Transcripts For MSNBCW Yasmin 20240702

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aid into gaza. netanyahu shutting down that request, one of the very latest on why. plus, some new and surprising reporting about the speaker of the house, mike johnson, and why he has never even disclosed any financial information about himself. not even listened to bank accounts on his own disclosure. i'll be joined by the reporter who raise some of these questions about why. and i'm gonna bring you part of my conversation with two iranian american filmmakers, we're reclaiming the narrative that how their communities are being portrayed in hollywood. >> all of a sudden, we saw all of these exhibits, or these plays, or films, it inspired us to really become a part of representing our people. >> we want to start with the latest on the ground offensive by israel in gaza. happening right now, thousands have gathered in tel aviv to show their support for hostages being held in gaza. we'll keep our eyes on that. meanwhile, israeli troops continue to bomb the region, claiming to have killed dozens of terrorists, as they put, in the last 24 hours. nbc news has not confirmed those details. it says calls for humanitarian cease fire grow louder. let's bring in jay gray from tel aviv, to talk us through all of this. if you can, jay talk to us about some of the action that we've been seeing on the ground in tel aviv that i just mentioned, in support of the release of these hostages. any advancement that we know that can aid in hostage negotiations admits the offensive from israel? >> yes. it's interesting, yasmin. we know there were communications going on with qatar, they're intermediary. those talks have continued. but they have, according to those in qatar, really changed in tenor since the offensive, and the push into gaza has really accelerated. and as those troops have expanded, their footprint into gaza. so it has become, according to those who are involved with the negotiations, a much more difficult process. we know there are about 240 hostages right now, according to the idf. and what hamas has said, is that they will release the hostages if there is a cease-fire, and israel says, if you release the hostages, there will be a cease-fire. so it is a circular argument between the two publicly, as they continue to talk again behind the scenes. the u.s., and outside observer in all of this, it is really qatar talking with israeli diplomats, talking with hamas, and trying to work this out. we know that egypt to has been involved in a bit of the negotiations. but to this point, we've heard nothing on any pending releases at this point. i should tell you, here in tel aviv, there was a rally tonight, as part of what has become a sit-in for families of the hostages, who have now decided that they are going to camp out in one of the squares here in tel aviv, and intend to stay there until they say, the hostages come home. so they continue to try and put pressure on the israeli government here, to do what they can to bring those hostages home. when you talk to the families of the hostages, what they will tell you is, they believe there should be at least a pause in the fighting as well. so that is of course, that's beginning to grow louder, not only globally, but here in tel aviv, and israel as well. >> jay gray forest. thank you jay, we appreciate it. the israeli army, trading fire with iran-backed hezbollah, along its border with lebanon earlier today. >> we see those massive plumes of smoke, visible a day after hezbollah's leaders gave his first speech, hasan nasrallah, since the war broke out. i want to bring in -- to talk more about this. the widening alley, the escalation of this war has been a persistent concern since this war began after the attack on the israelis on october 7th. we have heard somewhat consistent calls from iran, the foreign minister as well, they are not looking to get involved directly in this war. talking about their proxies, that is a different conversation. talk me through what we heard from the hezbollah leader, hasan nasrallah yesterday, who we know, obviously, is backed by iran. >> hi yasmin, that is right. nasrallah says he takes his -- iran created hezbollah. but his speech wasn't what we were expecting. in many ways, it was a typical nasrallah speech. it was long, it felt like a lecture, and it was laced with threats. but there was no declaration of war. there were no ultimatums made by him, that if israel, you know, didn't stop the incursion, that hezbollah would get involved or fire some of their hundred and 50,000 rockets towards israel. none of that was there. he made some veiled threats about, you know, there has been unprecedented cross border fighting with israel. israel would make a massive mistake if they carried out a preemptive strike on lebanon. and it warned of further escalation on the lebanese front, he warned it was a possibility. but no declaration of war. >> can you talk to me at all about how the secretary of state's visit to the region as well, and what he had to say yesterday how it has been received in iran? and in the region? >> well, those, his words basically fall on deaf ears here in iran. their entire objective has, in many ways, been realized, yasmin. iran has been quite victorious in this battle. they've reached many of the things they wanted. their main proxy had dealt a terrible blow to israel on october the 7th. they have seen antisemitism on the rise, they have seen a mass protest in support of palestine, in western cities, something that -- talks about with great relish over the last few days. and iran has come out of this completely unscathed. so this has been a big