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Watching symone. Another convoy is set to enter gaza. The neighbors warn much more help is needed, and fuel will run out in three days. Were talking to a member of the United Nations relief and works agency. About this very dire warning. Meanwhile, the u. S. Is increasing its Military Presence. In the middle east. Hoping to prevent the israelhamas war from expanding to other fronts. As a warning to iran, not to escalate, tensions are brewing in the region. All of this is going on abroad, america has a problem with the business of government at home. Its been 19 days, Congressman Mccarthy was ousted as House Speaker by riko publicans. This, week they have an urgent Response Civility to pick a new leader and get back to. Work Maxine Waters joins me to weigh in on the chaos among her conservative colleagues on the hill. Im Simone Sanders townsend, and i have something to say. Its just after four pm in washington d. C. We had 11 pm in israel, in gaza. Two weeks into the israelhamas war, more than 5000 people are dead. And a humanitarian crisis in gaza becomes more dire every day. 16 additional trucks with much needed supplies for civilian entered the rafah Border Crossing today. That is in addition to a similar convoy of 20 trucks that crossed into gaza yesterday. The organizations on the ground say a steady stream of supplies is vital humanitarian catastrophe in the region. There is a glimmer of hope. President biden Special Envoy for middle east humanitarian issues said that a steady stream of assistance will be coming. Exclusive interview earlier today. Our expectation in substance of our discussion is that starting tomorrow. Youll be seeing a continuous flow of assistance moving. We want to build that flow up to the levels necessary. To begin to meet gazis needs. Civilians in Gaza Continue to navigate relentless rocket strikes, as they try to evacuate or seek shelter. We also learned a short time ago, Israeli Defense forces as part of an effort to prepare the area for an attack. And collect regarding the missing in the abducted. During one of tho rds, an idea of soldier was killed, and ree were injured. Israels Military Dropped Lelets in Northern Gaza earlier today. The leaflets warned folks, quot your presence north of the gaza valley puts your life in danger. To anybody who choose, who chose not to evacuate from the northern strip, to the south of gaza valley. Its possible they will be considered as a partner to terrorist organizations. Now, the Israeli Government, however, says its military has no intention of considering those who have yet to evacuate as part of a terrorist group. In tel aviv today, another show of american solidarity with israel, after the hamas attack on october 7th. A Bipartisan Group of senators led by republican Lindsey Graham visited israel where they promised more resources and assistance. On thursday, more than 20 Million People watched President Biden give another powerful expression of support for israel. And ukraine take a listen. American leadership is what holds the world together. American alliances is what keep Austin America safe. American values are what make us a partner that other nations want to work with. To put all that at risk, and walk away from ukraine, return our backs on israel. Its just not worth it. Theres also the concern that this war could escalate deeper into the, particularly when it comes to hamas u. S. Secretary of state Antony Blinken said today that the United States is increasing its Military Presence in the region. We expect that theres a likelihood of escalation, escalation by iranian proxies, directed against our forces. Directed against our personnel. We are taking steps to make sure that we can effectively defend our people. And respond decisively if we need to. This is not what we want. Not were looking for. We dont want escalation. We dont want to see a second or third front develop. This is commands for the next phase of the war. Which is expected to center around a major Ground Operation in gaza, aimed at removing hamas and rescuing more than 200 hostages who are captive in gaza. Joining me now with the latest, nbc news correspondent hala gorani, she is in tel aviv. Hala, what can you tell us about what is happening on the ground in any words, from the Israeli Government about that eventual Ground Offensive . So, we are learning from the Prime Ministers Office that the french president , Emmanuel Macron and the dutch Prime Minister, mark richard, are gonna visit tel aviv in the coming days. So, that means presumably the Ground Invasion will be delayed. Its not imminent, as in, it wont happen in the next 24 hours. Because it would be unlikely for the Israeli Military to launch this offensive when two Heads Of State are in a country visiting with the Prime Minister, Benjamin Netanyahu. That said, Benjamin Netanyahu was in the north of the country today, close to the border with lebanon, visiting troops there. Saying that the country essentially is