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we are six days from a shut down, as well as the house speaker who says he has a plan to stop it. we continue to wait for the actual details to be released. that could come at anytime now. plus, as donald trump prepares to speak in new hampshire this hour, his son, don jr., prepared for another trip to the witness stand. this time for the defense. that is his father's fraud trial. big developments in new york city as the fbi conference gates eric adams devices for a fundraising investigation. latest of that coming up as well. democrats, reason to celebrate this weekend. pulling off multiple victories in the ballot box in several states, we talk to one of the big winners and look at what it means for election year 20 24th. that is coming up as well. we begin with this ticking clock in washington, there is now six days left for congress to pass the funding bill or see the federal government shutdown. we are now awaiting this full resolution, proposed by house speaker johnson, that hopes to avert a impending disaster. at least for now. in a sign of further dysfunction, not surprising, republicans cancel vote on two appropriations bills on thursday before members left for a long week. and i want to bring in the nbc professional correspondent, julie, sorkin from capitol hill. same story, different day. my, gosh six weeks ago we were standing right here with a different speaker at the helm, looking like whether or not we were going to avert a government shutdown and narrowly hibbard but he did lose his job as speaker. where are we today julie? >>, yasmin you took the words to really read out of my mouth. it is groundhog day again on capitol hill. members i spoke to are anxious for this phone call they are going to have with the house speaker in about an hour from now. he will presumably present for the first time his plan to avert the shutdown. it is going to be a short term extension, likely of current levels something that has staggered deadlines, meaning some government agencies will be funded, run out of money rather in january. others in february. again, it is the speaker's call to make. that is just the option i am hearing. he is leaning towards that, but we're still on track for -- after the call and i'm told as well. where do we go from here? this plan, this deadline plan, it is one the democrats in the house senate and white house just hate. i talked to house democratic leader, hakeem jeffries, this week who told me that a clean see, are at current, levels one preferably with one deadline to avoid the logistical nightmare that this would have for the federal government, federal agencies, is what he and his members would accept. the senate, on the other, hand has already begun work on something to that effect. as they wait for the house to come through with a plan, oh my, gosh we are about to hear potentially the details of this plan in the next couple of hours, yasmin. we will see if we can get there and get the votes. >> julie, real quick, we are expecting this plan in an hour or so, as you mentioned. what we also get more details as to the expectations of when these votes would happen? considering the 72-hour rule and of course the deadline being november 17th? >> exactly, what i am told is that if this text comes out today, which it looks like it will, tuesday would be the earliest that about could happen in the house. but again, we just don't know if it will come today, tomorrow, all hopes pointing to today. >> we will check back in with you and 57 minutes when we expected to get released. for, now thank you. coming up, by the, way next hour i will be joined by congressman greg casar to get his thoughts on the newest funding bill. you don't want to miss that conversation. i want to turn to the israel-hamas war. israeli airstrikes continuing to bombard the gaza strip as idf troops push deeper into gaza city. israel says it has now taken control of 11 hamas military post in the region. e latest bombardment is causing power outages at the icu and pediatric ward at gaza's main hospital, all of this during four hour daily pauses of fighting instituted to allow -- today's window has expired. also today, israeli prime minister's office adjusted the death toll from hamas's october 7th attacks. it lowered the figure to1200 dead from 1400. they say the adjustment was made due to some -- so many people unaccounted for, in addition to the 200 plus still being held hostage by hamas. erin maclachlan joins me from tel aviv. we are talking more about many of the developments on the ground there. erin, good to talk to you. a couple of things i mentioned there that i would like to talk through. of course first and foremost, the strike near the hospital over the last few days, the last 48 hours or so, really the conditions that health care officials are facing there on the ground now. caring for those that have lost their lives, wounded, obviously themselves, they are afraid for their own safety. >> that is, right yasmin. it's really military pushes deeper into the gaza city, according to the palestinian red crescent for hospitals are now located in areas of bombardment, including al-shifa hospital which, as you mentioned, is the main hospital there in gaza city. it is also doubling as a shelter for tens of thousands of palestinian civilians and the palestinian red crescent reports that the hospital is no longer functioning as a hospital. reporting power outages inside the hospital, we were speaking to one surgeon who is working inside al-shifa hospital, he said there were power outages in the ico and the pediatric unit, resulting in