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Of, him and Breaking News out of georgia, a fourth Trump Indictment could come as early as tuesday. We have more details in just a moment, plus ron desantis suspends another elective prosecutor in a move divided as politically motivated this as his Campaign Continues to implode. And the chair of the House Oversight Senate Committee says the vote to impeach joe biden even though he has found zero evidence of wrongdoing by the president. What a sad State Of Affairs for republicans. Im Ayman Mohyeldin lets get, started. Tonight we begin this hour with Breaking News. Former georgia Lieutenant Governor jeff duncan, a republican has confirmed to the Atlanta Journalconstitution that he is set to testify before a Fulton County District Attorney fani willis is granary on. Tuesday that information sheds more light on previously reporting from nbc news that, willis whos investigating trumps alleged efforts to overturn the 2020 Election Loss in georgia will start to present her case to the grand jury on monday. The new Development Means that we could see charges against trump and possibly others announced as early as tuesday evening, sources tell the guardian that willis has enough evidence to charge multiple allies of the ex president. Prosecutors believe they have sufficient evidence for a racketeering case. And that stands to reason. Given the scope of her investigation. First there is trumps attempts to pressure local officials into overturning the election results. That includes the now infamous call he made to Secretary Of State brad raffensperger. During which, trump told him he wanted raffensperger to find enough votes to reverse his loss. And then there is the fake elector scheme. The harassment of local election workers and the ballot fraud lies pushed by former trump lawyer Rudy Giuliani. Finally, willis and her team have been looking into less reported matters, in some cases extend beyond Fulton County. Stretching to rural coffee county. 200 miles southeast of atlanta where trump allies and contractors working on their behalf breached the Election System in the first week of 2021. After a two and a half year investigation, it seems that we have now reached the end point. Williss office has subpoenaed george who says he also will appear before the grand jury on tuesday you may recall on December 14th of 2020, she stumbled upon a meeting of the republican Fake Electors at Georgia State capital nbc news reports to other officials have been subpoenaed. Former state senator john jordan and state representative bee nguyen. Both attended hearings where Rudy Giuliani had urged officials not to certify the Georgia Election results based on debunked conspiracy theories. No word yet on whether jordan or women have been called to appear before the grand jury. Consider the scene outside the Fulton County courthouse. The road in front of the building has been closed to traffic. Metal barriers lined the street officers from both the sheriffs emotions are if us have a visible presence there. Now, it might be tempting to think that this is just another indictment, fani williss case actually differs from special counsel jack smiths investigation in many ways. One key way. The New York Times puts it if trump were to be convicted in a federal prosecution he could theoretically pardon himself, although theres questions about that, if you are reelected as president. President s do not hold such sway instate matters. So even if trump wins reelection next, year he will still have to face justice in georgia. Theres no escaping accountability at the state level if he is charged and ultimately convicted dirty me, now Kurt Bardella democratic strategist and former House Oversight Committee Spokesperson for republicans. Also the l. A. Times contributor. Kara lynn, the legal am analyst and a former prosecutor, basil s mike, a prosecutor and former executive director of the New York State democratic party. Director of the Public Policy program at the roosevelt House Institute of hunter college. Carol i will start with you you heard my intro there into fani willis. She is reportedly planning to charge multiple people, it gives us a sense of might what she might be charging them with including the form of racketeering rico charges, rico laws require prosecutors that a group of people conspired to take part in organized criminal activity gimme your thoughts on this as a possible legal strategy, how using those kinds of charges is different from what jack smith is doing. Even in that case and we know there is martha multiple coconspirators but only trump is the one that is currently being indicted fani willis has said that shes very interest in the rico statute. Shes very comfortable with it. Shes used it before and she studied it very hard. And thats all very important. When you have these types of statutes that are unique you want to make sure that you can anticipate all the motions and all the defenses that will be brought up against them. Now, the original rico statute, the racketeering statute, was a federal one. It exists. It was created to address really Organized Crime. Where you had a cop oh you had the head of the Organized Crime family. The reason the rico statues