Transcripts For MSNBC The Last Word With Lawrence ODonnell 20240711

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The issues and you know how to follow up and press them on it. But it is just being able to interview dr. Fauci and dr. Wolensky and, you know, youve been talking to the white house Chief Of Staff ron klain, and andy slavitt has been on chris show. Being able to talk to the people who are making decisions about the decisions theyre making particularly when the decisions are causing consternation like this issue of teachers not having to be vaccinated before schools reopen. Its just Night And Day in terms of actually understanding the governments take and being able to press them where they need to be pressed. I think everyone knows that it was a trick question. That, of course, theres no way rachel is going to find a way to do less homework for her show. Thats just not gonna happen. Work is a force that gives life meaning. Thats true. Thats true. For you, for you. Thank you, rachel. Thank you, lawrence. Thank you. Well, our first guest tonight was in the room today when the president and the Vice President met the Senate Majority leader and the Senate Committee chairman who will have to do the heavy lifting to get their covid relief bill passed. It was an all democrats meeting. They all say theyd like bipartisan support for the bill, but theyre all ready to move forward quickly now without any help from republicans who are now fending off more questions about what they should do about a new republican member of the House Of Representatives who has supported the assassination of House Speaker nancy pelosi. Republican senators and House Members get more questions about the homicidal thoughts of marjorie green than they get about the covid relief bill or governing. House republicans are not even pretending to try to govern. They spent the day in an endless meeting about the Assassination Advocate in their midst. Before Chuck Schumer went to the white house meeting with his Senate Committee chairman and the president and the Vice President , Chuck Schumer spoke in the Capitol Rotunda where the remains of Capitol Police officer Brian Sicknick were Lying In Honor since arriving there at 9 30 p. M. Last night. The Book Of Matthew reminds us, blessed are the peacekeepers for they shall be called the children of god. Brian was a peacekeeper who loved his dogs and his girlfriend sandra and his family and the new jersey devils. He was caught in the wrong place at the wrong time and on a day when peace was shattered. Blessed are the peacekeepers like brian. Let us be peacekeepers now in his memory. Senator schumer did not say one political word in the rotunda this morning, and i did not say one political word last night at this time for the full hour when we broke into live coverage of officer Brian Sicknicks remains being brought to lay in the Capitol Rotunda in honor. With President Biden and the first lady arriving to silently pay their respects. We did not know exactly what was going to happen last night, so we did not plan to devote the entire hour to it. We expected to perhaps show only a few minutes of that at the beginning of the hour and then move on to our scheduled coverage of the Impeachment Trial and covid vaccines and the situation in russia. But when we saw what was happening in the rotunda, we could not turn away. The fox channel was able to turn away. Fox claims to be the Blue Lives Matter network. They claim to care about Police Officers more than we do, but to judge by their coverage of the murder of officer Brian Sicknick by Trump Supporters, they really dont care at all. Not a bit. There were things i wanted to say last night as i watched the grieving Capitol Police officers in the silence of the Capitol Rotunda. I wanted to Say Something about how lucky they were to all be still alive after that rotunda was filled with Trump Supporters who were ready to kill them, murder them. And yes, every single one of those Trump Supporters who were ready to kill a Police Officer were ready to kill any Police Officer, any one of them. And yes, they were Trump Supporters who committed that murder, Trump Supporters. And those two words, Trump Supporters, were too political for me to say last night, but those two words are the truth of who murdered officer Brian Sicknick, Trump Supporters. They wanted trump to be president and wanted Brian Sicknick dead because Brian Sicknick was protecting the constitutional process that gave us president joe biden, who is supposed to be trying to work today with the party who supported the murderers who entered the capitol, the party who gave the murderers the opportunity to enter the capitol and murder a Capitol Police officer, Brian Sicknick. 139 members of the House Of Representatives and 8 republican senators were accomplices in the murder of Brian Sicknick. They created the opportunity on january 6th. They created the incentives on january 6th. And this one senator, joshua hawley, more than any other has the blood of Capitol Police officers who were killed and injured on his ugly fist. To spend an hour as we did last night in effect at the wake and funeral of officer Brian Sicknick, it was impossible not to think that he would be alive today working in the capitol were it not for donald trump. The house prosecutors of donald trump and the Senate Impeachment trials say that he is, quote, singularly responsible for the homicidal attack on the capitol. That means donald trump is responsible for officer Brian Sicknicks murder. Osama bin laden did not fly the planes. I didnt say any of those things last night because i didnt want to politicize Brian