the deaths of at least two patients, including an infant. he said there was still trying to find -- make the icu work using battery packs. he describes really desperate situations. take a listen to what he told us earlier today. >> something -- [inaudible] the ambulances cannot move from al-shifa to pick up any patients outside or inside. no movement outside and the people are horrified. they are most all the patients. and all of the staff aren't in the building. the main building of the shifa hospital, they are not outside because they are shooting everywhere. we are afraid of the bullets coming through and so on, and bombardments everywhere around the shifa. there are bombardments here. >> spokesperson for the israeli military is denying that there is shooting at al-shifa hospital. also denying the reports that the hospital is under siege, saying anyone who wants to evacuate the hospital can contact the israeli military and they will facilitate that evacuation. they are acknowledging that there was intense fighting in the overnight hours around the hospital itself, they are also claiming to have evacuated allegra tc hospital, which is the children's hospital in gaza city as well as our master hospital, another main hospital they are in gaza city. >> erin, just as we were coming on the air, we got word that there is going to be a press conference held by the israeli government just in around 25 minutes or so, the bottom of the hour, 2:30. obviously led by benjamin netanyahu, along with the defense minister, so as we anticipate this press conference happening, i imagine there is going to be questions about these humanitarian pauses taking place. the amount of people that are able to get through during these four hour windows, i know the united states government is pushing for longer humanitarian pauses as long as a week -- three days. so far the israeli government officials have not been open to that. any indication if they're planning on extending the humanitarian pauses? are they getting pressure from domestic -- to extend the pauses? >> well, the israeli military was asked by the israeli media in a press conference earlier this week about those pauses. potentially jeopardizing the health and well-being of the israeli military inside of gaza. israeli military spokesperson pushed back on that idea, saying actually this is helping them. the more civilians they can evacuate from the north to the south the better off their military operation, which is concentrated in the north, will be. it is a humanitarian community and the outside world that is the most concerned about those pauses not being enough. yes they have formalize, them yes they have come expanded them, opening up a second quarter along the coastline. humanitarian community, including the irc, which just heard from the president say that there needs to be a five-day pause at minimum, given the fact that you now have just this crush of civilians going from the north to the south. let alone the bombardment. there is no facilities, there is no shelter for those people. there's a lack of medicine, a lack of, water basics, and what the humanitarian community is saying as well as now the white house, the pauses in place are not simply enough. yasmin? >> one more thing before i let you go, erin. i'm not sure if we will circle back with you later on, so we're obviously -- as i mentioned earlier, israel has taken control of 11 hamas military posts in the region. that is being reported by the idf, israeli government officials. not something we hear at nbc news can confirm. we have not heard of any rescue of hostages more than the few that were early on in the second phase of this war released. any indication that they are getting closer to rescuing and or negotiating the release of more hostages? >> we well, we know that talks are underway, they are being mediated by qatar including the head of the cia as well as the head of the mossad. we know these talks have been going on for weeks. i was just at a rally, just a short while ago, thousands of people came out to the heart of tel aviv to make sure that what happens to those 239 hostages remains at the forefront of the government's mind. i'm sure it will be a subject of the press conference that we are expecting shortly with the israeli prime minister. they want to make sure the hostages are front and center and a priority in all of this. there is a real information vacuum. i cannot tell you how many families of hostages that i've talked to say they have no proof of life. they think their loved one's in gaza but they don't know if they are okay, they don't know where they are. they are calling on the red cross to do its part in making sure they have that proof of. life, they have that information. >> thank, you erin. we appreciate. it coming up in just 60 seconds, donald trump jr. set to take the stand once again in a new york courtroom. this time as the star witness for the defense. what he is expected to say that he did not say in his first appearance. that is coming up next. that is coming up next. when ♪ ♪ we're building a better postal service. for more on-time deliveries. and easier, affordable ways to ship. so you can deliver even more holiday joy. the united states postal service. delivering for america. (ella) fashion moves fast. (jen) so we partner with verizon the united states postal service. to take our operations to the next level. (marquis) with a custom private 5g network. (ella) we get more control of production, efficiencies, and greater agility. (jen) that's enterprise intelligence. (vo) it's your vision, it's your verizon. my frequent heartburn had me taking