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at a vaccination site. this, as europe grapples with new lockdowns amid a potential third wave of the virus. italy, france, and germany reporting spikes in the number of cases there. as case counts grow, so do questions about the astrazeneca vaccine. temporarily eliminating a big weapon against the virus. let's get to that breaking news right now. the office of the director of national intelligence just released an intelligence community report on foreign threats to the 2020 election. ken, what does this tell us about the roles of russia, china, and iran? >> ayman, the intelligence community is saying in this report what it said last fall. but in more detail, about russia, they extensively interfered, and that vladimir putin authorized this. it says, we assess that president putin authorized influence operations, supporting former president trump, undermining public confidence in the electoral process, and exacerbating political division in the united states. they did not find any evidence that russia tried to hack election infrastructure like in 2016, or that any nation interfered in any way with the voting systems. but my big takeaway, it found that china did not either interfere or try to influence the 2020 election. that refutes things we were hearing from the trump administration last fall and into the winter from people like john ratcliff and william barr, saying that china was interfering to hurt trump. the intelligence community found that that did not happen. and one office dissented and thought maybe china did a few things to hurt trump, but the overall assessment finds that china did not interfere. the report does find that iran interfered extensively, and did so in a covert manner. russia and iran interfered, china did not. >> and i know that you have followed this closely. can you talk about how they were involved, the countries spelled out in the report, including russia and iran? either covert campaigns or non-covert, how does that look like in terms of what we saw? >> so, it's mainly on social media and through proxies. and one interesting line in the report talks about the ukrainian parliamentarian, spewing anti-biden disinformation. he had a relationship with rudy giuliani, then it emerged that the fbi considered him to be a russian agent. this report says he was under the direction of vladimir putin himself. so they promoted a narrative of biden corruption in ukraine, using social media campaigns, iran did something similar using fake personas on social media to denigrate president trump. looks like the russian effort was much larger, and similar to what russia did in 2016. and now, the issue, ayman, is this report a precursor for some sanctions for the biden administration to levy in response? >> and one more. i know this dropped within the hour or so. have we gotten any reaction from the intelligence committees on capitol hill? were the gang of eight briefed on this? >> i just saw a statement from adam schiff, the chairman of the house intelligence committee. praising this report, saying it's important that the american public know the truth about what happened in this election. which was that russia was the main actor here, and that china played a very limited role, despite what we were hearing from senior trump officials. there was some dispute about this, even after the election. john ratcliff was saying some intelligence about china was not being given enough weight. this is very clear, though, with high confidence, that china did not interfere. >> ken, leading us off, thank you as always. a world health organization committee is meeting today to discuss safety concerns about the astrazeneca vaccine, coming after more countries including sweden and latvia suspended their use. the investigation into blood clots is ongoing. you were just reporting in germany about this, and other stories, as part of what we're seeing in europe as it enters a third wave of the pandemic. walk us through what happened here. >> reporter: you know, europe's vaccine rollout has been plagued by issues from the beginning. and astrazeneca in particular has had a real image problem in europe. folks in munich was telling us, i'm ready to get vaccinated, but i don't know about that astrazeneca vaccine. what has happened is because europe's rollout has been so sluggish, the new variants have gotten a foothold, and they're grappling with a third wave. take a listen. the european union lags far behind the u.s. and britain at getting shots into arms. the percentage of americans who have received a first dose is three times higher than germany or france. germany's biggest newspaper writing, dear brits, we envy you. germany citing a lack of clinical data, not recommending the astrazeneca vaccine for people over 65. germany has now approved it for all adults. but not everyone wants to take it. would you take astrazeneca? >> no, not now. >> reporter: on monday, germany undid all that. joining a number of european countries in suspending astrazeneca over fears of blood clots. in france, it's a similar story. the french president made head headlines in january saying it's almost ineffective for those over 65. the eu medicines regulator is investigating, while defending the vaccine. and saying the benefits outweigh the risks. astrazeneca is pushing back on the suspension. they say there's no evidence of an increased risk of blood clots. they're saying in clinical trials, these were lower in the vaccinated group. there's also been no evidence of increased bleeding in over 60,000 participants enrolled. and the eu's medicines regulator is looking into the vaccine, and they're expected to make another announcement on thursday. ayman? >> sarah, thank you. last week, you were in iceland, then germany, now in doha. thank you so much as always. joining us knew, jurgen hart, thank you so much for your time. before we discuss this vaccine, i wanted to ask