Transcripts For MSNBCW Katy 20240704

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Yet been released. The question is when will they come home, and what are we giving iran in return. Joining me now, National Security counsel coordinator for strategic communications, john kirby. Admiral, thank you very much for being with us. I know that we believe, the United States believes those imprisonments and trials and charges were not true. And were happy to have these individuals back. When will they be on a plane back and out of iran . I dont really know right now. Were still working out the details and parameters here about eventually securing their freedom, and when that will be, what that will look like. But we dont really know right now. Were just really happy that theyre out of evan prison because the conditions there were just intolerable. Theyre in house arrest, but still in iran. Theyre not home yet, and we still have a lot of work to do to get them there. Have we been in touch with them directly . Do we know what condition theyre . We have been in touch with them through the swiss, i think, as you know, katy, we dont have diplomatic relations in teheran, so we work through the swiss. The representative did have an opportunity to meet once they were out of prison, see them physically, talk to them, and we know that theyre out and generally okay what are we giving iran in return . Again, this is an ongoing process, katy. Were at a very first step. Its an encouraging first step but it is just that. I think you can understand why we wouldnt want too much detail until we can get them secured, home with their families, we have to be careful on what we say about the Negotiation Process. Theres reporting coming out, sourcing attributed to officials in the government about a potential Prisoner Swap, with iranian prisoners here in this country. Theres also talk about releasing 6 billion in frozen funds and allowing iran to access that for humanitarian needs. Yeah, look, again, ive seen the press reporting, im just not going to speculate or comment on the Negotiation Process while its really still ongoing. This is a good first step, but it is just that first step. What i can tell you, whats not going to happen is theres not going to be ransom paid out of Taxpayer Dollars to iran. Theres not going to be sanctions relief, and were going to continue to put the pressure on iran for all of their destabilizing activities and behaviors as we always have, and well continue to do. Were focused on getting these americans home. Thats first and foremost, and im just not going to speculate publicly about what thats going to look like. Lets talk about what its not going to look like as you began there. Is it going to look like iran getting money they can use for narrow Nuclear Program potentially . No Taxpayer Dollars involved here. You know, no ransom, no sanctions relief. We are working through a set of steps, to see what can we do to finally secure their freedom, and thats what were focused on. Im not going further than that. I know the negotiations have been ongoing since february on and off. Can you say that this is going to result in any movement potentially for another version of the Iran Nuclear Deal . Were focused on these individuals and getting them home. Thats what this is about. This isnt about linking it to Nuclear Negotiations or anything else. As i said, were going to continue to put pressure on iran in the region. We just added military resources in the iranian gulf for that purpose, and were going to continue to do that. We are not in negotiations with iran over their Nuclear Program at this time. Its not the focus of the Administration Given what iran is doing to support russia, given what theyre doing against their own people, so its just not part of the agenda right now, and i just dont want to speculate beyond that. The last Prisoner Swap with iran was under president obama and it got a lot of criticism, heavy criticism from republicans. If this does happen and the reporting is correct, that 6 billion will be released, even if its only for humanitarian purposes and it wont just be handed over to them, it will be sanctioned or divvied out by a third party, if thats true and maybe theres a Prisoner Swap, if that is true, what is the white houses response going to be to republicans who will criticize the administration . I think there will be criticism No Matter What we decide to do, unfortunately, thats just a reality here, but i hope that people will remember that these are Five Americans that were wrongfully detained, had no business being detained in the first place, on sham charges and were trying to get them home. They dont belong in iran. They belong home with their families. And i hope at the end of the day, a, we can secure that release, and b, people will realize that getting them home, thats the paramount concern by President Biden, and this administration, and were just not going to stop. Were not going to feel good about this. Were not going to feel safe until theyre safe at home. I know you dont have a time frame, but do you have a general time frame, is it going to be a year, six months, any sort of idea . Look, best guess i could give you would be a matter of weeks, i think is again, this is iran. They can be fairly unpredictable. This is a good first step. Hopefully it will lead to their freedom in a matter of weeks. Again, were right in the middle of this, katy. These are active, ongoing negotiations, and we just got to make sure that we hue to that task. As you said, the United States does not currently have diplomatic relations with iran. Is this a step toward dethawing