ready for a second front, and announcing that a second front is going to be materializing. But certainly, sending the message that the Israeli Military is ready to fight on those two fronts. In the meantime, this is a war of words, simone, right now. The Iranian Foreign minister is saying that things may very well spiral out of control if israel and its allies, the United States, take things a little bit too far. Well, the israeli minister military saying it is intensifying and deepening its bombardment of the gaza strip. As you mentioned, in your opener. Simone, it is dropping leaflets, very much stretching the definition of a terrorist targeted. Is by essentially 1 Million People if they have to be in the northern part of gaza. They may be considered part of a terrorist organization. And are putting their lives in danger. The big question is this ground incursion, when will it happen. How deep will it go. The israeli officials who are pick a trickle of aid is getting into the aid and nbcs hala gorani live in tel aviv, israel. Thank you very, very much. Here to discuss further is our political panel. Tyler pager is a White House Reporter for the washington post. It trip in israel last week. Informers senator. I want to talk about the Senate Delegation trip. Before that, i find it very interesting that a number of western leaders keep making their way to the, region particulate to israel. To meet with Prime Minister met an yoho and his team. And the israelis have said that it is very unlikely that they will undertake any Ground Offensive well a western leader is in country. Do you think that this is strategic . That western leaders are coming . In an effort to delay a Ground Offensive . You know, simone, im not sure its to delay a Ground Offensive i think its to basically make sure that israel does cause. Without going too far. Dont do anything that make this even. Worse very, very. Clear all of these leaders are coming in here, number one. Expressing unequivocal support expressing the fact that hamas needs to be destroyed. But also expressing support for the palestinian people. And making that distinction. I think its a question of just making sure that this is an appropriate ground game. And Going Forward on this. Not making mistakes as President Biden said, that the United States made after 9 11. Whats your take on the Senate Delegation that is in israel . It is bipartisan. They express many of the same sentiments that President Biden has expressed. Support for eliminating hamas. Saving the hostages. In the House Of Representatives. Dont understand sometimes. What is going on in washington d. C. In what is happening with United States government. This is a very high ranking, high Bipartisan Group of u. S. Senators. Who are coming to israel to express that same support. Its the exact same message that President Biden delivered. I think that unified message that is coming out of washington d. C. , at a time was very difficult its important. Not only for israel, but i think its important here in the United States. And important around the world. I want to play some rare sound from President Biden on Air Force One. This sound comes after his day of meetings in israel. Take a listen. Do you think its necessary for you to come here to get this to them . Diplomacy aspect . What do you think . Tyler, that was actually you asking that question there. Can you just take us inside if you will. What was it like to cover the president as he visited the country at war. This is different than his trip to ukraine. Where the pool was very very small this was a full pool of reporters wear this with their for this trip as you mentioned this was publicly announced we knew that we were going in advance in the whole world knew any president ial i traveled with him. Around the world this is very different we found out just a day before that it be going with him and originally were supposed to make a stop in jordan. Just before Air Force One took off as we were texting on the runway there. At the Andrews Air Force base to officials came back and let us the stay that the lead to after the leader of the. Following the explosion at the hospital in. Gaza security briefing from white house officials. What we would do in certain scenarios, should arid silence go off. Usually the president ial trip is much more put out for. That weeks before, advance teams. Secret service for. There scouting out the relocation. He had a full schedule. Itinerary. None of that occurred on this trip. Given the unique nature of the first time that american president has gone to israel. During a time of war as Prime Minister netanyahu said. Really, quite a remarkable trip to be there with the president and watch history unfold as he tries to negotiate with the israelis, on a range of issues from humanitarian aid to its the governments plan for gaza moving forward. Also stand by israel and make that strong so support as well. It wasnt historic trip we were so glad you are there to bring us the news after that trip. And