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Against donald trump and get rid of this nightmare . Dude, ive been preaching it for the last six or eight months. I dont know why the party doesnt corral around one of these individuals on the stage to just say, this is the horse thats going to ride us to a brave new world. And they just cant. Because that base, small though it is, hes outsized in the money it produces, and the power it wields. And that, even in a parliamentary system, can overwhelm the system sometimes. Yeah, i was going to say, just look what happened to will hurd. As you said, booed there just for speaking truth to power. On a personal note, michael, i just want to say that its the first time ive seen you in person. Thank you so much for filling in for me a couple of weeks ago, i really appreciate it. The time off i owe you one, my friend. No pleasure, no pleasure. That just took a cold brew youve got it. Next time i see a pint consider it done. Good evening and welcome to ayman. The case against donald trump for the next two hours we are going to break down the important legal developments this week, including that Superseding Indictment against the ex president and its nixonian echoes. Were going to explore the Election Interference Case and how close jack smiths to another trump indictment. And then were gonna head down to georgia as Fulton County d. A. Fani willis begins a critical period in her investigation into trumps potential criminality. Im ayman mohyeldin, lets get started. We want to start tonights show by looking back for a moment. Back to july 27th 1974, which was an Inflection Point in our countrys history. It was on that day the House Judiciary Committee recommended that americas 37th president , Richard Nixon, be impeached and removed from office. Six republicans joined 21 democrats in sending that first article of impeachment against the president , which accused him of obstructing justice to the full house. And now, 49 years later, to the day, another former president has found himself accused of the very same charge again. On thursday, donald trump was hit with new counts in Special Counsel jack smiths classified documents case. In a Bombshell Superseding indictment, the ex president was charged with an additional count of willful retention of National Defense information, and two new counts of obstruction. So with these new charges, trump now faces a staggering total of 40 criminal counts in that case, the most serious of which could land him in prison for up to 20 years. Now, in that Superseding Indictment, prosecutors have accused trump, along with his coconspirator walt nauta, and a new third defendant Carlos De Oliveira, a maralago Maintenance Worker attempting to delete Surveillance Video from the resort. Coincidently, just after trumps lawyers received the grand jury Subpoena Requests for that footage. According to the indictment, on june 27th 2022, after some phone tag between trump, nauta, and de oliveira walked to the i. T. Office at maralago and requested that he and an unnamed trump employee, the works Resorts Director of i. T. , could talk. Well, the two men then went inside a closet and thats when Carlos De Oliveira told the employee that the conversation should, quote, remain between the two of them and Carlos Olivia then asked the employee than how long the a believed it was approximately 45 days, give or take. And then in a move, honestly, straight out of a monster movie, Carlos Olivia told the employee that the boss wanted the server deleted. The employee raised concerns that he would not know how to do that, and that he did not believe that he would have the rights to do so, and Carlos De Oliveira repeated that quote, the boss wanted the server deleted. And asked, what are we going to do . Now, its still not entirely clear what happened after that conversation, and honestly, even if the footage was ultimately deleted. But with this indictment, the federal government has now accused donald trump, a former president , of seeking to destroy it possibly incriminating evidence against him. Which brings us back to that nixon comparison, because nixon was only just accused in fact, he was also accused of destroying evidence as part of that coverup during the watergate scandal. And during that investigation, it was discovered that nixon had a habit of reporting conversations in the white house, and those recordings were later subpoenaed by a special prosecutor, after which investigators noticed an 18 and a half minute gap in one of those tapes. Now, while nixons personal secretary claimed to have accidentally a raced the missing minutes, which are believed to contain a conversation between nixon and his Chief Of Staff just three days after the watergate break in. Many suspected it was the president himself who ordered its destruction. But thats where trumps parallel to the other disgraced ex president ends, because on august 8th 1974, just 12 days after the house recommended those first articles of impeachment, Richard Nixon faced with the overwhelming evidence against him and Eroding Support within his own party, he resigned. Down trump isnt ready to give up. Hes not going anywhere. Here he is just yesterday, doubling down on his commitment to retake the white house, no matter what may stand in his way. If, going forward, you get these indictments, their heads up, youve got a jury in d. C. , you get convicted and sentenced, does that stop your campaign for president . If youre sentenced . Not at all. Theres nothing in the constitution to say that it could. And even the radical left crazies who say and it wouldnt stop me