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condition and their long and painful road to recovery, we'll have that for you straight ahead. as for the families of those left behind, all they can do right now is wait. three americans, including one little girl named abigail who turns 4 today could be among those released over the next few days. what the white house says it's doing to get them out as soon as possible. meanwhile, the other side of the deal also seems to be holding. you're looking at tankers carrying desperately needed fuel and gas into gaza today. what else hamas is getting out of this pause is ahead. we've got a whole lot to get to. let's start with the reporting. joining us now from the west bank is nbc news correspondent david noriega. david, it was a much busier sight a little bit earlier in this afternoon and now evening for you. we now know the names and ages of tho released, for instance, bring us up to speed on where these newly rd hostages are now, and the special precautions taken to ease the transition out of gaza. >> reporter: -- >> looks like we have some technical difficulties with david, when we reestablish that connection, we'll go straight back to david noriega, again, now, the hostages have spent almost 49 days in captivity. likely underground in hamas's vast network of tunnels, some without their medication, unable to see what's going on without their glasses, and some grappling with the trauma of watching their loved ones being murdered in front of them before being kidnapped on october 7th. joining us now to discuss the long road to recovery is medical team head for the hostages and missing families foreign professor hagai levine. thanks for being with us. and as you've seen what's happened today. you've seen some of the video of those who have been released, what did you see? okay, it looks like we're 2-0 right now, and we're having some technical difficulties with the professor as well. and when we are able to get -- all right. so when we do establish nnection again, we'll get both the professor as well as our correspondent in israel. we're going to take a short break, and then we'll be right back. back oms. with my psoriatic arthritis symptoms. but just ok isn't ok. and i was done settling. if you still have symptoms after a tnf blocker like humira or enbrel, rinvoq is different and may help. rinvoq is a once-daily pill that can rapidly relieve joint pain, stiffness, and swelling in ra and psa. relieve fatigue for some... and stop joint damage. and in psa, can leave skin clear or almost clear. rinvoq can lower your ability to fight infections, including tb. serious infections and blood clots, some fatal; cancers, including lymphoma and skin; heart attack, stroke, and gi tears occurred. people 50 and older with a heart disease risk factor have an increased risk of death. serious allergic reactions can occur. tell your doctor if you are or may become pregnant. done settling? ask your rheumatologist for rinvoq. and take back what's yours. abbvie could help you save. welcome back. i want to get back to our conversation with the head of missing families, foreign professor levine. i hope you can hear me now and i can hear you as well. i'll get to what i was asking you earlier. we were watching some of the video. we have seen some of those released today on both sides, and i want to get your reflection as you were very concerned about those being released both their physical and mental health? >> yes, glad to see that they are alive because we were not -- the families were not provided a sign of life, so when we were able to see they are walking, which is a good sign. however, until they are fully examined, we don't know what is their physical and mental and medical status, and i'm here with the medical center in the center of israel, and two of the women are just now being examined here. their families now can meet them for the first time. it's a very joyful moment for them, but we cannot forget that we know now now for those at least today, including some people from thailand and philippines that came to work in israel, we are glad for that, but more than 200 other people are still in gaza, not getting proper care, and our heart is with them as well tonight. >> it's early, professor. but of course maintaining patient confidentiality. what do you know of their conditions as of today? >> i don't know yet. it's not -- we do need to keep the confidentiality throughout the process. i can tell from the medical files that we collected from the families that many of them, including those released today have severe chronic illnesses that surely were not completely treated. i mean, not properly treated over the last seven weeks. they were not exposed to sunlight, they were not exposed to the diet they need, the water they need, and i know from previous sources that they suffered from gastroenteritis, loss of vitamins, and of course the mental stress, seven weeks underground without knowing what is going on in israel, how do you tell them that the community was slaughtered and demolished in the october 7th massacre. how do you tell them that they lost their beloved family members and neighbors and what do you do when some of them still have their family members in captivity. that's very difficult to give this news to them. though we are joyful at the moment, the recovery is only starting, and with the families during this time, and the families of those that did not return and do not get their beloved back now. >> professor, did you have to put together a new plan after october 7th knowing that at some point, you would have to help all of these hostages as they survived, as they were released? did you have to put together a new plan or did you already have one in place? >> i'm not sure i got your question. we have been preparing for the release over the last seven weeks, and we prepared the medical file for each one of them. we don't know exactly what would be their condition when they are released so in any case, whatever plan you might have, you will need to get them and then examine them, and see maybe they need urgent medical care, maybe they need to go to another medical center. maybe there's a new problem you didn't know about and you need to take care of them. it's complex to prepare, and actually the textbook does not apply for such a situation. 