35year occupation of the peninsula. The United States has long tried to strengthen the relationship to create a more formidable bond across asia. But it hasnt quite worked until now. Whats changed . And will todays summit lead to something in writing, a joint agreement between all three nations . What would that mean for china . Joining me now is nbc news senior White House Correspondent kelly odonnell, who is at camp david, you saw her there with the president and the the director of the meeting. How did President Biden get these two leaders to come and stand side by side at camp david today . Reporter part of it has been one of the themes of the biden presidency, where hes wanted to strengthen this relationship in part because of the rise of China Economically and militarily weve seen, and of course the ongoing threats from north korea. So as you pointed out, the u. S. Has strong independent relationships with these two nations despite generations of being at war with each of them. Weve had decades of good cooperation and bringing the three nations together here, and the choice of doing it at camp david, a place that has long been reserved for the most significant of these sort of International Diplomatic hosting moments. And President Biden is doing it for the first time and having these partners with him today. We do expect that it is set in time and with history as a backdrop as well. Part of the current threat, of course, is what is going on with north korea, changes happening with china, economic concerns there, and of course japan and south korea are direct Economic Partners with china, the u. S. Is as well in a somewhat different way. And so all of the issues in common are enormous. And where economics and National Security intersect, and they do for all three nations, that is a big part of what well see today. One of the things is discussion of an agreement that would move the nations closer to something that looks like what we have with nato, there aet on one nation would be a threat on all of them. Its not a explicit but theyre talking about a consulting level on defense and security that if theres a threat to south korea, a threat to japan, the United States would be a part of that, and the other nations too. That is not explicitly to the of what weve come to know with nato, but it is showing progress, the closeness of these three nations, not just with individual lines connecting them but freestanding as one. So thats part of what well see today. Katy, as you point out, just being here in this setting is important, and often place can be a part of policy and politics. It certainly is today with the use of camp david and the important meetings that have been going on all day and shortly well hear from the three leaders. They will be telling us about the agreements theyve reached and also taking questions. The significance of camp david. I was going to ask you more about that agreement. When youre talking about likening it to nato, youre saying it gets close to that, will it ever get to a point where it will have Something Like article five, a joint Defense Agreement, which says if somebody attacks you, we will come to your aid . Reporter certainly, i think the u. S. Has some interest in Something Like that, and each of the nations have to assess that for their own domestic needs as well as their security in that part of the world. And, again, what would it mean for other nations because, again, their close Economic Partnerships with china, their proximity to north korea, all of that plays into it. But the fact that there is an awareness of the need for cooperation, consultation is the word we should hear today, something short of that article 5 you alluded to, but moving in a direction of trying to have agreements about defense. If there were and we see all the time threats from north korea towards south korea the u. S. Is clearly a partner, would japan be a partner in the same way. Weve seen japan threatened by north korea. The u. S. Is always a partner. Is there a way to make it a threeway equation. Thats part of what well be looking for. There are economic considerations and partnerships that are involved that are all part of what will be laid out. These summits always have a lot of detail, a work thats been done in advance, and the leaders come forward and give us the big brush strokes about what it means. It could be a legacy item for all three leaders. The schedule is always a bit off when you have that many World Leaders on one stage. We were expected to see President Biden and the other leaders at 3 00. Any update on timing . Reporter please tell me if they walk in behind me, give me a heads up on that. We just got a twominutes. They should be coming forward, and well look for Opening Statements and then questions. And there may be official agreements that are also released on paper that will flush out some of what weve been talking about. Kelly, thank you very much. Victor, i want to get to you. Lets talk about this new nbc news reporting about north koreas successful test launch of a nuclearcapable Intercontinental Ballistic Missile that could penetrate u. S. Missile defenses. Our reporting is its the result of Technical Cooperation between north korea and russia. How much more urgent does that make a meeting like this . Thanks, katy. I know we dont have much time before