you about this. germany's top health official said on friday, we have clear signs the third wave in germany has already begun. what action is your government taking to stop this third wave? >> unfortunately, we have this third wave in germany because we have this mutation of coronavirus. it's much more aggressive in the way of spreading. but also, aggressive in the way of harming people. and therefore, we have an increase in the numbers of infections, day by day, beside the lockdowns we have done in weeks and months. unfortunately, people are very impatient, but we have no chance but to face the new challenge without doing the lockdown again. >> so i anticipate that we will be seeing germany head to a lockdown? can you tell us when that will be? how severe will it get? are we talking about the suspension of international travel? what will and will not be open in germany? >> there is a lockdown since christmastime, and there was a plan to open from monday next week on over easter. but unfortunately, most of the states that have to decide it in germany will decide not to lift the lockdown measures now. you're not free to go to a shop, only shops selling food or something like that are allowed. you're not allowed to go to a restaurant. this is something where germans are now asking for patience. this is difficult after so many weeks and months of restrictions. >> we're in this country watching very closely what is happening with astrazeneca. the company is pushing back on the suspensions that we've seen in terms of the vaccine rollout in countries across europe. they're disputing the link between the vaccine and blood clots. why did germany follow the other countries in suspending the vaccine if the science does not support it? >> the science unfortunately is supporting that we have to go an investigation of that. we have several cases of serious people who were vaccinated by astrazeneca. it's a small figure compared to the number of those who are vaccinated. but it shows from my point of view a significant relationship between the vaccine and these cases. but i expect that on thursday, the european medical agency and also the national authorities will decide to continue using the astrazeneca. but having a special eye on those groups, maybe younger female people, that might have a higher risk of this complication. and i, from my point of view, would use astrazeneca immediately if i'm allowed to get it. as a parliamentarian, i'm only in group number three like the chancellor. >> are you at all concerned if by thursday the european medical agency says you can use astrazeneca, that this could impact germany's recovery from the virus? that germans will not feel comfortable using astrazeneca? >> some people have concerns. but i believe at the end of the day, most of the citizens of the european union and germany will be vaccinated in the next coming weeks. and i think that we'll have no problem to use all the astrazeneca vaccine that we can get. but for the next two to three days, we will store that, we'll wait until the decision of our government and the european level, and then we'll continue and maybe speed in the next few days to come back on-track to where we were last week, about 2.5 million vaccinations a day. >> thank you for your time, mr. hart. we'll see what happens thursday. thank you. and now to minneapolis, where jury selection continues in the trial of derek chauvin. the judge weighing the request to postpone the trial. what are the concerns about the timing of the settlement's announcement, and what has the judge said on the issue? >> ayman, the concern is that with the jurors knowing that headline, that $27 million settlement between the floyd family and the city, it could affect them. this was unfortunate timing. the news of that settlement was unfortunate. but he also said it's something that in watching and questioning the jurors, it's something he'll be watching for. one thing he said, he will bring back the seven jurors that were seated before that announcement and question them. ask them if they know about that headline. ask them if that has changed their ability to be impartial in this process. what you're hearing from the defense, they want more. they want more relief. you heard them raise a motion asking for the trial to be delayed, they're asking for the jury to be immediately sequestered, and asking for a change of venue. the judge is listening to the complaints, and says the issues will be handled tomorrow. jury selection continues. we're in the same position we were in 24 hours ago. nine members of the jury have been seated. they have been listening to jurors and questioning them today, but we've heard a lot more dismissals. one was a substitute teacher, another said she had a baby at home. that's what we're continuing to watch right now. the sixth juror of the day is being questioned as we speak. >> thank you. as agents report a surge in migrants crossing the u.s. border, they're also talking about a spike at sea. plus, we'll be joined by alexei navalny's chief of safe staff. you're watching msnbc. staff. you're watching msnbc. it then works to turn down acid production, blocking heartburn at the source. with just one pill a day, you get 24-hour heartburn protection. prilosec otc. one pill a day, 24 hours, zero heartburn. my plaque psoriasis... ...the itching ...the burning. the stinging. my skin was no longer mine. my psoriatic arthritis, made my joints stiff, swollen... painful. emerge tremfyant™ with tremfya®, adults with moderate to severe plaque psoriasis... ...can uncover clearer skin and improve symptoms at 16 weeks. tremfya® is also approved for adults with active psoriatic arthritis. serious allergic reactions may occur. tremfya® may increase your risk of infections and lower your ability to fight them. tell your doctor if you have an infection or symptoms or if you had a vaccine or plan to. tremfya®. emerge tremfyant™ janssen can help you explore