our relationship . This is about getting wrongfully detained americans home. Pure and simple. Nobody is under any illusion that by doing this theres going to be some sort of reproachment with iran. Iran is supporting putins ability to kill innocent ukrainians. Theyre harassing maritime shipping. I dont think anybody thinks for a moment if were able to secure their release, its going to fix all of our problems with iran. Any update on paul wheeler in russia and whats going on with the negotiations there . Sadly no, other than to say we are actively working on those two cases as well. Paul whelan, admiral john kirby, thank you so much, we appreciate it. And it is a little after 9 00 a. M. In hawaii right now. And this mornings dawn did not bring good news. Though the winds have died down, day break revealed massive devastation. Lahaina town is basically gone. The flames raising hundreds of homes alongside businesses. Nearly 11,000 people are still without power. Cell and Internet Service is spotty at best. Mandatory Evacuations Zones have expanded and at least 36 people are dead. At least. With devastation like this, officials fear it is only a matter of time before the death toll rises. Joining me now from one of the shelters on maui is nbc news correspondent dana griffin. Dana, its good to have you. What can you tell me about what youre seeing out there . Reporter well, katy, i can tell you im seeing some very resilient people here in maui, people who have lost their homes, walking out of here still smiling, grateful to be alive. About 300 to 400 people spent the night here at this evacuation center. Were at maui high school. They tell me they have plenty of supplies inside. Theyre getting water, food, shelter, clothing, and they say that, you know, the volunteers are doing a really great job. But many of them have seen some devastating images escaping the flames in lahaina, which as you mentioned is a very Historic Town which has been obliterated. 36 people we know of so far have died. This is not including the pets. You know, maui is home to endangered species. That could be a concerning thing as crews are working to assess the damage. Its still unclear how much they have been able to contain the three fires currently burning on the island. We have heard some harrowing stories of survival, take a listen. Its been a super intense couple of days. I mean, the fire or the power went out yesterday, like 4 30 or 5 00 a. M. And then the gas station blew up at like 3 00 and since then, we have been trying to outrun a fire. My moms place is gone. My place is gone. Im like a chef Restaurant Operator in kanaopali, and my gms place is gone. Pretty much everybody i know lost everything that we have. Reporter and were hearing similar stories to that, including people who have lost homes. One couple i spoke with, they had to walk 15 miles to escape the flames, and it was a neighbor that had to text them to let them know that their home is no longer standing. The roads that lead to the active fire zone have been closed. So its unclear what time theyll reopen that road so that people can go into their neighborhoods, and katy, many of them will not have a home to return to. Dana griffin, its just so hard. Thank you very much. And a couple of moments ago, i spoke with maui resident Daniel Sullivan about what the last four hours have been like for him and his family. Its completely surreal, nothing i have ever seen. We had really high winds in the morning. And the trees started to, you know, lose branchs and things started falling down, and then by the evening, we started having these fires that spread all over the island. On the volcano and lahaina, all over, and these fires with the wind, just got stronger and stronger until we were just completely engulfed, the whole island, there was nowhere to go. We lost a lot of homes, and some people died. Its been really crazy here on maui. Have you been able to get back down to lahaina to see whats left . Ive just seen photos. Its been closed off. They havent been letting people go in because its still really dangerous there. There were boats on fire yesterday, which could have exploded, so they had it all rubbed off barricaded off, so you couldnt get close to it. The photos i have seen, it looks just apocalyptic. Its completely destroyed. I photographed in afghanistan and syria, and it looks like that. I mean, its just completely destroyed. And what happened with you . You were inside your home when the winds started blowing, were you able to get out . We were actually stuck in our home. The roads were blocked by the trees, and then there was fire. There was three fires actually around us at the time, so there was nowhere to get out. I stayed up on my roof watching the fire, and our kids were asleep down below, and we had the car all packed up and ready to go if we needed to. Im so happy to hear that youre okay and your kids are okay, and i understand that your home is certainly okay right now, but are you expecting to be able to go back and to live your life again here or is this causing you to think about the future . Yeah, i think tourism is going to be really impacted here. Losing the historic lahaina, thats a 200yearold town. So much history, right now, theyre in the process of evacuating 14,000 tourists on maui, so, yeah, its definitely going to change this island, i think, for the foreseeable future, which is really difficult. When you think about hawaii, you think about a Tropical Island thats very wet. I know the construction there is very open, its mostly all wood to accommodate all of that wet weather. Why were the fires able to take such hold . You think