they come out, so ill be quick. Its very urgent and serious. This is a new level of capability that north korea has demonstrated in a very short period of time, which is hard to imagine they could have done without outside help. At the same time, putin and kim have talked about a deeper military relationship. The Defense Minister for russia was in north korea last month and was given the royal treatment, the Vip Treatment by the north Korean Leader. So this is clearly a proximate threat that the three leaders are coming together on. While kelly was speaking, they just released a joint statement, and whats interesting about it is theres very clear callingout of china, which i know was an issue among the leaders before and the negotiations leading up to camp david. The two asian leaders were a little skittish about mentioning china directly and their unlawful actions in the region. But it has come out in a statement, and thats pretty significant. Let me talk about how its no small thing for korea South Korea And Japan to overcome their differences, overcome the longstanding anger and tension between those two countries. Does that only underscore how acute a threat china is, both militarily and economically in that region . I think so. I think thats very much right. The history goes back to japan and korea in the 20th century. But the south Korean Leader went out and said im going to improve this relationship. It wasnt popular domestically but he did it. Its very important theyre making this an annual meeting like the g7, nato summits, so when domestic politics changes, this summit will continue to happen. Theyre also going to do trilateral sxhik dialogue, a trilateral dialogue on the indopacific. These are all ways of institutionalizing this relationship. Its very important and significant. You have to give the administration credit, although domestic politics in all three countries, you know, cant guarantee this will continue into the future. Theyre doing the best to try to lock this down, to institutionalize it now. Theres tony blinken, Jake Sullivan walking out. You can imagine the leaders are not far behind. What does this mean for taiwan, victor . So, there will be there is a statement i believe on taiwan. Both the japanese and south Korean Leaders in their bilateral summits previously have made statements about defense of taiwan. I imagine that will only be reinforced in this joint statement. I wasnt able to get to that part of the statement before talking to you, but i imagine theyll reinforce that. And its important that the security of korea, japan, when it comes to Taiwan Straits are interlinked. And this summit is talking about how these three countries need to Work Together better militarily, intelligence sharing, all sorts of other issues with regard to china, including economic security. Its not its significant that blinken and raimondo were the two people that were there, because japan and korea have both been the target of China Economic coercion. We reaffirm the importance of peace and stability across the Taiwan Strait as an indispensable element of prosperity and the International Community recognizing there is no change in our basic positions on taiwan. We call for a peaceful resolution across the strait issues. The leaders their aides are at the podium. Its hard to see on this small monitor. Andrea mitchell, our chief Foreign Relations correspondent, talk to me about how momentous this is for President Biden. Its a very big deal. Talking with republicans and democrats, anyone caring about foreign to policy, bringing these two countries together who were adversaries because of the atrocities of the japanese 37year occupation of the peninsula and afterwards uncertain allies bringing them together, in this first summit and to do it at camp david, which has a history, of course, of president ial visits with foreign leaders going back to world war ii is so important, certainly during the reagan years and memorably with jimmy carter, even bill clinton trying to make peace there and regretting failing in 2000 after the election there. So this is a location that is iconic worldwide, and to bring them together, its terribly important. Whats important is the conversations behind the principals, how north korea and most importantly china are going to react. China already on edge because of the upcoming impending visits of taiwans Vice President and leading candidate to become president , very nationalistic. In his past statements he says,ing not so now. But the election there, victor and you all know, is in january, so this could be a trigger point. But victor was the first to report through his organization about north korea on csis has this new missile launched on july 12th, which is the first one that is solid state and that has multiple mechanisms to penetrate american defenses, antimissile defenses, and has the length, the trajectory data, to reach all the way to washington, d. C. This is an icbm that most surely, according to their analysis, has Technology Components from Vladimir Putins russia. There is this new agreement, the Defense Minister, sergei from russia on july 25th to celebrate the 75th Anniversary of the armistice there and the followup statements by kim jongun about vladimir putin, a Close Military alliance, already north korea helping to supply weapons for russia to