either. Not at all. Now, as more details continue to emerge about the sheer scope of Donald Trumps alleged criminality and the possible coverup that followed, it is becoming clear that he is in a lead of his own. Donald trump isnt just another Richard Nixon, hes nixon on steroids. Lets bring in my panel, Renato Mariotti, a former federal prosecutor and Legal Affairs columnist at politico, but charles blow and Michelle Goldberg we, with a columnist for the new york times. And both are msnbc political analysts. Its great to have you with us. Renato, let me start with just the basics of what we saw this week. How common or Superseding Indictments, and what are these new charges if anything, as well as the addition of this third defendant . Tell us about the scope of of jack smiths case here, and if it is, and what direction, it is expanding . Well, they are not uncommon. I think most dont have i think what it says, first of all, jack smith is continuing his investigation. And hes made a determination, ayman. He wants to have donald trump. Even if it means that hes not going to race to the finish line, even if it might cause a little bit of a delay, once have the strongest possible case. What did he add here . A number of things. First of all, account involving the actual document that trump was waving around. Trump claimed, oh, it was a newspaper, it was just bravado, it wasnt really a classified document. Now they have that document. Theyre charging that document. And then hes included this Obstruction Conspiracy involving the destruction of evidence. Very powerful evidence and, frankly, a very powerful count that, we listlessly the jury, i think, is going to have a lot of trouble excusing, a lot of trouble ignoring. You could say whatever you want about the president ial records act or about declassification, the bottom line is destroying evidence, thats the sort of thing that the average person could get their head around. So thats really important, and then theres also the dynamic between these two defendants now, these two minor defendants. Are they going to try to flip against whos going to flip first . Is one going to flip against trump . Are they both going to flip . Theres a dynamic now where walt nauta, he cant just be assured of the fact that he is going to be the lone man in the turn bowl at trial. Now you have to potential employees, and neither of them know what the other might do. Charles, lets talk about that point that renato brought up about how this undercuts trumps own defense, if you will, more or less. Its not quite the behavior youd expect from someone who is acting lawfully. Not just in a sense of trying to destroy evidence, but hes also been making the case that he had a right to these documents, and yet here he is trying to get rid of the evidence that he has those documents, allegedly. The thing that im most interested in here is what evidence the Special Counsel has beyond a competing eyewitness. If there is nothing on paper, on tape, if theyre meeting by the bushes and in closets and the only evidence youre going to have is a testimony of one person, youre going to have three defendants, all of whom are saying together that we didnt do this, what this person saying. So if one person has testimony gets others, thats not as strong as i would like to see. Coming into from an indictment. But that may be what they have. The second thing is my understanding, and i could be wrong, but my understanding is the Trump Universe is also paying for this third defendants defense. And that makes it less likely that there will be some flipping among the other defendants on trump. So, the problem here is the structures around our legal system and our political system just cannot quite catch up to the novelty of donald trump. The nixon example falls flat a little bit, because nixon had a sense of history and a sense of the country where he wanted to kind of shield it from more damage. Trump doesnt have that. He doesnt care if we destroy the whole thing so let me just go back to your point, which is, and let me play devils advocate here for a second, given the gravity of the moment that jack smith must be aware of, would he bring an indictment against a former president if he did not have substantial evidence of beyond just simply hearsay of a witness . Dont you think he would probably have, perhaps, a text message saying hey, the boss wants this deleted on somebodys phone that he was able to recover . As opposed to just simply saying hey, i have a witness who saying the boss told him to delete it. I get your point, but i suspect that jack smith, knowing what has happened in the past with donald trump, realizing the severity of the moment and these Superseding Indictments, is probably not coming to bring these charges forward without substantial evidence. One assumes, but we only know whats in the indictment. So in the indictment he does not disclose that. He simply says conversations that he records in the indictment are persontoperson conversations. He never mentions anything in text message. We would hope that he has that, but im just saying what we know, we dont know that. Michelle, the charges against de oliveira include him lying to investigators. Does that sent a Warning Signal to potentially other witnesses . Could the chance of facing an indictment themselves boost the possibility of a cooperation, going back to renato earlier point which is that could there be other people out there that are flipping against these two men, or perhaps getting these two men to flip against the former president . As a non lawyer, it seems pretty obvious to me that some other