cost support options. you may have many reasons for waiting to go to your doctor right now. but if you're experiencing leg pain, swelling, or redness, don't wait to see your doctor. these could be symptoms of deep vein thrombosis, a blood clot which could travel to your lungs and lead to a pulmonary embolism. which could cause chest pain or discomfort, or difficulty breathing—and be deadly. your symptoms could mean something serious, so this is no time to wait. talk to a doctor right away, by phone, online, or in-person. keeping your oysters business growing talk to a doctor right away, bhas you swamped. you need to hire. i need indeed indeed you do. the moment you sponsor a job on indeed you get a shortlist of quality candidates from a resume data base claim your seventy-five-dollar credit when you post your first job at see every delivery... every yikes... and even every awwwwwwww... wait, where was i? 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>> absolutely. the house will take two votes on immigration this week. democrats admit that will not solve the crisis happening at the border currently. they're saying it's a down payment and a long term goal of democrats. but senate democrats are acknowledging that even those pieces of legislation are really going to struggle to get over the finish line in the senate because of the situation at the border making the politics of this worse. let's listen to chuck schumer on the senate floor. >> we would welcome republican support. no question about it. and maybe some of them will see the light on some of these issues. but we have to move forward with big, bold action. and our caucus will come together, we'll figure out the best way to go. everything, everything will be on the table. and we will move forward. we have to. >> that was obviously not the senate floor. but in that interview, senator schumer referenced indirectly perhaps getting rid of the filibuster. something in order to get this legislation over and any legislation over the finish line. but mitch mcconnell came out swinging on this issue this morning. let's take a listen. >> nobody serving in this chamber can even begin, can even begin to imagine what a completely scorched earth senate would look like. >> so the fight over the biden agenda including issues like immigration, including trying to fix the border crisis are really caught up in these discussions of the filibuster. democrats haven't made a clear statement about how they're going to move forward directly yet. but these are definitely part of the discussions on both sides of the aisle. >> thank you to you both. from being watched by a guard while he sleeps to prisoners so tense they're afraid to turn their heads, alexei navalny describes the conditions at the prison camp he's currently held in. we'll talk to his chief of staff, coming up next. you're watching msnbc. starting today, nobody has to settle for less than the very best. because only verizon gives you 5g from america's most reliable network at no extra cost. and plans to mix and match, so you only pay for what you need. the plan is so reasonable, they can stay on for the rest of their lives. aww... and on top of that, nobody gives you more entertainment you love like disney+, hulu and espn+ on select unlimited plans. . . and it all starts at just $35. only from verizon. ♪♪ jackson hewitt knows times have changed... ...both how and where you work. and your taxes could have changed too. let our tax pros work for you and fight for every dollar you deserve. tired of clean clothes that just don't smell clean? 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they didn't want to deal with people. and you've really made it work, and more help is on the way. do you have questions for me at all? >> we don't have a question, but we want to say thank you. thank you for being who you are, thank you for helping this small business. this small minority business. it means a lot that you came to see our business. because although the congressman and congresswoman -- i'm sorry, but not many people come out and stop here. so we're grateful for the things that you're doing. >> every time i stopped in chester, i lost. i went to school just across the line, and we played up here, and you had better come prepared to play in chester. >> that's true. >> very, very good in chester. a lot of my buddies are from chester, for real. people i grew up with. and one thing we're going to try like the devil to try to correct, the people who were hardest hit, and you know this better than i do, they're minorities. and that's very significant. and they're working hard to make sure you get the vaccines in places that are not ordinarily the focus. that's why we put the vaccines in community health centers, in drugstores now. that's why we have mobile units. but i'm not just saying this because we're here. they have been loud and strong voices, getting this done. it's not like it passed with 100 votes. it was close. and i want to thank you both, and everybody in this county and the next count, delaware count, thank you. >> thank you. >> so is there anything else we can be doing? how many employees at your peak? >> about 20, 23 people. in the summertime, we do a lot of school work. that's when we get our big boost. right now, we're at about 12 people, between people in the office and out in the field. the schools got funding so now they can -- >> yeah. it's a big deal. well, you both do a heck of a job. >> thank you. >> all right. you were just watching there, president biden speaking to the owners, with the owners, i should say, of smith flooring company. a minority owned company in chester, pennsylvania. touting the success of the american rescue plan in being able to offer companies like that additional resources to help get their businesses back up and running after suffering as so many other companies have through the this pandemic. that's part of the president's tour, touting the