was brought into existence was because an organized Crime Association we do all kinds of different crimes they would do some extortion. They would be murderers they would lie to the government there had to be some way to pull that altogether into a single case because if you just charged one case of extortion or one case of Murder A Judge may not let those be tried together. So it was really to deal with the organization. There is nothing in the statute, and either the federal statute or the Georgia Retro Statute that you can only use it for Organized Crime. Its been extended to be used against gang crimes as well. So, there are reasons to use rico that are helpful to the prosecution. You can often get more evidence in of the broader conspiracy jack smith probably didnt think it was necessary to use that. Because he had enough tools at his disposal. Fani willis likes to use the statute. Theres nothing that says she cant use it. It does carry a higher and more severe penalty. At least a five year minimum mandatory sentence. Its a very important statute. And she wants to use it. To pick up on carrolls point, who do you think should be sweating right now. If you were to think of a short list of names, some president s have name drop people like Rudy Giuliani, for what he did and the role he played in this. Others have gone so far to suggest senator Lindsey Graham could be in some jeopardy, who will you have your eye on this coming week,. Im going to have my eye on Rudy Giuliani. There are so many new yorkers who are talking a lot about how far this mayor has fallen thats. One thing the other thing certainly donald trump i think this point about using the rico statute is really really important because, as was said just a moment ago, yes the intention initially was bombs in gangs. Fani willis and a consultant that she has working with her, they were involved in prosecuting the atlanta cheating scandals. The key here they wanted to have the ability to make sure that they pulled together the connected tissue that brought together the actors and their actions. For so many crimes in the past that we talked about ive always said that its of a conspiracy. You could not have had this level of engagement across the country with so many people involved speaking in the same way, with the same message about what happened after 2020 and is not be conspiratorial. It just couldnt happen organically with so many people. So im glad to see this happens if you have any question about what trump think about this he was in iowa it didnt seem to faze him at all and number of members of congress of florida introduced them to iowa voters. So, he should be the most scared it doesnt seem like he is at the moment. His supporters love that you, just to get my question that was going to ask her so perfectly. Kurt, trump has joked that one more indictments hes going to lock up the primary. He was, joking the truth is, polls indicate there could be a kernel of truth there. With every indictment from against him for what he did in 2020 hes gaining popularity with the republican base. It illustrates the kind of sad and dangerous reality that a totality of republican primary electorate is okay with the leader of their party wanting to so casually deconstruct democracy. Wanting to egg on an insurrectionist effort on january six a guy who has said that he hopes to heart pardon people who participated in the darkest day of our democratic process that weve ever had. I think so much about the republican base, this is a base that has put so much on the themes of faith family freedom every time theres a holiday involving a Military Recognition there the first ones flying the american flags on the f1 50s and the chevy Pick Up Trucks and yet the very thing that those Men And Women who have sacrificed everything, the very thing that they do that for is the thing that donald trump and his band of idiots try to destroy on january 6th. The cognitive dissidents here is on another level. The idea that they would somehow once again believe that the best case they can make to the American People for returning to power is to nominate the criminal Syndicate Leader in donald trump to do that, and the engineer that it just speaks volumes about how far gone this is this party is not really a political party. Its a whitecollar criminal organization. Let me talk to you about that little nugget i mentioned at the end of my introduction. Give me your thoughts on. And i said its possible that donald trump could pardon himself if he is convicted in the federal cases. If he is reelected. First of all, is that settled, is that definite that if he is president he could pardon himself, if not, does that make him much more worried about what happens in georgia . Should it make him more worried and his legal team more worried about what happens in georgia since he will have no power to pardon himself . So, the constitution is not clear about whether president can pardon himself. So, it puts yet one more we are not sure paid on the board here. Its an uncomfortable place for lawyers to be we like to be certain of it. Things this is an untested area. Can a president pardon himself. Which we do know, president s even if they could pardon themselves or if they were to