of california in a drought with all the dry brush. Yeah, so i live maui actually has a win ward and leeward side. We have a wet side of the island and a dry side, separated by a 10,000 foot volcano, so the dry side had been in a drought. Everybody thinks of the rain forest and east maui, but the dry side of the island had been in a drought for quite some time. Up where i live on the volcano, it has been incredibly dry. They were telling us to limit water before this happened, and then this Hurricane Dora came south of us, and the winds just churned up, you know, the fires and made everything just so much more intense. What will you do now . Well, right now we dont have water, so were just trying to get by without having water. Were realizing all of the things that water is important for, from washing clothes to cooking, and we dont know when were going to get water back. They used so much of the water to fight these fires, and we were already limited, and, you know, when we called the county and asked them, you know, when are we going to get our water back. The answer is like, well, its going to be a while, and my friend whos lived here his whole life, in hawaii, a while can mean five years, so were hoping its not five years. But, yeah, its we didnt expect this, you know, we just thought this storm was going to pass and we were going to get a little bit of wind, but it just with the Climate Change and how everythings gotten so much hotter these past few years, it was just so dry, and it was the perfect storm. Our thanks to daniel there. Coming up next, Breaking News, special counsel jack smith is asking for a trial date in the Election Interference Case against donald trump. Were going to tell you when he wants it. Plus, all 16 michigan Fake Electors pleaded not guilty. What they are now saying about their involvement in the plot to keep President Biden out of office. Later on, though, inflation is down, wages are up, and were not really worried about a recession anymore, so when does the white house think that that news will translate into higher Approval Ratings . We are back in 60 seconds. Ratis we are back in 60 seconds. smelling ew. Gotta get rid of this. Tell me why because it stinks. Have you tried downy rinse and refresh it helps remove odors 3x better than detergent alone. It worked guys Yeahhhh Downy rinse and refresh. We have Breaking News out of the special counsels office. Jack smiths team is now asking for a january trial in the Election Interference Case. Were going to get you up to speed on all of that schedules. We also have updates out of South Florida, two of Donald Trumps codefendants in the classified documents case appeared at a federal courthouse in florida this morning to be arraigned. But only one of them was able to plead. Joining me now, msnbc legal analyst, lisa rubin, so lisa, let us start with the most recent news, that is jack smith saying, hey, i want this Election Interference Case to be tried in january. Yeah, thats somewhat of a surprise that he wants it to be tried this soon. On the other hand, we see donald trump and his social media posts and in his public appearance saying joe bidens crooked doj waited two and a half years to charge me. They could have done this sooner is the implication, well, now theyre saying, hey, if you knew everything that was in the indictment already and youre saying we should have been prepared to do this much sooner, surely you must be prepared as well. Theres going to be a hearing on the protective order in that case tomorrow. A judge will be deciding whether or not to impose one and if so how restrictive it will be. Could we also hear them debating a trial date in that hearing . We wont. And heres why. Trumps team has until august 17th to submit their own brief, not only on a proposed trial date but all of those intervening deadline, and then well probably have an argument about that on august 28th. Thats the first real conference in the case. I imagine were not going to hear a second before that deadline date from the trump team, given that they appear to be wanting to push this down the line as much as we can. We see, delay, delay, delay, is their motus. Lets talk about South Florida, the pleadings, why was only one of the coconspirators able to plead. Nauta pleaded, the other gentleman did not. Its ground hogs day, everybody in the case has to retain local counsel as well as their chosen counsel. They need a South Florida lawyer, somebody whos licensed to practice in the Southern District of florida to represent them and serve as lead counsel. Carlos came to court today with somebody he intends to retain but has not been formally retained. Is that strategy, slow it down, slow it down, slow it down. It could be. And clearly because save america is paying for legal fees, they may want approval over not only who the main counsel is but the local counsel too. On the other hand, there is significant financial and Reputational Risk for those associated with the case. It may make it harder for people to find a South Florida lawyer who wants to be involved. The superceding indictment, what charges does it add . Two charges against each defendant with respect to obstructing the subpoena over surveillance footage. The allegations say that nauta de oliveira, and trump conspired together to try to get him to erase the footage. Donald trump moving on from the arraignments to a request that the legal team is making that can on the face of it look hypocritical. He wants to make maralago a skiff so he can review classified documents. Hes accused of retaining classified documents irresponsibly and illegally at maralago, thats what the whole