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the question is, how will the biden administration handle it? it's "way too early" for this. good morning! and welcome to "way too early," the show that knows some very, very happy grandparents this morning. i am kasie hunt on this tuesday, march 9th. we'll start with the news. the cdc has released new guidelines for those who are fully vaccinated, offering hope that life could soon return to normal. >> we've been through a lot this past year, and with more and more people getting vaccinated each day, we are starting to turn a corner. fully vaccinated people can visit with other fully vaccinated people indoors without wearing a mask or physical distancing. visit with unvaccinated people from a single household who are at low risk of severe covid-19 disease indoors without wearing masks or physical distancing. and refrain from quarantine and testing following a known covid-19 exposure if the vaccinated person remains asymptomatic. >> however, the cdc continues to recommend that fully vaccinated people wear well-fitted masks, avoid large gatherings, and physically distance themselves from others when they're out in public. and vaccination doesn't mean that people can move freely about the country. cdc said people should continue to follow their local health department's travel recommendations. the "associated press" reports some health experts are arguing the guidance says nothing about going to restaurants or other places, even though governors are lifting restrictions on businesses. emergency physician and public health professor dr. leana wen told the "ap," quote, the cdc is missing a major opportunity to tie vaccination status with reopening guidance. by coming out with limited guidance, they are missing the window to influence state and national policy. here's hoping as more of us get vaccinated, we'll have more information and the freedom to do some things that we've all been missing out on for quite some time now, basically a year as of this week. and speaking of that, president joe biden is set to deliver his first prime time address this thursday, and it will commemorate the one-year anniversary of the covid-19 shutdowns that rocked the nation. according to the white house, biden is going to use the moment to reflect on the vast sacrifices made by the american people and the grave loss that communities and families across the country have suffered. biden will also highlight the role that americans will play in beating the virus, while moving the country toward normalcy. the covid-19 pandemic has upended everybody's life in the u.s. it's disrupted the economy. since the start, more than 29 million americans have been diagnosed with covid-19 and nearly 530,000 americans have died. it's been an incredibly difficult year. all right, to politics now. republican senator roy blunt of missouri has become the latest member of his party to nonis announce he won't be seeking re-election. he served since 1997, including two terms in the senate, said he's "tried to do my best to represent missourians over the last two decades." he is the fifth republican senator to announce plans to retire, joining senators richard shelby of alabama, rob portman of ohio, pat toomey of pennsylvania, and richard burr of north carolina. so far, no democratic senators have announced plans to retire in 2022. and one thing that ties all the these men together is that they are in the pre-trump mold of the governing republican party, not the post-trump era. it's going to make a lot of space, potentially, for more candidates, more senators who mold themselves in the way that trump has envisioned the republican party. it could change things quite a bit in the senate. meanwhile, the "washington post" is reporting that the republican national committee is moving part of its spring donor retreat next month to former president trump's mar-a-lago club in palm beach. the move highlights trump's continued grip over the gop as top republicans debate the future of the party post trump. the "post" notes that the decision to move part of the event to mar-a-lago comes mit a spat over the rnc and other republican organizations' use of trump's likeness and image in fund-raising as well as anxiety about how trump plans to use his influence in the 2022 midterms. and there's a new illustration of that. late yesterday, the former president sent out a statement, encouraging donors to give money to his save america pac, rather than giving to republicans that he has dubbed rinos -- republicans in name only. joining us now, co-founder of punch bowl news, jake sherman. he's also an msnbc political contributor. jake, good morning. always great to see you. let's talk about roy blunt for a second. he is, of course, the senior senator from missouri, the junior senator being josh hawley, who is clearly trying to set himself up to be the heir to whatever trump has created here for the gop. but this, putting his name on that list, means that mitch mcconnell is losing a significant group of senators who have been in the chamber a long time, who are willing to work with democrats to get things done, who take a view