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>> reporter: well, it happened with a lot of prodding from the white house, chris, but what the white house appears to be doing in part here is taking credit for something that israel was already doing in that every single day this week, we have already seen these four-hour windows that israel has been announcing, in which they say there is safe passage for civilians who remain in the northern part of the gaza strip to evacuate south along a predetermined corridor. now, the white house spokesman, john kirby, is suggesting that what has now been agreed to with israel is something a bit broader than that in which aid will be allowed to get into northern gaza in the four-hour windows. something that has been a big problem up until now. the israeli government is down playing this announcement. we've heard from the idf just in the last few minutes saying there is no cease fire. this is about getting civilians out of gaza, out of northern gaza so the idf can focus on the remaining hamas militants who are there. it comes, chris, as we are hearing from palestinian, islamic jihad, a group that is holding the hostages that they say they are now willing to release two of the hostages who are in their custody, an elderly woman and a teenage boy. they say that this is for humanitarian reasons because they don't have the proper medical ability to care for them right now. they have also released a video of the two hostages. we're not going to show you that video. it is propaganda, and it is likely that it was made under duress, but it speaks to how urgent the palestinian militant groups now want to see the kind of cease fire that so far the israeli military has said they're not willing to consider. >> josh lederman, thank you. now to florida where donald trump's campaign says national republicans are running out of time to endorse him. nbc's vaughn hillyard was at the rally last night. tell me what you heard, vaughn, and how it sets the stage for what's coming up. >> reporter: right, chris, this is a reality that is so difficult for these other republican rivals challenging donald trump, and that is that the former president continues to be able to hold these types of rallies, one that was going against the debate that was happening just 11 miles away. last night in just about 11 miles down the road, a rally that brought in 5, 6, 7,000 folks there. it was striking in the conversations with the people coming in was the -- when i asked them about the election earlier this week and whether donald trump bore responsibility for the losses not only in 2023 but also in 2022 and 2020, they say that donald trump is his own unique figure and that other republicans should take responsibility for their losses. when it came to the likes of florida governor, ron desantis, why not give him a shot and turn a new page. they said donald trump is running for president, and they like their florida governor but his turn can come later. i want you to listen to donald trump when on that debate stage he addressed his reason for not going to the debate. take a listen. >> you think we did the right thing by not participating? somebody said, oh, one of the dumber ones, he doesn't have the courage to stand up. well, listen, i'm standing in front of tens of thousands of people right now, and it's on television. that's a hell of a lot harder to do than a debate. >> and, chris, the window of opportunity for these other candidates to close the sizable window, it's narrowing, we're 67 days away from the iowa caucus. >> i want to play something the former president said on a radio show. he was asked whether he would consider tucker carlson as a running mate. here's what he said. >> would you consider tucker? >> i like tucker a lot. i guess i would. i think i say i would. he's got great common sense. when they say, you're conservative or i'm conservative, it's not that we're conservative, we have common sense. >> what should we make of that? is that donald trump just saying, yeah, sure, why not, or do you know the conversations that are being had within trump world about possible number twos? >> right. donald trump went on to suggest that potentially one of the individuals on the debate stage last night could be under consideration for the vice presidential slot. of course we have no reason to believe that ron desantis or nikki haley are either of those two individuals, but i asked an adviser to donald trump last night after his rally about the remarks and about the vp considerations and they insist that they are not at that point. at the same time, we know what happened to donald trump's last vice president, and this time around, trump and his team have consistently said that not only would the vp but also the secretaries and other individuals serving in their administration would be true loyalists. it would not be a matter of who may be the best fit to win the ticket ultimately, but someone in the white house who he knows would be steadfast and by his side