Transcripts For MSNBC MSNBC Live With Katy Tur 20240711

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Emergency use authorization next week. But there is a caveat, the efficacy of the j js vaccine dropped 57 from the highly contagious variant from south africa. Despite the travel van to stop that variant from coming over here, the new variant is already here. Two cases identified this week in South Carolina with two patients with no ties to each other and no travel history given that, signals community spread. During todays White House Briefing dr. Anthony fauci stressed the importance of vaccinating as many people as possible, as quickly as possible, before those mutant strains get out of control. Whether or not thats going to ultimately take over in the sense of being dominant is unclear by now. The projection that is made with regard to the uk is that probably by the end of march, the beginning of april, it actually will become more dominant in this country. The fundamental principle of getting people vaccinated as quickly and as efficiently as you possible can will always be the best way to prevent the further evolution of any mutant. Because when you do that, you prevent replication, and replication is essential for mutation. Still, the process is slow. States are still pleading for more vaccine. And mega vaccination sites, like this one in the meadowlands, is still sitting idle. For the most part. Thats not all, whats more frustrating more reporting that shots are being wasted because of the strict guidelines on who can get them and when. Joining me now is nbc news correspondent monica alba. Msnbc contributor dr. Natalie azar and a member of joe bidens covid19 Advisory Board during the transition dr. Ezekiel emanuel. Also viceprovost at the University Of Pennsylvania and all authorize of which country has the worlds best health care. So, monica, considering that the new strains are here. Considering that they are still trying to get up and running, getting the vaccine out as quickly as possible is the covid19 task force currently in the white house considering retooling its strategy . Reporter well, theyre thinking of a range of options, katy. Among that is exactly what you point out, the difficulty here with the mutant strains already here. That uk variant that was first identified a couple weeks ago, in 29 states. The south african one, just so far in South Carolina, dr. Walensky, the director of the cdc indicated its very likely thats spread beyond there, because the two people that did Test Positive for it. Didnt have any connection to each other and havent traveled outside of the united states. So we can expect to see more. Something else theyre monitoring very closely. The white house Officials Say there could be variants that come out of large cities in the united states. For instance, the los angeles variant something theyre examining. Could there be more of those. There were encouraging signs from the initial data, and the Johnson Johnson vaccine. Dr. Fauci touted the fact that even if the Efficacy Rate is lower, with pfizer and moderna, the fact that it is the ultimate shot, that it doesnt require the Temperature Storage and the fact its cheaper to produce means more of them can get potentially up to scale faster. Even though the approval process wont start until next week. That in itself can take weeks. It will be weeks or months before the general population has access to it. The white house is defending their slow and sluggish Vaccine Rollout and distribution. Theyre continuing to poke at promises that were made with the Trump Administration, goals they didnt reach. And they claim they inherited a system thats rather broken. Now, if we actually look at the data, some of the numbers in the last few days of the Trump Administration were nearing 1 million doses a day. Now, according to the white house, the Rolling Average is the last days is 1. 2 million. So that, they believe, will get them to that 100 million shots in arms in the first 100 days. Of course, the variants theyre worried about because that initial data from Johnson Johnson also shows a lower Efficacy Rate against the south african variant, for example. So, now, were talking about these potential boosters that will be needed. That was Something Else addressed in the Covid Vaccine briefing today earlier from the white house. Thats something that manufacturers and drugmakers are working on having scientists develop those. Even though the first rounds of vaccines are what most americans will get. Its very likely they will have to get a booster to deal with the emerging variants, katy. Joe biden was asked about the Johnson Johnson vaccine just a moment ago, were trying to turn around that tape so we can play it for you and get it to you. While were waiting for that, dr. Azar, this idea, the onedose vaccine, how much of a difference is that going to make in being able to track those who have been vaccinated. I know with the moderna and Pfizer Vaccine there can potentially be