hour of ayman, hate and vulgarity and disrespect. donald trump's dangerous rhetoric is present new concerns about real world political violence and his authority or intendancies. plus, hunter biden fights back, during house republicans to let him testify in public. and so long, santos. the embattled congressman finally gets the boot. i'm ayman mohyeldin, let's get started. ♪ ♪ ♪ it seems like donald trump just can't stop. or perhaps won't. donald trump's language on the campaign trail is getting more dangerous all the time. and as we have documented on the show regularly, his supporters take his warts to hurt. here is just a small taste of the vitriol that the disgraced ex president has been spewing levy to his supporters. >> this is a sickness of papal that needs to be cleaned out immediately. get them out. very simply, if you rob a store, you can fully expect to pay shot as you are leaving that store. [applause] shot! we pledged to you, that we will root out the communists, marxists, fascists, and the racaleft thugs that live like vermin within the confines of our country. >> as the bulwark john lawrence puts it, trump rallies have become deterrence and hateful, garrett, in disrespect. lawrence top the former president the worst le model in the history of american politics, and his rhetoric offers chilling previews of what dangerous could lie ahead in a second trump term. and a recent interview with univision, the former president suggested, should he win a second term, he would use the fbi and justice department took after s opponents, saying, in part, quote, if i happen to be president and as somebody -- say somebody who is doing well and beating me very badly, i said, go down and indict them. at be out of business. that be out of the election. now there is always, also, that bombshell washington post reporting from earlier this month about trump's threat to invoke the insurrection act on day one of his second term. which would allow him to deploy the military against civil demonstrations. autocracies experts have long sounded the alarm over trump's praise for foreign dictators and his preferred disdain for democratic ideals right here at home. but now, they say, the former president increasingly intense focus on perceived internal enemies has actually pushed him even more and a lot with other dangerous totalitarian leaders. take a look here at to people have had to pick the brunt of trump's attacks in recent weeks. the new york judge presiding over trump's civil fraud case and his law clerk. in a recent violent detailing what court of appeals described as a, quote, deluge of threats targeting the pier include hundreds of threatening and harassing voice mail messages. those messages came directly after trump repeatedly pushed it above the judge and the clerk on his failed social media site. and despite this, trump hasn't slowed down, hasn't rolled back any of his criticisms. in fact, he's only continued them in recent days. doubling down on his insults begins the pair. and now even going after the judge's wife. on social media. here is how front of the show and authoritarian explore truth been quiet described trump's overall strategy. and an obvious one of the human and people, so the public will not have as much of an outcry and the things that yount to do. let's remember, that is the real issue here. the action thatcould come from trump spor a real. a recent poll found of republicans agree with this following statement. american patriots may have to resort to violence in order to save the country. and that is -- up five points from 2021. robert payne who studies politicalencet the university of chicago said, heat worries those numbers could for cost danger on the horizon and 2024. quote, the water looks calm on the surface, but their turbulence just under that waterline. and anymore, it doesn't take much to set it off. where we are hating is a tinderbox. here to discuss this is for not a money, paula ramos, any of winning journalist and him as a -- contributor, and carroll lenny -- msnbc legal analyst. great to have you here. paula, altar with you. trump's rhetoric on the campaign trail, getting uglier, more threatening, more vulgar. has it always been like this or get you see it now crossing a new threshold? >> it's always been like this. and it's just getting worse. i've seen this play out, we all have. i've seen this play out on the ground for the last five years. i've seen the way those boards have really fundamentally transformed a segment of the population, radicalized them completely. last five years, i've seen pastures become christian nationalists. i've seen men that have turned into anti-trans creators. i've seen immigrants turn into border vigilantes. i've talked to many mobs that have group into moms for liberty, and to prove this point, it's because these words have the capacity to do so. completely dangerous. the ability to dehumanize others. perhaps the difference is in 2016 trumpism was about dehumanizing emigrants. it was about treating emigrants as the enemy for everyone. and now trumpism is about dehumanizing absolutely everyone that is against him and is against democracy. and i think that's the fundamental problem we're up against. it's understandable or at a point where political violence is normalized. if you look at the fbi data, you understand also hate crimes are on the rise. because we're seeing the fusion of the rhetoric. and the question, is what's the next day? we saw january 6th. how much are people willing to go for donald trump? that's really scary question to pose and take seriously. >> rnan i want to get your reaction to what the former defensive counuck hagel had to say about trump'srent behavior. he told the new york times, quote, it is too simplistic to reference him as a neo-fascist or autocrat or whatever. trump is trump and he is no particular philosophy that i've seen after four years as president. and i'm not sure how to parse. that whether he's downplaying trump were saying he's singularly unique