case is about. That being said, hes the former president of the United States, he travels with security, its a big deal for him to go places, its disruptive. Does his legal team have an argument in the Disruption Element of this to kind of get past the hypocritical aspect of wanting a skiff at maralago. If donald trump continued to have the ability to see classified documents, again, that was taken away from him after he left the presidency, we might be in a different position. But given the allegations against him as well as the fact that there is no skiff at maralago, had there been, we would not be in this position to speak of im not sure that a judge will grant that request. Judge Aileen Cannon who basically put into an order, tell me about x issue that nobody else had raised, almost suggesting to them, i see a problem that you should see too. When you were young and in school, i bet you didnt think you would need pop quizzes in your life to be up to date on all the pop quizes and wouldnt have to do them when youre older, i feel like sometimes coming on this show could be a pop quiz, i ask you so many questions, and youre prepared for every facet of every case. Youre a hot bench. Theres a myriad cases to discuss. Lisa, thank you very much. Thanks for having me. From a Search Warrant to a fatal shooting. What happened when the fbi showed up at the home of a selfproclaimed Maga Trumper Accused of making violent threats against the president. Plus, a president ial candidate in ecuador is assassinated. Whos behind it, and what happened . Ssinated whos behind it, and what ppened oh stuffed up again . So congested you need sinex saline from vicks. Just sinex, breathe, ahhhh [sniffs] what is wow baby daddy. Sinex. Breathe. Ahhhhhh im kareem abdul jabbar. I was diagnosed with afib. 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Break free with tmobile introducing go 5g plus, the plan that always gives new and existing customers the same great device deals, and youre upgrade ready in two years versus three. Nine so called Fake Electors were arraigned today in lansing, michigan, all of them pleaded not guilty to eight Felony Counts during a Virtual Court hearing. The other seven Fake Electors in michigan pleaded not guilty. Joining me now from lansing is nbc news correspondent shaquille brewster. Shaq, tell me what happened today. Reporter well, we saw an arraignment that went quickly. You saw the judge read through the eight Felony Counts that these Fake Electors are facing, and you heard a little bit of the defense that is starting to be laid out. Lets start with the accusation. The Attorney General is saying that these republicans, essentially tried to defraud the state of michigan. They signed a document claiming to be electors. That document was sent to washington, d. C. , sent to the national archives. I have been talking to lawyers for these defendants. I want you to listen about the defense. This is a defense were going to hear play out in the weeks and months to come. Listen to how theyre defending some of these actions. This one was actually sent to washington, d. C. Thats correct. But when it comes to this particular document, it was just to preserve an objection. I mean. Youre saying thats not a forgery. Its not a forgery. This is not an actual forgery. What a forgery would be, you have the governors signature or you have essentially a signature of jocelyn benson, the secretary of state. Thats not here. He was given a signature page. He didnt have an opportunity to read anything. Nothing was given to him. He relied on other people who were telling him what this was about, so he had no intent to do anything wrong. He just signed a piece of paper that did not have any of that language in it. Reporter other attorneys have called this all a political prosecution or saying that this is the Attorney General trying to stretch the law. This case is going to be watched closely across the country, katy. It is the first case. Weve seen this Fake Elector Scheme Play out across the country. Its the first time that youre seeing 16 of them charged. They are now arraigned. They all pleaded not guilty, and well expect to see them in court again later this month. Shaq, i know you were showing one of the lawyers that document. Lets put the document up on the screen because we have it as well. Other defendants have made a similar claim, they signed blank pieces of paper. Let me show you this, we the under signed being the dually elected and qualified electors do hereby certify the following, and thats them signing it. So theyre calling themselves the duly elected and qualified electors. All right. Shaquille brewster, thank you very much for joining us. And the fbi could soon release more details about the man agents killed in provo, utah, yesterday morning. Craig d. Robertson who described himself as a maga trumper, accused of making threats against President Biden timed to his visit in utah yesterday. There is video of the encounter and a loud bang at the end. Its not clear entirely what happened. Joining me now is nbc news investigative correspondent, tom winter. I asked you this a couple of times yesterday because this is the sort of thing that i imagine already is, could easily blow up online to say the fbi assassinated somebody because they didnt give an explanation of what led to the shooting. Are we expecting one . What you have just said, that idea of people saying that the fbi assassinated somebody is almost a direct quote to what somebody replied to one of my twitter posts this morning. Thats absolutely occurring. We have asked the fbi for a little bit more detail about what happened, a