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Her husband, the senator, as he winds up and does his thing. And its such a brilliant scene. I mean, its brilliant just in terms of the writing and in terms of whats happening in the plot, but so brilliant in the way its shot because even though shes in the room with him while he is causing this scene, shes physically in the same space as him, you can see the way its shot, that shes not actually looking at him in person. Shes paying attention to the screen, which you can also see in her field of vision. On the screen, she can see what he looks like on camera, on leave television, as he pulls off this stunt in a congressional hearing room with the secretary of defense. It is such a great scene. And yes, the guy you will sort of recognize halfway into it, is in fact frank sinotary, and hes amazing in this movie. This has been my Favorite Movie since i was a teenager for a reason. Just watch this. Mr. Secretary, i have a question, sir. Who are you, sir . I am United States senator john iceland, and i have a question so serious that the safety of our nation may well depend on your answer. Who . Mr. Secretary, if you please. What are you doing here . What is this . Mr. Secretary, im kind of new at this job, but i dont think its good Public Relations to talk that way to a u. S. Senator, even if he is an idiot. Im a United States senator, and i have here a list of the names of 207 persons who are known by the secretary of defense as being members of the communist party. Who are still, nevertheless senator. I demand an answer, mr. Secretary. There will be no covering up. What . No covering up. See Angela Lansbury in the foreground. She has no Speaking Role in the scene. Shes watching how its playing on the scene, how its playing on the screen. Shes on paper, right, like in terms of the facial action of whats happening in that scene, shes totally just an observer, but you can see her sort of Cooley Nodding along with how well this is playing as the room erupts into chaos, as he makes this incredible allegation, the target of his allegation has no idea what hes talking about, maybe cant hear him, doesnt recognize him. Such a great scene. And that in the manchurian candidate is how her character gets her senator husband, thats how she starts him on this assent to becoming nationally famous and ultimately on track for the presidency. And the plot takes many, many, many turns from there. Its just a fantastic movie. One of the greats. And that character, not Angela Lansburys character of the scheming wife who is secretly controlling everything, but the senator, the loud senator with the amazing voice who has the list of communists known to the Defense Secretary but nevertheless still working at the defense department, Whatever Else was going on in that movie, that role, the senator, which is notsinatra. I dont know why were showing Frank Sinatra here. That role, that senator, was very much based in reality. During the decade before manchurian candidate came out, it was real life senator joe mccarthy of wisconsin who really did stuff like that. Thats joe mccarthy there at the microphone, the man sitting next to him in the previous still was a man named roy cohn. On february 9th, roy cohn on the right. On february 9th, 1950, senator joe mccarthy gave a speech to a local republican womens club in West Virginia. In which he really did wave around a piece of paper and say he had a list of communists on it. Local newspaper quoted him saying at that West Virginia meeting in 1950, quote, i have here in my hand a list of 205 state Department Employees that were made known to the Secretary Of State as being members of the communist party. And who nevertheless are still working and shaping the policy of the State Department. He pulled that stuntd. It was a hit. It caused a sensation. He then kept doing it in all of his subsequent appearances, except Senator Mccarthy could never keep total track of the supposed number of communists he had on his sheet of paper. Sometimes he would say it was 205 communists at the State Department. Sometimes he would say it was 81. Sometimes it was 57. People didnt really care about the specifics, it turned out, although it sounded good that he had a specific number, even if the specific number changed all the time. Mccary rode that thing as long as he could, for about four years. Destroying countless live said in the process, as mccarthy made wild accusations that played great in the press and got him lots of attention, without him ever really proving, for example, that there were any supposed communists at the State Department, let alone ones he had ferreted out or who had been knowingly employed as communists to affect State Department policy. Senator joe mccarthy got very famous, as i said, he rode this thing for about four years until finally the weight of it all collapsed on him. He tried the same trick he had been playing on the State Department and other agencies, tried it on the actual u. S. Army. In 1954. Also around that time that a senator who had sort of been ensnared in mccarthys web committed suicide, a sitting u. S. Senator committed suicide. In any case, by the end of 1954, his fellow senators and lots of people around the country had decided they had enough. And joe mccarthy was censured by the u. S. Senate, which is a very rare thing. He was censured, 6722, for his ethical failures as a u. S. Senator, for bringing the senate into disrepute. The censure vote against him was held in december of 1954. 