of legislating that's more sober than some of these other candidates we've seen who are so media-focused in the trump mold. what does this mean and what does this say about what governing here in washington is going to look like in the next four years? >> well, good morning, kasie. i think a few things. i think we're getting a senate full of josh hawleys, instead of a senate full of roy blunts, richard shelbys and rob portmans. i think that's the reality of it. i think we're getting a republican party that's reflective, more reflective, perhaps, of the trump era, than the george w. bush era. and what you said at the top is so right, mitch mcconnell is losing a lot of allies -- roy blunt, richard shelby, rob portman, potentially chuck grassley, who is 87 years old, pat toomey also, as you're showing right there, is a close ally of mitch mcconnell's as well in some cases. so, you just have -- that's -- i mean, in a chamber of only 50 republicans at the moment and 100 lawmakers, about you lose five, that's a pretty big punch. i'm not saying that mitch mcconnell's in any danger, but this is looking like the marsha blackburn/josh hawley senate more than the mitch mcconnell senate at the moment. >> yeah. i mean, it's really -- i don't think -- it's hard to overstate the significance of the shift, to have all of these members on their way out while their replacements coming in just have completely different tone and tenor and approach to the job. i think it's really going to change the way things are done. jake, let's talk for a second about the covid relief package. the vote seems to be sliding by a day as they try to get the text together for it. do you see any challenges on the horizon getting this back through the house? i mean, progressives have been critical of joe manchin for essentially forcing them to negotiate with themselves, lowering that unemployment number. do you see any problems? i mean, i have a hard time imagining someone's going to stand up and say, yeah, actually, i'm going to stand in the way of democratic president's first major priority. >> no, i mean, if it was republicans, they probably would, and they would hold out for that last $100 a week in unemployment insurance that joe manchin and senate democrats cut. i do think it's going to pass, kasie. i think it's going to pass easily. but remember, i mean, nancy pelosi has a five-seat margin before she is in big trouble or before she can't pass a bill. but no, i do think the progressive left is going to stay with joe biden here, is going to deliver him his victory without much turbulence. i was a bit surprised about that. i thought that there would be more kind of tumult on the left, but there's not. and that's a big win for nancy pelosi, chuck schumer, and joe biden, to get this bill across the finish line this week. i was skeptical, and we've talked about it before, that they would get this done by the march 14th deadline, but here we are and it looks like they're going to. >> and it does, i think, say something about how nancy pelosi has focused on managing that part of her caucus in a way that, certainly, speaker boehner, speaker ryan struggled to manage mark meadows and company to the point that, of course, john boehner's new book doesn't even have mark meadows' name on the jacket! i'm very excited to talk about that when it comes out. punch bowl news' jake sherman, thank you very much. we appreciate it. let's go to the border where there are new concerns about another potential humanitarian crisis. two sources confirm to nbc news that more than 3,200 unaccompanied migrant children are in border patrol custody. that number is a record. nearly half of the children have been held beyond the three-day legal limit, some in holding cells that aren't designed for kids. and according to a source, nearly 170 of these children are under the age of 13. "the new york times" was first to report the number of detained children, and the paper, citing international customs and border patrol documents -- internal, excuse me, internal customs and border patrol documents, reported that the number has tripled in the last two weeks. homeland security secretary alejandro ma lorekas led officials to the border to tour the facilities. white house officials plan to brief president biden about what they have found. all right, still ahead here, the very latest in the investigation into sexual harassment acquisitions against new york governor andrew cuomo. plus, a look at the reaction and fallout from prince harry and meghan markle's explosive interview with oprah. we're going to have those stories and a check on your weather when we come right back. weather when we come right back. it all starts with an invitation... experience lexus. the invitation to lexus sales event. lease the 2021 nx 300 for $359 a month for 36 month's, and we'll make you're first month's payment. experience amazing. 