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it's another step in new york attorney general leticia james. it includes donald trump and his family, and don junior his oldest son. he came to the courthouse today flanked by police officers as we showed you there first time this has happened. he took no questions outside, but he was on the stand where he took many questions because he had to. experts weighing in that some soft testimony did yield material that attorney general wants to use, including who was responsible for a long-running multiyear fraud. they cot got him talking. at one point a judge asked don junior to slow down his speed. that could happen to anybody. and don junior quipped, i apologize, your honor, i moved to florida but kept the new york pace. if you've ever been near new york or seen a movie about new york, we do talk a little faster. that's fair enough. fast or slow, the answers that will matter here today in the coming days are about truth, lies and numbers. but in this case, legally that boils down to accounting. i know what you're saying, wait, top news story in the country, big deal. do we really have to do accounting now? is this the math portion of the news? we're for our purposes not going to get that deep. i will tell you what the issue was, though. don junior asked about something called the generally accepted accounting principals. he said, quote, i'll know nothing about gaap, i'll leave to it my accountants. that's some quotes from today's testimony because we don't have video of it. we've also pulled the deposition. if you were reading an article about this, here is the article come to live. we'll show you how this issue, which the attorney general's team thinks is important, came up during the earlier deposition. >> do you have any familiarity with an acronym gaap. >> generally accepted accounting principles, yes. >> okay, how did you become familiar with that acronym? >> probably in accounting 101 at wharton. >> what did they teach you about generally accepted accounting principles at wharton? >> i'm not an accountant, but that they are generally accepted. >> anything else? >> that's pretty much what i remember from accounting 101? >> would you want to watch hours of that deposition? that would be a personal choice. what you see there is a certain style, and this is his way, his demeanor, this is how he functioned in business and when he's under oath as he was today. you also may see it -- i'm going ask my experts -- a little bit of a gap there, no pun intended, between his immediate familiarity and need to prove he went to wharton and what sounded today like a coached or limited answer, i barely know what that is. i'll leave it to the accountants. but this is a fraud trial about whether and if and how much people knowingly committed fraud. so, the next question he got that's important is the lawyers asking, okay, who had the ultimate authority over decisions? the lawyer asked that, and don junior answers by naming a convict, allen weisselberg is the first name, my brother, and myself. that's the trinity there. you may remember weisselberg actually went to prison. he served time after pleading guilty to tax fraud and spent several months incarcerated. then they asked, did allen weisselberg have thourt over you? there don junior says today, i wouldn't have done anything without the involvement of the cfo. when ask about the alleged accounts discrepancies -- whether they were numbers flying around, mistakes, real estatest estimates that didn't work out, or was this something more sinister? was it aud? then don juniorhrew the accountant under t. he worked for us for decades. he handled practically everything. he was an outside accountant that we relied on heavily for our accounting needs. what's new is not only the legal fact that trump and associates are taking the stand, and there are more on the way. more adult children, executives who are going to to. this is the first time a trump family member has been held to account, publicly asked under oath, about how this business even works. there are many things unique and different about donald trump. politically there are things that are different about trump that his fans liked that were not at the time illegal. he took the position he could continue to run this giant company that basically that wasn't a problem while he was president. and there's no actual specific law against that. there's many legal questions and conflicts of interest and avenues for corruption, but he said, you may remember when he began his presidential run in 2017, well, i'm going to keep the company, but i'm going step back and the kids, the adult children executives are going to be dealing with the day-to-day. since trump became president don junior was deeply involved, the attorney general noting he oversees the property portfolio. this fraud suit says in their roles the children were intimately involved in the operations, and again, this is where there's the thing where on the other hand you have allegations of fraud, the exaggeration, the alleged lies -- that's all of that -- and on the other hand there's a certain amount of confessing going on, because this is a publicity oriented pr family. they haven't been hiding the fact they are doing this. if there's fraud, they are the ones holding the back because the buck stops with the guy holding the bag who owns the place. >> i have been there 16 years now. we understand how this business works. >> everything we've done with our father we've done together