and he's been able to encompass all of the threats under his own vision of totalitarianism that, is as paula was just, a four-month trumpism. but what do you make of these comments? do you agree that trump is in a lead of his own here? >> first, shame on chuck hagel for those normalizing of the abnormal comment. it is exactly that type of pooh-poohing of what we are all seeing and hearing and feeling in our guts, in our bones, and between our ears about what is happening. where in a moment for american democracy, because in six weeks or less than six weeks, voters are to look to start voting in these early states. if donald trump wins iowa and new hampshire, right now the poll shows he's going to win both illustrates, no one's really mounted a serious challenge to his standing in those two states. he's going to be the republican nominee for president. the difference between a donald trump second administration for the first trump administration, this is what are even more irresponsible and shameful are because donald trump has learned that lessons of what guardrails existed in the first term. if he goes into the second with this rhetoric, it is seat planting fascism. he's planting the seeds now, in an environment he knows he will be able to enforce but if god forbid he manages to regain power, it will be a different moment. he'll be able to weaponize words into action. and it's going to be without the guardrails of the forest administration. because none of those who stood up and worked within the trump administration to at least slow down will be around next time. we're in a very dangerous moment. that's what words like hey girls cannot be tolerated. all of us who love this country, this democracy, need to call this out for what it is. a fascist movement to american democracy led by donald trump. >> carol, as i mentioned, a few moments ago, trump has reportedly tried to vote the insurrection act against protesters, should he retake the what house, and to fernand's point, he's learned what i guardrail is. so a second trump presidency, we have a better chance of manipulating them or outright blasting through those guardrails. and that is a good example, because that act which was crafted in our nation's infancy, actually allows the president to call on reserve or active duty military units to respond to threats in the state. and it's an authority that is not reviewable by the courts. so when we go back to god rails, are there any guardrails in place to prevent the exploitation of that act frumpy it used, if trump is reelected? >> as you noted,, amen there are not many guardrails. the insurrection act stands intention with, or it's an exception to, the possible -- which says you can't use federal military forces to deal with civilian unrest. . and that's what most people think. but the insurrection act is an exception to that. and there have been calls that this 150-year-old statute needs to be revisited and tightened up a cause it came to pass in a time when our nation was very different. it's not this kind of nation now. and donald trump has indicated his willingness to see when and how he can use that, to put them in the unrest that he may cause because of his views about institutions that underlie our democracy. so it is a very, very dangerous situation. >> paula, as the rhetoric and the threats rise, people are leaving election jobs in record numbers. that comes as no surprise, considering that recently election workers in five states received fentanyl laced letters. they are coming under threat, they're coming under attack. what kind of strain could this political environment, both with the rhetoric and the real world consequences of what we're seeing, due to our electoral system? >> i think we're seeing it play out right now. it is an extremely dangerous position to be. and but i have to, say i think this is less about trump at this point, and this has to do more about us, the un-american people. that's the way i'm seeing the election right now. we know what it can do to election workers. we know that authoritarianism can happen in this country. we know that we are not immune to a coup. we know what trump will do. he's already told us. and we know, if he wins, he won just govern. he will do it with more revenge, more rage. he will do it with more authoritarian powers. so it is now upon us, the american people, to understand how much do we truly value democracy,? right and i keep thinking about this, about this point study that came out in 2020. i have to say, it's shocking to think about it now. in 2020, after the election, there was a study on latinos. latinos at that moment believed they were more worried about democrats embracing socialist and leftist policies then they were about the trump -- republican party embracing fascism and anti democratic policies. that shows us there is a problem. we have to be clear about what's happening in this country. yes, perhaps, in less than a year we can have an authoritarian figure at the white house. we have to be extremely clear about what's happening. >> carol, trump has, as we have been talking about on this program and others, trump has targeted our country's legal system with attacks against the integrity of that judiciary. he's brought against prosecutors, judges, law clerks. how dangerous is that kind of behavior from a man to find himself back inside the white house? and basically in charge of so many aspects of our legal system? >> it is important to recognize that what donald trump is doing. he is playing a game that has really nothing to do with the way our legal system functions. he's setting things up so essentially he can't lose, regardless of the outcome all these trials. if he wins, and he's won. if he loses, then it's because the entire institution is corrupt and unfair. that's the way he is setting it up. and the judges are, you know, there was a time when i thought, well, everything that goes through that legal system is very measured and we have to process and things will go a long fear