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umbc point guard darnell rogers, who at 5'2" is believed to be the shortest scholarship player in d-1 basketball, entered the ncaa transfer portal yesterday. umbc is the latest of three stops in the redshirt senior's collegiate career. he still has two years to play at his next school after the ncaa granted winter athletes an additional year of eligibility because of the pandemic. rogers can withdraw his name from the transfer portal, if he decides to return to umbc. 5'2"! pretty cool. who knew? all right, time now for the weather. let's go to meteorologist bill karins for a check on the forecast. bill, happy tuesday! it's tuesday, right? is it tuesday? i think it's tuesday. >> oh, it is going to be a happy tuesday, kasie, yeah. this is going to be a fantastic day! i mean, i don't know if you saw the forecast, you know, all week long for the last, like, i don't know, maybe seven days? we've been saying, the warmth is going to finally head to the eastern half of the country, and today is the day. it's still going to be warm in the middle of the nation, where you've been actually enjoying this spring fling for, you know, like a week. but look at today's temperatures. 70s in charlotte and richmond, new york city getting up near 60 degrees. this will be the warmest in the northeast in a while. and how about the middle of the country? omaha 75 today? minneapolis at 68. and then it continues right into wednesday, this same region of the country's going to be very warm. and we will have some pollen outbreaks and people will be complaining about that, but everyone suffering with winter snow and cold, especially in the northeast and great lakes, this will be a welcome change. of course, this is march, so you do expect it not to last. it will cool off this upcoming weekend, chicago 43, new york city back into the upper 40s, but we'll take a three-day warm spring fling, if we can get it. in the west is where all the bad and active weather is, a lot of stormy weather today in areas of california, but we need it. we've been very dry and we will see some rainfall forecast, especially in the mountains and areas of southern california and even some snowpack on top of that. so, kasie, as advertised, spring warmth for the eastern half of the country today. make your outdoor lunch plans, and especially this afternoon. it should be gorgeous. >> can't wait. wonderful way to start the day with you, bill karins. thank you very much. we'll see you tomorrow, my friend. and still ahead here, first there were calls to resign. now new york governor andrew cuomo is facing an impeachment effort from republicans. g an imt effort from republicans. are waking up to what's possible with rybelsus®. ♪ you are my sunshine ♪ ♪ my only sunshine... ♪ rybelsus® works differently than any other diabetes pill to lower blood sugar in all 3 of these ways... increases insulin... decreases sugar... and slows food. the majority of people taking rybelsus® lowered their blood sugar and reached an a1c of less than 7. people taking rybelsus® lost up to 8 pounds. rybelsus® isn't for people with type 1 diabetes or diabetic ketoacidosis. don't take rybelsus® if you or your family ever had medullary thyroid cancer, or have multiple endocrine neoplasia syndrome type 2, or if allergic to it. stop rybelsus® and get medical help right away if you get a lump or swelling in your neck, severe stomach pain, or an allergic reaction. serious side effects may include pancreatitis. tell your provider about vision problems or changes. taking rybelsus® with a sulfonylurea or insulin increases low blood sugar risk. side effects like nausea, vomiting, and diarrhea may lead to dehydration which may worsen kidney problems. wake up to what's possible with rybelsus®. ♪ please don't take my sunshine away ♪ you may pay as little as $10 per prescription. ask your healthcare provider about rybelsus® today. was that your great-grandmother, keeping the family together? 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email your reasons for being up and watching with us to or drop me a tweet, @kasie. use #waytooearly, and we'll read our favorite answers later in the show. this is an athlete, twenty reps deep, sprinting past every leak in our softest, smoothest fabric. she's confident, protected, her strength respected. depend. the only thing stronger than us, is you. 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what's your latest reporting on what the next big project is going to be out of the white house as they try to make sure that the economy stays on track for recovery? >> well, the next big package will be this infrastructure package, but what the white house can't decide is whether it's going to be a narrower project-based package or a more encompassing, broader-based piece of legislation that incorporates a lot of parts of the president's campaign trail agenda, like child care, like expanding the social safety net, workforce retraining, and including a lot of those things in that package. they know that they only have one more shot at using the budget process for a party-line vote this year, and they have a lot of things that they want to get done. infrastructure is just one of them. there's also expanding health care. there is also immigration, and there's a whole host of other things that they want to do. and so, they're going to have to narrow down these priorities and figure