2 1 2 years later, in may of 1957, joe mccarthy was dead. Dead at the ripe old age of 47. The legacy of joe mccarthy is dark. And he died young. He was already gone by the time we were grappling with it sort of culturally in films like this one in the early 1960s. Films like the manchurian candidate in the early 1960s. In Joe Mccarthys absence, though, once he was gone from the scene, the one person from his crusades who remained infamous for them for decades was his top aide. The joe mccarthy lawyer and staffer who was always at his side, who was considered to be sort of his Grand Inquisitor for his Communist Hunting Stunts on capitol hill. It was that young lawyer i pointed out a few minutes ago named roy cohn. As an even younger lawyer, he had played a role in the proscouth of ethel and Julius Rosenberg who were executed as spies. Cohn would later admit to having Exparty Communications with the judge in the case, which is a serious violation of trial ethics, but that admission, of course, came too late to save the rosenbergs. But after riding the Mccarthyism Wave with joe mccarthy in the early 1950s, after Senator Mccarthy was disgraced and censured and he died young, roy cohn went on to a very high profile life as sort of bottom of the barrel lawyer. He went on to become, for example, a trusted lawyer to the Italian Mafia in new york. He became the lawyer for the Trump Organization, the trump family business, in part because of his close personal relationship with donald trump, who was initially working for his father but who would go on to run the business himself after his fathers death. When the u. S. Justice department in the 1970s sued the Trump Organization for systemic and severe discrimination against africanamerican tenants, trump came up with countersuing the u. S. Justice department for 100 million. That will show them. Around that time in his career, roy cohn found himself criminally indicted three separate times in the 1960s and the early 1970s. Including for allegations that he paid a federal prosecutor a 50,000 bribe. Roy cohn was criminally indicted three times. Never convicted. But then, 35 years ago today, on this date, june 24th, in 1986, roy cohn made front page news on account he must not even have liked. A new york court has disbarred roy cohn for inexcusable professional conduct. Hes known for representing many rich and powerful clients. He rose to prominence in the 1950s when he was an aide to senator joseph mccarthy. The court ruled on four charges and called his conduct unethical, unprofessional, and reprehensible. That was 35 years ago today. Roy cohn, among other things, Donald Trumps lawyer, was disbarred in the state of new york 35 years ago today. On this date 35 years ago, roy cohn gave the New York Post a statement in response. He said i feel as concerned about this as if helmans came out and said they had a new brand of mayonnaise. I couldnt care less. It doesnt bother me in the least. Among other things, the reason that roy cohn Got Disbarred is the court found he had taken for himself over 200,000 that was supposed to be held in escrow for victims of a fraud scheme. They found that he had, quote, borrowed 100,000 from another client, for nearly 20 years. At least he tried to say he borrowed and it had intended to pay it back. The court also found in the words of the Washington Post summarized this part of the report i thought quite succinctly. The court found that cohn had entered the Florida Hospital room of a dying multimillionaire, the founder of the schenley distillers empire. He had entered his Hospital Room while rosen still was senile, semico semicomatose, and drugged. He sign held his hand to sign a Document Naming him coexecutor of his will, after falsely telling him the document dealt with his divorce. The guy was nearly comatose, senile, and drugged. Cohn showed up at his Hospital Room in the middle of the night and held his hand to try to forge his signature for him to sign over his estate to roy cohn. Nice guy, right . The court held 27 days of hearings on roy cohns case, deciding whether or not he would be permanently disbarred. One of the people who appeared as a Character Witness on mr. Cohns behalf was a man he had worked with and had a long relationship with at that point, donald trump. Trump appeared in person as a Character Witness for roy cohn before he was disbarred. Roy cohn was still disbarred. And cohn said he didnt care. He cared less about that than he would about a new brand of mayonnaise. But he was disbarred at the end of june in 1986. He was dead by the beginning of august that year at the age of 59. Roy cohn had been closeted his whole life, its believed he died of aids. He maintained to the end it couldnt be aids. Thats something only homosexuals got. He said he had liver