victory for iran, no matter what the direction of this war goes into. so, what secretary blinken has to say, it isn't really very important for iranians. iran doesn't really want a regional war here. what they want rather is to undercut israel, and more importantly, undercut the united states. and they have kind of done that for now. >> as always my friend, thank you. so today also marks 28 years since the assassination of israeli prime minister -- robyn was a champion for peace and a two-state -- signing the oslo accord in 1995 but just months later he was assassinated by an israeli assess -- before his death, it was led by now prime minister benjamin netanyahu. coming up, trump on trial. both don junior and eric testified in the civil fraud case. what to expect with the former president takes a stand on monday. we are back in 60 seconds. are back in 60 seconds. right now get a free footlong at subway. like the new deli heroes. buy one footlong in the app, get one free. it's a pretty big deal. kinda like me. order in the subway app today. ♪ unnecessary action hero! ♪ -missing punches? -unnecessary!. -check reversals? -unnecessary! -time sheet corrections? -unnecessary! -unentered sick time? -unnecessary! -go! -unnecessary! -go! -unnecessary! -when you can take this phone, you'll be ready. -make the unnecessary, unnecessary. let your employees do their own payroll. >> all, right the former president and his daughter, of all, garcetti take the witness stand next week in their new york civil fraud case. this is coming after two of the former presidents sons, don junior, eric as well, they testify this week in back-to-back appearances, in a new york courtroom. both sons claimed responsibility on their accountants. but with a judge already ruling that the trump organization took part in massive amounts of fraud, how is the family's testimony going to impact the damage is still yet to be ruled on? we want to bring in former u.s. attorney, and msnbc legal analysts -- to talk more about that. let's first talk about your assessment of both don jr.'s, and eric trump's defense. their testimonies, the explanations they had, and the distancing they puck between themselves, and their accounting firms on the stand this week. >> right. so unfortunately, they are sitting in a judge trial, not a jury trial. the judge will determine the value of their testimony. he has already decided to pull certificate from the trump organization, which ends their ability to conduct real estate business in the state of new york. he is deciding about damages. how much of their profits, ill gained profits, the organization, and these individual defendants, will have to discourage. and so this effort to lay off responsibility on someone else, it doesn't play particularly well. because we are talking about the responsibility of the entity as a whole, including its leadership. trump's are now testifying, and they have done, little if anything, to discourage the judge from awarding damages in the full amount the attorney general seeks, $250 million. >> i am wondering though, as we talk about their testimony a little bit, if in fact, because the prosecution then produced documents, or emails i should say, that may have, that pushed back essentially on what eric trump was claiming that he was not involved. right? in the assessments of these properties. if in fact they find, or it is found that they perjured themselves on the stand, could not complicate things? >> well, it could yasmin. but even before you get to that point, there are still six charges that the judge hasn't ruled on, involving the provision of false statements. and there is some suggestion that each of these individuals could play a role in some, or all of those statements. so that is the first issue for the judge to determine. if they have in fact committed perjury, and i'll tell you, as a former prosecutor, that it is not as easy as thinking someone lied on the stand, there has to be a very specific question, and a clearly incorrect answer before charges can be brought. but if that proves to be the case here, the attorney general can certainly look into that. >> there was this document that was produced, that was, it was talked by adam crossfield, who is inside the courtroom, and it talked about whether the president actually reinstated himself to trump org. saying, new york a.g.'s council shows a document showing that former president trump restored himself as trustee on january 15th, 2021. i am wondering, joyce, if this at all could help jack smith's case, and or fani willis's case. and at the president knew he had lost this election, and was returning to private life. >> yes, so it is a very interesting question, for one thing, he was still the president, at the point where he retake control of his company. for any other person in public office, that would be a shocking violation of trust. for trump it seems almost predictable. i think, as its evidentiary value goes, this would be a key piece of evidence, had this happened prior to january six. or even sooner after the election. as it is, this close to, what that point was the inevitable turnover of government to joe biden, i think trump would simply say that he was preparing for the long flight that he did not believe that he had lost the election, but he knew that he was going to be wrongfully removed from office. so he would have that sort of built in defense. nonetheless, this is an additional piece of cumulative evidence that shows trump was aware he had lost. >> i want to talk about the mar-a-lago documents case as well. the judge overseeing the mar-a-lago case, judge aileen cannon, firing back at prosecutors this week. i believe