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politicsnation. tonight's lead, no and insight. ♪ ♪ ♪ >> right now the key word driving our politics's conflict. and there doesn't appear to be a resolution on the horizon. not in congress, not in our country, where politics are reaching a fever pitch. and certainly not in israel, the country rejecting u.s. calls this week for humanitarian pause in fighting to allow for aid to go into gaza. we are -- more than 9400 people have been killed. israel's prime minister says that the war will continue until all hostages are released. here at home, the political battles emanating from this conflict are rocking washington. nbc news reporting that president biden was briefed this afternoon on the situation in israel and gaza by secretary of state anthony blinken, national security adviser jake sullivan, and other senior advisers. and new republican speaker mike johnson passed a stand-alone israel aid bill this week, a bill certain to face objections from senate democrats and the white house. a possible preview of an even bigger fight looming in just weeks, over the government shutdown that is very possible. meanwhile, former president donald trump's continued -- to a multi front legal war, the republican front runner is set to take the stand again next week in his new york fraud trial. -- in two straight states way rather trump's conduct on january 6th should keep him off the ballot in 2024. all that tonight in politicsnation. plus, the shocking case out of jackson, mississippi. where the family of dexter weighs calling on the justice department to investigate why he was hit and killed by a police officer's car, and buried without notice. the truth coming out nearly six months later. so right attorney ben crump and wade's mother joins me later with a disturbing details. joining me now, congressman benny thompson, democrat of mississippi, and the ranking member of the house homeland security committee. congressman, thank you for joining us again. let's start with israel, nbc news is reporting that president biden was briefed on the situation there in gaza and throughout the region by secretary blinken, national security adviser jake sullivan, and other senior advisers earlier today. blinken met with arab leaders in jordan after israel rejected the u.s. calls for humanitarian pause in fighting to allow hostages to be realized and released and aid to flow into gaza. what is your take on the state of play in the region right now? >> thank you for having me, by the way, the region is all fine. it is clear that unless humanitarian aid is provided, we will have one of the travesties unknown, unfortunately. but more importantly, with that, reverend. that we finally put a speaker in place here in washington, and the first thing the speaker did was to separate some of the conflict of raped legislation we are dealing with. and so what we are involved with right now is that our speaker is trying to run the table and start people fighting each other more. we absolutely need the humanitarian relief, we need to have a pause put their. we need to make sure that we can put people around the table, you know, a lot of us have talked about a two-state solution for a long time. and i still think that even when people are at war, there is an opportunity for those individuals to talk. but this notion that we are not doing any more talking, all we are doing is fighting, that is not real really helping us. and for the most part, it is making that region of the world more dangerous. so i call upon all of the parties involved to just take a pause and say, look, we need to have a conversation. if it's the united states leadership, needed to help that conversation go forward. i think the president has done a wonderful job. but at this point, we have to say to israel, look, the bombing asked us cease, what we're seeing is not who we stand for as a country. and actually, if you continue this, you will make more enemies out of your friends then possible. i think you have heard the conversation all over the country, people are upset that we can't get people to stop the bombing and the killing and just start talking. it doesn't matter whether you are in michigan, or california, whatever. >> many of us that were outraged on october 7th with the killing of civilians in israel and stood up and said that are upset with the use of civilians in palestine being hurt. and the hostages still there. here in the u.s., your republican colleagues in the house led by speaker mike johnson passed an israel aid package this week that does not include money for ukraine requested by the white house, but does feature cuts to the irs. that proposal is dead on arrival in the senate, according to majority leader schumer. in the meantime, a government shutdown looms in less than two weeks. and the speaker has sent conflicting messages about whether you will put forth spending proposals. the white house and senate are willing to accept, what is your reaction to how the new republican leadership is conducting itself on these very important issues so far? >> well, there's no question. our rookie speaker is just that. it's not about leadership, you can't stagger the appropriations beyond november 17th. we absolutely, we have, after get down to business. we lost to many days trying to allow the republicans to speak bigger speaker. and so now they have put some more -- in the sea, who has no working knowledge of how -- the art of compromise in this institution is how you get things done. not being smart, so to speak, and split compromise legislation, and say it is my way or the highway. we are faced with now, i can predict right now -- will be anywhere near what we need to be -- because he