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[dog barks] no it's just a bunny! only pay for what you need. ♪liberty. liberty. liberty. liberty.♪ the power goes out and we still have wifi only pay for what you need. to do our homework. and that's a good thing? great in my book! who are you? no power? no problem. introducing storm-ready wifi. now you can stay reliably connected through power outages with unlimited cellular data and up to 4 hours of battery back-up to keep you online. only from xfinity. home of the xfinity 10g network. george santos be the first person in more than 20 years to be expelled from the u.s. congress. house ethics committee chair michael s has filed a resolution to remove george santos from office. a vote is excited to take place when congress returns after the thanksgiving recess. weeks ago, the house couldn't clear the two thirds majority needed to expel george santos. now, in the wake of a dam investigation from the ethics committee, republicans who previously voted against similar resolutions are now indicating their support for the new effort. this despite the fact that george santos already said he won't run for reelection. it seems members of both the parties can't wait to get rid of him after this ethics committee saying george santos sought to fraudulently exploit every aspect of his 2022 house candidacy for his own personal profit . accusing him of latently stealing from his campaign and deceiving donors. george santos is also accused of diverting campaign money to himself, as reported repayments of fictitious loans and using his connections to donors to obtain funds for himself through fraudulent or questionable business dealings. let's bring back jessica levinson, he's a brown and danielle moodie. the stunning revelations from this report, put that in context for us. but this put george santos in significant legal trouble outside of the being expelled from congress? >> absolutely. it is so surprising in the sense that, as you know, there's so much money that can illegally go to candidates. there's so much money that is legally available to candidates and officeholders. and, it looks like to be the case here is that george santos just blew through every applicable rule and regulation when it comes to not using campaign funds for your personal use. the first class i ever taught was campaign funds law. the first thing i ever did to them is this is your campaign, this is not your personal bank account. it is not for your kids tuition, it is not for the mortgage, it is not for your beautiful set of new clothing in the case of george santos. it could absolutely not just be facing expulsion from the house but also significant legal exposure as well. now, we don't know what that is going to look like right now. as you said, they previously held a vote where i think it was 179 members of the house voted to expel him. you need to thirds. we are looking at 290 here, checking my notes and my math. and, i think that is potentially possible. he's not popular in his own party, although it is a slim margin. there's obviously republicans only have 10 votes to have the majority. they don't want to lose anybody. >> , if this resolution passes, it will be the first time in 20 years. last one to be expelled was a concrete convicted on 10 counts including papery, racketeering, this is not a regular occurrence in the u.s. congress's. >> the fact that during the last boat we saw on george santos, jessica is right, it did not even reach a majority. that is in part because about 30 democrats voted against the resolution. the reason they gave was, look, we don't want to set a precedent that we can go out kicking out members willy-nilly without a full ethics investigation where without a conviction. now the ethics committee, which is normally not, for its haste, quickly put out their final report on george santos. and, now we have people lining up to 20 two boot george santos. not only do we have the resolution from the ethics committee chair, we have dan goldman, democrat of new york. we have barbara garcia, democrat of california who put up a resolution on santos that failed this year. sorry, that was pointed to the ethics committee. the momentum is building against george santos here. it seems to me there are enough republicans thinking to themselves, george santos isn't running, we want to give the illusion we don't like him before we have to "a special election and to try to keep seat in the fall of 2024. so, it is not looking great for george. >> danielle, what is the likelihood this resolution passes? congress needs to thirds of the house to expel, as jessica was saying, from the present, could this be the final straw for republicans? >> this congress hasn't done much, hasn't passed 22 pieces of legislation. maybe