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a message in israel. >> it's important that the united states is committed to making sure everything possible is done to protect civilians. >> tonight, the calls for a humanitarian pause as the bombardment continues. then -- >> the entire world is watching this, and they're laughing about what's going on. >> day two for some number two. if the gag order grows in new york, meanwhile out west -- >> trump incited a violent mob to attack our capital. to stop the peaceful transfer of power, the case to throw trump off the ballot wraps up in colorado. >> trump claims after all that, he has the right to be president again. >> and an unbelievable case study and how to succeed in congress without really trying. >> corruption is a real problem in this country. and i have seen [laughter] it is. it is. >> when all in starts right now. >> good evening from new york, i'm chris hayes. today, america's top diplomats secretary of state antony blinken flee to israel for a second time in two and a half weeks where he met with israeli war cabinet. that's the new unity government more cabinet. there, he called for a humanitarian pause to the conflict in gaza. >> we need to do more to protect palestinian civilians. we've been clear that as israel conducts this campaign to defeat hamas, how it does so matters. i've seen images to of palestinian children, young boys and girls pulled from the wreckage and buildings. when i see that, when i look into their eyes, through the tv screen, i see my own children. how can we not? >> following those remarks from the u.s. secretary of state, two things happened. in a brief address to the nation, israeli prime minister, benjamin netanyahu, swiftly rejected calls for any kind of humanitarian pause. invoking the more than 200 calls to just in hamas custody in gaza. despite last week, israelis military did not seem to consider those hostages a strategic priority before their incursion into gaza. the other thing that happened was the israeli military took credit for bombing an ambulance outside of gaza's largest hospital. that's the al-shifa hospital that we've been reporting on throughout the conflict. the gaza health ministry says multiple people were killed, and dozens more injured. the israeli military claims the ambulance was shielding hamas militants, as it often does when justifying why it believes civilian infrastructure is a legitimate military target. the health ministry, which is under the authority of hamas, denies those allegations. according to the washington post, quote, the dead and wounded invisible in the videos reviewed by the paper included women and children and no weapons or individuals were in military clothing could be seen. for now, it does not seem that the israeli military or government is particularly open to the white house's argument for a pause to protect civilians. while the biden administration has fallen short of calling for a full cease-fire, as some democratic members of congress have called for, the call for a pause, nonetheless, represents a shift, a marked one actually, in tone, for the white house. president joe biden has always been a stall supporter of israel. all the way back to his time on the senate foreign relations committee. >> i think it's about time we stop those of us who support, as most of us do, israel in this body, for apologizing for our support for israel. there is no apology to be made. none. it is the best three billion dollar investment we make. were they not in israel, the united states of america would have to invent in israel to protect our interest in the region. the united states would have to go out and invent in there is a real. >> that was senator biden back in 1996, following the barbaric attacks on october 7th, the president's initial instinct was to stand firmly with israel, both, i believe, out of genuine principle. it's what he believes, as well as u.s. strategic alliances. and the approach that i think president biden adopted, with benjamin netanyahu, who he has known for decades, and talked about that all the time, is that he would publicly pledge his full support and solidarity to the people in israel, and behind the scenes, whenever possible, he would try to affect the trajectory of israel's response while maintaining that public posture of unwavering support. that was clearly the plan. unwavering suppit is true, as s national security in nato's government have said to me, that there's not a single nation on earth that would've experienced the trosky israel went through last month and not responded with some kind of military action. israel was always going to do something. and that's particularly true when you consider the ancient foundational trauma of a pogrom, elicited by the mass slaughter of jewish men and women and children, in a state created to stop such an atrocity. but there's the obstruct principle, israel's right to self defense, amid mass atrocity. it's right to go after the a purpose -- everyone in the u.s. government, around the world immediately afterwards, many agreed with. then there's the actual government in the state of israel. that the actual government, the men and women that will empower the actual