issues for getting people back for the second dose. Well, thats only one advantage. What monica pointed out there are a few very favorable characteristics of the Johnson Johnson vaccine. Yes, its one dose. It doesnt require the cold chain distribution. Its very inexpensive to make. And so production can certainly ramp up. You know, its definitely an important vaccine to have in the u. S. Arsenal. But i think its going to play a significant role, more globally. You think of lowincome countries. Warmer climates. Its a falsity to think that if we take care of americans and vaccinate us here without considering the global implication of the pandemic, were really doing ourselves a disservice. We are still awaiting that biden playback. So dr. Emanuel, if i interrupt you, im so very sorry. Given there are new strains out there. And given that the vaccines are potentially less effective against the new strains, how are you feeling today . Sorry, i didnt hear that. I got interrupted can you repeat that quickly . Dont worry about it. You had a phone call, how concerned are you about the vaccine heres biden, im sorry. Dr. Emanuel, hold on one second. At walter reed a lot. I spent almost six months there myself as a patient. And in addition to that, as Vice President , every single christmas we spent all of Christmas Day at walter reed. These kids are amazing. And thank god theres not as many people to visit. All of the people im seeing today who are being treated for four of them amputees are people who are in fact retired and theyre real heroes. And then were going to go see the vaccination distribution. So i spent a lot of time at walter reed. Theyre great americans. Theyre great people. Nice to see you all. Can you talk about the covid im sorry . With covid relief and reconciliation . I support Passing Covid relief with support from republicans if we can get it. But the covid relief has to pass. Theres no ifs, ands or buts. Thank you. All right. So that was pretty brief right there. Dr. Emanuel, back to you, on the new strains that are out there. And this news that the vaccine, at least the Johnson Johnson vaccine is not as effective on the south african strain. Well, first of all, lets back up. If you read the second line of the press release, it said that the effectiveness grew over time. That at 28 days, 85 effectiveness, regardless of place and age and gender. And thats important. And after 49 days, no one got a severe case. And i think thats pretty impressive, focusing on the 72 , missing the whole picture. And the whole picture is your actual immunity from this vaccine increases over time. And thats a really important factor. Second, on the variant, i think that there are three things we need to do to address them immediately. And i know the administration is working on this. The first is, we need more genetic screening, more strains, to know how many variants are out there. And to test them to see how serious they are in terms of debating diagnostic tests and monochromal antibodies. Second, were going toed me nor vaccines. And i know the administration is working on it part of it tested against what we had in the united states, part of it against the south african strain. And the ability to add more strains and variants that come about. And the last thing which has gotten no attention is, we need more therapies. More therapies that you can take orally or intranasally that are effective, in case the vaccine isnt working in your case. Those are the three things i would do about the variants. So theres been little news about regeneron, a guess more studies showing that it is quite effective, if youre able to use it early on. But thats something thats being given you can describe it better than i can, given in hospital. What news do you have . Or what do you know about the therapies that are being worked on given theyre not in the headlines every day . Thats true. The monochromal antibodies, if that targets, and regeneron is two Monoclonal Antibodies. We have the brazil variant, the los angeles variant. And there would be more variants, we can be guaranteed that. The other problem with Monoclonal Antibodies they take more Hospital Personnel to administer them, the patients, so its not like a pill that someone can take or Intranasal Administration or something that people can give to themselves. Those are really the kind of therapies we need that can be scaled to millions of people and dont require Health Care Personnel to administer them. So, weve had a recent report about culture, that needs to be evaluated, too. Dr. Emanuel, while i have you, briefly on schools, the cdc has said that the spread in schools is not to keep them close, essentially. Theres very little spread in schools. Are these new variants going to change that . Well, i think actually, the cdc report that was published in Jama Summarizing the data, i think its very, very impressive to restart inperson schools, in person classrooms, the data are, i think, pretty compelling. And one of the things