they want to add this to their hat and feel like they have done something. the reality here is that it is necessary to give the illusion that we have a functioning government and that i just go allow grifters to walk in the door. a george santos would have been possible without a donald trump. you would not have had a george santos who was given the blueprint on how to grifter from your constituents and your followers if donald trump did not exist. if you did not have a steve bannon that ran an entire campaign around building a wall and stealing from constituents to do just that, which is what he was held go before and accountable and he was acquitted by trump. i have george santos without a donald trump you don't have a donald trump without an appeasing, right, and unaccountable republican party. they on this man the way they own the republican party. if democrats are smart, they will not allow the to be separated. >> jessica levinson, hayes brown, danielle moodie, thank you very much. after the break, congresswoman barbara lee joins me to talk about the maga-fication of the republican party and much more. stay with us. d your body's li, “it's happening”! if you're worried about your protection, it's 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mustache. only pay for what you need. ♪ liberty. liberty. liberty. liberty. ♪ the republican party has gone through maga-fication. look at the halls of congress this week to understand what you mean. republican congress been converted, voted to oust kevin mccarthy from the eakership, accused the former speaker of the liberty elbowing him in a couple away. mccarthy denied that in the most aggressive way possible saying "if i kidney punched him, he would be on the ground." matt gaetz has filed an ethics complaint over the incident. the same day, the house oversight hearing erupted into chaos when congressman jared moskowitz confronted committee chairman james, over an allegation james coomer limped his mother $200,000.00. he is investigating the president over a low he gave his brother while not in office. so, he called moskowitz a "smart." in the senate, mark wayne mullen of oklahoma challenged teamsters president sean o'brien and "a fight," during the hearing. >> this is a time, this is a place. you want to run your mouth, we can be consenting adults, we can finish it here. >> that's fine, perfect fit >> you want to do it now? stick your butt up, then. >> hold on, stop it. sit down. sit down. you are a united states senator, sit down. >> this, ladies and gentlemen is the gop, this is the gop, picking petty fights, engaging in displays of machismo instead of serving their constituents and try to get something meaningful done for this country. joining me now is democratic congresswoman barbara lee of california, she is running for u.s. senate in california. congresswoman, it is great to have you with us. just have to get your reaction to this utter nonsense, chaos, this embarrassment we saw from colleagues of yours on capitol hill this week. >> nice to be with you ayman. but it demonstrates the public is that they, first of all are in total disarray. secondly, their civil war is continuing. thirdly, they are angry all of the time. and, they are not working for the people. they are not working for their districts. democrats have governed when we are in the majority. we can pass major legislation. i think the public is beginning to see how the republican party, the extremist republicans, which all of them are because they supported this speaker, that is their agenda and they are in total disarray and the house is totally dispensable. >> let's talk about the government funding bill the president signed. if it effectively sets up another funding fight at the beginning of the year. do you have confidence that speaker johnson, to get a longer-term deal through intimate shorter-term spending deals after they've got dozens of republicans who voted against the continuing resolution this time? >> i think it was democrats that enjoyed the government did not shut down. we brought the votes, not the republican's. i know what he's going to do. this is what takes place when you saw speaker mccarthy actually agree to all of what the extremist maga republicans demanded. this is what we have. i was there during the 15th round of voting for the speakership. there were four of us sitting at the front of the podium, two democrats and two republicans. my gosh, what i saw from their that vantage point and what i saw and heard was just, you would never think that could ever happen on the floor of the house. you just don't know. democrats have delivered once again. democrats delivered on the debt ceiling. we are in the minority and we are still delivering. we will have to see how he moves