85-year-old woman in captivity with many problems that need to be attended so that's not something that is written in the books, so the physicians here need to be personal, professional and patient, not try to fix everything at once, but to see what is most urgent, and then slowly help the people recover and become humans, because in hamas ends, they were objects used for terror. >> and we saw in the video, professor, those hostages that were carried. they did not walk on their own power. that's some of the conditions that potentially you were talking about. when did you get the names of those or have you received the names that were going to be released today and/or for the next three days, did you get that within the last 24 hours? did you have any indication? >> the most important thing is about them, empowering them, and getting back their control of their life because they were very passive in captivity. now we need to encourage them to become active and take control over their own life, and they will decide how long they will stay in hospital, and where will they live now when some of them do not have homes anymore. we got the list of the names yesterday, and the families got the note from the israeli government, as they needed to prepare, and we help the families. some of them told us, for example, i got the request to prepare, and we are in contact with the optometry for the glasses they need, and we quickly arranged the glasses for them, and we brought here today, three glasses for those who need their glasses. and their hearing aid, so we heard several hours ago, but for tomorrow, for the next days, the uncertainty is really killing the families because they don't know who will be released tomorrow and the day after. and this lack of knowledge, which hamas is doing on purpose is very difficult for the families we tried to be with them, and to calm them down, and hope that we will soon have news, but the waiting is very very difficult for all of us, but obviously for the families themselves. >> yeah, we have on screen right now, a picture of 13 of the israeli hostages that were released today by hamas. when you got that list, professor, what are the conditions that you were most concerned about because you are aware of their medical history, with most of them severe, with more of them long-term? how would you characterize the conditions that you were concerned about? >> this is unheard of. you know over a third of the hostages have needs for chronic medications. so when i see and, you know, i was so excited to see the people that we are now seeing released, and you see at least some of them need aid for even just walking. those are people that needs to be at home, not some of them, you know, you would not go whatever you think, like i wouldn't take them on a roller coaster in a park. we are now going underground in gaza for seven weeks, so that must have been not only traumatic mentally but also physically for them, and just amazing the resilience of people. met with two of the hostages that were previously released and i was amazed by their resilience and ability to recover and i hope we will see the same here. but they must have been very worried because they know the medical plights of the other hostages and i'm worried in threatening conditions. some of them in life, in threatening conditions, dying, not getting proper care. some of them needed hospitalization before they were abducted, you know, undergoing chemotherapy. i'm pretty much worried for those who were not released yet. though i have some hope. we can see that some people can recover in a miraculous way from even most challenging conditions. >> thanks to your help and your team's help. you said a third more or less are taking heart medications or have a heart condition? >> i said chronic. chronic in general, not necessarily for heart, but i can say that emma, 84 years old, i spoke many times with her son, and i came to the red cross when he put, you know, the bag with the medication she needs, so many different medications, and they say we cannot bring it to her because we don't have access. so now please, we need access to bring emma her medications for her heart and all the hostages. >> professor, i can't thank you enough for your time. i know your team is working hard to prepare, and as well as to take care of the hostages that were released today, and i know we have busy days in front of you, at least three, and certainly many many more, professor hagai levine, responsible for taking care of those medically as they are released. thank you so much. joining us now, back to nbc news correspondent david noriega. you were going to give us an update on what you saw earlier and where we're at right now in terms of today's exchanges. >> reporter: richard, as far as the israeli hostages that have been released, we got names