Different as republican senators voted to acquit last time. Ben sass is squarely placing the blame on trump for the deadly capitol riot. As republicans like sass and Marjorie Taylor greene struggle for the partys identity after trump. Politics isnt about the weird worship of one dude. The party is his. It doesnt belong to anybody else. Were going to first begin our coverage with msnbc news correspondent kristen welker. Thank you for joining us. Lets talk about that jobs report not necessarily looking good the first month of january here. How is the president going to use this when it comes to his major Stimulus Bill . Hi, great to see you. Well, what we heard from President Biden today was essentially his strongest push yet for the passage of his covid19 relief bill. We saw him say in some of the strongest terms that he is prepared to go it alone without republicans signing on to his bill. Of course, he has always said yes, he wants bipartisan support but it seems increasingly likely that the White House Congress will need to use this maneuver called reconciliation which essentially would allow the 1. 9 trillion covid package to pass with a simply majority. So instead of 60 votes, you have the simple majority. Yes, they would welcome republican support but really indicating that they dont need it. I asked press secretary jen psaki about that during the briefing today. Essentially, was that the message the president is sending . Take a listen to how she responded. We are not going to sit here and wait for an ongoing negotiation. Frankly, we havent received an offer in return. A Response Offer to what the president has proposed because the American People need the relief now. Reporter so what shes essentially saying, theyre at 1. 9 trillion and republicans are offering something that is less than a third of that. There may be some Common Ground though. I think that is important to point out. President biden putting 1,400 direct payments as a part of his overall package. Republicans and Many Democrats say, that needs to be more targeted toward americans who really need those 14 checks, not americans making 300,000 a year. The president has signaled that he is open to that. But when we pressed jen psaki only point as well, it is clear theyre still working through details of what that would mean. Who would specifically receive those 1,400 payments. Shes also not ruling out the possibility that they could get a broad bipartisan deal. It just doesnt seem that likely at this hour and of course, next week, the Impeachment Trial of former president trump, the second one, is going to start and there is some concern within the democratic ranks about how that might impact the negotiations moving forward. The ability to move forward quickly on this covid relief package. And essentially, the white house has said they would like the see the senate walk and chew gum at the same time. Continue to move forward on their priorities. And based on conversations with top officials, i can tell you for his part, President Biden is going to engage in counter programming. Hes going to try to keep the focus on the covid relief package, fighting coronavirus, as that trial gets underway next weekend. So while we all well know there are major domestic hurdles, we also talk about Foreign Policy after the president delivered his speech yesterday. And speaking specifically about Foreign Policy, lets talk iran. I know they met at some appointment today. Do we know what has come out of that meeting and where they assistant on reentering any sort of agreement with iran . The white House Keeping the details of that meeting very close to the vest. But saying that it will focus on the middle east. Of course it will include a discussion about iran. And the key question, will there be a restart of negotiations to try to resume the Iran Nuclear Deal. The white house has said so far, iran just has not gone far enough for them to come back to the bargaining table. Take a listen to what psaki said about that. If iran comes back with compliance under the jcpoa, the Iran Nuclear Deal, for people who dont like acronyms. I personally hate them. The United States will do the same and then use it as a platform to do a longer and stronger agreement. Reporter what she is saying is that iran would have to show that it is meeting and living up to the agreements previously negotiated under the original Iran Nuclear Deal. The United States does not believe they are adhering to that in terms of the nuclear enrichment. So the white house not prepared to come back to the negotiating table. You mentioned President Bidens speech yesterday. Of course, he didnt mention every hot spot. He didnt talk about afghanistan but his broad message was, quote, america is back. A sign that he is prepared to work with the United States allies to try to resolve issues like the threat from iran. Thank you. Great to see you. I want to get to the latest on the pandemic. Weighing a response for 10,000 troops to help vaccination sites. Today the White House Covid Response