passed supported continued resolution, i wonder what the same people who just employed the speaker will say when he comes for the same thing. they struck on the irs, as you, know the cbo has already said that it will actually cost you more money if you try to cut the irs because the billionaires will get off scot-free and we will lose all that money. they are playing to the rich and famous just like republicans do. and that's so unfortunate. >> now, this week fbi director christopher wray warned that hamas attacks israel could inspire copycat terrorism here in the u.s.. similar to the threat posed in recent years by i.s.i.s.. he says the jewish and muslim and arab communities are at particular risk. you are the ranking member of the homeland security committee. do you think we are fully prepared for the possibility of this conflict making its way to our country? >> well we are reverend at this point on heightened awareness. we have been briefed about the potential, law enforcement from federal state and local. equally briefed. members of congress have been briefed. but you know, it is still a dangerous situation. and i our real danger is what we call loan walls who somehow become radicalized because of what they see on the internet or on tv and then they just decide to do something real foolish. so all our houses of worship, all organizations of colleges and universities, all those things are potential soft targets for people who want to radicalized and do something and go out and a blaze of glory. so i trust our professionals, but this situation between israel and the palestinians is not helpful. we have a number of communities in the united states, they have been good citizens. but at some point if we cannot continue the conversation then people go to their corners and start fighting. and we cannot have that. so my plea as ranking member of the homeland security council is to let peace, give peace a chance, let's start talking. and that humanitarian effort, the pictures we are seeing come in out of israel are not good pitches. their destruction. those kind of pictures put into the minds of people will change who they are. and so that pause but all of us are talking about, the very good thing at this point. >> let me ask you this, a lot of time but i must ask you this. one last question. witness testimony got underway today in colorado at a colorado trial into keeping former president donald trump off the ballot in that state. the claim that trump isn't eligible to run under the 14th amendment, due to his actions on january 6th, a similar cases also underway in minnesota. you chaired the select committee that investigated january 6th. do you think these cases have merit? and are you concerned about the backlash if they are successful? >> well, let me tell you. all of the facts and circumstances are committed saying that donald trump was the puppet master for what occurred on january 6th. he is the reason january 6th occurred, he orchestrated it. and he influenced all those activities in and around january 6th, so he has to take responsibility for that. no one, even a president or former president, is above the law. >> thank you congressman benny thompson for being with us again. joining me now is filmmaker and progressive activist michael more, thank you for being back on the show today. welcome back to politicsnation. michael, i asked you to be on the show for multiple reasons. there is a lot cover with you. let's start with israel, the as real hamas wore. and how it's hitting home. in your home state of michigan, which has the highest percentage population of arab americans in the country, new polling shows supporting that ity for president biden has plummeted since the conflict began. falling from 59% in 2020, to just 17% today. what in your view is driving this ation? and what should the white house be doing about it? >> thank you for having me on today. i don't know how it's been for you or the people watching on tv right now, but for me the last four weeks, i don't think there is been a single day could i haven't at the very least tired of watching the news and reading the paper and things online. and then a, case just outright crime. this has been an awful for weeks, but of course i am just an observer. the people that are suffering, starting with the people in israel on october 7th who were slaughtered by, it's just, it's just so mind-boggling. and all the people that have been held hostage for these four weeks. i just read off the bat, everybody has to get behind the fact that the people of the jewish faith of jewish ancestry have suffered, literally, for thousands of years. i've suffered this kind of behavior in the treatment. and all of us who are not jewish need to speak loudly and clearly, that we are not only opposed, we will stand in front of and behind and wherever we need to be to protect our jewish brothers and sisters. this can never happen again. never, again we have heard this since world war ii. and yet, again and again and again. that has to be said absolutely right off the bat. hamas has to release every single one of these hostages. right now. this is absolutely -- that is just -- it's -- odd don't know. and what has exacerbated everything is the fact you've got a trumpian figure is the prime minister of israel whose like trump, currently still under indictment, still awaiting trial for the crimes of fraud, bribery, and numerous other things that he's been indicted on. >> you are talking about benjamin netanyahu, he's under indictment right now. >> that is correct. that is correct. and so this person, who has lived to his own people, who failed to protect his own people. october 7th. listen, the israeli press is maybe the best press in the world