ukraine, russia supplying food and energy to north korea, so their alliance is strengthened. Everybody in the region is watching whats happening with russia and ukraine. And that could be a predicate for china to invade taiwan if not in the near future, within five years is the latest Intelligence Analysis from the u. S. So all of this is on the table. Importantly, as victor pointed out, keeping my eye on the podium, but Gina Raimondo with secretary blinken. Here they come. So, President Biden alongside the Prime Minister of japan, kishida fumio, and the leader of south korea, president yoon sukyeol, theyre approaching the podium. Theyll take a moment to get there. One more question to victor. What does this do to chinese and American Relations . Although they are a strategic adversary, theyre also a strategic ally our biggest trading partner. Yeah. Essentially, it strengthens the u. S. Position. Were better off dealing with china when we have korea and others as allies. Its stronger as a group. Victor, andrea, kelly odonnell, thank you very much. Lets listen to President Biden. Welcome to camp david. If i seem like im happy its because i am. This has been a great, great meeting. Mr. President , mr. Prime minister, were in this Historic Place to make a historic moment, and i believe that to be true. This is a new era in partnership between japan, the republic of korea, and the United States. Our new camp david trilat. Thats what we have here. Before we dive into the progress weve made today, if you excuse me as a point of personal privilege, i want to start by expressing my appreciation for the contribution that your countries have made toward the relief following the devastating wildfires in hawaii. I want to thank you both. On behalf of the american people. I also want to note that my team is closely monitoring hurricane hilary, which has the potential to bring significant rain and flooding to southern california. Fema has prepositioned personnel and supplies in the region, and theyre ready to respond as needed. I urge everyone, everyone in the path of this storm, to take precautions and listen to guidance from state and local officials. And you heard me say it before, the republic of korea and japan are capable and indispensable allies. Now to the purpose of why were here. Americas commitment to both countries is ironclad. And my personal commitment to bringing these three nations together was real from the very beginning. Since last summer, weve met on the margins of the nato summit in spain, the asean summit in cambodia, and the g7 summit in japan. Today, weve made history with the firstever standalone summit between the leaders of our three countries, as well as our commitment to meet together on a leader level annually and to have all our relative cabinet member people meet on a regular basis from this point on, not just this year, not next year, forever. Thats the intention. I want to recognize the important work to beth of you have done and the political courage and i mean it sincerely the political courage youve both demonstrated to resolve difficult issues that have stood in the way for a long time in a close relationship between japan and korea and with the United States. Your leadership with the full support of the United States has brought us here because each of you understands that our world stands at an inflection point, a point where were called to lead in new ways, to Work Together, to stand together. And today im proud to say our nations are answering that call. First, were elevating our Trilateral Defense Collaboration to deliver indopacific region that includes launching annual multidomain military exercises, bringing our trilateral Defense Cooperation to an unprecedented level. Were double do you think on Information Sharing including on the dprks Missile Launches and cyber activities, our Ballistic Missile Defense Cooperation, and critically, weve committed to swiftly consult with each other in response to threats to any one of our countries from whatever source. That means well have a hotline to share information and coordinate our responses whenever there is a crisis in the region or affecting any one of our countries. And today we all reaffirmed our shared commitment to maintain peace and stability in the Taiwan Straits and addressing economic coercion. Were going to continue to counter threats from the Dprk Including Cryptocurrency Money Laundering to the tune of billions of dollars, potential arms transfer in support of russias brutal war against ukraine, and together, together, were going to stand up for international law, freedom of navigation, and a peaceful resolution of disputes in the south china sea. Second, were expanding our Economic Cooperation to build an indopacific that is peaceful and prosperous. Today weve committed to launch a new what we call supply chain Early Warning system, supply chain Early Warning system pilot, which will alert our nations to disruptions of certain products and terms by Critical Min Rams or batteries so we can get ahead of the issues as we may appear with the experience that weve experienced during the pandemic. Excuse me. This has fallen off. There you go. And building on the g7led partnership for Global Infrastructure and investment, were deepening cooperation between our Finance Institutions to mobilize more financing for