesce the republican votes around this, that they are very much moving forward towards impeachment, probably early next year. >> okay, tim, and then you take a leap here. joe biden is not going to be impeached. so what does success for republicans look like? is it just a humiliation game? >> are you sure? i don't know. republican house could impeach him on a party line -- >> maybe, maybe. >> maybe. they would have to come up with something. the three car payments? >> based on what we have seen, what we have heard thus far, there's nothing that would say yes, this is an impeachable offense. so assuming we stay on that trajectory, what are republicans, i, mean kevin mccarthy didn't think there was something, that there was any there there. it was a shell. >> and they could just vote to impeach him over nothing because don trump tells them to. that's a possibility out there. i think a win for them is muddying the waters here. well donald trump is a trial next year, having kangaroo courts of their own on capitol hill to try to make it seem like it's an even steven thing, to split a screen on the news, is it okay don trump on trial for the coup, here's hunter biden having to testify in front of james comer over his laptop. i could stay could see that is a win. any scene that kind of take away the guardrail the democrats have when it comes to rule of law, when it comes to corruption in the general election next year. that's the point of all this. so maybe they wouldn't see that is a win. >> i want to talk about the former president, because he was in iowa today talking about his federal election case. i want to share a bit of what he had to say. please listen closely. >> now they're saying let's rush it to the supreme court. russia, it russia, it. they started just recently with this crap. they started just recently. they could have brought this lawsuit three years ago, right after i left. now they're fighting like hell because they want to try to get a guilty plea from the supreme court of united states, which i can't imagine because you have presidential immunity, but strange things happen. >> here's why you can't imagine it. a guilty plea from the supreme court? look, what are the world's donald trump even talking about? >> i don't know. that makes no sense legally obviously the supreme court doesn't accept guilty pleas. he's obviously complaining about the prosecutor's motion to have the supreme court weigh in on whether or not donald trump has immunity. the idea being that he will be clearly ruled to not have immunity from prosecution and so they can advance quickly to trial to try to prosecute his alleged crimes on january six ahead of the election. so he's complaining about that. i think he's projecting that he will lose before the supreme court, based on those comments. >> it's not factual. it's nonsensical. it's ridiculous. mike, you cover this white house. you cover joe biden. if joe biden would have said anything that sounded even remotely like a guilty plea from the supreme court, fox news would have that wall-to-wall on every show yesterday today and tomorrow saying this scene our guy has to be wheeled out the back. yet donald trump doesn't face that kind of criticism. how much does that burn the white house? >> they certainly see a double standard in how both of these men are being treated, but also say another point which i think the white house really prides itself on understanding why especially kyiv key groups and with all respect to you stephanie, and look, and tim, it's not what we are talking about here tonight, it's not talking about cable, news it's core issues, like the economy. there are so many differences between donald trump and joe biden, but one of the big differences over the course of the campaign is donald trump's sees great value in talking about this, he sees great political advantage in talking about how he believes the deep state his political opponents are against him. when we do see president biden out in earnest on the campaign trail, he's not gonna be talking about these things. he's gonna be talking about the dow hitting a new record today. the fact that inflation has begun to ease, the fact that his administration is in his view has done significant amount of work to lower the average cost of things like prescription drugs for the american people. that's one of the fundamental divides it speaks to the who are the target audience for both men. i think we'll see that on display in the next few months as we see the president gear up his own campaign. >> talk about were news of the day, it looks like the fed could cut rates next year. look at the stock market reaction. best day of the year. it could be booyah for bidenomics in 2024. mike memoli luke broadwater tim miller, thank you all for being there. tim, i asked you a spare you asking if traumas would be guilty in the supreme court cause i erhead would explode. coming up, the case halls all proceedings until decision is made over his appeal for immunity. joyce vance breaks it down for what it all means. and later, abortion is back in front of our nation's highest court for the first time since it overruled roe v. wade. the case that will decide access to a commonly used abortion pill. the 11th hour just getting underway on a really important wednesday night. important wednesday night. >> i got this $1,000 camera for only $41 on dealdash., online auctions since 2009. this playstation 5 sold for only 50 cents. this ipad pro sold for less than $34. and this nintendo switch, sold for less than $20. i got this kitchenaid stand mixer for only $56. i got this bbq smoker for 26 bucks. and shipping is always free. go to right now and see how much you can save. what is cirkul? 