cancer instead, but thats not likely what he died from. 35 years ago today, Donald Trumps lawyer roy cohn was disbarred for dishonestly, fraud, deceit, and misrepresentation. One of the weird sidebars of the Trump Presidency and in fact the russia investigation was that we learned a lot about how much donald trump as president used to wax rhapsodic about how much he missed roy cohn and how much he wished his current lawyers were more like roy cohn. This for example was from the long sought congressional testimony of Trumps White House counsel, don mcgahn. Quote, did the president raise the issue of why you took notes during meetings . Answer, yes, yes, he did. He asked why do i take notes. What was your reaction to that . His side of the story is, what are these notes. Lawyers dont take notes. Never had a lawyer take notes. I said, look, i take notes because, you know, im a real lawyer. Real lawyers take notes. Its way to keep track of things. He invoked, you know, roy cohn, apparently didnt take notes. Question, it was your understanding that he thought great lawyers like roy cohn did not take notes . Answer, he said that, yes. Not only did i think that, i heard him say that. Yes. This was not the first time that roy cohn has sort of the ghost of roy had come into the oval office. So it didnt seem to be a point worth responding to. And you know, hes the president. He gets the last word. Question, what was your reaction to being compared to roy cohn . Answer, my reaction, well, this wasnt the first time. You know, i really didnt want to be compared with roy cohn. Why not . I didnt want to be compared to roy cohn in any way, shape, or form. I understand he was, you know, a brilliant lawyer in certain ways but he had some ethical trouble later in his career. By ethical trouble, do you mean he was disbarred for unethical conduct . Answer, yes, yes. I may have mentioned at some point in some of these exchanges, i dont recall specifically, but roy cohn was not really my role model. So saying i was no roy cohn in a weird way, i thought thats good. He doesnt think im nat sort of lawyer. Question, but the president was suggesting you should be more like roy cohn, who was a great lawyer, correct . Answer, well, you know, i think he had already made his point that he really had a fondness for roy cohn. On this date 35 years ago, roy cohn was disbarred. Another one of President Trumps personal lawyers, Michael Cohen, would of course go on after that to also be disbarred, in this case, a consequence of mr. Cohen being convicted of multiple felonies including a felony Campaign Finance hush money scheme that federal prosecutors say he was directed to commit by former President Trump, who they called individual one in that case. So President Trumps personal lawyer in the Trump Organization lawyer, roy cohn, disbarred. President trumps personal lawyer and Trump Organization lawyer Michael Cohen disbarred. Today, on the 35year anniversary of roy cohns disbarment, yet another personal attorney for donald trump being suspended. Suspended by the state of new york from the Practice Of Law pending a proceeding which will decide if hes permanently disbarred. Rudy giulianis law license was suspended today in the new york state court. They said, quote, we conclude there is unconroverted evidence that responded conveyed misleading and false statements to the courts and the public at large in his capacity as lawyer for trump and the trump campaign. These false statements were made to improperly bolster respondents narrative that due to widespread voter fraud, victory in the 2020 u. S. President ial election was stolen from his client. We conclude that respondents conduct immediately threatens the public interest. And warrants interim suspension from the Practice Of Law pending further proceedings. Now, the pending further proceedings part there is important. Mr. Giulianis license to practice law is supended. Hes not permanently disbarred, at least not at this point. He may yet have hearings before the court at which he can contest this decision and seek to have his law license reinstated. But the court today went out of their way in this unanimous opinion to say they dont think hes going to prevail, even after there are hearings. They said, quote, we find that there is evidence of continuing misconduct. The underlying offense is incredibly serious, and the uncontroverted misconduct in itself will likely result in substantial permanent sanctions at the conclusion of these disciplinary proceedings. Substantial permanent sanctions. Meaning this is an interim suspension, but ultimately when we get to the end of this, hes likely to be disbarred. I think whats almost hard to wrap your head around, though, just in terms of history here, is the consistency over time. How much what Rudy Giuliani is today found to have done, what he lost his law license for today, how much of it is what roy cohn got famous for doing in the 1950s with joe mccarthy. I mean, go back to the movie. Go back to manchurian candidate. Theres the joe mccarthy standin in the movie. Hes actually kind of literally quoting joe mccarthy from real life. But you know, hes