He said america has turned a page. Were committed to leading this change. The United States is back. It is fantastic. Hes a breathe of fresh air. And new hope for a bipartisan deal on infrastructure. But some democrats say biden should go it alone. It is time to move forward. Republicans have held us up long enough. Inside politics, the biggest stories sourced by the best reporters now. Welcome to Inside Politics sunday, im abby phillip. The days of Donald Trumps America First Foreign Policy are over. That is the message President Joe Biden want the world to hear as he travels on his first foreign trip as president. Hes announcing that the u. S. Will buy and donate 500 million doses of Pfizers Covid vaccine. America will be the arsenal of vaccines in our fight against global covid19. Just as america was the Arsenal Of Democracy during world war ii. Our Vaccine Donations dont include pressure for favors or potential concessions. Were doing this to save lives, to end this pandemic. That is it. Period. After four years of trump triggered drama at every International Summit you could also hear the audible sigh of relief from bidens fellow World Leaders. There is so much they want to do together with us. It is fantastic. It is a breath of fresh air. He tands to the commitment of multilateralism which we were missing in last years. I think the president is very willing to cooperate. And well hear from President Biden in about an hour, as the g7 summit concludes this morning. Joining me now, olivier knox, and Vivian Salama and john harwood and laura baron lopez. And kids love to see it. And they are very happy to see biden across the pond. John, this message of america is back, how is it resonating overseas . Very well. And it is one of the realities of the situation is that joe biden went to this overseas trip with a huge asset and that is that donald trump is an easy act to follow. He acted foolishly on The World Stage and openly aligned himself with american adversaries, with russia. He went out of his way to poke fingers in the eye of other g7 leaders. And so it is natural that they welcome a u. S. President who wants to work with them and solve common problems, climate for example, the coronavirus pandemic, economic recovery, that doesnt mean there arent differences because multilateralism is difficult, so they had disagreement on confronting china. Joe biden has this theme of democracy standing up and showing they could work in competition with autocracies. But that is that common effort is something that other World Leaders welcome and joe biden just like the first president that i covered george h. W. Bush, is somebody very comfortable on The World Stage, knows a lot of the leaders. He was back in his element. And speaking of comfort, physically it was a very different scene overseas. A lot of touching and back patting and not so much finger pointing in previous summits with the previous president. There is a Body Language that reflects a shift in Public Opinion in what weve seen according to this recent pugh poll that in europe and in canada and in germany and among the g7 countries, you have the general population going from 30 point swings in their favorable view of the United States, their favorable view of the ability of an american president to operate. This is a lot of good will, olivier, do you think it will have actual dividends for the United States. That is a good question. And if you dig further into the pew poll, you find a small minority of respondents say that the United States is a very reliable ally. We cant paper over the unhes still in europe. Theyre watching our politics, they saw january 6 and they know that donald trump doesnt accept the results of the election and they know there are senators willing to take up the trump mantle. They know the big lesson of the trump era, they saw from h. W. To w. And to obama and nothing like the last four years and they reasonably think this could happen again. And there is some anxiety about the potential of this not being durable. Vivian, just a couple of years ago, both Angela Merkel, the chancellor of germany and frances president had some really tough words for europe about what the future of the u. S. European relationship ought to be. They were saying that the era in which we could rely on the United States is over to some except. That is merkel in 2017 and macron said europe could no longer rely on the United States for its security. So do you get the sense that has shifted or is it just on hold for now . Well they are certainly breathing a sigh of relief as you said but also a lot of questions about what our future politics holds in the United States. Does donald trump come back to become president or is the Republican Party shifting in his favor and that is the more favorable view of everyone goes it alone. And the europeans, while they are certainly embracing biden who has arrived and working together and theyre apprehensive of what theyve seen in america in the last couple of months and years. So want to also address their own issues. Keep in mind they also have their constituents to answer to, Angela Merkel who is on the her way out but frances macron has economic interests in working with china as the same time the Biden Administration talks about cracking down on china. So they have their own domestic issues so it leaves us wondering where were going to be in the next couple of years when biden is back and saying lets Work Together and theyre like, well, lets see about that. Yeah, i mean, the china [ technical difficulties ] and the question is how tough will be they on china. You have several European Countries that are okay with becoming more financially entangled with china and biden saying this is a question of democracy versus autocracy. How is that going to play