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even if we're waiting for the supreme court, there's a lot that needs to get done. and what is, it may 4th? that's around the corner. >> so there is a lot to get done, and she's going to stick to her trial schedule. but the decision she made to stay the case is one that she was forced to make my the law. the reasoning is a little bit down in the legal weeds, but it goes something like this. trump has filed a motion that would dismiss the indictment against him if he is successful, and given that that's the stakes for the appeal, the law says he shouldn't be subjected to any additional burdens of litigation while that appeal is ongoing. so it's a temporary pause. it's a pause so that if he wins on the issue involving immunity, than he hasn't been prejudiced in any way. but here is the spoiler alert. he's immunity issue, his arguments not frivolous but it's also not a winner. i think the courts won't have any trouble dispensing with it. every court that has looked at some aspect of this question of whether his four years in the presidency shielded trump from civil or criminal immunity for his misconduct has found against him, i don't think the supreme court will come out any differently on this one. >> the fact that judge chutkan is following the letter of the law, and it honestly seems like where it's a coin toss she does rule almost in favor of trump throughout this process. is she making it increasingly difficult for him to say she's prejudiced against him and try to repeal? >> she certainly not showing any prejudice against him. and you are right, she is going consistently with the letter of the law. we know from her background that she has, i don't think in an inappropriate way, she has a pro defense bias. that's the part of the law that she came out of. and that does play very well here, because it means that when she issues a ruling like the one she did in the immunity decision that is now on appeal, it's very well reasoned. she considers trump's argument, she considers jack smith's argument, and she rules straight down the line. >> so put aside the grinch argument. is the whole game for trump's lawyers really to just keep trying to delay? because that really is his best defense? >> it absolutely is a delay game. and here is how we now know that and there could no longer be any question, not that they're wise, but not any possibility of it. trump has filed a motion to dismiss the charges against him on immunity grounds. and now today we see him in front of the court of appeals saying, but wait a second, don't rule on my motion too fast. no need to expedite it. let's take our time here. and of course in a criminal defendant who was under indictment who has a serious motion to dismiss the charges against him wants to see that motion ruled upon as quickly as possible. yes, this is a delay game, even trump understands that his immunity motion is a loser. >> meanwhile, the supreme court is going to hear a case that could have big implications on this trump trial, but also the prosecution of hundreds of people for their actions on january 6th. can you explain this to us? >> right, so this is the charge the doj has brought against many of the rioters on january 6th, but also jack smith as indicted trump on a couple of counts on this regard. it's this notion that on january 6th there was an obstruction of an official proceeding, the january 6th certification of the electoral college result. the argument goes something like this. the law that doj is using in this regard isn't meant to get protests on an event like electoral college certification. the law was written for very different purposes, and it shouldn't be applied here. it's an issue a first impression for the supreme court, ultimately, to decide. >> choice, you are so helpful on so many topics. we're not going to let you leave just yet. please take around. after the break we have another topic to cover. tennessee's abortion ban. we're bringing on a woman, the band put her life at risk. how is she responding? she's running for office to change that. law abby philip is coming on with the 11th hour. and joyce, we have still more to cover. hour and joyce, we have still mor to cover >> [♪♪] did you know, there's a way to cut your dishwashing time by 50%? 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for many people the first time we heard of this drug was after roe was overturned. we saw some states governors stockpile the drug. >> right, more than 50% of abortions in the united states are medication abortions, and mifepristone is one of two drugs that is essential for that procedure and it had been approved by the fda many years ago, and that initial approval is not in question in the argument that the supreme court will hear. what is in question is the condition under which it can be prescribed. for instance, there's been discussion of whether telemedicine can be used and whether the woman actually has to be present in a doctor's office when it is administered. all conditions that are an effort to make it more difficult to obtain this form of an abortion. so the original case stuff came out of a one judge division in a federal district court in texas. the litigants manufactured standing a group of doctors who have very tangential connections to the procedure went to one judge who they knew had an anti-abortion agenda. doj is pursuing this appeal, hoping that they can relax these owners conditions because when the supreme court reversed roe v. wade in the dobbs case it said the conditions surrounding abortions availability illegality should be up to each state. but instead of having state-by-state procedures here, we have one judge in taxes who has in essence rendered