and ages from the prime minister's office. we know that there were three family units with children. four children in total, aged 9, 5, 4, and 1 child, 2 years old, several hostages were in their 70s. one of 85 years old. as you have been hearing, we don't have information about their current medical condition. we know there were preliminary medical screenings with the transfer happened, and we know they're being transferred to hospitals in israel where further treatments will take place. the israeli authorities have made a point of saying the mental and physical welfare of these people is of top priority. they have issued detailed instructions about how to handle the welfare of these people, particularly the children, you know, detailed in the sense of having to do with, for example, not pressuring them to do things like take a shower unless they don't want to making them feel they have a choice. limiting the number of people who see them, really taking care to protect their mental and physical health. as far as the other side of the agreement, the palestinian prisoners who were released today, we are currently in ramallah. and earlier tonight, we were close to the israeli prison from which those people were released. this is a group of women and adolescent males, 18 and under. some of them were convicted of serious crimes, including attempted murder, but many of them were neither convicted or charged. i have to say it was an intense at times chaotic situation. we had large crowds of palestinians waiting for the release of the prisoners, trying to approach the military prison and being repelled by israeli forces, launching tear gas and rubber bullets, eventually the prisoners were released and there was a scene of exuberance and celebration, in that crowd of palestinians. richard. >> as we look forward to the next day, how is it looking at the moment? we know that at least earlier that the president was saying he had not even received the names of those who may be released tomorrow from hamas. which may mean another hiccup. what are we hearing on the ground right now? >> reporter: this is day by day, minute by minute on the israeli and palestinian side is operating under the understanding that this is very fragile. it's a high wire act. as far as we know, you know , from what we saw today, the cease fire is holding. i think we should consider a sign that things are moving forward as they should. all sides held, hostages released, prisoners released but today is today and tomorrow is tomorrow. i think all sides hope to see a repeat of today tomorrow and then the next day. we're not going to know until the events happen. earlier when i was outside the military prison, there was a period of time between when we knew the hostages had been released and the prisoners had not. there was a lot of anxiety in some cases, anger, because during that brief moment, one side of the deal was met and the other hadn't. this is how things are going on the ground. you can't predict the future. again, not even minutes or hours ahead, but again, i should stress, if today is any indication, then things are going as they should, and we can expect to see something like that tomorrow. we probably won't get the names of hostages until shortly before they're released and same with the palestinian prisoners. this is so far successful but very very high anxiety. richard. >> and we're just getting something you have seen on the ground there, david, the international red cross of course being one of the key go-betweens for the entire process. and they were posting, again, reaffirming what you're reporting, we have successfully facilitating the release of 33 palestinian detainees from the prison to ramallah. again, consistent of what your reporting is. david noriega, thank you so much. we'll talk to you again in a very short bit. coming up, the view from the white house as the hostage deal goes into effect with no americans released. and a veteran hostage negotiator will join us. stay with us. gotiator will join us stay with us the power goes out and we still have wifi to do our homework. and that's a good thing? great in my book! who are you? no power? no problem. introducing storm-ready wifi. now you can stay reliably connected through power outages with unlimited cellular data and up to 4 hours of battery back-up to keep you online. only from xfinity. home of the xfinity 10g network. still following the breaking news out of israel and gaza, and we are now finishing what appears to be day one of a four-day deal, a four-day truce. now, how after weeks of negotiations did this all unfold for gaza and israel? let's dive into what it actually took to get to this point with hamas and israel. joining me now is veteran hostage negotiator, modi crystal. lots of details to look at, and as i was knowing, we made it through day one, it appears. what do you make, first off, about us being able toinh the day? the reporting all day of the exchange of both the abductees,ll as the hostages. is it looking good that we'll make it to day four? >> i think that from israeli, it is a very exciting day. the fact that we managed to secure the life of 13 israelis and another eleven foreign workers, who are working for us, this is a tremendous relief. this day evolving slowly, and actually each part, each element of this very very sophisticated execution of the deal was in place. more videos are now revealed, more videos about hamas taking the elderly women and trying to look human, putting their hands on the kids. terrible images, but the deal was executed. i was listening to your previous