Transcripts For MSNBC MSNBC Live With Craig Melvin

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merck. president biden will announce the purchase of an additional 100 million doses of that johnson & johnson vaccine. an eye on this minneapolis courtroom. it's day three of former police officer derek chauvin's trial. he is charged with murder in the death of george floyd. a fourth juror was seated minutes ago. more on the legal maneuvers coming up. first, our reporters as the house moves closer to passing this covid relief bill. we have garrett haake, carol lee and i want to bring in business correspondent, the one and only stephanie ruhle. garrett, help us understand how this process is going to play out right now. when do you expect we will actually see the house take a vote on this? >> reporter: i think the house will probably vote late in the noon hour, maybe 1:00 this afternoon. house democratic leaders have scheduled an enrollment ceremony for later this afternoon. they remain that confident that this bill will pass. you are looking at kevin mccarthy having one of a magic minute. the timing of the debates are closely monitored. the leaders speak for a minute that can stretch into many, many, many, many. that's why the timing of these things is squishy. the republicans have been using procedural tactics to slow down bills, even minor ones. you mentioned the motion to adjourn from marjorie taylor greene. i suspect that won't be the last effort to draw this out. democratic leaders remain confident this bill will pass today. >> garrett, what are you hearing from lawmakers in the final few hours of this debate? are you expecting any republicans to cross the aisle and join with democrats given how popular this relief bill is? >> reporter: it doesn't look that way right now. i can tell you that house democrats that i have been talking to are confident they will have a united democratic conference. in the first vote on the original house version of the bill, they lost two democrats. i think those lost sheep may be coming back as one democrat described it to me. republican opposition has been fairly unified on this. ironically, there's not a ton of disagreement as to why. republicans are talking about this bilk so big and going so far beyond the immediate covid needs right now. a number of house progressives agree. they say this is a bigger bill. it does things we wanted to do. it changes the affordable care act, proed vivides benefits for children. that's why they like it. both sides are dug in on their positions on this bill. >> carol lee, over to you. this bill, it's popular. 77% of voters overall support it. you can't get 77% of americans to agree on what day it is these days. seven in ten americans support this bill. 59% of republicans say they back it as well. president biden's approval rating is tilting positive. help us understand how this bill is really central to the president's overall legislative agenda? >> reporter: it's hard for the president to really ramp up his legislative agenda until he has the covid response under control. the pandemic just dominates everything. that's why you have seen the white house make this covid relief bill its top priority for now. it is seen in the white house as the first significant legislative step to getting their arms around this covid response and has all of those things you mentioned, from the vaccines to helping americans put food on the table and unemployment benefits and other things. from their perspective, they want to try to build on the momentum of this bill would have because of its popularity. it doesn't get easier from here. if you look at the president's legislative agenda, whether it's voting reform or policing reform or immigration, those are all harder issues. so what we expect is that the president is going to pivot to another economic covid related piece of legislation. the question facing the white house is, do they go big and put something out there that's potentially larger than what we have seen in this bill that's passing right now? or do they go narrower and focus on infrastructure and try to get bipartisan support for them? neither path is particularly easy. that's the decision that they have to make. they have yet to decide how they're going to do this. for now, what they want to do is really sell this bill and get out there and the president is expected to travel to keep that popularity for it up so they can then try to build on that momentum for the president's agenda on other items. >> stephanie, this bill is more than 600 pages long. i have to admit i opened the pdf and didn't get past 198. there's a lot in here. we know about the $1,400 checks, $300 for unemployment benefits. break down the critical parts of this bill and how it's really going to help struggling americans. >> reporter: it's really going to help struggling americans in that it's a rescue. what it is not is a long-term resolution. there's a lot in there, especially beyond those stimulus payments. we will see about 90% of american households get some sort of relief from the stimulus payments. however, we want to talk rent relief, billions towards rent relief, towards mortgage relief. we will see food stamps, free lunch for students extended through the summer and september. those unemployment benefits are going to be extended through september. we are seeing more changes to the affordable care act than we have seen since it was signed to the tune of people might see their premiums cut in half. people who use cobra could see premiums disappear. one of the biggest issues -- i'm not saying this is a problem but it's something to be aware of. these are short-term rescues that are going to get the american people who are suffering back to zero. the problem is, people could look at this and say over the last year, congress has dolled over $5.5 trillion. wasn't