talking about these supposed exact number of communists that he has ferreted out and he knows the truth about, and hes demanding answers for. Even if he couldnt keep the numbers straight, since he had made them up. Still, it sounds good when you cite specific numbers. It sounds better when you can remember what the number was. But still, it lands with a good effect. In Rudy Giulianis loss of his law license today, its actually the exact same thing. The court today found that he, for example, made up wildly different, inconsistent, and all fake numbers of supposedly dead people who supposedly voted in philadelphia. Quote, respondent repeatedly stated that dead people voted in philadelphia in order to discredit the results of the vote in that city. He quantified the amount of dead people who voted at various times as 8,021. While also reporting the number as 30,000. Mr. Giuliani, according to the court, also made up wildly divergent, totally different, very specific numbers of allegedly underaged illegal voters in the state of georgia. Quote, at various times, the respondent claims that 65,000 or 66,000 or 165,000 underaged voters illegally voted in the georgia 2020 election. The Georgia Office of the Secretary Of State undertook an investigation of this claim. It compared the list of all the people who voted in georgia to their full birthdays. The audit revealed there were zero underaged voters in the 2020 election. While a small number of voters, four, had requested a ballot prior to turning 18, all four of them had turned 18 by the time the election was held in november 2020. Mr. Giuliani also apparently made up specific but wildly divergent and all fake numbers of supposedly dead voters in georgia. Quote, respondent stated that dead people voted in georgia during the 2020 president ial election. He claimed that he had the names of 800 dead people who voted based upon the number of people who had passed away in 2020. Respondent further stated that this number wasnt 800. It was really in the thousands. At another point, he claimed that 6,000 people, 6,000 specifically, 6,000 dead people had voted. On december 20 excuse me, december 22nd, 2020, during a War Room Podcast with steve bannon, Respondent Giuliani stated that 6,000 dead people voted. Not a month later, on january 3rd, 2021, during an episode of something called uncovering the truth, respondent stated that the number of dead people who voted was 10,515. Two days later, on january 5th, during another War Room Podcast with steve bannon, respondent stated that 800 dead people voted in the georgia election. Imagine youre steve bannon. In late december, its 6,000 dead people. And then like a week or so later, on somebody elses podcast, its 10,515 people. Whoa. And then he comes back to you two days after that and is like, its 800 people. I have in my hand a list of 207 known communists at the State Department. 42 known communists. How many . How many am i supposed to say . Four known communists. Rudy giuliani, Rudy Giuliani at one point was the number three official in the United States department of justice. Rudy giuliani was of course the mayor of new york city. He of course was u. S. Attorney in the Southern District of new york. He was the top federal prosecutor in manhattan. He is now under federal Criminal Investigation by that office that he used to lead, and as of today, hes no longer currently licensed to practice law in the state of new york. This happens to everybody who gets into trumps orbit. You notice that . Former President Trump put out a statement in response to giulianis law license suspension today, demanding his followers take back america. Take back america. Mr. Trump is due to hold some sort of political rally in lorraine county, ohio, this weekend. We dont know if hes going to put some meat on the bones as to exactly what he wants his supporters to do to take back america. Meanwhile, yesterday, we had the republicans in the Michigan State senate debunk all of the stop the steal Conspiracy Theories about how the election was stolen from trump in michigan. Meanwhile, just tonight, a judge in georgia appears to have blocked efforts by Trump Supporters to arrange some sort of arizonastyle recount in georgia. So michigan debunked. Georgia, not going to happen. Meanwhile, the protrump Conservative Media Outlet that is effectively the official Broadcast Sponsor of arizonas socalled audit, that sort of inquisition theyre running into the Arizona Election results, the thing the president has hinged his hopes of being reinstated pred, that network has aired a statement saying after the results of that audit are known and the truth is revealed about how trump had the election stolen from him, tens of thousands of americans who participated in stealing that election from donald trump, they should all be lined up and executed as traitors. Mass executions, theyre now calling for, at one america news. So on earth two, in which donald trump was a good president and all lawyers ought to be more like roy cohn, and donald trump ought to now stay leader of the republican party, and he didnt even lose reelection, it was stolen from him, on earth two, today