dialogue and interview with my colleague hagai levine, and see your correspondent, and they actually pointed out that the challenge is ahead of us. conducting or executing the first deal was the primary interest of hamas in order to actually show that they can deliver. now, the challenge increases because of many reasons. the first reason, because dynamics on the ground. hamas needs to collect other hostages, not necessarily within his direct control. the dynamic on the ground in terms of the massive palestinians trying to go through the ruins to the north of gaza in, you know, close collision with idf forces under truce, that runs a huge risk for the implementation of this cease fire. very fragile cease fire. the next dispatch of prisoners, of hostages will be released tomorrow. i want to update what your reporter just said just in the last 15 minutes, israel did get from qatar through the qatari mediators, the least of the hostages, who will be released tomorrow, so it seems that the interest of both leadership to maintain this four-days truce or cease fire, in order to guarantee the safety of at least the 50 hostages is something which we hope will prevail. >> great detail, moti, and yeah, we were watching that because we were aware that in from thursday into friday, the list seemed to be strangely, but maybe not so strangely, a big hiccup in being able to move forward, and therefore it was delayed, both sides trying to say you need to give me the list, you need to give me the list for proof of life, and now you are saying, again, this is not nbc confirmed, you were reporting based on what you know, the qataris have released a list of those who will be released by hamas tomorrow. >> tomorrow. >> from your reading and seeing your sources of this deal, we understand it's about six pages long, is it -- you said fragile, is it super fragile? >> it is super fragile. it is super fragile because of the various elements which needs to be put together, and neither of them is within the control of the others. israel does not control the qatari mediators, the qatar referee, they don't control even the egyptian performance. just to give you one slight example. >> sure! you spoke with my friend hagai levine, we do care about the mental well being of the hostages. the moment the hostages cross the border, they get thrust in a soft envelope of mental support. this is not what neither hamas nor the egyptian exposed them during the transition from the, you know, from the -- where they were held through the egyptian border, so they were exposed suddenly to light. suddenly to camera, suddenly with a tremendous mode of people whom they don't know. each part of this complex deal is dependent on so many different interests of different stake holders. this is why fragile is the most relevant way to describe it. it requires a lot of goodwill, not necessarily trust, but a lot of luck that things will not fall apart. >> a lot of luck that things will not fall apart. moti, you described all of the parties that have been working on this for weeks, right? they started this process potentially as soon as the day after or the week after the horrific massacre. what is the role of each country from your point of view? what is the role of the qataris? what is the role of the egyptians? what is the role of the united states and the americans? >> i think that you accurately described the role -- each one has a role. unlike a common concept that there is a mediator and a mediator needs to be neutral. that's not how it works in crisis negotiations. you actually need to build. you actually need to build a group of third-party countries which will intervene, countries, organizations, each one of them has an interest. u.s. definitely supports israel. u.s. definitely supports israel, and use u.s. political pressure in order to make the qatari deliver and use the qatari leverages over hamas, over hamas leadership. we also saw here the tide of foreign workers who were released and negotiated independently through iran, the release. egypt, for example, their role is to execute it, to facilitate a smooth transfer of the hostages to the -- to the israeli side of the border. the red cross, they need to get the hostages in gaza and escort them to the hands of the egyptian. so each other here has a role to play both in the negotiation, and in the execution of the deal. and this should be very very carefully tailored in this spot, unlike previous deal, tremendous personal involvement of president biden, which we as israelis owe him a huge debt of respect and honor for what biden did for the release of these hostages and what he will continue to do in the next steps. >> yeah, as he said, just this afternoon, moti, he said that he had made several calls and he will be doing more not only in the coming days, moti, veteran hostage negotiator, i appreciate your perspective. >> thank you very much, sorry for the disturbances, thank you. president joe biden spoke earlier this afternoon on the release of 24 hostages as i was just talking about that had been held by hamas, and then the pause in fighting. four days, that started today. >> today's release are the start of the process. we expect to more to be released tomorrow and more the day after, and more the day after that. over the next few days, we expect that dozens of hostages will be returned to their families. we also remember all of those who are still being held, and renew our commitment to work for their release as well. >> now, among those who are still being held hostage are two american women and one israeli american child, abigail, who