pardon others they can, only do so for federal crimes or federal investigations. This of course, fani williss investigation, an incoming indictment is a State Indictment so the former president s, were to become president again cannot pardon himself from the state of georgias indictment. That is a very important. Jack smith, special counsels indictments, the federal indictments, if the former president or to become president again and pardon himself in those cases, if he pardoned himself there, even though the Department Of Justice theoretically could appeal that issue through the court system upset this ring, court remember it would be Donald Trumps Department Of Justice we dont know what would happen there. We can guess. There would probably be no appeal of that particular party. What do you think the likelihood of trump allies starting to flip on him are, like in the federal case he wouldnt be able to pardon them if he wins the white house again on a state level. Going back to the coconspirators in this case is there a chance that you see more willingness for them to flip on trump and cooperate. Im not an attorney i dont know the legal jeopardy they may be again given the evidence. I would say this. If you think about all the hundreds of individuals who were arrested and tried many of them convicted in are serving time because of what happened on january six. The one thing that has been common along all those individuals, they were not the ringleaders they were not the top gear of individuals that were pulling all of this together and trying to intimidate Election Officials intimidate Government Workers and trying to create false electors. The people with the resources, the people that have the power that can make those goals and make something happen on the ground, i have yet to really see the accountability at that level. My point in saying that, i hope that a number of the individuals who may or may not be named in this indictment, the folks who are close to the Decision Makers the Decision Makers themselves i do hope that they sort of stand the accountability up if you will i dont think what id window and see is folks not be held accountable, not to do jail time, and therefore you open the door for somebody to do this again. I dont know who could flip, i dont know who will flip i need to get some accountability on record. I think the American People deserve it. We can all agree on that point. Please stick around. Theres a lot more to discuss ahead. Donald trump, his dangers attacks on the Women Overseas Duds Tanya checkin we will talk about that. First, we do want to tell you about some Breaking News. Out of maui. The death toll from the wildfires have tragically risen to 80, making it the deadliest wildfire in that states history. Now the countys mayor says the number of could go up. Certain Rescue Efforts continue for up to 1000 people still missing according to officials more than 5000 people will need shelter after their homes were reduced to Rubble Sadness has turned to anger for some residents who say they were not properly warned about the risk posed by these fires Eliza Tierney general and lopez says she will review the policies and decisionmaking processes leading up to this crisis. County officials in maui say electoral outages this week were impacting the ability to pump water to control the fires the issued a Press Release that urge the public to conserve water. Fema says it has deployed more than 150 personnel in keely leading sexual rescue teams, more on the way. Right now, the fire in maui his 85 contained more are burning on the big island. This is a developing story head to nbc news. Com for updates. We will be right back. Ste. On a hard seltzer budget. Wayfairs got just what you need what. Yall this is nice. Salad plates . Kelly clarkson . 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Carlo still blurry area, the Property Manager who was added as a codefendant in the superseding indictment hasnt entered a plea. He apparently cant find Local Council. Now, the Magistrate Judge rescheduled the arraignment for next tuesday, rejecting a suggestion that it be postponed until august 25th. Wealth not as plea has also been postponed twice because of similar issues hiring Local Council. Remember, in all of this, timing is crucial as we head into 2024. This trial is currently scheduled for may. Less than two months out from the Republican National convention. Just over five months out from election day. My panel is back with me. Curt lawyers and prosecutors in florida have said it is quite comical that the oliviera is not able to find it counselor, specially because of the fact that he does have a d. C. Based lawyer. Other experts pointing out the possible issues that promised to find him in attorney. Your thoughts on this. Is this a delay tactic, couldnt be more going on here . I think all of it is a delay tactic. I dont think that they made it any secret that their long game is to push all of the avalanche of Court Proceedings that lie ahead of them as far away as possible. So the hopes that he can, when the republican nation, when the name nation and presidency and pardon himself for his alleged crimes. That is the only hope that donald trump has. I think he knows that on