to the very end. >> as we know, trump prizes loyalty above all. vaughn hillyard, thank you for that. an fbi man hunt is underway for a former new jersey national guardsman who was at the capitol on january 6th. joining us now, nbc news justice reporter, ryan reilly author of "sedition hunters, how january 6th broke the justice system," what do we know about this guy? >> gregory is on the run. he was identified by online sleuths, a year after the capitol attack. this attempted arrest didn't come back around until yesterday. he was an individual, as you can see on the screen there who's using this canister to spray at officers who were protecting the line that day. that's who they have identified him as. he actually consented to an interview with "usa today." he confirmed that he was, in fact, there, but denied he was the man in the image. sleuths are able to go through the material and find that hat in another photo in a facebook page, and find the gator from another photo, and all this came back to facial recognition. they're good at going through photos, finding the best face shot they can, and getting a facial recognition result off of that and confirming it through other materials. ultimately this case got to the place where the fbi and the u.s. attorneys office was able to move forward. unfortunately he appears to have run when he saw officers approach, and now the man hunt is on. it speaks to the broader issue. there are about a thousand people in the same bucket as gregory yetman who have been identified but not arrested by the fbi. we have seen a thousand cases thus far, but thousand others have been identified, and a thousand others unidentified who could face charges. and the statute of limitations expires in early 2026. >> ryan reilly, thank you. steve bannon is fighting to stay out of prison for defying a congressional subpoena. the proceedings are getting underway, what are we expecting? >> that's right, chris, we all remember that steve bannon was convicted by a jury last year of two counts of contempt of congress after he defied a subpoena from the january 6th committee. he was citing executive privilege, even though he hadn't been in the white house for four years, and a judge sentenced him to four months in prison. he appealed and the judge allowed him to remain out of jail while the appeal is pending. the d.c. appeals court is hearing the appeal and his lawyer says he should have been allowed to assert an advice of counsel. his lawyer, at the time, robert costello told him that donald trump was going to exert executive privilege, and therefore he shouldn't answer the subpoena. as it happens, mr. trump never did exert executive privilege, and most legal experts believer bannon would not have been covered by it anyway. and most legal experts do not believe steve bannon will win the appeal. they think he may ultimately have to serve the four-month jail sentence. >> ken dilanian, thank you for that. right now, president biden is speaking on jobs in belvedere, illinois, i want to bring in nbc's kelly o'donnell. what have we heard so far from the president who clearly has taken off his jacket. >> reporter: and put on one of the t-shirts offered to him by the union members there. this is a way for the president to sew together core parts of his constituency. we know how big labor is in terms of the president's political brand. he wanted to show support for the unions going through their strikes and policies to bring back manufacturing in the united states. when it comes to a president traveling around the country, there are world events happening, that can pierce into this event, too. we did hear one heckler calling out about the fighting in gaza. it seems like calling for a cease fire. that person in the audience may not beware of some of what the president has been doing today and talking about, which is his efforts along with others to influence the israeli government to try to have not a cease fire. a longer term proposition, but these humanitarian pauses, tactical pauses, what the white house has called it which the israeli defense forces have agreed to go along with for a period of days. so that is just unfolding today. we've talked about it, chris, and how this is a significant development. so the president of course is always followed by world events wherever he goes. even when the point of the day's event is about manufacturing labor and trying to connect in the heartland, so the president will also be attending a fundraiser and certainly having a chance to get some of that in-person experience. when the heckler spoke to him, he appeared to be saying it's okay, it's okay. for the president, it's stressing economic policies while also dealing with hot issues that have dominated the last month. chris. >> kelly o'donnell, thank you. still ahead, another strike is over after a historic deal. how soon can we see our favorite stars and shows return? 