and there by his side because we love the man. >> we're also a big part of the company now and are actively involved. >> actively involved, big part. the a.g. says the kids were aware of and, quote, knowingly participated in the scheme of the fraud. this ranged from trying to include trump's stated net worth -- and some of those sches led to the judge trying to find trump guilty of nduct. this was not trying to get on the forbes list but how regular people were impacted, the customers and other business entities that had to deal with what the a.g. says was a long-running fraud investigation. this is just the beginning. don junior that's new. walked in there today. the testimony continues tomorrow. eric trump then set to testify as well tomorrow depending on the timing. ivanka and trump senior expected to take the stand next week. now, if you want to look at all this without any lens about what you think about donald trump, i can tell you that if barack obama or george w. bush had a big company they insisted on controlling and operating while they were president that then was in a fraud case to this degree and their adult children were involved it would be a big story. so while on the other hand there's ere legal problems facing donald trump and other things going on in the world, this fraud case and its very near conclusion is a big deal. where's it headed? i can't tell you that. the two people we're about to hear from might have insights. career prosecutors are back with us in 60 seconds. th us in 60 seconds that's the plan. at michaels she got everything to make cookies that were anything but cutter. turn ideas into i-did-its. ♪ (holiday music) ♪ ugh, i'll deal with this tomorrow. you won't. it's ripe in here. my eyes are watering. look how crusty this is. ugh, it's just too much. not with this. good advice. when stains and odors pile up, it's got to be tide. (all) ♪ toooo youuuuu! ♪ (sean) i wish for the amazing new iphone 15 pro! (jason) sean! do you mean this one - the one with titanium? it's so light. don't touch it. maybe stealing wishes from the birthday boy is not your best plan -- switch to verizon and get iphone 15 pro on them. (sean) what!? (jason) yup, and on an amazing network (sean) and i don't have to ruin anymore birthday parties! (jason) yeah, that ship has sailed... let's go get you the iphone. here we go, come on hon. (vo) get iphone15 pro, apple tv 4k and 6 months of apple one. all three on us. only on verizon. i should have worn makeup. >> don junior with a quick quip as the cameras caught him. david kelly, u.s. attorney for the formed southern district of new york and christy greenberg, a former federal prosecutor who also practiced in the famed southern district of new york. welcome to you both. people who are hard core legal nerds will know that your legal practice there was federal court in new york. this is state court in new york. but as don junior mentioned, there's still the new york of it all -- fast talk, real estate. there's plenty of exaggeration that's legal in new york business real estate. the attorney general alleges something far worse. what do you think of that and the gap we sort of saw in deposition trump junior v. trump junior today? >> i think the important thing to remember square one is the judge has already found they engaged in a fraudulent scheme, and it's it's about the amount of disgorgement. that's number one. number two, we're not in front of a jury. and i think the judge has a little more -- not a little more, a lot of sophistication in his ability to size people up and evaluate witnesses and their credibility much more so than a jury would, and i think it's easier for him to kind of cut through this and to really see not just the significance and importance -- in other words, sometimes when you're in front of the jury you're dealing with the so what? so what we estimated or over reported what his apartment was worth. that doesn't resonate with a judge as this one, i don't think. i don't think the state is going to have the burden of getting through the so what, the judge already determined the so what. now it's how much of the so what are we dealing with? >> it's a great reminder, and that developing story to why the technical parts of this aren't going to scare off jurors, because there's no jurors here. as for gaap -- we're not going too hard core on it -- but again, gaap and weisselberg the convicted accountant came up in the deposition. take a look. >> to meet your obligation here of presenting information in accordance with gaap, was allen weisselberg responsible for that? >> object to the fore. >> i would say yes. >> a little object to the form there for close listeners. but kristy, why does it matter the a.g. had to fight to get that? she got that and now as david mentioned the judge is weigh, how bad is the fraud? >> it's important she has the depositions because she has their testimony locked in. the children and donald trump she knows what they're going to say in response to various questions she's already asked, so if there is daylight, if they do back away from something, she can pull up the tape and continue front them with it. what's interesting there in the clip you just showed is this is going to be their m.o., just point the finger at somebody else. whether it's the cfo, the accountant, the lawyer, anybody wh doesn't have to last name judge, aimaty for donald trump jr., he sigdhese statements of financial condition and said that they were accurate. he doesn't have to be an accountant. he said that