that enough? the answer is no. it was enough to potentially handle this once in a lifetime disaster and get us back to zero. once we get to zero, we have to remember, what we learned over the last year are so many inconsistencies. we have seen so many -- we have seen the divide that we have to start addressing into how the biden administration calls it build back better. that's the way you are going to create long-term policies to solve for this. it's going to be a heavy lift for the biden administration not just to sell this but to say we need more after this. the truth is, we do. this is a much needed short-term rescue, not a long-term solution. >> stephanie ruhle making it plain for us. thanks to you and garrett and carol as well. i want to bring in congresswoman norma tores. she will cast her vote today. thanks for joining us. there are key changes from what the bill that the house initially sent to the senate versus what's being voted on today. the house had unemployment at $400 a week, as you know. the senate cut that to $300 a week. the house wanted direct payments to go to individuals making up to $100,000 a year. the senate lowered that threshold to $80,000 a year. there's also the federal minimum wage, which is not in this bill at all anymore. do you think these changes will keep any democrats from voting yes? >> it's good to be with you this morning. i do not believe, by the way, that this will deter democrats from voting on this bill. we cannot continue to negotiate against ourselves. the bottom line is that the rescue plan that we pass in the house, almost two weeks ago, did not have the support and did not have the welcoming support that it required in the senate. we will fight this battle on minimum wage another day. right now, what democrats are hearing from our communities is that they need this money. they need it in their pockets right now. they need food assistance, rental assistance. many, many, many of our constituents are already on the cusp of being evicted, even though we have passed legislation to stop these evictions. it's time that we stop playing with the lives of the american people, of front line workers that are risking themselves every single day. it didn't have to be this way, by the way. if we had been working locked in step, if we would have had an administration that recognized that this is a deadly virus, that this is not a joke and that we should be all wearing our masks and that we should be social distancing, but republicans did not agree with any of that. they fought us every step of the way. you know what? we pulled them by their nose. here we are today. we will pass this bill and send the american people the money that they need in their pockets to help them. let's talk about the expanded child tax credit alone. this means that an additional 27 million children will get the support that they need. that will cut child poverty in half. in half for the american people. it doesn't make sense that in one of the greatest countries in the world we have children that have food insecurity and that are living in cars and under bridges and homeless tents here in america. if you want to talk about america first, republicans, vote on this bill today. >> congresswoman, there's this question about what comes next. as we heard from stephanie ruhle, a lot of the money in the bill helps make people whole but that more will be needed. i want to play an exchange between speaker pelosi and my nbc news colleague garrett haake about what could potentially happen next. here is some of that. >> do you think this is the last primarily covid bill you will have to take up? >> you have to ask the virus. if it stops mutating, if it stops spreading and, therefore, mutating, then this will be -- >> is this the last relief package of this pandemic? are you worried about expending too much political capital to pass another big bill, even if it's needed? >> i am not worried about extending my political capital. i am worried about seeing one more american life lost to this virus. this bill gets us to where we need to go. by the way, funding, helping to fund the affordable care act is one way we can guarantee health care for every american that needs it. that's where we are. if we need to come back to the table a year from now, six months from now, then we will reassess. at this point, we think there's enough money to deal with what we have in front of us and to get us to that zero percent of infections and to reopen our economy safely, to get our kids back to school. the people that have been hurt the most here are moms and their children. that is unconscionable. giving them a life line to be able to recover from job losses, from food insecurity and to have a stable place to live i think is worth my political capital. >> let's talk more about minimum wage. folks at the white house tell me president biden has not given up on the so-called fight for 15. making sure there's a $15 federal minimum wage. you recently said you expect a separate bill to move forward to do just that. i have not heard from either my sources on the hill, democratic sources or from folks at the white house about what that would be. what would that bill look like? when could we see it? >> there are efforts in both the senate and the house, members that are working diligently to ensure that we have either a standalone bill or a vehicle where we can include a raise in the minimum wage. a message to republicans that are stuck on that they would support $10 or $11, introduce your bill. introduce your bill. let's have a debate. let's talk to the american people. let's go out in our communities and actually talk to the workers that are having to live through having to work two or three jobs just to make ends meet. we need to push for a bill that actually pays a living wage. we are continuing those conversations. personally, i