turned 4 years old today. joining us now from nantucket, massachusetts, to discuss, is kelly o'donnell, nbc senior white house correspondent, and, kelly, as you were listening to the president, what were your main take aways from what he was saying, and what he plans on doing in the coming days? >> reporter: well, richard, certainly the president had a number of different audiences for his message today. in part, updating the american people on the work he's doing behind the scenes. he spoke about his efforts on diplomacy with phone calls and outreach to the key players, the mayor of qatar, instrumental in trying to do direct negotiations, speaking with the president of egypt, the prime minister of israel, the president involved repeatedly on this. at the same time, extending a message of optimism to the families, to those involved, to the general public and to the participants that the progress being made today, this first incremental and important step of releasing hostages is going well, and that that momentum should continue in a positive way. and by that, i mean at any point, there could be a problem, an unexpected problem that could cause any of the sides involved in this to pull back or to have some issue. and the president's wanting to extend that sense of optimism, that this is a process that is working. he also talked about a political long-term solution. again, standing for his view that there should be two states living side by side, the state of israel and a free and independent state for the palestinians. that is a long-term goal, but he says that he believes, that would ultimately give a chance for a peaceful coexistence. he said hamas is not interested in that. they want to continue to try to exert their view that they want to destroy israel, and that's where we are in this conflict, that is so heaped and so deep, and so dangerous. so the president was trying to hit a lot of these different points, as well as offering thanks to the other partners in the region who have been so involved in this, and he will continue to need them and rely on them for the next steps to come. clearly with americans held hostage, that is his top priority to bring them back, but also with the larger group of hostages and his ongoing support for israel. at a time when the politics of all of this has been playing out on the streets in the united states and around the world, even here in nantucket. there were chant of free palestine as the president was walking about in the town here with family and going to lunch after his remarks. so that is always following the president, both literally and figuratively, and he has been getting a lot of briefings today, and that will continue during his time on the island with family for the holiday, richard. >> kelly, while we've got you, colonel jack jacobs was noting that the president mentioned at the end of his comments, and he had to couch it, you remember that, he was talking about saudi arabia and iran's involvement in the area and that may have precipitated this very attack. he was talking about it very carefully. what did you make of his comments on that? >> reporter: the president pointed out that he had no proof that that was a triggering event for hamas's action, but he has been working for a long time trying to achieve recognition for israel with some of the other countries in the region. we have seen some progress on that in the last decade or so. and the president talked about having an agreement that would open up both a pipeline and rail traffic. those are the tools of bringing about peaceful interaction when there's commerce and when there's an ability to move about, and those are big steps forward for the region, and wanting to have kind of new relationships. and the president has been a vocal supporter of that, working with saudi arabia and others, and he says that he believes this could have been a catalyst for hamas that does not want to see that progress, and he cautioned that he can't prove it, but he thinks it's one of the factors that led to the conflict we're seeing right now. >> great, thank you so much, senior white house correspondent kelly o'donnell, there with the president in nantucket. i want to bring in former israeli council general from the consulate in new york. ambassador alon pinkas. we were talking about the president about to speak, and you and i were chatting before he hit the microphones, were you able to listen to what he said, and what did you think about his comments about the next steps? >> well, okay. three quick comments, richard, on president biden. first, you know, israel does owe him a great deal of gratitude for his invaluable involvement in this. second, what struck me was that he mentioned, if you'll recall, the possibility of dozens, i repeat dozens, that was his term, dozens of hostages that would be released possibly in the next few days. dozens is not part of this deal. so if there are, indeed dozens, that indicates there is another deal in the making. if there's another deal in the making, i'm sorry for the sirens, if there's another deal in the making, that probably necessitates -- i'm sorry for the ambulance. that probably necessitates another cease fire. another cease fire is not something that israel, officially, ostensibly is interested in. last comment to what you asked about the future, president biden, as kelly o'donnell correctly said is committed to the two-state solution, and he repeats it every time he gets a chance in talking on the subject. i don't think it's just about hamas. i think president biden knows with this current