forward. but, look who elected him and look who he's beholden to. >> let me get your reaction to what we've been seeing from donald trump, his attacks on perceived enemies. we knew these attacks, they have real world consequences that his supporters can act on his very words. one is there such a collective shoulder shrunk from republicans the way he has defied courts, the way he has gone after judges, law clerks, prosecutors, the department of justice and hands attacked them in the most folder and dangerous of what is? >> this shows they are spineless. they know our democracy is very fragile and that donald trump is spewing hate, first of all. and also the movement to establish an autocratic government, if he were elected. i remember how dangerous it was in cointelpro. some remember the mccarthy era. this is a wake-up call to it could take place if this man were reelected. i hope the democrats and independents and republicans understand the dangers he presents because he's letting us know right away who he is. i have known forever. but, for those who believe that this man would be a good president or who could work for people and for global peace and security, i think the last few months really have shown whom he is once again. and, the dangers he poses. and, he is a national security threat, which has been stated over and over again. >> congresswoman, you are running for the open u.s. senate seat in california. talk to me about what is on the line for our country as we head into this critical election year. when you think about important races like the one that you are competing in but also what we are seeing play out in state legislators and even in initiatives across the country, for example, on reproductive rights for women. >> sure, ayman. i'm in sacramento now at the democratic party convention. people are very excited but worried about what the future holds but are determined that they are going to go to the polls to elect democrats. my campaign is really a phenomenal campaign in terms of the coalitions, the multiracial, multi generational progressive coalitions we've put together. i am so pleased that i have bernie sanders organization, our revolution, the working families party, janet z for change, many of the young democratic clubs, six of the eight constitutional offices, supporting rural and urban communities up and down the state. people want change. this state, our great state, we have 40 million people. 20 million people live one paycheck away from poverty. when we talk to people, you know, i experienced a time in my life where i was on food stamps and needed a little help from my government. there are so many people who need a little help. i see them, i hear them. when they see and get to know me and know my lived experiences in this campaign, they say yes, i am the person i wanted to vote for because they know i will represent them in the united states senate. those who have not been seen or heard and the affordability crisis is amenable and if she paid the cost of housing, the cost of childcare are the main drivers of not being able to really be able to take care of the family and to live the quality of life that is offered in our great state of california. >> congresswoman, i have to ask you. you are one of the few calling for a cease-fire overseas. right now, as we heard today from president biden, his op- ed, a cease-fire would not bring about peace to the region right now. but, give me your thoughts on what is happening right now in gaza as well as the administration's reluctance to call for a cease-fire in exchange for the hostages. >> well, i called for a cease- fire, ayman. i believe that is the only way we are going to be able to make sure that these hostages, which i'm terrified about in terms of their release. we have to have a cease-fire so that the space is created for the hostages to be released. believe me, i believe that hamas is a terrorist organization, i know that. the israelis have a right to defend themselves and have a right to their security. believe me for the rules of engagement, the rules of war prohibit the killing of civilians. we have over 11,000 palestinians killed, over 7000 children killed. you can't tell me that this is going to allow for a pathway to peace. ultimately, hamas is catastrophic for the palestinians, it is catastrophic for the israelis. we have to find a way to have a cease-fire so that diplomacy can emerge because we have to make sure the countries in the region, the arab nations, unfortunately right now, are beginning to not see this path and the united states i think has a responsibility to make sure that we find a path where the israelis live in security and peace and safety and the palestinians also live with peace and safety and justice side-by-side. that takes a