am committed and i know the majority of my caucus is committed to passing a $15 minimum wage bill. >> you make an interesting point. i hear you saying, it shouldn't always be on democrats to support policies that help working people. you are saying republicans, if you have a plan, let's see it. why should it always be on democrats? >> absolutely. they talk a good talk. but they are very, very slow at pushing forward policies that help the working families that they claim to represent. so far, i have not seen any of that happen. >> congresswoman, it's great to see you this morning. thanks for your time. >> great to see you. we are watching the live briefing from the white house covid response team. they just announced formally something i have been reporting this morning, that the biden administration will purchase 100 million more doses of the johnson & johnson vaccine. we will dig into that coming up. we will go live to texas where businesses can fully reopen today. it has health experts worried about another dangerous surge in cases without enough people vaccinated there. for some americans who are fully vaccinated, we are seeing more and more happy reunions. check this out. this is in the bronx. a doctor wrote a prescription for a woman to hug her granddaughter after she got the vaccine. they hadn't hugged since sometime last march. now they are finally able to do it again safely. 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>> i think this is a plus for two reasons. one, in case pfizer or moderna run into manufacturing issues, we will have the johnson & johnson vaccine. then also, in case later this year we discover that people need a booster shot, we will have excess vaccines. the only issue i am thinking about is vaccine equity and ensuring that we are also ensuring that the rest of the world has adequate vaccine supply. >> we also heard from andy slavitt, via tweet earlier today. he said that weekly covid cases at skilled nursing facilities have decreased by 96% since vaccinations began. from 34,000 to 1,474 per week. is that dramatic drop in cases, that strikes me as real evidence that these vaccines and people wearing masks, it's doing the trick. what's your take on this? >> absolutely. this data is incredibly encouraging. these vaccines are safe and highly effective. we are seeing that in the nursing home data. i think as we see more and more americans that get vaccinated, we will see the case numbers start coming down. but i think we also need to be in mind that we still have the variants out there. a critical percentage of the population has not been vaccinated yet. we have states that are lifting restrictions. so we are in a critical point right now where we have to be cautious. but i would say that we can still be optimistic. >> on the optimistic front, let's talk about alaska. on tuesday, alaska became the first u.s. state to open up vaccine eligibility to anybody over age 16. what is alaska doing right? they have a smaller population than most states. what are they doing that most other states should be doing? how do we get to that point to what you talked about, the vaccine is available widely, equitable and to scale? >> right. alaska has been most successful of any state in terms vaccinating their population. about 90% of their seniors are vaccinated. one area that they have done very well in is working with the indigenous communities and engaging with trusted messengers in the communities. they have a high rate of vaccine uptake. they are using all of their resources to get to remote areas with the vaccinations as well as outreach and education. it's really a model that i think other states will need to follow closely. >> when we talk about states that are opening up too quickly, according to public health experts and loosening restrictions, there's a risk we will see a spike. can you unpack the science for us? what does it mean that texas, starting today, is reopening without masks? that state we know that there aren't enough people fully vaccinated there yet. >> right. we know that texas is about 48th among 50 states in terms of vaccination rates. when we are reopening and reopening just so expansively and broadly, we increase the risk for infection and transmission of coronavirus. the increased transmission is really the prime opportunity for variants to emerge and to develop. that is the risk that we run with the reopening that's taking place in texas right now. i would encourage that even though the state mandate is being lifted, that texans try to be cautious, still wear masks, still avoid large crowds. i am concerned about essential workers and service workers who are on the front lines in the businesses and they are being left essentially unprotected. >> that's a great point. great to see you, as always. this morning, businesses in texas can reopen to full capacity. masks are no longer required. that's because the governor's order lifting the mandate and restrictions officially start today. it's up to individual cities, businesses and citizens in the lone star state to decide what safety precautions they are going to take. nbc's morgan chesky is in dallas this morning. morgan, good to see you. what are people there saying about where they stand on this reopening? >> reporter: jeff, it depends on who you ask. for the majority of the people i have spoken to, they say that not a lot is going to be changing with the lifting of the mandate and the expansion to 100% capacity for every single business in texas. i know that here in the deep elm district, you have bars and restaurants. the governor said you can be 100% reopen with no masks, they are keeping policies in place. some aren't going to fully reopen. they are capping at 75%. it depends on the business. there are bars here in this area and across the state that haven't been able to open since june