it was yesterday, because prosecutors were claiming that she in fact was being manipulated by the former president and his attorneys, in asking for yet another delay. we know this trial right now is set for may. she has indicated that there will likely be another delay to that. what do you make of all of this? and are you surprised? >> here is what the dispute was about. trump's lawyers asked her to delay the case, saying that it would conflict with the trial that would be conducted in the district of columbia. frankly, that is just unlikely on the map. because prosecutors estimated that their case in d.c. would take 4 to 6 weeks, that means that there is a grace period of about five weeks between the projected and in that case, and the start of the case and mar-a-lago. but what happened here that is absolutely stunning, is that after they walked out of this hearing in front of judge cannon, trump's lawyers turned around and filed a motion in the district of columbia, asking judge chutkan to delay their trial. they did not disclose that judge in florida, judge cannon, they simply said we think there will be a conflict, so you should move your trial back. virtually any judge i've ever appeared in front of would be outraged that trump's lawyers had kept something so important from them, instead judge cannon took advantage of the opportunity to criticize prosecutors, and did they technically exceeded the word count of the short of notice to the court. but she could've taken judicial notice of the trump filing, and the district of columbia. and asked those lawyers to explain their failure of candor to the court. she did not do that. >> joyce vance, thank you as always. we appreciate you. still ahead, what years of disclosure forms reveal about new speaker mike johnson's finances. up first, president biden traveling to maine, days after the state experience's deadly shooting. what he told the grieving community. we will be right back. be right back. oh... stuffed up again? 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beginning today for the 18 people who were killed and the horrific mass shootings in lewiston, maine. on friday, we saw the president and the first lady doing a job they have done way too often, comforting families who lost a loved one in a mass shooting, once, again the president called action on gun control. joining nina now it's aaron gilchrist, was traveling with the president. they queue for joining with us. the president has had to visit communities who are reeling from gun violence, so many times. talk to us about his role as consoler, and chief, and really how we've seen him pull from his own grief and experiences that he's had, the loss that he's experience in his own life. >> yes, yasmin, this is the fifth time since the president took office that he has traveled to a city after a shooting. in quite literally, wrap his arms around the people who have been impacted by these things. in this case obviously, 18 families in maine, many of them saying that they were happy to see the president come there to take a moment to honor their loved ones. but also to experience this grief with them. as you noted, the president often talks about having had to deal with grief himself, losing his first wife, and his daughter so many years ago, and losing his son, beau biden, as well just a few years ago to cancer, this president knows what it feels like to lose a loved one. and you go to the seat of a shooting like this, and to say to the people who have lost loved ones, that he understands where they are at this moment in their lives, it is something this president has really tried to do, as you noted, too many times in his presidency. at the same time, he took advantage of the opportunity, to again call on congress to change laws. to call for universal background checks, to call for congress working with states to strengthen red flag laws, enter call for universal background checks as well, all things the president has tried to make sure is in the forefront of his gun control policy, since he took office, yasmin. >> having to draw on the epidemic of gun violence we have in this country right now, also ever entering this election year, whether or not that will be top of mind, as he runs for reelection in 2024. exactly one year from tomorrow is the presidential election. we have some new polling, the biggest data, and it is from the economists. 57% of registered voters polling say they have an unfavorable view of the president, comparing that to 42% who have a favorable view of him. his polling numbers have not been great as of late. i am wondering what you're hearing from inside the biden campaign, the reelection campaign, as to how they are going to deal with this. what they will lead, with aaron. >> you, know the campaign has been talking about this. as you know, where a year out from the election. our white house team has been writing about what the campaign plans to do going into the real thrust of the campaign season, trying to take the presidents work on economic issues, and personal freedoms, in contrasting that with what we've seen from what the campaign calls, the mega republican. extremist views that they have adopted. we will see some of this play out with the debate coming up in florida this week. the campaign plans to have surrogates on the ground there. to start having more conversations, holding events with members of the latino community in florida, the block community as well. and also posting billboards for example nearby some of the events the former president trump will be holding in florida. and here where the debate will be happening in miami as well. all of that, leading up to more