cease-fire. takes not, you know, killing civilians. we work now trying to get humanitarian aid. i've been helping him go sheet $11 billion in military and assistance. we can't forget that in. a cease-fire is the only way that this is going to stop the carnage that is taking place. >> congresswoman barbara lee, thank you so much for your time. i appreciated as always. up next, we turned back to the war in gaza and what is happening on the ground, stay with us. with us. more than a month into the war in gaza, as we discussed the important daily news developers on the ground. we want to address some misconceptions and contested beliefs that have taken hold in the discourse. here, for example, former secretary of state hillary clinton last week. >> israel left gaza in 2005 and forcibly ejected 50,000 israelis who were living in gaza. they left all of their infrastructure. they had a big infrastructure of green houses where they were supplying fruits, vegetables, flowers. and, the palestinians deserve to have a productive, successful economy in gaza. hamas came in and basically destroyed all of that. >> clinton claimed 50,000 israeli settlers were ejected from gaza in december september, 2005. that is not correct. according to "the times of israel," the number was and doesn't. the anti-defamation league says the number was close to 8000. then there is the notion that israel left gaza in 2005. yes, israel removed 8000 settlers from there and israel did remove its military installations. but, palestinians still do not control their skies or their waters. just a few years before in 2000, in response to the second palestinian intifada, israel cracked down on gaza. reuters reported, "one casualty was gaza's international airport. the palestinians only direct link to the outside that was not controlled by israel or egypt. israel deemed it a security threat and destroyed its radar antenna and runway a few months after the september 11th, 2001 attacks." another casualty was the fishing industry, a source of income for tens of thousands of palestinians. gazans fishing zones reduced by israel, a section it said was necessary to stop boats from smuggling weapons. according to a 2000 human rights watch report on the imminent disengagement plan, as it was known, "in addition to controlling the borders, coastline and airspace, israel will continue to control gaza stella communications, water, electricity and sewage networks as well as the flow of people and goods into and out of the territory. gaza will continue to use israeli currency. in an opinion piece, secretary clinton wrote for the atlantic this week, she claimed it has been hamas that have stood in the way of any kind of permanent peace deal with israel. but, 10 years ago, former president jimmy carter had a much different understanding of the situation, that hamas was in fact open to a two state solution with israel but it was israeli prime minister benjamin netanyahu had made up his mind on the one state solution controlled by israel. >> can in deal be done that doesn't involve sitting across the table with hamas? >> i have met several times with hamas leadership. i think they are willing to accept israel to exist peacefully within the 67 borders or some modification of those borders. netanyahu has decided unequivocally to move to a one state solution, which everyone of his predecessors in the prayer minister should have condemned as a disaster for israel. israel is moving toward a disaster for itself in insisting that everything from the jordan to the mediterranean has to be is really controlled. that is a mistake. >> let's address one more claim made by secretary clinton. >>,, there was a cease-fire on october 6th. hamas broke by they are barbaric assault on peaceful civilians. >> the secretary is absolutely correct in calling the october 7th terrorist attacks "barbaric." according to the united nations, prior to the october 7th attack, just in 2023 alone, some 237 palestinians were killed as a result of confrontations between palestinians and israelis in the context of the occupation. it is true. hamas broke the cease-fire on october 7th but there is not a true cease-fire in the region before hand. let's be honest about that. there have also been times when israel broke cease-fires. in 2008, the idf broke a cease- fire with a rate in the gaza strip that killed six. in 2012, according to israeli peace activist baskin, the israeli military assassinated a hamas leader well he was considering a draft of a truce agreement. days later, after another cease- fire was announced, the israeli military shot dead a palestinian man and wounded 15 at the gaza border. secretary clinton is not the only current or former official who has failed to acknowledge the full complexity of historical events that have