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[ting] ♪♪ live in the moment. ask your doctor about otezla. hollywood just got its happy ending. actors are getting back to work after a four-month long strike that kept our favorite stars and shows off the air. actors like busy phillips quickly sharing the excitement at the news. >> oh, my god, oh, my god, oh, my god. >> and check out this great moment, the stars of the iron claw, including zac efron and jeremy allen white found out about the deal while at the film's premiere. >> the strike is over. >> amazing. >> don't tell me that now. >> i want to bring in cnbc's julia borstin from los angeles, and what are you hearing about this deal, math you, and do we have any idea when actors will actually be able to get back to work? >> well, there's a big caveat on this because the details of the full deal have not yes, sir been released. they need to be voted on by the national board which will take place tomorrow, but both in a statement from the guild and an interview i did with dunkin crab tree ireland, its executive director last night, they are calling this a historic deal. a billion dollars in value. they got wage increases above what the other hollywood unions got in their negotiations this year. they got a streaming bonus, so shows and movies that perform better on streaming are going to get a bonus pool established for the actors on the shows and key protections against the use of images and likeness in ai programs. we'll see what the details are on those, but at least the guild right now is saying they're pretty happy with it. >> julia, that's what they got. here's what it cost. according to california, the economy alone there took a hit of more than $5 billion. and of course it doesn't just hurt actors. an estimated 2 million americans work as makeup artists, set builders, publicists, caterers, chauffeurs, how big of a deal will this return for hollywood be for the economy overall? >> the return of the entertainment industry getting back to work is a big deal, not just in hollywood, but other areas where there are production hubs such as atlanta. i have to say here in l.a., a lot of people have been very anous for work to restart. los angeles mayor, karen bass ying those on the line have be the hardest hit during this periodand there have been ripple effects throughout the city. today's agreement is going to impact nearly every part of our economy. that's pretty powerful words there in terms of the impact on los angeles. the question is just how quickly production ramps up again. i'm hearing show runners are racing to get production started in the next few weeks and finish shooting on movies. if this dragged on much longer, summer movies for next year are at risk. i am hearing there are concerns about a pile up. another thing to watch is how quickly actors get out there to promote their movies. we have seen a decline in the box office, not just because films have been delayed because of the strikes and lack of promotion, people are saying not having actors out there on late night and promoting on social has hurt the marketing of many of the films that have been in the box office. the return of getting actors back to work could, in fact, end up boosting the box office. in terms of the long-term ripple effects on the l.a. economy and ecosystem, it's going to be interesting to see how much the industry could be permanently changed by these strikes. going forward, will we see fewer shows produced for tv and streaming. will movies cut back on the number of films they produce and release annually. a lot of that could depend on the actual cost of the new terms for the studios and how much that impacts their budgets and planning. so of course that's all still to be determined. we're waiting for those details. >> the final chapter hasn't been written. i'm just told, matthew, in illinois, where the president is with auto workers, he said, did you hear about the hollywood strike sending and there were cheers among the union crowd, look, julia points out, though, the are some details that have to be worked out in terms of logistics. "the new york times" put it this way, the traffic jam includes projects that were paused because of the strikes, those that were ready to be released but needs actors to publicize them, and those that were scheduled to begin filming and now may be delayed because actors have delayed responsibilities elsewhere. what are you hearing? how are you seeing this shaking out? >> it's going to be a huge traffic jam. i think the priority right now is getting the projects that were paused during the strike, whether it's movies that need re-shoots or shows that were in the middle of shooting, those are likely going first and then they will talk about new shows and commitments. but the promotion element is a big deal as well because there's a lot of movies in the oscar race torks get people to -- to get people to see them, and other projects that they're shooting for the future. they're going to have to be promoting the high profile project they have now and making stuff for the future, and i think