Sicknicks Lying In Honor in the Capitol Rotunda. I was mostly silent for that solemn hour because silence is the sound of mourning. We will be joined tonight by some people who are usually publicly silent, Congressional Staffers who have written an open letter to United States senators calling on them to convict donald trump in the Senate Impeachment trial because they write he, quote, broke americas 230year legacy of the peaceful transition of power when he incited a mob to disrupt the counting of Electoral College votes. Six people died, a Capitol Police officer, one of our coworkers who guards and greets us every day was beaten to death. The attack on our workplace was inspired by lies told by the former president and others about the results of the election. The 370 Congressional Staffers who signed that letter are braver and more honorable than every single republican member of the house and senate, every one of them. The republican cowards in the House Of Representatives held a secret vote tonight about whether to strip liz cheney of her Leadership Position. They are afraid of letting each other or their constituents know how they voted on whether liz cheney should remain in the leadership. And they were also afraid to even have a vote about removing Marjorie Greene from her committee assignments. This is the Republican Party that joe biden is hoping will join him in a Bipartisan Covid relief bill. Senator gary peters was one of the 13 people in the oval office today when the president and the Vice President met with Chuck Schumer and the ten Senate Committee chairs. Joining us now to tell us everything that happened in that meeting is senator gary peters, chairman of the Senate Homeland security and Government Affairs committee. Mr. Chairman, thank you for joining us tonight. We really appreciate it. Okay, so you all sat down, and tell us everything everyone said. Well, it was a wonderful discussion. It was great to be there with President Biden, the Vice President harris to talk about how important this covid Relief Package is, to get this country back on its feet. To get through this crisis as quickly as we possibly can. Clearly the Previous Administration mismanaged this whole thing in a massive way. Were paying the price for that. Now its time for us to step up, do what it is necessary to make sure that families can keep food on the table, a roof over their head, that our Small Businesses can survive. The only way we can get our economy up and running everyone would like is we have to get our Small Businesses up there to drive that and also get vaccines into as many arms as we possibly can and as quickly as possible. Thats certainly what ive talked about through Homeland Security and fema. The federal Emergency Management folks really need to take charge of this in a national way. We had under the Previous Administration no real Significant National plan. It was really about letting every state do their own thing without any coordination, and thats not how you deal with a National Emergency and a national crisis. It takes National Federal leadership. Fema needs to step up to do that. Were going to appropriate resources to let state and local governments put the capacity in place to process people as quickly and efficiently as possible and make sure theres certainty as to where vaccines are so plans can be made. Those things did not happen with the Previous Administration. Were going to make sure it happens now going forward, and were putting in the resources to back that up. A lot of powerful people in the oval office today, but the most powerful person who wasnt there is senator joe manchin, who has in effect the deciding vote here in order to get the democrats to 50 votes in the senate so that the Vice President can break the tie. He seems to be saying that, he said on morning joe this morning if its 1. 9 trillion so be it, which is the most positive thing ive heard him say about that total number youre talking about. He does have some issues with raising the minimum wage the way you want to. But when he was asked about the bipartisan process, which he stresses he wants to have, he seemed to be saying that the bipartisan process means republicans will be allowed to offer amendments on the senate floor. Is that what the bipartisan process means to you, and is that what its going to be . Certainly there may be that possibility tomorrow as well yield the Budget Resolution. People can put amendments forward. We will be debating a number of amendments tomorrow. I think its important to step back. When folks talk about working together in a bipartisan way and bringing people together, lets not forget that this package is incredibly popular with the american people. People know that this relief is absolutely essential for their lives, for their future, for us to get through this pandemic. You know, it shows a vast majority of democrats clearly support it. But even a majority of republicans out across the country, everyday republicans support it. We have mayors in my state and michigan. I have republican mayors that are saying pass this relief, we need it. Its unfortunate that ive got colleagues in the senate and folks in the house, republicans that dont support it. But if they talk to their constituents back in their states and local communities, they will find that people understand how important it is to get this passed, to get it passed quickly and how we have to be bold if were going to get through this pandemic the way we need to. Reports indicate that President Bidens meeting which was his first meeting with senators, those ten republican senators, ended with him saying to them, were very