Transcripts For MSNBCW The 20240703

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National security, surprise. Trumedly sharing secrets about u. S. Nuclear submarines to a Maralago Club member after he left office. Trump revealing, quote, how many Nuclear Warheads the vessels carried and how close they could get to their russian counterparts without being detected. Tr telling these secrets to an australia Billionaire Business than anthonypratt. Pratt told scores of others including more than a dozen foreign officials, several of his own employees, and handful ja smiths team has already interviewed pratt as part of their vestation, making pratt, quote, among more than 80 people whom prosecutors have identified as possible witnesses to testify against trump. This bombshell was not included in the trump indict, which suggests jack smith has a lot more evidence than whats been made public so far. Smith is likely to use trumps own history against him. In 2017, trump gave up highly Classified Information to the Russian Foreign minister in the oval office. Trump later tweeted out this secret photo ofn Iranian Missile site. He also told another foreign leader about the location of two u. S. Nuclear submarines near north korea. All of that speaks to how trump played Fast And Loose with secrets as president and continued to do so even after he left office. Jack smiths evidence includes this audiotape of trump showing u. S. War plaatta iran. This was m, this wasnt done by me, this wa him. All sorts of stuff. Pages lo. Look. Wait a minute, lets see here i guess that isnt that amazing . This totally win my case. Except it is highly confidential, secret. This is Secret Information. Trumps criminal trial begins on this matter begins in march 2024 in florida. Joining me to discuss is ren naght renato mariati. Thank you for joining us tonight. Joe, ill start with you. Youre right here. This is galling to me. Look, i watched the hunt for red october. Im an 80s kid. This is dangerous. This is National Security information. Just by the numbers, tell us the significance of babbling about how many nukes a subhas. Why is that a danger . Tell us how serious that is. Sure. One of the expressions that most people know about the importance of Keeping Secrets is loose lips sink ships. Thats exactly what were talking about here. This is some of the most tightly held information in the u. S. Military establishment. And theres a reason for that. The military does not want the enemy to understand the exact capabilities we have. They want to keep them guessing, they want to introduce an element of uncertainty. To deter them from taking any action. For example, in this case, nobody knows for sure how many Nuclear Weapons any particular sub carries. We have 14 nuclear boomers, theyre called, nuclear missilecarrying submarines, they have 20 missiles approximately. Could be a few less. Each missile can carry up to eight warheads. But thats a big spread. Do you want the chinese to know whether the sub off its shore is carrying 20 Nuclear Weapons . Or 160 Nuclear Weapons . You might not say well, doesnt make dutch are much difference. But it does for war planning. Thats why this is needtoknow basis. I had top secret clearances for eight years in the u. S. House of representative, another five years advising the state department. I discussed Nuclear Weapons. I had oversight over Nuclear Weapons programs. I never knew this. I dont know how close a submarine can get before detection. Theres a reason for that, i didnt need to know it. Neither did that australian businessman in maralago where President Trump shared that information. It is a serious breach of u. S. National security. Renato, i take this to you. The idea that former President Trump shared this with a businessman, then the businessman told his friends and buddies and whoever he plays squash with, whoever he plays poker with. Were talking about a spread of information at a viral level. And we dont know how many times these kinds of conversations happened. How does jack smith even track all these people down . Because goodness gracious, you can hear every person that pratt spoke to, there could be Somebody Else who was walking through the room who overheard this. So how do we even track these people down in an investigation . I think it will be very difficult. And i suspect theyre not going to be able to do it. This is not somebody who was a close confidant of trump. This is a guy who has a cardboard empire. Sort of the big cardboard tycoon of australia. Gets in the Maralago Club, somebody who is in and around that area could have found that out. We may never know exactly all who was exposed to these secrets. You can understand why jack smith is interested because trumps defense is hes super careful with things that are actually classified that He Declassified anything that might have been still sitting at