their normal course. but judicial patience is wearing a bit thin with donald trump. and there is probably no better example of that then the appellate decision out of new york state, reinstating the gag order. they didn't even write an opinion that explains their reasoning. they just, said we have seen the papers, we have seen the evidence here, that the parties have put forward. and that gag is reinstated. so this is going to be a bit of a struggle, with both sides. because donald trump is learning, he's testing, the judicial system to see him for a can. get federal judges have life tenure to insulate them from political ramifications, and he tried to address that by appointing a good number of judges. he's having difficulty at this point. his factories in federal court and state courts are few and far between. >> carol lam, thank you very much. fernand amandi and paola ramos. please stick around. we'll come back to later in the hour. but for the, break i'm speaking with democratic congresswoman melanie stansbury about what her republican colleagues know all of us up into actually want to hear from hunter biden probably. first, richard lui is here with the headlines. >> some of the stories, breaking out of paris. police saying one person is dead and two others hurt in an attack near the eiffel tower. suspect stabbed a tourist and his wife. officials say the suspect spoke of muslims being killed around the world. the suspect also attack to other people before being arrested. a 7.5 magnitude earthquake struck off the southern philippines, such a day. officials issued a tsunami warning earlier, but they now say the region is no longer under threat. there are no reports of major damage or casualties. and pope francis killed on today's climate summit to stamp their use of fossil fuels. he said the earth's climate is run amok. pope francis plan to attend the summit in person, but stayed in the vatican due to illness. his address was right by a vatican official. more ayman with ayman mohyeldin after the break. after the break. 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raskin, ranking member of the committee, blasted chairman comer energy at the college saying, quote, what a frank addition there is simply not interested in the fact and have no confidence in their own case. what the republicans fear most is silent and the truth. the subpoena is part of house republicans broader impeachment inquiry into president biden for nearly a year now, they've been trying to connect the president to his son's foreign business dealings, but have still produced zero, and i made zero, evidence. joining me now, democratic congressman melanie stanbury of new mexico, a member of the house oversight committee. she joins me now. congresswoman, thank you so much for coming back on the show. i want to start by getting your reaction to that which action. republicans rejecting hunter biden's request to take his deposition publicly, if there is nothing to hide, why not allow for a public interview? >> really, it's obvious that they have no evidence. this is such a bizarre thing. for moms and moms and models the house gop has claimed there was some sort of malfeasance. they have reviewed thousands of documents. they held a fake impeachment hearing. they got their butts kicked on live television in front of the country, and it was clear they have not a single shred of evidence. what they have is a bunch of conspiracy theories, that have been spun by rudy giuliani, donald, trump for the last several years. and that they continue to harp on. that in the fact the hunter biden was willing to come on to the committee in front of the american people, to speak openly about his businesses and about his relationship, his father, and the committee chair and house republicans didn't want him, i think, speaks for loudly about their lack of evidence. >> there was this poll in october, congresswoman, that found 16% of americans say they believe that the president acted either illegally or unethically when it comes to his son's business dealings. could hunter's strategy of fighting back work to change that public opinion? >> you, know i think it's very clear the committee has conducted a thorough investigation. they found no evidence. and the fact the house gop is not willing to present that evidence live in front of the american people really speaks to the lack of evidence. so, yes. i think that, you know, the fact that the president's not as willing to come on to the committee, under, oath speak to what, you, know his history and his past was and the issues that the committee has been investigating. i believe speak to the presidents innocence on this issue. but we all know this has nothing to do with a real impeachment. we know that the speaker next week is planning to bring an impeachment inquiry vote to the floor. and he doesn't even necessarily have the votes to do that. because members of his own party don't believe that there is enough evidence to move forward with the further investigation of the president. so i think it speaks to the larger issue here, which is that this is really all a design to help prop up donald trump. he requested that the committee and house republicans undertake this inquiry. he sees it as retribution against his own two impeachments. he sees it as a way to exonerate himself of his 91 charges in federal courts, for criminal activity. and he sees it as a way to advance his own campaign next november. so that's what this sham impeachment is really about. >> so i want to, if i can, congressman, talk to your former colleague, george santos. he's now been expelled from congress. it was an overwhelming bipartisan vote on friday. you have been very vocal about his misusing of campaign funds and his lies. despite everything that's emerged about george santos, four republican house leaders voted against his expulsion. what does that tell you about the state of house leadership here? is this purely political, that they need that numbers, or because there is something more sinister here? to a through your understanding of their decision not to vote for expulsion. >>, look i, mean if the gop actually cared about criminal activity in the, state -- they would not have a criminal as the front runner for their campaign into new floor. 