significance and impact of the american rescue plan. at one point, asking them if there's anything more he can do for them. we're going to keep an eye on that event for you. and certainly bring you more news from it as it continues. switching gears for a moment, heading overseas. speaking out for the first time from a russian prison camp, alexei navalny sent a message via instagram monday, saying he's in a penal colony, saying his head has been shaved, he's woken up and filmed every hour of the night. and prisoners are forbidden from swearing. joining me now, navalny's chief of staff. thank you so much for joining us. let's talk about how long alexei navalny's family and friends did not know where he was. how did you determine where he was, and what was going through your mind while you were waiting? >> we didn't know where he was since thursday, until monday. so for four days over the weekend. we learned friday morning that he was transferred elsewhere, from the prison where he was held. and we tried our best to find him, to locate him. there were signs that he could have been transferred to this penal colony, but we didn't know for sure until monday, when his lawyers were finally admitted to seeing him, after six hours of waiting outside this penal colony. it's a huge relief that we were able to find him. but the conditions of his stay in this concentration camp are quite terrible, actually. >> so how are you able to communicate with him? not necessarily you, but how is his team able to communicate with him? and how is he getting messages out like the one we cited on instagram? >> when the lawyers finally managed to get to meet him there in this camp, in this prison camp, he was able to transfer this message. and they printed it out, and put it on his instagram account. it's not magic, it's done through personal means through his lawyers. and now, it's our only way to be in touch with him. >> as you probably know, we just read a part of that statement. writing, i have to admit that the russian prison system was able to surprise me. i didn't think it's possible to arrange a real concentration camp in 100 kilometers from moscow. i haven't seen any violence or even a hint of it yet. although i can easily believe the numerous stories that people here were recently beaten to death with wooden hammers. people here are afraid to turn their heads. it's a grim description. what was the reaction in his circle to reading this message? >> well, look, this penal colony, it's well known in russia. it's one of the harshest in the country. they have used physical torture, beating people, and so on. in order kind of to establish this. that's why he writes about it very explicitly. he didn't face physical violence. of course, they expect, having a celebrity like him in the prison, they will be a bit smarter than applying just physical tortures. but they still are employing psychological torture. and this sleep deprivation, it's a real -- it's the definition of torture. they wake him up every hour just to formally check that he hasn't, you know, escaped from this prison. >> right. >> so this is the formal reason. but i imagine, if you're being woken up every night, and this is now for weeks or months. so of course, they're not applying physical violence. but he can conclude they recently did it in this colony, based on the way that his inmates behave. and they're still applying mental violence against him. and i would say, this is the reaction to the world's relatively soft response to putin's actions before. so the dissensions were really moderate. so putin has the feeling that he's good to go, he's good to do whatever he wants with navalny. that's why he's doing this to him. >> what is the next move for your followers, for your organization with your leader in a prison camp? what is the state of the russian opposition? who is leading it, and what do you plan on doing? >> we're not having to find another leader. he's perfectly fit to lead. we are in touch with him. he can arrange messages through his lawyers. and the two next major steps are to put more pressure on putin, and to demand for his immediate release. and of course an electoral campaign for the elections, upcoming in september. >> thank you so much, sir, for your time. i greatly appreciate it. >> thank you. all right. kara lee joins us from philadelphia, not too far from where the president is. we want to talk about something relevant to the white house, but also dealing with foreign policy. the white house, as i understand it, have they had anything to say about this new assessment that russia interfered in the 2020 election, as well as others? >> they have not. i've reached out, and so far there's been no response. but this was one aspect. there were four things the administration was looking at in terms of russia. there was the issue of the navalny poisoning, which they've responded to recently. there was this issue, and then there was this solar winds hack, and the price on the heads of u.s. troops in afghanistan. the question is, what will the administration actually do about it now? >> and the other thing i wanted to ask you about, you have some new reporting today on where things stand with the biden administration's policy towards north korea, and how the white house thought comments by a high-ranking justice department official could antagonize the north koreans. what is going on, on that front? >> there's a little tension in the administration about how to talk about north korea publicly, frankly. what happened was, the justice department indicted several north korean operatives, and in the white house's view, harsh language towards north korea. and some of the president's aides contacted the justice department and said, this is not the kind of language or tone we want to use when it comes to talking about north korea. it risks provoing them. and the national security council, some of the president's top aides agreed to have a more muted tone publicly towards north korea, so they're not provoked during this policy review. and kim jong-un has been relatively quiet so far in the new biden administration. more so than in the trump administration. in 2017, by this point, north korea had tested a missile, we haven't seen that happen. so there's concern among some of the president's national security team that if there were to talk provocatively, they could provoke a response, and they don't want that right now. >> carol, thank you. up next, what did the world health organization find out when it was in china last month investigating the possible origins of covid-19? 