earlier this week. President biden, he gave an oval office address, those addresses are rare. And 20 Million People tuned into this address. You know, senator, i did think that the president s speech was extremely strong. Especially his articulation of why america showing up was important. I expect that the American People. On the same, on the flip side. There are so Many Americans who see billions of dollars, if you will. Going to ukraine. And israel. And wonder, what about us . Is there more that the president in the white house could and should be doing . I also simone, i think there will be doing that. I think theyre doing things every day. 24 7. Theyre getting this word out. Theyre talking about it. You see secretary blinken talking about it. You see that Bipartisan Group of senators, as we talk about. A minute ago. Mitch mcconnell was talking about. And United States senate. I think the message is gonna be getting out there. The people are now just grasping all. This this has been some very raw emotions. Were always coming off, just coming off of aid to ukraine. Now, weve got to deal with israel. Now, were looking at taiwan. Weve got issues that weve got on the border. So, i think there is going to be a concerted effort, as time goes on, to continue these messages. I believe the American People understand again. This is about democracy, this is about protecting the rule of law. This is about who we are as a people. The democratic form of government. I think that people are going to understand that. Theyre going to get it. Theyre gonna see it. Even though the pain is tough sometimes, with the money. It, there is a bigger and higher purpose. Because we are the United States. We are the moral authority in the world. Thats where weve got to lead. With a buddy of the, weve got no House Speaker. 19 days without a House Speaker. How exactly is the Biden Administration applying pressure to congress, to secure the funding hes asking for. Notably, the president continues to not weigh in on the debacle of House Republicans. That same interview, i should say on Air Force One, as we were refuelling in germany. This was before jim jordan officially withdrew from the speakers race, and the president was asked. Do you have any comments on jim jordan . He jokingly said, my heart aches for him. It didnt really go into it. Thats been the extent. President. They make loses an, issue the House Republican conference. These to figure out on its own. Once this aid passes, through the senate. It will go to the house. It will become an issue for this administration. If theyre not able to get it passed, because theres no speaker. And then theres a whole other host of issues, including the fiscal cliff that were approaching. A lot of issues that the white house needs to address. Whether they do so, i think remains to be seen. They want the republicans to figure this out on their own. That fiscal cliff is coming november 17th, its red around the corner. Tyler pager, former senator doug jones. Thank you both very, very much. Folks, we are just Getting Started today. Coming up next, aid workers in gaza say that they have three days of fuel left, as trucks continue to be stopped at the border. The fuel trucks, those are the trucks being stopped. A member of the United Nations relief and works agency, will join me next to talk about the growing humanitarian crisis. Plus, back to square one for House Republicans, this wee in their fumbled efforts to replace their spear. California congressman Maxine Waters will join me aittle later to talk out all the dysfunction on the other side of the aisle. And the nine republicans now in the running for House Speaker. First, our colleague and friend Jessica Layton has a look at todays other top news stories. Jessica, whats going on . Other thanks amount, high out there, there is an urgent Investigation Underway in the murder of the detroit synagogue president. Samantha walt was found stabbed to Death Outside of her home yesterday morning. The motive for that murder is still unknown at this time. Detroit police are asking for patients while investigators examine all available evidence. A desperate manhunt is underway for the suspect in the killing of a maryland judge that is being called targeted. U. S. Marshals are now offering a 10,000 Dollar Reward for the public health, tracking down the search. He is accused of shooting Washington County Circuit Court judge, into wilkinson right outside his home. Officials say the shooting happened hours after the judge gave him estranged wife custody of their four young children. Former president Donald Trumps onetime fixer, michael cohen, is expected to testify against trump tuesday in the New York Civil Fraud Trial against him and his various businesses. Trump has already been fined 5,000 for violating a narrow gag order preventing him from commenting or posting about court staff during the case. Im Jessica Layton, stick around for more simone, after the break. The break. Aved, i started a dog walking business. Oh. [dog barks] no its just a bunny only pay for what you need. Liberty. Liberty. Liberty. Liberty. When you smell the amazing scent of gain flings. Time stops. and you realize youre in love. Steve . With a laundry detergent. gain flings. Seriously good scent. 