Team announced the Defense Department has already approved the deployment of more than 1,000 active duty troops. The militarys Critical Role in supporting sites was to vaccinate thousands of People Per Day and ensure that every american who wants a vaccine will receive one. So the fda is planning to meet February 26th to discuss Johnson Johnsons application and authorization of its single dose vaccine. If approved, it would become the third Covid Vaccine for use in this country and the tsa announcing that travel heres disregard the new federal mask mandate could face a fine of up to 250 for a first offense and up to 1,500 for repeat offenders. The Biden Administration issued a new rule that requires travelers wear masks on airplanes, buses, ferries, trains, and ride shares as well. Joining me now, the codirector of the central for vaccine development, texas Childrens Hospital and dean of the National School of tropical medicine at the Baylor College of medicine. Thank you for joining us on this. Really appreciate it. Can we begin with resources . You and i have talked periodically about when entering this phase of vaccine, the Real Question was about resources. Having the resources to get the shots to people. What do you make of this latest move when it comes to the Defense Department in. I think it is a welcome move. We have to move quickly. The Biden Administration performed a very good plan. The 100 million vaccinations in 100 days. And announcing that well have the mrna vaccines in more abundance by the late summer, fall. And then the summer. So everything was going pretty well. Now we have a new wrinkle to all of this and that is the variants seem to be coming faster than we thought. So we have the u. K. , South African and brazilian variants here and some of the models suggest it could be here much faster by the spring. So this now means we have to accelerate all of our timetables. And if we can do that quickly enough. So as good a job as theyre doing right now, were going to have to find a way to do better and go up to 2 to 3 million immunizations a day, rather than 1 to 2 million a day. And make sure we have the vaccines to make that happen. So there are a couple things i want to touch on. One is the variant you were speaking of. I want to talk about Johnson Johnson. Lets stick with the variant for a moment. We hear the fda is working a plan that will include a smaller and shorter trial for Updated Pfizer and moderna vaccines because of these new variants. What do you make of this . Yeah. Thats what needs to be done. And we already have some glimmer of information because we have the Virus Neutralizing the antibodies and the vaccine recipients and we can see in the test tube, it will neutralize the new variant. It would be nice to have actual data showing theres true protection. Unfortunately, we dont have the benefit of a lot of time. Were probably going to wind up having to make some decisions without the full level. The astrazeneca vaccine which has been released now by the european medicine agencies. My understanding is we have tens of millions of doses of that. Ordinarily we want to complete a full trial in the u. S. If we have, if were sitting on the doses that protects against the new variant, can we find a way to start vaccinating americans now with the astrazeneca in addition to the change a. And i think well have to look temperature. It will take some people out of their comfort zones. I think were headed for a really dire crisis as we move into april and may and even though the numbers are going down now, thats like being in the Eye Of The Hurricane and the other side which is even worse is about to hit us. It seems like every month we talk, were heading into a new dire crisis when things seem as if theyre looking up. Can we talk specifically about the astrazeneca vaccine that you brought up . Theyre now reporting that they have protection against this new u. K. Vanish. But that happen been Peer Reviewed yet. How optimistic are you about this new data . Yeah. I think two doses of all of these vaccines will give some level of protection against the new variant. The only ones im less confident about are the russian vaccine and a couple of the chinese vaccines which have very low levels of Virus Neutralizing antibody to begin with residential the original strain, even though theyre protecting. Im quite concerned they may or may not protect. The operation warm speed vaccine theres probably give a pretty good level of protection and sometime they have to make boosts later on that are more specific for the variant. We have the original one and then maybe the South African one as a boost. So were all scrambling. Were all on zoom calls day and night. I think we can get around this. The key isnt to be too discouraged. I think we can vaccinate our way through this but we have to be smart. Were going to have to get out of our comfort zone in terms of doing things with the is dotted and the ts crossed the way we like to do with these new variants. I think americans and the entire