was a really bad day. And things are also, i think, not coincidentally, getting really, really radical, really, really fast. On earth one, where joe biden is president , because he beat donald trump in the last election, and democrats control the house and the senate, narrowly, and they want to get legislation done, on earth one, joe bidens president. We have a multitrillion Dollar Infrastructure Deal coming. I mean, this is a landmark day for the distance our two worlds have diverged since the trump era and the republican party. I think, though, its also worth considering it is likely to be a radicalizing day in trump world. Heads up, everybody. Heads up. Congresswoman Camilla Jayapal joins us next. Can we be besties, simone biles . I guess . Yessss should we dismount now . Feeling sluggish or weighed down . It could be a sign that your digestive system isnt working at its best taking metamucil everyday can help. Metamucil psyllium fiber, gels to trap and remove the waste that weighs you down. It also helps lower cholesterol and slows Sugar Absorption to promote healthy blood sugar levels. So you can feel lighter and more energetic metamucil. Support your daily digestive health. And try metamucil fiber thins. A great tasting and easy way to start your day. Hearing is important to living life to the fullest. Thats why inside every miracleear store, youll find better cheers with your favorite fans. Youll find a better life is in store at miracleear, when you experience the exclusive miracleear advantage. Our team is devoted to your care, with free Service Adjustments and cleaning of your miracleear hearing aids for life. Were so confident we can improve your life, were offering a 30day riskfree trial. Call 1800miracle today and experience the miracleear advantage. Your eyes did not deceive you today. That really was the president of the United States, a democratic president of the United States, standing in front of the white house, kind of like on the driveway, i guess, with five Democratic Senators and five republican senators. All of them smilingish. At least theyre all there. And they were there to announce that they were in agreement on something. All of them. Now, that said, despite all the very, very excited beltway headlines today about the president and senators of both parties getting this major breakthrough bipartisan deal done on infrastructure today, there is nothing actually done about it. As they say, nothing is agreed to until everything is agreed to. And this is one step on what promises to still be a long and windy road ahead. I mean, for starters, lets just do the kind of math that we can do on our hands without taking off our shoes. There were five republican senators at that announcement today. You will recall that the magic number of republican senators that democrats need to join them to defeat a filibuster of any bill is not five. Its ten. Are there another five republican senators who werent there today who will vote for this Infrastructure Bill . Maybe. But even if there are another five of them, ten republicans, that math still only works if all 50 Democratic Senators vote for it. There are plenty of Democratic Senators who have made it clear they think this scaled Down Compromise Mini Infrastructure Bill is totally inadequate and not something theyre interested in working on. So thats one thing. The easy Math Question here. But to my eye, the really notable thing today, and i do actually think its an encouraging sign. The notable thing today that i saw is that theres a Remarkable Group of people who do all now seem to be on the same side in terms of how this moves forward. Im not talking about those five republican senators who were standing there with joe biden. Im talking about all the democrats. Its no secret that democrats are divided on the utility and wisdom of this bipartisan bill thats been worked out with this small number of republicans. But today, they do appear unified on the path forward. Which is maybe even more important. House Speaker Nancy Pelosi started off the day saying that if the Senate Passes this smallish bipartisan bill, she will only move it through the house if Senate Democrats also pass their own separate Infrastructure Bill, with lots more Infrastructure Spending on democratic priorities, including addressing climate change. Democrats can pass such a bill on their own through the same budget trick they used for the covid relief bill, even if no republicans vote with them. Pelosi said shes happy to move on this little bipartisan thing they put together, but not until the democrats pass the big bill by reconciliation. This afternoon, President Biden said hes onboard with that plan, telling reporters he wont sign the little bipartisan bill unless it is delivered to his desk along with the additional larger likely to be democrats only package that is likely to only be able to be passed by reconciliation. Senate democratic leader Chuck Schumer says hes onboard with that path, too. Also apparently onboard with that path is conservative democratic senator joe manchin, who has reveled in being the one who says no to all democratic plans. Hes been the one insisting