out exactly what they can do on a bipartisan basis or what they can even do in year one at all. they're hoping that republicans pay a political price for not voting for the american rescue plan this week, but kasie, that simply wasn't the case back in 2010 and 2009 during the last stimulus and health care go-round. and in fact, even at that time, mitch mcconnell told then treasury secretary tim geithner that obstruction was working for them. and of course, they flipped both houses in the midterms. and so, it's unclear exactly what republicans' strategy is here or how they think it will positively play out for them. but certainly, the white house is hoping at some point they come around if poll numbers start to shift. >> yeah. you know, it's funny, joe scarborough and i have gone back and forth about this, because there are so many differences between that particular era, but it is where republicans learned lessons about how to fight against something like this politically. one challenge that does seem to be here, kayla -- and i'm curious -- i know you spent a lot of time thinking about how all of this interacts, the economy and policy. there have been some concerns that this is too much money at a time where we may risk inflation or, you know, prices going up in a way that we have not seen, frankly, in decades. how concerned is the biden administration and democratic members of congress about that? >> well, they're not all that concerned because they say, look at what the trump administration did. they had easy money, low taxes, 4% unemployment, and there wasn't inflation even then. so, based on where the economy is right now, in a crisis, it's still going to be elusive, and that's their belief. they also point to data showing that because interest rates are low, the government can keep spending and it can't afford not to. that's what the president says over and over again. but kasie, we've seen interest rates rising, even if the fed isn't moving, interest rates in the market are rising. and so, the cost for the government to borrow is going to go up. and so, that's going to change that argument for them a little bit. >> all right. cnbc's kayla tausche, thank you, as always, for getting up early with us. really appreciate you being here. all right, time now for something totally different. sunday night's oprah interview with meghan and harry drew in 17.1 million viewers, according to preliminary data from neilsen. the number of viewers steadily climbed as the two-hour interview progressed. and neilsen reports that the audience was twice the size of an average prime time broadcast ratings winner in any normal given week. the total number of viewers is expected to grow once neilsen factors in streaming and out-of-home viewers. all those viewers and more around the world have a lot to say about the shocking allegations that were revealed to oprah, with many taking to social media to speculate about which members of the royal family may have been involved. and while the palace has yet to respond to the interview, oprah appeared on "cbs this morning" yesterday, sharing who was not involved in on the more troubling conversations about archie's skin tone. >> yes, and he did not share the identity with me, but he wanted to make sure that i knew, and if i had an opportunity to share it, that it was not his grandmother nor his grandfather that were a part of those conversations. >> that it was not his grandmother and prince philip, you said? >> yes, and his grandfather. neither their grandmother nor grandfather were a part of those conversations. he did not tell me who were a part of those conversations. as you can see, i tried to get that answer on camera and off. >> but, of course, knowing that it was a senior member of the family, that really limits the list, and i, of course, was not immune to tweeting and speculating on twitter right along with the millions of others of you who did, too. all right, so, this story. in a since-deleted tweet, the uk account for burger king wrote this yesterday on international women's day -- "women belong in the kitchen." that's all it said. it went over as well as you might expect. the edgy thread was aiming to flip the sexist phrase by announcing a new scholarship program for the company's employees to go to culinary school to close the gender gap in professional kitchens. however, outrage poured in, forcing the company to issue an apology, saying, "we hear you. we got our initial tweet wrong and we are sorry. our aim was to draw attention to the fact that only 20% of professional chefs in uk kitchens are women and to help change that by awarding culinary scholarships. we will do better next time." what was not mentioned in the tweet was that the phrase was part of a larger global marketing strategy, as the same phrase was seen in a full-page ad in yesterday's "the new york times." oh, boy. marketing experts told the "washington post" that this campaign offered, quote, a case study in what not to do when promoting a social cause. a worthy cause, closing the gender gap. very questionable way of going about it! all right, still ahead here, while yesterday marked a celebration of women around the world, our next guest is focusing on the hidden struggles of american boyhood. we're going to have that important discussion coming up next on "way too early." important discussion coming up next on "way too early." allergies don't have to be scary. spraying flonase daily stops your body from overreacting to allergens all season long. psst psst you're good washed your hands a lot today? 