that happened in schools is you enforce mask wearing. You enforce social distancing. You enforce small pods, you enforce handwashing and that keeps people safe. Its not absolutely safe but much safer being in the community where they could be haphazardly introduced and adhered to. Plus theres advantages to students. Theres education. Theres the Mental Health benefits. Theres food. So, i think we really do need to open up schools. And what the report also says is, look, wheres the big risk. The big risk is, Indoor Sports and we need to stop thats where the risk is in schools. Dr. Ezekiel emanuel, thank you for joining us, as to you, dr. Monica alba and dr. Azar, we appreciate it. While other states grapple with long lines and mass confusion, West Virginia was called out today by the white house on how well its doing with its own Vaccine Rollout. 81 of all vaccine doses delivered to West Virginia are already in peoples arms. And the reason for early success is empowering mom and pop pharmacies and communities that may have been skeptical of the shot. With me now from shepherdstown, West Virginia, is msnbc correspondent stephanie gosk. Stephanie, explain. Reporter katy, its remarkable. West virginia, the state, gets beaten up fairly often. They struggle with poverty. They have poor health. It was pegged early on as a state that was going to have a real problem in the Vaccine Rollout. Instead, theyre being held out as the shining example of what works. We spoke with the covid czar here, dr. Clay marsh who has been part of the rollout in the beginning. He said one of the reasons in addition to the program you just talked about with the pharmacists is that they set up an organization that was ready to be agile, he said. An organization that would be able to recognize problems when they happen, because this is an unpredictable pandemic. An unprecedented pandemic, then be able to shift and actually respond to them. Early on in the vaccination effort, they said, listen, weve got this option with cvs and walgreens to vaccinate in the state. But instead, they decided to go with a network of private pharmacies, theres quite a few of them in West Virginia, a 100 more or less. They asked those pharmacists to take care of vaccinating in their area. We visited with a husband and wife team. They are both pharmacists. They own five pharmacies in the panhandle of West Virginia. They have been getting up early in the morning. Driving all over the region, vaccinating people, getting home late at night. And they have said they moved quickly because there hasnt been a lot of bureaucracy. I asked how they were tapped to take this project on. This is a little bit of what they had to say to me. So, your phone rings, and what do they say to you . We need your help. And we said, sure. Yeah, it started out the first week with 16 pharmacies. Then expanded out to 60 the second week. And we crushed it. Has it helped you that youre from here . That youre visiting people who might be a little bit nervous that this is your backyard . Has thought been has that made it easier for you . Absolutely. Actually, half the staff most the staff they werent going to get the vaccine. And i pretty much talked them into it. Because we are local. Most of these people we know. Reporter so, its really that local kind of builtin trust that theyve been building for decades that allowed them to kind of move freely between the clinics, convince people that they needed the vaccine. Now theyre being pegged to go to social workers and schools and things because its worked so well. Katy. Stephanie gosk in west that. Thank you. What youre seeing in the lefthand side of the screen well, its suppressed now what you were seeing were joe biden at walter reed medical center. He didnt get there by a snap of the finger. The other video we had was a tape playback, played to us on his way to walter reed. Congresswoman cori bush is moving offices after a confrontation with Marjorie Taylor greene. She said Taylor Greene and her staff yelled at her in the hall. And the fbi raises concern for pipe bombs at the rnc and dnc, the day before the siege at the capitol. First up, though, posttrump civil war, inside the Republican Party. What exactly is happening there . Stay with us. 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You can send a representative who actually represents you, and you can send liz cheney home. One of my next guests travelled to wyoming for that rally to see what was going on for herself, politico Tara Palmieri wrote, at Harvard Freight tools when i uttered liz cheney, a worker muttered an epithet. Joining me now, tara palmiri, and katie parker. Tara, given what you saw, whats your takeaway for the broader Republican Party within the house . I think if theres any doubt, like i said, trump does not control the party, he clearly does. From the people i spoke on the ground, trump is way more popular than wyomings only representative liz cheney who has this famous name shes been elected three times, these