quality infrastructure and secure Communications Technology to help lowincome and middleincome countries throughout the region take on the challenges that matter most to their people. And finally, our partnership is about building a Better Future of our people. Thats why were deepening our cooperation on Global Health and launching a trilateral Expert Exchange in support of the u. S. Cancer Moon Shot Initiative that i believe will change cancer as we know it. It matters a great deal to me and to families across our three countries. In the United States, we are revolutionizing Cancer Research and together we can end cancer as we know it. Were also launching a new collaboration between our National Laboratories and advance our science knowledge and Technological Capabilities together. As we do, well work in lock step to set the standards for safe, secure, and trustworthy emerging technology, including artificial intelligence, which a lot of work has to be done on. Let me close with this mr. President , mr. Prime minister, this is the first summit ive hosted at camp david as president. I can think of no more fitting location than to begin our next era of cooperation, a place that has long symbolized the power of new beginnings and new possibilities. In the months and years ahead well continue to seize those possibilities together, unwavering in our unity and unmatched in your resolve. This is not about a day, week, or month. This is about decades and decades of relationships that were building. Mr. Prime minister, mr. President , i want to thank you for your leadership, and i say again for your courage that brought us together. I look forward to working with both of you ahead. I yield to who am i yielding to . The president of the republic of korea. We needed the voice of god to tell us that. Translator first of all, id like to thank President Biden for his warm hospitality. It is a great pleasure to visit camp david along with Prime Minister kishida. Camp david is a site that has historical significance, where important diplomatic decisions were made at critical junctures of modern history. In order to respond to todays unprecedented crisis, the ties between our three countries, which are the most advanced liberal democracies in the region and Major Economies leading advanced technology and scientific innovation, are more important than ever. From this moment on, camp david will be remembered as a Historic Place where the republic of korea, the United States, and japan proclaim that we will observe a rulesbased International Order and play key roles to enhance Regional Security and prosperity based on our shared valueees of freedom, human rights, and rule of law. Today we, the three leaders, held the very First Standalone summit, marking a new chapter in our Trilateral Cooperation. Today, we have agreed on the Camp David Principles that will function as the enduring guidelines for our Trilateral Cooperation. In addition, we have developed a spirit of camp david, which is a document embodying the vision of our Trilateral Cooperation and ways to translate our will to cooperate into action. First of all, to facilitate the Stable Development of our Trilateral Cooperation, we have built the institutional basis for the Trilateral Cooperation at multiple levels and sectors. In addition to making our trilateral summit regular, we have agreed to have our Government Personnel at all level, including foreign ministers, Defense Ministers, and National Security advisers, meet every year to closely coordinate our Trilateral Cooperation. In particular, we, the three leaders, have agreed to establish a Communication Channel so we can quickly coordinate and respond together in case an urgent issue occurs in the region. Furthermore, to bolster our trilateral strategic cooperation in the indopacific, our three countries will establish the rok, u. S. , indopacific dialogue, which will cover new areas of cooperation. Also, along with the dialogue led by our three countries, we have agreed to found a consultative body for policy Coordination Organization and also build Cooperation Frameworks in various second fors including Global Health and women empowerment. We have also decided to hold our Global Leadership youth summit to strengthen ties between your future generations. Second, we have agreed to step up our Security Cooperation to ensure our peoples safety and keep us in the region based on the now institutionalized cooperation framework. First of all, to this end, we have consulted on Premarket Activity Cam Ways to cooperate to aim at improving our joint response capabilities to north Koreas Nuclear and missile threats, which have been sophisticated more than ever. The Realtime Sharing of dprk Missile Warning data, which was agreed upon during the summit last year will be activated this year, strengthening our capabilities to track north koreas missiles. We concurred that trilateral Defense Exercises were crucial. An annual to meeting will be established for broad goal wes committed to. In the meantime, as north korea funds its missile programs, efforts to monitor and stem such activity will be redoubled. A new Trilateral Working Group On Dprk Cyberactivities will be established. Moreover, korea, the u. S. , and japan, in their pursuit of indopacific strategies oppose any unilateral attempts to change the status quo