maralago. And that the materials there werent actually that secret. You dont need to be an expert to know that Nuclear Secrets of Nuclear Submarines are really important and really vital. Of course hes going to be very concerned about this and its going to undercut trumps defense and that is why this is important evidence. I want to play some sound about how serious and dangerous this is. We were talking about this all throughout the sort of trump reign. Well play you the sound, ill get you thoughts on the other side. How is the system going to work if Intelligence Officers are going to try and decide whether this president is going to be trustworthy . How does that work if those people who are honorbound to give to it the president now say, you know, i dont know whether this guy can be trusted, he might take it. Do they start making choices about what they share and what they dont . So the whole system breaks down. I want to add to this, there was reporting during the Trump Administration that our foreign allies didnt want to share information anymore. Right. The israelis and british and french are like, we dont want to give anything to americans, we dont know if this guy is going to blab about them. How dangerous is it when you have a president who cant be trusted . Exactly right, this is the doublebarreled threat to u. S. National security. The first we talked about, how you want to introduce uncertainty in the minds of the enemy. You want to introduce certainty in the minds of allies. You want our allies to trust us, to know they can depend on us. This shatters that kind of trust. What Foreign Government is going to feel comfortable sharing information with the United States if they know the president of the United States could babble it away . Not just give it sell it, not try to monetize it, not try to do it for any advantage, but to give away our National Secrets as party favors at a dinner party at maralago to some guy who wasnt even asking for them. This is the tragedy of all this. The president , by his reckless actions, has wrecked the National Security of the United States, both with our adversaries and with our allies. Renato, so it goes without saying, because i could say this ad infinitum about trump. You, i, everybody in this room would be in jail already if we did Something Like this. So my question for you is, this seems like an openandshut case to me. I mean, if any of us were caught revealing this kind of Secret Information, heck, i could work for amazon, comcast, and if i was caught Babbling Private nda information, i could get in trouble. Is this a case that really will potentially put donald trump in jail . Because this seems pretty clear to me. I dont know what his defense could be when you have him on tape admit, im sharing Secret Information with strangers. Yeah, i dont see a defense in this case. Ive always thought the maralago case was the most straightforward case, and you dont need to be a lawyer to understand it. If you have top secret documents in your bathroom, thats a problem. You dont need to be a lawyer to understand that. And the jurys going to have no trouble getting their head around that. Really, trumps defense there comes down to two words. Ailing cannon. Thats how hes hoping to get bailed out of this situation. The bottom line is, separate and apart from, that we dont know all the evidence jack smith has. This is something wasnt even included in the indictment, but its really evidence in its own right. I think Donald Trumps going to have a lot of trouble at trial. Joe, its interesting. Back in 2017, trump was saying, people who divulge Classified Information should be ashamed of themselves, they should be in trouble, they should be upset one way or another. My question is, there were obviously people within the administration, within trumps administration, who had no problem with what he was doing. Who saw this kind of behavior and didnt do anything. And to me, those people are complicit, right . The people who saw him do this who didnt report it are just as bad. I dont care if you were the person who had the death star plans. If i saw you taking them down the hallway, youre just as guilty when the thing gets blown up. Should this investigation expand to other people who knew about this behavior, rather than just focusing on trump . Absolutely. One of the things you are told when you get your National Security clearance is that youre responsible for reporting any violations that you observe. Its your responsibility. Its not just a moral obligation. Its a legal obligation. Just to show you, your point about if anybody else does this, what happens to them, just last year in november, a Nuclear Engineer and his wife were convicted and sentenced to 19 years in prison for what . For conspiring to release information about nuclearpowered warships. So thats how serious this is. Were talking very long jail terms for the kind of thing donald trump just did. Renato, joe, thank you so much for starting us off today on the beat. Coming up, the gops speaker situation is bad. Real bad, michael jackson. Now trump is trying to play kingmaker. The cost of maga loyalty. New financial troubles hit Rudy Giuliani, and yes, that mypillow guy. A Top Trump Organization executive testifying against his former boss. Were back in 60 seconds. [camera shutter sfx] introducing neds plaque psoriasis. [camera shutter sfx] he thinks his flaky, red patches are all people see. Otezla is the 1 prescribed pill to treat plaque psoriasis. 