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hill. >> it was a clean shot to the kidneys, and i turn back and there was kevin. >> as the maga congress keeps brawling. >> you look like a smurf. you're just going around on this stuff. >> the republican front runner keeps advertising fascism. >> i am not going to comment on candidates in their campaign messaging. >> tonight, what on earth is going on here? >> statements are fiction at best. what? >> answer the question, please. >> then, an emergency hearing for protective order georgia as witness videos keep leaking. >> he said the boss is not going to leave under any circumstances. we're just going to stay in power. >> and the incredible -- on the march on washington, as the calls to rescue hostages grows and the destruction in gaza continues. when all in starts, right now. good evening from new york. i'm chris hayes. it was a chaotic and oddly violent day on capitol hill. republicans dysfunction, stance, and anger becoming more and more extreme. ironically, this all happened amidst what should be a real success for house republicans. the new speaker, mike johnson, louisiana, just managed to pass a continuing resolution funding the government until early next year. that avoids a looming shutdown. that's good, you would think. but crucially, more democrats voted for that then members of johnson's own party. and jake sherman of -- news put it, democrats saved him. dangerous territory for republican speaker say mccarthy kevin. mike johnson and pretty quickly the lesson that the only way to keep the government functioning, something we've been saying forever, is to basically ignore part of his own caucus and work with democrats. and that decision today, and the kind of oddly anticlimactic vote in congress, along the lines we all knew it would happen, that may have something to do with the rage that emerged all over capitol hill today in environment that speaker johnson himself described as a, quote, pressure cooker. and the first and most notable incident involved mike johnson 's predecessor. remember that guy? that's the former speaker of the house, kevin mccarthy, turfed out over a month ago. this morning, in clear view of at least one reporter, mccarthy appears to have assaulted a member of his own gop conference. npr congressional correspondent claudia gross alice posted this firsthand account, quote, have never seen this on capitol hill. while talking to congressman nash tim burchett after the republican conference meeting, former speaker mccarthy walked by with his detail and mccarthy shoved burchett. burchett lunged toward me. i thought it was a joke. it was not. and a chase ensued. she also recorded video of the interaction, which i am going to play in full. before that, a warning. all of the clips, low lights that we're gonna play you from the hill today are so cringing [laughter] that you want to turn away a first. but it's such a wild window into what's going on. you won't want to take your eyes and ears of them. here's what happened when kevin mccarthy exited that meeting and encountered tim burchett of tennessee in the hallway. >> i wanted to check in on the conference, how it went, it sounds like it went back and forth. >> i think it went all right. sorry, kevin, why do elbow me in the, back kevin? hey, kevin, you got only got? chuck. >> has he done that before? >> now. >> he. that's a new move. >> hey given, why do walk by me an elbow me in the back? you've got no guts. you did so they said there, the reporter said it, right there. what kind of chicken moves that? you're pathetic, man. you are sympathetic. what a jerk. you need security, kevin. anyway. >> anyway. >> a short while later, burchett explained what happened in more detail telling reporters he believed the salt was intentional. >> i was treated interview first and kevin mccarthy walked by an elbowed me in the kidneys, and walked by. it kind of caught me off guard. it's a little different than anywhere else. and so i moved forward. i fell forward. >> on purpose or not an accident? >> on purpose, ma'am. 435 members of congress, eight of us voted against him. -- publicly calling me out. he didn't see any cameras, he didn't think it would -- >> for his part, mccarthy denied the whole thing, claiming it was a tight area where they may have bumped shoulders by accident. >> did you elbow him? >> no, i do not elbow him. i do not double. i would not hit him in the kidney. 85, you are down there, right? not a big hallway. so i'm walking out, i should come after you guys report saying, did i hit somebody? bruce westman and i were walking down. i guess a reporter was interviewing burchett or something. i guess our shoulders had. burchett runs up to me afterwards. i don't know what he was talking about. i did not hit the guy, i do not kidney punch him. >> you didn't shout him? >> no. >> but the reporters say it looked like you intentionally hit him. >> okay, not a place. show me a reporter who saw that. ask bruce westerman. no, i did not. if i would get somebody they would know i hit them. >> he said he was in pain that you hit him so hard in the kidneys. >> oh, come on now. >> that's what he said. >> that explosion was met with a lot of skepticism especially in light of recent accusation by adam kinzinger