the information he provided to the accountants was accurate, and now in the deposition at least, he said, well, i didn't really have anything to do with that you can't have it both ways. if he was on the apprentice right now, he'd be fired. >> wow, a little "apprentice" reference. david, i wanted to ask you about the way that donald junior was really coached into giving and acknowledging nothing. and given that you have been on both sides of this -- you have been a prosecutor overseeing a team looking at, well, are you being reasonable at all? sure you have to defend yourself. are you being reasonable and faithful at all? or are you being the worst avoidant possible? how do you counsel your clients? i want to read something we know is crap. allen weisselberg was convicted. whatever y think of it. here's the new teimony. the lawyer, was allen weisselberg no longer there because wasn't it indicated he was terminated? fair question,right? don junior, he wasn't terminated. lawyer, did he retire? no. now i'm adding emphasis. but i get the feel by this point the lawyer's saying, all right, all right, why isn't he there. here we go. don junior, quote, i have no knowledge. i wasn't involved. he can say he wasn't involved. he can make that claim. he can't say he has no knowledge the cfo he worked for every day was put on trial, convicted, and sent to rikers. do you think that's the right approach for don junior to take? >> no, and i think he's being too cute, and i think he was coached in that way. this goes back to my point about having a judge, a more sophisticated view of witness. if i'm the prosecutor, what i'm going to do is elicit this fact and let it stand on its own, it's patently bogus and play the other clips to show how involved he was in the business. there's themes that emerge from the trumps. in some cases it's convenient to say, advice of counsel. in this case, it's my accountants, i relied on my accountants. he's all railroad to say he's the boss, running the business, but when it comes to the finances of the company, which is all the company has, "i don't know anything about it." >> yeah, it's -- again, they're just trying to have it both ways. similarly when you look at this set of books. we have all these assets, and they look great when you want to go to a bank and get a loan at a favorable interest rate. but when you go to the irs all of a sudden those assets don't look so high. they have been trying to have it both ways this entire time. and now we're in a court of law. nower under oath. now they're going to have to deal with facts, something the trumps have not been willing to do for the last several years. >> and finally as we run over on time, david, did you know that don junior went to wharton? >> it was not something i think about every day, but it's something that's been brought to mine and millions of americans' attention countless times. >> no shade on wharton, but there are people who are familiar with the gaap principles that didn't go to wharton. >> i'm familiar with them and i never took an accounting course. >> kristy? >> i took accounting for lawyers. i can't say i remember too much of it, so i don't want to knock him too much, but i never signed a statement saying i knew all the evaluations were accurate. >> right, and there's a reason you're on the hook for that, and again, the buck stops at the top, not the middle or bottom. i want to thank david and kristy. we have a lot coming up tonight. including did you know the house is going to vote tonight on potentially expelling george santos? on trial, caught in lies. and we have a special guest as we look at the breakthroughs in the area of labor and strikes. michael moore on that victory here tonight. tonight i think i'm ready for this. heck ya! with e*trade you're ready for anything. marriage. kids. college. kids moving back in after college. ♪ here's to getting financially ready for anything! and here's to being single and ready to mingle. who's ready to cha-cha?! ♪ ♪ ♪ we're building a better postal service. for more on-time deliveries. and easier, affordable ways to ship. so you can deliver even more holiday joy. the united states postal service. delivering for america. at humana, we believe your healthcare should evolve with you, and part of that evolution means choosing the right medicare plan for you. humana can help. with original medicare you're covered for hospital stays and doctor office visits, but you'll have to pay a deductible for each. a medicare supplement plan pays for some or all of your original medicare deductibles, but they may have higher monthly premiums and no prescription drug coverage. humana medicare advantage prescription drug plans include medical coverage, plus prescription drug coverage. and coverage for dental, vision, and hearing, all wrapped up into one convenient plan. plus, there's a cap on your out-of-pocket costs! humana has large networks of doctors, hospitals and specialists across 49 states. so, call or go online today and get your free decision guide. humana - a more human way to healthcare. nice footwork. man, you're lucky, watching live sports never used to be this easy. now you can stream all your games like it's nothing. yes! [ cheers ] yeah! woho! running up and down that field looks tough. it's a pitch. get way more into what you're into when you stream on the xfinity 10g network. there's a lot of news from the new house speaker. president biden call for funding in two wars abroad. the one challenge making news every night in america is the