of the same, you may expect yasmin, as we go into the campaign season, and get closer to election day. >> aaron gilchrist for us, thank you erin, good to see, you we appreciate it. we want to go to florida now, where republican presidential candidates are speaking at the annual gop, florida freedom summit. it's a campaign blitz i'm sure, but they will also be there to sign paperwork to officially appear on the florida ballot for the states primary election in march. but one of the top candidates had to pull out at the very last minute. we want to bring in nbc news campaign and bed, greg hyatt, who is in kissimmee, florida. i believe i said that right. good, to talk to you. what can you tell us? what do you see there? >> good afternoon yasmin, so that is exactly correct. nikki haley is not here today. because she is dealing with what's being called a family issue. and that absense is going to mean, that she is gonna have to pay $75,000 for not being here today in orlando florida. because the candidates who are here today, they are actually filing for the florida gop primary. that is taking place in march. her absence also coincides at a time where she's been trending tively in the polls. we have a poll that we did with the des moines register recently, that showsthat she is tied for second with ron desantis at 16% to trump's 43%. now, just setting the scene for what's been happening so far today here in florida, it is definitely been more of a pro trump, pro desantis crowd. you can definitely get that sense. when desantis was on the stage earlier, he got a loud ovation. and then you contrast that to when asa hutchinson, and chris christie were on the stage, they were booed loudly when they talk about wanting new gop leadership. and referring to that new gop leadership, that will be upcoming, former president trump will be the keynote speaker here later at six pm tonight. he kicks off a very this a week for the former president. he will of course testify in that new york city fraud trial on monday. and then he will of course have some counterprogram to the debate that nbc news is gonna host on wednesday, held a rally in miami, before wrapping up the week by having a fund-raiser at mar-a-lago. >> all, right great high force, think you, greatly appreciated. by the, way gregg just mentioned it, so i'll plug it here as well, you can watch the third republican presidential debate moderated by our own lester holt, kristen looker as well, this wednesday, eight pm eastern, five pm specific -- streaming on abc news now. coming, up house republicans pass and israel aid bill with a catch. what is in it that has democrats in the senate saying, no. plus, no checking, no savings, no assets. listed on years of disclosures, what a daily news reporter uncovered when he did some digging into the new speakers financials. we will be right back. be right back. ♪tell me why♪ because it stinks. ♪have you tried downy rinse and refresh♪ it helps remove odors 3x better than detergent alone. it worked guys! ♪yeahhhh♪ downy rinse and refresh. right now get a free footlong at subway. like the new deli heroes. buy one footlong in the app, get one free. it's a pretty big deal. kinda like me. order in the subway app today. right now get a free footlong at subway. like the new deli heroes. buy one footlong in the app, get one free. it's a pretty big deal. kinda like me. order in the subway app today. >> we are in dire straits as a nation. if you talk to leaders at the joint chief of staff, the pentagon, if you asked about the greatest threat to our national security, you would expect, most people would say, china, russia, iran, terrorism, they say it's a national debt. >> okay, so that was two house speaker, as you well know by now, mike johnson. on what he views as our top security issue. it's not worse in ukraine, or the middle east, but it's a national debt. however, as it turns out, this new speaker does not run his own financial house in the way that he is demanding of the country. accordingo new reporting from the daily beast, johnson's never listed a bank account on his financial disclosures. in fact, on his newest disclosure, he doesn't list a single asset at all. and it doesn't stop there. while johnson may not have money in a bank, heoes have a relationship with a bank. that is, he deals with banks on the liability side, with his disclosures really three debt that citizens national bank. we want to bring in the author of this reporting, roger saw lindberg, or senior political reporter for the daily beast, to talk more about this. this is fascinating to me. hawk us through more of, first, what you found, and then i want to kind, of dissect what it all means. >> yeah, you covered pretty well in your introduction there, jasmine, thank you. he just has not reported a bank account for the last seven years. what that means is that, it doesn't mean it doesn't, that he doesn't have a bank account, it really means that he probably doesn't have, like an interest bearing bank account, like a checking account, a savings account, that totals $5,000 between him and his wife. so we assume that he probably does have an account. he has a mortgage, she does have loans from banks, like personal loans. but it does seem that what we found, is his financial position seems to be, you know, pretty, pretty precarious. >> so, to be clear, what you're saying is that he may not have enough money in these bank accounts to meet the threshold, to that reported on your financial disclosures? or is he being misleading in these financial disclosures, and not reporting things that he should be? >> we can't really say for sure. what seems most likely, given the benefit of the