that mccarthy shoved him on two occasions. take a second to think about how insane this is. kevin mccarthy is alleged to, in view of a reporter, appears to have, like, elbowed in the kidney a colleague he was mad at. that is a wild thing to do. a grown man in a workplace. can you imagine doing that in your place of work? anywhere? congressman matt gaetz of florida never want to see a new cycle go by without joining it, while this request for a house ethics committee investigation into kidney punch gate today. and then on the other side of capitol hill, we're not talking about this here, we almost saw another confrontation come to blows. this took place in the middle of a health education labor and pensions committee hearing when republicans senator markwayne mullin of oklahoma brought up his online before the witness, the president of teamsters labor union, shawn o'brien. sanders had to step in. >> he pretends he self-made. what a clown. fraud. always has been. always will be. quit the tough guy act in the senate hearings. you know where to find me. any place, anytime, cowboy. sorry, this is the time, this is the place, you wanna run your mouth, we're two consenting adults, we can finish it here. >> okay, that's fine, perfect. >> you wonder what? now >> i'd love to do it. now >> stand you about. up >> you stand your butt up. >> oh, stop it. sit down. come down. you're an united states senator. sit down, please. >> you are a united states senator. sit down, sit down, united states editor. that senator, by the way, former mixed martial arts fire eater, refused to back down, he kept trying to set a place in time for the fills occult occasion between the two men. >> you said anytime, any place. >> what's your question? >> except the challenge. >> what challenge? >> you said anytime, any place. i'm accepting yours. >> what? challenge >> april 30th. how about we do it for charity and smoking guns and tulsa, oklahoma. >> no physical confrontations. here >> you want to fight me? >> what did you say about anytime, any place? >> let's have coffee, discuss our differences. >> okay let's have coffee. >> it's funny how your backing out. >> i'm not backing out of anyone. >> you did. >> you should be the most influential people in this country making changes. you are focused on the irrelevant? >> when he was asked about the wisdom of using violence to solve the dispute, mullin pointed to the long history of fighting in the nation's capital. >> what about just the idea that fighting as a way to solve a problem, is that, are you concerned that that's the way that the conversation is happening here on capitol hill? >> people been fighting for a long time. go back to the 1800s, it was legal to do duels. if you have a difference, you have a difference. i didn't start it. i didn't tweet at him. i didn't go after him. i have no beef with the guy. let me know the last time i got a street fight. i used to get paid to fight. what victories it for me to be to beat up o'brien? that would be a shock. but he said it. i just simply responded. if he wants to call it off and we just go have a cup of coffee, fine. i have no poor feelings. it's not personal to me. he just challenged me and i accepted the challenge. >> to be clear, mullin isn't wrong about the history of violence on the house floor. a great book came out about this on house floor. the canine he reviewed to, the infamous scaling of the abolitionist center from massachusetts who was beaten near death by a pro slavery advocate from the house on the floor of the senate, is widely considered to be like the turning point of no return pass to which a war between the states and the civil war was inevitable. believe it or not, what i played you there, with markwayne mullin and sean o'brien, was not the only hearing where we saw a republican member of congress up on the dais and microphone explode today. there's another one. all the same day. i'm just giving you today's recap. this tuesday, house oversight committee chairman james comer cannot contain his anger when confronted by democratic congressman jared moskowitz about a report that calmer made 200,000 dollar business deal with his brother. that comes amidst comer's accusation that president biden's business dealings with his own brother james when biden was out of office. >> never alone my brother money. don't have an -- but you and goldman, who is mr. trust fund, continue to no, i'm not gonna give you. stop the clock. you all continue, you look like a smurf. you're just blowing around on this stuff. >> mister chairman, hold on, we're not on time,. >> you've you discount. >> you're doing stuff -- >> the american rather the american public -- >> you want to. >> why should they believe you? it is devour of the president, a deferral for you? why should they believe what you're saying, mister chairman? why? >> now, all this is kind of the ridiculous myths you expect from republican members of this conference. on a deeper level, though, these incidents highlight the fact that the republican party, congressional republican party was specifically, do not have a unifying governing vision. there is no project they're engaged in other than being the praetorian guard for donald trump's take over of the u.s. government. but there is no project are