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Now, even before the israelhamas war started, nearly 80 of people in gaza relied on humanitarian assistance, and thats according to unicef. If israels counteroffensive continues, the humanitarian crisis in gaza is only expected to worsen. The United Nations relief and works agency or you and our w a says gaza will run out of fuel that is critical for humanitarian response. In the gaza strip in just three days. Joining me now, unrwas director of philanthropy welcome to you sir. We just got the readout from President Bidens Prime Minister mentioned a whose caught where they reaffirmed that aid will continue to flow, humanitarian aid will now continuously flow into the gaza strip. Does that aid include fuel, and if it doesnt include fuel, can you just explain to folks out there why that has been a point of condition contention. Yes, simone, thank you again. Its a big issue. Were looking at it. Humanitarian disaster, the agency that we support for usa, is the biggest humanitarian actor in gaza. You know, if we didnt have fuel, otherwise were gonna read a fuel in about three days. The issue is, without fuel, hospitals, the the ones that are still operating in gaza can pump water. You understand, this is a big disaster. We cant even drive the cars to get the food and water at the shelters. So, basically, everything would be disrupted in three days if there is no fuel. We celebrate those trucks that came. In that fuel came in so far. I know the u. S. Is starting to adopt common sense approach to humanitarian, into gaza. Being consistent. What got into gaza is about three to 4 of what folks need. You know, were urging for more support right now. There is at least 100 trucks backed up. Near gaza, outside of the egyptian city of waiting to be allowed in. Sadly, as you know, with food, things go bad. Medical supplies are depleted. So, theres so much that we need that were not getting right now. Were communicating this with all parties. Were asking everybody to respect the process, so we keep getting humanitarian aid into gaza. As far as today, nothing got him today. But were hoping for more next few days. Because folks, you know, my families there in gaza right now. Not getting much supplies. Theyre up in the northern area, where nothing is reaching them right there. But were hoping to start getting bakeries, running a couple flower for free for the. Bakeries can be divided to be getting. The southern area, given away the bread for discounted price. Thats what weve allowed to happen, in partnership with other u. N. Agencies. As you, know theres half a dozen amazing u. N. Agencies working to meet the disaster that we need in gaza. From health to food. Sadly, were all just waiting for more supply to come in. And you know, hoping to double our efforts and destroyed the shelters. Half 1 million has started. Mr. , what struck me when you are talking about just the number of trucks that are waiting to come. In and i know that today, we did see, we were told, that dna by the envoy, the Special Envoy for humanitarian aid in the 20 trucks was supplies will go into gaza today, again, there are 17 at the rafah Border Crossing yesterday. But you noted that there are so many other trucks there. Are you all working, hand in glove with some of the other entities and organizations to ask that those trumps also be considered as a part of the trucks that are gonna be let in . Its my understanding, only trucks from the United Nations are trucks that are being allowed into the gaza strip right now. Right, there is an issue of Credibility Interest right now. All parties trust that the u. N. System has more transparency. I hope for more partners to start helping people, theres, room the area so vast. We need everybody to help. As of right now, we have this correct only a u. N. Agencies being able to hospitals. What is the largest humanitarian actor there. Right now, its gotten so bad, simone, the u. N. Agency is calling the supplies wait. Everything is backed. Up we have so many trucks. No if trucks dont stop moving. We have room to put all the supplies that go into gaza hopefully we start moving these things into gaza to help save lives. Provide food. Were talking about water here, simone. Were not talking about computer chips. Were talking about landfills. Were talking about basic humanitarian things. That seems to be controversial. Im hoping that the u. S. Government will continue to use its sweet to do the right thing here. And i see for the benefit for everybody, including my own family right now and gaza. I know that this issue is very personal for you, you wrote a gut wrenching oped today talking about your family and your own personal experience. I want to thank you for your