out. The big question is how far do they go in confronting china in that statement . Do they confront them on the the forced labor of the uyghur in shin jang and say they want to move towards that different investments, what the administration is calling high quality Infrastructure Investments and having a higher standard on labor and on Climate Standards and providing those to lower and middle Income Countries as opposed to going the route of china with their Roads Loan Program which a lot of countries are turning to. And so that is what the administration thats been focused on a big piece of his domestic agenda. Biden is overall arguing that his agenda, if it doesnt pass and if what hes trying to push at g7 doesnt happen that the u. S. Will not be as competitive against china and that china will continue to grow and emergence and outcompete the country and that is one of his central pillars of his agenda. There has been, between the vaccine announcement, john, and also this announcement about a sort of Global Infrastructure investment that is designed, really to be a counter to china, those two things are great. Nice on The World Stage, were giving them away no strings attached. But do you get the sense this is really what it will take to put china in a box, if that is what the Biden Administration wants to do. It is part of what it takes. We all know money talks. And through this belt and Road Initiative china has been laying money down to underdeveloped countries to try to use Dollar Diplomacy, get them on their side. The United States can compete in other democracies and others have tried to compete on the basis of values but Dollar Diplomacy is relevant for democracies as well. Weve seen that back to john f. Kend kennedy, the peace corp and so there are ways in which the United States and other democracies after periods of which they turned inward and people have said donald trump champion and America First and everybody else is taking advantage of us and so he was trying to grab what he could for the United States. But if you take a larger view of what the United States obligations and challenges are on The World Stage you realize youve got to lay down some money and assistance yourself and that is what biden is doing. And there is more to come. Not just on the issue of china but also on the issue of russia. Coming up next, bidens Biggest International test is still to come. His meeting with Vladimir Putin. Inside politics sunday brought to you by atd, real protection. Were carvana, the company who invented Car Vending Machines and buying a car 100 online. Now weve created a brandnew way for you to sell your car. Whether its a year old or a few years old. We wanna buy your car. 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The main event of President Bidens first foreign trip is still ahead. Wednesdays summit with russian leader Vladimir Putin. Sizing up putin has always been an important test for the u. S. Commanderinchief. I looked the man in the eye, i was able to get a sense of his soul. A man deeply committed to his country. What is true is that the russians intended to meddle and they meddled. Vladimir putin is not on our team. I like putin, he likes me. We get along. Wont you say it is smart to get along. Smart. On this trip bidens relationship with russia is very different from former president Donald Trumps. Well ive been clear, the United States will respond in a robust and meaningful way on the russian government engaged in harmful activities. The spector of the former president is hanging over this meeting of course. With putin. And vivian, how do you think that will play out since it seems like putin is already setting this up as a biden versus trump kind of situation. Actually take a listen to what he told nbc just this past week. I believe that former u. S. President mr. Trump is an extraordinary individual, talented individual. Hes a colorful individual. You may like him or not. President biden is a career man. He spent his entire adulthood in politics. There will not be any Impulse Movements on behalf of the sitting u. S. President. Lack of Impulse Movements is what the white house is hoping for. And while President Biden is definitely a different personality, he has a history of gaffes and theyre hoping to avoid that because putin is someone who is very unpredictable and could throw things out of left field. And what President Putin is saying is reality, that he sees a different adversary and a lot of it also shtick, when he said trump is someone that worked with me even though his administration didnt crack down on russia quite a bit in the last couple of years. President trumps messaging was very different. But that is not actually in reality what the relationship was like and he said that the relationship was in a bad place. So were going to go and see that if President Biden is able to get some deliverables out of this meeting, a tough adversary and putin tends to throw things out of left field during the meeting. The famous story of how he tries to catch his adversaries off guard. In 2007 when he met with Angela Merkel, he locked up with a big labrador and she is terrified of dogs and it sat there staring at her the entire time. So things like that. Hes a professional troller. Hes a professional troller. So that is one of the reasons why the white house is already signaling according to our reporting at cnn that theyre unlikely to have one of those Joints Press Conferences at the end. Theyre not trying to give him an opportunity to do that kind of thing. So who gets most out of this meeting in general, olivier . Well i think we should let the meeting happen. Which at the conclusion i think the way both the kremlin and the white house have been building this up is interesting. Both sides raising the stakes