world has been out of its comfort zone for quite some time so i dont think is resisting that. Lets talk Johnson Johnsons fda meeting to discuss the authorization. How will that go if Johnson Johnson passes muster . It is important. We need additional vaccines. Weve known now for a while we wont get to where we need to go with the mrna vaccines alone. And by design. We knew they would be the first out of the starting gate but we need the others to really be work horses for us in terms of vaccinating the American People. Remember what we have to do. Were talking about 330 million americans. If we want to vaccinate three quarters of the u. S. Population, thats 240 million americans times two doses. Were looking at half a billion immunizations. Thats a lot of vaccine. So having j j on the team is really important, as is the astrazeneca and the nova vax. I think between the six vaccines, we can do the job. Yeah. Thank you as always. Good to see you. So today, Georgia Republican congresswoman Marjorie Taylor greene is define after a majority of the house including 11 republicans voted to strip her of her committee. If i was on a committee, i would be wasting my time. My conservative values wouldnt be heard. Of course. Im sorry for saying all those things that are wrong and offensive. And i sincerely mean that. And im happy to say that. I think it is good to say when weve done something wrong. So yeah. Thats easy for me. Joining me now, new jersey congresswoman Bonnie Watson coleman. Thank you for joining me. I see you shaking your head. I dont know if youre shaking your head at something behind your camera or at the sound bite we just heard from congresswoman Marjorie Taylor greene. Talk to me about what you think of that apology, i guess ill call it. Well, thank you for having me. Im delighted to be here to talk about this. And among other things. Yeah. I was shaking my head because the insincerity of it all is so glaring. For her to say that her conservative views would not be heard if she was sitting on a committee, thats exactly where you are heard. Where your positions are heard. Working on a committee in the meeting, discussing and debating, shes not going to be heard from the institutional perspective right now. She doesnt care about that. Because shes only interested in being a personality, a fundraiser, and a loyalist to a twice impeached president of the United States of america. So there is nothing genuine about her apology for having said or done anything. Shes not only strange but she is dangerous. Lets talk a little about who she is and what she has believed. I want to play for you something that congresswoman greene said yesterday on the floor. And then something that she said on the Campaign Trail that contradicts that. Lets take a listen. I never once said during my entire campaign, qanon. Later in 2018 when i started finding misinformation, lies, things that were not true in these qanon posts, i stopped believing it. You say, quote, q is a patriot. Do you believe that . Is that what you believe . Ive only ever seen patriotic sentiment coming out of that source and other sources. You know, there is a lot of censorship. Twitter has Just Announced recently, last week, that it will be removing anyone that associates themselves with qanon. But yet there is never been any dangerous rhetoric coming out of people like that. Gosh, its amazing the back and forth that you are hearing from congresswoman Marjorie Taylor greene. Talk me through this. In a way shes now denying her association with qanon, she said the word qanon during her campaign. She said there was nothing wrong with it. Do you believe her now when she said she no longer listens to qanon . I dont think anybody believes her. Shes not only a walking contradiction. Shes a flat out liar. And qanon, she talked about being, q being a patriot. I would like to know who q is, actually. But qanon talks about this Country Being Led by pedophiles and sex traffickers and it is incredible, it is crazy. It plays into the vulnerability of people who arent particularly well informed and are getting their information from places that she plays on and others listen to. It is just frightening. While i have you, i want to talk about january 6th. And i want to talk about it because i know each and every one of you trapped inside that building, and me being on the outside of that building, watching all of it take place. It is harrowing to think back to what happened that day. You have a lot of your colleagues recounting experiences. I warm to take a listen to some of what theyre saying. Starting with alexandria ocasiocortez. Less than 29 days later, with little to no accountability for the bloodshed and trauma of the 6th, some are already demanding that we move on. Or worse. Attempting to minimize, discredit or belittle the accounts of survivors. Within moments i recognized that blending in was not an option available to my colleagues of color. Please take what happened on january 6th seriously. It will lead to more death and we can do better. I