of 2020. from a business standpoint, they are excited about this. what is concerning to a lot of businessowners, is this going to embolden customers to listen to the governor and disregard what they say when they post the sign on the door? one businessowner had this to say yesterday. >> we will be at 100% capacity. it's our responsibility to make sure that everybody is safe when they are entering in our cafe. if it's socially distancing or wearing masks and then keeping our cafes as clean as possible, that's what we have to do. >> reporter: it's important to note that there are consequences for those people who choose not to follow a clearly stated policy on a business door. that is, police say they could be arrested and charged with criminal trespass. however, greg abbott, the governor of texas, said that from a municipal standpoint, people cannot be charged for not choosing to wear a mask. one interesting development we have seen play out is that austin has enacted a public health mandate that essentially supersedes the governor's order. we will see if the state challenges that. jeff? >> those businessowners are in a tight spot. thanks for that. up next, live to minneapolis to check in on jury selection in the derek chauvin trial. joyce vance is here to help us break down what we are learning about what's happening inside the courtroom. make sure you are watching msnbc tonight. nicolle wallace will host requested lives well lived," debt indicated to remembering and honoring covid-19 victims and their families. tomorrow chris haze hosts "all in america," live from the lincoln memorial. reflect on the past year and offer a hopeful look ahead. those air tonight and tomorrow right here on msnbc. right here on msnbc. don't settle for silver #1 for diabetic dry skin* #1 for psoriasis symptom relief* and #1 for eczema symptom relief* gold bond champion your skin dad, it's a video call. gold bond hold the phone in front of you. how's that? get...get mom. 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what else can you tell us about how day three is shaping up now? >> reporter: jeff, the jury selection process is anonymous. we won't have our eyes on the juror. we are pulling out clues from the questioning phase that we are listening to. we know this fourth juror, he is a man. he is from central minnesota. we know he has a wedding coming up in the beginning of may, which can conflict with jury deliberations. don't worry. the judge said they will make sure he makes it to his wedding. he will be joining three other jurors seated yesterday. two of them are white men, an auditor and chemist. another is a biracial woman in her 20s or 30s. you have both sides asking interesting questions to these potential jurors. one thing that the prosecution is making clear about is that they are keeping a close eye on the racial makeup of the potential jury. i want you to listen to an exchange we saw in the court yesterday that showed exactly how much they are paying attention to this. >> i draw the parallel between juror number four, who is hispanic, and juror number two who identified as white. the answer to questions are markedly similar, if not the same. >> the difference between this particular juror and the prior juror is that the prior juror had not watched video. he had limited his intentional exposure. >> reporter: we now have four jurors seated out of the nearly 30 that have been examined either by questionnaire or with that in-person questioning. one thing that we continue to hear is that most of the jurors have seen or heard of the george floyd situation, have seen that video. what both sides are making sure of is they can set aside any preconceived notions and they pledge to be impartial once the trial is underway. jeff? >> joyce, let's talk big picture. walk us through the strategies you are seeing play out from the defense and from the prosecution. >> the selection of jurors, once of the things you really want to make sure whether you are a prosecutor or a defense lawyer is that you don't end up with a juror who has made up their mind, who has a hidden agenda that they are trying to conceal. as shaq says, it's unlikely you will find a juror who hasn't heard about this case. most people have seen pictures and have watched the video. what the lawyers are trying to do is to make sure the jurors are being honest so that the lawyers can evaluate potential bias. that's why in the jury questionnaire, there were questions not only about whether they had seen or heard about the case but questions like, how many times have you watched the video? did you march in protests and carry a sign? if so, what did that sign say? jury selection is more art than it is science. this is the point in time for the lawyers to exercise their art. >> joyce, as we see the live picture from the courtroom, we are seeing the judge preside over this jury selection. what more do we know about him? what more do you know about him that you can tell us about? >> he has been on the bench since 2007. he had experience on both the prosecution and the defense side before then. interestingly enough, he was senator amy klobuchar's chief deputy when she was the county prosecutor. he has a reputation for being a judge who engages in strong control of his courtroom. the judge's job is to call the balls and the strikes and to not intrude into the process. what we have seen him do so far is i think bend over backwards to make sure that there won't by any error in the record that could lead to a reversal of a verdict if there is a verdict of guilt on appeal. >> shaq, i don't know if you can see what we are watching. the judge put on a headset. he had a brief conversation. now he has gotten up to walk off. do you know what's happening right now inside the courtroom? >> reporter: yeah. the headset is something we have seen since the beginning of the