challenges they're facing from disruptions at work, inflation that has cut into salaries and raises, pandemic clashes, labor rights, to strikes by workers across indices. some see a resurgence of labor organizing. the hollywood strike drew extra attention while health-care workers and teachers have been driving their own headlines and strikes, and now the auto union used the power of strikes to push general motors into bnd new dealshich is also big news. it's the las of detroit's big three auto makers to make a deal after workers rallied across six weeks of strikes. here's how it's been going. >> this is the first time the uaw struck all three of the big u.s. car companies at the same time. >> overnight, the union told almost 13,000 workers to walk off the job. >> a loss production is breaking records. economic losses totalled more than $5 million according to new data released today. >> first ford, then stellantis. now general motors have all agreed to terms. >> clearing the way for nearly 15,000 workers. >> this is a major win for workers, no doubt about it. >> the deal was reached by negotiators. the workers have to ratify it on their terms, a 25% race, improved retirement benefits. labor leaders say these results show why workers really need organized labor more than ever. another difference this time came to the biden white house, because across history, no president has ever joined a picket line, even back in the days when labor did have historically more power. so of all the rent presidents you see on your screen, for example, including the democrats, none of them that you see here ever joined a picket line. president biden did. this was just last month, a first. the first president to ever join labor that way. he argued that the right kind of deal would actually be good for both sides, for labor, which we jumped in and backed more than any president. he argued a fair deal -- the president's actual involvement is also a total substantive contract to donald trump's pr move, where he recognized that that labor issue was hot, wt to michigan -- skipped a republican date -- and tried to tap into the publicity. but let's be clear, donald trump didn't actually go visit a union site let alone picket. he huddled with owners in that sate and then blurted out his skepticism about picketing at all, a view other republicans have long held. your current negotiations don't mean as much as you think. you're out there with pickets but i don't think you're picketing for the right thing. >> ronald reagan gave us a great example when federal employees were going to strike. he said, you strike, you're fired. >> when you have a president who's constantly saying go union, go union, this is what you get. >> yes, it is what you get. as for that reagan reference, it goes all the way back to when president reagan used the federal government's power to face-off with the professional staff to keep airplane travel safe. >> i must tell those who fail to report for duty this morning, they are in violation of the law, and if they do not report for work within 48 hours, they have forfeited their jobs and will be terminated. >> now, that was one example, and it was not only about private commerce. the government was involved because of safety regulations. but more widely, it's always been a contradiction for conservatives who claim to back freedom, free markets, to then attack americans who choose to exercise their freedom and their labor market power by leveraging that in business, like striking or using labor power to try to improve benefits or workplace conditions for everybody who goes to work. that's part of your freedom in a free market. the history can be instructive. biden is of course steeped in precedence. he's been a professional in government longer than many people have been alive, and precedence often mean, while well, we used to do it this way. we'll keep doing a version of the way we've always done it. yet this older president decided now was the time to change the precedent, to pull a reverse reagan on behalf of labor. as labor's story involves through and beyond some of those clashes, we got a note tonight that big corporations continue to try to play both sides of this, to try to play you depending where you work. union crackdowns are common, from the old school industries i mentioned from auto plants to new tech like amazon. and then there are the executives who say, if you get organized and you raise the standards -- weekends, higher pay, or health benefits -- we'll take the jobs overseas. you've heard that before. that's the threat if workers demand, quote unquote, too much. it's a history explored by the 1989 documentary that introduced americans to flint, michigan, and its fate after gm shut down the autoplant there. >> hi, i'm michael moore. in my hometown of flint, michigan, general motors closed the factories and put 30,000 people out of work. to raise their spirits, i made this movie. meanwhile, the more fortunate in flint were holding their annual gatsby party. >> what advice do you have for those having a hard -- >> get up in the morning and do something. >> americans learning about -- and michael moore who is our guest on this important story of strikes, labor, and maybe new precedence. hi, michael. >> how you doing? >> he joins me, michael moore, proof of life, right after this break. life, right after this break. brain. so i choose new neuriva ultra. unlike some others, it supports 7 brain health indicators, including mental alertness from one serving. to help keep me