doing together. nothing that binds them together. crucially, also, that is the party who's de facto leader endorses, cultivate political violence, the rhetoric that led to a vie violent coup on the capitol, he makes q jokes about it when nancy pelosi's husband gets savagely assaulted. that's like a punchline for him. that's the political movement that they are part of. so it's disconcerting to see members of that party actually assaulting, apparently, other members of congress, less than three years later. jeremy is congressman jared moskowitz, a member of the oversight committee, democrat of florida. i've covered congress for a few decades. i've been a lot of congressional hearings. there's always a fair amount of posturing and performance that just is politics, it's fine. it's partly showmanship. it does seem like weirdly more unhinged over there than usual. is that a correct perception? >> thanks for having me. yeah, that's a pretty good observation. it's been going on for the last ten months. obviously it evolves in january six. it has devolved since trump continues to lower the bar, day in and day out. and they repeated. it's continuing behavior. listen, if the chairman is listening, i think he needs a mental health day. he just, they have such thin skin, these republican, feel like to dish it out. but man, they just cannot take it. he's been going on tv day in and day out talking about the brother and the president and they do business together when it wasn't in office by the way. but as soon as there's an article written by the chairman is doing the exact same thing, all i did was ask the chairman to explain it, and he just totally lost it. i needed bernie sanders to be like sit-down mister chairman. [laughter] and put him in his seat. but yeah, look, you saw it. he's been running hearings all year. his own witnesses have said there is nothing there on joe biden, nothing for impeachment. and yet they want to continue this day in and day out. i'm glad the chairman exposed himself today. >> it also feels like this impeachment push, again, to the extent is a unifying project it's to get donald trump elected. i think that's fair to say. we're doing everything they can to do that. one of the things they want to do is impeach or sausalito biden to that and. i did see some fascinating reporting that in a meeting with republican house moderates, which is to say frontline members of biden districts, that mike johnson was open to their argument to that because biden's polling numbers weren't as strong as less need to impeach joe biden which seems to me a little bit of a tell. >> they don't have the votes. so they don't have the votes for impeachment. if they had to vote for impeachment, they would've called impeachment. don't take for a second that donald trump doesn't want joe biden impeached. donald trump has two impeachments. he had 50% of all impeachments in american history. he has four indictments. he has 100 percent of all the presidential indictments. and so at the end of the day they would love to run the score up on joe biden falsely. but they don't have the votes. so now they're coming up with this argument, well, we'll continue to prosecuted in the media with all the misinformation they're putting out. and comer goes on tv every day as the chief propagandist for donald trump and all this joe biden stuff, and so that is their strategy right now because they don't have the votes. marjorie taylor greene tries to impeach mayorkas. they don't have the votes for that. marjorie taylor greene filed articles of impeachment the very first week joe biden was in office. and so it just goes to show you how disarrayed they aryan because all day, every day, they go on tv and they sell the american people, they sell that echo chamber that joe biden could be impeached, but they don't have the votes. >> it's interesting, as well, because it's on the day that they don't have the votes, along party lines, to keep the government funded. one of the things that the number one power that the number one branch of congress has in the constitution? it's primary central power in this whole thing. you passed basically a clean continuing resolution without any crazy right-wing poison pills as democrats head asked, as i've been worked out with biden and mccarthy, you passed it today with more democratic votes than republican votes. it's like, no wonder they're so frustrated. the one thing that is actually the saying of governing the country, like the eight don't have the interest in, and we don't have the party votes to unilaterally drive the way they want to. >> they're great at being a minority and they're doing everything they can do to get back there. they just want to be the party of no and they are showing how good they can be being the party of. know what speaker johnson did today is exactly what kevin mccarthy did just a couple of weeks ago. filed a motion to vacate. is the house freedom caucus now going to file a motion to vacate? by the way the house freedom caucus literally asked for the laddered approach. speaker johnson said fine i'll give it to you and they go out in 80 of them vote against him and so they cannot govern without the democrats. that is crystal clear. they can't solve the debt ceiling issue without the democrats, they