politics and mechanisms of that state response -- right now, it's a unity government run by benjamin netanyahu. which prior to the attacks last month, was a hard right government run by benjamin netanyahu. considered by many israelis to be one of the worst, if not the worst government in the country's history. a netanyahu government that first of all, at the most basic level, had the worst security state failing of any government in the world since maybe 9/11, and maybe further back. a government whose primary military objective, prior to these attacks, appeared to be pursuing its own ideological goals of settler expansion in the west bank, raer than focusing on national security. it's also a government whose explicit strategy for stopping the palestinian state was to make sure there was divided regime between gaza and the west bank, which meant supporting hamas. benjamin netanyahu said that famously at a party meeting of his own party in 2019, according to various reports of people who were there. not to mention the fact that netanyahu himself is actually currently under indictment on corruption charges in israel. charges he denies. and much like donald trump, his current attempts to seize and retain power seem inextricably linked to his own self preservation. that includes his recent effort to basically take over the israeli courts, and remove the lone single independent check on the executive authority in the state of israel. that power graph led to widespread protests across the country for months. the largest in israel's history. with netanyahu quickly becoming something of a pariah among many of his own constituents. >> not only this particular law there has been that my past now, but the line of legislation is going to turn israel into a -- in the best days, a hollow democracy. in the worst-case, a dictatorship. and none of us air force pilots want to serve in an air force of a dictatorship. >> those concerns of eroding democratic -- were a exasperated by the fact that netanyahu's current coalition may well be the most right-wing government in the country's history. which has collaborated with some of the most fringe, vile figures in all of israeli politics. in some cases, even in the highest positions of power. take, for example, israel's current minister of internal security. that man, a man by the name of ignore ben-gvir, this is a man that even the israeli military refused to draft as a teenager over concerns about his extreme far-right views. according to the times of israel. ben-gvir openly admires a terrorist, a guy named barack goldstein who perpetrated one of the bloodiest acts of anti palestinian terror back in 1994. >> it's the bloodiest act of violence ever to occur in the occupied territories. a jewish settler opened fire indiscriminately this morning on muslim worshippers in a crowded mosque during morning prayers. the settler identified as an american immigrant slipped past armed guards at the tomb of the patriarch in have ron. a holy site for jews and arabs. >> brooke goldstein, jewish american who went to israel, murdered worshippers in that mosque. ben-gvir, and his wife, reportedly had their first date at the sight of that grave. for years, ben-gvir had a big laudatory admiring posture of him. when you see there, in his living room. that picture was considered so offensive, so beyond the pale, that even other far-right politicians in israel wouldn't stand for it. he was effectively barred from joining the current government, literally, uess he took the picture down. and under enormous pressure, ben-gvir agreed to take the picture down in his self pitying social media post. that guy, ben-gvir, he's still in power. in fact, he's ordering at least 10,000 guns to arm israeli settlers in the west bank. settlers who have only stepped up, markedly, their campaign of violence, intimidation, and terror against palestinians in the occupied west bank. nothing to do with hamas. since the october 7th attacks, as reported by sky news in this pocket. >> they've lived here for generations, but they've decided enough is enough. the entire population of the west bank villages are moving. it has no choice. israeli settlers have harassed them and threatened them. now, they're being told by israeli defense forces, that they have a week to leave. >> a whole village of palestinians forcibly ejected from their homes by israeli settlers. the this is what's happening right now in the west bank, as th war happens. one of israel's own intelligence services along wi less extreme members of its right-wing government and many israelis are very concerned about exacerbating tensions in the west bank. about opening another front. when israel is in this incredibly perilous situation. this is a coalition government, where some of the far-right members believe that fundamentals like israel is there's. that the enduring state they look for, openly they say this, is one in which jews control all of greater israel, including the west bank. and they just keep palestinians occupied and sedated. it's not the abstract principle of the right to self defense or reacting to atrocity, there are real people, in a government, making real decisions. so, when secretary of state, antony