far apart, and i dont see anything here thats going to bring us together. Is that what the president told you about that meeting . He didnt speak about that in those terms, but clearly there is a distance if you look at the proposal that the republicans put forward, substantially less. It is what is going to be necessary to help folks who are struggling now and to get the economy going. We have over 120 economists from all sorts of persuasions that are saying its time to be bold. We cant we cant possibly get through this pandemic if we dont take significant action going forward, and thats what the president is behind. The president is saying weve got to get this done right. Weve seen the mismanagement in the past months. Were paying a very dear price for the mismanagement from the trump administration. Its time to get it right. And that means we have to take significant action. The president is certainly firm on that position, and we all agreed as we were in that meeting that now is clearly the time that we have to step up and get through this pandemic and that requires being bold and decisive. Senator gary peters, thank you very much for joining us in what is your first appearance on this program as a Senate Committee chairman, chairman of the Homeland Security committee. Really appreciate you joining us. Great to be with you. Thank you. And joining us now, john heilemann, nbc news and msnbc National Affairs analyst. Host of the Hell And High Water podcast from the recount, a podcast i recently appeared on. John heilemann, the republicans the democrats spend their day trying to govern. You see them there, they all are gathered in the oval office. They are pushing through a Budget Resolution in the House Of Representatives which i was reading today, and theyve got one moving in the senate. And theyre really moving. Republicans spend the day answering questions about what do you think of the latest Homicidal Maniac Statement from Marjorie Greene . And in the cowardly caucus tonight, the House Republicans cast a secret vote about liz cheney allowing her to keep her position of leadership. The vote was 145 in favor of cheney, 61 against. And my favorite vote, one present. So theres a coward in there who is so cowardly that even in a secret ballot, that coward is afraid to vote and just votes present. Yeah. Lawrence, you know, if i were trying to be a comedian i would suggest that that person was Kevin Mccarthy who cast that present vote, but im not a comedian as you know, so im not going to suggest that. I do think that leader mccarthys performance throughout this day and these past days has been a perfect symbol for the kind of cowardice youre talking about. And how this vote was convicted. People wonder what mccarthy was going to do in this closed door meeting. We now have reporting that suggests he tried to split the baby, so to speak, and hes not going to strip Marjorie Taylor greene of any of her assignments. Hes going to try to blame the whole thing on democrats. Hes going to duck that responsibility so he stays in good with the q caucus, doesnt do anything that would offend that portion of his caucus. And at the same time he also spoke forcefully in defense of his Leadership Colleague liz cheney so as to offer some sense of support to the mainstream conservative part of his party or what leaves to be the mainstream conservative part of the party. All that looks like to me, lawrence, is a man desperately trying to maintain his Minority Leader status and who recognizes that his hold on his own caucus is extraordinarily fragile and very weak, and realizes that jim jordan at this moment is probably more aligned with the House Republican caucus than he is, and mccarthy desperately, desperately is trying to save his own skin, which pretty much is perfectly exemplary for what passes for leadership throughout the Republican Party in these times. And now that the Republican Party has become, in effect, the green party by defending Marjorie Greene, it seems to me that joe biden and the democrats are under less and less and less external political pressure to compromise with republicans when they appear to be an unreachable group. Right. I mean, you look over on the senate side, lawrence, and theyve offered the bipartisan, the Problem Solving Caucus at the white house offered obviously substantively inadequate bill. Their proposal is sole far away from what economists think is necessary theres only ten of them and only one peels off and youve lost a filibuster proof majority. So whats the point in trying to placate that caucus, when youre not likely to keep all ten of them together. And then you look over to the house where theres no dealing with those people, right . They were told today in no Uncertain Terms by nancy pelosi who put out a Press Release with a q next to mccarthys name and Shawn Maloney said were going to call you the qanon party and they stood by her anyway. That is a caucus theres no working with. So to your point i think joe biden says at this point democrats are the only governing party here, lets go. Another fascinating Hotel Living Room scene behind john heilemann. John, thank you very much for joining us tonight. Always appreciate it. Good to see you, lawrence. Thank you. Coming up, almost now 400 Congressional Staffers are doing something that they never do. They are speaking publicly for themselves, and they are telling senators how to vote. And they want those senators to cast that vote, quote, for the sake of the country in the Impeachment Trial of donald trump. Two of those brave Congressional Staffers will join us next. The calming scent of lavender by downy infusions calm. Laundry isnt done until its done with downy. 