some level that the only chance he has to escape with his freedom intact is to become president of the united states. Thats quite a hail mary to have to throw when the only way out for you is to win the highest office in the lands. Presumably against the person who already beat you last time. Carol, there was a report based on a source that the olivieras legal team was told in advance that he would be facing charges. If you did in fact have that advanced warning does the liberia have a valid excuse and not having found a Local Council yet. What kind of legal consequences could he face if he does not meet in the next deadline amen, none of us really know whats going on behind the scenes. Neither do dealer various our nada, or particularly sophisticated in the legal world. It would not surprise me that theyre having some difficulty finding a Local Council to represent them. Because that Local Council wants to get paid. They probably dont have the funds to pay themselves, they have to go on Donald Trumps word that hes going to pay for their lawyer, and i wouldnt be surprised if a number of lawyers in florida are skeptical that at the end of the day theyre going to really get paid by donald trump, there are some ethical issues as well. You may remember that Michael Cohen his Attorneys Fees were paid by the Trump Organization until he decided for his own good to testify against donald trump at. That point, the Trump Organization cut him off. He had to sue to has his Attorneys Fees paid. That was settled for an undisclosed sum. There could be attorneys out there who might be interested in representing walt nauta, are nervous about getting paid. That, said i think there is truth to the fact. That delay is the name of the game. Here we are playing bumper cars now with all of these upcoming trials. At the end of the day if the Magistrate Judge isnt satisfied with his representation, he can appoint somebody, he can appoint a federal defender to represent him from the local federal defenders office, so we can at least for the time being keep the show on the road. , let me turn to judge tracking here in the interference, case she handed down a protective order on trump and his legal team. She also gave a clear warning that the more a party makes inflammatory statements, the greater the urgency there will be to move this trial quickly,. Your thoughts on her No Nonsense Approach so far. You are absolutely right, it is ed no not sense approach, i know that youre in the middle of a Political Campaign youre not going to be treated differently than the other defendants. Which clearly did not go well. It is a No Nonsense Approach. I think shes absolutely right. To do it considering all that weve experienced with trump and his supporters. There was a guy who was killed by the fbi a few days ago because of his intention to attack, statements that he made threatening joe biden. Weve already seen violent incidents with potential witness tampering. Potential intimidation of this judge, other people who may be involved in the case. Absolutely right to do what she had done trump will continue to do what has been a Winning Strategy for him thus far make himself the martyr he has to be grieved in the scenario. Meaning that he will go out, look, theyre coming after me, this judge does not want me to talk whats going to be interesting is when he does open his mouth and he does Start Talking which we can assume that he will. What happens when he has to go back to court and face the judge. What will she say and do to try to essentially put a muzzle on him. Thats really where the rubber meets the road. I cannot imagine, maybe this is an instance where for the first time perhaps ever in his public life he actually listens to people and listens to his attorneys. I have to think that. I have to think that hes going to perform in the ways that we come accustomed to. Its going to go out and try his case in the public. Im not going to be holding my breath that donald trump is going to be listening to anybody certainly not to his lawyers, caroline, basils michael thank you to the both of you, Kurt Bardella police stick around, we want to stick with you a little bit later on. 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If youre over 50, talk to your doctor or pharmacist about shingles prevention. , Ron Desantiss president ial campaign has descended into chaos. No two ways. About it this, week the Florida Governor removed his campaign manager, marking the third major reshuffling of operations since he announced his. Wait for it to three months ago. The latest shakeup comes on the heels of shrinking own numbers. Massive layoffs isnt quelling concerns, one of the own fundraisers told the post the, Washington Post a shunt, out, quote i think this is rearranging deck chairs on the titanic. As the governor struggles to steer the sting its back at home. This week, Desantis Suspended State Attorney monica whirl, a democrat in the only black women serving as a local prosecutor in florida. Citing the Sentencing Record marks the second time desantis has used his authority as governor to take such action. Last, year he suspended tampa area prosecutor andrew warren. Children of just a moment. After warren pledged not to bring charges under