can keep the government open without the democrats, they can't fund israel without the democrats. they can't do anything without the democrats. and so here's the good news. the good news is in 12 months they're going to have a wonderful opportunity to do a lot with the democrats in the house when they're back in the minority. >> we shall see. congressman jared moskowitz, thank you very much sir. >> thanks, chris. >> coming up, donald trump pays homage to the dictators of the past, the deeply unnerving rhetoric from the likely republican presidential nominee. what it means for the state of american democracy, next. democracy, next my skin, thanks to skyrizi. ♪(uplifting music)♪ ♪nothing is everything♪ i'm celebrating my clearer skin... my way. with skyrizi, 3 out of 4 people achieved 90% clearer skin at 4 months. in another study, most people had 90% clearer skin, even at 5 years. and skyrizi is just 4 doses a year, after 2 starter doses. serious allergic reactions and an increased risk of infections or a lower ability to fight them may occur. tell your doctor if you have an infection or symptoms, had a vaccine, or plan to. thanks to clearer skin with skyrizi - this is my moment. there's nothing on my skin and that means everything! ♪nothing is everything♪ now's the time. ask your doctor about skyrizi, the #1 dermatologist-prescribed biologic in psoriasis. learn how abbvie could help you 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your business today. >> over last week a series of comcast business. powering possibilities. reports, credible, well sourced, about the unapologetically of authoritarian vision and plans for the ex presidents potential second term. trump reportedly wants to invoke the insurrection act on day one of his presidency, vastly expanding his own executive authority, also the deployment of u.s. military personnel against u.s. citizens. he wants to purge the federal civil service of anyone deemed insufficiently loyal to the maga movement. he wants to explicitly unintentionally weaponize the department of justice, get rid of the firewall between the white house and political prosecutions, so that he can use it to prosecute his perceived political enemies. he has also a chilling new immigration plan that includes mass deportations of millions on millions and detention camps. rounding people up, putting them in the camps. that sounds like an utterly paranoid vision of a fascist dictatorship. it's what team trump is telling the world it wants to do. and donald trump himself is being specific about his aims, holding a rally on veterans day where he used the language of hitler and mussolini, quote, we will root of the communists, marxist, fascists, and radical left dogs that live like vermin within the confines of our country. this is a professor history and italian studies at new york university, author of the book strongman, from mussolini to the presidents. good to have you. hear certain things you see, like a bunch of people, like marching like in sort of paramilitary uniforms down the street and they're like waving a banner and they've got some huge picture and you just know what you are looking at, even if somebody gave it to you from like a country where you didn't actually know the politics. if someone says to you, there's a political leader who is vowing to purge the communist and leftist's who are like vermin within the confines of the nation, you just know immediately that's fascist rhetoric. >> absolutely. and everything about that speech was drawn actually from the history of fascism because fascism started as a decentralized militia movement in italy and in both italy and germany its first people where the nucleus was veterans who wanted to bring the war home. and they turned their weapons and their hatred on their own population, on leftist. and hitler started talking about jews as parasites, as early as 1920 and mussolini actually talked about having to kill rats who are bringing bolsheviks in from the east, so dehumanizing your targets isn't intra goal part of fascist rhetoric. >> it's not just the rhetoric. there are audacious plans. at this point just plans. one of them is to use the insurrection act, which is a pretty bad law in many ways in the u.s. government, an old law. his allies have begun mapping out specific plans for using the federal government to punish critics and opponents, should he win a second term. the former president naming individuals who wants to investigate or prosecute. his associates drafting plans to potentially invoke the insurrection act on his first day in office to allow him to deploy the military against civil demonstrations. >> yeah. this is all the authoritarian playbook. as you know, chris, i've been writing about trump and warning people since 2016. my book strongman, he is in it. he is at the end of a century of authoritarian history that starts with mussolini. and so all of these things he wants to do our from some chapter of that a long history. >> and he is always been honest about how much he admires xi jinping, he likes that model much better. he's always contemptuous of democracy. he likes strongman. he likes north korea as a model government. he's not shy about this. here's my question for you. it seems pretty clear that a lot of this