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This coming on the heels of several desperate attempts by trump to delay the tris and dismiss the charges against him. The georgia judge ovng the rico Case Smacking down requests from two trump codefendants to have their charges dismissed. The codefendants, Kenneth Chesebro and Sidney Powell, are set for trial later this month. Ellie nestal, the nation, the lewis black of legal analysis, one of my favorite people. Ellie, ive got to say, its not just that these trials are bad. But when you have someone admitting that the only way i could do my job is by breaking the law . Does that sort of explain to us how easy it is to get people to flip on trump . It doesnt seem like you could do your job in the Trump Organization unless you were breaking the law for somebody. First of all, i want to say how nice it is to see you. Im happy you are healthy and safe. Its really great to see you. Yeah, youre right. This is big news. I have said on this program before, the only reason why trump isnt in jail already is because hes been able to find people who are willing to take the weight for him like webay from the wire. Finding people willing to do all the weight for trump. Now he is running out of those people. Mcconney actually today tried to lie. Tried to lie for trump. Then got busted by the prosecutor with his own testimony in a previous Trump Civil Fraud Trial thing and had to come clean, that yes, he, in fact, knew that what he was doing was illegal and that he was asked to do these illegal things by cfo alLen Weisselberg. Weisselberg, by the way, testifies on tuesday. And weisselberg will most likely say he did illegal things because trump ordered him to do illegal things. I want people to remember, all of this, all of civil fraud trial, trumps already been convicted of civil fraud. The judge before the trial even started issued a Summary Judgment saying that he was a fraudster. Okay . That he lied about his investments. He lied about the size of his apartment in manhattan. Like hes already convicted as a liar. This trials just to see how much damages, how much crime did he really commit . Thats what the trial is about. The core issues have already ruled against already been ruled against trump. And thats why his attempts to stop the entire trial now with these lastsecond appeals and whatever its just ridiculous. Its not going to fly. He is appealing on issues hes already lost on. So hes just theres a reason why he wasnt in the courtroom today when his accountants called him a crook. Hes trying to get out of a losing situation at this point. Ellie, help me out. This is the one thats stuck with me this week. Its not just all the lying and the fraud and Everything Else like that. Even this Apartment Thing where he says his apartment is bigger than it is, this whole dr. Who tardis, its bigger on the inside, right . Stepping back, how common is that i think one of the things that we want the public to understand is the level of mendacity on the part of trump. This isnt normal, right . This is way worse than even most other rich people do . Trumps entire Legal Defense is, welp, other people do it too. Lets break that down as a Legal Defense. First of all, thats not a good defense because it doesnt work for anybody else. You cant go and defend a Speeding Ticket by saying, Everybody Else was speeding. Nobody cares. If you were speeding and youre the one who got the ticket, you have to defend your own actions, you cant blame just Everybody Else, all right . Thats number one. Number two, if trump has evidence that other people in new york, other people in manhattan, are committing this kind of massive fraud, i invite him to plead guilty, turn states evidence, and expose the massive frauds he apparently knows about. Because i dont think he actually knows anything. I dont think actually Everybody Else is doing this. I dont think he knows anybody else whos been doing this. But if he does, he is welcome to come forward, plead guilty, tell the truth, and flip on whoever else is apparently not able to understand the difference between a 10,000 square foot apartment, which is what trump had, and a 30,000 square foot apartment, which is what trump put on his documents. I want to play this quick sound