promoting right now is a priority for movies that are about to come out. >> julia boorstin, matt, i'm going to have to write you about shows i'm hoping to come back things like "stranger things." we'll talk about that later. appreciate it. also today, sag-aftra president fran drescher will join katy tur to talk about that deal, tune in for that, 3:00 eastern time on msnbc. still ahead, one on one with israel's president, what he's now saying about the difficult decisions of war and his country's right to defend itself, that's next. country's r itself, that's next. i was stuck. unresolved depression symptoms were in my way. i needed more from my antidepressant. vraylar helped give it a lift. adding vraylar to an antidepressant... is clinically proven to help relieve overall depression symptoms... ...better than an antidepressant alone. and in vraylar clinical studies, most saw no substantial impact on weight. elderly dementia patients have increased risk of death or stroke. report unusual changes in behavior or suicidal thoughts. antidepressants can increase these in children and young adults. report fever, stiff muscles, or confusion, as these may be life-threatening, or uncontrolled muscle movements, which may be permanent. high blood sugar, which can lead to coma or death, weight gain, and high cholesterol may occur. movement dysfunction and restlessness are common side effects. stomach and sleep issues, dizziness, increased appetite, and fatigue are also common. side effects may not appear for several weeks. i didn't have to change my treatment. i just gave it a lift. ask about vraylar and learn how abbvie could help you save. ♪ limu emu & doug ♪ [bell ringing] and doug says, “you can customize and save hundreds on car insurance with liberty mutual.” he hits his mark —center stage— and is crushed by a baby grand piano. are you replacing me? with this guy? customize and save with liberty bibberty. he doesn't even have a mustache! oh, look! a bibu. [limu emu squawks.] only pay for what you need. ♪ liberty. liberty. liberty. liberty. ♪ just as we're learning about israel agreeing to four-hour military pauses in georgia, nbc news has new exclusive interview with israel's president. nbc's raf sanchez is reporting for us in tel aviv. raf, what did isaac herzog tell you. >> reporter: we sat down with the israeli president just after he had received the latest israeli intelligence on the hostages. he told us that despite weeks of back channel negotiations involving the united states, involving qatar, israel, at this time, has received what he said was no substantial offer from hamas that could lead to the release of the hostages. i asked him if there has been no major progress on negotiations. does that mean that the only option is to mount some kind of military rescue. he wouldn't go into the details. he did say there were thousands of israeli officials, soldiers, spies, working around the clock on the hostage issue. chris, i also pressed him on the growing number of palestinian civilians killed by israeli air strikes inside gaza. take a listen to what he had to say. >> i can tell you outright, and i swear to you, it tears my heart. these are impossible dilemmas. it's very difficult, and every target is hand picked and checked by legal experts and security experts, and i can tell you, i was many years as a minister in the israeli government in war cabinets. the first question everybody asked, please make sure no civilians are hurt. but here, a huge war machine was launched at us, chopping, beheading, burning, raping, killing, abducting, we have the full right to defend ourselves. >> reporter: now, he says israel's military is doing everything they can to reduce civilian casualties but the secretary general of the united nations overnight saying something must be going wrong in israel's military operations to have so many innocent palestinians killed. the death toll, more than 10,000, according to the hamas run health ministry of whom several thousand are children at this point. the united nation saying gaza has become a graveyard for children. chris, i also asked him about president biden's warning to israel, not to repeat the mistakes that the united states made after september 11th. he said that they are studying the lessons learned from iraq and afghanistan. but he makes the point, gaza, much much closer to israel than either of those countries from the united states. and they feel they have no option but to go in and removing hamas. chris. >> raf sanchez, thank you. joining us now, danny deknown, member of the knesset, and former israeli ambassador to the u.n. you heard us talking about it that israel has agreed to pause the fighting in northern gaza for four hours a day. what more can you tell us about that decision, and what you think it might accomplish? >> so, chris, let me be very clear about it. we are not talking about a cease fire. we are determined to continue with our goal to finish hamas, to eradicate hamas. to make sure that we are not living next to