antacid after antacid all day long but with prilosec otc just one pill a day blocks heartburn for a full 24 hours. for one and done heartburn relief, prilosec otc. one pill a day, 24 hours, zero heartburn. donald trump jr. expected to be back on the witness stand on monday in the new york civil fraud trial. this time it will be as the first witness in the defenses case. it comes as the new york attorney generals office rested their case wednesday after ivanka trump spent more than three hours on the stand. as adam classfield, from the messenger, who's been in the courtroom all week writes this. when questioned by the new york attorney generalsofce, ivanka trump frequently said that she could not recall the events stretching back a decade longer. but that shefered detailed and vivid descriptions about her work at the golf club property in south florida. joining me now, senior legal correspondent, adam fast field. how about that quote i was just reading? adam, thank you for joining us on this. i appreciated. it must have been interesting to be inside the courtroom and see everything go down. you basically said in the testimony that we got from a bunker trump with, shedding the door on the prosecution's case is a window to what we will be hearing once again from donald trump jr.. talk about that. >> that is absolutely the case because what we saw here, of all the trump family members who testified, ivanka was the only one to have been cross-examined. the rest of them were on the defense witness list, ivanka trump is not on the defense witness list notably. we can't few her cross-examination as little bit of a glimpse of what to come. whereas all of her siblings basically said that they could not recall some certain events, this happened about a decade ago. but on cross examinations for ivanka trump, suddenly her memory did not feel. her she remembered intimate details about what happened in terms of the acquisition of the doral and how she was pregnant with her first child. and giving a sentimental account of the dreams of developing this property, how this was a property that was close to her father's heart. and i think that in that product cross-examination we are going to see the window of what the defense case will look like when they recall her brothers, eric trump and donald trump jr.. this will be the first witness. on the defense witness list is the former president again. so if we can take a look at that kind of history of what happened during ivanka trump's cross examination, this is where it is going. they want to discredit the case against them as a political vendetta. they want to portray themselves as victims of prosecutorial overreach. and give a kind of sentimental portrayal of what life in the trump organization was like. >> do you have any sense after watching donald trump jr. testify the first time around after the prosecution called him as a witness, how they will approach the cross-examination when he is on the stand as a witness for the defense? >> well, what the prosecution has done, what the state has, done the attorney general has constantly confronted each member of the trump family and all the witnesses. with the years of email communications, business records, donald trump jr. we have to remember that he led the donald j trump trust. that is his father's main trust that held all of his assets during the presidency. it was used in this way to try to answer public skepticism about the conflicts and interests he -- he put it into don junior's control. with that, with don jr. being trustee, it came with certain obligations. such as verifying the statements of financial condition which are the main documents issued in this case. you have to, remember the heart of this case is that the trump organization sent these documents to banks and insurance companies to receive favorable terms on loans that the attorney general says enrich the trump family to hundreds of millions of dollars in beneficial loan term interest rates that they otherwise would not have been gotten. >> one more thing i want to talk to you about. that is this notion by laetitia james to essentially say she did not want to block the testimony of four of trump's expert witnesses. the judge actually sided on the former president's behalf and his attorney's behalf to make sure these expert witnesses, are able to testify., witnesse saying this. and this is something we wrote about, with the pretrial rulings on appeal, justice engoron suggested that disqualifying the -- for reversal. who are these four witnesses? why is it that laetitia james did not want them to testify? >> these are the defenses experts. they are going to be there to counteract testimony from the states expert witness that essentially the trump family was enraged by these favorable interest rates that they otherwise would not have been available to get. so this is the defense rebuttal. the reason why the state, laetitia james did not want to this in was because in her arguments, obviously before this case began they wanted a favorable ruling. this was going to streamline the trial. she said that a lot of their testimony is irrelevant because some of them are giving opinions as to what they believe the worth of his assets were. and in the view of the state, and actually in the view of the judge, certainly the heart of the case is not what these properties are actually worth, the crux of the case is what they said the properties were worth on statements of financial condition without disclosing what they knew to be third-party appraisers valuations of these properties that were in their possession. the judge obviously has ruled against the trump family before the case began. that ruling is under appeal. he is going to be cautious, he does not want to be reversed on appeal and have to try this whole case again. this month long ordeal. he said that he will strike down any irrelevant testimony. but he is going to let them. in >> thank you so much, we appreciate it. >> all, right we are currently awaiting the start of a press conference in tel aviv with prime minister benjamin netanyahu. we will bring it to you live when it happens. that is coming up. we will be right back. we will be right back. we you're replacing me? 