bite from a. G. Tish james on trump about his comments and get your thoughts on the other side. Mr. Trumps comments were offensive, they were baseless, they were void of any facts and or any evidence. What they were, were comments that unfortunately fomented violence and comments that i would describe as race baiting, comments unfortunately that appears to the bottom of our humanity. I will not be bullied. So mr. Trump is no longer here, the donald trump show is over. We could actually have played that clip at any point since trump became a public figure. Lets talk about what the significance is of having a. G. James say that now. Specifically to say, this guys a racist, hes not going to bully me, im going to make that clear throughout this entire trial . Trumps entire thing with her is what he has with every person of color, earnry every black woman. Tarnish them, call them names, try to encourage his violent white maga supporters to do physical harm against them. And what tish james is saying, shes not saying that she is unconcerned. She is not saying she is unbothered. She is saying shes going to move forward anyway, right . Courage is not the absence of fear, courage is understanding what these people can do to you, and showing up to work anyway. And that is what tish james is doing. I will just add for your listeners, for your viewers, that remember, trumps really focused on tish james, whose work is largely done. She had the charges, she conducted the investigations. Shes not the lead attorney in that courtroom. Thats a man named kevin wallace, a white guy. Notice trump aint got no smoke for the white guy whos actually standing up every day and calling him a crook. Hes only got smoke for tish james, who at this point could sit in the courtroom eating a bag of popcorn because he work is largely done. So thats number one. Number two, hes calling her a racist. We know the political implications of that. But i just want to say very clearly, there is no evidence at all that tish james is racist against orange people. There is no evidence that she is only prosecuting trump because he is orange. There was only evidence that she is prosecuting trump because he committed fraud. Again, if trump wants to say that there are other orange people in new york city that have committed fraud, he is welcome to turn states evidence and tell us. Ellie mistal, thank you for joining us on the beat. Coming up, well explain what trump and George Santos have in common when it comes to the gop speaker meltdown. 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Gain scent beads keep even the stinkiest Stuff Smelling fresh. That first time you take a step back. I made that. With your very own online store. I sold that. And you can manage it all in one place. I built this. And it was easy, with a partner that puts you first. Godaddy. Now that the house gop circular firing squad, congressman jim jordan getting Donald Trumps endorsement for speaker. Joer began represents the Combustible Maga politics that triggered the gop Civil War In The First place. Founder of the freedom caucus, leader of the biden impeachment inquiry, who voted to overturn bidens election win. Forwarded a text message to trumps Chief Of Staff urging mike pence to reject electoral votes. Then refused to cooperate with the January 6th Committee which wanted to ask him about his call with trump the day of the capitol riot. The subject he repeatedly deflected on fox news. Did you talk to the former president that day . I talked to the former president umpteen times, thousands on january 6th . Countless times i talked to the president. I never talk about what we talk about, i dont think thats appropriate. Like i dont talk about what happens in republican conferences. I talked to the president numerous times. I continue to talk to the president i mean on january 6th, congressman. Yes, i mean, ive talked to the president ive talked to the president so many i cant remember all the days ive talked to him. Ive certainly talked to the president. House republicans are meeting monday to discuss the speaker race. Mccarthys old number two, conceive scalise, is also running. Highlighting why its so hard for the gop to get themselves and this country out of the mess they created. Eugene daniels, political White House Correspondent and playbook coauthor. Annalisa johnson, advocate whos worked on numerous political campaigns including joe bidens. Alens yeah, i will start with this. If you have two terrible options, you dont really have any good options. You have on the one hand Steve Scalise, who attended a klan rally 20 years ago. Then you have jim jordan, who despite his background of covering up potential scandals with a Wrestling Team when he was coach seems to have no problem involving himself with scandals to destroy the United States. What are the options here as far as leadership for the gop . Or is it just going to be one of these two terrible people . Is there another choice . I mean, listen. I have a feeling it is going to be one of these two terrible people. Frankly, gop is lacking a lot of leadership ever since donald trump took over the party. To be honest, they have to figure out a way to get a speaker of the house thats going to actually work with democrats. Because the only way that they can get anything done in this congress is with democrats. The frustrating part is that, as you mentioned, both these options are horrible. Its like weve been watching the real housewives of the gop all week. The democrats have been sitting back and saying, look, we want some leadership here, we want to make sure that the American People are able to continue without this worry of a government shutdown. But theyre also giving democrats a whole lot to go into the 24 election with. I mean, its literally writing the campaign ads. They ran on wanting to fix government, to make sure that the government can work. And my goodness, outside of Crazy Speaker Fight At The Beginning of the year, they tossed out that speaker nine months later who actually, quite frankly, we knew that this was going to come. But we didnt know it was going to be this catastrophic. Eugene, i want to play some really, really important sound here from liz cheney talking about Ousting Mccarthy and get your thoughts on the other side. Kevin mccarthy at every moment over the course of the last two years has done more to enable and collaborate with and apologize for donald trump. The democrats made what is a principled and honorable and, in my view, the right decision to say, we cannot abide by that. I think they did exactly the right thing. And it was a courageous show of leadership. Now look, mccarthy wasnt popular, eugene. Even if he got pushed out by gaetz and the rest of the mean girls in the gop, fact is he wasnt doing a particularly good job one way or another. What role, if any, can he play moving forward . Because its clear he may not be a fan of jim jordan, he may not be a fan of Steve Scalise. Is he at all a power broker at this point . Or just a back bencher . I dont think so, i dont think hes the speaker that nancy pelosi is for the democrats. Hes not going to go around and be able to really whip this reporting that his team has been making calls for jim jordan because him and Steve Scalise have longstanding beef. So theres that. Theyre doing that part of it. But hes even trying to figure out if he wants to stay in congress, at this point. Right . And the reason that Kevin Mccarthy is out, it isnt just because of matt gaetz. Its because he has gone back on his word, not just with democrats, but with republicans, over and over, right . He has proven to be, for the folks you talk to on the hill, untrustworthy. Folks on the republican side, matt gaetz, even moderates say he goes back on his word with them and he obviously we almost had a shutdown because he went back on his word with President Biden and the 12 Appropriation Bills they figured out during the debt lint fight early this year. The way hes operated his speakership was day to day. You cant do that. It didnt seem a longterm plan on how he was going to get this rowdy conference together. At this point its clear there is a lot of folks in the gop, the house gop, that just are ungovernable. Right . You look at paul boehner, you look at ryan. Those two people also met a similar demise politically. Alysia, this is something i dont think is sort of clear enough. I want the public to really, really understand this. Look, ive never liked jim jordans politics. Ive never liked the sort of scandals he has from his time as a coach. Ive never bought into his every man, phil collins, no jacket required schtick he pulls as if hes supposed to be a regular guy. But hes also a National Security risk. This is someone who was kneedeep in the planning and the attempts and the philosophies and the strategies to overthrow this government. This is a man who was there, who had terrorists behind him. What is the danger of someone like that becoming speaker of the house, and essentially being next in line to the presidency if something were to happen . Well, i mean, you make the case very well. The fact that he is normalizing this terrorism, he is normalizing this White Supremacist violence, he is actually normalizing the weaponization of the government. Thats the committee he decided to establish and Pay Attention to in this congress, versus doing all these other things that we have literally elected our leaked officials to do. If the Republican Party wants this to be their relationship, and the reality is whether or not they denounce it, whether or not he becomes speaker of the house, he has become a prominent figure and a prominent voice of this Republican Party. Right . He is actually symbolizing where the Republican Party