reporting is coming from trump's people. and there is a bit, it has a kind of a braggadocious field to, with like a psyop. if you your first up against the wall if when he gets reelected. and i'm balancing the desire to take seriously these plans, which are deeply unnerving and un-american, and also feeling like they're trying to make themselves seem scary. >> that's what fascists do as well. in all of my research, every time these people come to power or before they come to power, when they come on the scene they tell us who they are and what they're going to do, and people don't want to listen. perhaps it's too upsetting. they don't want to take them seriously. so people thought mussolini was just some kind of boston we're. and we take them, we don't take them seriously, at our peril, and often it's when it's too late and people wake up and say i should have listened when trump said he could shoot someone and not lose any followers in january 2016. back then he was telling us he was sympathetic to violence, capable of violence, personally, and he would be loved for all of this. and he is loved for this. and he has been trying to re-educate americans since 2016 to feel that violence is patriotic. >> yes. >> and justified. and he has been very successful with the narrative of january 6th. >> you have to be clear here, to the degree this was a more theoretical conversation before january 6th, it's not one after. this debate about, where does he fit in this line? he really did try a coup. he really did whip up a violent mob. to try to sack the capitol. he did try to install himself against the will of the people. all this conversation we've talked about since 2016, post january six when he says i want to pardon them, that alone tells you what the intention is. >> absolutely. and by the way, mussolini was the first but not the last authoritarian to pardon the thugs who helped him get to power. because if you're having an autocratic government you need lawless people and criminals in your ranks. and so pardoning not only in debts people to you and they need to have people loyal to them, but it frees up the worst elements in society for government service. pinochet in chile, the dictator in chile also pardoned abusers. so trump is also checking off that list. >> thanks so much for joining us. still ahead, evidence that don trump never intended to leave the white house. >> i emphasized to him, i thought that the the claims and the ability to challenge the election results was essentially over because he said to me and i'm kind of excited, we don't care and we're not going to leave. >> the latest on the leaked testimony that triggered an emergency hearing. next. hearing. next ♪ (upbeat music) ♪ ( ♪♪ ) constant contact's advanced automation lets you send the right message at the right time, every time. 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and he said well, the boss, meaning president trump, and everyone understood the boss, that's what we all called him, he said the boss is not going to leave under any circumstances. we are just going to stay in power. and i said to him, well, it doesn't quite work that way, you realize. he said we don't care. >> miss powell, were you around when someone, anyone, told donald trump that he had lost the election. >> oh, yeah. >> who? >> pat cipollone, eric herschmann, derek lions, all thought he had lost. >> what was president trump's reaction when he faced this cadre of advisers would say you lost? >> it was like, well, they would say that and they would walk out. and he would say see, this is what a deal with all the time. >> today fulton county district attorney fani willis denied her office had anything to do with the leaked tapes, which had been turned over to some of the other defendants as part of the discovery process. >> my team and the particular case of those got out, we had already filed to have a protective order were discovery in the case would not get out, so surprising, no. disappointing, yes. in fact today from here i, wasn't late for this event but i was with my team making sure an emergency motion got filed so that motion already filed gets heard immediately because i think i'm not happy that it was released. >> jay willis will also renewed her order today saying the release of these confidential media recordings is clearly intended to intimidate witnesses in this case. a hearing on that filing, now scheduled for tomorrow, we'll take a look at what it all means for the case against donald trump and the potential cooperation of other witnesses, with msnbc lisa rubin, next. a rubin, next. get help reaching your goals with j.p. morgan wealth plan, a digital money coach in the chase mobile® app. use it to set and track your goals, big and small... and see how changes you make today... could help put them within reach. from your first big move to retiring poolside - and the other goals along the way. wealth plan can help get you there. ♪ j.p. morgan wealth management. ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ get it with gurus. cargurus. children are the greatest joy and our best hope for a better future. friends, they are the future. but did you know that millions of kids right here in our own backyard are facing hunger every day without healthy food? 