again for a that we dont expect a lot of breakthroughs. But you quoted bidens comments, of course in a run up to this, agreed that put Inwas A Killer and said putin doesnt have a soul so we know where joe biden is coming at this but this is a moment for joe biden to do a better job ill say than what barack obama did in 2016. This is sort of the cut it out meeting. In 2016 they say i know youre interest fearing in our elections and cut it out. This time it is solar winds attack and ransomware and cyber offenses. And not just the cyber offenses, the long list of provocative actions from moscow. It is extraordinary. Election interference and sending troops to the u. K. Border, the Jilling Of Navalny and that happened this past week and russia is preparing to supply iran from advanced satellite systems. There is a lot that putin has been able to do in just about four years. Could the jeanne be put back in the bottle . We dont know what a different tone with biden is going to have. It is not about breakthroughs. This is about a transition from an american president who was openly sympathetic to Vladimir Putin. Lets remember Vladimir Putin helped donald trump get elected and for a reason. Donald trump then became president , covered for putin when he was challenged, isnt putin a killer, he said you think were so innocent in the United States. When he was asked about putin going after opponents physically, trump would say, oh, maybe, maybe not. We dont really know. He questioned the u. S. Commitment to article 5 under nato. He poked the eyes of western allies, divided the alliance. In multiple ways. He tried to get putin and russia back into the g7. So in multiple ways he did Vladimir Putins bidding. Joe biden is going to geneva to say that is not happening any more. That is a different question from whether joe biden will stop cyber ware Ransomware Attacks from happening. There is a need the tone is one thing but there is a need for cooperation or a change in behavior. On climate and other issues. That is correct. It is not just about the rhetoric. There are. I mean the deliverables are important. But, no one is expecting major deliverables given it is the first one. The ransomware is something biden is facing a lot of pressure on from lawmakers in the run up to the meeting from both parties saying you need to confront putin on this because weve seen the attacks on the Gasoline Pipeline and the Meat Packing Company and so that is a big thing on the administrations agenda heading into the meeting. That is coming up on wednesday. Later today on a lighter note, biden will meet with queen elizabeth. This is her 13th meeting with a u. S. President. But not bidens first meeting with her actually, which maybe is i dont know if it is a tribute to his longevity or hers. Or both. That is what were looking forward to today. But coming up next, a top democrat said former President Trump weaponized the Justice Department to find socalled leakers. Among my patients i often see them have Teeth Sensitivity as well as gum issues. Does it worry me . Absolutely. Sensodyne sensitivity and gum gives us a dual action effect that really takes care of both our Teeth Sensitivity as well as our gum issues. Theres no question its something that i would recommend. You need an ecolab scientific clean here. And you need it here. And here. And here. Which is why the scientific expertise that helps Operating Rooms stay clean is now helping the places you go every day too. Seek a commitment to clean. Look for the ecolab Science Certified seal. Bipolar depression. Its a dark, lonely place. 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It is part of a long Running Investigation into leaks about the trump russia probe and Bill Barr Claims in an interview with politico, that neither he nor trump were briefed on the subpoenas and his deputy Rod Rosenstein and former predecessor Jeff Sessions said that he knew nothing about it either. Cnns legal National Security and analyst Kerry Cordero joins us as long as melanie zanona. Kerry, you have barr denying it and rosenstein and sessions denying it. But take a listen to this exchange between bill barr and Kamala Harris a couple of years ago on this very general topic. Has the president or anyone at the white house ever asked or suggested that you open an investigation of anyone, yes or no, please, sir . Um, the president or anybody else . Seems you would remember Something Like that and be able to tell us. Im grappling with the word of suggest. There are discussions of masters out there that they have not asked me to open an investigation. There have been discussed of matters out there. They have not asked me. But it is plausible that he would not have known. Especially on the issue of metadata from members of congress being caught up as part of an investigation . So, in this case, although he was very clearly parsing his words there and there were certainly some kind of conversations that perhaps had gone on. It is plausible that he didnt that Attorney General barr didnt know about these specific subpoenas simply based on the timing of when he was Attorney General and when the reports of when the subpoenas were issued. According to the wall street journal, the subpoenas were in early 2018. Bill barr wasnt Attorney General until 2019. So now could any Attorney General during this period not have known. Under normal Justice Department process in a sensitive case like this, one would think that the Attorney General, whoever he was, would have been briefed. The only reason i think it is possibly plausible that none of the Attorney Generals knew in this circumstance is because the Trump Administration created such chaos in the Justice Department. So they forced out Attorney General sessions and then a new attorney and then for National