a barbaric terrorist organization. at the same time, from the beginning, we tried to help the civilians in gaza and encourage them to move from the northern part of gaza where we maneuver, to the southern part of gaza, and today we are opening corridor, and giving them tyke to take their belongings, to move south, where they will meet u.n. reps, and will be able to stay there until we finish the job in northern gaza, and then with all the terror activities in gaza, hamas tries to threaten them. today we saw thousands of people continuing to move south. >> we know the numbers are increasing. we have seen the movement. let me ask you again about this pause. we haven't seen any indication that an actual pause in fighting has happened today. is that going to happen tomorrow? >> so let's go deeper into that. we are not going to hold our fire for the hamas terrorist to regroup. so they can bring more fuel to the tunnels, and they can actually improve their positions on our troops and the civilians in gaza. we will do our best to support the civilians in gaza, so we have to make the distinction. hamas cannot sleep tightly tonight. we're going to look after them, 24/7. we're going to find them and kill them. we haven't forgotten the 240 kidnapped, even babies. i want to share you with a picture of a 3-year-old, her parents were massacred and she was kidnapped. 3-year-old baby. every night, we think about our babies. we will not accept any cease fire, but we will take the best action that we can to help civilians in gaza. >> i want to make sure that i understand you. are you saying that there is no four-hour daily pause or there is? >> i'm saying that we will do everything we can to allow the civilians to move safely to the southern part of gaza. it doesn't mean we give immunity to anyone. we will not allow hamas to move to different positions, threaten our forces, launch to our communities in israel. we are not in that game. it's not a cease fire. it's a pause that will enable the civilian to move to the south like we did in the last month. >> as former israeli ambassador to the u.n., you know that organization well, i want to play some of what u.n.'s human rights chief just said about the war. >> the atrocities were perpetrated by the groups, the 7th of october. cruel and shocking is. they were war crimes as is the continuing holding of hostages. the punishment of israel by palestinian civilians as is the forcible evacuation of civilians. >> he says both sides have committed war crimes. is he right? >> absolutely not. i have zero expectation from the u.n., and it's shameful to hear that report because a collective punishment is if you bomb the entire population in northern gaza but we waited for three weeks, explaining to the population why they should not stay there. and0% left already. it's not a colleive punishment. our goal is to minimize the level of casualties for our troops and for the civilians in gaza. hamas is doing exactly the opposite. they want to increase the numbers and see dead gazans during the war. we will try to do our best to minimize those numbers but no one can blame us for collective punishment. >> former ambassador, danny danon, thank you so much, we appreciate you coming on the program. after a fiery gop debate, what did voters in one key state think about it? 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nah, it's easy. huh. you know, i think i'm going to ride it home. good thing you chose u.s. bank to manage and grow your money. with our 24/7 support at least you're not taking chances with your finances. yeah, i think i'm gonna need a chair. oh, ohhhh. we're now 67 days away from the first in the nation iowa caucuses. we're watching voters for their reaction to last night's republican debate. shaquille brewster is in des moines for us. i know you talked to a whole bunch of iowa voters after the debate, what did they tell you? >> reporter: hi there, crist, it was certainly an appreciation for being a smaller debate stage, a more controlled debate, and people said they got to hear more from the candidates and learn a little bit more by watching the debate. and when i asked the room if there was anyone who flipped completely, who came in supporting one person and now leaving supporting another, there were no complete flips, but you did hear perspectives changing and their views on some of the candidates shifting. listen to a little bit of what i mean, starting with someone who said he was walking into that room, kind of stuck and torn between ron desantis and nikki haley. >> after tonight's debate, have you made a decision? are you closer to either of the two? >> that decision will be made, i think, on january 15th, 2024. >> that's the iowan answer there. who are you leaning towards right now? >> i like haley, i like her foreign policy better. >> who did you come in supporting, nikki haley. >> who are you walking out supporting? >> nikki haley. >> i came in with desantis in mind. from the debate, i'm looking a little more vivek because