blinken, shows up and calls for restraint, what does he think prime minister benjamin netanyahu or his minister with the mass shooter poster are going to say? in the immediate aftermath of the attacks, israel defense minister justify the total and immediate blockade of gaza of all fuel and water and everything. which has led to the unprecedented humanitarian crisis by saying, quote, we are fighting monsters and we are acting accordingly. human animals was the translation, but some say monsters is closer to the original hebrew. at least one member of the israeliament has called for a knock bar, the catastrophicmass displacement of palestinians fromgaza -- this is a -- the new york times reports that in private conversations, israeli military leaders told officials that civilian deaths are just fair game. they compared their strategy to the ally bombings of germany and japan. the two atomic warheads in world war ii. i'm the ones that killed hundreds of thousands of people. whatever the israeli military says publicly about minimizing palestinian casualties, the ideological view of many people in that government are that they don't really matter. nbc news is now reporting the biden administration is growing concerns over the course israel is taking in this war. yes, they should be concerned. joining me now is vermont senator, bernie sanders. -- he's been an outspoken critic in the netanyahu administration. he actually worked in israeli in a kibbutz in his youth. senator, it's good to have you here. do you share the concerns of the white house, chris murphy who is on my program last week, about the direction, the war effort that the israeli government has taken some. >> what we are looking at now is one of the -- moments in modern history. it's indicated in hamas attack that there's a barbaric way to kill hundreds of men and children, israel has a right to defend itself. i don't think anyone disagrees with that. but what they are doing now in an indiscreet way, bombing refugee camps, arming ambulances, killing thousands of innocent men and women and children, a violation of international law is simply not acceptable. it has got to stop. you know, the united states provides 2.8 billion dollars every year to israel. now they say they don't want the money. fine. but if they could take our money, they want to give them even more. they've got to recognize that they cannot offend american values, what we stand for, what this world stands for. so in my view, -- i said this several weeks ago. understand we need to pause right now in the bombing. we need to deal with the horrific humanitarian disaster that you described. i mean they have no water, they have no food, they have no fuel. . hospitals have been bombed. it's a total disaster. and we are on the brink of seeing dozens more people die, hundreds of thousands of people were displaced. where are they? going -- many of them are living in overcrowded conditions in the united nations facilities. by the way, the u.n.'s lost over city relief efforts. we are looking at a humanitarian disaster. the united states put a lot of money in israel. obviously they have a right to defending themself. but palestinian children, are as important as israeli children, as important as american children. stop the slaughter of innocent people. >> i just want to fairly represent, i think, what i think the position of the israeli military is articulated among others by president herzog who was posing with anthony blinken at that meeting, where he was showing flyers that they were dropping in gaza. basically saying it's not indiscriminate, it's discriminate. we are giving people warning. te, it'sthis is what the israeli defense force is saying. this is a place in which hamas has integrated itself fully into civilian life. they are in tunnels, they're in ambulances, in the case of the claim. there's just no way that we can avoid civilian casualties here. we are doing our best. >> look, of course i understand that point. uprooting hamas in a very dense urban area is enormously difficult under the best of their circumstances. there will be civilian casualties. but we are talking up to now, of almost 10,000 people who have been killed. we are worried now that not only will people die from the bombings, but you're going to have disease, these people have no. water you're going to have diseases because of lack of water. and -- children -- think about how it impacts kids being in iraq and bombings every night the it's operating hamas in an urban. area it's very difficult. i think you've got to be very -- not to believe the israeli [inaudible] and revenge. the people of israel have every right to be furious. but i would hope they would learn a lesson from the united states of america. we are furious. when we were attacked on 9/11 and 3000 americans died. the result of that is we went to war in afghanistan. we went to war in iraq. thousands of soldiers lost lives in those wars. hundreds of thousands of people in afghanistan have died. rage does not bring about good public policy. the -- just to make this situation more tragic, israel has the most right-wing government it has ever had. they are working overtime right now in the west bank to end any possibility of