lot more detail about what happened yesterday, specifically the time line of events so people understand how this occurred, what happened, and what was the order of events. The loud bang you referenced in that video, was that a flash back, did they attempt to speak with him. It appears based on the video and discussions we have had, there was an effort to speak to this individual. You dont see them charging the house initially. You see them hanging out by the armored vehicle. The specifically time line, what were the attempts to talk to him, doesnt appear they immediately rushed the house. Did they try to tell him, we have a lawful warrant for your arrest. Its time to come out. A judge signed off on this. The specific tictoc of this is something we need to get into detail on. And hopefully we have that today. Its surprising because in the absence of information, conspiracies, especially with social media, could flourish, and you would think they would want to get ahead of that. What more do we know about this man, Craig Robertson . A lot of the details in the investigation have stayed the same since we first talked about this yesterday, which was just moments after we got the court documents. With time, were able to actually read them a little bit more closely, see if theres any sort of clues that are in the filings that can help us out. One thing i mentioned, social media company, apparently, according to the documents alerted the fbi that there was some disturbing posts by this individual. We tried to find this account yesterday, and couldnt. But if you look closely in the document, there are a number of Different Things that are included on what the fbi says it received. Over here, it says the amount of truths that were posted. Well, theres only one social media account or company, rather, that i know of that refers to their postings as truth, which would be truth social, which would be the company that was controlled or has a connection to the trump orbit. Were trying to confirm whether or not they were the ones that alerted the fbi to this individual statement. So, again, more reporting to be done, and hopefully well hear from the fbi today. Tom winter, thank you very much for the update or lack of update, i should say. Coming up next, breaking down the latest Inflation Report and what it signals about another rate hike. And hes calling elected officials cowards and saying our nations young people are under attack. What david hog says hes doing to replace lawmakers and who host targeting. He joins me, as you can see, in just moment. He joins me, as you casen e, in just moment. christina with Verizon Business unlimited, i get 5g, truly unlimited data, and unlimited hotspot data. 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Narrator californias Community Schools reimagining public education. Inflation picked up during the month of july, but only slightly. Its not great news but it is in line with expectations and likely got the attention of the federal reserve. Officials are looking for signs that inflation is slowing enough to stop central bankers from raising Interest Rates again. So how are they likely to respond to this latest report . Joining me now is nbc News Business and data reporter, brian cheung. Before we get to how they might respond, walk us through the numbers. As is the case with Economic Data theres a lot to contextualize. 3. 2 , thats the figure that tells us how much prices rose in america july of this year compared to july of last year, and this is an up tick from the 3 that we saw in the june to june period. This is the first uptick that weve seen in over a year. When it comes to the reasons why, well, think about it like this, we were at Peak Inflation in june of last year. Because were no longer comparing it year over year to the worst part of inflation, thats perhaps one reason why the numbers ticked up, at least according to economists looking at the numbers. On a main street level, we have seen there are Price Increases for categories. Food going up by. 2 on a monthly basis. Energy, Gasoline Prices have been going up in the last two months but shelter, this is the biggest component for most americans. Rent and mortgage payments remaining high, up. 4 , just between june and july. These are the threats were going to have to watch in the Inflation Reports to come. What do we expect the fed to do with this . Didnt i see the other day that the Philly Fed Chair was saying that he didnt believe that any more rates were coming . The challenge is that there are fed officials who get to vote on whether or not they ultimately raise Interest Rates. The philly fed saying theyre dont see the case for an Interest Rate hike. This overall figure, 3. 2 , a lot of economists would like to see this figure close to 2 , which is why you have heard of other fed officials like Mickey Bowman saying she sees the case for more Interest Rate hikes. The next meeting in september, whether they raise Interest Rates, because its wall street, bets showing traders expect the fed to hold pat on Interest Rates. Thats not cutting Interest Rates. So mortgage rates, credit card rates, all the like are going to remain quite expensive. Brian cheung, thank you very much. And reuters jeff mason, who we are so lucky to have in person today. Lets talk about the economic numbers and long game for bidenomics as they call it, hes touring the west, trying to say heres what the ira, the Inflation Reduction Act is doing. Heres how its helping people trying to run on economics. Its not translating into higher poll numbers. What is the long game . I think the long game is making sure people know what they