israeli government headed by mr. netanyahu and his extremist right wing coalition partners, that's not going to happen. so whatever the president was talking indicates that either he's talking really long range, which i doubt. he's a practical politician. or that he has something in store in terms of trying to lay out an american vision with practical implications. it's too soon to, you know, hypothesize about that. but by the looks of it and listening carefully to what he said, that's where he headed. >> another comment made within the last half hour was moti kristal, an israeli hostage negotiator, i was asking him, how fragile is this deal, can we even call this a cease fire, a cessation of hostilities, and he was saying this is super fragile. how in the next four days using, again, your diplomatic experience here, and tapping into that, how do we escalate the progress in diplomacy given that you now have an opening because it appears if moti is right, this is super, super fragile. >> moti and i go back 20 years to negotiations with the palestinians so i defer to his judgment and certainly not on msnbc, i don't want to contradict him, and i won't because i actually agree with him, richard. i think it is extraordinarily fragile, and as you and i discussed before the president spoke, i think the fifth day is the key here. there are four days as moti said correctly of a fragile cease fire, and that you very accurately described as cessation of hostilities rather than define it as cease fire, and it all depends, it all boils down to what's going to happen on the fifth day. if the war begins at the same level of intensity that it stops, then i don't know what to tell you about future deals. you know, this is not a on and off thing. so either it is a lower intensity that allows for more negotiations or not. >> yeah. >> as we are talking again, we're looking at live pictures at the moment, ambassador, on the left-hand side, either live pictures of children that were hostages now survivors, now being delivered. now arriving via helicopter. i can't tell what type of helicopter necessarily. these are live pieces of video of the children that were former hostages, now survivors that are arriving at this hospital there. in petatiqua. it is still moving, you were talking about this earlier, we were speaking with the individual, the professor, hagai levine, in charge of taking care of the individuals on screen. that is a big concern because he says a third have chronic conditions, number one. number two, there are those that are in dire condition, and so the progress by which we actually get all of these hostages released and vice versa for the abductees that also may be released, there's a clock ticking here. >> yes, absolutely. and we're not talking about the four seasons resort in gaza. we're talking about a vile terrorist organization that is holding them without proper medical care, without proper nourishment, and they can contract other diseases that they didn't even come with. so we're looking at, like you said, very dire. by the way, that's a black hawk. you asked about the helicopter. so, you know, i don't want to be in their place. this is extraordinarily dire, and let's not forget, richard, that the international red cross is not allowed to visit them to the best of my knowledge, to the best of my, at least, recent knowledge. so we're looking at a situation where some are in real medical peril. >> day five, and it has been said by the idf chief that they will resume temporary truce, as soon as it's done with hamas, they will resume the fighting, quote, with intensity for at least two more months. so it appears they are ready on the idf said on that statement, to resume with great intensity, instead of maybe saying we will also escalate our diplomatic efforts to a level which now brought us this four days of truce. why not escalate that or say that publicly? >> i think you're absolutely right, richard, and i think that to a degree, that's what president biden said when he said dozens of hostages could be possibly will be released in the next few days. he was basically doubling down on the negotiations track. and the negotiations track means there's no resumption of hostilities, certainly not on the level we have seen in the last five, six weeks, last 48 days. so i'm sorry, so, you know, if i were the government, which i'm gladly not, i would not -- i would not make all of these, you know, bombastic statements about resuming. i would wait patiently to see what's in the pipeline in terms of the negotiations, and if surgical operation needs to be conducted, fine, but do not commit to months of fighting before the hostages are safely back home. >> potentially aware that there are cameras on the that helicopter just bringing attention to our viewers and to you, ambassador, in case you don't have the video, they did put up screens to the helicopter, it appears for these children as they make their way, and of course some of the criticism of the video released earlier from hamas, is that we saw many of these hostages, many survivors just thrown out there or moved in a way that was not sensitive to the shock after seven weeks of being underground, potentially. and now out in the light and having all of these crowds and cameras, and the horns and everything else around them. but in this picture to the left, there were screens watching, as children are being moved from the helicopter that you and i were talking about. hamas claiming here that they had offered this type of exchange since before the gaza ground invasion. israel rejected that. how do you