of the points he made. >> reporter: did any of the candidates on the stage put a little fear they could possibly overtake the former president? >> not any kind of a fear. >> reporter: our nbc news des moines register media come poll showed that more than 50% of iowans still say they are willing to have their mind changed, and you hear a little sense of that in those conversations we played. one moment, chris, that stuck out for me. i asked the group, did kim reynolds, the iowa governor's endorsement of ron desantis, did that change how you view ron desantis? did it make you consider him a little bit more? you had much of the room, and i think you saw it in the tease to the segment, much of the room raising their hand for that. i asked, do they think donald trump should be on the stage? we know his advisers are saying he won't be on the stage in alabama next month. you had nearly the entire room raising their hands saying they believe he should be on the stage and making his case for their vote. >> the question is whether he'll get punished for it. so far, no. shaq brewster, fascinating stuff, thank you, my friend. no surprise given the results of tuesday's elections, abortion was a major topic at last night's debate. >> we need a 15-week federal limit, three out of four americans agree with a 15-week limit. i would challenge niki and ron to join me at a 15-week limit. >> as much as i'm pro life, i don't judge anyone for being pro choice, and i don't want them to judge me for being pro life. don't make the american people think you're going to push something on them. >> a pregnant woman walking down the street, she's assaulted, the unborn child dies in that assault. you find me one person in this country who says that that criminal does not deserve liability for that death. >> joining me now, mike murphy, republican strategist, former bush, romney and mccain adviser and an msnbc political analyst. i'm just being handed a statement unrelated to the debate. joe manchin, i will not seek reelection. i will fight to unite the middle. what do you make of it? >> well, i'm not surprised he's not running for reelection. there's been a lot of speculation that he might be part of a third-party campaign. i'm dubious in the end, but he's sure teasing it with that statement. we got to cue the soap opera music here and wait to see kwhaps. >> what happens. >> yeah and i'm literally speed reading this. he says at the end, i know our country isn't as divided as washington wants us to believe. we share common values of family, freedom, democracy, dignity and a belief that together we can overcome any challenge. we need to take back america and not let this divisive hatred further pull us apart. maybe that's someone who's not done with politics. i don't know. what do you think? >> yeah, no, he's definitely teasing the third party thing. i think the problem for a lot of us, who are antitrump conservatives is if you run a third party, you give people who won't vote for trump and are not excited about voting for joe biden a way out. a way to go waste their vote, so, you know, we will see. i know there are some friends of his whom he trusts politically who are urging him not to do it. but, you know, politicians, they love a good tease, so i think we're in for one from joe manchin. >> i'm going to give you one more tease as i've had a chance to finish speed reading this page and a half document. public service has and continues to drive me every day. that is the vow that i made to my father 40 years ago, and i intend to keep that vow until my dying day. that is, as you point out, one heck of a tease. >> yeah. yeah, you know, it's funny. i have been around politics a long time, and generally staffers don't get promoted for saying, well, sure, maybe we can make this a little shorter and to the point, you know. so this will start a little speculation about that. >> i'm going to interrupt you because i understand now we're learning he's going to be traveling the country talking to people to see perhaps if there's an opening there. do i have that right, control room? >> if he does it, yeah, this is now we're going to the full gypsy lee routine. he'll help trump if he does it, if trump's the nominee, by the way, i think nikki haley had a great night last night. we'll see how new hampshire, south carolina and iowa work out for trump: i think he's declining, i don't know how fast. >> it's interesting because when you look at "the new york times," they did a panel of their, you know, normal political watchers, the "wall street journal," they both said very clearly they thought that she had won, but really she's still down, what, 20, 30 points in some of these polls depending on what you look at here. and he's the one beating joe biden in the battleground state polls. so i'm curious why you think that, but also curious why you think that if manchin actually does get in, he'll hurt donald trump? >> sure. sure, well, yeah, trump's had a good week in the polls particularly looking strong in the swing