trial. tease one of the covid modifications. in addition to the plexiglas that you are seeing, instead of the attorneys coming up to the bench to have a private conference with the judge, they all have these football coach looking headsets where they put them on, the judge puts up sound so no one in the courtroom can hear what is going on. that's how they have the private conference. you are getting a sense of, yes, they are trying to have this trial in the middle of the pandemic. that's one of the modifications that they have made to make this happen. >> thanks for that clarification. joyce, one question we keep hearing during juror selection is how a juror handles conflict. the second juror eventually picked for this trial described herself as a mediator. what are the lawyers looking for about how these potential jurors handle conflict and how it could affect the ultimate outcome of the case? >> you know, there's both a substance and process motive behind the substantively, they look at how they process what occurred. they will want to really have a sense of what the juror's personal style is. there's also a process question, i suspect, buried in here. because the lawyers are trying to figure out how each juror will perform as part of the group. would they be a leader, someone who would drive the are jury's decision? are they someone who is more likely to be a follower, to listen and to accept a majority view? lots going on in jury selection. >> indeed. thanks to joyce vance and shaquille brewster. this saturday marks one year since louisville police shot and killed breonna taylor. she was a 26-year-old emt. she was killed while police were serving a no knock warrant on her apartment. the kentucky attorney general said the officers were justified because taylor's boyfriend they said shot first. her boyfriend has said he thought it was a home invasion. charges against walker were permanently dropped on monday. to this day, the only indictment in the case was for bullets fired into her neighbor's wall. my colleague blayne alexander sat down with taylor's mother to talk about her focus since her daughter was killed. take a look at this. >> reporter: you say one year later your focus is still to get justice. the focus is the same as it was one year ago. >> absolutely. nobody has been held accountable. that's the problem. until that happens, i guess i will just continue to fight. i don't know what else to do. >> reporter: do you feel like you have seen the needle move at all? >> no. not really. >> the city of louisville has passed breonna's law which bans no knock warrants in the city. see more of that interview by my colleague blayne alexander tonight on "nbc nightly news" at 6:30 p.m. eastern in most places. we are watching the house floor. we expect to see the vote to pass the covid relief package get underway any minute now or i should say soon since it could happen next hour. we will talk about the bill that helps millions of people. it might not get help to everyone who needs it. i will talk to the director of the national domestic workers alliance which represents home health aides, cleaners and nanny nannys about what it leaves out. nannys about what it leaves out. . uh, i-i'm actually just going to get an iced coffee. well, she may have a destination this one time, but usually -- no, i-i usually have a destination. yeah, but most of the time, her destination is freedom. nope, just the coffee shop. announcer: no matter why you ride, progressive has you covered with protection starting at $79 a year. voiceover: 'cause she's a biker... please don't follow me in. to support a strong immune system, your body needs routine. voiceover: 'cause she's a biker... centrum helps your immune defenses every day, with vitamin c, d and zinc. season, after season. ace your immune support, with centrum. with relapsing forms of ms, there's a lot to deal with. not just unpredictable relapses. all these other things too. who needs that kind of drama? 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>> let me just start by saying who domestic workers are. we are talking about a majority of women of color who are working providing caregiving and cleaning services. they are predominantly mothers of young children and primary income earners for their families who earn poverty wages. this american rescue plan will be tremendous. it is an essential life line after they have been struggling to survive in this pandemic. it's from the child tax credit that will help families with young children, low-income families, the expansion of the earned income tax credit which will help low-income workers across the board. it's the stabilization of home and community-based care for the elderly and people with disabilities as well as our childcare system that will support enormous numbers of low-income families, including domestic workers. this is a tremendous step forward. i don't want to underestimate the significance of that. just to begin with. i do think there is so much more that we need to do if we're to actually start to imagine a pathway to economic recovery. we have to make sure that our immigrant families are fully included. we have 5 million essential workers who are undocumented and have been working on the front lines of this pandemic every day for a year now, including undocumented essential care workers. they should have a pathway to citizenship. they should fully be a part of our economic recovery. we should be investing in our caregivinginfrastructure. we think about the millions of women of color who have been pushed out of the workforce because of caregiving challenges, we need to think about how we are investing in our caregiving services like essential infrastructure, roads, bridges, broadband. care and care work is essential to our economic recovery. that's i think what we need to be thinking about is the