people already have flipped. You have all of these accounts of conversations with various other people at maralago, conversations, the boss wants me to do this. Presumably someone is giving that to jack smith, unless he has it recorded or, as charles said, in Text Messages. There clearly are people cooperating, and although de oliveira is in a difficult because, as charles mentioned really worth going to prison for donald trump. And i think he could look at the history of other people involved with donald trump, gotten involved with donald trump, and see that very often, even if donald trump the people around him are not. And its just another lesson here, is dont work for donald trump. From that kind of most low level person to the Vice President , there is nobody who comes out unscathed from their association with this person. Andrew goldstein, renato, you may recall hes the Lead Investigator for the bob mueller obstruction investigation. He told in your signs, quote, demanding that islands be destroyed is the most basic form of obstruction and it is easy for a jury to understand. He also said that whats described in this indictment is actually more quote, straightforwardly criminal, then the Obstructive Act detailed in the Mueller Report. Based on what youve seen, do you agree . How does evidence like this play in front of a jury . What would be your threshold to convince a jury that an obstruction request, or destruction of evidence request, did in fact take place . Is it simple to say hearsay is going to be enough to convince jurors . Well, first of all, great question. Agree with that assessment, by the way. And the reason why i agree with that is the Obstructive Act that were discussed in the Mueller Report were for example, trying to fire mueller himself. Trying to use pardons to influence testimony. Trying to fire the fbi director. All of those sorts of activities are more complicated, and the juror might view that is more political. Destroying evidence, that is, like goldstein, said thats very straightforwardly criminal. Its a sort of thing that jurors are used to understanding, theyre used to seeing that, theyve probably seen that on tv and movies. And i think that when we look at all these counts, i appreciate charles. Point. I think hes right that jurors will look at each count separately and theyre going to look at the evidence and see if theres more than hearsay. But you cannot actually, if youre really trying a case, look at these counts separately. We have to remember that this evidence is going to come into a trial where the jurors are going to see overwhelming evidence that trump really, really, really wanted these documents. He wanted them very badly, and his lawyers were telling him that he had to return them to the government, and essentially, all of this Obstructive Activity was an end run around those lawyers. And so i think all of that in combination along with that reporting, i think it makes a very strong case. I actually think that jack smith, the maralago case really stands alone as the most straightforward easily proveable case of all the cases that are arraigned against donald trump, in my opinion. Charles, we may be discussing this among ourselves, the similarities and the comparisons between trump and nixon and whether they are like and where they are not, but the truth is trump seems to take pride in these comparisons to nixon. Just today he shared this letter from his pen pal back from the 80s, in which nixon predicted trump would one day win the presidency. Why does trump continue to idolize a man who resigned in disgrace and is arguably one of the worst, if not the worst president in modern american politics . Because donald trump idolizes outlaws. And we should never forget that. Thats not just in america, thats around the globe. The people, the letters that he saves, the ones that he brags about, theyre all outlaws and dictators. And so the idea of him living outside the bounds of what is a normal is where he has always lived and where he lives and now. And that is the comparison. I would make one last point though. I would be very interested to know if jack smith, if they were not able to delete footage, if jack smith has any footage of people going near bushs or closets because its totally going to bolster the case, even walking together on the days that are described. That kind of thing i think is what that kind of evidence to bolster if there is only hearsay. Yeah. That bolsters that argument. Michelle goldberg, let me ask renato very quickly. When we find out what evidence that jack smith has . Is it during the trial or is it beforehand in any of the proceedings whether we will know if he has recordings or Text Messages or this footage . There will be motion practice. So there is going to be for example, that fence is probably going to ask for all kinds of Classified Information to try to delay things. But theres also going to be motions going back and forth, for example, whether or not theres sufficient evidence of a conspiracy to last statements to come. And there will be, im sure, motions to exclude evidence by the defense. So i think in those motions over time we have going to learn more and more the motions and responses, what the evidence jack smith has, and then, of course, as you point out, in the eve of trial, with an exhibit list, a witness list, and then we will, i think, have a better sense of things. But that understanding is going to evolve in the months ahead. Michelle, sorry for jumping out of turn but i do want to come back to you. About the politics of this for a moment, because you have several republicans as we