states against joe biden, which of course is started, i think, an appropriate panic within the democratic party, though they did have a good night tuesday. these polls are a rear view mirror, they're useful but tell you a lot about what happened two weeks ago. this race is going to narrow. hey is heating up. there are a lot of polls that show trump's base is in the 35% majority. the majority want somebody new but not sure who that somebody is because there are a lot of them. what the debates are doing is creating a star, and that's been nikki haley. the nbc news and "des moines register" poll had shown in five weeks, haley had shot from 6th in iowa to 16. that's rocket fuel. desantis had been 19, he dropped to 16. they're passing each other. i think she's in second in iowa, though governor reynolds there who's popular in the iowa republican party did endorse desantis. maybe that will help him recapture second. the best scenario for haley, admittedly a longer shot, she comes in second in iowa, beats trump in new hampshire where she definitely has more going on than any other nontrump republican. i was there with mccain in 2000. when you have an upset in new hampshire, you go to south carolina where often you're starting from stretch. that is not the case for former south carolina governor nikki haley. she's the only one i think and i've written in the bulwark, there's no reason christie is in the race, scott. they ought to clear the way. nikki won the preseason, and give her a shot. >> let me ask you about what's going on behind the scenes. joe manchin announces he's not running for reelection. we know he's got a split down the middle senate. what's going on as people, already maybe they were start to thinking about it before, start to maneuver now to run for that seat? >> well, you know, jim justice, the charismatic former republican governor there with the world's most popular bulldog is a very formidable candidate in west virginia, so i think part of what's going on here is manchin didn't want to get beat so the senate was out of the question. it would have been a real long shot for him to hold the seat. now he's out, and looking for something to do. and at a minimum, the speculation he's triggering today will elevate him in the dialogue a little bit. the question is will he really after the tease is done, really jump in and run as an independent which is very hard to do, and ultimately you wind up not winning but helping somebody else. he's got to ask himself, does he want to be a tool to help donald trump should he be the nominee to get another term. i would be surprise first-degree -- surprised if manchin does that. you're going to change the rules. all of america will come behind you. i think he should buy the brooklyn bridge after he falls for that argument. let him explore. >> mike murphy, we'll be traveling on at least virtual. thank you for coming on the show. i want to bring in julie tsirkin. it's early, and i imagine this is getting a lot of buzz on capitol hill. >> reporter: it is, and minutes after the senate left for the week, senator manchin, not in the halls either. the timing of this announcement is quite a surprise. he said of course he's not seeking reelection to the senate. he was his political future sort of before him in the state like west virginia that has been trending more and more in the direction of republicans. he was elected first to the senate in 2010. he was the governor of west virginia, but very popular in the state not only among democrats, but independents and republicans. as you have seen this closely divided environment, that began to shift, and you have somebody like jim justice, the governor in west virginia, clearly the front runner but not the only candidate on the republican side vying for the spot. there was polling in weeks past in a closed door session, showing that justice is somebody who could beat manchin in a match up. we are hearing from them. the campaign arm that elects republican senators saying only, quote, we like our odds in west virginia. i have reached out to closest aides and allies. they are not revealing their cards yet. this is somebody who has floated the idea of becoming an independent numerous times. this is somebody who says he's going to go on a listening tour after making a difficult decision with his family. he was somebody courted by no labels, the third-party independent group trying to find their own presidential ticket in their own way in the future here. this is a stunning announcement from senator manchin, deciding now it call it quits. i don't think he's closing the door on his political future. >> doesn't sound like it. julie tsirkin, thank you for that. we have breaking news to tell you about. nbc news has learned that the fbi is investigating a series of letters containing a suspicious powder sent to election workers in three states. i want to bring in correspondent ken dilanian. what more do we know? >> as you mentioned, the fbi and law enforcement officials are investigating this