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you don't do this. we do this, together. bounce forward, with comcast business. in normal times, if a kid's in high school, it's really tough, right? it's a formative time in life. it's a time of a lot of excitement, but also a lot of challenges, a lot of emotions. kids worried about where they fit in, worried about their future. that's normal times. but then you put a pandemic into it. think about what our kids have gone through. think about the kids who have been suffering emotionally and are worried. think about the children we've lost to suicide. >> that was new york city mayor bill de blasio yesterday with a stark message about the pandemic's impact on our children. but of course, in many ways, some of the toughest struggles facing kids and teens have been around for a long time, even if they're not often talked about. and lately, that's been especially true among boys. our next guest is looking to change that. joining us now, investigative reporter for the "washington post," emma brown. she's the author of the new book "to raise a boy: classrooms, locker rooms, bedrooms, and the hidden struggles of american boyhood." so, emma, thank you so much for getting up early to be with us. i have a young son, myself, so i was really excited to see when this book came out. and i'll admit, i haven't finished it yet. but it is -- i'm about halfway through, and it's fascinating and has really opened my eyes about this. and i'd like you to just kind of walk us through how you started down this project, because i know you were covering the me too movement. you had broken the story about christine blasey ford. you set out to discover, how do i raise my own son to not behave in these ways that hurt women, but what you learned is that maybe what we actually need to do is focus on boys and the things that they are not getting that we really need to be giving them. >> absolutely. i mean, i talked to hundreds of people for this book. i talked to coaches and parents and teachers and, of course, boys and young men, themselves, and researchers. and what i found shocked me. i mean, i think i started this project believing that girls and women face incredible challenges and that things are much easier for boys, and what i learned is that is just not true. boys face incredible struggles right now, and they need our help and they need our guidance. >> so, one thing that stood out to me was that you felt like you had a message for your daughter about how she could be in the world. you taught her on the playground when she was struggling to go on the monkey bars. i am strong and fearless, and that you had no saying like that for your son. can you talk a little bit about what that means? the fact that we've come up with different ways for women and girls to be in the world, to teach them that they can be a wide range of things, but we haven't really done that with men and boys. >> absolutely. i think that we've spent quite a bit of energy telling girls that they can be whoever and however they want, and i think boys need that same message. i mean, shame is such a corrosive force, and what i learned in my interviews is that boys face incredible shame any time they sort of try to push up against the boundaries of what we've traditionally taught them it means to be a boy. and that shame, you know, it plays into issues like struggling to make friendships, like struggling to connect with other people, and that shows up also in incredibly disturbing outcomes in american men, in both mental and physical health. so, suicide rates that are four times the rates of women, for example, life expectancy that's five years shorter. so, you know, we do spend -- we should give our boys that same latitude to be their full selves and to access sort of all parts of their humanity. >> one other interesting piece of this that i noticed in your book was that you set out, obviously, in the context of the me too movement, where women were saying, you know what, violence, harassment has been done to us, we don't want to deal with it anymore. but you also note in your conversation, and as you talked to these men and boys, that using the phrase "toxic masculinity" is not productive and that there is something very important about making sure that we don't send the message that being masculine is a bad thing inherently. i mean, what else did you learn and why did you come to that conclusion? >> right. well, i spoke to a young man in st. louis who told me, you know, if you use the term toxic masculinity, nobody's going to listen to the next thing you say. and that's because, you know, as he explained to me and as other boys explained to me, it's a word fraeted with meaning. and what many boys hear when