led to this current moment. as we cover, and we will continue to cover this work, it is important we do so with the appropriate set of facts. we will be right back. back. what is cirkul? cirkul is the fuel you need to take flight. cirkul is the energy that gets you to the next level. cirkul is what you hope for when life tosses lemons your way. cirkul. it's your water, your way. a new msnbc documentary coming tomorrow night at 10:00 p.m. eastern aims to remove the stigma around menstruation and menopause. the film tells the story of a process that has been systematically excluded from the mainstream, talking about everything from equity to menstrual education. vogue magazine says this movie should be required viewing. >> i had such a great experience having a support group. i want that for other people. i want that for girls that look like me, especially a lot of us don't have the privilege, we don't have the freedom to know about our bodies. we have the access to just love our bodies. >> and it is not mandatory . schools are not teaching their students about periods, even though it is clear that they have students who demonstrate. >> joining me now is an activist whose work is highlighted in periodical. it is great to have you with us. thank you anusha for making time. what motivated you to organize around these unjust menstruation much? >> that is a good question, ayman, thanks for having me. well, i first got involved , i first learned about the stigma around menstruation when i was in the fifth grade. we learned about periods in gender segregated classrooms. ever since then, a part of me has always questioned why is menstruation something so shameful to be talked about? and, you know, for a lot of people, it perpetuated the stigma from a really young age. but, it wasn't until when i started university that i realized not talking about menstruation instead frontal consequences for society. and, it leads to bad policies like the tampon tax. a huge barrier, i think a reason these policies exist is because people are, feel ashamed and embarrassed to talk about periods because of the stigma. learning about abuse issues and how these policies perpetuate the cycle of period poverty. that pushed me to take action and motivated me to do something about that. i started a student group at my school called period at the ohio state university. together , we mobilized and we decided to take down the tampon tax in ohio. i had no policy background. now i am a medical student. what pushed me to do something about this is, you know, if i didn't, who would? there was not as much momentum in my state at the time to repeal the tampon tax. and, that is what motivated me to get involved in this movement. since then, so many, because of our success in ohio and repeating the tampon tax, students from other states started reaching out asking how can i do this in my state. i started bleeding national campaigns. in 2019, i co-led the first ever national period day campaign with another ohio state student. together through that campaign, our goal was to pressure lawmakers to take action. people all across the country rallied and mobilized across all 50 states and countries to pressure lawmakers to pass more menstrual equity legislation, like pushing for access to free period product in schools. >> let me just jump in real quick. i think you are giving us so much important information and i just want to pick up on that point. people who may be watching this are going to ask well, what do you hope they learn and take away from this film, is it about the power of organization, is it about how important this subject is, is it about the fact that there is this bias built into our legal system with things like a tampon tax that the majority of people are not necessarily aware of when they go into this supermarket and shop? >> all of the above i very solid points. the fact that what i'm really passionate about is i believe you don't need a phd in menstruation studies or a law degree to speak up about these issues. and i really want people to realize that we are all inherently activists. you don't need a fancy diploma or degree or specific background to speak about the issues you care about. i really hope that people realize that they are already activists and it is about being brave enough to pick up the phone and call your lawmakers. >> thank you so much, i appreciate your time and insights and keep up the good fight on this very important development and a story we need to all be aware of. >> thank you so much. >> thank you for making time for us. make sure to come back tomorrow night at 9:00 eastern on msnbc. i will be speaking with the ranking member of the house budget committee on how democrats, once again, saved republicans from a government shutdown. senator chris van hollen will joining us pressure grows on president biden to call for a cease-fire in gaza. until then, i ayman mohyeldin, have a good night. 