time. Praying that you and your family and just all of the innocent people have been affected by this war or will. Thank you so much. I join you in the pair, maybe next time you talk. We have better news. Absolutely. Thank you. Up next, california congresswoman, Maxine Waters, will join me to talk about the chaos that is happening in the House Of Representatives on the other side of the aisle. In the chance of historic, the democrats could enter in a Power Sharing Agreement with their republican colleagues. Dont go anywhere. Youre watching symone on msnbc. The House Of Representatives is headed into its third week without a speaker. Tomorrow republicans will haul yet another speaker farm that sent internal conversation amongst republicans in hopes of finding a candidate who can get 217 votes on the floor. The first two republicans who appeared to have support to become speaker via their candidate form, congressman Steve Scalise and jim jordan were forced to drop out after multiple failed votes on the floor. Nine republicans are now in the race to replace ousted speaker kevin mccarthy. Its worth noting that only two of them, congressman tom mayer of minnesota and congressman austin scott of georgia voted to certify President Bidens 2020 victory. So, far the only person who has come the closest to the magic number of votes needed to win the speakerships minority leader Hakeem Jeffries. Unless something changes, folks, and it will need to change fast, the chaos in the republican run house will affect several crucial issues, including the one in the middle east in the fast approaching Government Funding deadline. Its right around the corner. Hopefully, republicans can get their house in order before then, though. Joining me to discuss it all is the fabulous congresswoman Maxine Waters. She represents california as the Ranking Member on the House Financial Services committee. Congressman, democrats have been united in voting for minority leader Hakeem Jeffries to become the next speaker. If this process continues to drag out, what are the chances that some of your moderate republican colleagues would be open to a Power Sharing Agreement with democrats to vote for jeffries to get back to work. Im not optimistic that we will be able to get five republicans are so to join with us. They are either frightened of trump or they dont trust their own leadership to guide them. Its chaotic. As you versus when you came on the show, it is an absolute mess over there. I am not optimistic that there are moderate republicans anymore that will join with us. It really struck me that out of the nine House Republicans who are currently vying for the speakership, none of them are women. Only two of them voted to certify the election that we all know joe biden won. This morning, former republican House Speaker Newt Gingrich had some comments about this current crop of potential speakers. Please take a listen. I, frankly, wish that they i talked about this, i wish they had a woman to candidate of all the candidates they have running. Somebody like Beth Van Duyne Early Stefanik who had been a mayor before becoming a congresswoman. In some ways, given the level of readiness and juvenile behavior that is conceivable that our female speaker will be more effective and actually getting them all together and sticking together. Congresswoman, what do you think about Newt Gingrichs comments. I dont think much of new to gingrich. I worked with, them im known him. Its interesting that hes weighing in. Perhaps hes absolutely given up on all the man. Of course, you know, i am supportive of women. I am supportive of women being in leadership positions. I am supportive of women, you know, running for office and all of that. They have increased the womens participation on the republican side of the aisle summit. I dont see any great support for women. Particularly in the way that news gingrich is talking about. The possibility of one of them becoming speaker. I dont think thats realistic. I dont thin k that congressman waters, ca, for people out there that dont understand, it is, for a better term, a crazy to me that people like byron donalds, folks that have only served in the house for a short amount of time, people who have never passed a bill, right, are putting their name in the had to be speaker. Can you just explain to folks out there why, regardless, even though democrats are in the minority, republicans do have to work with democrats if they want to get things done. Promoting someone like jim jordan, for example, wouldnt necessarily achieve those goals. Well, they are desperate. So, some of these younger members are saying that there is no order that no one is really in charge. I guess they say, i will throw my name out there also. Maybe because of all of this chaos, maybe i will emerge. It is desperation, it is lack of organizing. It is just the inability of the Republican Party to get its act together. So, i guess, anybody can attempt to throw their hat in the ring. Anything can happen. We dont know whats