dick cheneys daughter and yet when i mentioned her name there was evisceral anger about her because theres more loyalty to President Trump through anyone who opposes them. These people dont even want to call themselves republicans, a lot of who i spoke to on the ground, they are members of the trump party. He won wyoming by 43 points. So, theres not surprising that there is this reaction. But it just showed theres a reason why a lot of these members of congress are reluctant to break from trump and some are running full force at him like matt gaetz, because hes popular on the ground. I struggled, katy, i went to so many places, gun stores, restaurants, bike shops, pawn shops, anywhere, trying to find someone who would defend liz cheney. If they didnt know her, they didnt care, they thought she was the mayor or senator. But who they did know was donald trump. And no one would get the vaccine of people i asked. I asked over two dozen people they would get a vaccine. They believed the election was stolen and they were spouting out a lot of talks points that you hear from what is becoming establishment Republican Party. These are the voices that theyre hearing. So, it sounds like and by the way, you said you had a hard time getting people to talk to you while you were wearing a mask. But, ashley, it sounds like even know donald trump doesnt have a platform any longer, hes not on twitter. Hes not on facebook. Havent heard from him, havent seen him since he left office, other than that picture with Kevin Mccarthy yesterday, that he still has quite a hold over the Republican Party. Does he expect to maintain that as time goes on . Or i dont know, is it out of sight, out of mind, eventually . Well, the former president certainly hoped to maintain that hold. When we see the hold over the Republican Party, the key thing thats important to remember, and the key thing that will be a challenge for the Republican Party writ large is that Donald Trumps hold is over those people that tara just described. The people who are sort of maga nation before republican. The people he has used correctly as his base. So if and when he chooses to try to exert his authority or his power or his sway, we absolutely have ever reason to believe its something hes desperate to do. Hes not going to do it as a consensus builder and trying to help the establishment and unruly caucus. And is going to be talking to people who he egged on with Conspiracy Theories with the Falseless Beliefs that joe biden did not win the election. With dangerous misinformation about the vaccine and coronavirus and science, that is going to be the part of the party that he controls. And thats going to make it very difficult for the party writ large to really chastise and punish and distance themselves from these members who are now, you know, firmly in their ranks. So, i guess, tara, the question is what does it mean for the ability for congress to legislate, if theyre moving into even more of a trump faction, where, you know, someone like liz cheney might get removed from leadership, potentially. She might find herself in jeopardy up for reelection in 2022. Again, two years is a long time, so well see. Yeah. What does it mean for the partys desire to get on the same page with democrats for anything . I think its going to be really hard. You have have a modern constituency to be able to do that. Trump on the forefront, not on twitter, not speaking, its almost like hes become this looming martyr, legendary figure, and people who are persecuted are warriors for trump. It may have made it even more popular, people more suspicious of the Republican Party has existed forever. And i can see, these are the people that go out to vote in primary elections, and thats why someone like liz cheney should be concerned, even though that primary is in 2022. Because these people feel so passionately, the ones i had to ask how they feel about liz cheney, didnt know who she was, theyre not going out to vote in the primary. Its the maga, the baby boomers, the protrump, theyre going to control the party did they actually go out and vote in primaries. The question is what happens in the general election. Tara, please keep doing these reporting trips. You sound a lot like what i sounded like in the beginning of the trump era when i was trying to wave my arms no, listen, hes got a following. Yeah. Thanks so much for joining us. Ashley parker, thanks for coming as well. Always love to have you. Up next, how much work can really get done on capitol hill if lawmakers fear each other . Were going to jump off with what we were talking about with tara. Congresswoman Pramila Jayapal is with me after the break. Nd crean the kids juice aisle. [ fizz ] joining meeting. Nd crean the kids [ coughing ] [ gasping ] skip to Cold Relief Fast with Alka Seltzer Plus severe power fast fizz. Dissolves quickly, instantly ready to start working. Oh, what a relief it is so fast. The fbi has raised the reward for the information for the person who placed pipe