i wont say is going, where it actually is. He is saying the quiet part out loud. So i do believe this is extremely dangerous. Look, theres been a lot of research that shows that the political violence, weve seen the uptick, its going to get even worse in 2024. And so if republicans want to do the noble thing, the honorable thing, like they were chastising democrats for quote, unquote not doing by ousting Kevin Mccarthy, the noble and honorable thing, to make sure jim jordan isnt even part of the leadership conversations. Because of the violence and the fact that he is able to go out here and say, you dont need to talk back to me about the conversations i had with donald trump on january 6th, no. This is a National Security risk. We actually do need to know what those conversations were on that day and leading up to that moment. Yeah. Funny how much he can brag about talking to trump, except the most important day in American History in the last 25 years. Thanks for joining us tonight. Inside the bizarre reaction on fox to some very good news on jobs. Also, legal and financial crises for top trump allies, from Rudy Giuliani to the mypillow guy. Staying loyal to trump comes with a cost. The bills coming due. Its Jason Johnson on the beat. Rsv can severely affect the lungs and lower airways. But im protected with arexvy. Arexvy is a vaccine used to prevent lower Respiratory Disease from rsv in people 60 years and older. Rsv can be serious for those over 60, including those with asthma, diabetes, copd, and certain other conditions. But im protected. Arexvy is proven to be over 82 effective in preventing lower Respiratory Disease from rsv and over 94 effective in those with these health conditions. Arexvy does not protect everyone and is not for those with severe allergic reactions to its ingredients. Those with weakened Immune Systems may have a lower response to the vaccine. The most common side effects are injection site pain, fatigue, muscle pain, headache, and joint pain. I chose arexvy. Rsv . Make it arexvy. Liberty mutual customized my Car Insurance and i saved hundreds. With the money i saved, i started a dog walking business. I was a bit nervous at first but then i figured its just walking, right . [dog barks] oh. No its just a bunny calm down taco. Sit duchess. Stop sesame no no. Archie walter dont, no, ahhhh. Ahhhhh youre lucky youre so cute. Only pay for what you need. Liberty. Liberty. Liberty. Liberty. Hey, grab more delectables. Only pay for what you need. You know, that lickable cat treat . Delickable delectables . Yes, just hurry. Hmm. It must be delicious. Delectables lickable treat. Fealty to donald trump doesnt pay. Were seeing it again and again. Rudy giuliani is a rico defendant in georgia. Hes banned from practicing law. Hes getting crushed under a mountain of unpaid legal fees. Today, new reports hes facing over 50000 in back taxes. Because of that, the irs has placed a lien on his florida condo. Maybe he can move in with trump. Earlier this week, giuliani lost his georgia attorney, leaving him without local lawyers in the state. Same thing happening to another trump loyalist, the mypillow guy, mike lindell, facing lawsuits related to phony election claims. Like giuliani, his lawyers are dropping him, saying he owes millions. These are two of trumps most staunch loyalists who promoted the big lie, now are getting raged over the coals. This is not a singular voter fraud in one state, this pattern repeats itself in a number of states. Over 54 countries have now been taken by the machines. This election was stolen by mailin ballots. Those are the ballots that were stuck in the machine eight times, nine times, ten times. I have the evidence. I dare people to put it on. I dare dominion to sue me. Then it would be put on faster. You dont have to be a genius to figure out those votes are not legitimate votes. This is the price of loyalty to trump. Losing. Just ask Kevin Mccarthy, whose catering to maga cost him his job. He gravelled at maralago after january 6th. Trump still wouldnt lift a finger to save him. The story of the modern gop. Fealty to trump costs elections and power, and those closest to trump like Rudy Giuliani and the mypillow guy feel it the worst. Kurt riddle, democratic strategist. In the immortal word of that great pop group that produced that one lady whos doing a concert tour, bills, bills, bills, can you pay my bills . Donald trump is costing a lot of people bills, cost a lot of the people money. What gals me about this is, look, for whatever Financial Difficulties trump is in, hes got enough money to help out mike lindell, Rudy Giuliani. Hes not helping these guys. Hes not raising money for them. How can anyone want to work with someone whos going to leave them out in the cold this way . Youve got to be a weaponsgrade idiot at this point to sign up to try to help donald trump, knowing his track