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>> it was like, they would say that, and then don't walk out. he'd go, see, this is what i did with all-time. >> former trump attorney sydney powell is one of the form defendants and the georgia r.i.c.o. case that have already pleaded guilty. she spoke to prosecutors as part of the plea agreement. the washington post -- including attorney kenneth chesebro, and a report that his prosecutors kimber vied evidence that trump is aware a difficult their plan. just burrow disclosed a previously unreported white house meeting he briefed trump on election challenges in arizona, and summarized advice on a slate of electors. and key battlegrounds to cast ballots for trump, despite biden's victory in the states. joining me now is msnbc legal analyst lisa reuben. a sign that because someone as spent a long a time around january six, the lead up to the coup, i think, i may be wrong, because there is enormous amount of information, we have never had chesebro in the room with donald trump directly telling him anything until that. >> that is correct. that, for me, was the biggest revelation of all of this, that chesebro was in the room with trump. the date at the meeting is three days after all of the electors, fake and otherwise, our convening, so that work is already behind chesebro at that point. he is already directed everything from the press releases to the forms that the fake electors are supposed to sign, to each of the different states. but the other thing i found so interesting was not only was he in the room with trump, but when asked who he coronated is activists with, who is the person he said he communicated with the most. it's not rudy, not john eastman, it's boris. and you and i had talked many times about the fact that boris has really escaped being a central figure here. he is not charged and the fulton county indictment. he is allegedly one of the coconspirators in the d.c. federal election interference case but reported on the biden air times and unconfirmed. unconfirmed by nbc news, and the other ella, as far as i know. so chesebro is basically putting boris at the center as the connective tissue between the functionaries who are carrying out the fake elector plot, and trump is also a really interesting feature of the offer he gave the fulton county investigators. >> i guess, technically is an attorney, technically. >> technically an attorney, functioning as a coordinating council. >> when asked about who is quarterback in this, chaz percent, that was boris, which is interesting. >> that's right. >> jenna ellis also, not quite there, but i think it probably helps him pushing back on advice of counsel defense maybe? >> well, to what extent jenna ellis said those things that she said they dance give you know to trump i think still remains to be seen. however, the other thing that struck me about the conversation that jenna ellis says took place on december 19th -- >> he's not leaving. >> that he's not leaving and the we in terms of people backing up the boss included not only scavino but meadows. that was detail and at that statement. but the other thing that struck me about it is that jenna ellis's behavior after that date, as evidenced by her own tweets, is not reflective of a person who thought trump should lead office gracefully. rather, she's urging people and donald trump himself not to concede the election, right, on december 20th. she's putting this pressure -- >> january 5th, more than 100 legislators asked pence to delay legislator votes. >> if this is the same jen ellis who allegedly told dance giving, now with the mean he's not? that is not the way it supposed to work, that is not the way loyal jenna ellis was behaving and public, as evidence by her social media posts. >> finally, it was wild to get these videos. i don't think anyone is expecting a. clearly, funny was not happy. protection records, it seems to flag exactly where they came from. >> yes, and harrison floyd's lawyers ticket responsibility in an email, responding to steve settle, the former president's lawyer, basically saying, everybody should tell us all the record, whether they decide not. it did not come from us. we're concerned about it. the d.a. offices, definitely did not come from us, and then, harrison floyd, it came from harrison floyd's team. and now, they're claiming it's a typo. i am not sure, but why harrison floyd benefits from this, not good to me. he's an agent of chaos, we should stay focused on him. >> he was the pr rep involved in one of the more bizarre subplots in all this, which was the menacing nbc center, ruby freeman, shea moss, tried to convince them to lie about their involvement, cop to some big election, the from police officer. truly a bizarre -- >> bizarre and tragic. he is also one of the indicted codefendants here, as always, pleasure. >> that's rather me. >> still to come, as american politicians from both parties show support for israel, and during a losses by gaza and israel next. israel next. ♪i'm hearing different ways for me to screen for colon cancer.♪ ♪it's time to use my voice,♪ ♪i've got a choice, more than one answer.♪ ♪i sat down with my doc.♪ we had a talk. ♪knew just what to say.♪ ♪i asked for cologuard and did it my way.