the states new 15week abortion. Ban warren suspension sparked a months long legal battle, it ended when the States Supreme Court threw out his challenge. Now, are making it clear that she too wont back down without a fight. I am your duly elected State Attorney for the ninth judicial circuit. Nothing done by a weak dictator can change that. Under this tyranny, elected officials can be removed simply for political purposes and by a win of the governor. No matter how you feel about me, you should not be okay with that. We have the perfect guest for this conversation. Here to discuss, this the democratic party, the man i just mentioned, andrew warren, the duly elected Hillsborough County State Attorney. Its great to have both of you with. Us id like to start with. You welcome back to the show. This marks a reboot number three for the desantis campaign. Just as many months, hes not getting any traction one so ever. If your Campaign Needs that many overhauls in a full year before the election, is there a bigger problem at foot here then staffing. Could the issue be the candidate himself . Thank you again for having me. Of course, its the candidate. You see ron on the campaign trail. You saw him today in iowa. Hes awkward he doesnt interact with. People even if you look at how he addresses individuals, people in the campaign, people interacting with him, look at his eyes. Theres a glaze over his eyes. Hes not making connections. Its what a Public Servant needs to. Do they need to instill faith and confidence. Youre going to take care of them. Hes not making those connections. The fact that this is the third reboot, taking the chief of staff, i have a neck this complaint for threatening and holding over elected officials as legislators and lobbyists. And now theyre taking this guy out of the chief of staffs position and putting his campaign manager, someone who has never worked on a campaign before, i cant imagine how this is going to go well on the third reboot. At the end of the, day its absolutely the candidate,. Andrew, ron desantis and some have speculated that the motivation for going after is purely political. Hes already worked the suspension into the political speech. Take a listen to this we she wouldnt prosecute cases. Putting out people on the street. This one guy is shot. Two Police Officers because he should have been in jail. Hes out there. So, i removed her. Im not going to we should note here, regarding that, case the governor referenced, the suspect who was shot dead during that incident was out on bail for a previous offense. They said the bond in question was a judges decision not hers. What do you make of the governors attempt of justification there . Are you buying, it was a politically motivated . Well, this was absolutely politically motivated. Governor desantis does not believe in the rule of law, period. Full stop. This was another unconstitutional and illegal attack on our democracy. This was a political stunt by a man who is desperate to rescue his philandering campaign. When he suspended me, we sued him in court. A judge said that youre not allowed to do this. He found that it was illegal, it violated state and federal law. Yet, he does it again. , again this is a man who doesnt care about what the law is. Hes doing whatever he can to promote his own political agenda. Right, now to prop up his own failing campaign. Given how bad hes doing on the national level, do you think the suspension and the floundering campaign could be connected . Is this his attempt at a distraction, do you think florida voters were duped to vote for ron desantis given how tyrannical it seems he is . , of course they were duped. He didnt campaign on any of this. It came in in 2023 with the most aggressive legislative agenda that we have ever seen here in the state of florida. A sixweek abortion ban. Going after our lgbtq community. Making it hard for people to vote again. The list goes on and on and on. Were seeing that right now. Hes dropped in the polls in florida. Hes dropped 19 points here in the state. In fact, if the election was held today, he would lose his reelect. This is attempt to come. Home he hasnt been here in weeks. He comes home for 24 hours. He goes after monique. At the end of the day, this was politicallycharged as andrew just said. She is the only State Attorney in the state of florida where there was public records request long before that incident that he was even talking about earlier today. This is his attempt to try to go back into the narrative, being a top guy again, at the end of the, day the people of our state are not buying, its of the people around the country are not buying it. Unfortunately, he doesnt have a back here into the state. Seeking revenge. And evil tyrant we had here, i feel bad for the people of our. State its why Florida Democrats are working around the clock to take back the state. It is extremism that has backfired. It has significant consequences on the people that are living here in our state. We are the highest inflation in the country. Property Insurance Market that is crumbling and economic disasters here in the state. Of course kids are back in school. The highest Teacher Shortage in the nation. He has created a Dumpster Fire here for our