medication abortion inaccessible for women across the country, virtually from the point in time when they were no they were pregnant going forward. and that is what the court will have to decide. was serious when it said that this was up to every state or will one judge decide for all of us? >> ali, i see you shaking your head because you know firsthand what happens with these bands. you are forced to leave the state of tallassee and as we get to to get medical care. is that why you're running? >> it's in part why i'm running. going through that experience was traumatic unit cells, but there are many reasons for my decision to run. i have a six-year-old daughter who goes to public schools here in tennessee, and right now our governor, bill lee, is proposing a school voucher program, which is going to take funds away from a public schools. on top of that my six-year-old is scared when she goes to school because she does these active shooter drills. so there are many things that kind of pileup together. but it truly wise not being able to get health care when my life was on the line. that kind of catapulted me into this political world. >> what is it stake here? when you hear about what the supreme court would be ruling on, lots of people who live in states like mine often don't pay attention to the bands because they say it's not gonna happen in my state. but when a supreme court gets involved, should we know? allie? >> when the supreme court gets involved it's a scary situation because the supreme court is pretty much the sole reason why why we're in the situation where. and lay overturned roe v. wade, put it back in the hands of the states. like we were just saying, is this going to be a decision that's left to the states, or are we banning a nationwide? so for women in these southern states, a lot of women are terrified to even try to get pregnant, much less go through with the entire pregnancy or feel like they're comfortable or safe enough. doctors can't even say the word abortion without fear of being prosecuted or losing their medical license. it's not normal -- >> ali, i think we just lost your audio. joyce, some of the largest the loudest antiabortion voices have gone silent since kate cox's case has gone public. i want to share a bit with. you take a listen. >> i'm not a state official, so i'm not going to comment on what state officials are doing. >> do you have any comment on that? >> just color press. office >> do you agree with attorney general's actions and what he did? >> just call our press australis. >> i have already and they haven't given an answer. is anything like to say right? now >> call our press office. >> joyce, this is very telling. john quantitate cruz, these men have not been shy about their views in the past. the fact that two such significant members of the republican party, elected officials, are basically silent on this one situation that is getting huge national attention, what does that tell you? >> you know, this issue is toxic for republicans, and i remember the night that roe v. wade was reversed, when dobbs came, down we talked about it and i think the best image was this notion that republicans were like a dog who had been chasing a car and they finally caught it. and when they caught the car it didn't turn out to be full of the excitement and all of the good things that they hoped for. instead it was very toxic. even at the inception. we talked about the fact that the impact of taking roe meant that women's lives would be at risk. women would be put into difficult situations where they couldn't access lifesaving medical care. and now we are seeing that come to pass in texas and in other places. i think the senators are silent because there's nothing they can say at this point in time. women have become an active political force. we're going to continue that into the coming year in the coming election. this situation with kate cox in texas has only made it worse for republicans, because it has made the truth so blatantly clear that these decisions about abortion any fact deny women medical care when they needed to save their lives and their fertility. >> allie you faced off against anti abortion activists all the time. excuse, me strategts like kellyanne conway are now telling republicans to embrace contraception as a winning issue. avoid abortion, embrace contraception. what does that even mean? >> nobody really knows at this point. they know that abortion is one of the top concerns and topics for the 2024 election. so they know that if they're not on board with some type of reproductive health care, they're not going to keep their seats. so they are rewording their sentences and how they go about abortion access. former president trump had said something along the lines of how he would be okay with a 15-week ban whereas before he said he would ban it completely from the beginning. so they're going back and forth because they know it's a winning issue and they want to be on the winning side. but we as democrats, we are seeing past it. we know they are completely full of it. we need voters to understand who they're voting for and make sure they do their research and not just listen to what is being said now but what was said before. >> word smith-ing your way to a win. that's not policy. allie phillips, joyce vance, thank you so much for being here with this really important issue. when we come back, no proof, no problem. despite having no evidence of wrongdoing, or house republicans voted to move forward with the biden impeachment inquiry. but could that come back to bite them later? we'll get into it when we come back. we'll get into it when we coe back back >> and it's gentle on her skin. tide free & gentle is epa safer