in terms of, they will dig into this. there are great articles already i've been reading in the israeli press about the investigations that are going to take place. right now, they're living in utter fear, trying to do whatever they can do to protect themselves. but of course, the carpet bombing. of human beings, civilians, children, simply because they belong to a tribe that is the st. juliana cousin. when we talk about the symmetric tribes, you're talking about jews, arabs, muslims. essentially, if you travel there, your cousins. i've been to gaza. this will be different, probably, for most of the people watching this. i've been to gaza. i was there at nearly 30 years ago now. i wanted to say for myself. i went there with journalists, to try to figure out -- this was before the first intifada. and i could not believe what i saw. i couldn't unsee. and it -- the fact that now, what's the latest numbers? i read in the ap this morning, close to 10,000 dead palestinians. and all of those, almost 4000 or children. burned, mangled, blown apart children. and for anyone who's watching this, to say, well, they did it too, so you're saying the way to respond to terror and to horror and to killing people is to do more killing? that doesn't work. >> i think a lot of us share that view. i'm outraged by both. i've been in gaza 21 years ago, mitt arafat, met -- and at least they could talk. let me bring you to this topic. on this topic of gun violence. yesterday, president biden visited lewiston, maine, to honor the 18 people killed in a mass shooting that shook the state last week. over 20 years ago, you made bowling from columbine. a documentary exploring the roots of gun violence in the wake of the columbine school shooting. it often seems as if things have gotten worse, rather than better sense than. do you agree? >> then i remember the day of the columbine shooting. we were visiting, making our next tv series. and we came in and we turned on the tv and we saw what was going on. by the end of the afternoon, my crew and i, with all decided that we needed to stop doing what we were doing right now and do this. because this had been the first mass school shooting, really, in our history. and if we didn't, ourselves, do something about this right now, this was going to continue. that was our mindset on that day. we thought, in the sort of optimistic idealistic way, that, if we only made a great film and millions of people so, it we could put an anthem this kind of violence. and of course, as you said, it's only gotten worse. we've had 570 mass shootings. that's more people shot this year alone. it's out of control. there has to be, i mean, i have my own ideas and we can talk about this on another occasion. but myself and my crew, we decided that we are going to actually have to -- had this happen at the same time as watching children in israel and palestine being slaughtered, and then we have our own slaughter. because we won't do the job that needs to be done to prevent this. >> not even a background check, though. nothing. >> of course not. >> and we've had more mass shootings this year than we've had days in this year. >> that is correct. >> let me go back to something else you were very involved in, and i became very involved in, back in your home state of michigan. this week, the state attorney general closed his investigation on the flint for the crisis without a mini criminal charges. lead contamination and the drinking water in flint led to an outbreak of legionnaires disease, killing at least 12 people at the public officials which the city's water source in an effort to save money, without updating the aging pipe system. what's your reaction to finding out no one would be held criminally accountable nearly a decade after the beginning of the tragedy? >> nobody. correct. it's so disgusting and appalling and again sad. it's like -- here we are, talking, really, about the same thing. and ethnic cleansing of and a majority black city, where the state of michigan, in order to save some money, took the city off the clean water supply from lake huron and made the people of flint, majority black, drink from the flint river. it massively polluted river for decades. and what it did was, it poison nearly 10,000 children. any lead poisoning, if you're under the age of six, six years and younger, you will have permanent brain damage. we still haven't figured out scientifically how to prevent permanent brain damage from a four or five or six year old that has ingested led. in this case, through the water. supply to them by the state of michigan. and the governor and his people, once they knew that this was going on, they tried, at first, to cover it up. oh, it's not that bad, don't worry. and then they got away with it. they got away with it. and i'm sorry, this is completely -- if this was a white town in michigan, if this was waste bloomfield hills, gross point, and of our, you never would have seen -- this has gone on for seven years. nobody convicted. nobody having to be responsible for what they knew what was going on. they knew what was going to happen. and i'm sorry to just have to speak to bitter honest truth. they also knew that nobody in flint, michigan. nobody in this black majority town. and the whites who were there are very poor white people, who've had -- after the factory closed, moved from the suburbs back to the city, because they were broke. nobody has been charged and has been convicted. nobody's gone through a real trial. and it's especially said when you think that the attorney, who's a good attorney general in michigan, we got good -- got rid of the old one from the water poisoning days. but she's not been able to pull this off. it's, once again, you need to devote