going to happen on monday morning. We dont know if we are going to end up sitting on the floor of the House Of Representatives going through votes for someone who doesnt stand a ghost of a chance. What a waste of time. We only have 45 days with this continuing resolution. As you say, no member 17th is the continuing resolution. We have got to get all the Appropriation Bills done so that we can get a budget for the United States of america. This is where we are with the republicans who are not capable of running the House Of Representatives. They just dont have anybody thats really up to that job. So, congressman, what happens if this week republican failed yet again to fail to find consensus within their caucus. Are we going to keep going again and again . At some point, this has to end. Well, the constitution doesnt speak to that. I guess its never been anticipated anywhere along the line. We were doing amendments, et cetera, et cetera. We dont know what will happen. As a matter of fact, i think its time for the people of this country to speak up. I think its time for republicans who have elected their representatives to come to washington, d. C. , to do the job of representing the people. I think now we need to hear from the pressure needs to come from the people who are electing them to be in these positions. So, i am hopeful that there will be another outside pressure to force them to get their act together. Otherwise, i dont have any hope. I dont believe that they can work it out anytime soon. Again, we may be sitting on the floor of Congress Changing whos trying to be the speaker day in and day out. They can go on for two days from one member of the Republican Party. It can go on for another one day. It can go on for another four days. We just dont know. Oh my goodness. Oh my goodness. California congresswoman Maxine Waters, i appreciate you for coming on today and just making a claim for us. Thank you for your time. Thank you so very much. Keep talking to the people. Perhaps they will put the pressure on. Perhaps they will. Coming up, folks, President Biden has been making a separate case, not about congress, to the American People about aid to israel and ukraine. And now he has an ally, how senator Mitch Mcconnell is coming to bidens defense and what his support says about the stakes of these global conflict. Conflict. bridget with Thyroid Eye Disease i hid from the camera. And i wanted to hide from the world. For years, i thought my t. E. D. Was beyond help. 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Senate minority leader Mitch Mcconnell is further proving that the way america shows up for israel and ukraine is essential in protecting not just democracy but the rules based order the world has been governed by since the end of world war ii. This Morning Mcconnell discussed on cbss Face The Nation and on Fox News Sunday the impact of global terrorism, and why abroad approach matters. Big Power Competition from china, from russia, we still have terrorism problems. Theres theories in a brutal way in the last week. So, i think it requires a worldwide approach rather than drying to take parts of it out. Its all connected. For its not about whether we gave biden credit, its a serious threat. To the United States. If the russians arent defeated, they will go into a nato country next. I dont y age with Mitch Mcconnell with anything, today im with mitch on this one. The atlantic published an article by and applebaum earlier this month. This article is crucial to understanding mcconnells point. The article notes that rules bad world order is a system of norms and values that describes how the world ought to work not how it actually works. This order is rooted in the aftermath of the Second World War when it was transcribed into documents. Documents like the knighted nations charter. The universal declaration of human rights. The u. N. Genocide convention and the Geneva Convention on the laws of war. However, as applebaum notes in the article, the u. N. Genocide convention did not pren genocide in rwanda. The Geneva Convention has not prevented we will talk about the eighth and norma stakes facing women and ohio. How antiabortion groups are making at the blueprint for reversing their Losing Streak Evers stick around. all toooo youuuuu sean i wish for the amazing new iphone 15 pro jason sean do you mean this one the one with titanium . Its so light. Dont touch it. 