choice certified. it's got to be tide. i have moderate to severe crohn's disease. now, there's skyrizi. ♪ things are looking up, i've got symptom relief. ♪ ♪ control of my crohn's means everything to me. ♪ ♪ control is everything to me. ♪ feel significant symptom relief at 4 weeks with skyrizi, including less abdominal pain and fewer bowel movements. skyrizi is the first il-23 inhibitor that can deliver remission and visibly improve damage of the intestinal lining. and the majority of people experienced long-lasting remission at one year. serious allergic reactions and an increased risk of infections or a lower ability to fight them may occur. tell your doctor if you have an infection or symptoms, had a vaccine or plan to. liver problems may occur in crohn's disease. ♪ now's the time to ask your gastroenterologist how you can take control of your crohn's with skyrizi. ♪ ♪ control is everything to me. ♪ ♪ learn how abbvie could help you save. i got this $1,000 camera for only $41 on dealdash., online auctions since 2009. this playstation 5 sold for only 50 cents. this ipad pro sold for less than $34. and this nintendo switch, sold for less than $20. i got this kitchenaid stand mixer for only $56. i got this bbq smoker for 26 bucks. and shipping is always free. go to right now and see how much you can save. ♪ ♪ ♪ we know that joe biden was involved. and that's where at the end of the day we have to get to the bottom of that. >> so can you identify any actual policy decisions that joe biden has made in response to getting paid for those policy changes? >> well, we will have two -- that will be part of the investigation. >> and that is where we are when it comes to house republicans pushing an impeachment inquiry into president biden. some have openly admitted they have no evidence, but they support the inquiry so they can find some. here to discuss, ron filipkowski, his first visit to the 11th hour. he's a -- and she former federal prosecutor. and if you don't, he is a must follow on the twitter machine. if you're still going to be on twitter, that's gotta follow. juanita tolliver is here, msnbc political analyst and host of crooked medias what a day podcast. ron, i don't even understand what your day comprises of because you are an animal, following republicans, everything they say, everything they do. you are like a fact checking beast. >> [laughter] >> you actually posted that nancy mace clip on twitter today, that's how i saw it. she's saying, well, we haven't seen anything yet. but that's what we're going to find out. yet tonight, after the vote, gop leadership released a statement that read that evidentiary record is impossible to ignore. what are they even talking about? >> [laughter] well, you are right. i've been pretty heavily immersed in the right-wing ecosystem. and part of that has been watching rudy giuliani's podcast for several years. >> god bless you. >> oh, god. [laughter] >> some property familiar with all of them, all the hunter biden laptop stuff, because i've been watching rudy presented for a few years now on his podcast. the problem is is what they're missing and what they promised, what james comer promised over and over again in interviews in 2022 is that he had five to $10 million in bribes from foreign governments paid directly to joe biden. and they've never been able to come up with that. and they've never been able to show that connection. the only thing he's been able to come up with so far is, you know, a couple -- a 40,000-dollar check and then some car payment checks. and that's about it. and the other problem is, what was just alluded to right there, they cannot ever show any policy, anything that joe biden actually did that benefited a hunter or any of his business partners. >> juanita, every house republican is now on the record voting for an impeachment inquiry in to president biden. it's kind of what kevin mccarthy was shielding them from. because now they got to go back home, right, especially districts where joe biden won. how is that going to play for them? >> it's not going to land, stephanie. like, this entire pr stunt is trump for the gop voter base, it's chum for trump and the supporters he holds in his hands. the republicans don't want to lose. but the reality is when you are running in a district that biden won in 2020 by a wide margin, this is not the move. this is not something that you can sell at home. and i hope that in 2024 in the lead up to the election, we just continuously see democrats running back this footage of the reality that republicans don't have anything to go home to celebrate, don't have anything to go home and show their supporters. because this vote was happening, all my mind kept going to is, like, oh, they absolutely not only have no regard for facts or the truth or evidence, but they have no desire to govern. they have no desire to deliver anything for voters, whether that's lowering prices, whether that's figuring out how to fund the government, or providing aid to ukraine, or what about a gun violence prevention bill and assault weapons bans, steph? there's so many things that the american public wants that republicans have no desire to pick up and do. and i appreciate the democrats are already hitting the drum on this dysfunctional republicans narrative, because that is the message that needs to transcend to voters, no matter where they are. because what comes with republicans is more makeup platforms and pr stunts and nothing of substance. >> well, the american people want and deserve the truth. so we've got to help get it to them. new topic, i want to share a bit about ron desantis said last night at a cnn town hall. >> what biden wants to do with the green new deal, what they're doing in