on doing this bipartisan bill. He tell said nbc news frank thorp doing both bills today is inevitable, which means hes on board with doing, yes, this Infrastructure Bill with republicans that he worked on so hard. But also the larger potentially democrat only bill for all the other stuff that democrats want to do through reconciliation. So joe manchin, so President Biden is on board, nancy pelosi is on board, Chuck Schumer is on board, conservative senator joe manchin is on board, and even the chair of the house progressive caucus, Pramila Jayapal, and is about as far on the other side of the democratic aisle as you can get from joe manchin. She put out an important statement appearing to support the plan to only pass both bills together. Obviously, progressives are much more interested in what can be done in the big bill, the Reconciliation Bill, the one they dont need republican votes for. But this bipartisan thing, you want to do that, you can do that. Were going to do the big Reconciliation Bill, too. They have to go together. Thats the strategy. And yes, its congressional process. Thats not anybody running through the tape at the end of this race. Its how they move forward. But to have all elements of the democratic side, the progressives and the conservatives and the white house and the leadership in both houses of congress all pulling in the same direction, all on the same terms, in terms of how theyre going to get this done and what they have agreed to in terms of moving forward, i think thats a bigger deal than having five republican senators standing on the white house driveway today. Joining us now is congresswoman Pramila Jayapal. Thank you so much for your time tonight. I really appreciate your being here. So great to see you, rachel. So i dont spend a lot of time talking about the arcane twists and turns of congressional procedure. But in this case, i feel like this emerging plan that there is this little bipartisan thing that senators have worked on amongst themselves which may or way not pass with some number of republicans and this larger bill that democrats may have to do themselves through reconciliation, those two things moving together in tandem does to me seem like a Plan Everyone is onboard with. Is that fair . Its a really big deal. And youre absolutely right to call it out. And let me just call out why we got to where we are. Just take a little credit for the Progressive Movements work in organizing. For weeks, we have been saying directly to the speaker, to the Senate Majority leader, to the white house, we will not move a smaller Infrastructure Bill, bipartisan, whatever, unless we have simultaneously a big Reconciliation Bill that has all of our priorities, particularly the five progressive priorities that the progressive caucus has identified, that is robust child care, medicare expansion, bold climate action, its immigration for essential workers, and its housing. Those were the five priorities we had identified a month and a half ago. So we have been very clear about our message, and in fact, last week, rachel, one of the things we did just to really emphasize the point, lets say, in the nicest way possible, is we polled our numbers, our 95 members in the progressive caucus and said, well, what do you think . Will you support just a regular old Infrastructure Package if its bipartisan and small, or will you say we are not going to vote for any such package unless there has been a Reconciliation Package that has been passed that includes these priorities . And we got overwhelming support, which i was then able to share with the speaker, with the Senate Majority leader, with others, of course, in the senate, progressives were doing the same thing. I think this is a real victory for the Progressive Movement at large, and for the country at large, of course, because this is about delivering for real people. And to have the president of the United States, the speaker of the house, the Senate Majority leader saying what progressives have been saying for three weeks has been frankly an organizing campaign. And one that we feel very good about, and we now feel like theres a lot of steps to go forward, but we feel like this is a new day. A new place, because we are now focused on what that hopefully 6 trillion or more package can be for reconciliation that has all of our priorities. Its such a key point in terms of getting here. I think it is worth stepping back from this as you just described, to see that the kind of strategy that everybody is now agreeing to in terms of how this is going to move forward really is what progressives were demanding from sort of Outside The Box as recently as three weeks ago, and it now has become what everybody has agreed to in terms of how this is moving forward. I sort of had a feeling that it might be going this direction last night. We had senator Elizabeth Warren here live, and she articulated the same strategy that now everybody has agreed to today, that you and your colleagues were pushing for. Yeah, a bipartisan bill that they worked out with some republican senators. Its okay. But were not going to do that in place of the larger Reconciliation