doubt, is that, yeah, he just doesn't have enough money to trigger the reporting requirement. there are some questions about, you know, his income before he came into the house. to be very clear here, you know, it's a push back against my article has been, it just seems that mike johnson, it makes a more relate-able. the article is poor shaming him, or something. to be very clear, i've lived below the poverty line, i have struggled my life. i know he makes more money than i do. mike johnson makes more than $200,000 a year, he is in the top 12 percentile between him and his wife, for median household income. the median household income in his state, he is ten times that level. his household income. yeah, so, you know, is that relate-able? i think that there's maybe like, a not so subtle elitism in granting him that, that grace there. but, another point, it's that it is the context. so overnight, mike johnson was vaulted to one of the most powerful positions in the country. so we're not just looking at him as another congressman. it's in the context of the position here a speaker. and all the responsibilities that come with that. including financial responsibilities. we saw the israel aid package that he just unveiled, that he said, you would be able to offset. but you know, the bipartisan congressional budget office projects that that aid package, instead of reducing, it would actually add to the deficit at about 12.5 billion dollars, to 2033. and it also increased the lost revenue of 25, 26 billion dollars itself. so, we are looking at, perhaps the effects of having this guy as weak or. but we don't really know yet. >> you also spoke with the communications director, jordan leibowitz for the watchdog group. and he told you about the reasoning, which it's important for the reporting of these finances, by lawmakers. saying, one of the reasons we have these financial disclosures, is to know whether politicians are having financial difficulties, which could make them ripe for influence. what more are you hearing about this? the reaction that you are getting from your discovery? >> well i mean, there's a natural inclination to say, well, he's not one of these wealthy congressman who are clearly, you know, trying to profit off of their position, you know, it seems possible that he is positioning himself to profit, maybe after he leaves congress, with lobbying gigs, or whatever. but again, mike johnson is third in line to be president now. people look for ways to influence, or exploit people in positions of power. one of the vulnerabilities that is often targeted is, you know, a person's finances. whether they are wealthy, or whether they, you know, need money. those are appealing in, ways. it doesn't mean mike johnson is corrupt. we have not uncovered any evidence of corruption. but it is worth noting, to keep in mind that, hey, he could be a target for something like this. >> roger salman berger, thank you for this excellent reporting. we appreciate it. i want to bring in -- towns in. she picks up coverage right after me. four pm eastern coming up in about 24 minutes time. can i just get your reaction to that? it is perplexing to me, as i sit here and think about it. >> it's strange right? >> why he wouldn't disclose bank accounts, bank information, on his financial disclosures. even if it may mean that it's because he's not hitting the bar for which to disclose them. if he's making 200,000 plus dollars a year, you would think he would. >> you know, when i worked at the white house, before any federal government employee, but especially when you work in the office of the president, or vice president, you have to do a financial disclosure. it does say on the form -- >> like you have to do it as well? >> i had to do. and they don't clear how much money -- it is $500 and bank account, you need to put it down on the line. so i am, i don't know why the threshold seems to be different for members of congress. but i do think it is strange that, the now speaker of the house, does not seem to have a bank account, i just, i don't find that to be true. i think this does beg more questions. and the reason that you have to disclose all those financial informations, as the daily beast article continues to play out, it is because people who either, have some financial troubles, or, maybe you have money in other places, and spaces, you could be susceptible, to not just bribery, you know, from people within the united states, but foreign actors. and so that is why these called reforms are important. i also, note this disclosure is often, the process does discriminate if you will against people who don't come from wealth. you know? i'm from north nebraska. my mom is a serial entrepreneur. and my father was a chemist for the army corps of engineers. they're like where's the stop. i don't have stock. i didn't know anyone who worked at the white house previously. just because someone may have a little debt, doesn't mean they can't be a good public servant. >> that is a really good point. >> let's talk politics for a moment. although we were just talking politics, but in a different way, you are one year out essentially, as of tomorrow, from the 2024 presidential election. mind-blowing. we got a memo from the biden camp, essentially saying, they will operate 2024 election campaign as they did the 2020. that's a real comparison. they're making the assumption that the former president is going to win, it's going to be the nominee of the republican party. they are gonna make a real comparison to donald trump. >> yeah. >> essentially. juxtapose themselves to donald trump. do you think that's a winning stragy or do you think things have changed after the president has served for ears? >> you know, i think it is a little juxtaposition. i think the juxtaposition with nald trump is going to encompass what a biden presidency was, versus a trump presidency. what joe biden has said and done as it relates to ukraine, for example, on foreign policy, and what president donald trump did as it relates to foreign policy in ukraine. i think that is a very strong comparison. i, i, i don't know how to run like 2020. 