a whole show on this. >> it's atrocious. -- >> it is atrocious. >> -- ten years ago. >> you talk about what happened in jacksonville, mississippi today on your show. >> and -- >> that's another flint. >> yeah. >> that's another flint that has been poisons. and little was done about it until people like you said something. >> always glad to have you on. you speak truth to power. thank you. >> -- i'm sorry to be so upset. >> no, i'm with you there. michael moore, thank you again for joining me. coming up, find out what republicans don't want you to know about their new speaker. i'll fill you in on mike johnson's radical right-wing politics in tonight's gotcha. gotcha like the new deli heroes. buy one footlong in the app, get one free. it's a pretty big deal. kinda like me. order in the subway app today. when your gut is out of balance, your body gives you signs. so if you're frustrated with occasional bloating... 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[ cheers ] yeah! woho! running up and down that field looks tough. it's a pitch. get way more into what you're into >> louisiana congressman mike when you stream on the xfinity 10g network. johnson is settling into his new role as the speaker of the house. at leadership position he won, after 22 days, 22-day power struggle. inside the republican caucus. every single republican present voted for johnson. but don't let that fool you into thinking that he represents a compromise between gop moderates and the conservative fringe. in fact, mike johnson maybe the most far-right speaker effort to hold the office. he co authored the bill that would ban abortion, nationally, at just six weeks with no exceptions for ripe or incest. in the past, he worked to shut down abortion clinics in his home state. johnson opposed same-sex marriage on the grounds, it would open the door for people to marry their own pets. and last year, he introduced a national version of the so-called don't say gay legislation. as a lawyer, he wrote briefs and editorials defending laws that criminalized conceptual gate six. johnson on a vote of light -- voted against certifying the 2020 election, he also put an active role in convincing other republicans to do the same. pushing proven conspiracy theories -- that they were not factual conspiracy theories about election machines, linked to cat did as well as the tenor hugo chavez. the new york times called him the most important architect of electoral college objections on january 6th. reporters dare to ask questions about johnson's past. here is how republicans responded. >> you helped lead the efforts to overturn the 2020 election. >> next question. next question. >> republicans don't want to answer questions about their new respeaker, his record. because they don't want the american people to realize just how completely they have cave to the extremist wing of their own party. but no matter how many -- they shout down. the truth will come out. we've already seen speaker johnson tried to use a to israel as a bargaining chip to push conservative pet projects like defunding the irs and another government shutdown deadline is less than two weeks away. unless mike johnson, suddenly developed by capacity for compromise, he's never before displayed in his political career he will very quickly reveal himself to be deeply out of step with the views of the majority of the american people. and yet another example of that right wing radicalization of the republican party. i gotcha. i gotcha get one free. it's a pretty big deal. kinda like me. order in the subway app today. this is a hot flash. this is a hot flash. but this is a not flash. ♪ i got a good feeling ♪ there's big news for women going through menopause. veozah - a prescription treatment for moderate to severe vasomotor symptoms - the medical name for hot flashes and night sweats. with hormone-free veozah, you can have fewer hot flashes, and more not flashes. veozah is proven to reduce the number and severity of hot flashes, day and night. for some women, it can start working in as early as one week. don't use veozah if you have cirrhosis, severe kidney problems, kidney failure, or take cyp1a2 inhibitors. increased liver blood test values may occur. your doctor will check them before and during treatment. most common side effects include stomach pain, diarrhea, difficulty sleeping, back pain, and hot flashes. ♪ i got a good feeling ♪ ask your doctor about hormone-free veozah and enjoy more not flashes. salonpas, makers of powerful pain relief patches for 89 years... believes in continuous improvement... like rounded corners that resist peeling, with an array of active ingredients... and sizes to relieve your pain. salonpas. it's good medicine. with cirkul, your water is deliciously flavored at the turn of a dial, with zero sugar and zero calories. and cirkul has over 40 flavors, so your water can be as unique as you are. try cirkul. your water, your way. now with even more flavors. available at walmart or your best defense against erosion and cavities is strong enamel- nothing beats it. new pronamel active shield actively shields the enamel to defend against erosion and cavities. i think that this product is a gamechanger for my patients- it really works. right now get a free footlong at subway. like the new deli heroes. buy one footlong in the app, get one free. it's a pretty big deal. kinda like me. order in the subway app today. do you struggle with occasional nerve aches kinda like me. in your hands or feet? 