a two-state solution. the united states must be clear, what went on in gaza before october 7th was a disaster. you had unemployment among the people, 75%. massive poverty. it is worse. now if we are going to give any hope to the palestinian people, who i understand, this is an undemocratic authoritarian terrorist organization. there must be a two tier state solution. you've got to stop the -- on arab territory in the west bank. we brought the national community together, we've got to give the palestinian people some hope. >> senator bernie sanders, in vermont, i really appreciate your time taking time to us tonight. >> i really appreciate it. >> coming up, as donald trump's middle son goes back under oath, the judge overseeing the case issues a blistering new gag order against trump's lawyers. insane scene playing out in the courtroom. we have someone who was there, who will bring it to us, next. t. he's a brand new dog, all in less than a year. when people switch their dog's food from kibble to the farmer's dog, they often say that it feels like magic. but there's no magic involved. 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>> let's talk about what happened today first. eric trump finished his testimony by about 11:30 this morning. only about an hour plus of testimony left. some of that was taken out by the discussion of the issues that related to the gag order. but during the hour plus that he had left, one of the things that eric trump was asked about was the severance agreement with allen weisselberg, which chris, you and i have discussed before. that's when, for the first time, the attorney generals office went to the promises that allen weisselberg made to the trumps in exchange for the $2 million that he is owed over a two-year period, only about 800 something thousand dollars of which has already been paid. and eric trump sat and confirmed that it was a business decision for them after allen weisselberg had been sent to records and sentenced. it was a business decision for them to get allen weisselberg to promise that not only he would criticize or disparage any of the trump entities or any of its officers or directors, hello, that's trump, his sons, and the two other defendants. but that he wouldn't cooperate voluntarily with any entity or person who has an adverse claim against the trump organization and those same individuals. that's when eric trump was asked, and you understood, that to include the attorney generals office. eric trump in a rhyme moment said the, yeah, i think it's pretty clear that you're adverse to us. >> can we agree that one such entity with adverse claims against the company at the point you signed this is the attorney generals office at the state of new york, yes, eric trump. i think the whole world knows your adverse to us, so i will say yes. in other words, basically hush money payment. i guess this is legal, you could make whatever nda civil arrangements you want. clearly, i don't think it could legally apply to criminal cooperation. you can't tell a person -- right? >> you can't tell a person that they can't answer a subpoena. the question is, is this agreement of forcible? probably not. it's probably against public policy, at least as applied. but the question is nobody has an interest in trying to get this to being unenforceable. allen weisselberg has 2 million reasons that he wants this agreement to be enforced. he even built what requires of him is quite onerous. as we said, likely problematic from a legal standpoint. >> so eric trump's testimony did not seem great for the trump org overall. >> no. >> there was a playing down about the details of business confronted with lots of receipts of the fact that he actually had to and was quite up on the business, particularly around things like valuation and mar-a-lago, the westchester property, all of the things that issue here. the takeaway is that he's being pretty unbelievable about his role in this. then there's the weird renewed attack on the clerk that happens after he gets off the stand. >> i think the renewed attack on the clerks sort of happens interspersed between damaging testimony. and the narrative is that the clerk is this rasputin-like figure, who is whispering in the ear of judge arthur engoron, and constantly exchanging notes with him, looks with him, and influencing him beyond the way in which a normal law clerk judge relationship is supposed to function. at least according to the trump defense. now, today, they also leveled a claim that hadn't been made previously in court. that the law clerk, who has been known to be involved politically, she ran for a civil judge ship, the accusation was that she has made a bunch of campaign donations that are against rules of judicial conduct. whether that will bear out to be true, i think it needs to be substantiated. but after putting that accusation out in the public domain, he was very clear, i can't substantiate that your honor, i just read that -- literally chris, you could hear the loud size of exasperations coming all across the gallery, and not just from the attorney generals table and those at their office. >> he said i just read that in barr guardian open court? that's a low blow moment. >> he just