incredible, tremendous step forward that the rescue plan is. we need to celebrate it and remember the voters elected president biden and vice president harris so that this would be possible. there's so much more work to do to ensure that we have a recovery that lifts up everyone, especially women of color, like domestic workers. >> let me ask you this. you have articulated very well the problem, all the things that the government should do, all the things that the government needs to do. it is an objective fact, as you well know, that marginalized folks have not had a voice in our politics that is commensurate with their need. how do you leverage your political influence, your political capital, to make sure president biden and vice president harris do the thing they should do, so that four years from now we aren't having the same conversations about how domestic workers don't have the help they need and deserve? >> look, this is an organizing moment. we made the impossible possible, organizing and turning out unprecedented numbers of voters to the polls in 2020. that was just the beginning of the organizing challenge ahead. this is an fdr moment for the president and vice president. movements and everyday people who are organizing at the community level, complete the context for fdr moments. we have to keep calling our members of congress. we have to keep engaged. we have to keep organizing in order to realize the promise of this moment for economic recovery, especially for women of color and other people on the margins. >> an fdr moment. i've written that down in my notes. ai-jen poo, thank you for joining us this morning. still to come, a photographer and a man who would not let injustice stand. his friends called him a quirkipedia. we'll take a more to remember one of the more than 530,000 americans who've lost their life to this virus. ve lost their life to this virus. and #1 for eczema symptom relief* gold bond champion your skin with hepatitis c... ...i felt i couldn't be at my... gold bond for my family. in only 8 weeks with mavyret... ...i was cured. i faced reminders of my hep c every day. i worried about my hep c. but in only 8 weeks with mavyret... ...i was cured. mavyret is the only 8-week cure for all types of hep c. before starting mavyret your doctor will test... ...if you've had hepatitis b which may flare up and cause serious liver problems during and after treatment. tell your doctor if you've had hepatitis b, a liver or kidney transplant,... ...other liver problems, hiv-1, or other medical conditions,... ...and all medicines you take. don't take mavyret with atazanavir... ...or rifampin, or if you've had certain liver problems. if you've had or have serious liver problems other than hep c, there's a rare chance they may worsen. signs of serious liver problems may include yellowing of the skin, abdominal pain or swelling, confusion, and unexplained bleeding or bruising. tell your doctor if you develop symptoms of liver disease. common side effects include headache and tiredness. with hep c behind me, i feel free... ...fearless... ...because i am cured. if you can't afford your medicine, abbvie may be able to help. struggling to manage my type 2 diabetes was knocking me out of my zone, but lowering my a1c with once-weekly ozempic® helped me get back in it. ♪ oh, oh, oh, ozempic® ♪ my zone? lowering my a1c and losing some weight. now, back to the show. ozempic® is proven to lower a1c. most people who took ozempic® reached an a1c under 7 and maintained it. and you may lose weight. adults lost on average up to 12 pounds. ozempic® isn't for people with type 1 diabetes or diabetic ketoacidosis. don't share needles or pens, or reuse needles. don't take ozempic® if you or your family ever had medullary thyroid cancer, or have multiple endocrine neoplasia syndrome type 2, or if allergic to it. stop ozempic® and get medical help right away if you get a lump or swelling in your neck, severe stomach pain, or an allergic reaction. serious side effects may include pancreatitis. tell your provider about vision problems or changes. taking ozempic® with a sulfonylurea or insulin may increase low blood sugar risk. side effects like nausea, vomiting, and diarrhea may lead to dehydration, which may worsen kidney problems. once-weekly ozempic® helped me get in my type 2 diabetes zone. ask your health care provider how it can help you get in yours. ♪ oh, oh, oh, ozempic® ♪♪ you may pay as little as $25 for a 3-month prescription. keeping your oysters business growing has you swamped. you need to hire. i need indeed indeed you do. the moment you sponsor a job on indeed you get a shortlist of quality candidates from a resume data base claim your seventy-five-dollar credit when you post your first job at this week we're taking a moment every day to honor the more than 530,000 americans we have lost to this virus. one of the lives cut short was corky lee, the undisputed unofficial asian-american photographer laureate. that's how corky described himself on his business card. he spent decades using his camera as an agent for social change. corky's activism led to new york city printing ballots translated into chinese. chinatown's first street health fair. and there was so much more. this is corky lee in the words of his long-time partner, karen ju, and close friend virgo lee. >> corky truly believed in combating injustice, indifference, and discrimination. >> that i think was at the core of his personality, was that he -- if he saw an injustice, he wanted to record it and then he wanted to do something about it. >> so he felt that this would be his lifelong commitment, to cover those that were invisible and not often heard from or seen. he cared deeply about the asian american community because he knew that there was a lot of struggles and needs that were not being addressed. as well as the triumphs. he