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>> not good. in a couple of hordes. and actually, very, very poor. it shows a few things, brave. it shows that has an experience, first and foremost, he's never let anything, not even a congressional committee. it also shows his lack of understanding about how this job works. and also, how to prioritize for this nation. emergency aid has never been a provide for a thing. and i'm curious who's whispering in his ear. because to come up with the irs thing is just absurd, especially from someone who's, quote, a fiscal hawk who presented something that would actually cost the taxpayers more by eliminating that line item on the irs. so i find it, at several levels, very disappointing and i just want to figure out how he's going to keep our government open. >> when data, at the top of the hour, former president trump will be speaking at the florida freedom summit, where he is reportedly trying to flip some sunshine state lawmakers who previously endorsed governor desantis, putting them on his side as early as next week. maybe even ahead of the next republican debate. florida's senator rick scott has endorsed trump, and cold on the rest of his party to do the same. is trump putting himself in a position to look up for this primary before a single vote has even been cast? >> i think, right, considering the fact he's leading that nearest contender to him by 40 points, he kind of already has. the indicators are there. but i think what his efforts right now in florida -- the operation there is to embarrass ron desantis as much as possible. i think the endorsement from scott, for example, is completely unsurprising. fully expected, considering that rick scott allow trump to hand pick this republican senate candidate in 2022. but what it does show, even homegrown state fellow floridians, like rick scott, don't want rhonda santas. and so with trump here, trying to win over mont doesn't voters, trump like that realty vibe. he's trying to embarrass ron desantis, even though he's not going to be on the debate stage next. week >> susan, talking about the debate stage. that next republican debate, nbc news will be hosting the event wednesday in miami. trump's campaign has so far said, he's not going. so i want to focus on the other candidates. there will be a lot of eyes on nikki haley, who has been surging in the polls. and on ron desantis shoes, as he's struggling -- [laughter] -- as the struggling campaign has been forced to respond to allegations the governor weir's lifts in his boots. who do you think will put their best foot forward wins the night? >> it's my understanding that it was actually a back and forth, who were higher heels? ron desantis or nikki haley. so that's what people might be looking at. but besides that, it is very important for nikki haley to come out strong and i kind of smiled when you said she's surging in the polls. let's not forget, see surged from 5 to 16. >> but in this race, that's a surge. [laughter] it's a lopsided race, it's a surge -- go ahead. >> it's nikki haley's time that she really has to deliver. because she has to show she can deliver under the pressure. all eyes are on her. there is no one else literally to watch. we know chris christie, what he's going to do -- he's been very consistent and offers a very good debate appearance, that's for sure. tim scott is basically out of it for all practical purposes. i think when it comes to ron desantis, he's been gone for over a month. no one's told him or his campaign. but he's been trailing. it will be interesting to see how he gets treated in florida by floridians, that's for sure. but, and i'm sure i'm forgetting one or two others, but the fact that i'm forgetting them doesn't really matter. >> i think voters have forgotten some of them as well. juanita, i can't wrap up without as can you about tuesday's election. because there is no such thing as an off year -- voters in ohio will be deciding on a constitutional amendment to protect abortion rights and democrats have a real shot to win governors races into republican dominated states. mississippi and kentucky. what will you be watching for on tuesday, especially as we look for signs about how 2024 will play out? >> right. i'm definitely watching that gubernatorial reelection race in kentucky. i'm also watching the virginia state house fight. we know that will be tight in both the house of delegates and the state senate. and it will be indicative of whether or not republicans in virginia can advance an anti-abortion agenda as well as an anti voting rights agenda. this will be front and center, and still be indicative of whether a voting rights, protecting our democracy, protecting access to abortion are going to be key features, keep mobilizing figures across the parliament once in 2024 because we know that the length democrats fully expect to play in, as it yielded them history defiant results in 2022, and they're looking to do the same in 2024. >> juanita tolliver and susan del percio, thank you both for being with us. up next, the attorney general for black america, ben crump, joins us with the latest on a shocking case. in jacksonville mississippi, allegedly struck and killed by a police car. and buried for nearly six months without any word to his family. the details will come when we come right back. come right back. aily pill. when i wanted to see results fast, rinvoq delivered rapid symptom relief and helped leave bathroom urgency behind. check. when uc tried to slow me down... i got lasting, steroid-free remission with rinvoq. check. and when uc caused damage rinvoq came through by visibly repairing my colon lining. check. rapid symptom relief... lasting steroid-free remission... ...and the chance to visibly repair the colon lining. check, check, and check. rinvoq can lower your ability to fight infections, including tb. serious infections and blood clots, some fatal; cancers, including lymphoma and skin cancer; death, heart