mean, it was traumatic to watch, to be on the inside and to be on the outside. You actually got covid during that lockdown. What do you say to your colleagues that are criticizing folks and saying theyre overblowing the trauma after january 6th . You know, my day started at 11 30 in the morning when my apartment was evacuated because there were bombs behind our alley way next to the Republican National committee. So we left our apartment really quickly. Not knowing all that was going on. We get into the car to go to the office, the building, i stepped foot in there and im told, congresswoman, we have to get you out of here. They sent me down through the tunnels. I was in the tunnels with a bunch of folks who was evacuated. It is so close to the Republican National committees office. Then found my way over to the, over to the capitol. While i was walking the halls of the capitol, trying to get to doctors office, i saw the breach taking place. I saw the tussle between those pushing their way into the capitol and the scuffle with the men in blue. And i just happened to be able to go down to a different hallway, as a matter of fact, one of the capitol policemen stood in front of me so i could get down that hallway. I locked in a room with five other people for hours. And then there was a beating at my door. At the doorway saying, weve got to get you out of here. Weve got to get you out of here. Weve got to get you to another place. Who are you . So we made them show their badge to us before we would open the door. And thats when i got transported over to the holding room with all the other people, including my colleagues who wouldnt wear their masks and thats probably where i got covid. So this was a harrowing experience. This was a scary experience. We may not have known as we were going through all this just how dangerous it could have been. We know now that people were willing to take hostages, that violence was, was not an issue. They were willing to engage in violence. Theyre willing to execute members including our leader. So my colleagues who are expressing their frustration, their fear, their concern, the hurt in their heart for what was happening not only to them and their safety but to our democracy, they are authentic. And no one should dismiss it. No one should try to diminish it in any way, shape or form. There was a real insurrection. A coup that took place in the United States of america on january 6th, and Congress Members could have been were all going to be yeah. And were all going to be over he on reliving it, essentially next week as we watch the Impeachment Trial for the second time take place. So i need to Say Something before we end all this. Just quickly okay. On top of what we saw happen, were still seeing the inequality of justice as it relates to race in this country. Were seeing three white insurrection. Is who were arrested, let go, one going to go to mexico. We saw one black insurrectionist. Hes arrested. Hes still denied bail. This was an illustration of white privilege. After the fact, during the fact and before the fact. And its a conversation, im sorry. Im sorry to have to cut you off. We could talk for hours about that. It is a conversation we need to continue to have in the years to come. It certainly hand gone away. And in report that weve been seeing it strengthening. Congresswoman, i hope you come back and we can talk more about this. Appreciate it. Thank you. I would like so the future of travel is going to be looking a lot different in the age of travel. Live at Heathrow Airport with an exclusive look at the rollout of digital Vaccine Passports. Ill talk to ben cardin of maryland about covid Relief Efforts going full steam ahead. Youre watching msnbc. Ahead youre watching msnbc. My husband and i have never eaten healthier. Shingles doesnt care. I logged 10,000 steps today. Shingles doesnt care. I get as much fresh air as possible. Good for you, but shingles doesnt care. Because 1 in 3 people will get shingles, you need protection. But no matter how healthy you feel your Immune System Declines as you age, increasing your risk for getting shingles. So what can protect you . Shingrix protects. For the first time ever, you can protect yourself from shingles with a vaccine proven to be over 90 effective. Shingrix is a vaccine used to prevent shingles in adults 50 years and older. 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Do you think theres any possibility at this point of making this a bipartisan bill Going Forward . Well, i certainly hope we can. Quite frankly, we wanted to make sure that we can move forward. We have now shown with the vote in both the house and the senate that we have authorizations to move forward with 1. 