bombs during the capitol siege. And also raised suspicion saying that the bombs were posted before january 6th. The Washington Post obtained the Security Footage of a citizen carrying a backpack just after january 5th. Joining me now is nbc news correspondent pete williams. Pete. Well, youre right. This is the new information that we have. That investigators have concluded that the bomb was placed the night before they were discovered the bombs, i should say, plural, the next day. It was just about 90 minutes before the capitol riots began that these two devices were found at the headquarters at the two National Party offices on capitol hill a few blocks apart. That served to draw away some of the police who should have been at their post at the capitol, they were responding to what investigators say were fully working bombs made of metal pipe, with a kind of common kitchen windup timer on each one. To be clear, these are videos that the post got by doggedly going around to varies addresses and asking for surveillance video. But the fbi tells us they already have seen and have these videos. And they say the person was wearing a face mask, gray hoodie and distinctive footwear, Nike Air Max Turf and carrying a black pack back. They dont know who this is. To help loosen peoples memories they have increased the reward here to 100,000 now. Is this still a national search, are they zeroing in on a particular area for the suspect . Could he possibly be a local d. C. Resident . They just dont know. And thats i think whenever you see the reward money offered, its a sign that they dont really have any suspects. And thats why theyre eager to get public help. You know, very often when they do this in bombing investigations around the country, somebody will see something that strikes them as familiar. But it is these videos from which the fbi had pulled earlier, the still pictures that wed seen in the two wanted posters. The one that came out a week or so ago and the one issued today with the new reward offer. Pete williams. Pete, thank you very much. Relationships in the house are at a Breaking Point as the fallout from this months attack on the capitol still does loom large. House Speaker Nancy Pelosi referred to some of her republican colleagues as, quote, the enemy within. And the Washington Post reports some democrats have purchased bulletproof vests. And theyre going to find any member of the house who dodges Metal Detectors over concerns a member of Congress Might be trying to bring a gun on the house floor. Joining me is congresswoman Pramila Jayapal. Aoc has raised this with republican colleagues. We just had cori bush tweet about how she asked nancy pelosi and has been granted, a move of offices because of a confrontation she had with Marjorie Taylor greene, she said greene and her staff berated her in the hallway and targeted her and others on social media. Shes moving for fear of her safety. How do you feel . Well, i think its very real. We all feel this tension of our colleagues who are continuing to not admit that joe biden won the election. Or continuing to engage with White Nationalist extremist groups that were part of the insurrection on the capitol. Are continuing to tie themselves to donald trump, the president , who incited the insurrection. The most violent on the capitol since the war of 1812. The reality is, there are too many members of the Republican Party who are referring to wear masks. Are referring to go through Metal Detectors. Katy, you know you cant even get into a Baseball Game without going through a metal detector. Here we are with these colleagues trying to bring guns on to the floor and refusing to follow the laws that have been established to be a member of congress. So it is real, the Security Threat to us, individually, in our homes, in our districts. And on the floor are real. And so is the rage at republicans who are choosing a cult party and a cult figure, over the constitution. And thats what it is. So, you know, i have a lot of respect for liz cheney, for adam kingsinger, for republicans, who understand their number one duty is to make sure we preserve our democracy and constitution. And donald trump if republicans choose to go along with donald trump theyre choosing to go along with a president Who Incited Insurrection and who is actively courting rising of the confederacy and, frankly, a civil war. Democrats have the majority to legislate. But do you see any possibility for any bipartisan cooperation . Is there anybody in the house right now that you can work with . Well, there are a small number of republicans who did not go along with all of this. And i it has only strengthened our resolve to work with those republicans. But we should be really clear. Thats a very small list. We have lists of republican members who voted to overturn the elections, even after the insurrection, who gave what appears to be aid and assistance and planning to insurrectionists and who are continuing to support donald trump. And i can tell you