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you for joining us. we appreciated. by the, way congratulations on your win. what a major day for you and for the state of virginia as well. talk me through first the party taking full control of the legislator. what is your message to your constituents in virginia? >> the first message to my constituents is exactly what has been on my yard signs, this entire campaign, fix roads and feed kids. that is what we will do. now in the six years that i've been the first trans state legislator in the country in 2017, [inaudible] we've passed 41 of my bills into law with bipartisan support, including 12 bills to feed our kids. i will be introducing legislation to free -- where they live in the commonwealth because it should exist. i will introduce legislation to make sure we have 10% of general surplus dollars dedicated for transportation safety projects so we can start doing something about the 1000 plus people who got killed in virginia roadways last year. i'll be working a lot on protecting our land. i say all of this because yes, i am a trans woman who won an election with a lot of transphobic messaging directed at me. and i focused very much on delivering on core quality of life issues because that is what democrats need to do across the country in order to succeed, both in terms of constituent service as well as at the ballot box. >> you talk about transphobic messaging. that was directed squarely at you. that was during your campaign, specifically. your opponent, bill, wolf tried to bar transgender athletes from competing in school sports teams. you spoke with an advocate before your victory and you told them is. the opposition in this campaign has been more transphobic than my three other campaigns combined you told them that rginia is the last state in the south that is safe for trans people exist and live our lives. we have got to show up. talk to me about how important this election was in the state of virginia for the lgbtq+ community, but also what you faced. >> sure, to answer the second question, first they said at least 30 negative mailers against me in this campaign, a lot of them were either attacking me for not wanting to ban trans kids from being able to play with their friends, whereas there are only ten trans student -- applied -- 1.2 6 million students. another bill that would have forced -- forcibly outed trans kids at home regardless of whether it was safe for them. it got in the way of guidance counselors abilities to actually do their basic job. and the two legislators who put those forward, those bills forward that reached the house of delegates that i lead the opposition to, most of them lost. and now we actually will have a record number of out lgbtq members in the virginia general this less emiliee. i think that's the message nationwide, when you have legislators who are focused on delivering on those core quality of life issues, which in my case here, fixing, roads feeding kids, protecting our, land we have legislators who are not focused on singling outs in stigmatizing the very people they are elected to, serve nor they trying to take your civil rights away. >> let's talk about quality of life issues. specific to health care and specifically abortion. i know abortion was not directly on the ballot. the governor, the republican state legislator as well has been pushing for a 15-week abortion ban with some exceptions. we have seen every single time in this country since the midterm elections, one abortion is on the, ballot abortion rights advocates when. do you think this can hurt for votes? especially for the governor in virginia when it comes to abortion? considering how it has played out? >> the governor of virginia will not be rigid strict-ing abortion further because the democratic majorities we have in the state senate and house of delegates will not allow him to do that. what we will do and house of delegates in the state senate is we will advance three constitutional amendments. number one is yes, we will have constitutional amendments to enshrines the basic protections that we have right now for abortion care in virginia. keep in, mind in order for constitutional amendments to pass, it is a pass through both chambers, election in between for the house delegates and then pass to chambers again and then it goes to the voters in a referendum. the earliest we could get this done as 2026. we will also have a constitutional amendment for repealing of the marshall neumann amendment against marriage equality and replacing it with an affirmative right to marry. we will have one for the automatic restoration of voting rights as well. these are all critical issues in terms of ensuring peoples basic civil rights and civil liberties and, like i was saying before, i am introducing bills that are going to be focused on taking care of your commute to make it safer, quicker and greener. i'm focused on ensuring that kids are fedex cool. you're able to save $1,000 per kid per school, year it's going to make sure that you