have noted and staying on the nixon comparison here for a moment they actually supported the Impeachment Efforts against nixon and he resigned. In part due to the Eroding Support that he had within his own party. And even if they didnt do it on capitol hill, we know that people went to the white house and said look, the game is up. Youve got to go its, done. Why is the modernday Republican Party so reluctant to turn on trump, and when they do, they become cowards and go right back into his lap . In certain ways donald trump is the Republican Partys revenge for nixon it could have been roger ailes, although it could be wrong, he said that, if fox news had existed back then, nixon never would have resigned. Right. And so i think you have back when nixon resigned, you had kind of one information system, you had not one you know, not completely but widely shared notion of reality. And so there was a kind of a mainstream. It was possible to run afoul of the mainstream political consensus. And there just isnt any more. I just think, so often with donald trump, we are in this kind of mirror world. And his followers and supporters are there with him. So that there is no shame for, example. He ran in 2016 ranting about Hillary Clinton wiping servers. Right. And now has been indicted for the exact same thing. It was so interesting. On friday, we were all expecting a January 6th Indictment, and then this came down and it was sort of an anticlimax. But only donald trump could be an anticlimax that is just another charge charge. Yeah, exactly. Nevertheless, i just think that he he and the Republican Party in general have created such a hermetically sealed Alternative Reality that hes able to project all his own crimes and misdeeds onto his enemies. I actually agree with, you michelle, and i would say even more than just the Republican Party. Hes normalized criminality to a point that people, like you said, when they see that its another indictment about Holding National security documents and its not january six, everybody is like, oh, its not as climactic as anyone thought it would be. But well see. Charles blow, and Michelle Goldberg, thank you both very much. Renato mariotti, please stick around. We are going to continue this conversation and discuss the looming indictment in the Election Interference Case with democratic congresswoman zoe lofgren, a former member of the january 6th select committee. Stay with us. Wayfair has nice prices, so you can have nice things. Um kelly . We have champagne taste. On a hard seltzer budget. Wayfairs got just what you need what. Yall this is nice. Salad plates . Kelly clarkson . Im fancy now i have always wanted statement lighting. Get nice things at nice prices at wayfair wayfair, youve got just what i need when i was diagnosed with hiv, i didnt know who i would be. But here i am. Being me. Keep being you. And ask your Healthcare Provider about the number one prescribed hiv treatment, biktarvy. Biktarvy is a complete, onepill, onceaday treatment used for hiv in many people whether youre 18 or 80. 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As nbc news senior correspondent, Legal Correspondent laura jarrett, reports the destruction of Video Evidence means more discovery for prosecutors, which means more opportunities to file motions to delay. Meaning accountability, at least in this instance, could actually come later than expected. Joining me now is democratic congresswoman could zoe lofgren of california. Of course, she served on the january 6th house select committee. Congressman congresswoman, its great to see. Thanks for coming back on the show. Let me just get your reaction to these new charges in the Superseding Indictment. Obviously youve been behind the scenes investigating trumps actions, leading up to january 6th. Was there anything that surprised you as you saw the news come out this week . Well, i guess a lot of us were expecting a January 6th Indictment based on the Target Letter timing. But honestly, i was shocked by the new charges, the Superseding Indictment now on the documents case. I was just a staffer when the nixon impeachment was going on, but its the coverup that gets you. And these allegations and the indictment are very serious. If proven, i think the ex president is in serious legal jeopardy. So let me ask you about that, because as you just mentioned and as we talked about, theres a lot of similarities between nixon and trump. You actually worked, as you just mentioned, on the nixon impeachment as a law student in 1974, then on congressman don edwards staff, and then you also worked on trumps impeachments. Both of them, i should note. How did these two moments in history compared . What did you learn from working on nixons impeachment that you are able to bring to trumps . Well, its interesting because what i learned was really more about the Republican Party then the president who got themselves in trouble. When the truth came out about nixon, it was irrefutable. Republican members of the house and senate were shocked, they were ashamed, and they went to the president and said your support is gone. Youve got to leave. Whats happening now, the current Republican Party leadership at least and even those members who dont agree dont speak up. There is no shame. The truth is just dispensed with, lies are just a strategy. Its a very different approach to the world and a very different Sense Of Honor than was the case when nixon was in trouble and his impeachment out of the judiciary committee. To your point earlier, i think a lot of people were expecting this weeks announcement to include an indictment on january