Security and so there was a lot of turmoil in the management of the department. Is it possible that, lets say Attorney Generals didnt know, okay, is it conceivable that Career Officials would take these steps without notifying any high ranking political appointee . Set aside rosenstein and sessions and barr, that Career Officials would do it themself on their own. It is not a way it should work in a National Security investigations. Sending subpoenas on information for members of the intelligence committee, excuse me, is something that in my judgment and according to Justice Department policy should be briefed to the highest levels and the Attorney General and the Deputy Attorney general. There is a question of whether trump knew or whether it matters that he ordered it or didnt order it. He had been attacking both adam schiff and others on the committee publicly and openly for months. Take a listen. Comby is a leaker and a liar. And not only on this stuff. Hes been leaking for years. Whether it was shifty schiff or somebody else. They leak the information. You have leakers on the committee. Obviously leakers that are doing bad things. It is extraordinary also that the settings in which he would attack people for leaking. I could be could be a fema briefing but still attacking adam schiff. But at the same time does it matter whether trump knew or ordered any of this to happen . Of course it matters. Finding out how far up the chain, of course it matters. There are questions of separation of powers that are very important. It is not unprecedented for administrations to go after members of congress but this is unusual. This is not this is the should not be routine, ill put it that way. And i was going to say democrats will want to get to the bottom of this and haul Jeff Sessions and Bill Barr Up To capitol hill and hear from them under oath. Bill barr spoke to one of my colleagues at politico and said he had no knowledge but democrats want that under oath. The problem is i dont know whether they would actually come testify and fight a subpoena. So i think what were going to see on capitol hill is a push for reforms at the dodge and democrats are realizing that because there is a shift in political power there is not the erosion of the institution so i think youll see a guardrails to be put back on. There is to your point a real possibility of defying subpoenas and many officials have complete disregard for congress. But you have some congressman ted lieu putting the pressure on Biden Administration and saying you guys need to do better. He said directing this at the Justice Department, that this shouldnt be how the garland doj works. Do better. Hes saying we should not have found out about this through press reports because the gag orders have expired. So the Biden Administration is in a tough spot. Because he put Merrick Garland at doj to stay out of the political stuff. They are in a tough spot because joe biden wants to move ahead. He doesnt want look behind. And hes trying to unite the country. And the further you go into delving into investigations of what trump did, the more difficult it is to do that. Nevertheless, there are some things that cant be avoided. And to your point about the Trump Administration defying subpoenas, we just last week got the testimony of done mcgahn who had been which has been sought for a couple of years and don mcgahn testified to the way in which donald trump had corrupted the processes of government. That donald trump asked him to fire bob mueller, donald trump also asked him later to lie about that and say that he had not done it. So, the incident with swalwell and with schiff has to be viewed in that context of a president who regarded the apparatus of government as his own Personal Property to be used for his own personal benefit. So what extent is that unique or what are the parallels . Some people have brought up nixon, but do you think that those are valid . Here is what i think are the red flag in these particular subpoenas. It is the scope of them. It is the fact that according to reporting there were 37 Phone Numbers and 36 emails accounts and just for one provider. Normally in that type of circumstance if you are conducting an investigation and serving one provider, in this case apple, there are subpoenas that went to other providers for other mail accounts or Phone Numbers. So it is the scope of it. The number of individuals on committee or associated with the committee who were dragged into this. That is what to me as a former National Security lawyer indicates that this was not managed well, not in Justice Department policy or control. And perhaps a phishing expedition. If youre dealing with a congressional committee, it should be narrow and focused and targeted. Coming up next, a bipartisan break through on infrastructure potentially but why are so Many Democrats saying this is too little, too late. Among my patients i often see them have Teeth Sensitivity as well as gum issues. Does it worry me . Absolutely. Sensodyne sensitivity and gum gives us a dual action effect that really takes care of both our Teeth Sensitivity as well as our gum issues. Theres no question its something that i would recommend. Paul loves food. But his diabetes made food a mystery. Everything felt like a no. but then paul went from no to know. 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It adds up to about 1. 2 trillion in new money that wasnt already going to be spent and it is all for core infrastructure. Think roads and bridges. It would be paid for in part by raising the gas tax. But that is a long way from what Many Democrats and the Biden Administration initially wanted. So the question for congress this week is are there votes for something that looks like this . 1. 