2020 was in the middle of the pandemic. we did a lot of zooms from home, at one point, when i worked on the campaign, we weren't traveling as much, right? so i think that this time is a little different. and i also think that it is not going to be enough to tell a number of base democratic party voters, and moderate republicans, that is a part of joe biden's coalition. that donald trump is really bad. you have to vote for me. so the campaign is gonna have to make an affirmative case as to why one should want to cast a ballot for joe biden and kamala harris. >> you have to think about the economy, right? despite the economy doing well, people of fears about where the economy may go, and where it's going when you look at inflation. you think about, obviously, the war, the words that are happening overseas, the epidemic of gun violence in this country as well, abortion has happened since 2020, the overturning of roe v. wade. there's so many things that the democratic party needs to dig into, and i feel should be. >> there is a lot of things, a lot of stories to tell. i have quinton folks on tomorrow, the deputy campaign manager for the biden campaign. i will ask all of the questions. >> okay, i'll text you in the middle. ask this. ask that. simone sanders townsend, thank you, catch simone, every weekend in 20 minutes, four, pm following our show and on peacock. do you like how a tell time on the fly like that? >> you are good. because i can't. >> up next, how year marked by protests inspired a new generation of filmmakers to redefine what it means to be iranian american. we will be right back. ight back. like the new deli heroes. buy one footlong in the app, get one free. it's a pretty big deal. kinda like me. order in the subway app today. with the freestyle libre 2 system, know your glucose level and where it's headed. no fingersticks needed. manage your diabetes with more confidence. freestyle libre 2. try it for free at [city ambience sounds] [car screech] [car door slam] [camera shutter sfx] introducing ned's plaque psoriasis. 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trucks per day. however, israeli authorities have not allowed the entry of fuel up to this moment. we want to turn out to a new comedy drama, from iranian american filmmakers called the persian version. the film comes at a time when the war, the world is still grappling with the death of mahsa amini. the protests we saw, not only inside iran, but across the world. and now, monitoring how iran trends a fine line in the israel-hamas war. watch this. >> aggression. terrorism. oppression. all words many see as synonymous with iran in western film immediate. the good versus evil depictions, leaving iranian americans feeling alienated. >> the way it's portrayed, the chaos, it's this, it's always the headlines. and at some point, it just makes you not interested in understanding your own identity. >> -- grew up in iran, and move to the u.s. with her family at 12. but felt the richness of her culture was missing from what she saw on screens big and small. >> the poetry, the food, the history, everything, every part of, it it is so beautiful. it is not the country you should fear, it's not the people that you should resent for the situation with their governments. >> got government, a product of the 1979 iranian revolution, when iran's u.s.-backed -- was toppled. it was the start of a decades long geopolitical conflict. putting the country's leadership at odds. >> the hostages in iran spend their tenth day in captivity today. >> summarizing americans, with no control over the revolution, or the hostage crisis, becoming the target of american rage. >> our neighbors, our friends, they embracing our windows, beating us up. >> and popular movies, released overtime, did not help either. >> for better or worse, hollywood tends to follow our political, kind of, position. so, when we see films like, not without my daughter, it should really be surprising. >> now, the space in america opening up for a new narrative. >> [crowd chanting] >> sparked by a movement that unveiled the strength, the death, and the richness of the iranian people to the rest of the world. 22-year-old mahsa amini, detained by iranian morality police for allegedly not following a dress code. dying in their custody at the hospital a few days later. prompting women to take to the streets. their bravery, witnessed by millions, and inspiring a new wave of expression. >> there has been a little bit of an awakening, that is more than just our government. it is what people on the ground are doing. >> -- winning a pulitzer prize for her recent play, english, exploring the identities of four iranians preparing for a language exam. >> but is also growing around a newly-released movie. >> amazing, congratulations. >> winning an audience award at sundance, it's making history, for uniquely packed sharing the iranian immigrant experience in the u.s.. >> holy, all as we, and i can't be pregnant. >> the persian version, a semiautomatic -- made by trail blazing filmmaker -- with the majority iranian cast. >> this is a film i always want to see growing up. i never saw any images at wrigley, that vaguely represented me. >> i love that you said it