the 6th, and its very possible it might have been given the Target Letter, a possible indictment in the alex president s attempt to overturn the 2020 election. Were waiting to see what happens in georgia. With fani willis, the dea da there expand on that and what happens if there is no accountability for trying to overturn the election. Well, essentially, trump tried to overturn the constitution. Richard nixon corruptly use instruments of the government, but he wasnt on a mission to overturn the constitution itself. Thats what trump tried to do, and its worth noting, he has said that he intends if he is reelected to terminate aspects of the constitution. Which is a stunning statement, and ive learned as we went into this investigation, to Pay Attention to what trump says. Because its what he intends to do. He intends to he said, terminate parts of the constitution. And hes been very overt about taking to the presidency authorities that dont belong to that branch of government. Really, its a very ominous set of predictions that hes making, should he be elected. I think we ought to payelect attention to it, i think he means what he says. Let me ask you about what we played earlier in the. Show im not sure if you heard it. But it was on trump an interview saying he is now going to stop no matter what happens on the legal front. And im curious to get your thoughts on where this may be going in terms of what accountability and what justice looks like. In this piece that you wrote for msnbc. Com, you write about how the january sixth committees work may be one of the most significant in american history. Noting that you and your fellow Congress Members may have very well pressured the Justice Department to take action. And in your view, what would it look like for trump to finally face justice . Well, i do think its important that its not just the foot soldiers that are brought to justice. I mean, the Department Of Justice has indicted and convicted a whole number, hundreds of individuals who rioted and who attacked the police and the like. But until this Target Letter, there wasnt a strong indication that the inciter in chief, the plotters, were actually going to be held to account. Not just those who they incited. I think thats important. There needs to be accountability at all levels, not just the people who did the violence at his behest. I do you think his comment that he would run for president from prison is an astonishing one. And really, it shows the difference between the parties, i mean, the Republican Partys conservative, or it used to be. But it was a Conservative Party that had a Sense Of Honor, just like the democrats had a Sense Of Honor. That appears to be gone now. And his threats are, i think, pretty shocking. And the fact that hes continuing to lie to his supporters and that many of them dont have a source of actual news, and they buy it, is ominous as well. A lot of innocent people were harmed in january 6th. People who believed him, and thats happening again. Yes. And to Michelle Goldbergs earlier point, he has managed to seal off the Republican Party from reality. And thats where we find ourselves today, a party that just doesnt believe in reality. Congresswoman zoe lofgren, its always a pleasure. Thank you for your time and your insights. Thank you. Have a great thank, you too. After the break, how these new details fit into the bigger picture. A timeline of the classified documents case, and how the allegations in the Superseding Indictment give us a clearer picture of the ex president s potential criminality. Voltaren. The joy of movement. Introducing the allnew 2024 chevy trax. Helps you stay connected, safe and charged. The allnew chevy trax starting at 21,495. The possibilities are endless. Power e trades awardwinning trading app makes trading easier. With its customizable options chain, easytouse tools and Paper Trading to help sharpen your skills, you can stay on top of the market from wherever you are. E trade from morgan stanley. Power e trades easytouse tools make complex trading less complicated. 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On may 6th of that year, representatives from the National Archives notify former Trump White House lawyers of missing president ial records and continue to ask for the documents for months on end. In july of 2021, trump meets with a writer, a publisher, two members of his staff, none of whom possess security clearances. At his bedminster golf club, he proceeds to share materials he describes as quote, highly confidential in audio recordings. And he goes on to say, quote, as president , i could have declassified it, now i cant. In the Superseding Indictment, trump is charged with a new count of willfully retaining National Defense information over the document described in that recording. In december 2021, a trump representatives informs the National Archives they located more than a dozen documents at a. Maralago facility and the agency arranges for those documents to be returned to washington. The National Archives alerts the doj and the House Oversight committee in February 2022 that the documents marked as classified were discovered in the returned boxes. In april of 2022, the National Archives informs a trump representative of its intent to share records with the fbi. On may 11th, trump receives a Federal Grand Jury subpoena, seeking any Classified Material in his possession. On june 3rd 2022, the dojs counterintelligence chief and three fbi agents visit maralago to retrieve a folder containing 38 more classified documents. They also tour one of the clubs storage rooms, but arent allowed to search