that across the democratic caucus, there are many of us who feel that we simply cannot work with those individuals. So, it is a difficult time. But we cant act like this is normal. And at the end of the day, lets differentiate, between the people across the united states, many of whom want to see the minimum wage raised, even if they are republican, even if they voted for donald trump. They want to see the vaccine distributed and covid taken on. They want to see infrastructure investment. And republicans in the senate and house are going to refuse to go along with those unified proposals, that joe biden is pushing and that democrats are pushing, then we will have to go it alone. But we are not going to succumb to this moment of, you know, really, terribly troubling times for our country. Katy, the road to fascism is littered with moments where people either did not speak up, or they went along with what was being proposed. And i do fear, for our country in this moment. Congresswoman Pramila Jayapal, thank you for joining us. Stay safe. Thank you so much. From wall street to capitol hill, the Gamestop Trading Frenzy takes another dramatic turn. Now lawmakers are involved. First up, expressing support for assassinating lawmakers, massacres of children, false flag events. And a claim, a laser beam fired from space hard to say this without laughing, but its true a laser beam from space caused a deadly wildfire in california. How far is too far for the Republican Party . 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Taylor greene repeats a qanon Conspiracy Theory that the fire was set by a power laser from space, triggered by a mysterious wealthy cabal. It was caused by power lines. Its one of many Conspiracy Theories shes pushed and no evidence of the plane crash on 9 11. And that sandy hook were a plan for stricter gun control. And she also said that other people manage her facebook and she may not share all of those opinions. But in response to all of this, some democrats on capitol hill are calling for her to be expelled from congress. Republicans gave her a seat on the education committee. Joining me now is new yorker staff writer charles buethe, and Gary Riggleman the author of big foot its complicated. Charles, youve gone to marriage marjorie tale greenes district and what did you learn about what they wanted and are they getting what they wanted . A little background for those who dont know, shes a former crossfit gym manager and has had a few roles at her fathers Construction Company and has no political background at all fm. In that way, shes very much like trump. Thats what her constituents were excited about. She you know, she really echoed a lot of trump rhetoric in the runup to her campaign. Last fall, a lot of talk about stopping socialism. A lot of conservative talking points, not a lot of substance and, you know, it pushed the right buttons for constituents. And, you know, they overwhelmingly elected her. Denver, she is becoming one of the prominent faces of the gop right now. Theres matt gaetz who travelled to wyoming to try and help get Liz Cheney Out of the party. Kevin mccarthy who just took a photo of the president with josh hawley and a raised arm before the capitol insurrection. And Marjorie Taylor greene with all of her Conspiracy Theories that quite frankly get weirder and harder to believe by the day, laser beam shot by space. Is this where the Republican Party is going . Are they going to way as opposed to liz cheney or mitt romney . You know, katy, it got difficult to track data after the social networks were taken away. You look at greene right now, shes a conduit what some people still believe in stop the steal out here in central virginia. Im still seeing trump pence signs, the trump signs are scraped over in black. Theres foul things about the former Vice President there. I think youll see a surge in anger. I think youll see President Trump coming out and speaking soon. Theres a lot of money out there, and i think Marjorie Taylor greene is attracting that money and anger. I really did think we had some time to purge this out of the system or gop completely. Right now, i think youre seeing a really quiet rage, almost a double down in the Conspiracy Theories. Things like Marjorie Taylor greene, she seems to be attracted all you of the Conspiracy Theories. She likes them all. And ive never seen anything like it. Charles, when you went to the district your piece, by the way, in the new yorker is fascinating. And it seemed like on the fringes at least, an electorate that was maybe more fertile Breeding Ground of acceptance of the Conspiracy Theory. At the same time, shes not the only qanon supporter. And Lauren Boebert from colorado. When i went around and talked to voters here in new york city, before the election, a lot of them expressed the suppo pedophs surprising. How representative is Marjorie Taylor greenes district now of the broader Republican Party . I still think its its still on the fringe. Im not ready to say that it