needed to be a comedy. because i feel it so often, right, the plight of an iranian american, me being one, myself, is either shown in not without my daughter, or argo, or -- were characterized in a certain way. >> that was my reason of wanting to do it. i said, if i, i want them to be truthful. in the east of great food, dancing. it of drama, a few tears, and a lot of joy. >> in a new generation of filmmakers, also stepping up. >> all the sudden, we saw all of these exhibits, or plays, or films, it inspired us to really become a part of representing our people. >> -- based on her own experience, watching the protests in iran from afar. >> making this film, it is kind of the decision to not go back to iran until it is free. but, this is the moment. . this is the moment to really step, up and stand with our people. because there's no other way to do it. >> a stand, using art to change the way her community is seen, all at the same time, keeping her from the country that she loves. >> my thanks, dr. aimee malik, and marianne show of our who sat down with me for that report. i inversions, everybody, its own theaters now. i saw it again last night. i have never felt more seen in my life than with this movie. you have to get out and see it. it is incredible. i hope you get a chance to check it out. we will be right back. ht back. ed to help protect myself. honestly? i couldn't afford to get sick. i want to be there for this one. i can't if i'm sick. pneumococcal pneumonia is a potentially serious bacterial lung disease. you may be at risk if you're 19 to 64 with certain chronic conditions. or if you're 65 or older. don't pause a moment longer. ask your doctor or pharmacist about getting vaccinated against pneumococcal pneumonia today. right now get a free footlong at subway. like the new deli heroes. buy one footlong in the 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App , Footlong , Heroes , Deal , Deli , Subway , Order , Kinda , Action Hero , Corrections , Reversals , Punches , Sheet , Go , Phone , Daughter , Employees , Unnecessary , Payroll , Garcetti Take The Witness Stand , Presidents , Sons , Courtroom , Responsibility , Don Junior , New York , Accountants , Fraud Case , Appearances , Aileen Cannon , Family , Testimony , Trump Organization , Fraud , Attorney , Damage , Amounts , Analysts , Msnbc , Eric Trump , Testimonies , Defense , Explanations , Talk , Assessment , Distancing , Let , Value , Judge Trial , Jury Trial , Accounting Firms , Damages , Organization , Certificate , Profits , Ability , Real Estate Business , Donald Trump , Leadership , Entity , Defendants , Effort , Whole , Someone Else , Fact , Attorney General , Anything , Amount , 50 Million , 250 Million , Documents , Prosecution , Assessments , Emails , Properties , Stand , Charges , Hasn T Ruled On , Six , Issue , Statements , Role , Provision , Individuals , Perjury , Suggestion , Case , Someone , Question , Prosecutor , Answer , Document , Adam Crossfield , Org , Saying , Jack Smith , A G , Council , Trustee , Trump , January 15th , Fani Willis , January 15th 2021 , 15 , 2021 , Life , Election , Thing , Congressional Budget Office , Control , Person , Company , Violation , Trust , The Point , Joe Biden , Evidence , Piece , Turnover , Flight , Sort , Prosecutors , Mar A Lago , Trial , Delay , May , Attorneys , Lawyers , Dispute , Map , D C , District Of Columbia , 4 , 6 , Five , Hearing , Front , Motion , Start , Orlando Florida , Judge , Conflict , Advantage , Court , Opportunity , Notice , Count , Word , Vance , Candor , Failure , Trump Filing , Shooting , Experience , Community , Finances , Disclosure Forms , Maine , Up First , Vicks , Sinex Saline , Subject 6 , Cancer , Music Playing , Journey , Just Sinex , Breathe , Ahhhh , Ahhhhhh , 1 , Mind , Children , Job , It Doesn T , Fight , Parent , 3 , 2 , Interviewer , Food , Child , Jude For Treatment , Childhood Cancer , Lives , Housing , Bill From St , Travel , Supporting St , Jude Children S Research Hospital , Chance , Work , Cures , Hope , Partner , St , Donations , 5 , 9 , 19 , World , Debit Card , Credit , Difference , Jude T Shirt , Jude Is Hope , Serrano Name , Riders , Places , Name , Serrano , Chains , Socal , Jalisco , Texas , Golo , Family Heritage , Ancestry , Programs , Gift , 110 , Conversations , Weight Loss , Insulin Resistance , Physician , Mom , Family Life , Memorials , Meals , Shootings , First Lady , Lewiston , 18 , Loved One , Aaron Gilchrist , Gun Control , Times , Gun Violence , Grief , Experiences , Chief , Consoler , Arms , Loss , City , Loved Ones , Wife , Beau Biden , Seat , Presidency , Congress , Call , States , Background , Background Checks , Laws , Red Flag Laws , Country , Epidemic , Office , Gun Control Policy , Forefront , Reelection , 2024 Exactly , 2024 , Polling , Data , View , Voters , Polling Numbers , Biden Campaign , 57 , 42 , Reelection Campaign , Campaign , Palestine Red Crescent , Campaign Plans , Writing , Campaign Season , Freedoms , Issues , Campaign Calls , Thrust , Extremist , Republican , Debate , English , Events , Members , Billboards , Surrogates , The Block , Example , Yasmin , Same , Holding , Miami , Candidates , Campaign Blitz , Paperwork , Florida Freedom Summit , Ballot , Bed , Greg Hyatt , Kissimmee , Nikki Haley , Absense , Family Issue , Afternoon Yasmin , Good , Place , Primary , Absence , March , Trending Tively , 75000 , 5000 , Poll , Polls , Second , Showsthat , Scene , Des Moines Register , Ron Desantis , 16 , 43 , Pro Desantis Crowd , Stage , Pro Trump , Sense , Chris Christie , Loud Ovation , Asa Hutchinson , Keynote Speaker , Former , Fraud Trial On Monday , Gonna , Host , Counterprogram , Fund Raiser , Force , Kristen Looker , Lester Holt , Eight , Disclosures , Assets , Checking , Bill , Catch , Savings , Abc News Now , House Republicans , Democrats , Coming , Senate , Yeahhhh Downy , Speakers Financials , Digging , Detergent , Daily News , Guys , Refresh , Dire Straits , Nation , Debt , Terrorism , Threat , Security , Chief Of Staff , House Speaker , China , Russia , Pentagon , Way , House , Security Issue , Middle East , Ukraine , Need Money , Bank Account , Citizens National Bank , Beast , It , Asset , Doesn T Stop There , Heoes , Banks , Reporting , Side , Roger Salman Berger , Author , Liability , Relationship , Saw Lindberg , Three , First , Hawk , He Doesn T , Introduction , Doesn T Mean It , Jasmine , Seven , Savings Account , Interest Bearing Bank Account , Checking Account , Account , Totals , Mortgage , Doesn T Have , 000 , Position , Loans , Pretty Precarious , Threshold , Income , Reporting Requirement , Benefit , Doubt , Sure , Article , Push , Poverty Line , Him , Household Income , Median Household Income , 00000 , 12 , Ten , 200000 , Grace , Level , Elitism , Congressman , Context , Positions , Responsibilities , Aid Package , Deficit , Projects , 2033 , 12 5 Billion Dollars , 12 5 Billion , Revenue , Effects , Guy , 26 Billion , 25 , 26 Billion Dollars , Jordan Leibowitz , Watchdog Group , Reasoning , Reasons , Lawmakers , Reaction , Influence , Politicians , Discovery , Difficulties , Inclination , Line , Profit , Lobbying Gigs , Power , Vulnerabilities , Exploit , In , Corruption , Worth , Is Corrupt , Target , Towns , Coverage , Four , He Wouldn T , Bank Information , Right , Bar , Vice President , Employee , Making 200000 Plus Dollars , Office Of The President , Form , 500 , 00 , Reason , Informations , Spaces , Troubles , You Don T , Bribery , Actors , Reforms , Anyone , Entrepreneur , Stop , Father , Wealth , Chemist , Stock , North Nebraska , Army Corps Of Engineers , Politics , Public Servant , Let S Talk Politics For A Moment , Comparison , Assumption , Biden Camp , Memo , Election Campaign , 2020 , Stragy , Nominee , Juxtapose , Juxtaposition , Nald Trump , Versus , Foreign Policy , Middle , Lot , We Weren T , Pandemic , Zooms , Number , Republicans , Coalition , Base , Economy , War , Inflation , Fears , Kamala Harris , Overturning , Abortion , Stories , Folks , Dig Into , Roe V Wade , Quinton , Catch Simone , Show , Simone Sanders Townsend , Deputy Campaign Manager , 20 , Protests , Generation , Fly , Peacock , Up Next , System , Ight Back , Libre 2 , Glucose Level , Confidence , Freestylelibre Us , Diabetes , Fingersticks , Car Screech , City Ambience Sounds , Plaque Psoriasis , Flaky , Otezla , Ned S Plaque Psoriasis , Patches , Camera Shutter Sfx , Car Door Slam , Skin , Blood Tests , Doctors , Flaking , Itching , Psoriatic Arthritis , Ned , Reactions , Headache , Thoughts , Nausea , Diarrhea , Vomiting , Depression , Upper Respiratory Tract Infection , Movie , Doctor , Ting , Crowd Gasp , Little Bear , Bear , Honey , I Ll Be There , You Don T , Dayquil Honey , Medicine , Relief , Symptom , Flu , Cold , Life Doesn T Stop , Dayquil , Honey Licious Taste , Aching , Stuffy , Trucks , Supplies , Water , Assistance , Rafah Border Crossing , Fuel , Authorities , Entry , October 21st , 21 , 450 , 30 , Film , Comedy Drama , Saw , Iranian American Filmmakers Called The Persian Version , Mahsa Amini , Fine Line , Aggression , Oppression , Iran In Western Film Immediate , Headlines , Identity , Move , Depictions , Evil , Chaos , Richness , Everything , History , Culture , Poetry , Situation , Governments , Product , Backed , Iranian Revolution , 1979 , Revolution , Hostage Crisis , Summarizing Americans , Odds , American Rage , Friends , Neighbors , Movies , Released Overtime , Windows , Cup , Space , Movement , Not Without My Daughter , Crowd Chanting , Women , Morality Police , Strength , Hospital , Rest , Custody , Dress Code , 22 , Streets , Expression , Millions , Bravery , Awakening , Wave , Congratulations , Language Exam , Identities , Audience Award , Amazing , Pulitzer Prize , Immigrant Experience , Sundance , Holy , Persian Version , Making History , A Semiautomatic , Plight , Majority , Images , Comedy , Trail Blazing Filmmaker , Iranian Cast , Wrigley , Or , Argo , Least , Drama , Sudden , Dancing , Joy , Decision , Step , Afar , Art , Dr , Thanks , Marianne , Aimee Malik , Who , Theaters , Report , Everybody , Sat , Ht Back , Pneumococcal Pneumonia , Lung Disease , Help , Risk , Pneumonia , Conditions , Pharmacist , 65 , 64 , Chronic Kidney Disease , Side Effects , Ketoacidosis , Ga Farxiga , Kidney Failure , Urinary Tract , Dialysis , Dehydration , Infection , Yeast Infections , Perineum , Symptoms , Blood Sugar , Stop Taking Farxiga , Medication , Astrazeneca , 80 , Weight , Lifestyle Change , C Mon Baby , Change , Soft Music , Nine , 138 , Game , Internet , Touchdown Baby , Touchdown , 5g , Go , Airport , Noise Cancelling Earmuffs , Salad , T Mobile , Verizon , Xfinity 10g Network , 10 , Jewish , World Leaders , Faith , Blaine Alexander , Muslim , Faiths , Survivor , Holocaust , Gaza Envelope , 1400 , Siege , Robert , Torn Bosnia , Sisterhood , Mother , Spain , Salaam Shalom , Weathering , Disagreements , Roberta , Each Other , Hold , We , Opinion , Others , Femail , One Way Or Another , Capacity , Back , Truths , Deaths , Importance , Struggle , Wrestling , Humanity , Tribes , Monmouth Junction , New Jersey , Last Night , Blaine , Barack Obama , Obama Foundation Democracy Forum , Dispassionate , Carnage , Face , Mourning , Bodies , Reckoning , Rubble , College Campuses , News , Allies , Divides , Sentiment , Surge , Challenges ,

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