think the israeli people perceived how the government has handled this to date? >> well, i think the people, there's a lot of resentment toward the government, for the debacle and devastation of october 7th and the prime minister's refusal to be held accountable or assume responsibility. all of that being established, i think that the majority, a vast majority of israelis are very happy about the prisoner exchange. i think that they attribute the prisoner exchange, the actual deal to u.s. efforts to president biden's efforts and to public pressures from the families of those held hostages. they don't think the government would have made that decision on its own volition. they may be wrong. i may be wrong. that is the sense right now, this was due to public pressure and american involvement rather than the government making a conscious decision. >> ambassador alon pinkas, thank you so much, former israeli consul general of the cons ulate of new york, thank you again. 39 prisoners have been transferred to a jail in the west bank. a significant burst of aid, specifically fuel is making its way into the strip. joining us now is nbc news correspondent keir simmons, and can you elaborate on what hamas is getting out of this deal, and if the process happening today is a good indicator that the agreement will hold for the full four days? >> reporter: well, i think it is an indicator that things are looking positive, that they got through today without a failure, without the whole thing collapsing. actually, i just sat down with the qatari lead negotiators here in doha, where of course they have been mediating talks. while we have been talking about these talks as continuing and then reaching a finale if you like, and now this hostage handover, and as you mentioned, the prospect of fuel and other aid going into gaza. what's clear is that the negotiations continue, even today. i was told by this lead negotiator, and i was in the control, the qatari control room where they have been monitoring things that, you know, there were a number of hitches. they didn't want to go into detail. at the same time, we learned today that despite expectations there weren't three americans in and amongst the hostage released. i wanted to ask why that was. take a listen. to ask why that s take a listen. >> the administration has been very keen to see the american hostages released, including of course a little girl, abigail, who's 4 today. >> of course, it matters to us to get all of the u.s. citizens out. >> reporter: and he says that they are pushing but at the same time, what's clear from the conversation i had with him is that they are getting a list, richard, every day, and that they don't necessarily know which nationals will be on that list. now, it looks like they are confident that the duel israeli-american citizens that are being held by hamas and inside gaza will be released in the days ahead, but again, i think the way that we should frame this is a fragile and tense process that continues even now. it didn't end a few days ago with the prospect of this truce and hostage release. >> quickly here, the president said we didn't have the list for tomorrow, keir, are you hearing anything from the qataris, do we have the list of who will be released tomorrow? >> reporter: oh, i think they were expecting to get it tonight. yeah, i don't know whether they definitely have it at this stage, but i think they certainly were expecting it. of course, you can imagine they want to keep that close, and there's all kinds of reasons for that. you don't want to release names when families haven't seen their loved ones, and the worry is something could go wrong and all of those people aren't released. just another point about that, we are hearing from today, a woman in her 70s who they thought had died, turns out to be among the people released, so i think we'll have surprises and challenges, and also of course some incredibly of course some incredibly positive moments in the days ahead. >> keir simmons for us in doha, thank you so much. thanks, keir. up next reaction to how the hostage handover has unfolded from a former fbi director of hostage recovery. you're watching special coverage today on msnbc. you're watching special coverage today on msnbc delicious too. just ask my old friend, kevin. nothing like enjoying a cold one while watching the game. who's winning? we are, my friend. we are. theo's nose was cause for alarm, so dad brought puffs plus lotion to save it from harm. puffs has 50% more lotion and brings soothing relief. don't get burned by winter nose. a nose in need deserves puffs indeed. america's #1 lotion tissue. i've spent centuries evolving with the world. a nose in need deserves puffs indeed. that's the nature of being the economy. observing investors choose assets to balance risk and reward. with one element securing portfolios, time after time. gold. agile and liquid. a proven protector. an ever-evolving enabler of bold decisions. an asset more relevant than ever before. gold. your strategic advantage. all right, we just got in some live video here from that hospital i was talking about before the break in israel. this where children that were released today now survivors from being hostages were now released -- delivered with that helicopter on the left. there was some screening as the children made their way from the helicopter there. and now begins the long journey as we were talking about the last hour with the head of medicine that handles both the mental and physical health of these hostages. that journey begins after their 7 weeks in captivity, on