by force. Respectful sovereignty, territorial integrity, there is a rulesbased International Order we resolve to safeguard by intensing your collaboration. As part of such endeavors, our three nations agree to support Pacific Island country with their maritime Capacity Building efforts. Furthermore, to help ukrainians regain freedom and pursue reconstruction, we are determined to increase our coordination. Next, we, the three leaders, discussed how to Work Together to promote shared prosperity and future growth. First of all, in the field of economic security, directly linked to our National Economies of the three countries, we will work to expand our Strategic Partnership to ensure Global Supply chains and energy security, bolster our Trilateral Cooperation to manage Global Supply chain risks, an Early Warning system will be established together. In addition, we decided to broaden our collaboration in the field of cuttingedge technologies to secure future growth engines. Specifically, ai, quantum, bio, nextgeneration telecommunications, and sectors, Cooperation Among our countries will deliver powerful synergies. Korea, the u. S. , and japan are committed to have their National Laboratories enhance personnel exchanges, providing a cornerstone for the three countries leadership in Science And Technology innovation. Moreover, for the sake of shared prosperity in the asiapacific, in the line with the needs of asean and Pacific Island countries, measures will be sought and implemented collectively. Today, we, the three leaders, affirmed our commitment to many the Trilateral Partnership towards a new era and possibility thereof. Grounded in the core values of freedom, human rights, and the rule of law, a Strong Alliance of values among korea, the u. S. , and japan will help build a world thats more peaceful and prosperous by serving as a sturdy foundation. Mr. Preponderate, i thank you once again for your hospitality. Next time, i hope that we will be reunited in the republic of korea. Thank you. [ applause ]. Distinguished guests, the Prime Minister of japan. President. Thank you. Translator first of all, in maui, i express my deepest sympathy, and i really pray for the peace of all those that have lost their lives, in order to offer support of 2 billion worth of support by our country has been decided, and therefore the relief for the affected people and for the earliest recovery of the affected areas, japan will proactively do your contribution. Today, i have visited camp david, and the three of us have spent a truly meaningful time. I express my heartfelt gratitude to joe for the kind invitation. Together with joe and president yoon, this has been a precious opportunity for myself to deepen the relationship of trust and confidence for the first time ever, instead of in the sidelines of International Conferences we have held the trilateral summit on a stand alone basis. Here at camp david, numerous historical meetings have taken place, and it is a huge honor to have printed a fresh page in its history with this meeting. The foundation of the trilateral collaboration is affirmed. The three of us have understood this more than anyone else and have executed our understanding in practice. President yoon visited japan in march. Then to the u. S. In april. And in may, i myself traveled to south korea, and we have bolstered our mutual relationship. As for the moment, a free International Order based on the rule of law is in crisis leading to russias aggression of ukraine. The International Order is Shake Indian N from its foundation. The unilateral attempt to extend force by the south china seas are continuing and the nuclear and Missile Threating of north korea is only becoming ever larger. Under such circumstances, to make our Trilateral Cooperation blossom and bloom, its only logical and almost inevitable and is required in this era. The three of us here today declare our determination for a new era of japan u. S. rok partnership. How we will advance the cooperation of our three countries Going Forward, i will discuss from three perspectives. Firstly, the coordination between the japan, u. S. , and the rok alliances will be reinforced and trilateral Security Cooperation will be brought to a new height. At this meetings we agreed to hold the multidomain joint exercises on an annual basis. Further mor, regarding the Realtime Sharing of north koreas Missile Warning information a we agreed last november, that initial steps have been implemented and an important first step has been advanced toward the launch of the mechanism by the oechbd the year. We also agreed on the establishment of a Working Group on north koreas cyberactivities, considered to be the source of finance for nuclear and Missile Development and other matters. The second point is the promotion of cooperation between the United States, japan, and south korea and the expansion of their areas of cooperation. Regarding the response to north korea, in addition to strengthening regional deterrence and response capabilities, the three countries agree to strengthen cooperation for the full implementation of sanctions and to work closely together in the u. N. Security council where all three countries will be members in 2024. At the same time, we shared our recognition that the way is open for dialogue with north korea. I then stated that the