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Us , Value , Verizon , 1700 , 700 , Game , C Mon Baby , Touchdown Baby , Go , Touchdown , Neighbors , Go , Something , Home , Internet , 5g , Airport , Bit , Salad , Noise Cancelling Earmuffs , 5 , We Don T , It , Xfinity 10g Network , T Mobile , 10 , Election Worker , Page , Georgia , Secretary Of State , Freeman , Brad Raffensperger , People , George Santos Without A Donald Trump , Fact , Witnesses , Handbook , Playbook , Social Media , Ruby Freeman , Name , Door , Terms , Shift , Strategy , Tactics , Porcelain , Push The Boundary , Trump , Point , Gag Orders , Allies , Windows , Part , Everyone , World , Someone , Worldview , Parcel , Gag Order , Anything , Trial , Fani Willis , Danielle Moodie , Narrative , August 5th , 2024 Earlier , August 5th 2024 , 2024 , Election , Stretch , Proceedings , 2025 , President , Case , Verdict , Amount , Scenario , President Of The United States , Pardon Power , Voters , Election Day , Significance , Idea , Somebody , Person , Republican Party , Inauguration Day , Top , Oman , Points , Tossup , Ticket , Field , Indictments , Charges , 50 , One , 30 , Four , Saved Republicans , George Santos , Republican Congress , Alarms , Attention , Panel , Coming Up , Roslyn Carter , University Of Wisconsin Madison , Family , Jimmy Carter , Hospice Care , Headlines , Neo Nazi March , Richard Louise , First , Place , Group , Capitol City , Marching , Swastikas , Symbols , State Street Mall , Police , 20 , Arrests , Starship Mega Rocket , Test Launch , Space X , Separation , Flight , Break , Fight , Ayman , Self , Company , Mishap Investigation , Contact , Craft , Ayman Mohyeldin , Faa , Bre , Symptoms , Heart Failure , Caramel , Taking , Music , Attr Cm , Irregular Heartbeat , Picture , Carpal Tunnel Syndrome , Shortness Of Breath , Sound , Cardiologist , Shingles , Burning Sensation , Life , Complications , Pitch , Loved Ones , Rash , Money , Liberty Mutual , Car Insurance , Hundreds , Virus , Increases , Risk , Doctor , Pharmacist , Don T Wait , Pay , Dog Barks , Dog Walking Business , Bunny , Power , Thing , Wifi , Homework , Book , Problem , Battery Back Up , Data , Power Outages , 4 , House Ethics Committee , Chair Michael S , Resolution , House Couldn T , Ethics Committee , Vote , Office , Resolutions , Dam Investigation , Support , Wake , Effort , Two , Campaign , Donors , Members , Parties , House , Candidacy , Reelection , Profit , Aspect , Latently Stealing , 2022 , Jessica Levinson , Campaign Money , Business Dealings , Funds , Connections , Loans , Repayments , Report , Context , Revelations , Trouble , Candidates , Officeholders , Sense , Campaign Funds , Class , Bank Account , Rule , Campaign Funds Law , Use , Set , Kids Tuition , Clothing , Mortgage , Expulsion , Exposure , 179 , Party , Votes , Margin , Math , Notes , 290 , Concrete , Resolution Passes , Anybody , Counts , Occurrence , Racketeering , Papery , Boat We Saw , Democrats , Reason , Kicking Out Members Willy Nilly Without A Full Ethics Investigation , Precedent , Conviction , Haste , Santos , California , Ethics Committee Chair , New York , Barbara Garcia , Dan Goldman , Momentum , Seat , George Santos Isn T Running , Illusion , Building , Saying , Legislation , Pieces , Likelihood , Reality , Straw , Hasn T , Congress Hasn T , Hat , 22 , Government , Grifters , Constituents , Followers , Blueprint , Steve Bannon , Wall , Way , Moskowitz , Appeasing , Hayes Brown , Barbara Lee , Protection , Body , More , Stay , Happening , Mali , Maga Fication , Help , Core , No Other , Everybody , It Contours , Double Leak , Sides , Leaks , Gush , Zero , Always Discreet , Grocery Outlet , Bargain Bliss Market , Feeling , Bargain Bliss , Deal , Low , Discount , Supplies , Reasons , Neighborhood , Pound , Jennie O , Frozen Turkey , 0 50 , 50 , 1 , 21 , Save , Baby Grand Piano , Mustache , Mark Wayne Mullen , Center Stage , Liberty Bibberty , Kevin Mccarthy , Speaker , Couple , Halls , Liberty Elbowing , Eakership , Ground , Ethics Complaint , Incident , Matt Gaetz , Chaos , James Coomer , Oversight Hearing , Allegation , Mother , Brother , Committee Chairman James , 200000 00 , 00000 00 , Sean O Brien , U S Senate , Teamsters , Oklahoma , Hearing , Butt Up , Mouth , Consenting Adults , Fine , Hold On , Fights , Sit Down , United States Senator , Ladies And Gentlemen , Country , Machismo , Displays , Reaction , Nice To Be With You Ayman , Public , Nonsense , Embarrassment , Colleagues , Capitol Hill , Disarray , Civil War , Extremist , Districts , Agenda , Government Funding Bill , Talk , Let , Spending Deals , Funding Fight , Confidence , Dozens , Johnson , , Republicans , 15 , Speakership , Gosh , Voting , Podium , Front , Vantage Point , Floor , Debt Ceiling , Minority , Don T Know , To , Attacks , Consequences , Enemies , Supporters , Shoulder , Courts , Words , Judges , Law Clerks , Movement , Democracy , Hands , Prosecutors , Folder , Hate , Department Of Justice , Spineless , Cointelpro , Dangers , Wake Up Call , Independents , Security , Peace , Threat , State Legislators , Play , The One , Line , Races , Example , Rights , Holds , Women , Initiatives , Polls , Democratic Party Convention , Sacramento , Progressive Coalitions , Coalitions , Working Families Party , Communities , Offices , Many , Clubs , Revolution , Janet Z For Change , Bernie Sanders , Six , Eight , Estate , Poverty , Paycheck , 20 Million , 40 Million , Food Stamps , Experiences , Quality , Cost , Care , Housing , Affordability Crisis , Childcare , Drivers , Cease Fire , Biden , Region , Calling , Cease Fire Overseas , Thoughts , Op Ed , Israel Cracked Down On Gaza , Hostages , Administration , Exchange , Reluctance , Space , Release , Hamas , War , Right , Civilians , Rules , Israelis , Killing , Rules Of Engagement , 11000 , Palestinians Killed , Children , Pathway To Peace , 7000 , Diplomacy , Path , Countries , Nations , Responsibility , Safety , Side By , Killing Civilians , Aid , Sheet , Assistance , 11 Billion , 1 Billion , Carnage , Up Next , Israel , Hillary Clinton , Misconceptions , Discourse , Hold , Developers , Beliefs , Daily News , 2005 , 50000 , Infrastructure , Houses , Flowers , Vegetables , Fruits , Economy , Gaza In December September , Israeli Settlers , September 2005 , Doesn T , Number , Notion , Waters , The Times Of Israel , Settlers , Response , Military Installations , Skies , Yes , Anti Defamation League , 8000 , 2000 , Casualty , Palestinians , Link , International Airport , Palestinian Intifada , Reuters , Security Threat , Runway , Radar Antenna , Egypt , September 11th , September 11th 2001 , 2001 , 11 , Tens Of Thousands Palestinians , Fishing Industry , Source , Income , Gazans Fishing Zones , Borders , Human Rights Watch , Boats , Smuggling Weapons , Section , Addition , Disengagement Plan , Water , Communications , Electricity , Sewage Networks , Flow , Territory , Opinion Piece , Goods , Airspace , Coastline , Currency , Kind , Gaza Stella , Atlantic , State Solution , Benjamin Netanyahu , Peace Deal , Understanding , Mind , Situation , Times , Table , Sitting , The One State Solution , Leadership , Prayer Minister , Modification , Predecessors , 67 , Everything , Disaster , Secretary Clinton , Mistake , Mediterranean , Claim , Assault , Cease Fire On October 6th , Jordan , October 6th , 6 , October 7th , Barbaric , 7 , Attack , Confrontations , Result , United Nations , 237 , 2023 , Hand , Occupation , Cease Fire On October 7th , Rate , Cease Fires , Israeli Military , Military , Leader , Truce Agreement , Draft , Idf , Activist Baskin , 2008 , 2012 , Official , Events , Complexity , Gaza Border , Work , Facts , Back , Fuel , Energy , Cirkul , Level , Msnbc Documentary Coming Tomorrow Night , Menstruation , Stigma , Story , Equity , Film , Eastern , Movie , Process , Menopause , Education , Mainstream , Vogue Magazine , 00 , Lot , Support Group , Experience , Viewing , Girls , Students , Schools , Access , Bodies , Freedom , Privilege , Activist , Periodical , Making Time , Much , Question , Thanks , Classrooms , Grade , Gender , Tampon Tax , Wasn T , Policies , University , Barrier , Age , Society , Issues , Learning , Action , Student Group , Cycle , Student , Policy Background , Ohio , Ohio State University , My School , Who , Didn T , States , Success , Lawmakers , Campaigns , Goal , 2019 , Product , Information , Things , Subject , Bias , System , Majority , Studies , Supermarket , Phd , Activists , Background , Law Degree , Degree , Diploma , Phone , Insights , Chris Van Hollen , Ranking Member , Development , Of , House Budget Committee , Government Shutdown , Msnbc , 9 , Fisher Investments , Pressure , Money Managers , Night , In Gaza , Money Manager , Commissions , Same , Investment Products , Trades , Fisher , Clients , Fees , Most , Serious , Nose , Disease , Alarm , Dad , Theo , Lotion , Puffs , Need , Harm , Lotion Tissue , Relief , Winter Nose , Puffs Plus , Dove Body Wash , Change , Migraine , Micro Moisture , Choice , 24 , About Ubrelvy , Spain , Migraine Pain , Tradeoffs , Push , Option , Dose , Anywhere , Reactions , Migraine Pain Relief Starts , Inhibitors , Nausea , Sleepiness , Rejuvenated , Cyp3a4 , Side Effects , Cyp3 , Purple , Store , Pains , Mattress , Aches , Visit Purple Com , Black Friday Sale , 900 , Sister , Love , Best Friend , Stacy , Course , Bathtub , Wife , Drew ,

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