state. , unfortunately were going to have to live with the repercussions for very long time. Desantis has been labeled a dictator. Florida is, as we heard earlier you know suffering from his tyranny. He has restricted what people can, teach what women can do with their bodies. And now you have to ousted elected members of an opposing party from elected office. Is this authoritarianism . It is ron desantis and authoritarian . He certainly pretending to be one look at his resume. His champions have been thrown out by the courts. As unconstitutional for violating the very writes that hes supposed to protect. Hes gone after businesses that he disagreed with. From disney and the tampa bay rays. They spoke out in opposition to his policies. Hes gone after teachers. He doesnt like people teaching history accurately. Hes attacked the lgbtq community. Hes gone after elected officials because of political reasons and for publicity reasons. By the way, thats not my opinion, that is a fact. Thats what a federal judge founded in our case. The governor had targeted me for political reasons and for publicity. So, hes doing this all to try to pretend to be this wannabe authoritarian. The reality is, right now voters have more choices than long john silvers manual. They want a candidate whos going to present solutions and a vision to make the country better. What Governor Desantis is offering is this war on woke poetry and political stuns. Its not playing in florida. Its not playing in speaking of the war on the woke, nikki, this week youve got one Florida School district announcing that their students will only be reading excerpts for William Shakespeares plays rather than the full text. Due to new laws that restrict materials whose content could be deemed sexual. Ive got to ask you, how do you think voters will react to the fact that even William Shakespeare under ron desantis s War On Culture is not safe . Not safe . The chaos thats happening is his campaign in the same type of chaos its happening at home. You have School Boards that are changing their policies, whether theyre going to be offering ap psychology, not offering it, and then offering it again, they are scared. Because they are scared to be removed from office. I talked to a School Board Members all across the state, they are scared theyre going to be removed like andrew and monique, pushing forward on academics. So, there is a Chilling Effect thats happening in our schools. Its why teachers are leaving. Its creating policies at the local level that are so insane that, in fact, theres one that will make a teacher have to get permission in order to call somebody by their nickname. If i were is to go to school, i wouldve had to have permission from my teacher to call me nikki. That is the State Of Affairs here in the state of florida. Not a teaching black history, not teaching the history of our nation. With the latest, ap psychology, shakespeare, we are in some serious troubles here. Ron is out there. The iowa state fair, i think putting a stick today in eggs, thats where this priority, is not coming here and actually dealing with the issues. People of our state just want the government to work. They want elected officials that they elected to stay in office and to represent. We all know that those are the ones who represent in the vast and unfortunately, i know that andrew is being diplomatic he had some lawsuits. Hes a dictator. I called that in 2020, hes trying to do everything in the last 30 years to consolidate power, to put fear into the people of our state. It is backfiring. Nikki fried, andrew warren, thank you to the both of you for joining us on this important conversation. Theres only one candidate for worst of the week, you know who it is, House Oversight chairman james his lies about President Biden could turn into dangerous action from house republicans. We will tell about that. About that. But maybe not for people with rheumatoid arthritis. Because there are options. Like an unjection™. xeljanz. A pill, not an injection. Xeljanz is for adults with moderate to severe rheumatoid arthritis. 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Tonights worst of the week goes to House Oversight chairman james comer, after failing four months to find any evidence to support this allegation that President Biden accepted bribes. Cuomo has now vowed to subpoena at the entire biden family for his investigation into Hunter Bidens business dealings. There is no evidence so far looking Hunter Bidens alleged wrongdoing to President Biden. But, hey. Cold war says hes good to impeach the president nevertheless. Id vote for impeachment right. Now i dont have to think twice about that. Ive already seen enough public corruption that makes me fear for the future of our country. Yeah, sure. As comer continues to conflate President Biden with his son hunter, theres been a Big Development in the Justice Department investigation into hunter biden with attorney general Merrick Garland appointing trumpappointed u. S. Attorney david weiss, who has been overseeing the junta probe, as special councils that is. But its a move that comer has demanded for months but he is actually upset, making based allegations that this move is somehow tantamount to a doj coverup. A