know your legislator is doing the work to take care of you and your day-to-day life instead of taking on your kids or telling you what you can and can't do with your own body. >> state senator, danika, rome of virginia. thank you for joining us on this saturday afternoon. we appreciate it. >> thank you so. much >> i want to bring in and miss and b.c. political analyst, robert, gibbs he served as press secretary under obama. thank you for joining us on this. you just heard from dana cup winning this pivotal election in virginia. especially talking about abortion rights as, well feeling very certain they will be able to safeguard abortion rights in the state of virginia, despite the fact that the virginia governor is actually pushing for a 15-week abortion ban. how integral can't abortion rights before the democrats going into 2024? >> well, i think it is the most post and out -- issue out there for democrats. if you look at what we saw in 2022, in state elections and state referendums, ultimately in the general election you see the power of that issue again here. we've talked a lot about virginia and its impact there. look at a place like kentucky, maybe the most devastating political -- of the cycle was run by the incumbent governor against his opponent. on the issue of choice. there's no doubt about, it this is going to be a huge issue. it is animating our politics and it really has ever since. the supreme court handed down the dobbs decision. >> how does joe biden in a reelection bid turn those into votes for himself? what we are looking at when it comes to trend lines with abortion rights is when it is on the ballot, abortion rights advocates when. abortion rights when every single time. how does that translate to votes for president biden running for reelection? >> i think what you are going to see is you are going to have a discussion about what the standard should be. who wants to keep abortion safe and legal? who doesn't? i mean, a good example of ron desantis, he signed a six-week ban in florida. you saw nikki haley's answer just the other night in the debate. basically, her answer was, we should not do anything because we can't get it done but there's no doubt, if she could get this through the u.s. senate she would pass a more restrictive -- she would pass a restrictive bill. i think you will see republicans will have to answer this, whoever the republican nominee is, and i think you will see the president use that to his advantage going into each of these state contests. there will be ballot measures in some states but i think it will be the larger -- once the federal government going to do on this issue? while this issue is devolved back to the states, there is still a very potent movement to try to make a federal law out of this. i think that will pick play a big role. >> i talked to michael yesterday, former chair of the rnc, you obviously know who he is, but i asked him about these kind of terrible terrible poll numbers we are seeing early last week. that was both for president biden and donald trump is not doing well either in these polling numbers. but in this head-to-head match i think it was -- for many democrats. he kind of wave me off and said don't worry about poll numbers this far out. we are still a year out from this election. i challenged him and said, even when you're winning you shouldn't worry about them? you didn't tout them if you are actually winning the poll numbers? he said even if you're winning. are you worried? should democrats be worried about those poll numbers for president biden right now? in that head to head matchup even with former president donald trump not polling well either? >> yeah. i think they are important warning signals for the biden campaign and for democrats. it means that where we are right, now we have got to prosecute a campaign that puts a real focus choice in front of people. i do agree that polls are not very good at predicting what is going to happen in a year. that is not what a poll is designed to. do it means and shows particularly -- you heard this from senator-elect rome, -- independents in that poll, they have particularly poor view of the economy. it will be important for president biden and democrats out talking -- they're not going to talk people into a better economy but they can talk about who side they are on and what they're doing to make things cheaper. and what they are doing to improve the economy. that is going to be central to this race. there is no need to hide under the bed based on those polls. there is a real focus and a clarity that those polls bring about how close this is going to be, how important getting every person out to vote is in how the message has to be sharpened for voters. >> west virginia senator, joe manchin, announcing he is not running for reelection. insiders say they weren't surprised because he wouldn't win reelection anyway. either, way this is going to put democrat control of senate in peril. also, by the, way would he be running as a third party candidate possibly? that would, in turn, hurt both a reelection for biden and possibly for former president donald trump as well. this is really a numbers game for democrats. what are you most worried about when you think about joe biden's -- excuse, me joe manchin's seat that is now up for democratic control in the senate along with third party possible run? >> i think, in terms of the senate, clearly it takes a big target that the republicans had seemingly off the board. i don't think joe manchin was going to win this race, we were going to lose that seat -- it puts a lot more pressure on keeping incumbents, we have great