record. If you are a weaponsgrade idiot, trump will leave that too. You dont feel any safer. But continue. This is the thing. We have seen this throughout his entire career. Even politically speaking. Jeff sessions sacrificed his reputation and his United States senate seat to become his attorney general, didnt end well. John kelly became his Chief Of Staff, look where thats gotten him. Michael cohen was his lawyer, his fixer, his righthand man. Hes been on the other end of lawsuits from donald trump. It always ends the same way. Which begs the question, when you lay down with dogs, you get fleas. With donald trump, that is a 100 certainty. You will lose your reputation. You might lose your freedom. Youre definitely going to lose all your money. Hes sending emails to fervent supporters, send me 5, fund my Legal Defense fund. And he isnt cutting a check to anybody who has put themselves in jeopardy on behalf of donald trump. At what point are you going to realize its not going to end well for you, why keep doing it . Hes not that into you, never has been, never will be. Heres the thing. There is one group of people who seem to be loyal to trump, and he pays them off. Thats rightwing media people. He is a cash cow for them. I want to play sound from greg gutfeld on fox last night. Get your thoughts on the other side. What does that leave you with . You need to make war to bring peace. Because you have a side that Cannot Change we have an election. Right, elections yeah. Elections dont work, we know that. We know they dont work. Every facet of society is in peril and in chaos because our elections dont matter. Im going to start with saying, im disappointed with harold ford for even playing that game with this guy, whos essentially calling for violent overthrow. This is what disturbs me. You have so many people who like using that kind of rhetoric. Its trumps rhetoric. It draws attention, draws eyeballs. Whats the responsibility of the media when it comes to this Trump Loyalty . Its one thing for Rudy Giuliani, mike lindell, maybe Sidney Powell thought this made sense. A lot of this is about the press giving him attention he doesnt deserve, spouting rhetoric in hope is of attracting advertising dollars and clicks. Lets be clear here. Thats blood money, at this point. We know after january 6th that the fervent followers of donald trump and the Republican Party, they dont take it as hyperbole, they dont take it as entertainment. They see these words as marching orders. As directives. They are willing to act on that and to act violently on that. So for someone out there with that type of platform and megaphone on that particular channel, to openly call for civil war, to openly call for the end of elections, because they dont work . That is a marching order. The next time that we have a situation where there is violence because they dont like the political outcomes, you know what thats called . Thats called terrorism. Right. When you dont like a political outcome and you call for violence to get the outcome you want, that is terrorism. And anyone who espouses those viewpoints, you are a mouthpiece for terrorism in america. So kurt, one of the issues that weve also been hearing about this week, a lot of the loyalists to trump, Marjorie Taylor greenes mentioned it, the possibility of him showing up in d. C. Next week when were having speaker disrusss. One, i think its a fair part of our Justice System that man would come anywhere into washington, d. C. I dont know anyone else who could so boldly return to the scene of the crime and feel comfortable. If i took a snickers bar from 7eleven, im never going to 7eleven again. One, what does it say about the power he still has, that people want him to come to d. C. . And two, you have people saying, i wouldnt mind having him as speaker . Goes to show the entirety of the Republican Party has been infected by this. Its not just a certain segment of the republican base. Its not just this coalition here or the freedom caucus. Its the entire institution of the Republican Party that has no problem with someone with 91 indictments hanging over their head to lead its way to the capitol and be involved in any way in picking the next speaker of the house. That is absolutely insane. It just goes to show, there is no moral code with the Republican Party, they are not the party of law and order. That is a myth, ridiculous at this point. How disrespectful to the Capitol Police who put their livelihood, their wellbeing, their Emotional Health on the line on january 6th to allow the guy who sent those people after them to walk into that building. It is a disgrace. Theyre no longer a party, they are a Dime Srefront for a terrorist Organization Called maga. Kurt bardela, thank you. A word with Jason Johnson, check out the podcast. It talks about the difference between grief and grievance when it comes to race and politics. Details