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Be 100 certain with jackson hewitt. Well get your taxes done right, guaranteed. 30,000 people work in the capitol and its adjoining house and Senate Office building. Its like a large university. 15,000 of them are the Staff Members who work for the members of the house and senate. A group of those staff numbers numbering now almost 400 have done something Congressional Staff almost never do. They have gone public for themselves. In an open letter they are calling on the United States senators to convict donald trump in the Impeachment Trial. Most Congressional Staff are on the young side. Most of them do not make a career of it and have moved on by the time theyre in their 30s. In their letter to the senators they make the point that many of them are in the generation that has been painfully trained for january 6th. Quote, many of us attended school in the postcolumbine era and were trained to respond to active shooter situations in our classrooms. They do not limit responsibility for the attack to donald trump alone. Quote, That Mob Was Incited by former president donald j. Trump and his political allies some of whom we pass every day in the hallways at work. The Congressional Staff signing this letter to senators say the choice facing senators is now simple. The use of violence and lies to overturn an election is not worthy of debate. Either you stand with the republic or against it. As congressional employees we dont have a vote on whether to convict donald j. Trump in his role for inciting the violent attack at the capitol, but our senators do. And for our sake and for the sake of the country we ask that they vote to convict the former president and bar him from ever Holding Office again. Joining us now are the coauthors of that letter, daniel glick, the Communications Director for val demings. Both are appearing and speaking in their own personal capacities not speaking for the members of congress they work for. Gabby richards, let me start with you. How did this letter come about . Its hard to explain to the audience how rare this is. Ive never seen anything like it. Its simply not part of the culture of the staff working there to step out in front like this and make a Statement Like this. How did it happen . Thank you for having us and highlighting this. Yes, a letter like this is not normal, but it came about because we collectively as staff felt as though this was an important story to tell. The experience of staffers during this insurrection, during this violent attack is real. The trauma is real, and those voices deserve to be heard, and it should weigh heavy on the conscience of our senators as they are making the decision whether or not to convict donald trump for his role in inciting this attack. Daniel, what is it like to be walking the halls with people who you know were part of the incitement of all of this . Lawrence, thanks for having us and ive got to say it is angering and frustrating. Its upsetting. You know, i talk to a lot of people who i work with who walk the halls right now and they say they just dont know who to trust, and that is a painful feeling to go to work every day and not know if the people who are around you mean you ill. And it doesnt necessarily mean that they would be the ones to cause that harm, but they certainly wouldnt shed a tear if it happened. And the fact that through their actions and through their politics they are inciting this violence, creating this situation where it can occur, thats an ongoing problem, and something we just havent seen dealt with yet. And unless theres some level of accountability in the Senate Impeachment trial, i dont see that problem going away anytime soon. And gabby, i think another thing the audience wouldnt know is that staff friendships in the congress go across party lines. They ignore party lines. In fact, many of the best friendships develop because in your Work Across Party Lines in committees and other places, you develop a closeness that you otherwise wouldnt have. And so this kind of the staff never, never makes statements in a partisan kind of way. And so thats why im so struck by what youre doing. And in effect issuing instructions. I mean, these read as instructions to senators. Yes. Because it should be very clear, and this decision should be very easy, much like the senators who were there in the midst of this attack as their representative counterparts in the other chamber of congress were there and they voted to impeach donald trump because the facts and the evidence, you know, was your lived experience, much as it was for the staff that were there that day, the staff that were watching as this attack happened. And this decision should not be complicated, and it should not be difficult. So, yes, the directive is clear. If you do not vote to convict donald trump you are further compounding the trauma that was inflicted not just on staff, not just on members of congress, but on the country but also on our democracy. And whether or not we have a clear vision of the country we want to be moving forward because where were at right now is not quite as safe especially for people who are working within the capitol. And we cannot embolden this type of violence. So, yes, the directive is clear. We must convict donald trump for his role in inciting this attack. Daniel, the country was riveted to congresswoman alexandria ocasiocortezs account recently of her time waiting out this threat and the horrors she experienced waiting those out. There are literally thousands of those stories that include Staff Members, cafeteria workers, other