california, they want to increase demand for electrical, like by forcing electric vehicles, which i oppose. but at the same time, their knee capping reliable energy, oil, gas, and the like. >> for facts sake, president biden is in a way kneecap-ing reliable energy. in fact, u.s. oil production has hit record levels recently. so ron, how do democrats make sure voters are hearing the truth about these false claims that republicans are making? >> they repeat these things over and over again. i mean, we saw it with the gas stoves. >> oh, god. >> any sort of energy initiative -- we've seen it with evs. donald trump talks all the time, he said that the democrats want to take away york horrors. they want to shut down all the auto plants. they want to send all the ev jobs over to china. he says that stuff all the time. so anytime they are talking about innovation, being more efficient, coming up with more efficient products, they are scaring people. they are making people think we are going to take away what you have now. and so, i think the important thing is when they start to demagogue, you've got to get out there you've got to get the facts and say no, these things are mandates, nothing is being taken away. a lot of these things are advisory guidelines that are being put out. that's all they are. but they are fearmongering with them. >> juanita, let's talk about the economy, because republicans really pray upon the fact that people don't feel good about it, life is expensive. >> mm. >> but that storyline is running out for them. today, the fed announced they are holding rates steady. they can cut them three times next year, which will be a huge win for bidenomics. and the dow was pushed to an all-time high. how are republicans going to play this if the economy keeps moving in a better and better way, which all signs point to the fact that it could be. >> i mean, stephanie, i don't think the republicans have any qualms about continuing to lie to the american people, right? [laughter] i feel like that's going to be the move they make. but let's be real, with these numbers, with this data that's coming out, with the projections by the fed, that is the economic rebuttal that the biden administration has been looking for for the past two years, right. it's about creating the conditions that people can feel that impact in their pockets. and we know that all the legislation and all the investment that have come from the biden administration and democrats in congress have been laying the groundwork for that. so for it to come to fruition now in a tangible way that impacts how people are looking at their bank accounts and what they're spending and what they're feeling, that is a massive thing for the biden campaign. and you better believe that democrats are going to tout that every single day, because that's something that's going to stick with the voters as they prepare to head to the polls in 2024. how are they feeling? it answers the question of what have you done for me lately or how you improve my life in a major way. so i don't think that this announcement for this projection from the fed could've come at a better time. it just about what people can feel next year. >> a nice 401(k) christmas present when people look at today. ron, thank you for joining us for the very first time. i hope you come back soon. and juanita, always great to see you, and i love the christmas tree. coming up, he turned his dramatic deadpan into comedic gold. we are going to remember the extraordinary life and legacy of a very special actor when we come back. k. everyone and is not for those with severe allergic reactions to its ingredients. those with weakened immune systems may have a lower response to the vaccine. the most common side effects are injection site pain, fatigue, muscle pain, headache, and joint pain. i chose arexvy. rsv? make it arexvy. you founded your kayak company because you love the ocean- not spreadsheets. you need to hire. i need indeed. indeed you do. indeed instant match instantly delivers quality candidates matching your job description. visit meet the jennifers. jen x. jen y. and jen z. each planning their future through the chase mobile app. jen x is planning a summer in portugal with some help from j.p. morgan wealth plan. let's go whiskers. jen y is working with a banker to budget for her birthday. you only turn 30 once. and jen z? her credit's golden. hello new apartment. three jens getting ahead with chase. solutions that grow with you. one bank for now. for later. for life. chase. make more of what's yours. the last thing before we go tonight, remembering andre braugher. the emmy winning actor who starred in a homicide and brooklyn nine-nine has died after a short illness at the age of 61. our colleague chloe melas has more on his life in his accomplish career. >> you have disappointed all three of us. >> reporter: for eight seasons, andre braugher played beloved police captain raymond hold on brooklyn 99, drawing last with his deadpan delivery. >> from now on, call me velvet thunder. >> reporter: but braugher was initially known for his dramatic work on screen, with his first big break in the 1989 civil war drama glory, alongside denzel washington. >> hey, let me take -- >> shut up. >> get off me, snowflake. >> and later as detective frank templeton for six seasons on the 90s police from homicide -- life on the street. >> don't lie to me again. this is what you did. >> reporter: a performance that won an emmy in 1998. >> this is for all the people in baltimore. this is a town that i love. we have finally made it. >> reporter: but was delving into comedy years later that he said to challenge him in new ways. >> i

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