attack, stroke, and tears in the stomach or intestines occurred. people 50 and older with at least 1 heart disease risk factor have higher risks. don't take if allergic to rinvoq as serious reactions can occur. tell your doctor if you are or may become pregnant. put uc in check and keep it there with rinvoq. ask your gastroenterologist about rinvoq and learn how abbvie can help you save. woman: who's that, who is that? cole: this is my puppy! woman: cancer. it's different in a child. because your child is still growing. charlie: i had 14 rounds of chemo. there's thousands and thousands of kids all over the world who need help. girl: it is my first time having cancer. and it's the very worst. spokesman: saint jude children's research hospital works day after day to find cures and save the lives of children with cancer and other life threatening diseases. woman: it's scary to watch your kid battle and fight for their lives. spokesman: 1 in 5 children diagnosed with cancer in the us will not survive. woman: childhood cancer is hard. it's a long road. you just have to give. you have to give someone that hope. and especially with them being so young. spokesman: please, call, go on line, or scan the qr code for only $19 a month. families never receive a bill from saint jude for treatment, travel, housing, or food, so they can focus on helping their child live. man: she grew up in this. so when we go to st. jude, she's happy, because that's her home. every time i take her to the doctor, she's excited because she gets to play. and that's all because of saint jude. spokesman: when you call or go online with your credit or debit card right now, we'll send you this saint jude t-shirt you can wear to show your support to help saint jude save the lives of these children. woman: [non-english speech] spokesman: let's cure childhood cancer together. welcome back to politicsnation. this week i joined the family of dexter william and karl and where the federal investigation the jackson sippi police department after it was revealed that an off-duty jackson police officer fatally hit this person with his car back in march. and he was then buried in unmarked graves on a prison farm without his family's knowledge for nearly six months. joining me, now the attorney general of black america ben -- family of dexter wade. and with, him robinson weighed. dexter waits -- let me go to you first, rather crumpton. certainly we all continue to give our prayers and condolences to the mother of miss robinson. but brother crump, we appreciate you, as always, for joining us on this show. and certainly to join us with this great woman standing up for her son. i know this is difficult to talk about, can you first explain how you came to learn that dexter had been killed, miss robinson weighed? >> are you talking to me? >> yes, i'm talking to you. mrs. robinson. >> i first learned that they have been killed by a police officer on august 24th. >> and he was killed by car in march of that here, of this year. >> yes, killed march the 5th. >> i understand he had a prescription in his pocket, so there was a name they never came to you. you had put in a missing person report and no one ever told he knew that he was, in fact, killed by police officer, an off-duty police officer, and had been buried. >> no, they hadn't. they hadn't. >> now, attorney crump, jackson mayor called wades burial a communications failure, without malicious intent. regardless, you are facilitating an exhumation and an independent autopsy with his body. what are your thoughts about police claims that this was just an unfortunate mix up, because i understand that there is some past history between the jackson police department and the wade family, can you explain? >> certainly, reverend al. miss robinson wade is the named plaintiff on a wrongful death lawsuit where her brother, her 62 year old brother was bodies landed killed by jackson police officer and she did tv interviews, she went to court, she sat through to criminal trials, the officer was convicted, and so they knew she was, reverend al. so it is so hard to believe that with this police officer -- in a police car, they could not contact her as the next of kin, even though it was clear from the psychiatric clinic that he was a mental health patient, and she was the next of kin. they knew that on march 5th. why did it take until august 24th with the help of an nbc reporter from new york to find out that his body was buried in a prison in grave, and she never would have found out had not been for the good work of that nbc reporter. >> mr. wade, you know it's very important to me on this show that my guests who suffered losses, as you have, are able to illustrate who their loved ones were. the person they've lost. because people sometimes forget, this is an issue for ben promptly and we have a national action network, we say we want to help penalize him in a dignified way, once the lawyers and you are finished what has to be done. but i wonder if you can tell us about your son, who was your son? who do you want the world to know about dexter? >> okay. i want him to know about dexter, this was a very kind hearted person. he always helped the homeless, dexter always loved the children, dexter loved his children, dexter was a loving person. i mean, he was anything, if he had anything -- last time in his pocket, if you needed it, he would give it to you. he was saying i will get some more. dexter was the kind of person that did not never turn anybody down. and i mean, he was a good son because when i come home, he got my yard cleaned, he got my house cleaned. dexter, you know, dexter just was a good hearted person. and i mean everybody that know him, he did not never, he was never rude. he was