9 trillion package. Thats what we need in order to deal with the pandemic in a comprehensive way. Many of the provisions in this bill i think have broad support. Certainly among the public. I think among republicans. So we are hopeful that well be able to get support as we move forward. We want to get input from all. We have to act. As the president said, we have to act quickly. You are one of the Senate Democrats who met with the president at the white house. What did he have to say . I was not there. I was chairing the hearing of the sba administrator. I know what happened at the meeting. There was broad support among the Committee Chairman to deliver a 1. 9 trillion package to the president. We think thats the right number. We think the provisions that are within our jurisdiction for small business, that mean more targeted aid. For the idle program, it means helping out restaurants, it means helping out some nonprofits who havent been able to get qualified and it means targeting the aid to those Small Businesses that really need it. Particularly in the underserved communities and minority communities. So we think it is essential to hear this package and thats what the president heard. Let me read this to you. It is from former treasury secretary Lawrence Emers who wrote an op ed. If a Stimulus Proposal is enacted, congress would have committed 15 of gdp with essentially no increase in Public Investment to address these challenges. After resolving the crisis, how Will Political Space be found for the Public Investments that should be the nations highest priority . Well, i think our economy is large number to be able to do both. We have to deal with the Emergency Pandemic still with us. We have to get the vaccinations out. Our economy wont get back on track unless we get this covid19 under control. Once we do, we have to create more jobs. And thats what build back better is all about. Thats what the next package will be about. Thats what the infrastructure is about. It creates more jobs. To get back to the level of growth that we had before covid19, we have to deal with the covid crisis. Thats what this first package does. Then we have to create the jobs through Infrastructure Growth that will give us the jobs for the future. I think it is a 12 punch and quite frankly, just about every economist weve talked on agrees. Senator, quickly here. I know you sat on the Foreign Relations committee. Can we quickly talk about the Iran Nuclear Deal and what will happen considering were at a stalemate where the United States says iran needs to return to compliance and iran is saying take sanctions away and then well return . I think President Biden has been clear and i hope hell stick tom. Iran has to be in full compliance with the nuclear agreement. The need to commit to make sure they never acquire a Nuclear Weapon that was part of their iran nuclear agreement. And then we need to work with our traditional partners to get different performance. Including terrorism, Ballistic Missile violations, human rights violations. Theres a full agenda. Working with our allies, i think we can isolate iran and get a change of behavior. Senator ben cardin, thank you. Thank you for joining us today. Appreciate it. Still ahead, Voting Technology company smartmatic. Well tell but the multiple milliondollar lawsuit theyve just filed. 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But there is growing Hope Vaccines will be the key to getting the world back to some sort of normal at some point. Im joined by our experts according this. Sarah harmon and bradley. There are now efforts to create a smartphone based Vaccine Passport. What more do we know about this . And where exactly is it being tested . Reporter yeah. Not just efforts. This is a massive global push. Everyone from governments to tiny startups to huge companies. Were talking ibm, microsoft, the airline association, the danish government, all working on their own versions of digital Vaccine Passports. Now, we talked to a company here in the u. K. The Health Systems. It is actually rolling out a smartphone based Vaccine Passport with some Health Care Workers up yorkshire. It uses a more secure version of a qr code that you might be familiar with. Something were hearing from a lot of Tech Companies at the moment. The problem isnt actually the technology. Thats the easy part. The difficult part is the lack of clear Global Standards when it comes to which vaccines are going to be acceptable. Which covid tests. Which labs can administer them. We know that israel which has been leading the charge in vaccinating its population is going to be handing out green paper Vaccine Passports to its citizens. Of course, there are Security Concerns when we talk about paper immunizations cards. Until we know better whether the vaccine actually prevents transmission, travelers need to plan on preventing a negative test even once these digital passports become available. Yeah. And its interesting. I was speaking with the doctor at the top of the show and he talks about which vaccines he trusts more than others. Some out of russia or china that he doesnt trust as much as the astrazeneca, moderna and pfizer vaccines. Youve been looking into Vaccination Efforts specifically in israel and the gaza strip where the Health Care Systems are reportedly hanging on by a thread. How are they dealing