represents the broader Republican Party. But its a pretty scary fringe that i think is seeping into the rest of the party. And theres great concern for the kind of poison that, you know, can leach out into the party from there if its not stopped. And theres no clear evidence so far that folks are really willing to come in and stop it. You know, you have her being appointed to the education committee. You have folks sort of watching as she ties to impeach joe biden. A lot of these are, certainly, flatly absurd and kind of crazy things. That theyre being just sort of watched, instead of spoken out against. So, you know, i think theres a grave danger that yeah, go ahead. Im sorry, the pauses sometimes get me with these delays and setups. Denver, quickly, before we have to go, is this a play for the primaries . Or is this a play for general elections Going Forward . Does this get more republicans elected . I think theyll do fine in the 2022 elections. I think theyre going to do just fine. Im seeing it out here, we have people running on Election Integrity and stop the steal. Theyre using the same language, katy. So, i want to be pessimistic about the chances of those individuals that use that kind of language, i really do. Im so glad youre able to go out and see that district where she is. Right now, im still seeing anger and rage. Were not seeing any difference on the chatter. Based on President Trump. I think him going gone for a while and quiet has actually increased some of the anger. I think theyre going to run on stop the steal, Election Integrity. I. D. Voter laws. Thats what theyll run on in 2022. I dont think youll see that much damage against the gop in the midterms that could be concerning for people who look at Conspiracy Theories and disinformation. Thats interesting, tara palmeri said the same thing about the base going quiet. Denner riggleman, thank you for joining us, charles, thank you for joining us. Coming up gamestop or make it stop. Is a Revolution Brewing or is a revolution being squashed on wall street . Youve been hearing about this. Were going to try to explain whats going on, next. And theres a photo of your mommy and then theres a picture of me. But before our story it goes way, way, way back with your great, great, great grandparents. See this handsome man, his name is william. William fell in love with rose and they had a kid. His name was charles and charles met martha. Isnt she pretty . Yeah. In a year of changes. Dont take chances on your taxes. Be 100 certain with jackson hewitt. Well get your taxes done right, guaranteed. With relapsing forms of ms, theres a lot to deal with. Not just unpredictable relapses. All these other things too. Who needs that kind of drama . Kesimpta is a oncemonthly injection that may help you put this rms drama in its place. It reduced the rate of relapses and active lesions and slowed disability progression. 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Its a taste of something good. A taste we all could use right now. So lets make the most of it. And make every sandwich count. With oscar mayer deli fresh boneert. Game stop, robinhood, reddit. If your head hurts from hearing those three words, youre not alone. It seal like everybody is a regulatory expert. It is being called the new occupy wall street. The revenge of the masses. Sticking it to the uber rich folks behind hedge funds. Turning the tables on the very people who are used to manipulating the markets. They to make huge money in the process. And this description from the new york times, its an absurdist, pretty sure i hallucinated it drama involving game stop. A struggling video Game Retailer that became the rope in a high stakes tugofwar between wall street suits and a crusading internet mob. Okay then. There are a lot of new developments today. Investigations being launched. Be careful warnings being thrown about. But what in the world is actually going on in it can be hard to follow but it is a that i go deal and were going to break it all down in a way that we can all understand. Myself included. Joining us now to make sense of it all, politicos chief economic corn, ben white. Mr. White, it good to have you. Make sense of this for you. Okay. So game stop, nobody really going to it anymore. Revenue is down. It takes off like a rocket ship. Why did that happen . A lot of people on reddit, on wall street bets, decided to buy it up and bought in it massive numbers. It spread to facebook and everybodys aunt and uncle jumped into it and it sent the shares up 7,000 with no fundamentals. Robinhood, this Online Platform that allows people to buy and sell shares with no cost, democratizes the market, was facilitating this. And then yesterday essentially ran out of money. They were getting call to have more cash on hand. Drawing down the lines so they stopped allowing people to buy and that drove everyone nuts, including people In Washington who basically that, oh, boy. Now big wall street is moving in to protect the hedge funds, the