94 charges, president donald trump is facing in four different cases. we now have disgraced george santos who was not removed from the house of representatives this week by a majority of house members, because he's also been indicted on 23 criminal charges. but house leadership, including the speaker himself refused to vote to actually remove him. so where are the priorities of the house gop? now, i think, it's obvious to anybody who read the ethics report that came out this week about george santos, that he defrauded his own campaign donors and used hundreds of thousands of dollars to get botox, to buy luxury items, to go on vacation with his husband. i mean, it's absolutely outrageous. it's criminal. he's probably going to jail. and that leadership of the gop would not even remove him from office. so what's going on with the gop? i, may we really have to ask this in light of their failure to uphold their oath and american democracy. >> before you go, congressman, i want to ask about a bill you're introducing next week to make that newly adopted supreme court code of ethics binding. how do you hope this will keep justice as accountable in the future? we are do you actually see it going in this republican-controlled house? >> well, speaking of institutions and which our friends across the aisle have failed to uphold the most basic ethical standards, i think we have seen over the last six months, as the media has revealed about the ethics within the supreme court, we need a binding code of ethics for the united states supreme court. it's the only court in united states that it does not have a binding code. so we will be working with our colleagues to introduce a bill to make it legally binding on the court itself, not just a self adopted code, and we are working with members within the house and the senate, and we'll be introducing it this week. and our hope is that we can actually get this adopted into law so we have the supreme court that is actually accountable to its own code of ethics. >> all right, congresswoman melanie stansbury. always a pleasure. thank you so much for coming on the program tonight. >> thanks so much. one, paola ramos who is also my former coworker at the white house, she is an amazing commentator and glad to be on with her tonight as well. >> it's our pleasure. up next, the hateful beliefs of the new house speaker. we'll tell you about that. stay with us. with us [music “this little light of mine”] in the world's poorest places, children with cleft conditions live in darkness and shame. they're shunned, outcast, living in pain. you can reach out and change the life of a suffering child right now. a surgery that take as little as forty five minutes and your act of love can change a child's life forever. please call, scan or go online to give a new smile. thousands of children are waiting. now you can enjoy the best eggs in so many delicious ways. eggland's best. the farm-fresh taste you love. plus, superior nutrition. only eggland's best. ♪♪ the hate and extremism within the gop isn't just come from donald trump. it's coming from other partners including the newly minted house speaker mike johnson. new reporting from cnn reveals johnson wrote the forward for a 2020 book but a louisiana blocker that endorses the thought right pizzagate conspiracy contained homophobic slurs, against transportation secretary pete buttigieg. johnson says, i obviously believe in the product so i wouldn't have for the four. so of interest the work. this comes after a report -- releasing interviews holiday johnson's extremist views. for example, last, year a month before the weight fell, johnson concurred abortion access to a, quote, american holocaust. here's johnson and his aunt words. >> it's truly an american holocaust. the reality is, planned parenthood and all these big abortion, they sit up their clinics and inner cities. they regard these people as easy prey. >> after roe fell, mike johnson defended supreme court justice clarence thomas's sugg that rulings on same-sex should be reconsidered, saying, some laws should be, quot cleaned up. >> there has been some really bad law made. they have made a mess of our for the last several decades.y and maybe some of that needs to be cleaned up. and what justice thomas is calling for is not radical. in fact, it's the opposite of. that we finally have a majority of originalist's on the court. >> it appears base be, which he has professed to help never decades, or sharpened during johnson's decade-long association with alliance defending freedom, a faith-based organization that litigates in favor of laws and policies that undermine lgbtq rights. let's bring back fernand amandi and paola ramos. fernand amandi, also up with you. what does it say that summit with this track record proudly on of this track record, one of the most powerful political courage in this country is because of the house? >> it's very similar to what we just talked about in regards to donald trump. we cannot sugarcoat the reality of what and who mike johnson's. behind his countenance, you have someone who's third in line to the presidency today who is a theocratic who does not believe in american democracy, has made it very clear, as we seoul or are about to raids in list cheney's book, the open, transparent architect of the effort to overthrow american democracy in service of donald trump without any respect for the laws, i think it sounds, like looks, like what it is. a theocratic, again, fascist who unfortunately hold the most powerful position in the history of the united states for someone who doesn't believe in the tenants that underpin the constitutional republic. >> i think are totally right on that word, theocratic. i don't think that word is used enough