with this there . Reporter yeah. In gaza strip, in israel, the Health Care System is stellar and theyve been setting the pace at the envy of the world when it comes to the Vaccination Efforts. On sunday were hearing reports that israel could be the first country that actually loosens its lockdown in favor of its Vaccine Campaign because the Vaccine Campaign is so advanced. Particularly for people over the age of 60. Now, all of this just throws into sharp relief the disparity between the palestinians and the israelis. Particularly when it comes to the 2 million palestinians who have been living under 14 years of blockade imposed by israel and egypt in the gaza strip. All of this to contain the Islamist Group hamas which runs the gaza strip. Were starting to see just this week that there are going to be some thousands of doses of vaccine and israel will finally be transering to the palestinians, weeks after they started their own Vaccine Campaign which as i am is an incredible success. The palestinians this entire time havent had access to the vaccine. In the gaza strip, theyre just receiving it. We havent seen anybody actually getting vaccinated. There was a report that was released just this week that that that Health System in gaza, and the public in gaza, they just cant keep one the situation. We always talk about front line workers. That just doctors. Theyre people doing work that needs to be done in person and thats basically every job in the gaza strip. There isnt enough electricity. There is regular brownouts and power cuts, water is unsafe or doesnt work. The internet is unreliable. So all of this work from home from there really, thats a luxury that the palestinians in gaza cant afford. So it really does bring into question whether or not they even have their resources to administer the vaccines to the people of gaza and to actually track the vaccines. Sarah harman, matt bradley, thank you to you both. Thank you. So coronavirus cases are down but there is an ominous warning from one of the former members of the Biden Transition Covid advisory board. Well talk to the doctor coming up. Well talk to the doctor coming up sure, your Health Insurance tells you to see a doctor but, um, look around. These days its not that easy. Youre telling me. But humana helps make it easy. Human care gives you tons of ways to talk to your doctor phone, computer, in person, or tablet. Hey jean hi this is just a quick follow up. Your numbers are looking great. You dont even have to put on shoes. Ooo easy peasy. You like that, huh . Mhm. Humana. A more human way to healthcare. Some say this is my greatest challenge ever. Humana. But ive seen centuries of this. With a companion that powers a digital world, traded with a touch. The gold standard, so to speak ; with relapsing forms of ms, theres a lot to deal with. Not just unpredictable relapses. All these other things too. Who needs that kind of drama . Kesimpta is a oncemonthly injection that may help you put this rms drama in its place. It reduced the rate of relapses and active lesions and slowed disability progression. Dont take kesimpta if you have hepatitis b, and tell your doctor if you have had it, as it could come back and cause serious Liver Problems or death. Kesimpta can cause serious side effects, including infections, especially when taken before or after other medicines that weaken the Immune System. A rare, potentially fatal Brain Infection called pml may happen with kesimpta. Tell your doctor if you had or plan to have vaccines, or if you are or plan to become pregnant. Kesimpta may cause a decrease in some types of antibodies. Talk to your doctor about any injectionrelated reactions. The most common side effects are upper respiratory Tract Infections and headache. Ask your Healthcare Provider about kesimpta. Dramatic results. Less rms drama. Welcome back, everybody. A suspected capitol hill Rioter Wanted by the fbi is now in custody. The Department Of Justice confirming rachel powell, a mother of eight, turned herself into the fbi in pennsylvania last night. Shes due to have a hearing this hour. The fbi said it got a tip that she was at the riot after it posted a picture of her in a pink hat on a wanted poster. According to the charging documents, powell was seen speaking through a bull horn and giving detailed instructions about the layout of the Capitol Building during the riot. The document said she told the group they should coordinate together if you are going to take this building. The documents also contain a picture of Powell Ramming a window violently with a pipe in order to get into the Capitol Building. The fbi raided her home in sandy lake yesterday but she was not there according to our affiliate wpxi. In a statement her Attorney Says this. Rachel powell is neither a danger to her community or a rick of flight. She hired counsel to assist her in turning herself into the fbi to address these charges. It is incould not seaable that she would try to run and leave her children without their mother. Smartmatic is 6 fox news