their way now to get medical care. day one of what will be four days everybody's hoping of a truce between israel and hamas. let's go to christopher o'leary now, former fbi director of hostage recovery. we've got this video right now as we look at it, christopher. we have the other video of hamas releasing the hostages as they went through it. so we actually have video from them as well. and as you watched all of this to date on day number one, what's your reflection about how things are going? >> so it's nice to see that it is something so complex and fragile is actually coming to fruition. it's terrific news for the victims being released today, and it's the beginning of their reintegration process. obviously their families can finally breathe easy because it was uncertain if this was going to happen up until the very last minute. it still leaves those families who have hostages out there, whether they might get released in coming days or, you know, the ones that are probably going to be in more long-term detention, you're still not sure. this isn't giving them comfort. they're not going to get any additional sleep. i'm sure they're happy for these hostages getting released, but this is going to be a difficult process each day. >> we have many leaders on both sides who have been involved in such exchanges between hamas and the idf and israel and from the gaza strip. this is something that, unfortunately, has repeated itself so many different times. based on what we've seen on day one how is this different, how is this the same so far compared to past hostage exchanges? >> well, it's different because you have number one such a large number of hostages. you have an active war zone going on, and you have the involvement of the qataris who on the positive side they have great skills and interest in being involved in conflict resolution. they demonstrated that with their deep involvement in this at the highest level all the way up to the heads of the royal family in qatar. and they've been great partners as you know to the u.s. over the last few years helping us find adaptive solutions to some of our more challenging problems. on the u.s. side, you know, it's not new. hostage matters for the u.s. to get the white house's attention. we have these special presidential envoy for hostage affairs who's been involved in all of these cases the last few years. and he and his team have been involved in this case and these matters since day one. >> christopher o'leary, thank you. thank you so much for your analysis. our special coverage continues with more from israel after a quick break. om israel after a quick break. students of any age, from anywhere. students in a new kind of classroom. ♪ using our technology to power different ways of learning. ♪ harnessing ai to plant new beginnings. ♪ so when minds grow, opportunities follow. the subway series is taking your favorite to the next level! like the #20. the elite chicken and bacon ranch. built with rotisserie-style chicken and double cheese. i love what i'm seeing here. that's some well-coached chicken. you done, peyton? the subway series just keeps gettin' better. the serrano name has always been something we're proud of. it's why we show it off on our low riders. and why we wear our name on our chains. 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(i'm ok.) and thank you for being back with us here on msnbc. i'm richard liu reporting live on a special third hour of coverage on a historic day. hamas has now released 24 hostages,

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Friend , Border , Support , Egyptian , Envelope , Camera , Interests , Stake Holders , Mode , Goodwill , Trust , Parties , Luck , Role , Country , Massacre , Point Of View , Concept , Egyptians , Mediator , Crisis Negotiations , Organizations , Pressure , Qatari , Tide , Egypt , Iran , Negotiation , Both , Spot , Joe Biden , Debt , Respect , Honor , Steps , Calls , Perspective , Disturbances , Fighting , Start , Dozens , Commitment , Hostage , Israeli American , Nantucket , Listening , Message , Kelly O Donnell , Senior , Aways , Audiences , Kelly , Massachusetts , Efforts , Diplomacy , Work , Phone Calls , Behind The Scenes , President , Prime Minister , Outreach , Of Egypt , Instrumental , Mayor , Players , Optimism , Step , Participants , Progress Being Made Today , Public , Momentum , View , Solution , Issue , Chance , Estate , Goal , Side By , Coexistence , Conflict , Partners , Region , Points , Priority , Politics , Streets , Around The World , Family , Chant , Remarks , Town , Palestine , Holiday , Briefings , Island , Colonel , Jack Jacobs , Comments , Couch It , Attack , Area , Saudi Arabia , The End , Proof , Recognition , Countries , Event , Action , Progress , Pipeline , Rail Traffic , Tools , Kind , Interaction , Commerce , Supporter , Relationships , Catalyst , Factors , Led , Alon Pinkas , In Nantucket , Council , Consulate , General , Microphones , Second , First , Gratitude , Possibility , Term , Making , Sirens , Ambulance , Ostensibly , Comment , Two State Solution , Right Wing Coalition Partners , Subject , Mr , Extremist , Netanyahu , American , Orange , Talking , Politician , Store , Vision , Looks , Implications , Hypothesize , Kristal , Hostilities , Cessation , Experience , Opening , 20 , I Don T , Msnbc , Judgment , Intensity , Level , Deals , War , Depends , Pictures , Helicopter , Survivors , Type , Pieces , The Professor , Individuals , Concern , Earlier , Charge , Petatiqua , Number One , Clock Ticking , Vice Versa , Terrorist 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