sharp. try new neuriva ultra. think bigger. he hits his mark —center stage—and is crushed by 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and ari melber -- >> appreciate. we call that poetic license. all right, here's the question, michael. you have followed this for so long. what do you see happening here with a constellation of seemingly organic, unrelated activity, yet also what we call organized labor -- striking working, and at least a partial shift within how the democratic party approaches them in the white house? >> yeah. not just a partial shift. joe biden showing up there on the picket line for the first time ever for a president of the united states to actually take sides and to say, you know what? general motors and shareholders, you made off like bandits thanks to the federal government bailing you out in 2008 and 2009 and, as a result we have waited 15 long years for the workers to get back some of what they gave up, and they were promised they'd get it back. i just read this, actually. i just downloaded this contract here, the tentative contract that the union members have to vote on. i'll tell you, ari, this is an incredible contract. i'm not a member of the uaw, even though my uncle was in the founding strike of the uaw in 1936-37 in flint, where thousands of workers took over the factories in the middle of winter, locked the doors, moved management outside, and then management went and turned off all the heat and all the water, no electricity, and the workers suffered in there, a brutal winter, 44 days until they brought general motors to their knees and made them recognize the union. and you're right, this is something that for many years has gone by the wayside. and when i was born, i think there was 30 -- more than a third of the work force in the united states of america belonged to a union, which meant that we all got health care -- free health care, dental care, time off, the five-day workweek, the eight-hour day, all this stuff. and now 6% of the work force is unionized, 10% if you count in public workers. so it's really -- it's been a tough few decades since that clip you showed of ronald reagan had a mission that was to destroy unions. ironically, ronald reagan, the former president of screen actors guild union. >> which is back on strike, yeah. >> which is now ironically -- and i am a member of that union, so i am talking to you on strike. >> but about the news, not promoting something, yeah. >> yes, of course. yes, right. so, yes, i can come on a news show like this and talk to you about how to make the world a better place. let me give you brief things. even's probably heard 25% pay increase. this has -- on top of that, there's now going to be a 33% cost of living increase. in other words, as inflation goes up, your wages will go up. that's 33%. that means starting workers now are going to start receiving almost 67% increase over what they have been getting. this contract -- if you add up everything in this contract, it is more for the auto workers than the previous four contracts combined. it's an amazing, amazing contract, and all these other protections, too. they now have like an ergonomic rep, the union does, to make sure that people like my dad and my grandfather, my uncles and aunts -- my grandmother was one of the rosy the riveters in world war ii, where they switched immediate will i from making cars to tanks to machine guns. my grandmother was on the spark plug line. they switched from spark plugs to bullets to defeat the nazis and the axis. so it was -- this is done -- i can't tell you how good this seems to me. the workers will have to decide and vote on it. you know about the two-tier thing, right? part of what the uaw offered to do in 2009 was we get paid $25 an hour or whatever, we're going to let all new hires from this point on so we can save the company, are going to come in at $15 an hour. so you had people working on the assembly line, right next to you somebody could be making $25, and the person next to you making $15 or $16. they make them temp workers, part-time. i was on the "today" show years and years ago, and during the commercial break, the camera union people had a tin can and they asked me and were asking all the other guests that day to contribute because one of the workers at nbc -- a light had fallen, broke his foot, and they were -- they had a tin can to help him with his health care. we fought for all these things. our grandparents fought for all this stuff so many years ago where you wouldn't have to worry about that. we went to the dentist, my parents never pulled out a wallet or purse, it was all covered. we're back to doing this stuff. this new contract, pension stuff -- young people watching this, look up the word pension, because it doesn't exist anymore. helping people when they're retired and old. this union right now -- and shawn fain, the new elected president -- elected by all the members -- has fought and fought and told general motors what you mentioned in the beginning. yeah, you're just going to tell them you're going ton strike, and you're not going back until they do the right thing. and you know, you got a record profits -- billions, billions, billions just in the first sixth months of this year. and we've -- we are still on the same wages as 2009. >> and that's -- i'm going to jump in and say, that's where we see -- some of the arguments are specific. you remind -- we went to you because you're detailed on this. someone would have to spend decades to get the background. you'd