over false reports that it tried to steal the election. As soon as naming fox news and several other networks, as well as former trump legal associates, Rudy Giuliani and sidney powell. Fox news media is committed to providing the full context of every story with in depth reporting and clear opinion. We are proud of our 2020 election coverage and will vigorously defend this meritless lawsuit. The lawsuit presents another golden opportunity for discovery. I look forward to litigating with them. Nbc news has reached out to giuliani and has not yet heard back. Joining me now, nbc news social media reporter dylan meyers. Really appreciate it. Fascinating news when it comes to smartmatic. How big of a threat is this to fox news . Walk us through it . Well, in terms of the merits of the case, those seem to exist here. What you have is very clear defamation of a company. Youve got basically, not just lawyers for trump but also this fox news talent going out and saying claims about Smartmate Pick are demonstrably false and thats the substance of this 276page lawsuit. The range of false claims put forward are staggering. They claim that smartmate i can was being used to Battle Ground districts when in fact it was only in one district, which is mine, los angeles county. They claim that it was created in part by hugo chavez in venezuela with the express purpose of tampering with election results, and creating false election outcomes. None of that is true. And so on the merits of the case, they have a very strong case here. My guess is what will happen is they will settle. That fox news will choose to settle the case rather than Go All The Way to rt could. But the financial damage will be substantive even for a company like fox news. So i guess the big question is here as well, the fallout from all this. The precedent that it sets. I want to play for you some sound of Rudy Giuliani being surprised on his radio show of a disclaimer that was put up. Take a listen. The views, assumptions and opinions expressed by former u. S. Attorney, former attorney to the president of the United States and New York City mayor Rudy Giuliani, his guests and call orders his program are strictly their own and donal necessarily represent the pips, beliefs or policies of wabc radio. I would have thought they would have told me about that before doing what they just did. Rather insulting. And gives you a sense of how far this free speech thing has gone. They got to warn you about me . I will have to give that a lot of consideration. I also think putting it on without telling me, not the right thing to do. That was quite a piece of sound. Theyve got to warn you about me at one point. But youve got, you cant help but think, there has to be some threat that these networks now have. This Defamation Lawsuit against fox news that wabc needs to put this Will Disclaimer out put out by the president s former attorney, Rudy Giuliani. What youre addressing is the most important part of this story which is that you have seen a sort of even further right ward drift. Fox news has felt the need to drift further right. To capture what is a very passionate to exist, even after the election, and how far theyre willing to go in terms of saying things that are utterly untrue, utterly false, damaging in some cases. How will that be checked . What were seeing here is the foundation for how that might be checked. Which is that they dont want to wade into a space where they expose themselves to legal liability and thats one of the reasons this case will be so important to watch. They feel like they can kind of brush it aside, say, you know, it wont be our fault. These are their opinions and let them go ahead and present their case, it seems. Going forward as of now. Who knows, it may change. Thank you as always. Good to see you. Still ahead, it will be a long time until were Out Of The Woods of this pandemic. According to one health official, the vaccine alone wont help solve the problem. Well talk to him next. Youre watching msnbc. M next youre watching msnbc. And take. It. On. With rinvoq. Rinvoq a oncedaily pill can dramatically improve symptoms. Rinvoq helps tame pain, stiffness, swelling. And for some rinvoq can even significantly reduce ra fatigue. Thats rinvoq relief. With ra, your overactive Immune System attacks your joints. Rinvoq regulates it to help stop the attack. Rinvoq can lower your ability to fight infections, including tuberculosis. Serious infections and blood clots, sometimes fatal, have occurred. As have certain cancers, including lymphoma, and tears in the stomach or intestines, and changes in lab results. Your doctor should monitor your bloodwork. Tell your doctor about any infections. And if you are or may become pregnant while taking rinvoq. Take on ra. Talk to your rheumatologist about rinvoq relief. Rinvoq. Make it your mission. 