behind the very good news that dropped today and why it left fox news hosts shocked. Jason johnson on the beat. This is just a big surprise g enamel nothing beats it. New pronamel active shield actively shields the enamel to defend against erosion and cavities. I think that this product is a gamechanger for my patients it really works. You founded your Kayak Company because you love the ocean not spreadsheets. You need to hire. I need indeed. Indeed you do. Indeed instant match instantly delivers quality candidates matching your job description. Visit indeed. Com hire this is a bombas performance sock. For such a small item it performs big in so many ways. Big on comfort. Big on durability. Big on breathability. Bombas gives you big comfort for all your athletic pursuits. 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Weve had revisions, extreme revisions every single month all year long, to this report im starting to have questions about how the government collects this data. Some of the fox voters say its too huge, they cant figure it out while others are jumpy to conspiracy theories. Heres another stat, 2 1 2 years into bidens presidency, the u. S. Has added 13. 9 million jobs, 13. 9, compared that with the same point in trumps time in office, 5. 7 million new jobs. These are facts and they dont fit into the right wing political narrative. Between his endless reckless spending and soaring inflation, biden on the is crippling our economy. When it comes to economics, President Biden is like a hog on ice. Their agenda can be summed up in the acronym, spd, scarcity, poverty and depravity. Inflation loves President Biden like the devil loves sin. Like a fat kid loves cake. Ive read of the cocaine there, never heard of a hog on ice. Inflation is real and although it slowed significantly, jobs are real, too, despite theories you may here on fox, thats important to know. We will be right back with something this week that affected me personally and its a worry for millions of americans. We will be right back, this is james Jason Johnson on the beat. Start your day with nature made. The 1 pharmacist recommended vitamin and supplement brand. With the freestyle libre 2 system, know your Glucose Level and where its headed. No fingersticks needed. Manage your diabetes with more confidence. Freestyle libre 2. Try it for free at freestylelibre. Us hey, grab more delectables. Try it for free at you know, that lickable cat treat . Delickable delectables . Yes, just hurry. Hmm. It must be delicious. Delectables lickable treat. At humana, we believe your healthcare should evolve with you, and part of that evolution means choosing the right medicare plan for you. Humana can help. 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We all know the statistics, 533 Mass Shootings in america this year, someone is killed by gun violence every 11 minutes in this country and this has been going on for decades now and political leaders dont do anything about it but talk. What struck me this week, is how close these moments of violence have become to me, to you, to everybody watching. Mass shootings for a lot of americans used to be that thing that happened to your cousins systems coworker. Theyve never been abstract to me. I lost my old friend reverend pick me at the Mass Shooting at emmanuel church. Every Single University i have attended or worked at has had a Mass Shooting in the last calendar year. Five students were shot at uva in 2022. There was an active shooter at the university of North Carolina at chapel hill earlier this year and now Morgan State University this week. The violence is coming close to home, and now its not your uncles friends church, its your Neighborhood School or your local Grocery Store. I feel what millions of americans now feel is that fear. The fear that next time, i will be on campus. I will be in the movie theater, i will be walking into the Grocery Store when the shots ring out. Its bound to happen one of these days. And i may not make it home. Americans have never been very good at empathy, we havent managed to do much about guns, so i ask you all tonight to think about yourself, like the weather in the economy, we can do something about gun violence, its in our control. We can vote out leaders that dont care, we can push for petitions, because i promise you, you dont want to live with the fear that i and millions of americans live with every day about when those Gun Sights Gunshots might be right behind you. I prayers to my students, colleagues and parents at morgan state and the hundreds of thousands of americans who are direct and indirect victims of gun violence. We can do better as a country, and we have to. That does it for me. The reidout with joy reid is up next. Next. Tonight on the reidout. Hello im Mike Lindell Inventor of my pillow, thanks to

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