2 trillion but a lot of it excluding some of the Top Priorities that democrats have had. And look at what the pay fors are, it is unused covid money and nontarters with the white house and progressives who say it is not big or bold in and i de dont think they have buy in from the white house. And putting pen to paper on a bipartisan Infrastructure Plan but that is only half of the battle. We still have a long way to go. It is only june. Congress has a week off in july and august of august off. I dont see whether this is going to move the needle. The return of washington summer wheres everybody leaves town. At the white house they put out a tepid reaction to this bipartisan plan. Theyve been seeking a bipartisan deal but they are not thrilled by with thun. What is your sense of how likely they are to either play ball with this, and maybe continue to tweak it or reject it out of hand because it doesnt do what they want it to do. I dont think theyll reject it out of hand. I think theyll play ball with it for a little while. There are options that could be substituted for the pay fors that melanie was just gdetailin, like the user fees that mitt romney talks about, are they corporate only user fees and could they deficit finance some of it. It is difficult to do but the white house cant afford to rule it out out of hand for a couple of reasons. One, they have to go through this process to keep the Democratic Caucus united for whatever comes next. And they also lets say they rejected this plan. And rolled everything into one big Infrastructure Bill. Very large price tag on this bill. So one of the advances of a bipartisan deal, if you could get one, if there is one that is reasonable, within Shouting Distance of what you want, is it is carves down the price tag of what you later do through reconciliation. Theyre going to do reconciliation in any case. Toss not the end of the story. But the question is how do you get to the end of the story. You get democrats crying foul over this deal and saying were done with all of the talking. Democrats from a wide range of sort of the political spectrum within the party. Trading space for bipartisan talks is always welcome but we should act sooner than later. We cant have a Infrastructure Bill in 2021 that doesnt have climate at its center. No climate, no deal. No voter that ive talked to in georgia have said to me what is most important is that we get a bipartisan deal. But of course the two democrats who are among the most important are joe manchin and kyrsten sinema. If this doesnt work out, you heard john talking about the Reconciliation Process that would allow them to move forward with just 50 votes without getting rid of the filibuster. That is Still Available to them. Do you get the sense that sinn emma and mansion would do that if this bipartisan deal falls through. Not yet. Which is what they keep saying. Them as well as others like senator Jeanne Shaheen who said we dont think the votes are there just yet. So the white house doesnt see a rush to move fully under reconciliation. They want majority leader schumer and Bernie Sanders to get the ball rolling on crafting what needs to be started, that process for reconciliation, but they also have reason to let these bipartisan talks keep going because they know that they need manchin and cinema to come along. I have questions whether they say they get a small deal now in a bipartisan fashion. F melanie, do you think it is realistic that there could be a second bite at this apple of infrastructure with reconciliation or not. There are two stories to watch here. A lot has been done with the centrist democrats with such slim majorities progressives could run the show if they wanted to and if they did vote no. Now whether theyre willing to play hard ball, im not sure. They flex their muscles on a capital aid Security Package a few weeks ago. But i think biden and Democratic Leaders need to make sure theyre tending to all of the gardens and not just the centrists. And olivier, the overall question facing biden is how important is bipartisanship. You said Raphael Warnock saying we must have a bipartisan deal or nothing at all and perry bacon writes there arent that many swing voters. There are no sense that a block of voters that back congressional candidates next year will instead support democrats if they perceive biden as trying hard to be bipartisan. That is probably not the view within the white house right now or is it . I think im glad melanie brought up the growing impatience from the progressives. It is really, really important. You could get very testy about the act of climate stuff in this infrastructure and really testing about voting rights, beefing up their teams and taking steps to safeguard voting rights. And to israel, ilhan omar, difs are really starting to im glad you mentioned, that because that is super important over the past week. And in the white house, they dont believe that there are that many voters in 2022 who will look back at 2021 and say, well, we didnt get an Infrastructure Bill, but we tried to be bipartisan. Right. Dont think anyone is going to vote based on that. Outside of the United States senate. They believe that this is about the result that matters. Absolutely. Not about the process. And i think we know at this table that no one cares about the process except maybe us. So up next, how Vice President harris is tackling her sprawling and complicated new portfolio. Oe scary. Spraying flonase daily stops your body from overreacting to allergens all season long. Psst psst all good the Dove Beauty Bar makes my skin feel amazing and clean. Ive encouraged serena my best friend to switch. Her skin was always beautiful. I wanted her skin to glow just like mine. It feels moisturized and clean at the same time. My friend stefanie, her skin was dry. Im like girl you better get you some dove. She hooked me up. Stefanie only uses dove now. I use the Dove Beauty Bar everyday. Made with a quarter moisturising cream. Dove beauty bar is care youll want to share. It makes you glow. Look at me. Dove cleans effectively and cares beautifully. Tonight, ill be eating fried avocado tacos. [doorbell rings] [doorbell rings] thank you. Ooo. You gonna eat that at lesliepalooza . What . Whos coming to that . Everyones coming, everybody. You, her, me, all of us. 