Abduction Issue is a humanitarian issue with time constraints. And once again we see the strong support of joe and president yoon for the immediate resolution of this matter. We also agreed to Work Together through the indopacific dialogue and the development and cooperation to realize a free and open indopacific, and in particular to coordinate Capacity Building support in the domain of maritime security, particularly with regard to asean and Pacific Island countries. Furthermore, we agree to promote cooperation in field of economic security, including critical and emerging technologies and supply chain resilience. Third, developing a framework for Trilateral Cooperation. This will create a foundation for continuous and stable enhancement of coordination among the three countries. After confirming that the three countries will promote multilayered cooperation at all levels, it feels agreed that the Trilateral Summit Meeting will be held at least once a year. And likewise, the ministers of foreign affairs, defense, and National Security advisers will each also meet at least once a year. And the financial matters as well as the industry and Commerce Ministers will be meeting. We will consider the Camp David Principles issued today have a historic Turning Point for the International Community to be a new compass for Trilateral Cooperation, and we will vigorously implement the cooperation outlined in the camp david statement of japan, rok, and u. S. On our Partnership Together with joe and president yoon. We will continue to work to further strengthen this Strategic Partnership between the three countries in order to safeguard a free and open International Order based on the rule of law. Thank you. [ applause ]. Thank you. Now we have time for questions. President biden, please select your reporter first. The a. P. Thank you, mr. President. I have a question for each of the leaders. It will be brief but related. President biden, first for you, how confident should asia be about a robust american commitment to a Nuclear Umbrella when the commander in chief who preceded you and is looking to succeed you to spoke openly about reducing the u. S. Footprint in the Korean Peninsula . President yoon, how much confidence can japan and the u. S. Have about seouls longterm commitment to rapprochement when polls show the solid majority of Korea Disapprovers of your handling of the forced labor issue. And Prime Minister kishida, what assurances can you give to your countrys citizens who fear bolstering a Security Cooperation in this matter could lead to the country into an economic cold war with china . And if youll indull nl me, mr. President , on a domestic matter, what is your reaction to the Special Counsel Appointment last week for your son . Thank you. Well, first of all, look, theres not much, if anything, i agree on with my predecessor on foreign policy. His americafirst policy, walking away from the rest of the world, has made us weaker, not stronger. America is strong with our allies and alliances, and thats why we will endure. Its a strength that quite frankly that increases all the three of our strengths. This is just about what summit. What makes today different is it actually launches serious initiatives that are actually institutional changes in mow hou we deal with one another. And Security Cooperation, Economic Cooperation, technology cooperation, development cooperation, consultation exercises, and all of this will create a solid momentum, i believe, year by year, month by month, to make the relationship stronger and more certain to remain to be in place. And on these results, i think, are going to keep it going, and i think theyre going to benefit all our countries. And with regard to the second question, i have no comment on any investigation thats going on. Thats up to the justice department, and thats all i have to say. Translator the question that was directed to me, i would like to say that the treaty made between korea and japan that was made in 1965 and the following and the supreme courts ruling in 2015 has some differences. But we have already implemented measures to bridge the gaps among them. In south korea, of course there is popular opinion opposed to the government measures like that. However, from a perspective thats forward looking, strengthening ties and improving relationship to between korea and japan are important, and there is a shared understanding that this matters to our bilateral relationship as well as our future. This is something we need to continue working on. Translator thank you for the question. First of all, at todays meeting, the rules are based on i remember order and activities consistent to such rulebased International Order and activities has been shared, the rulebased free and open order must be defended. And Going Forward, u. S. , japan, Rok Strategic collaboration will be reinforced even further. Such endeavors will continue Going Forward. Our country and for the surrounding countries, the response capabilities as well as the Defense Capabilities will be fostered. And by doing so, the lives and livelihood of our population will be protected, and a sense of assurance must be raised. These are the important activities. Having said that, with regard to china, last year, in november, there was the japan china leaders summit, and there was a positive moment, and