to describe some of the american politicians we see leading the country and making these decisions based purely on their religious interpretation that affect all of us. pamela, i want to talk about johnson's ties to this theocracy he envisions america to be. this extremist on the right. in addition to the atf, johnson, according to some of, where's older friends with patrick penny percolates the family research council, and organization labeled as a hate group by the southern poverty law center. how concerning is it to say the house speaker have ties to these extremist groups? >> how concerning is? it it's concerning because in that america someone like me, a gay woman, doesn't exist. doesn't have. writes in michael johnson's america, i am considered someone that is unnatural, dangerous, evil. and someone less with of him. someone that doesn't deserve the same rights he has. so i don't belong in that america. even within that, even understanding the extremist believes that he holds about people like me, about people like you, ayman, about women. even within that, the most concerning thing, is truly understanding his beliefs around what it means to govern. and understanding that someone like him believes and christian nationalism. he fundamentally doesn't believe and the separation between church and state. he believes that everything among us should be infused with god. and the problem and the danger is that he is not operating in a vacuum. he's operating in a country we are over 50% of republicans in this company believe in some version of christian nationalism. he's operating about members of congress like marjorie taylor greene her openly calling for christian factionalism. he's operating with a potential 2024 republican candidate that wants to see someone like him govern and is considered a savior for christian internationalism. so that the danger that, perhaps, again, in less than a year, we may have this christian nationalists as the speaker of the house and an authority figure in the white house, and what does that future tell us and we are due to three of us fit in that future? >> to your point, it's not just about his opinions of us, it's about how he wants us to be seen in the lies -- eyes of the law. was he gave to make and introduce based on his theocratic interpretations. fernand amandi, paola ramos, thank you to the both of you. greatly appreciate you joining us this evening. ahead, we'll switch gears. two stunning reports reveal how israel's military reportedly ignored hamas planes for its attack and everything it's been doing since october c offense. stay with us. stay with us el syndrome, shortness of breath, and irregular heartbeat could be something more serious called attr-cm, a rare, underdiagnosed disease that worsens over time. sound like you? call your cardiologist, and ask about attr-cm. from pep in their step to shine in their coats, when people switch their dog's food to the farmer's dog, the effects can seem like magic. but there's no magic involved. 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about keytruda. israel bombarded southern gaza with scores of missile strikes today in more neighborhoods disadvantage for a tech to evacuate. on the screen, you see a major housing complex being destroyed in the city of -- four weeks, human rights advocates have pressed israeli officials to try to explain how ey have been chen for targets and gaza. and now new reporting from investigative list jeff all abraham is shedding light on the israeli armies expanded authorization for bomb and non military targets and their use of an artificial intelligence system to generate targets within tha strip. amid this tions, new questions are emerging about what the israeli actually knew before hamas attack on october 7th. and business parks, three months before t october 7th, analysts and the israeli military allotted for years to a threat from hamas. quote, a plan designed to start a war. there are concerns or dismissed by their supporters, according to an israeli official familiar with the matter. this builds on earlier reporting from tt new york tiat detailed how israeli officials obtained a 40 page spital plant more than a year before it actually happened. that translated document, which was reviewedby the new york times, dumps a day for the attack, but described a methodical assault designed to overwhelm the fortifications around gaza strip. hamas follow the blueprint with shocking precision. joining me now, the two authors of those grumbach reports. ronan bergman, staff writer for the new york times and author of rise and kill first, the secret history of israel's target assassinations. and evil abraham, writer for a -- magazine. it's great to have you here. ron, you're reporting this week really expanding our understanding of what israel knew and why it did not act. what was israel from, based on what you've gathered, portrait learned, so quick to dismiss these early intelligence warnings and just talk to me about what this actually names, that they knew and nothing about it? >> to put this in context, that that my colleague -- and myself for two and described in minute details is the attack plan, the warplane of hamas. it was a danger in 2022, more than a year ago. and it's a detailed plan, how to attack the israeli border, how to dismantle most of the electronic surveillance devices, to bomb and disconnect the cameras, to destroy the machine guns remote controlled from afar. in short, it has massive intelligence about how israeli defense establishment was working that front. it was cold the sophisticated smart offense. and it helped destroy that. it was basically 2000 militia and they were supposed to attack the defenses at 60 different points. destroy that and allow the other forces to enter israel, to go to villages, army camps that started the mystic or anti atrocities. why wasn't's -- this is not an order to attack on a certain date. there was no information that hamas decided to attack or on what. and in xi'an role, there