said i know it was in the news, someone said what's the source for that, he said i think that was breitbart. at that point you could hear all of the people assembled roll their eyes, and let go of these long drawn out exasperated sighs. but he also said, i'm not an internet person. in other words, i think that accusation is out there in the public domain. that was a news report this morning. but i'm not really familiar with the totality of the report. my question to chris kise would be, then why say that in open court on the record if you're not trying to create your own prejudicial theater? >> three takeaways here. obviously they're trying to distract their rehearsing for what they will do in future retrials and watch it will be even more of these antics for trying to distract. three, i think they're putting the clerk in genuine physical danger. i don't think that's even a question. lisa reuben, thank you very much, appreciate it, thank you. still ahead, she was an early trump supporter until she wasn't. she was a moderate voice in her district until she had the republican conference. brand-new reporting on just what drives congresswoman nancy mace next. mace next. you know that feeling of having to rewash dishes that didn't get clean? 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>> i'm still confused by the status of south carolina redistributing and don't want to spark out of turn. there when the initial redistributing went from swinging to -- i'm not sure of the core challenges and all of that. >> right. >> basically, i think a member like elise definite could be a comparable, where, one, you realize where all the small donor energy is obviously with the mega messaging, the other thing that i think is just true about our citizens united era and how small donations have become the name of the game, is that you really just want to have that household name, that recognizable face. and be able to try to just draw on some donations. i think what's different about the recent period we've seen is that she basically torched any goodwill she had left on capitol hill by being one of the mccarthy aides. so, i think that's left her in a very precarious position. and, again it was interesting to hear her say on the daily show that she was intrigued by the vp speculation, as if that was news to her, when, again we've reported, and have it on pretty good authority that she's basically the only one pushing that around. aside from trump advisor chris lacivita. that's it. >> this, is by the, way this is a former staffer who's talking about that vote to house. when i read the part about staffing up on comms as opposed to legislating, i thought about madison cawthorn who bragged about that famously. he built his staff around -- no longer a member of congress because he was basically turned out by republicans who had enough of his stuff, and successfully primaried him. this is a staffer talking about that vote to oust mccarthy, one of eight in the house republican caucus. in the eyes of former staffers, she saw the votes on the board and said if it. i'm just going to vote for it just so i can go on tv and talk about it. a former senior aide said. you should write that, quote on the gravestone of american democracy if it comes to. that jake lahut, great reporting, thank you very much. >> thank you. >> still to come, as donald trump finds himself ensnared in one legal morass after another, one under the radar call on a court case could have the biggest impact on his attempt to reclaim the white house, ahead. ahead. is made for sam who makes, everyday products, designed smarter. genius! like 2.5% cash back on purchases of $5,000 or more, so sam can make smart ideas, a brilliant reality! chase for business. make more of what's yours. woman: who's that, who is that? 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so congested! you need sinex saline from vicks. just sinex, breathe, ahhhh! what is — wow! sinex. breathe. ahhhhhh! >> the 14th amendment of the united states ratified right after the civil war in the u.s. constitution -- for disqualifying someone from public office in this country. this is from the 14th amendment, quote, no person shall hold any , cil, or military, who have previously taken an oath to support the constitution of the united states, shall have engaged in insurrection or rebellion against the same. a variety of legal scholars, including two very prominent conservatives have said that this applies to donald trump after tempted coup. he took an oath todefend, then he lied an insurrection. last year, thatargument succeeded in court against a participant in trump's insurrection, a county commissioner in new mexico who was removed in the 14th amendment. now, the ex president eligibility is on trial. this week, starting on monday, inside a colorado court, a judge heard arguments to disqualify trump from the presidential ballot under the 14th amendment. noah bookbinder is a president citizens for -- which brought that lawsuit in colorado, also the one in new mexico. he joins me now. noah, first just lay out what this lawsuit is. how it works, is this a state court action and you are suing donald trump? >> that's right. we are actually suing the secretary of