boxes inside. And here is where we learn a ton of new information from this Superseding Indictment. On june 22nd, 2022, doj since Trump A Second Grand Jury subpoena, this time for maralago surveillance footage. The next day trump calls maralago calls the Maintenance Manager there, Carlos De Oliveira, at 8 46 pm walt nauta travels from bedminster, new jersey, where he and Carlos De Oliveira observe a Security Guard booth where Security Footage is displayed, and take note of the cameras in the tunnel we are trumps story from is located. Two days after that, de oliveira, because with maralagos i. T. Employee tavares and tells him, quote, the boss wants the surveillance server deleted. And later that afternoon, trump calls de oliveira, and the to speak for approximately three and a half minutes, and its these actions that result in most of the rest of the charges that are laid out in the Superseding Indictment. That trump allegedly worked with his employees to try to delete Security Footage from being reviewed by investigators. And in early august of 2022, the doj seeks a warrant to search maralago, and once again granted fbi agents conduct a search of maralago, removing 27 boxes and several other document collections containing 11 sets of Classified Material. On november 18th 2022, attorney general Merrick Garland announces jack smith will serve as a Special Counsel to lead the classified documents probe. Fast forward to june 8th of this year, smiths Federal Grand Jury indict trump, charging him with 37 counts on seven different charges, including willful retention of National Defense information, withholding records, false statements, and conspiracy to obstruct. June 13th, trump is arraigned in miami, pleads not guilty, walt nauta faces six charges, five of which were also launched lodged against trump. He pleads not guilty in a later hearing. And then just a week ago, judge Aileen Cannon sets a trial date, may 20th 2024, which as we just discussed, it might change with his Superseding Indictment. We dont know. And with Carlos De Oliveira set to be arraigned tomorrow, and trials for trump and nauta now in the future, one thing is certain. This timeline is far from over. After the break, we turn to georgia and a new indication that Fulton County District Attorney fani willis is set to indict donald trump. Stay with us. Stay with us. Or worse. Wed try to take it off with soap. Our poor dry faces. Dont regret, just reverse. No7s new future renew Damage Reversal serum. With a worldfirst Peptide Technology you wont find in any other skincare product. Even those that cost 10 times more. Reverse visible signs of skin damage who knew its possible to undo the past . Dont regret, just reverse. Ever notice how stiff clothes can feel rough on your skin . For softer clothes that are gentle on your skin, try downy free gentle downy will soften your clothes without dyes or perfumes. The towel washed with downy is softer, and gentler on your skin. Try downy free gentle. Voltaren. 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With new olay hyaluronic body wash 95 of women had visiblybetter skin. My skin is so much more moisturized. See the difference with olay. Our heritage is ingrained in our skin. And even when we metamorphosize into our new evolved form, we carry that spirit with us. Because you can take alfa romeo out of italy. But you best believe, you cant take the italy out of an alfa romeo. This week, orange barricades were set up outside georges Fulton County courthouse. In the first visible sign of extra security before the expected indictment of donald trump next month. In a statement, the Fulton County Sheriffs Office said that it is coordinating with local state and federal Law Enforcement to ramp up security ahead of a quote, high profile legal proceeding. Concurrently, District Attorney fani willis, whos investigating the efforts of trump and his allies to overturn the 2020 election results, announced earlier this year that her staff would begin a remote work period during the first three weeks of august. That period, well, it starts monday. It has been speculated that this remote work session is the likeliest time during which willis will announce Charging Decisions in the election Renato Mariotti is back with me, and also here with me is greg bluestein, a reporter for the atlanta journalconstitution. Greg, you are in atlanta. And at the same time a judge has scheduled a hearing for august 10th on a trump motion to disqualify fani willis from prosecution, or prosecuting in this case. Reuters charges are expected to be delivered. Is the Fulton County courthouse going to be in complete chaos the next month . You know, we dont know if it will be complete chaos, but we know that Law Enforcement officials are preparing for such. And you see those barricades go up. You just mentioned that a. D. A. Adas and im getting messages from some of them. There are is that a common thing . Can i just ask you really quickly about that work from home think . Maybe that will give us a clue. Is it something that happens early around this time of year . No . Okay. No, this is not common at all. And this is being seen as a ramp up. Were still expecting this indictment within weeks, not days. Were not expecting it very imminently, but were expecting it over the next couple of weeks. Thats a very good point, and i think thats why a lot of people who just may not be familiar with how things are done down there would be like, well, maybe its a post covid new normalcy if he will, but its good to know that it is not. Renato, speaking of this work from home period for most staffers, which begins