Bill. They have to go together. And now that seems where we are. I have to ask you, though, are there trip wires youre worried about . Is there potentially loosy and the football moment. A thing that you think everybody has agreed to that could fall apart in the end . Particularly as democrats are trying to get this done with some republican votes . Well, i think theres two things. One is, what is the bipartisan Infrastructure Package . Were not going to agree to something that we really dont like. And so we still have to see the contours of that deal. You know, i dont know what private Public Partnerships mean. I dont know how much of the paidfors are money that we have already allocated in covid relief for things we still feel like need to be funded, that is now being taken and put over into this. So we do have to look at those details. And you know, i think thats going to be important. Its not like were seeing, okay, great, you came to a decision. We have to evaluate it. At the same time, i think the big focus for us, rachel, is on this package. If we do a 6 trillion package, i just want to say, that is significant, and it is actually also kind of a drop in the bucket as far as gdp. 6 trillion, if you take out 3 trillion that could be paid for by making the tax system fair, making the wealthiest pay their fair share. Then youre really only talking about 3 trillion, which is 1. 3 of gdp. What do we get for that . We get health care, we get education for people, we get bold action on climate, we get real housing assistance. We make a difference for peoples everyday lives. And that is what progressives are about. Thats what we have been saying as democrats we have to do is deliver for the people. And that is really exciting. This once in a Generation Investment that the president has been talking about. And that we have been pushing, thats going to be work to get there. But we have already identified our priorities. And if we can unite around them as we did to get to this point, i feel like there is real hope in this world. What did you call it, world one . At least in this world, i feel like there is real hope for us to get Something Real done that is significant. Congresswoman Pramila Jayapal of washington, the chair of the congressional progressive caucus which is wielding itself like a crowbar to pry open windows and doors that had previously been shut. Thank you so much for your time, congresswoman. Always great to have you here. Thank you, rachel. The point that the congresswoman is making there in terms of the way the sort of window shifted over time in terms of what was going to happen here on infrastructure, the progressives do deserve a lot of credit. What they were calling for is now what everybody in all parts of the Democratic Party is agreed to. They ought to get more credit for that stuff. Well be right back. Stay with us. That you laughed about well, the names have all changed since you hung around welcome back, america. It sure is good to see you. Did you know that your toughest Cleaning Problems welcome back, america. Can be caused by Hard Water Metals . They lock in residues like a glue, on your hard surfaces and fabrics. Try 9 elements. Its vinegar powered deep clean dissolves hard water buildup and releases Trapped Residues and odors like detoxifying your clothes. Made with never more than 9 ingredients. 9 elements more than a clean, a cleanse. Today, when former President Trumps lawyer Rudy Giuliani lost his license to practice law in the state of new york, that ruling was made by a pan oljudges in new york state court. The entity that asked the judges to act in the court is something called the Attorney Grievance Committee. They reviewed the evidence, referred their findings to the court for their decision today. David j. Alonzo has joined us before to bring us his experience as the former number two official in the Prosecutors Office in manhattan, but hes also served on the Attorney Grievance Committee which today brought this devastating ruling against the former president s attorney. Joining us now is former federal and new york state prosecutor dan alonzo. Thank you so much for being with us. Really good to see you. Thanks for having me, rachel. You, too. What is the Attorney Grievance Committee . Its a committee of lawyers that are picked by the judges of the Appellate Division. The judge of the Appellate Division is the intermediate appellate court. And theyre in charge of Attorney Registration and attorney discipline, so they supervise these committees which are mainly made up of lawyers but also have laypeople on them, and the committees decide lower levels of discipline, whether to dismiss cases and whether to authorize the filing of charges in cases. Now, in this case, reading this ruling, the judges seemed to indicate its a serious and rare act to agree to an in term suspension of a law license, to suspend somebodys ability to practice law, even before the process is done. In this case, giuliani has not personally appeared at a hearing as far as i understand it, in terms of this case. Is that a fair way to understand it . Yeah. It is a pretty rare step. Its generally done