see, what the administration sees as the benefits of the economy, and the numbers today sort of help them. As you said in your intro, its not great news when inflation keeps going up. Its not bad news. And you can see wall street reacting positively to it because they think this means the fed isnt going to raise Interest Rates more. From a political perspective, the biden administration, the president , his people wants American People to feel like the economy is getting better, and thats been the challenge. Unemployment is so low, we have been warding off a recession, inflation is easing, its expensive at the grocery store, can be expensive for fuel. Its fluctuating. But the idea is things are bad. How do you combat that idea when everything seems to be going in the right direction. People dont feel like its going in the right direction. Is it about the economics of the world or theres so much negativity in general that it kind of seeps into everything. Its a feeling, and its hard to a combat a feeling. That feeling has come from people being cooped up during the pandemic for a few years, and seeing inflation get really really high over the last couple of years, and now moderate, but still, you know, eggs are still expensive. Beef is still expensive. Cars are still expensive. The people around President Biden and the president himself want to say or want to show, anyway, yes, we feel your pain, but look at the progress weve made, and thats what hes doing on these trips, and i think thats what hell keep talking about. You showed the headlines from reuters. U. S. Job growth, pay raises are finally beating inflation, after two years of falling behind. Inflation cooled sharply in june. Good news for consumers and the fed, markets appear convinced the fed can pull off a soft landing. Economists see signs of a soft landing. These are great headlines for President Biden, do they see themselves as running on the economy next year or are they going to focus more on, you know, its me or donald trump . I think its a lot of the latter, but i think that they want the former, the economy to be something thats a feather in their cap, and i think thats one reason why theyre certainly very pleased to see headlines like a soft landing. Theres been a lot of discussion, concern about a potential recession. If that doesnt happen, thats a real big win for this white house. Jeff, thank you so much. Really appreciate you coming in in person. Jeff mason of reuters, thank you very much. And coming up next, What David Hog is trying to do to get younger lawmakers elected to the house and senate, and replace those who he is calling cowards. Stay with us. E those who he is calling cowards. Ay with us bobby my store and my Design Business . Were exploding. But my old internet, was not letting me run the show. 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So, No Matter What, im running this kitchen. vo make the switch. Its your business. Its your verizon. Quote, our kids, our planet, our freedoms, our democracy are all under attack. That is the lead to the announcement of a new pac organized to change this countrys elected leaders. Specifically to get more young people in to office. The ones who have suffered from gun violence at school or who are worried about what sort of planet they will be left with in the years to come. Leaders we deserve is cofounded by one of those young people, 23yearold david hog who survived the School Shooting in parkland five years ago. Joining me is david hogg, the cofounder of march for our lives. Its good to have you. This pac is interesting. Why do you believe that the current people that we have in positions of power are not able to effect change . Why are you calling some of them cowards. I think the bottom line is what all americans know, our political system is broken, but its important to know what many young people know which is that while its broken, its not unfixable, and the reason theyre cowards is because they stand with organizations like the nra who stand in stark opposition to the vast majority will of the American People who want their kids protected in schools, and not somebodys right to an ar15 like the shooter of my high school who had a history of Mental Illness and hateful comments that repeatedly threatened to shoot up my high school. Joe bidens generation didnt go through School Shooter drills, but they went through nuclear bomb bills, and passed largest Arms Reduction in recent history. We need people of all ages but we need people understanding the anxiety of what its like to not know if youre going to survive math class. They are taught to run, hide fate, and i think with our generation, leaders we deserve, the Organization Im starting, were trying to repurpose that. We dont want to we want to run from office and dont want to hide from the responsibility to protect future generations, and we need to fight for a Better Future where kids can be kids and not the victims of a School Shooting or Climate Change. You talk about being beholden to the nra, are you targeting republicans or democrats in your sights as well . Our entire focus is open blue seat primaries, predominantly primaries where somebody is moving on, similar to Max Well Frost was in a race where val demings was running for senate and gave the opportunity for maxwell frost, a 25yearold member and organizer with march for our lives to run for congress. Many thought he couldnt win, but he did. We marched in washington, d. C. , and people said youll never get millions of people in washington, d. C. And thousands of people to register to vote and turn out for the country. March for our lives was the largest