had so much knowledge. like i think somebody coined the knowledge corkipedia. >> he was very enthusiastic and he was very friendly. he was easy to get along with. he was talkative, outgoing, always had a friendly smile on his face. >> he had so much energy and he was always running about. and we kind of expected him in the community as just this fixture. >> it's just unthinkable that he would succumb to covid-19 because he's been doing this for 50 years and he had been everywhere. literally everywhere. we never thought that covid-19 would get the best of him. >> he used to say when he's six feet under pushing up daisies then people start realizing everything he's done. but of course we all knew all along. . >> corky lee passed from covid-19 on january 27th. mr. lee was 73 years old. that does it for me this hour. "andrea mitchell reports" starts after a short break. on freshly baked bread! so, let's get out there and get those footlongs. now on grubhub, buy one footlong, get one 50% off. subway®. eat fresh. good day, everyone. i'm andrea mitchell with breaking news in washington. president biden and congressional democrats are about to clear the last big hurdle to deliver on nearly $2 trillion in crucial covid relief. we are awaiting the final vote of the american rescue plan. a house democratic majority is expected to pass the senate's covid bill today, giving president biden his first big legislative victory.

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Disagreement , Opposition , Ton , Bilk , Children , Affordable Care Act , Number , House Progressives , Proed Vivides Benefits , Sides , Voters , Positions , 77 , Positive , Approval Rating , Ten , 59 , Seven , Agenda , Pandemic , Everything , Response , Step , Wall , Priority , Unemployment Benefits , Momentum , Food , Perspective , Table , Doesn T , Popularity , Issues , Reform , Voting Reform , Immigration , Something , Question , Legislation , Piece , Support , Decision , Path , Infrastructure , Items , Lot , Pdf , Didn T , Pages , Checks , 600 , 400 , 1400 , 300 , 198 , Rescue , Stimulus Payments , Parts , Resolution , Students , Mortgage Relief , Households , Brent , Sort , Food Stamps , Lunch , 90 , Changes , Premiums , Summer , Tune , Problem , Rescues , Of , Suffering , Cobra , Zero , Answer , Congress , Once In A Lifetime Disaster , Wasn T , 5 Trillion , 5 Trillion , Inconsistencies , Divide , Administration , Policies , Lift , Thanks , Solution , Carol , Truth , Senate , Congresswoman Norma Tores , Unemployment , Individuals , Payments , Cut , Versus , 00000 , 100000 , Minimum Wage , Threshold , 0000 , 80000 , Bottom Line , Voting , Rescue Plan , Battle , Communities , Pockets , Hearing , Rental Assistance , Food Assistance , Lives , Constituents , Evictions , Virus , It Didn T , Front Line Workers , Masks , Joke , Distancing , Child Tax Credit , Talk , Nose , Let , Child Poverty , It Doesn T Make Sense , 27 Million , Bridges , World , Food Insecurity , Countries , Tents , Cars , Bill Today , More , Speaker , Nbc News , Exchange , Relief Package , Mutating , Capital , Expending , Life , American , Table A Year , Health Care , Six , Point , Infections , Front , Back To School , Economy , Life Line , Job Losses , Moms , Place , Fight , Tell Me , 15 , Sources , Federal Minimum Wage , The Hill , 5 , Members , Efforts , Message , Wage , Raise , Vehicle , 10 , 0 , 11 , Workers , Let S Go , Let S Talk , Jobs , Conversations , Living Wage , Ends Meet , Majority , It Shouldn T , Caucus , Passing A , Plan , Families , Morning , Briefing , Response Team , Cases , Businesses , Texas , Health Experts , Surge , Doctor , Woman , Prescription , Reunions , Granddaughter , Bronx , Hadn T , Brains , Someone , Care , Colon Cancer , Heart , Soul , Tears , Mouth , Risk , Stages , Colon Cancers , Cologuard , Stool , Dna , 45 , 92 , Prescriber , Results , Limu Emu , Everybody , Squawks , Laughter , Car Insurance , Meow , Liberty Mutual , Ihey Limu , Game On , All Star , Liberty , Filter , Pay , Buddy , Go Play Hey Now , Emu , Ah Ha , Nobody , Show , Burger , Hearing Aids , Wings , Glitters , Hair , Rock Star , Deborah Vo , Applebee S , , Experience , Miracle Ear , Vo , Time , Brand Leader , Hearing Aid , Exclusive , Miracle Earmini A , Deborah , 70 , Difference , Miracle Earmini , Comcast , 30 , Xfinity , Internet , Community Centers , School Districts , Country , Hundreds , Laptops , Impact , Parents , 1000 , 4 Million , Homework , Wifi , Anything , Spaces , Lift Zones , Order , Jeff , Health And Human Services , Andy Slavitt , Brief Ingbriefing , Single , Founder , Ceo , Way , Health Equity , Dose Shot , Yahoo News Medical Contributor , Plus , Third , Ability , Reasons , U S Population , Case , Moderna Run , Booster Shot , Case Pfizer , Rest , Issue , Vaccine Supply , Vaccine Equity , Vaccinations , Tweet , Skilled Nursing Facilities , 96 , 1474 , 34000 , Drop , Data , Trick , Evidence , Case Numbers , Nursing Home Data , States , Mind , Population , Variants , Critical Point , Lifting Restrictions , Percentage , Alaska , U S State , On Tuesday , Vaccine Eligibility , 16 , Estate , Terms , Area , Seniors , Messengers , Model , Rate , Areas , Resources , Vaccine Uptake , Education , Outreach , Restrictions , Science , Public Health , Experts , Spike , Loosening , Reopening , Starting Today , 48 , Transmission , Infection , Vaccination Rates , Coronavirus , Mandate , Texans , Opportunity , Lines , Service , Unprotected , Crowds , Governor , Capacity , Citizens , Cities , Safety Precautions , Nbc S , Dallas , Morgan Chesky , It , Lifting , Business , Restaurants , Expansion , The Deep Elm District , Haven T , Keeping Policies , Aren T , Bars , 75 , Businessowners , Sign , Customers , Business Standpoint , Door , Disregard , 2020 , June Of 2020 , Businessowner , Responsibility , Cafe , Consequences , Cafes , Policy , Police , Standpoint , Trespass , Business Door , Greg Abbott , Play , Mask , Austin , Health , Development , Jury Selection , Spot , Up Next , Vance , Msnbc , Lives Well Lived , Derek Chauvin Trial , Learning , Nicolle Wallace , Victims , All In America , Debt , Lincoln Memorial , Skin , Don T Settle , Psoriasis Symptom Relief , Air Tonight , Most , Bond , E Trade , App , Champion , Video Call , Phone , Skin Dad , Mom , Get , 24 7 , Don T Get Mad , Sub , Dunk , Subway , Tender Steak , Cheese , Bacon , Draymond Green , Call 911 , Safe , Gas , Pg E , Subway Eat Fresh , Jayson , 911 , Wires , Wire , Murder Trial , Lawyers , Neck , Perspective Juror , Police Officer , Day Proceedings , Kneeling , Attorney , Shaquille Brewster , Nine , Shaq , Contributor , Professor , University Of Alabama Law School , Oman , Questioning Phase , Clues , Eyes , Central Minnesota , Jury Selection Process Is Anonymous , Jurors , Judge , Wedding , Beginning , May , Jury Deliberations , Men , Don T Worry , Questions , Another , Chemist , Auditor , 20 , Prosecution , Thing , Jury , Court , Makeup , Attention , We Saw , White , Parallel , Hispanic , Four , Video , Same , Exposure , Questionnaire , Questioning , George Floyd Situation , Notions , Joyce , Selection , Picture , Defense , Strategies , Prosecutor , Defense Lawyer , Hasn T , Who , Hidden Agenda , Pictures , Bias , Jury Questionnaire , Times , Protests , Art , Bench , 2007 , Amy Klobuchar , Defense Side , Reputation , Chief Deputy , County , Job , Terror , Record , Control , Balls , Strikes , Bend , Verdict , Headset , Guilt , Appeal , Reversal , Conversation , Modifications , Addition , Plexiglas , Attorneys , Headsets , Football Coach , Sense Of , Middle , Conflict , Mediator , Clarification , Motive , Substance , Outcome , Process Question , Sense , Style , Substantively , Leader , Group , Follower , Majority View , Lots , Breonna Taylor , Boyfriend , Officers , No Knock Warrant , Emt , Apartment , Attorney General , Kentucky , 26 , Indictment , Walker , Home Invasion , Charges , Neighbor , Bullets , Focus , Blayne Alexander Sat , Justice , Mother , Daughter , Needle Move , City Of Louisville , In The City , Law , Places , Interview , Nbc Nightly News , 6 , Everyone , Help , Millions , Cleaners , Alliance , Nannys , Nanny , Director , Home Health Aides , Destination , Coffee , Freedom , Nope , Coffee Shop , Hi , Uh , Body , Voiceover , Don T , Biker , Announcer , Centrum , Defenses , Protection , Immune System , Matter , D , Vitamin C , Progressive , Zinc , 79 , 9 , Season , Race , Relapses , Relapsing , Ms , Injection , Don T Take Kesimpta , Rms Drama , Versus Aubagio , Drama , Kind , Lesions , Superior , Side Effects , Hepatitis B , Trials , Pml , Kesimpta , Types , Headache , Reactions , Upper Respiratory Tract Infection , Decrease , Antibodies , Verizon , Cost , Network , You 5g , Plans , Entertainment , Top , Match , Espn , Disney , Hulu , A1c , Stop Trulicity , Insulin , Binge , Power , Galaxy , Type 2 Diabetes , Events , 7 , 2 , Family , Type 1 Diabetes , Medullary Thyroid Cancer , Trulicity Isn T , Use , Endocrine Neoplasia Syndrome Type 2 , Blood Sugar Risk , Swelling , Lump , Stomach Pain , Reaction , Pancreatitis , Sulfonylurea , Nausea , Diarrhea , Vomiting , Taking Trulicity , Vision , Diabetic Retinopathy , Kidney Problems , Dehydration , Wealth Planning , Value , Advisor , At Fidelity , Life Changes , Tax , Investing Strategies , Access , Brokerage Accounts , You Trade , Both , Personalized Advice , Signature , Caregivers , Cracks , Thousands , Executive Director , Cash Economy , Per Se , Assistance , Labor Department , Women , Color , Cleaning Services , American Rescue Plan , Mothers , Poverty Wages , Income Earners , Income Tax Credit , Childcare System , Home , Disabilities , Board , Elderly , Stabilization , Numbers , Significance , Immigrant , Pathway To Economic Recovery , Essential Workers , Essential Care Workers , Pathway , 5 Million , Recovery , Caregivinginfrastructure , Citizenship , Workforce , Services , Essential Infrastructure , Challenges , Roads , Broadband , Incredible , Harris , Domestic Workers , Government , Fact , Politics , Need , Voice , Influence , Polls , Fdr , Organizing Challenge , Context , Movements , Community Level , Organizing , Margins , Promise , Photographer , Fdr Moment , Notes , Ai Jen Poo , Friends , Injustice Stand , Him A Quirkipedia , Eve , 530000 , Hepatitis C , Reminders , My Hep C , Hep C , 8 , Liver Problems , Liver , Cause , Treatment , Hiv 1 , Mavyret , Signs , Chance , Medicines , Have , Conditions , Atazanavir , Rifampin , Don T Take Mavyret , Confusion , Symptoms , Medicine , Abdominal Pain , Bleeding , Yellowing , Bruising , Liver Disease , Tiredness , Dime , Fearless , Don T Take Ozempic , Zone , Oh , Abbvie , Weight , Adults , 12 , Needles , Endocrine Neoplasia Syndrome , Pens , Reuse , Share , Diabetic Ketoacidosis , Vision Problems , Stop Ozempic , Provider , Type 2 Diabetes Zone , Health Care Provider , Shortlist , Business Growing , Oysters , Candidates , Data Base , Seventy Five , 25 , 3 , Corky Lee , Business Card , Asian American Photographer Laureate , Partner , Social Change , Agent , Ballots , Camera , Words , First Street Health Fair , New York City , Chinese , Chinatown , Corky S Activism , Injustice , Personality , Indifference , Friend Virgo Lee , Discrimination , Core , Karen Ju , Commitment , Community , Struggles , Asian American , Knowledge Corkipedia , Somebody , Knowledge , Triumphs , Face , Smile , Energy , Everywhere , Fixture , Course , Best , Daisies , Six Feet Under , Mr , Covid 19 On January 27th , 27 , 73 , January 27th , Footlongs , Andrea Mitchell Reports , Footlong , Break , Bread , Grubhub , Democrats , Breaking News , Hurdle , Eat Fresh , Andrea Mitchell , Washington , Covid Bill Today , Big Legislative Victory , 2 Trillion , Trillion ,

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