for in cases of attorneys suffering from Mental Illness who, unfortunately, pose a threat to the public interest, or attorneys who basically cant be trusted with client funds. They have stolen and the committee needs to step in, the court needs to step in to stop that. So its relatively rare for it to be anything else. I have never heard of it happening in a case of false statements under these various rules, but the court ruled but the record they made is pretty strong. Its a very serious set of charges. And they made pretty clear that they believe that theres an ongoing threat to the public interest. Because frankly, during the pendency of this exact motion when his lawyers were litigating it, he was making statements on his Radio Program and elsewhere that were similar to the very statements that he is now being suspended for. So they basically got fed up. They didnt trust him not to continue to do this. Because some of the false statements that they pinned on him today were false statements, false representations he made to the court, sort of as a nonlawyer, to me, as just an observer, it raised the question of why he wasnt facing sanction. Why instead of this kind of a license action, why he hasnt faced sanction in any of the courts he made misrepresentations to. Well, usually, sanctions come with a motion from an opposing lawyer. And i mean, not to get too into the details, but the main sanctions rule in federal Court Requires you to give the lawyer a chance to fix what they did. In 21 days or else then you can file the motion. And so in this case, it was dismissed pretty quickly, and it was something that happened in front of the court anyway. The court could have probably sanctioned him there, but typically, they wait for a motion, and that doesnt happen in cases of short duration. Former federal prosecutor, former new york state prosecutor, dan alonzo. I want to apologize. I think i misstated your middle initial. Daniel r. Alonzo. I made up a j. As your middle initial. Hopefully my mom is not watching. No problem. Take full responsibility. I have no idea why i did that. Very sorry. Daniel r. Alonzo, thank you very much for joining us. Thank you, rachel. Take care. Well be right back. As gum issues. Does it worry me . Absolutely. Sensodyne sensitivity and gum gives us a dual action effect that really takes care of both our Teeth Sensitivity as well as our gum issues. Theres no question its something that i would recommend. Good boy [laughs] hold my pouch. 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It helps the environment. What . Because stone cold said so. Plus, tide cleans great in cold. This was a cold call the raid indicate at dawn, 500 Police Officers entered this office called apple daily. Police rifled through notebooks and disconnected Computer Monitors and arrested five executives, marched them right out the front doors of the papers offices. Apple daily is a independent, prodemocracy newspaper in hong kong, the only one still operating in the city of hong kong following escalating crack down on prodemocratcy journalism by the government. Police arrested another Apple Employee yesterday, a columnist so apple announced yesterday they shut themselves down, the last remaining prodemocracy publication in hong kong, with no assets, now employees in jail, how are they to keep going, they announced theyll shut down the paper right away, last night at midnight. Look what happened, outside the Apple Daily Offices late last night, sob on the final day of publication, more than a hundred people gathering holding their cellphones and waved at the journalists inside. The staff of apple daily waved back through the office windows. Others shined their Cellphone Light too. Is from that Vantage Point a photographer was able to snap the cover photo of the front page, headline reads hong kongers bid a painful fair well in the rain, we support apple daily this is a line in hong kong this morning to buy a copy of the last edition of apple daily people got in line before the sun came up. On a normal day they would print 80,000 copies for the final issue they printed 1 million copies and this morning at 8 00 they were sold out. 1 million copies. President biden issued a statement condemning the crack down saying quote, independent media play a invaluable role Truth Tellers that keep information flowing freely, needed now more than ever in places around the world where democracy is under threat. Beijing must stop targeting the independent press and release the journalists that are detained. Act in journalism is not a crime. Right now its 10 00 a. M. , the first morning in hong kong without a Free Independent prodemocracy newspaper sitting on the stands. Well be right back. Tter laughs at family barbecues. Youll find a better life is in store at miracleear, when you experience the exclusive miracleear advantage. Including innovative technology, like the new miracleearmini. So powerful, yet its nearly invisible. Were so confident we can improve your life, were offering a 30day riskfree trial. Call 1800miracle today and experience the miracleear advantage. 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