have to go to law school ten times to get your background on that. some of this is relatable writ large, what people went through in the pandemic, hollywood -- which isn't relevant to everyone, but hollywood, tech, and auto have in common, these are public companies. everybody can see the money they're raking in, and we've done pieces on the profiteering off inflation. they have the money. i showed mr. bezos. they have the money. the other question is distribution within the company and does the cost of labor get factored into -- labor and family and supporting those people in a long-term sustainable way, does that get factored in? i have so much more i want to ask you about. not only do you get more and more, but we have another acclaimed filmmaker making his debut. more moore after this. more moore after this. why choose between a longer life or quality of life? you deserve both. and with kisqali, a treatment for people with metastatic breast cancer, you can have both. kisqali is a pill that, when taken with an aromatase inhibitor is the only treatment of its kind shown to both help people live longer and improve or preserve quality of life. because you shouldn't have to sacrifice one for the other. kisqali can cause lung problems, or an abnormal heartbeat, which can lead to death. it can cause serious skin reactions, liver problems and low white blood cell counts that may result in severe infections. avoid grapefruit during treatment. tell your doctor right away if you have new or worsening symptoms, including breathing problems, cough, chest pain, a change in your heartbeat, dizziness, yellowing of the skin or eyes, dark urine, tiredness, loss of appetite, abdomen pain, bleeding, bruising, fever, chills, or other symptoms of an infection, a severe or worsening rash, are or plan to become pregnant, or breastfeeding. live longer and live well. ask about kisqali, and long live you. hey, grab more delectables. ask about kisqali, you know, that lickable cat treat? de-lick-able delectables? yes, just hurry. hmm. it must be delicious. delectables lickable treat. i'm fighting tooth and nail to clear my name in front of the entire world, mr. speaker. it hasn't been easy. >> that's republican george santos speaking. that was just tonight. this is ahead of what's a full planned house vote this evening on whether or not to expel him from congress. santos legally is presumed innocent. he faces 23 charges, including lying about campaign records and wire fraud. he pled not guilty. santos interestingly led now by fellow republicans from new york, saying this is not what they want their state delegation to represent. two-thirds of congress is what you need to expel a sitting member. what we have tonight is a lot of people, including republicans, saying george santos needs to fall back, and that brings us to #fallback. we have renowned filmmakers. michael moore back with us. critically aclaimed filmmaker of "bowling for columbine." also with us sticker. he also directed some classics in the indy circuit like barcelona and that's days of disco and damsels in distress. >> tap is a highly effective therapy. >> i shouldn't have to go into all the details. >> could you go into some details? >> you know the woodstock generation? none of these people could dance. >> what are you talking about? >> downward social mobility. >> we're in complete control. >> really wonderful film there is. this is whit's "beat" debut. two wonderful filmmakers who believe in the cinema. which is why we have michael on, i'm thrilled to bring whit in. welcome to you both. >> hello. thanks for having us. >> michael, that's pretty good dialogue whit does, no? >> well, first of all, it's really an honor to share the screen here with whit, and we both kind of got our start in the same era back when indy films were -- it was a tough go, and so welcome whit. >> i'm going to go whit and then you, michael. >> i'm really embarrassed i heard -- >> i have been blabbing so long. >> i just want to get it going. >> i heard michael speaking spanish before we got started and i'm embarrassed i have been abroad all these years and he speaks much better than i do with his three years in college. that's what i want to talk about. >> this is what we do. we have fallbacks. i hear you have an interesting one which involves how we view the world. whats your fallback, whit? >> i think the fact that the united states is involved in a world we're not going to get away from, and while sort of more and more in the world, or should be, that we don't speak the languages. we're not studying it. other than revving it up, we're cutting back. and we've also been sort of teaching language the wrong way. the really great way to teach the language is immerse yourself in it, to really get deeply involved in it. it becomes fun, interesting, challenging. and so while they're cutting back on teaching languages, they should go in the opposite direction. they should have more language teaching, more intense, more immersive, and we can do that now. people don't have to go abroad to learn language immersively. there are many people in the united states speaking foreign languages that we can use those people to help our languages. and for people who don't feel comfortable in sort of pronouncing languages correctly, the study of latin in schools has been so helpful for people in sort of all kinds of ways. >> let me ask you one follow up and go to michael's fall back. you got movies like "barcelona" this rich cultural interest. what is it in plain english, here