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So what can protect you . Shingrix protects. For the first time ever, you can protect yourself from shingles with a vaccine proven to be over 90 effective. Shingrix is a vaccine used to prevent shingles in adults 50 years and older. Shingrix does not protect everyone and is not for those with severe allergic reactions to its ingredients or to a previous dose. The most common side effects are pain, redness, and swelling at the injection site, muscle pain, tiredness, headache, shivering, fever, and upset stomach. Talk to your pharmacist or doctor about protecting yourself with shingrix. Shingles doesnt care. But you should. Were still in the teeth of this pandemic. In fact january was the single deadliest worse, 100,000 lives lost in one month. That was President Biden earlier, a former member of the board. This weekend michaels on terr holm warned this the darkest of the dark days are yet ahead, and a new the Washington Post oped suggesting that vaccines alone will not solve this pandemic. Dr. Osterholm. Three other things that must be done in order to end this pandemic. What is that . Well, what were really concentrating on are those things, and to understand better the variance, these viruses circulating around the country that have changed through mutation do we have to be worried about they variants from england and south africa, brazil and places like that, or even the own variants that may arise here in the United States. The variant that we have been concerned about it thats why ive made the comments i have about whats ahead of us. I think that variant will cause a major surge in cases in the next 6 to 14 weeks. We need to look at what kind of drugs he could us that happens to be when they mutate. How do we step it up . If you think about, for instance, the treatments, monoclonal andy body treatments, we know thats not readily available to because of the lack of access. Do we have the ability to step it up in all of these efforts to make sure they dont die. Im concerned about the next 6 to 14 weeks. Thats when i think this next surge will occur with this new uk strain. We cant during that time make nearly enough vaccine to even protect those of our citizens over 65 years of age where theyre likely to have severe illness, hospitalization and even die. If right now we continue on the pace were at, even if we fast forward as much vaccine as possibly, were at the march, which is still at 65 days postinaugural, not 100 days, when we go into the surge, we wont have vaccines to protect us again it in a way i wish we could and we surely need. Were going to have americans understand the challenge we have right now is how do we ramp things back up again, that terrible concept and our public is so, so, so tired of it, well be shutting things down again. People will get angry at me saying that, but look at what happened in england, portugal, the only way they stopped it is basically bringing everything to a screeching halt. Their hospitals were overrun. The Hospitalization Rate in england was so if the Hospitalization Rates to happen here, it would be 190,000 hospitalizationses a day, not the 130 that was our top. Well have to look at everything we can. Some of us have been proposing the idea that we actually postpone not stop, but postpone the second dose of the new vaccines, because we think there may be enough data to stay youll still be highly protected during this time with one vaccine, wouldnt it be great if we could double people that got even one dose . Right now a lot of people wont have any doses. We just need to anticipate what is coming. Just a grim prediction here, theres an analysis by Bloomberg News that life will return to normal in seven years. I i think we can do much better than that. Thats good to hear. I appreciate you weighing in on that. Doctor, thank you. Appreciate it. That wraps up the hour for me, everybody. Ill be back tomorrow and sunday. Deadline white house with Nicolle Wallace starts right after this quick break. Nicolle wallace starts right after this quick break plantpowered creative roots gives kids the hydration they need, with the Fruit Flavors they love. And one gram of sugar. Find creative roots in the kids juice aisle. The Chevy Silverado trail boss. And one gram of sugar. When you have a twoinch lift. When you have Goodyear Duratrac tires. When you have rancho shocks and an integrated dual exhaust. When you have all that, the last thing youll need. Is a road. The Chevy Silverado trail boss. Ready to offroad, right from the factory. 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Like a suspect who admits he committed the crime after his Defense Lawyer gets him off, Marjorie Taylor greene made fools of all but 11 republicans who voted for save the Conspiracy Theorist in their ranks, the Mouthpiece Taunting those who voted to remove her in the committees, tweeting, quote this will be fun, about herrion again intent to troll her colleges New York Times headline says it all quarterback house exiles Marjorie Taylor greene from panels as republicans rally around her. This is how the decision felt for a man who nose all too well that the sch

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