by maintaining that, what has to be asserted will be asserted, and we strongly request responsible conduct. And we will continue a conversation about multiple issues. We will cooperate wrard to common challenges, such constructive and stable relationship will be established by mutual effort. That is my administrations consistent policy. Based on this perception towards regional stability, our efforts will continue. Thank you. President yoon, next question, please. Please go ahead and ask a question. The reporter. Go please go ahead with your question. Hi. First of all, yoon sukyeol of the republic of korea. I heard you stated a new chapter has opened in our Trilateral Cooperation with the two countries compared to the previous summit. What would be the most significant outcome you have gained through this summit . And from the perspective of our people, what would be the benefit that the people of korea would feel from these strengthening of ties . And to President Biden, the detainees and prisoners of war, you spoke about cooperation for these Human Rights Issues and support the free and peaceful Korean Peninsula in the region. What kind of shift would there be in your policy . What kind of solutions do you have in this regard . Lastly, i would like to direct my question to president kishida. Today, we have a historic trilateral summit. However, there was much backlash and many concerns in korea. However, president yoon showed his political courage to do so, the International Communities evaluation. However, there are still concerns that japan is making efforts to resolve our issues that still remain. And also how would you be able to show your truthful willingness to resolve and improve our bilateral relations Going Forward . Translator first of all, this trilateral Cooperation Amongst our three countries has opened a new chapter, and we made that announcement today to talk about the differences from the past cooperation. For instance, in the past, it feels about individual issues that we sought Cooperation Among ourselves. But now, as we have opened a new chapter in our cooperation for security, economy, science, technology, and general cooperation for the global south, health and women across all of these issues, our three countries decided to closely Work Together. So its much more comprehensive in nature. Such comprehensive cooperation has been launched by us today because currently we face complicated crises and the threat from the dprk and across the world. We believe that we can together make a contribution to freedom and peace around the world. So, that is our foundational understanding and our common and shared interest of the three countries, and not just for the exclusionary interests of ourselves, our interests are well aligned with the universal interests of the members of the global community. Thats where we find our shared interest lies. And at the same time, thats the framework of comprehensive Cooperation Among our three countries will contribute to Global Supply chain resilience, Global Financial market stability, cooperation in the frontier, Technology Sectors and science. Our three countries together have the bestinclass expertise in Science And Technology, and were the ones who are implementing liberal democracies. Naturally, progress in science and technoloies will bring tangible benefits to our country, not in terms of just xhu by Science And Technology. Whats most important here is not about our own interest only. When we put our forces together, i believe that we can make a contribution to the advancement of freedom and peace in the world. That is exactly where our interests are aligned. Look, back in may of 2022, i met with the family of japanese abductees during my visit, heard their stories, and empathized with them and got a sense of the pain theyre feeling. Its real. We we know there are many families out there who still wait, worry and wonder. Were not going to forget about them or their loved ones. Theres clear language on this on our joint statement. The bottom line is this that we share a common position, were committed to working together to see the return of all prisoners of war, and those that have been abducted and detained. By the way, one of the things we get asked times, and wasnt directly asked, but implied, what makes us think this is success brings success. When our nations see cooperation in the region, they make judgments about would they be better off if they made commitments . Will they move . Think about you as students of history, thing about how many times successes have generated other successes when you dont anticipate that. So i think were not going to forget, were not given up, and well continue to make the case for the freedom of all of those detainees. Translator with regard to your question for me, first of all, i have strong feelings about the strengthening of bilateral relationships between and i shared that with president yoon the two countries should cooperate. Were important neighboring countries, so friendship with president yoon and the relationship of trust based on this, both countries as partnerships should open you a new era. Thats my thinking. This year president yoon came to japan and i visited the r. O. K. We had repeated meetings. Between our two countries, including the economy and security weve had forwardlooking and