was a significant gamble between israel believed what hamas can do and that plan. therefore, this plan was assist by many analysts throughout the israeli defense establishment as, quote, a compass for developing the thorough. meaning, not where hamas is, not reflecting the competence of hamas at that point, but we are hamas wants to be. that's the nature of militaries. they prepare plans for whatever, even if they still at that point are not able to execute that. israel failed to understand that hamas is narrowing that gap. you referred before to analysts that wrote three months before. this is not, we're quoting that in our story, this is not a plan to write a village. this is a plan for war, all out invasion. israeli intelligence thought that hamas had only two platoons to break defenses into places, all together 70 people. but that replant to do that with 2000 people in 60 places. >> let me ask you about what the military is doing out, you have had some incredible reporting as we're seeing these images unfold in gaza. we are seeing this massive increase in civilian death toll in this particular war and in large part because, as i understand it from your reporting, the number and types of targets that israel now believes are acceptable, legitimate targets. walk me through what has changed, based on your reporting, israel's calculation that is justifying the scale, this mass scale of killing? >> yeah, exactly. thank you for having me. the information is based on the [inaudible] that took part in northern gaza. and i think, that changes -- three takeaways from it. the forest is increasingly tendency to use artificial intelligence in this current operation, automated software to actually generate targets. we talk about the specific program called the -- which generates targets for assassination on a massive scale. this trend already began in 2019, the military career that -- that stands at automated process, and gaza and lebanon. sources have actually served in the centers felt that were being based on not the quality of the targets, but on the quantity of targets. that they wanted to expand targets, also of the military doctrine. when you are fighting a curler group like hamas and hezbollah, you want to strike as many targets as possible simultaneously. and that has been served and shock effect. so this has created more than 12,000 targets in this operation. a second very important thing that has changed is the loosening of previous protocols in the army, according to sources, meant to protect civilian life. according to intel a -- five israeli intelligence officers, went to dozens of gaza appearing killed an israeli bombing, that is done in the majority of cases knowingly. civilians are not appearing as the targets of the gunfire, however the amount of civilians expected to be killed alongside the target does look bigger. the way israel regiments this is through what it calls collateral damage degrees. this has been true before. for example, if the army -- is in collateral decora -- damage degree number five, this means they're authorized by the military to strike all targets that they know, alongside the target with laced death of five civilians or less. what's happened since october 7th, according to sources in the military, is senior commander was carrying the shot of atrocities committed against his release -- a saint the reputations port orange. abandon automatically loosened these collateral damage degrees. sources are telling me that one of them is also -- the result of this is that man's death of civilians and gaza. so -- they know when we killed, for example, several hundred thousand -- several hundred palestinian civilians and one attempt to assassinate one home as senior commander. another resource, bombings are being carried out based on an approximation of where the target is. in the past, there was a more accurate pinpointing. again, due to the reduction of these previous protocols. final point, which i think is very, very important, has to do with the assumption cold powered targets. according to the idf's official statements, powered targets our high-rise buildings in the heart of neighborhoods and gaza. eight floors, ten floors, 12 floors, being bombed or topple down because there are some target that justifies it in the building. however, according to our face the nation, according to three military intelligence officers that took part in three rounds of fighting and gaza -- the idea behind hitting power target is to place pressure on palestinian civilians society, to destroy apartments off palestinian families. and in that state, cause palestinians to play civilian pressure on hamas. that has repeated itself. civilian pressure on hamas. importantly, in the past, say in 2021, the protocol was you could only bump our targets after you've made a very thorough evacuation, which stands for up to two or three hours, making the families in the building no it's about to be bombed. so they leave. and in 2021, this happened for nine high-rises, including the tower that hosted the ap and afp media outlets, the al jazeera media outlet, as you would recall. and this operation, on the fifth day of the operation, military officials stated the targets they bombed -- for over 1000 -- who it's -- protocols in place. aaron based ignition showed at least three instances we were high-rise buildings were bombed. the families inside, we don't know if these were [inaudible] spoke about poor targets. in our investigation, spoke about power targets in previous operations. some very serious [inaudible] and i urge you to read this. >> i was just kind of, that you've given us a lot. and i apologize, we've run over time. we'll try to have both of you back on the show because it's both very powerful pieces of journalism that we want to introduce our viewers to. ronen bergman and you fall ibrahim, thank you very much and i encourage everyone to read the full articles. we're going to squeeze in a quick break 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