♪ cologuard is a one-of-a kind way to screen for colon cancer that's effective and non-invasive. it's for people 45 plus at average risk, not high risk. false positive and negative results may occur. ask your provider for cologuard. ♪i did it my way!♪ >> tens of thousands of how's the chicken? 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>> we care need them for below and above. >> the scale of destruction so wide and dire, the hasse got ministry says they can no longer keep the active toll of dead. despite comments contrary from the president, the wall street journal reported that the u.s. and intelligent sea agent officials are growing confident that the previous reported that polls from gaza, the gaza health ministry, from by hamas, which have topped 11,000, are largely accurate. the sheer scope of death, misery and destruction over the last five weeks is so enormous, it is utterly impossible to process. so, i wanted to end tonight by memorializing to individuals, two people have lost their lives. first, doctor -- a renowned palestinian physician from al-shifa hospital. in an interview last month, the doctor made clear that his top priority was the well-being of his patients. >> the israeli military as dropped thousands of pamphlets morning people where you are in northern gaza to leave. why don't you go with their family stuff? >> and if i go, who treat my patients? we are not animals. . we have the right to receive health care. do you think i went to american school for my postgraduate degree for 14 years, half my life, and not my patients. >> doctor hamman alloh was killed in an airstrike near his family's home over the weekend, along with his father and brother. we also learned in the last few days the death of vivian silver, and israeli peace activists, who dedicated basically her whole life to ending violence, fostering a peaceful coexistence between palestinians, even gaza specifically, and jews in southern israel, across the border from the fast. she was officially believed to have been taken hostage in the attack. her body was found and finally identified. last month, her son shared his memories of her with alyosha. >> as she was obsessed with peace. violence was always wrong in the mind. so, she would say now, even though our communities are wiped out, all my friends lost, i lost my friends, where they lost their parents, she would say, we don't need more dead babies. we need to stop the violence now. >> and we all listened to the message of peace that vivian silver had for the region and the world. >> we have common interests, that is in all of our interest to promote peace, and to break the decade long paradigm that says only war will bring peace. we know that is not true. >> eugene silver, may her memory be a lesson. that is all in on this thursday night. house back to tonight starts right now. good evening, alex. >> thank you, my friend. we keep moving on with the big news of the day. thanks to you all unfortunately this evening. thanks>> it is easy to become desensitized. it's a litany of outrageous things that the trump ossetia, but there is a reason that historians are concerned about mr. trump's latest speech

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Scavino In December ,2020 ,December 2020 ,Attorney Sydney Powell ,Staff ,Everyone ,The Boss ,Powell ,Doesn T ,Don T Care ,Election ,Reaction ,Derek Lions ,Who ,Thought ,Eric Herschmann ,Pat Cipollone ,Advisers ,Cadre ,Deal ,Case ,Team ,Fani Willis ,Defendants ,Discovery ,Got Out ,Discovery Process ,Event ,Emergency Motion ,Disappointing ,Jay Willis ,Look ,Media Recordings ,Release ,Means ,Filing ,Cooperation ,Rubin ,Msnbc ,Lisa Rubin ,Wealth Plan ,Goals ,Chase Mobile ,Coach ,Big And Small ,J P Morgan ,Reach ,Wealth Management ,Gurus ,Cargurus ,Kids ,Children ,Friends ,Hope ,Hunger ,Backyard ,Joy ,Food ,Aren T Being Met ,Impact ,Best ,Child ,Kid ,9 ,0 63 ,19 , 63 ,Breakfast ,Well Being ,Meals ,Test Scores ,Class ,Classroom ,Grades ,Focused ,Game Changer ,Confidence ,Health ,Energy ,Helpnokidhungry Org ,Love ,Families ,Credit Card ,Ends Meet ,T Shirt ,Hard Times ,Moderate ,Plaque Psoriasis ,Somedays ,Form ,Don T Walk Out ,Georgia Rico ,Kenneth Chesebro ,Kimber ,Plea Agreement ,Electors 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,Complexity ,Complex ,Largest ,Analysis ,Expulsions ,Rockets ,Projectiles ,Black ,Especial ,Munitions ,Patients ,Operating Room ,Incubators ,Auspices ,Nothing Gaza ,Infants ,United Nations ,1500 ,Attack ,Rob Sanchez ,Medical Supplies ,Refugee Camp ,Conditions ,Directive ,Water ,Shelter Inside ,10000 ,Palestinians ,Rages ,Al She Felt Hospital ,Mass Grave ,Babies ,Dozens ,Cannot Run ,Got Ministry ,Comments ,Scale ,Toll ,Hasse ,Wall Street Journal ,Officials ,Scope ,Sea Agent ,Polls ,Misery ,Gaza Health Ministry ,11000 ,Individuals ,Lives ,Memorializing ,Military ,Thousands ,Priority ,Physician ,Palestinian ,Family ,Animals ,Doctor Hamman Alloh ,Life ,Health Care ,American School ,14 ,Weekend ,Peace Activists ,Airstrike ,Vivian Silver ,Body ,Fast ,Border ,Coexistence ,Peace ,Son ,Memories ,Mind ,Alyosha ,Communities ,Friends Lost ,Parents ,Interests ,Paradigm ,Interest ,Memory ,Friend ,Evening ,Eugene Silver ,Alex ,Historians ,Reason ,Desensitized ,Litany ,Trump Ossetia ,

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