matter, and this have been reports of suspicious laters going to election workers in three states. we got a statement from the secretary of georgia, brad raffensperger who portrayed this as election interference and domestic terrorism. quoted as saying the substance in one of the letters in georgia field tested positive for fentanyl. another letter in washington state field tested positive for fentanyl. field tests are less sensitive that laboratory tests. they are undergoing lab tests to see what they contain. there are no reports of anyone being hurt or injured or suffering any ill effects from these letters but none the less, they have raised concern among election officials who are already feeling targeted and under pressure as the rhetoric courses through our politics. they feel under the gun, and now the target of the campaign, which the fbi and postal inspectors are trying to determine if this is connected or separate incidents, chris. >> ken, thank you so much for that. i want to bring in carol lam, former federal prosecutor and legal analyst. i want to start with the field test being positive for fentanyl. as investigators are looking at this in terms of considering charges, does it matter what it is? fentanyl, which we know can be a deadly substance, does that change the conversation? tell us about the investigation you imagine is ongoing, carol. >> it certainly changes the equation. federal charges could be brought either way. there have been a lot of anthrax cases, but based on ken's excellent reporting, we can see a positive field test, it is likely to be fentanyl because even though field tests are less sensitive, they are more likely to have more false negatives and positives. it's easy to get ahold of, just as deadly. high sensitivity from the health perspective. so what gives the federal law enforcement jurisdiction over this is the fact that u.s. mails are being used and this is a terrible threat against the sanctity of the system. >> we have a minute left. what are possible charges in a case like this? brad raffensperger from georgia who knows what it is to be under threat again said this is domestic terrorism. the secretary of state said these acts of terrorism threaten our elections. possible charges here? >> secretary raffensperger is right, there are domestic terrorism laws that can be brought into play, and threats through the united states mail that can be brought as well. i'm sure, because secretary raffensperger is a state official, there are state charges that can be brought as well with this kind of threats of violence, and harm to election workers. >> carol lam, thank you so much. just again, to bring people up to date on the breaking news, the fbi and the u.s. postal service, investigating a series of letters containing a white powder, at least a field test has tested positive for fentanyl. they have gone to three different states to election workers in multiple states. we'll keep you posted on that. that's going to do it this hour. make sure to join us for "chris jansing reports" every weekday, 1 to 3:00 p.m. eastern right here on msnbc. our coverage continues with "katy tur reports" right after the break. s" right after the break. 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,Nikki ,Seat ,Bulldog ,Jim ,Candidate ,West Virginia ,Beat ,Manchin Didn T ,Minimum ,Dialogue ,Somebody Else ,Term ,Tool ,First Degree ,Rules ,Argument ,Brooklyn Bridge ,Show ,Julie Tsirkin ,Buzz ,Capitol Hill ,Timing ,Halls ,Direction ,Sort ,2010 ,Independents ,Environment ,Polling ,Side Vying ,Spot ,Jim Justice ,Campaign Arm ,Senators ,Match Up ,Beat Manchin ,Session ,Quote ,Odds ,Allies ,Aides ,Times ,Cards ,Listening Tour ,Labels ,Door ,Series ,States ,Election Workers ,Letters ,Powder ,Law Enforcement Officials ,Laters ,Terrorism ,Substance ,Brad Raffensperger ,Secretary ,Election Interference ,Fentanyl ,Field Tests ,Letter ,Laboratory Tests ,Georgia Field ,Washington State Field ,Reports ,Lab Tests ,Effects ,Concern ,None ,Injured ,Rhetoric Courses ,Inspectors ,Gun ,Incidents ,Test ,Field ,Carol Lam ,Positive ,Analyst ,Investigators ,Prosecutor ,It Matter ,Investigation ,Conversation ,Anthrax Cases ,Equation ,Field Test ,Tests ,Health Perspective ,Positives ,Sensitivity ,Of ,Negatives ,Threat ,Mails ,Law Enforcement Jurisdiction ,Sanctity ,The System ,Secretary Raffensperger ,Secretary Of State ,Facts ,Laws ,Threats ,State Official ,Play ,Violence ,Harm ,U S Postal Service ,Break ,Coverage ,Katy Tur Reports ,Heart Failure ,Music ,Attr Cm ,Irregular Heartbeat ,Carpal Tunnel Syndrome ,Shortness Of Breath ,Cardiologist ,Sound ,Beauty ,Wildlife ,Antarctica ,Majesty ,Hands On Scientific Research Activities ,Viking Comfort ,State Of The Art Expedition Equipment ,Continent ,Comfort ,Viking ,Diets ,Nothing ,Lots ,Mask ,Solution ,10 ,Golo ,Anywhere ,Secret ,Symptom ,Health ,Insulin ,Insulin Levels ,Glucose ,Eating ,Cause ,Everyone ,It Wasn T ,Here I Am ,Fat ,Contender ,Sounds ,Red State ,Run ,Thorn ,

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