coverup involving a trump appointed u. S. Attorney doing the thing republicans want him to do, which is investigate hunter biden. Back with me is kurt bedoya, a former spokesperson comer got what he wanted with the special counsel. But hes still not satisfied. What will the Tech To Satisfy Jim Comer . You know, theres an old adage that you never argue with a drunk or a fool. Im not sure which one jim comer actually is in this equation, but, my god, it is just embarrassing. As someone who spent many years working at the oversight committee, on the republican side of the aisle, we used to believe internally that it is not a good idea to get out in front of the evidence. Two missed manage expectations and buildings not that you actually dont have the goods, that you can prove. And these clouds right now seem to have adopted the exact opposite of what used to be sound investigative strategy and messaging strategy, and make these wild Conspiracy Theory lays pronouncements and then they hope that the witnesses or the testimony all the documents will somehow back it up, when in actuality, by the time we actually hear from a witness, they tend to disprove what the claims comer is making. We have seen comer saying later on that day, the righthand has no idea what the far right hand is to win. They all seem like a bunch of clowns and will all end up loving this thing and imperiling they are very, very small republican majority because i can tell you, American People dont give a crap about any of this right now. What do you make of comer vowing to subpoena the entire biden family to testify before the committee. We are now beyond the theater of the observes. I want to talk about something that reeks of desperation. Thats what it is. It is so funny. Republicans are already very first to go out there and accuse democrats of using the reigns of power to get political retribution and to politicize everything and to do something for the 2024 election. Why in the world, do you think, that james comer wants to bring the president and his family before congress for a Kangaroo Court tribunal . I cant imagine what they would want to do that so close to the 2024 elections. Lets just think about that for a second. Its just absurd. Its embarrassing. And frankly, kevin mccarthy, speaker of the house, needs to step in here and get his people under control. Because i can tell you, there are a lot of republicans running and very contested Races November Next year who want no part of this. I was going to say, you dont have to be a political genius to figure out what republicans are doing here. Comer says he is interested in finding the facts. But, as we put earlier, hes already saying he would vote to impeach biden now before these facts even come out. How is this kind of going to play out among republicans . Surely, not everyone in the party is going to go along with james comer. Do you think this could potentially backfire if republican candidates have to begin to distance themselves from impeaching, impeachments 12, excuse me . It will be the litmus test for ten to the full. And the problem with that for republicans is that impeaching joe biden might score them some points with the republican base, but it kills them in a general election. There is zero appetite from the American People for the impeachment of joe biden, who is nothing wrong. Personal expert of evidence convened him to any wrongdoing at all. Comer is out there saying he would vote to impeach biden right now, and yet they admit didnt have any evidence Lincoln Joe Biden to any of Hunter Bidens financial dealings. And you look at the context politically here. After just getting in ohio, red state ohio, on the issue of abortion and womens rights, the undercurrents of that. Their response to that is to go into impeaching joe biden. Thats not going to work. Kurt bardella, always good to see you, thanks so much for joining us. Well take a break, more ayman in a moment. In a moment. Tourists photographing thousands of miles of remote coral reefs. That can be analyzed by ai in real time. So researchers can identify which areas are at risk. And help life underwater flourish. When you shop wayfair, you get big deals for your home every day. Underwater flourish. So big, well have you saying. Am i a big deal . Yeah you are, because its a big deal, when you get a big deal. Wayfair deals so big that you might get a big head. Because with savings so real. You can get your dream sofa for half the price. Wayfair. Its always a big deal. 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And take advantage of hello everyone, im alicia our no interest menendez. As we pick, and heartbreak and hawaii. The death toll from wildfires and maui hitting 80 and expected to rise tonight. We speak with the survivor. Also this hour of the strongest hence yet that Edgewater Grand Jury could decide whether to indict donald trump in a matter of days new key figures, theyre being called to testify. , plus the Vice President in the spotlight. The biden campaigns plan to elevate Kamala Harris as we barrel toward the next election. Later, david hyde is here with the plan to get more Young Americans into politics. This is american voices

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