they hear the term is an attack on masculinity, an attack on them as i think if we want to have a conversation, it is really important for boys to be part of the conversation about what it means to be a boy and help expand what that means. but if we are using terminology that they automatically shut down it's not a productive conversation. i prefer to talk about the pressures men face or man box, men who have worked to expand notions of masculinity, have used for a long time. and it means the rules we teach boys, you have to be strong, tough, dominant. sometimes people say you're trying to turn boys into girls. that's not it. i do want my boys to be strong. i want them to be soft and vulnerable when they need to be. >> yeah. well, it certainly has challenged my assumptions. there's also a lot about sexual violence about boys we hardly know how to talk about in our society. it is an important piece of preventing sexual violence against all people, boys and girls. "to raise a boy." emma brown, thank you for getting up early with us. we appreciate this conversation. so thank you very much. earlier in the show we asked all of you, why are you awake? samantha shares this photo. he just can't get enough of "way too early". hi bud! thank you. we appreciate it. another viewer writes my husband and i have received our second covid vaccine. i'm up "way too early" to start a moderna party with our best friends. haven't visited in person with them for nearly a year. so refreshing to be able to move somewhere more normal. brad tweets this. up "way too early" because today is the day that my 16-year-old daughter mia the marlin is headed to the dmv for much-practiced and long-awaited rite of papblg. to take and pass the test for her driver's license. wish her good luck. they they they did the right thing for their road test still believe 53 years later that he was right but failed. mia, follow the book. not what you believe is right for your driver's test. coming up on "morning joe", white house press secretary jen psaki said coronavirus relief checks are expected to hit bank accounts by the end of the month. don't go anywhere. "morning joe" moments away. go a. 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>> good morning, kasie. the one big thing is how the senate retirements on the republican side will reshape the senate not just for the next two years but the implications it will have beyond. you know this so well. you now have five senators who are no longer approximate beholden to donald trump. it has implications for how they vote on whatever comes next in terms of infrastructure package, a tax package to pay for it. they are a little freer in their decisions. how are republicans going to take back the senate with this many retirements? and there are two dynamics at play. it is hard to find good qualified candidates. some are republican states. it's always a challenge to get the right candidate. the broader question, who does the republican party put forward in these states? more josh hawley or more roy blunt. these are some of the dynamics. we're just at the beginning of this process. there could be other retirements. senator grassley may not run. ron johnson in wisconsin may not run. no official announcements from them. and i believe grassley has filed paperwork. but it's going to be a big story. it tells us something about mitch mcconnell's chance of being majority leader going forward. >> let's talk about that for a second, hans. it is important in to underscore this group of people we have been showing on screen, they are not all just allies of mitch mcconnell, but they are people who think about the chamber how to make deals and legislate in a similar way to the way mcconnell thinks about it in a way much different from ted cruz, josh hawley and others. there is the quote from lindsey graham how everyone in the senate absolutely hated ted cruz when he was going down reading green eggs and ham. they thought he was making a show of himself. but the reality is the republican party has turned into that. there are more and more senators focused on their communications staff, what they are doing in those kinds of ways than working hard behind the scenes building relationships. it is a very significant change that stands to impact a lot of americans who may not even realize how much they rely on there being able to be some bipartisan behind the scenes cooperation. >> they are all institutionalists. they have a great deal or institutional memory. it worked cross-purposes to what schumer or president biden might want to do. even if we have been up about the senate rules committee. you lose the strength and the background when the senators as well as all the relationships, right? senator blunt, just one relationship i'm vaguely aware of. he has a working relationship with the previous chief of staff rahm emanuel. so there is always a way to go across the line. blunt would go to the gym. a lot of relationships are formed in the house gym. it is a way to deescalate when things get really tense. >> it's easier to have a conversation with someone you know than it is to view everyone as enemies on the other side of the line, which is where we're moving. hans nichols, thank you for getting up early with us. always good to see you. to that very point, the senate, when i first started covering it, it was full of lions. warner, ted kennedy, john mccain. it has really, really changed in the last 10 to 15 years. and the big question is whether it continues to become lesser than or if they can bring it back and make it the kind of place where great men, great women serve all of us. thank you for getting up early with us on this tuesday morning. vaccine, vaccine, vaccine, vaccine ♪♪ i'm begging of you please don't hesitate ♪ ♪ because once you're dead, then that's a bit too late ♪ >> ♪ it's not too late, baby, it's not too late ♪ ♪ you really are going to make it ♪