youthled protest since the vietnam war, and thats why were doing this. Are you focusing on specific areas where there is a greater number of young people . Because if youre looking at primaries, youre going to have to turn out a significant number of voters to change things over. So are there specific areas where youre like, well, here theres a lot of 20 to 30yearolds, and we can find a way to get them out . Yeah, obviously younger people voting is a critical coalition. Also we know that older people support younger people in government, too. Its not that binary. Working in places especially red states that right now like florida have a history being more purple, but more recently dawned red. Long term going in the right direction, because our generation is angry about the dont say gay laws passed or about the fact School Shootings continue to happen and our leaders refuse to do anything about it. Were trying to turn out young people to vote in places like that and give people like justin jones on our advisory board, and maxwell on our board to show them there is hope. There are people that are like you in your government and youre represented there in the first place. If you want to join in that mission, help us by donating at leaders we deserve dot com and donate monthly. This has to start before election season. How do you go up against the established, the Party Establishment . Go up against the dnc and some of these places . I dont think its necessarily about going up against the Party Establishment or dnc in any way, shape or form. Were focused here making sure were building an Intergenerational Coalition to work towards things vast majority of americans democrats and, in fact, many republicans agree on. The fact kids should be safe in their schools. Working towards that. Our planet should be habitable for future generations and why wear doing this work. We dont freed to go out and challenge incumbents because a lot of the older generations, boomers, we a major population in the country, retiring from power giving us opportunities to put young people into these races where many are retiring. A big changeover. Right about that. David hogg, thank you for joining us. Thank you. People want to support us go to leaderswedeserve. Com. A president ial candidate in ecuador assassinated. What happened and what it means for central and south america. An updating what going on out there. Ere. Businesses need 5g solutions today. Thats why they choose tmobile for business. 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The countrys current president , Guillermo Lasso said clearly an attempt to sabotage the election but vowed voting would go ahead as planneded. Joining me, the Washington Post bureau chief samantha smith. Good to have you. The government believes cartels were behind this. Do they know which cartel . We dont know yet. What we do know is that the shooter was, he had a tattoo of a local gang in ecuador, but we also know that six others, foreigners, all colombians, in fact, also arrested in connection with the attack. The shooter was killed by police after the assassination, but the others are implies custody and the investigation is ongoing, the rise in violence in ecuador has been stark and striking. The past five years gone from a relatively Peaceful Place to potentially one of the most dangerous places in south america. Whats happening . Ecuador is located between the two biggest Cocaine Producers in the world. Columbia and peru. In recent years mexican cartels as well as Albanian Mafia cans swept in and taken advantage of this location and this coastline. In many ways a less protected than other coastlines in the region and become a crucial Transit Point for Cocaine Heading to the u. S. And europe. All of that hass led to record rates of homicides. There have been carbonells never seen at this level in ecuador. Seen Prison Massacres over and over and levels of Cocaine Seizures unheard of in this country. What is the government what can the government do about it . I mean, a president ial candidate assassinated. The current president blaming the cartel directly. Is there way to stop the violence from getting worse than it already is . A way to fight back against this . Its really seems like a turning point. The Minister Of Defense today said the mafias declared war on ecuador, and president Lasso Late Last Night said he was call as 60day State Of Emergency across the country, and was mobilizing armed forces to try to maintain order, and, you know, were expecting that the campaign will be tense and muted. Large gatherings are prohibited as part of this emergency order. He has also asked the fbi to come in to help investigate this assassination and the fbi is expected to arrive within hours in ecuador. They really are trying to prevent any further unrest and violence from happening in the next few days, but we know this is going to be an election like no other in ecuador. And samantha smith, no doubt about it. Thank you. Thats going to do it for me today. Deadline white house starts right now. Hey there, everyone. 4 00 in the new york. Im Alycia Menendez in for nicolle wallace. The past 24 hours tying back to the fact a former president history of violent rhetoric linked to Extremist Violenceat and state charges and could be on the verge of a fourth indictment. Learning more about the man shot and killed by the fbi as they served an Arrest Warrant over threats made to President Biden and others. The New York Times reports craig d. Robertson, 75, charged with threatening to shoot other elected officials including alvin bragg, t

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