on the news, young people, people in general, benefit from learning from other cultures. >> well, i think it's a question of how they expand their thinking with a new language. we get to understand our own language better. we understand other people. we understand the fact that we're all potentially -- we're all displaced people. and so when people come here from another country speaking english badly but their own english well. we can appreciate that. when we try to speak other languages we see how challenging it is. if you want to feel stupid, start studying another language. if you pull through it, push through it, it's really fun. and the problem is i think in our habit of teaching language, we do two hours a week in school and it never really gets fun. it's always sort of tentative. i think rather than scaling back these requirements, if we go further into them and really try to immerse people in the languages. and when they're young. because you can learn a language so much more easily when you're young. it's really quick. in three months, a 16-year-old can really feel comfortable in a language. >> really interesting. michael, what's on your list, sorry? >> i've been saying for some time actually that if you can speak three languages, you're considered trilingual. if you can speak two languages you're bilingual. the truth is if you can only speak one language, you're american. and that is a sad, sad comment to make because learning foreign languages the arts, all these things have things beyond just being able to communicate in another language or know music. it helps the brain. it helps the young person's brain grow, become critical thinkers. california i think last week just passed a law to bring back cursive handwriting into our schools. this has been a huge mistake to raise a generation of kids without being able to write cursive. there's three things about each of us 8 billion humans that make us individuals. only three things. our dna, our fingerprints, and our handwriting. and it's so personal. it's so you and me and whatever. these things are very important. i'm so glad you brought this up because there's a whole bunch of things that we lost our way on as americans. and we'll be better citizens of the world if we -- in latin of course i went to catholic school, so you know, that was drummed into us. but when i went in high school and took french and spanish, i was better at french and spanish i think because i had latin before that. >> how about that, whitt? >> latin also is so important for enjoying english. one thing is now everyone is an immigrant but no one is an emigrant. we should think of that. we should think of the fact that it's not just people arriving here, they're leaving somewhere else and leaving really interesting culture. they come here, they're bringing our culture to our country. >> do i have time to give my fallback? >> now i have 90 seconds, michael. go ahead. >> oh, don't need the whole 90 seconds. from now on on the news i know now it's like anything that comes from how many people were killed last night in gaza. you know, they always have to say now, according to hamas and we have not independently verified that. i would like the same thing to happen now that we know that netanyahu, like trump, is under indictment, is going to face trial for his crimes, potential crimes, that we know that he hasn't told the truth a lot in the past, so i would like when the idf or when ever we're on msnbc at least an anchor person can say, you know, haven't independently verified that no matter what army rep. i want to add to that my brief and my sincere dispair over what happened on october 7th. and it was horrific. and what you don't fight horror with more horror. and there's a thing -- i'm not jewish, i grew up in flint, because the jews from brooklyn came to flint in 1930 to organize the autoworkers. true story. we wouldn't have had that first strike with the uaw had it not been for all these jews from new york who came to help us and help us build a middle class and a working class. and without that, you know, we wouldn't have the success we have. but, to just let this keep going each day and each night, it's just -- thank you, msnbc for putting the images on there. i know you're probably getting grief for it. it doesn't matter. we have to know the truth. like president biden said, we went off -- half cocked after 9/11 with revenge. what did it get us? two of our longest lasting wars ever, 3,000 dead iraqis. we have to pull back as americans. make sure you say -- >> i always welcome you here, but you are going longer than the allotted time. i can't hand it too late to joy. final sentence. i don't want to cut you off that way. >> no. just nonjews watching this, make a pledge right now, tell all the jews of this world that you will have their back, that you will never let what happened in the 20th century happen to them ever. and we stand with you. and you need to know that. i know right now it must feel very scary. people are afraid. but that -- we are not going to let that happen. but. >> amen. >> that statement has no credibility if i don't say the same thing about the palestinian people. we have to stand for them. and we have to stop any kind of slaughter. so, that's my plea. >> these are issues we have been covering with so many different people. i will remind everyone among other things the documentarian work you've done on wars and as you said, the president himself went over there talked about the horrific activities but also not falling