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>> there's a lot of new information that's going to come out in this report, probably in 10 to 14 days from now, including dates from the first clusters of cases in wuhan, on the animal links to this virus and on the genetic sequencing that's been going on in china around this virus. one thing is clear. this outbreak did seem to be centered on wuhan. it seems to be -- to have been very explosive in the second or third week of december. and there are clear links from the market in wuhan, the seafood market, through the wildlife farming network into animals that carry coronaviruses in the wild. we don't know for sure that's the pathway, but it's looking more likely at the end of this. >> can you tell us more about the access you had. there was concern you may have seen european scientists had reservations about what type of access your team had, whether chinese officials were forthcoming in the material and information you requested. can you shed some light on that process? >> yeah, this was a joint mission. china is a member of the world health assembly and they voted for this mission to happen. but, of course, they are fully aware that the eyes of the world are watching this and looking to find an answer for where this virus originated. look, i think we got pretty incredible access. we got into the labs that have been targeted as potential source of the outbreak. we got into the market where the first cass were found. we met with some of the first known patients of covid that survived. we asked questions that weren't vetted beforehand, and we got answers and we judged, based on those answers and the data we saw, what we think the most likely pathway this virus took was. that's as good as you can do at this point in terms of a w.h.o. international collaborative effort. and i think the world will be surprised at how much detail came out of this mission. >> so when your team was putting this report together, sir, was there any key points that the world health organization team and chinese scientists disagreed over? was there any pressure from the chinese government or other outside actors about how this report should be put together? >> the pressure was there from day one. especially from the rest of the world looking in. we saw the press pack every day and every trip that we went on, every field site mission. but i think what we saw internally between the w.h.o. team of experts and the scientists working for the china side were scientific debates around the origins. we saw the data. we discussed it. we debated it. we said, what does this mean? really, what we found were some unanimous conclusions that it's unlikely, extremely unlikely that this virus escaped from a laboratory. that it's possible that the so-called hypothesis, that frozen food could be playing a role in some of the outbreaks, but far more likely is this pathway from wildlife into farmed animals and in this case, wildlife farms, into people in wuhan. i think everyone agreed on most of those major conclusions which is a significant, you know, a positive sign. >> so you would safely say that it did not originate in the laboratory as some have suggested. that it did not originate from the wuhan institute of virology? you can rule that out based on what you've seen? >> no, we're not ruling it out. what this report says, is it possible? is it likely? is it unlikely? and our conclusion, it was extremely unlikely. lab accidents do happen. they tend to happen when viruses are kept in cultures where there's lots of viruses present. there didn't seem to be those cultures present in the wuhan lab. no evidence there was any virus cluster related to sars-cov-2 in that lab. the lab is very well run. we talked to the staff and it's a new efficient lab. it just seems extremely unlikely. >> so looking ahead, are there any findings in your report that public health leaders will be able to apply to dealing with the rise of covid-19 variants which is a major cause of concern right now? >> well, i think the lesson for us really is on a bigger time scale. we are seeing more and more pandemics, emerging diseases like covid emerge. they tend to emerge where people make contact with wildlife reservoirs of disease. we need to deal with the pathways and shut them down. the variants are yet another sting in the tale of this pandemic. if we want to prevent this sort of thing happening again, we have to get into preventive mode. start looking at the pathways that are risky and shutting them down. china closed down the wildlife farms that were supplying food to markets like the seafood market back in february, during the middle of the outbreak. there's a reason for that. it was good for conservation and public health. we need to shut down these pathways on a global scale and we'll never see pandemics or variants of pandemics either. >> peter, thank you for your time and your insights. i greatly appreciate it. that wraps up this hour for me. i'll see you back here tomorrow at 3:00 p.m. "deadline: white house" with nicolle wallace starts after this quick break. nicolle wallacr this quick break you love like a. and the beautiful iphone 12 on us when you buy one. only from verizon. is now a good time for a flare-up? 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