state of colorado, who is in charge of the ballot in colorado. so, you're right, this is under the united states constitution, which has this purge-o-vision that you just went through. but it creates a qualification for office. in colorado, there's a state law that says that voters can go to court and say that somebody is not qualified, and therefore, they have to remove from the ballot. just as they would if somebody was running for president, and they were 27 years old. the constitution says you have to be 35. you can go to court. this is obviouslya more consequential qualification in some ways. or more complicated one. but it's still a qualification. so, these voters that we represent, republican on affiliated voters, sued to keep donald trump off of the ballot. and what we've had this past week's and evidentiary hearing to present the case for why this qualification is invoked. >> basically, you've got a legal proceeding, in a court of law this week, a bench trial, in front of this judge, that is basically, as a legal matter, does donald trump count as someone who took up insurrection rebellion against the united states, for constitutional purposes? >> that's right. the hearing this week has included testimony from members of congress, from law enforcement officers who were at the capital on january 6th 2021, from organizers of the rallies that day, as well as legal experts. to explain what is the evidence that there was an insurrection, that donald trump engaged in that insurrection, and to help the judge to kind of work through what is this provision for the constitution, which people didn't look at very much for about 150 years, because we didn't have any instructions. what does it mean? how does it work? how does it apply in this case? we had five days of testimony, and that is going to help the judge to make a really informed and supported decision. >> colorado congressman, ken buck, who is a founding member of the house freedom caucus, but he's also been very critical of the attempted coup, as well as efforts to impeach joe biden, he's now running for reelection. i believe he was one of the witnesses of this hearing this week? >> that's right. he's a witness who actually president trump's attorney brought in. >> so, their defense team is also calling witnesses, and what's the argument -- are they making the argument that this just doesn't count? >> well, i think that there are a number of issues in dispute, one of them is what is this an insurrection? another is did what donald trump do -- was it enough to qualify as engaging in insurrection? there are other arguments as to whether there's even the ability to go into court and take someone off the ballot, if they are disqualified under this provision. the judge heard evidence on both evidence and also expert testimony from really some of the top folks in the world who think about these issues. as to what the answers to those questions are, we feel like we presented a strong case of very well supported case. this is not going to be an instance of some official making some unilateral decision. this is based on really hard evidence that was hard fought by all the parties, it's going to be a well supported decision, i believe, when it comes out. whatever it is. >> yeah, so this would, i mean, this can be appealed, whatever happens. and i mean, it just seems to me like there's no way that determinations of a in eligibility of a man for office, under this provision of the 14th amendment, is not going to -- it's not going to end up before the supreme court. it just seems like ultimately that's going to be the body that's going to make a final determination about how this clause operates, this sort of dormant clause operates 100 years later, when we are faced with this challenge again. >> i mean, we're taking this one step at a time. the judge in the case has said that he plans to issue a decision before thanksgiving. that is building in time for the appeals process to happen, before ballots in colorado need to be printed in january. of course, it's an issue of tremendous national importance. so, certainly, something that we can very much see going up to higher. levels and perhaps to the u.s. supreme court,. >> do you think -- i want to ask about the political consequences of this, because i've seen people say, look, let's say even you prevail legally, that there's a political repercussion to taking someone off the ballot that is not the juice is worth the squeeze. what do you say to that? >> well look, we have a system, we have a democracy that is governed by rules set out in the constitution. and if we don't follow those rules, our constitutional system breaks down, and we don't really have that democracy anymore. and this particular rule was put in place, specifically to protect our democracy, it says, basically, if somebody tries to attack the democracy, they shouldn't be put in charge of it. so we think that in forcing this really does support the democracy. >> no bookbinder, thank you very much for your time tonight. that is all in for this week. alex wagner tonight starts right now, good evening alex. agner tonight starts right now, good evening alex

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