candidates in ohio and montana, but it means that democrats to keep control of the senate have to pitch a near perfect game. we have to go find a seat or two to put back in play. maybe it is a place like texas, maybe it is a place like florida. traditionally not great states recently for democrats, but they need to put something back in play if they are going to hold the senate. i think in terms of the presidency, look. we have a long way to go to figure out where these third-party candidates are pulling votes. we see this with robert kennedy junior, he's pulling about equal from democrats and trump, i think in the, end and i hope in the end joe manchin does not run because look, the likelihood that a third party candidate is going to get elected president in 2024 is zero. they are just not going to win. and if you are entering into a race that you know you can't win, you are entering in just to spoil something. i am hopeful that somebody like joe manchin will play a different role in this campaign, not one that spoil something but one that seeks to turn out votes in places that are going to be tough for democrats. >> robert gibbs, has, always thank you sir, we appreciated. >> we will be right back everybody. everybody. my skin has been so much 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come after the eradication of hamas. there will be demilitarized, there won't be any threat posed to israel from the gaza strip. in order to secure that no such threat exists, as long as it is needed, the idf will continue to control the gaza strip to prevent terror coming from it. the massacre of the 7th of october proved finally that wherever we have no israeli control, terrorism returns with gets established and ultimately hits us back. that has been proven as well. we never agreed to give up on the security control under no circumstances whatsoever. citizens of the state of israel, the day all of us are united, we understand basic fundamental things. if you want peace, we have to eradicate hamas. if you want security, we need to eliminate hamas. if we want to secure the future of the state of israel then you have to eliminate hamas. this is what israel must do. this is what israel will do. together we shall fight and god willing, together we will win. >> you are taking a listen to prime minister benjamin netanyahu, his defense minister there as well, as you see him there along with benny gantz, former defense minister opposition leader as well, addressing obviously the ongoing war between israel and hamas. the prime minister briefly reiterated that hamas, as he says, will be demilitarized. israel cannot continue to go on with hamas as a leader in gaza. he will vowed to never give up security control of the region. and for israelis. we will keep our eye on that press conference. we have a lot of questions as to what happens after this war is over, who takes over control of gaza? if in fact, they are able to eradicate hamas. of, course the ongoing situation with the hostages and if they've had any success with negotiation of the hostages via qatar to get more hostages released. that is the ongoing humanitarian crisis as well going on in gaza. as we get the answers we will get them to you. we have a lot more coming up, folks. not just not but also an impending government shutdown here in the united states. the capital, we are waiting, it is a three pm plan coming from the speaker's office as to what he wants to do. we will be right back. we will be right back. ours!! not coughing? hashtag still not coughing?! mucinex dm gives you 12 hours of relief from chest congestion and any type of cough, day or night. mucinex dm. it's comeback season. when my doctor gave me breztri for my copd things changed for me. breztri gave me better breathing, symptom improvement, and reduced flare-ups. breztri won't replace a rescue inhaler for sudden breathing problems. it is not for asthma. tell your doctor if you have a heart condition or high blood pressure before taking it. don't take breztri more than prescribed. breztri may increase your risk of thrush, pneumonia, and osteoporosis. call your doctor if worsened breathing, chest pain, mouth or tongue swelling, problems urinating, vision changes, or eye pain occur. ask your doctor about breztri. mr. clean 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skipped the gop debate in favor of his own campaign event and find time to testify in his new york city fraud trial. -- joins me from vermont, new hampshire to talk more about this. jake, good to talk, to you what are we hearing from the former president and how important is it to set the stage in the path to the gop nomination to securing new hampshire? >> sure, yasmin. thanks for having me. former president, donald, trump did not participate in the third gop debate this past week. he did, however, go ten miles down the road to florida. we're he hosted his rally was a heavily hispanic, 95% latino community. many cuban americans. this was seen as part of trump's ongoing strategy to win over the latino votes, specifically in florida. here is why this is important. in 2016, trump lost miami county which is where hialeah is, by 29 points to hillary clinton. come 2020 he cut that gap by only losing seven points to biden. eventually carrying the state of florida. i spoke with cuban american voters at the rally and they said they feel seen by president trump. in a way that other candidates, other politicians do not look and understand them to be. here we are in clermont, new hampshire. the former president is on stage behind me. he is making a message very clear, also made it clear in an ad he released a