people, Maintenance Workers working in that campus. Are you all still sharing your stories with each other . Or is it something youre all trying to turn away from at this point . Well, im glad you mentioned that, and im so glad that the congresswoman did share that experience. But, you know, i think its a mixed bag. Some people are telling those stories. You know, ive talked to people recently who for example theres a Cafeteria Down in the basement of the capitol building, right . And the tunnels down there are essentially a maze. And if you work down there and if you are concerned about a threat up above you, that can feel extremely claustrophobic. And ive talked to multiple people that feel claustrophobic and concerned in those tunnels. Thats just one example. People are sharing their concerns and experiences. I think for a lot of people theres also a sense that the work has to keep going on, and a lot of people are still working to process what they experienced. Daniel glieick and gabby richards, as a former Congressional Staffer myself, i could not be more proud of what youve done here. And i cant wait for us all to have lunch. I prefer the dirkson cafeteria, of course, as a senate staffer, but ill come over to the house as soon as were all filled up with vaccine and its safe to do it. Id love to do that. Well be glad to have you. Thank you. Thank you both very much. And coming up, 50 seats are not enough. Democrats need wins in the next Senate Elections in 2022. Democratic congressman tim ryan of ohio might be able to deliver a senate seat to the democrats. Congressman tim ryan joins us next. Your skin isnt just skin, its a beautiful reflection of everything youve been through. Thats why dove renews your skins ceramides and strengthens it against dryness for softer, smoother skin you can lovingly embrace. Renew the love for your skin with dove body wash. Renew the love for your skin you know that look . That Life Of The Party look walk it off look one more mile look reply all look own your look. With fewer lines. Theres only one botox® cosmetic. Its the only one. Fda approved. 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Com former Ohio Democratic governor Ted Strickland tells the New York Times that the democrats might be able to pick up a senate seat in 2022 if ohio congressman tim ryan decides to run. Quote, i think he is the person with the best chance given this Political Climate were in and given the way ohio has been performing. He has the ability to appeal to a lot of independents, and democrats will be very excited about this candidacy. And joining us now is democratic congressman tim ryan of ohio. Mr. Ryan of ohio, question one is will you run for senate in 2022 . Well, lawrence, im very, very interested in it. Not going to lie about that. Theres a lot of people calling from all around the state. Anytime you get an open seat like this theres going to be some interest, and its been overwhelming. And so were all excited about the opportunity, but were looking at it very, very closely and well have more to say in the coming weeks. Donald trump has won ohio two elections in a row, but Sherrod Brown, democratic senator from ohio, won in 2018. Is the Sherrod Brown approach to running statewide in ohio the model for you . Theres no question that sherrods been able to run in ohio and win because he talks about the issues that the average family, the average worker are facing every single day, and thats that the economy is way offtrack. Its not working for the vast majority of people in the state ohio or across the country, it has been built on greed, and it doesnt work for most people. And youve got to get back to the issues i know you talk about a lot and pensions, not a real sexy issue for a lot of people. But there are people in ohio who have lost their pension, you know, gave up wages while they negotiated contracts so that money could be saved for a later day. Its no longer there. They want health care. They want good schools. And as long as we stick to those things like wages and making things again and manufacturing and getting into the rural areas where we havent really been successful, we can take this party and put it back on track to be a Real National party that thrives in the industrial midwest. And thats what makes it so appealing to so many of us with this new opportunity. So the big political opportunity here is that the incumbent republican, rob portman, has announced already hes not going to run for reelection. That opens the field to republicans, congressman jim jordan, there was some speculation about. He seems to have indicated hes not going to run. Do you have any sense whats developing on the republican field . Well, i think its a shame jim jordan isnt running because that would be a fun race for i think a lot of people including myself. But, you know, theyre going to have a very right wing candidate, it looks like. Theyre probably going to have some businesspeople sprinkled in there, but itll be a big republican primary and not sure what direction itll go, but theyll be beating each other up pretty good. And i think therell be an opportunity for us, really, lawrence, to capture those Working Class people who may have voted for donald trump because this system has been broken for them for 30 or 40 years. They just cant get ahead. They just want a shot, an opportunity. Their kids have left, and so they took a couple of flyers on trump. But i think with the right candidate and the right message about their interests, this election being about them. And much of the way joe biden framed things, theyll come back home. They want somebody to care about them, and if you do they will respond accordingly. I mean, we dont really go to the rural areas. They think we dont appreciate them. They think a lot of democrats look down on them, and then we dont show up there and affirm that inclination that they have. So the next campaigns got to really dig in in rural ohio and rural america. If you get this covid Relief Package through basically intact the way joe biden was talking about it today and by the way the way joe manchin was talking about it today. This morning on morning joe he was saying 1. 