into the trap of an overreaction. it's above my pay grade to try to summarize all of this, but i appreciate your emphasis on humanity, on civilians which affects everyone over there in the region as well as learning our history. michael moore, whit stillman, thank you both. we'll be right back. man, thank you both we'll be right back. like a smart coffee grinder, that orders fresh beans for you. oh, genius! for more breakthroughs like that- i need a breakthrough card. like ours! with 2.5% cash back on purchases of $5,000 or more. plus unlimited 2% cash back on all other purchases. and with greater spending potential, sam can keep making smart ideas- a brilliant reality! the ink business premier card from chase for business. make more of what's yours. your best defense against erosion and cavities is strong enamel- nothing beats it. new pronamel active shield actively shields the enamel to defend against erosion and cavities. i think that this product is a gamechanger for my patients- it really works. ian will find the true meaning of the holiday sweater. i will? 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"the reidout" with joy reid starts now. ♪♪ tonight on "the reidout" -- >> i'm donald jr., the bravest. >> i'm ivanka, the beauty. >> and i'm eric. [ ht

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Contrast , Producer , Approach , Director , Native , Thanks , Alum , Welcome Back , Roger And Me , Go Blue , Committee , Taxpayers , Ari Melber , Ann Arbor , Right , Constellation , License , Working , Shift , Activity , Bandits , Shareholders , Result , Bailing , 2009 , 2008 , Member , Members , Strike , In Flint , Thousands , Uncle , Doors , Winter , Middle , Moved Management Outside , 37 , 1936 , Heat , Electricity , Management , Water , 44 , Work Force , Knees , Third , The Wayside , The Union , 30 , Health Care , Workweek , Dental Care , Time Off , Five , Eight , Stuff , Mission , Unions , Screen Actors Guild , News Show , Increase , Cost , Has , 33 , Wages , 67 , Contracts , Amazing , Four , Grandmother , Does , Grandfather , Rep , Uncles , Dad , Protections , Aunts , Riveters , Spark Plug Line , Cars , Spark Plugs , Tanks , Machine Guns , Will , World War Ii , Nazis , Bullets , Axis , Vote , 5 , Somebody , Assembly Line , Hires , Person , Tin Can , Temp Workers , Camera Union People , Guests , Foot , Flight , Nbc , Wallet , Grandparents , Dentist , Purse , Parents , Shawn Fain , Pension Stuff , Word , Pension , Elected , Ton Strike , Billions , , Record Profits , Background , Times , Someone , Law School , Say , Arguments , Ten , Everyone , Auto , Common , Writ Large , Pandemic , Hollywood , Tech , Money , Mr , Distribution , Companies , Pieces , Raking In , Profiteering Off Inflation , Bezos , More Moore , Acclaimed Filmmaker Making His Debut , Kisqali , Both , Quality , Breast Cancer , Help , Aromatase Inhibitor , Mother , Treatment , Pill , You Shouldn T , Symptoms , Liver Problems , Heartbeat , Lung Problems , Breathing Problems , Infections , Skin Reactions , Chest Pain , Death , Blood Cell , Grapefruit , Cough , Chills , Loss , Infection , Spain , Yellowing , Urine , Bleeding , Rash , Appetite , Dizziness , Fever , Tiredness , Bruising , Breastfeeding , Delectables , Cat , Grab More Delectables , Delectables Lickable , Treat , Tooth And Nail , It Hasn T , Speaker , Speaking , Santos , Congress , Campaign Records , 23 , Sitting Member , State Delegation , Filmmakers , To Fallback , Filmmaker , Classics , Sticker , Circuit , Bowling For Columbine , Damsels In Distress , Tap , Disco , Barcelona , Generation , Details , Therapy , Woodstock , Control , Film , Debut , Beat , Mobility , Whit Stillman , Dialogue Whit , Cinema , Michael On , Whit In , Go , Films , Whit , Blabbing , Fallbacks , Spanish , Sort , Fall Back , Language , Languages , Teaching , It Up , Challenging , Teaching Languages , Language Teaching , Interesting , Direction , Immersively , Schools , Kinds , Michael S , Study , General , Benefit , Cultures , Movies , Rich Cultural Interest , Plain English , Thinking , English , School , Teaching Language , Problem , Habit , Tentative , Requirements , Sad , Comment , Trilingual , Thinkers , Brain Grow , California , Handwriting , Humans , Cursive , Mistake , 8 Billion , Fingerprints , Individuals , You And Me , Dna , Latin , Catholic School , High School , Bunch , Citizens , Whitt , French , Emigrant , Immigrant , Culture , Somewhere , Fallback , 90 , Gaza , Hamas , Crimes , He Hasn T , Indictment , Like Trump , Netanyahu , Msnbc , Idf , Army Rep , Matter , Dispair , Don T Fight Horror , Horror , October 7th , Jewish , Autoworkers , We Wouldn T , True Story , Brooklyn , 1930 , Class , Night , Build , Keep , Success , Working Class , Images , Grief , It Doesn T Matter , Revenge , Iraqis , 9 11 , 3000 , Joy , Sentence , Pledge , 20 , Statement , Slaughter , Plea , Issues , Documentarian , Activities , Humanity , Overreaction , Trap , Pay Grade , Region , Civilians , Purchases , Coffee Grinder , Beans , Borders , Genius , Breakthrough Card , 02 5 , 5000 , 000 , Cavities , Erosion , Defense , Reality , Ink Business Premier Card , Spending Potential , Chase For Business , Sam , Ian , Product , Meaning , Gamechanger , Enamel , Shield , Patients , Holiday Sweater , Pronamel , Michaels , Rack , Crewneck , 202 , Works , Advertisement , Physician , 424 , Release , Surgery , Weight Loss Surgery , My Cravings , Body , Tasks , Dinner , The Reidout , Joy Reid , Donald Jr , Bravest , Beauty , Ht ,

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