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Ohio is the next battleground for women and our right to make decisions about our own bodies. Thanks to early voting, ohio voters have started to weigh in on a Ballot Initiative called issue an. If passed, as she won wooded in Shrine Reproductive Rights into the ohio state constitution. Heres a little bit of the proposed amendment. It reads every individual has a right to make and carry out ones own all of a sudden, the stars are going to align and they are going to overcome issue one proponents and ohio this november. First, i have to thank you for having me. Im so excited to talk about this issue with. Today one of the things that our opponents are taking for granted is the Let Regulators Slater and the state house weve had for a long time in ohio and folks are mistaking energy they may have not had to deal with yet. I can tell you from the ground, folks know that issue one is the only way to block the Abortion Bans that our state is becoming known for. There is a recent poll from baldwin university, it showed that 58 of respondents supported issue one. The same poll predicts that the turnout will be high. Are you feeling that on the ground, are you hearing from voters that this is a motivating issue from them to go to the polls this november. Absolutely, ohioans are so energized by this issue. We know that ohio has a prochoice majority and as ohioans, we are in favor of common sense policy. This is what issue one is. We are tired of our government taking advantage of our citizens. And inserting ourselves into issues with decision between women and their doctors and family in ohio. They have no business being a part of it. We definitely see that. Here its a galvanizing issue. I think that folks are energized and excited to ask the government to stay out of their business this fall. My last question is what are you most concerned about in the lead up to november. Is there anything keeping you up at night . Honestly were spending the next 18 days talking to his many folks as we can. As a lifelong ohioan, as someone who is interested in the political process for sometime, i see every to make our voices hard. We know we see and we feel it. Our people are so excited to make their voices heard on the issue. I think we will definitely see that. It is just a matter of making sure that the next 18 days are going to go quickly. Making sure we have hands on deck to talk to everybody we want to talk to you and make sure everyone has a chance to vote who wants to on this issue. Really, that is the only thing keeping me up. Making sure that we have enough hands on deck. I would encourage folks to call your favorite ohioan. Sign up for Volunteer Ship was. We. Novembers around the corner. Were talking about november 2023, not november 2020. For coal, its going to be a turnout game. We will be talking. Thank you so much for your time. Thank you so much. Still ahead, folks. We are not done, a true testament to american ingenuity. The two legendary entrepreneurs now being honored at the smithsonian. What the new exhibit reveals about their impact on the way america does business. Does business. Woman why did we choose safelite . We were loading our suv when. Crack safelite came right to us, and we could see exactly when theyd arrive with a replacement we could trust. Thats service the way we want it. Singers safelite repair, safelite replace. Liberty mutual customized my Car Insurance and i saved hundreds. With the money i saved, i started a dog walking business. I was a bit nervous at first but then i figured its just walking, right . [dog barks] oh. No its just a bunny calm down taco. Sit duchess. Stop sesame no no. Archie walter dont, no, ahhhh. Ahhhhh youre lucky youre so cute. Only pay for what you need. Liberty. Liberty. Liberty. Liberty. Listen, your deodorant just has to work. I use secret aluminum free. Just swipe and it lasts all day. Secret helps eliminate odor, instead of just masking it. And hours later, i still smell fresh. Secret works ohhh yesss. Before we go out, i want to highlight the Smithsonians National museum of american history. Landmark American Enterprise exhibition. This exhibition includes collections from entrepreneurs, byron lewis and lillian vernon. The exhibit features objects from the Career Journeys of both of these icons. Vernons original kitchen table, it served as a foundation for the Home Business turned major corporation. The antique desk and chair by luis are part of the exhibit also. Its where he ran his pioneering ad agency uni world. Its on display. I had the honor of moderating a Panel Discussion to it was a powerhouse conversation. It focused on how women of color are changing the ways that americans do business. If you are in the nations capital, you have to check it out. Thank you so much, everyone, for watching symone on this sunday afternoon. I am symone sanderstownsend. You can catch me right here on msnbc weekends at four pm eastern and anytime over on peacock. I have new episodes on the msnbc hub every monday. If you want more of this show, you can find us on instagram, the site formally known as twitter and tiktok. Politics nation with the great Reverend Al Sharpton is next. Let me tell you all, reverend sharpton is going to talk to cross women gregory meeks. You know gregory meeks. The folks out there the Foreign Affairs committee. I was sitting next to him at a dinner on friday. I know he has plenty to discuss. Oh, yes. Uss. As Ranking Member, he is right in the middle of whats going on and can give us an up to date

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