concrete approaches which were started. Its already in motion dynamically. Economic Security Dialogue was started or has been decided on in the area of export control, there has been progress and also financial ministers and Defense Ministers have had meetings. So we had this positive forwardlooking developments. These are seen not only in the public sector, but also in the private sector. We see a slate of developments, human exchanges, exchanges between business circles. Were seeing very active developments in all of these areas. That is the reality. Going forward, we hope to accumulate these approaches with along with president yoon, to strengthen our bilateral relations even further, by generating results. We hope that the people will funds with bilateral relations and would like to continue such relations. Thank you. Translator thank you very much. Let me seek from translator with camp david history, i did have a question for each of the leaders. Mr. President biden, President Biden, it was mentioned this Summit Meeting with russias aggression of ukraine continuing. So what role do you expect of japan Prime Minister can i shifta has mentioned as chinas threat is rising what do you think about this comment, President Biden . And the situation in asia, where chinas threat is rising. What is the meaning and significant of the trilateral relationship with japan and r. O. K. And the u. S. Becoming stronger. I have a excellent to your excellency. What is the impact, as north koreas provocations continue to escalate, what is the meaning and significant of the three countries declaring a new era of partnership. Regarding the release of the power plant, explain the matter of the bilateral or trilateral summit today. To the recent japan r. O. K. Summit, you expected the iaea report, despite strong domestic opposition. And to Prime Minister can i can i shifta, this is the first time on a center basis rather than on the sidelines of international meetings. You have said the cooperation will be raised to new heights, therefore the security environment in east asia, and without the resolution of abduction, the continuing nuclear development, what is the meaning for north korea . And in eastern south china seas, nighttime advancement, they continue to change the status quo. What is the meaning for china . You have a great imagination there. One question ends up going six, but thank you, ill try to answer them. Im glad i didnt have you as my law professor. At any rate, theyre all legitimate questions. Look, on ukraine i, my country, the leadership of my country, both parties are very grateful for everything that japan is helping to deal with in ukraine. I mean that sincerely. Im thrown strong leadership through the g7 as well, and contributed to a significant amount of financial and humanitarian assistance to ukraine, as well as nonlethal military equipment. We have joined so many other Nations Holding russia accountable through international sanctions. My memory serves me well, and i think it does, mr. Prime minister, we found ourselves in a circumstance where, when i called you about ukraine, i didnt have to convince you of anything. I started off to make the case that ukraine was a circumstance for to in the First Quarter of the 20th century, another country would amass over 150,000 forces on the border of another country, 150,000 forces, and invade that country invade that country without any rationale other than if you read putins speech after he invaded, he talked about it being the motherland. This was ridiculous. I think he talked about peter the great. It was just imagine if we had done nothing . Imagine if we had done nothing . A point was immediately recognized, if im not mistaken by you, mr. Prime minister, that were in a situation it could happen anywhere. If we stood still, what statement would that send to china to taiwan . Heres the deal. You contributed significantly to what i think is already the let me put it this way. Russia has already lost. It cannot meet its original objective that it stated. Its not possible. Theres so many other Nations Holding russia accountable for international sanctions. Japans leadership, from day one, was critical to making it clear that the consequences for war extend well beyond europe. Well beyond europe. I say it in reverse, what if an asian country invaded another . You think it would not affect the interests of the economy and foreign policies in europe, latin america, all across the world . It would have proceed found effect. Japans they were from day one has made it clear that its way beyond europe. The Prime Ministers comments at sangry shangrila were significant. President biden there having a historic trilateral meeting at camp david with the leaders of South Korea And Japan, announcing a trilateral, if not Defense Agreement maybe not going that far trilateral agreement to defend each others interests. An historic moment going. That does it for me today. Deadline white house starts right now. \s. Hi there, everyone. Its not 4 00 in the east. In the words of his former confidant and adviser chris christie, he, donald trump, go to bed every night thinking about the jails Cell Door Closing behind him. Its a primal fear that his blatant, willful and repeated disregard of the law will land him behind

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