9 trillion. Thats where it is, thats where its going to be. If you get that through, what will you have to tell rural ohio about what you and President Biden have accomplished with that bill . Well, we understood their needs, understood the pain. Those Small Businesses, lawrence, who are getting crushed in Small Town Ohio the restaurants, the retail, the downtowns you know, that the democrats have delivered. And i think thats what unites joe manchin and joe biden and the left and the right, even within the Democratic Party is we know we have to deliver. A lot of us were around back in 2009 and 10, that the stimulus package wasnt big enough. It plugged the hole but we still had 10 unemployment, 9 unemployment. And we dont want to make that same mistake. We learned from our mistake and weve got to push through. And you cant make an omelet without breaking a few eggs. But if they deliver for those people in ohio, theyre going to come back home and im confident about that. Mr. Ryan of ohio, thank you very much for joining us tonight. I really appreciate it. Thanks, lawrence. Thank you. And coming up, dr. Anthony fauci today gave new guidance about that second dose of Coronavirus Vaccine and the timing. How crucial is the timing for that second dose . Thats next. Wanna build a Gaming Business that breaks the internet . That means working Night And Day. And delegating to an experienced live bookkeeper for peace of mind. Your books are all set. So you can finally give john some attention. Trusted experts. Guaranteed accurate books. Intuit quickbooks live. Go pro at subway® for double the protein on any footlong. Or on any new protein bowl so many ways to go pro at subway® its not amateurtein, its protein, baby go pro and get double the protein for just 2 more. Subway. Eat fresh. Here is dr. Anthony fauci today discussing the timing of when you have to get the second dose of Coronavirus Vaccine. Maximum responses are given with a prime followed by a boost 21 days with pfizer and 28 days with moderna. Now, we know that sometimes out of circumstances beyond the control of people that they may not make it exactly on the day of 21 day and 28 day. And as we know from the cdc under those special circumstances that it is okay if you get the second dose in either 4 to 6 weeks later. Joining us now is dr. Celine gounder, an Infectious Diseases specialist. Thank you for joining us tonight. And im not sure if this is your anecdotal experience. But for me what ive experienced since january 20th is theres a surge in interest in vaccine. And that may be because people have the mental space without donald trump in the way to finally focus on their own safety and when theyre going to get it. And so the Vaccine Questions become more important every day. That thing that dr. Fauci said also strikes me as important because another thing im hearing which you may be hearing, some people are reluctant now about getting the vaccine now on the calendar for Calendar Reasons because they doubt whether the second shot will be there when they need it. So right now the Biden Administration has arranged to purchase millions more hundreds of millions more doses of both the pfizer and moderna vaccines beyond what the Prior Administration have contracted to have produced and purchased. So we have plenty of vaccine coming down the pipeline, and the other good news is we have three additional vaccine candidates, the johnson johnson, astrazeneca, and novavax vaccines that will be likely submitted to the fda between this month and the end of april. Were going to have a lot of vaccines, a lot of different options, all of which appear to prevent severe disease, hospitalizations and death, which is what were really worried about here. Are we ever going to get this Vaccine Distribution to the point where your doctor is going to have it, and you can call up your doctor or your doctor can call up you knowing your age and say, hey, make an appointment, we have the vaccine for you . Its still a little while yet, lawrence, before we get to that point. But i do think come this summer especially if these other three vaccines come online, some of which do not require the intense deep freeze that i think for example the Pfizer Vaccine requires, once you have some f of the additional vaccines available, yes, were going to have this much more widely accessible through your regular primary care doctor. And the plan to distribute the new plan to distribute to pharmacies, which is supposed to happen relatively soon, does that mean they will only be able to will those pharmacies have the deep freeze capability of the Pfizer Vaccine, or will they only be able to distribute the vaccines to pharmacies who dont require such Special Handling . Some of the pharmacies will be able to distribute the pfizer and moderna vaccines, not just newer vaccines. Some of this will depend on the geography and how close they are to a facility with that capacity. I do think its important to understand that the idea of getting vaccines out through pharmacies, its not every single pharmacy for every single person. At first, it will be targeted to the most underserved, hardesthit communities that are not getting access right now. Doctor, thank you very much for joining us tonight. Thank you. House Speaker Nancy Pelosi will force House Republicans tomorrow to publicly take a stand on congresswoman Marjorie Greene. Thats something they were afraid to do today. David frum joins us next. Did you know you can go to libertymutual. Com to customizes your Car Insurance so you only pay for what you need . Really . I didnt aah ok. Im on vibrate. Aaah only pay for what you need. Liberty. Liberty. Liberty. Liberty. With relapsing forms of ms, theres a lot to deal with. Not just unpredictable relapses. All these other things too. Who needs that kind of drama . Kesimpta is a oncemonthly injection that may help you put this rms drama in its place. 