brokers, and the masses who want to buy these shares cant do it. It is under fortunately a little more complicated than that but it does look a little like big Wall Street Stepping in to squash the little guy who sent these shares into orbit. Not just game stop. It was amc, too. A Theater Chain doing poorly with covid. The price went up like crazy and several hedge funds got crushed. Blockbuster and tootsy rolls. Congress is having hearings. When weve seam it before, theyve been, not done so well. But underwhming. It seems like the lawmakers dont have any understanding of the internet or technology. Are you hopeful that theyll get anywhere on this . I cant say im super helpful but there are interesting questions to ask here for congress. And one of them, and theyre all very angry at robinhood and likely so. They were not positioned to handle this kind of volume and didnt have the money they had on hand to be able to deal with this. The question is, are online Trading Platforms underutilized. So there are issues there. Im very much on the side of the retail investor. I think everybody should be able to buy whatever they want whenever they want despite the underlying fundamentals. But back in the 80s, we had, you saw the movie boiler room, people would be in a room, talk up the penaltiy stocks, get people to buy them. And there is an element to that too. Are people going into chat rooms, pumping up stocks not worth anything. Getting mom and pop to buy them. And then they are left holding the bag. So there is an issue here protecting Retail Investors from themselves to a degree and whether we need some disclaimers on folks going into chat rooms, pumping up stocks. Whether they know them or not. What their position is. So there is a little of that. But more broadly, i think it would be to take a look at places like robinhood and whether they are in a position to handle this kind of volume and perhaps underregulated and need fresh eyes on them. You talk about penny stocks, my thought is about wolf of wall street. And trading places. Ben white, thank you. I have more questions. Well have to have you back. It is friday. Still though, if you are going out, wear a mask. If youre staying in, Ayman Mohyeldin picks up our coverage after the break. S up our covera after the break. It was the age of wisdom. Ooh la la by cherie the moxie showerhead speaker. Only from kohler. Since my dvt blood clot. I wasnt sure. Was another around the corner . Or could things go a different way . I wanted to help protect myself. My doctor recommended eliquis. Eliquis is proven to treat and help prevent another dvt or pe blood clot. Almost 98 percent of patients on eliquis didnt experience another. And eliquis has significantly less major bleeding than the standard treatment. Eliquis is fdaapproved and has both. Dont stop eliquis unless your doctor tells you to. Eliquis can cause serious and in rare cases fatal bleeding. Dont take eliquis if you have an Artificial Heart Valve or abnormal bleeding. If you had a spinal injection while on eliquis call your doctor right away if you have tingling, numbness, or muscle weakness. While taking eliquis, you may bruise more easily and it may take longer than usual for bleeding to stop. Seek immediate medical care for sudden signs of bleeding, like unusual bruising. Eliquis may increase your bleeding risk if you take certain medicines. Tell your doctor about all planned medical or dental procedures. Whats around the corner could be worth waiting for. Ask your doctor about eliquis. Its moving day. And while her friends whats around the corner could be worth waiting for. Are doing the heavy lifting, jess is busy moving her xfinity internet and tv services. It only takes about a minute. Wait, a minute . But what have you been doing for the last two hours . Delegating . Oh, good one. Move your Xfinity Services without breaking a sweat. Now thats simple, easy, awesome. Xfinity makes moving easy. Go online to transfer your services in about a minute. Get started today. Good afternoon. Im Ayman Mohyeldin in new york. President biden just took his first trip on marine one as he visits soldiers at walter reed. He took questions calling on congress to come together and quickly pass a new pandemic relief bill. I support Passing Covid relief with support from republicans if we can get it. The covid relief has to pass. No ifs, ands or buts. The relief bill comes as some of the top advisers warn that new mutations of the virus could multiple here in the united states. All of this as the u. S. Is on the verming of reaching 26 million confirmed cases of the virus. As the death toll surpasses 435,000. With nearly 89,000 deaths in the month of january so far. The deadliest single month of this pandemic. And new this afternoon, two Democratic House members are introducing legislation to censure republican congresswoman Marjorie Taylor greene. Later this hour i will speak with Nicole Hockley whose 6yearold son was killed

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