on monday, as a former federal prosecutor, what are your thoughts on the significance of this decision by the da, to keep our staff away from the courthouse, i presume, for safety reasons. If trump is going to be charged in this case, what kind of response do you think we can expect from his allies as well as residents in the area . Obviously donald trump is a person who encourages supporters to march on the capital, culminating in a violent attack that left people dead. We also, of course, have even recent threats on the january six attorneys who is making threats the Justice Department i think you can ever be too careful. When i was a federal prosecutor i face some serious threats and protective custody for a period of time, not former President Ins and his supporters but nonetheless i think she is being prudent by taking this up. It really suggests, all the signs point towards an indictment in the upcoming weeks. And frankly, i dont think anyones going to be surprised by that. Its not like the special grand jury foreperson exactly had a poker face. Right. So i think we are expecting this to be one of the upcoming indictments, and i guess the question is, is It Indictment number three or indictment number four . Right. Thats a good point. Let me ask you about rudy giuliani, if we can talk about him for a moment. Earlier this week, he made quite a startling admission that he made false remarks about two Georgia Election workers mishandling ballots in 2020. Michael cohen says his former boss is likely squirming over the news. Here he is speaking to my colleague katie phang on the beat earlier this week. Watch. Right now, i can assure you that hes panicking, hes panicking inside. Hell never allow the public see because he likes to give the appearance of strength. And you know, be the victim, which is what hes going to continue to play. Renato, what are the implications of this giuliani concession or confession if you will, for donald trump . Obviously, what it means is that giuliani is going to have a lot of trouble maintaining that lie on the witness stand. Just so everyone remembers, these are the lies. Whos almost a Conspiracy Theory that was, i would say i dont know if it was hatched by giuliani, but it was certainly by giuliani against these election workers, basically suggesting that they were engaging in some sort of Election Fraud, destruction of ballots, or removing ballots, changing ballots. Obviously, that was investigated. That turned out to be false. There were some attention paid to the january Six Committee to this. I believe one of the women in question actually was there, and present at the hearings. What i would just say is that ultimately, at the end of the day, a lot of the for trump in the georgia case is going to come down to his supposedly genuine belief regarding the fact that he supposedly based on what giuliani told him. Obviously, this significantly undercuts that. You know, greg, in his court filing earlier this week, giuliani said that he made statements that, quote, carry meeting that is defamatory per se, were defamatory per se, but he also argued that his comments are protected by the first amendment. Do you think hes argument holds weight . You know, legal analyst will have to answer that one, but i know the toll that this has exasperated on ruby freeman and shaye moss. It almost ruined their lives. They received death threats. They went into hiding. They can do mundane things like go to the Grocery Store without fearing for the very lives. This put a face on the donald trump conspiracy theories, and Election Fraud lies, in a really visceral way. And by the way, when giuliani was saying that they were passing a usb card full of fraudulent votes, you know what they were passing . It was a ginger mint. So it really brought it home to a lot of folks. Many of these things we dont even think about having real life consequences when people are just spreading these conspiracy theories. But as you mentioned, greg, they have real life consequences. Greg bluestein, and Renato Mariotti, thank you to both. Appreciated. Up next the unbelievable locksley of don trump. Dont go in. Locksley of don trump. Dont go in. E voltaren. The joy of movement. Why do dermatologists choose dove . The dove beauty bar, is gentle. It not only cleans, it hydrates my skin. As a dermatologist, i want whats best for our skin. With 1 4 moisturizing cream, dove is the 1 Bar Dermatologists use at home. When i was diagnosed with hiv, i didnt know who i would be. But here i am. Being me. Keep being you. 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They dont. Hillary bleached and deleted 33, 000 emails after congressional subpoenas. She illegally destroyed 33, 000 emails. The thing that you should be apologizing for on the 33, 000 emails that you deleted. Now check out this new passage from the new charges Special Counsel jack smith brought against donald trump. Aide walt nauta and the newly charged defended Carlos De Oliveira. It is over an alleged scheme to delete Security Camera footage after the Justice Department had said Donald Trumps lawyers draft Carlos De Oliveira and dull olivia Carlos De Oliveira one of the server delighted and asked, what are we going to do . The no indictment explicitly accused trump of attempting to destroy surveillance sought by federal investigators. So, using trumps own logic from 2016 that the president ial candidate accused of scheming to destroy evidence and obstruct an investigation shouldnt be allowed to run for president , trump has no choice. Drop out. Watch this space. Stick around. 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