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,Appeals ,House ,Relief ,Timing ,Learning ,Don T Get On Board ,Tweet ,Way Too Early ,Answers ,Reasons ,Asie ,Smoothest Fabric ,Sprinting ,Athlete ,Leak ,Twenty Reps Deep ,Twenty ,Driver ,Looks ,Depend ,Farmers ,Policy Perk ,Being ,Auto Claims ,Burke ,Farmers Policy Perks ,Accident Forgiveness ,Zero ,Son ,Fabric Spray ,Bum ,Everything ,Bride ,Bacteria ,Burke Vo ,Pa Dum ,99 9 ,800 ,1 800 Farmers ,Door ,Project ,Wealth ,Worth ,Foundation ,Employee ,Office ,Employees ,Lifetime ,Business ,Mike S Retirement Party ,East Coast ,Out West ,Reporters ,Relief Package ,Place ,Delay ,Aid ,Process ,Processing Papers ,Pieces ,Aides ,Hang Ups ,Relief Bill ,Hallway ,Support ,Provisions ,Many ,Needs ,Charge ,Proposals ,Attack ,Donald Trump ,Wake ,Capitol ,Capitol Police Force ,January 6th ,6 ,Russell Honore ,Assessment ,Copy ,Capitol Security Review Task Force ,Capitol Security ,Understaffed ,The Hill ,Protection Measures ,Mob ,Task Force ,Processes ,Training ,Threats ,Capacity Shortfalls ,Plethora 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,Encompassing ,Legislation ,Campaign Trail Agenda ,Workforce Retraining ,Safety Net ,Party Line Vote ,Infrastructure ,Health Care ,Immigration ,Host ,Shot ,Priorities ,Fact ,Rescue ,Health Care Go Round ,Stimulus ,2010 ,2009 ,Tim Geithner ,Houses ,Strategy ,Obstruction ,Poll Numbers ,Differences ,Funny ,Joe Scarborough ,Challenge ,Lessons ,Prices ,Inflation ,Congress ,Unemployment ,There Wasn T Inflation ,Taxes ,4 ,Interest Rates ,Government ,Market ,Belief ,Low ,Fed Isn T Moving ,Argument ,Viewers ,Audience ,Sunday Night ,Neilsen ,17 1 Million ,World ,Winner ,Size ,Broadcast Ratings ,Royal Family ,Social Media ,Palace ,Sharing ,Cbs This Morning ,Conversations ,Archie ,Identity ,Skin Tone ,Yes ,Grandmother ,Philip ,Answer ,Camera ,Story ,Tweeting ,Speculating ,Account ,Millions ,Uk ,Twitter ,Phrase ,Scholarship Program ,Thread ,Women Belong In The Kitchen ,Kitchens ,Gender Gap ,Apology ,Culinary School ,Outrage ,Culinary Scholarships ,Aim ,Chefs ,Attention ,Boy ,Campaign Offered ,Marketing Experts ,Marketing Strategy ,Sad ,Struggles ,Guest ,Cause ,Celebration ,Around The World ,Boyhood ,Discussion ,Allergies ,Spraying Flonase ,Times ,Dove Handwash ,Hands ,Moisturizer ,Sandpaper ,Blend ,Germs ,Soft ,Psst ,Moisturizes ,Odor ,Odor Fighters ,Deodorants ,Protein ,High Protein ,Muscle Health ,Immune Support ,Nutrients ,Boost ,16 ,Small Business ,Internet ,Gig Speed Network ,Connection ,Bounce Forward ,Comcast Business ,High School ,Kid ,Emotions ,Excitement ,Message ,Suicide ,Suffering ,Bill De Blasio ,Boys ,Impact ,Teens ,Book ,Emma Brown ,Reporter ,Emma ,Bedrooms ,Classrooms ,Author ,Locker Rooms ,Haven T ,Eyes ,Christine Blasey Ford ,Me Too Movement ,Girls ,Teachers ,Parents ,Researchers ,Daughter ,Playground ,Monkey Bars ,Fearless ,We Haven T ,Orange ,Shame ,Interviews ,Energy ,Boundaries ,Issues ,Try ,Life Expectancy ,Suicide Rates ,Rates ,Health ,Example ,Friendships ,Outcomes ,Spend ,Latitude ,Sort ,Selves ,Violence ,Context ,Harassment ,Humanity ,Toxic Masculinity ,Conversation ,Conclusion ,Masculinity ,Meaning ,Fraeted ,Word ,Pressures ,Terminology ,Notions ,Man Box ,Tough ,Dominant ,Assumptions ,Society ,All Of You ,Boys And Girls ,Samantha ,Vaccine ,Husband ,Photo ,Viewer ,Hi Bud ,Friends ,Somewhere ,Moderna ,Brad ,Marlin ,Dmv ,Rite Of Papblg ,Test ,Driver S License ,Luck ,Road Test ,53 ,Relief Checks ,Morning Joe ,White House Press Secretary ,Jen Psaki ,Mia ,Intuit Quickbooks ,Bank Accounts ,Anywhere ,Don T Go ,The End ,Go A ,Bookkeeping ,Payments ,Payroll ,Heartburn ,Prilosec Otc ,Formula ,Stomach Acid Refluxes ,Esophagus ,Stomach Acid ,Heartburn Protection ,Zero Heartburn ,Acid Production ,24 ,Thigh ,Dawn ,Down ,Lines ,T Mobile ,Rate ,Smartphone ,Customer Service ,Value ,Hans Nichols ,Axios A M ,Implications ,Tax Package ,Decisions ,States ,Dynamics ,Candidate ,Play ,Beginning ,Paperwork ,Announcements ,Ron Johnson ,Wisconsin ,Chance ,Majority Leader ,Screen ,Deals ,Ted Cruz ,Green Eggs And Ham ,Lindsey Graham ,Relationships ,Kinds ,Communications Staff ,Scenes ,Behind The Scenes Cooperation ,Deal ,Memory ,Institutionalists ,Relationship ,Background ,Senate Rules Committee ,Working Relationship ,Chief Of Staff ,In The House ,Gym ,Rahm Emanuel ,Enemies ,Lions ,Warner ,Ted Kennedy ,John Mccain ,Big Question ,Baby ,

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