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Im noninvasive and detect altered dna in your stool to find 92 of Colon Cancers even in early stages. Tell me more. Its for people 45 plus at average risk for colon cancer, not high risk. False positive and negative results may occur. Ask your prescriber or an online prescriber if cologuard is right for you. Ill get on it thats a step in the right direction. Tomorrow House Speaker nancy pelosi is going to force House Republicans to take a public stand on the homicidal comments of congresswoman Marjorie Greene, which include her support for assassinating nancy pelosi. Tomorrow, pelosi will force a vote, something House Republicans have refused to do. Vice news reports that during a closeddoor meeting among House Republicans, roughly half the conference gave Marjorie Greene a standing ovation. Here is what democratic congressman Hakeem Jeffries told joy reid tonight. The party of lincoln is gone, the party of reagan is gone, the party of mccain is gone, the party of Marjorie Taylor greene has taken over, its sad and its pathetic. Joining us now, david frum, Senior Editor for the atlantic, former speechwriter for george w. Bush, author of trumpocalypse. David, half, half of them Behind Closed Doors gave Congresswoman Greene a standing ovation. Half didnt. Lets look at the Glass Half Full part. And nancy pelosi, if you play chess you try to shrink the space on the board, use the bishop and rook to make the space smaller in which your opponent can move. Thats what nancy pelosi is doing focusing this way on Congresswoman Greene, to force them to make a choice, repudiate or embrace her. Republicans do have other options but theyre paralyzed, they cant figure out what to do. This chess move will end up with republicans with just a couple of squares on the board remaining to them. Lets look at this ad that the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee has put out, Linking Republicans in the house to qanon. Qanon, a Conspiracy Theory born online, took over the Republican Party. Sent followers to congress, and with donald trump incited a mob that attacked the capitol and murdered a cop. Then republicans like don bacon voted to protect trump, letting the qanon mob win. Don bacon should have stood with us, but he was a coward, he stood with trump and with lies. Congressman don bacon stood with q, not you. Thats what theyre facing and they cant seem to find a way out of it. I think charlie cook said that of the 29 closest seats in 2020, the republicans won 28. The board broke their way. But that means they have 28 seats vulnerable to flipping the other way in 2022, and thats what this is aimed at. Republicans could repudiate her, and say, thats it. Even throw her out of your caucus. Take some kind of disciplinary action. Second is put her on double, triple, extreme probation. Dont put her on committees, you make her mind her copy book and go on record that you want nothing to do with her. You could try reintroducing her to the american public. Writing speeches for her in which she says no one admires jewish space lasers more than she does and what a tremendous credit this is i should stop with that joke. But you could try and reintroduce her in some way. What theyre doing now is taking punch after punch with no plan. And republican congressman Adam Kinzinger shows them how easy it is to actually tell the truth. Lets listen to what he has to say. The bottom line is this, winning an election is important but its secondary to winning this country. If it has to take an open battle within the gop, thats what its going to have to take. Because a Republican Party under trump first policies is just not going to work. And david, he couldnt be more right and he couldnt be more estranged from his colleagues in the house. Theres an incentive problem, right . Obviously trump did not do well at the top of the ticket, didnt do well in 2016 or 2020. In fact of the 12 people to head a ticket in 21st century, he was tenth and 11th. But when the country is gerrymandered, individual republicans have different incentives than the rest of the party. David frum, i appreciate it. Thank you. That is tonights last word, The 11th Hour with Brian Williams starts right now. Good evening once again after what was day 15 of the Biden Administration, a day that saw republicans fighting for hours over the future of their party, still yet to be determined. They spent this evening locked in a room on capitol hill arguing over the fates of freshman Marjorie Taylor greene, the georgia republican, the qanon follower, the conspiracy theorist. And liz cheney, the veteran from wyoming, the third most powerful republican in house leadership. Tonight cheney survived an effort to strip her of her Leadership Position because of her recent vote to impeach donald trump

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