couple hours ago, peace through strength. he's painting this picture of the biden administration where there is war in the middle east. he saying it did not happen on his watch, it would not happen. if he is reelected -- you can hear behind me it is clearly a large reception of that sentiment from supporters here today. >> hey jake just quickly, the rnc is threatening to ban candidates from future debates if they take part in an unsanctioned forum in iowa. trump has kept those events. what impact could this have on other candidates? >> as you said, the effect it has on former president trump is not a great. one he has not participated in any gop debates. he has no indication that he wants to participate in the future. it creates an ultimatum for other candidates. today focus on the evangelical voters in iowa at this forum? or give themselves an opportunity to go to the main stage and make their case to the country. we have an update that is taking place in the last hour. democrats are posting on x that the rnc and the leadership form have agreed that the forum is not a debate we. the rnc candidates -- the gop candidates are given thumbs up and there is a-facilitated win-win for the both of them. now that there is this go ahead from the rnc, although we do not have full confirmation yet, we can expect all the candidates and biden minus president trump to attend this forum next week. yasmin? jake, thank you so much. we appreciate it. we've got a lot more coming up. msnbc our second hour starts right now. hi, everybody, i'm yasmin the to get. if you're just joining, us welcome. if you are sticking with us, we are thankful for that. any moment, our expected to get a new funding bill from house speaker mi

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Friends , Mailers , Ten , Students , Student , Guidance , 6 Million , 1 2 , Legislators , House Of Delegates , Record Number , Counselors , Abilities , Forward , Roads Feeding Kids , General , Emiliee , Fixing , Abortion , Talk , Rights , Outs , Let , State Legislator , Ballot , Abortion Ban , Ballot Abortion Rights , Elections , Exceptions , 15 , Governor , Amendments , Majorities , Protections , Abortion Care , Delegates , Pass , Number One , Chambers , Voters , Marshall Neumann Amendment , Repealing , Referendum , Marriage Equality , 2026 , Right , Voting Rights , Restoration , Peoples Basic Civil Rights And Liberties , Care , Commute , School , Cool , Fedex , Body , Robert Gibbs , Obama , Much , Gibbs He , B C , Abortion Rights , How Integral Can T Abortion Rights , Post , State Elections , State Referendums , 2022 , Impact , Issue , Run , Cycle , Devastating , Kentucky , Choice , Politics , Doubt , Supreme Court , Dobbs Decision , Joe Biden S , Trend Lines , Reelection Bid , Reelection , Standard , Discussion , Biden Running , Nikki Haley , Ron Desantis , Answer , Ban , Night , Example , Doesn T , Debate , Anything , Restrictive , No Doubt , Nominee , State Contests , Use , Advantage , Ballot Measures , Larger , Play , Michael Yesterday , Role , Rnc , Both , Match , Polling Numbers , Poll , Don T , Worry , Wave , Shouldn T , Matchup , Focus , Warning Signals , Front , Polls , Senator , Elect , Economy , Independents , Race , Clarity , Need , Bed , Joe Manchin , Person , He Wouldn T , Insiders , Candidate , Third Party , Peril , Turn , Win Reelection , Hurt , Seat , Numbers Game , Excuse , Dime , Target , Board , Candidates , Game , Keeping Incumbents , Montana , Ohio , Texas , Robert Kennedy , In The End , Likelihood , Places , Sir , Olay Hyaluronic , Moisturized , Women , Olay , 95 , Antidepressant , Lift , Vraylar , Depression , Difference , Symptoms , Death , Saw , Risk , Studies , Depression Symptoms , Weight , Stroke , Dementia , Fever , Changes , Confusion , Muscle Movements , Antidepressants , Behavior , Children , Cholesterol , Muscles , High Blood Sugar , Adults , Weight Gain , Coma , Side Effects , Appetite , Restlessness , Treatment , Dizziness , Sleep , Fatigue , Stomach , Movement Dysfunction , Abbvie , Brain , Breakthrough , Sharpness , Recall , Prevagen , Prescription , Clinical Trials , Secret , Stores , Ingredient , Back , Jellyfish , Nation , Listen , Threat , Demilitarized , Stay , There Won T , Eradication , Terror , 7th , Massacre , October , 7th Of October , Security Control , Terrorism , Peace , Circumstances , All Of Us , Citizens , Security , Well , God , Benny Gantz , Leader , Eye , Israelis , Situation , Success , Negotiation , Capital , Office , Chest Congestion , Mucinex Dm , Coughing , Cough , Hashtag , Type , Won T , Doctor , Breathing , Breathing Problems , Comeback Season , Flare Ups , Symptom Improvement , Rescue Inhaler , Asthma , Breztri , Copd , High Blood Pressure , Heart Condition , Spain , Chest Pain , Vision Changes , Thrush , Pneumonia , Osteoporosis , Problems Urinating , Swelling , Tongue , Cleaning , Magic Eraser , Messes , Powers , Mr , Running Shoe , Sheets , Urologist , It Peyronie S Disease , Curve , Pd , Stop Typing , Treatment Plan , Goodbye , Formation , Surgery , Erection , Scar Tissue , Men , 1 , Visit Makeapdplan Com Today , Stage , Campaign Rally , Campaign Event , Jake , Favor , Vermont , Nomination , Thanks , Path , Hispanic , Road , Lost Miami County , Strategy , Cuban Americans , Hialeah , 2016 , Cuban American Voters , Points , Hillary Clinton , Gap , 2020 , 29 , Seven , Politicians , Clermont , Strength , Watch , Sad , Administration , Middle East , Forum , Debates , Reception , Supporters , Sentiment , Iowa , Opportunity , Ultimatum , Update , Leadership , Form , Confirmation , Go , Biden Minus , Msnbc , Mi ,

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