always good hearted. >> let me, again, say that we stand with you at this unexplainable, unimaginable tragedy. and the attorney, ben crump, -- we will be with you through the process. >> can i thank, you publicly, rev. can i thank you publicly, reverend, al for calling the doj to get involved? because this family does not trust mississippi, and after we examine like we did 18 years ago with martin lee at the -- we asked if you could come to jackson and penalize him, because we cannot let them sweep it under the rug. >> but i promise they won't sweep it under the rug, and i promise robinson way that i will be there where she needs, me when she needs me. i can't imagine is happening to any one of our children. thank you attorney general. >> i want to say something to you, reverend al. i want to thank you for even considering helping me. i think everyone for what they have done for me. i never thought i would make it to this point. i mean, i was struggling with the nbc news trying to get them get it out there. but i think everybody, everybody who has been involved with dexter. i think them for even helping me, for even keeping me the consideration of being a person, that they wanted to help. i thank you all from the bottom of my heart. i mean, i. do everything that you all are doing for me, i really appreciate. it >> will be there for you for the long haul, don't worry about, attorney crump, i know your play is always, for so before we, go i want your thoughts on another case this week. desmond mills, one of the former memphis police officers charged in the failed fatal beating of tyre nichols in january, pled guilty to excessive force and obstruction of justice, becoming the first to admit to guilt in the case. attorneys for the other officers charged have either declined to comment or indicated that they would state the cost -- clients defense -- by tyre and -- since then they've been to new york at the several times. do you expect any more guilty pleas coming? -- >> i, do reverend al sharpton. this was the first domino to fall. i think you are gonna see others fall. it is going to be a watershed moment in america when it's exposed about these oppression units that are able to violate civil rights of black and brown communities, they have them in every major city, this is going to be the first time we have documented evidence that this is police training of those officers doing this in our community, and so thank you for being with tyre nichols family to. we wouldn't have gotten here with our national action day working activists community and we never would have gotten a greater good than his mother said let's must come from this tragedy. >> >> >> what we will fight for miss robinson weighed in that family as well. attorney general of black america ben crump and mrs. robinson wade, thank you both for coming on this evening. up next, my final thoughts, stay with us. stay with us like the new deli heroes. buy one footlong in the app, get one free. it's a pretty big deal. kinda like me. order in the subway app today. - [female narrator] five billion people lack access to safe surgery. thousands of children are suffering and dying from treatable causes. for 40 years, mercy ships has deployed floating hospitals to provide the free surgeries these children need. join us. together, we can give children the hope and healing they never thought possible. it's a mission powered by love, made possible by you. give today. hi, i'm jason. i've lost 228 pounds on golo. ♪ i don't ever want to go back to wearing a 4xl shirt or not being able to climb up stairs without taking a break. so i'm committed to golo for life. right now get a free footlong at subway. like the new deli heroes. buy one footlong in the app, get one free. it's a pretty big deal. kinda like me. order in the subway app today. this weekend in chicago they are celebrating 15 years ago, the election of barack obama as president of the united states. 15 years ago this country elected, for the first-time, a black man as the president of the united states. but it was not only a celebration this weekend of his election, it is also a celebration of the eight years he was able to take this country back from economic despair, bring through an affordable health care act, deal with climate change, deal with policing, and gave us a years without any scandals that touched the oval office. so it's a lot to celebrate when you think of the presidency of barack obama. i was privileged to have access to him those eight years and were closely with him on civil rights issues. he came twice as president to the national action network conventions and i celebrate not just because he broke the color line but because he did things in office that needed to be done, and he did it with dignity and he made america look like it should look over the world. it would have been unimaginable to me when i stood there in the white house and watched him sign bills like hbcu aid and affordable care act that he would be followed by what he was followed by. it gives this weekend even more meaning to me to remember the american presidency not that long ago that represented a standard that the rest of the world would have to look up to. and i believe that represented -- so we can celebrate again. i remember sitting with -- and now senator raphael warlock and martin who junior iii and he was announced the winner in 2008. that does it for me and thank you >> you're for watching, i will see you back here watching the news for rundown. tomorrow at >> thank you for five pm eastern joining us for the news for another for rundown. our live newscast streaming hour of preview. -- politicsnation. our top story one of my

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