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Pizza on a bagel we can all agree with that. Uhm whatever those are, theyre not pants. [ ding ] among my patients i often see them uhm whatever those are, theyre not pants. Have Teeth Sensitivity as well as gum issues. Does it worry me . Absolutely. Sensodyne sensitivity and gum gives us a dual action effect that really takes care of both our Teeth Sensitivity as well as our gum issues. Theres no question its something that i would recommend. Rely on the experts at 1800petmeds for the same medications as the vet, but for less with fast free shipping. Visit petmeds. Com today. Vice president clarissa has been given a todo list loaded with all but impossible tasks. Immigration tops that list and was the focus of her first foreign trip. But she drew criticism for telling migrants, do not come to the u. S. Border, and for not yet visiting the actual u. S. mexico border. You havent been to the border. And i havent been to europe. I dont understand the point that youre making. I said im going to go to the border. When are you going to the border, Vice President . The administration has asked im not finished. Ive said im going to the border. Its just a little cringe worthy, and i know that her allies in the white house and elsewhere are watching it and just kind of wondering what is going on. How poorly did this go for her in her first foray on The World Stage . It didnt go the way the white house wanted it to go. Again, immigration, as you mention, is a hot potato no one wants to touch, and harris has been dealt it and so she has to handle now what biden had to handle when he was vp which is relationships with the northern triangle. And, of course, republicans have been trying to clump that in with the border and the board situation and attacking her on that. Now, did the trip go the way they wanted . No. In 2024, 2028, if she decides to run are people going to remember this trip . I dont think so. Thats definitely true. This is one event, maybe its the first, but its one. But there are some broader questions about is this part of a pattern, even in the campaign she struggled with press interviews, had some major flipflops on the campaign trail. I mean, is this part of a pattern for her . Should it be troubling to her advisers and allies and people who want her to succeed, that its still happening even as Vice President . To be clear, she was going to be asked this question. And the fact that they didnt have Something Better than i havent been to europe is fairly notable. Republicans have been pounding away at this issue for weeks, for months. Not going to the border policy i saw what conditions are like there. But the fact they didnt have a response, they didnt anticipate this, its malpractice. Can we point out republicans have been hammering about this. They have been fighting to villainize joe biden. So they turned to her. You have to look at who are the other politicians they demon eyes . Speaker pelosi, aoc, maxine waters, women of color. This happened on fox news this week. It should surprise no one. This is what happens when you choose a Vice President based on gender and skin color rather than expertise. Were seeing a disaster. Thats so mean. She was the Attorney General to be fair, geraldo jumped in. At the same time they knew this was coming. Should she not have something on her agenda where she can get a win out of this at the end of the day . Well, i think pretty much anything Vice President is going to be tasked with is going to be difficult. I think that comes with the territory. I do think as melanie indicated, theyre targeting her, in part, because she is a black woman, and race is the number one issue for republicans right now. This is a white party thats rallying White Aggrieved White Americans who feel like theyre losing control of their country. Thats why we talk about Critical Race Theory all the time on fox news. I do think that some of the criticism that harris got was misplaced. Criticism for saying, do not come, thats exact little what joe biden has been saying when the administration started. Completely expected. As olivia indicated, this was a completely anticipated question, and the Obvious Discomfiture she has, thats a tick she has shes going to have to get over and display more command and confidence as she looks to the future. Especially because as we have been discussing, she will be perhaps the number one target for this administration, republicans basically preparing for her to be joe bidens successor. So that is we know thats coming and it seems like her team probably should get prepared for that. But thats it for Inside Politics sunday. Joining us every sunday at 8 00 a. M. And the weekday show at noon eastern. Up next, State Of The Union with jake tapper and dana bash. Secretary of pelosi, Secretary Of State blinken and alexandria ocasio he cortez. 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While the president is out of town, his priorities at home run into roadblocks as some democrats grow tired of waiting. Can they deliver on their promises . House Speaker Nancy Pelosi and congresswoman alexandria ocasiocortez join me exclusively. Plus, the rule of law. Former President Trumps Justice Department secretly seized

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