Transcripts For MSNBC MSNBC Live With Katy Tur 20240711

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Medical workers are getting this first dose of the vaccine as we speak protecting themselves against what will still be a long, deadly, and for them exhausting winter. Theyre sending a message to the rest of us that this vaccine is safe and it will save lives. A new online poll from abc news shows that more than 80 of americans are willing to take the vaccine. Although a large percentage say they dont want to be among the first to do so. Frankly most of them will not have to worry about that. Right now there is only enough doses to inoculate a something number of the most vulnerable americans. But the time line is getting more optimistic. Dr. Anthony fauci said the General Public could start getting shots in just three months. I have been saying my my calculation that by the end of mark, the beginning of april, that a normal healthy man and woman in the street with no under lying conditions would likely get it. There is still so much work to be done until that happens. The task of producing and distributing this vaccine will be the largest nationwide mobilization since world war ii. It will be hard, there will be set backs, and more people will still get sick and die as the virus keeps on spreading. In fact just moments ago the death hol here in the United States surpassed 300,000. Lets set all of that aside for one moment. The most difficult of most of our lives, Public Health experts say this pandemic will end. Genuine optimism can be felt in little moments across the country in the first initial vaccinations or pfizer employees cheering the first doses as they went out the door. [ applause ] after everything that we have been through as a nation, we should all Take A Second to celebrate and let this moment sink in. Victory is in sight. Joining me now, sam brock. From michigan alison barber. Not to diminish the hill that were climbing, but it is a real moment, what are you seeing down there . I dont think it is too cliched or simplistic to say that this is truly a ray of hope to all of the people here carrying the emotional burden of seeing people suffer, losing loved ones for nine months now. That is exactly what we are experiencing on the front level. This is the Largest Private Health Care Provider in the state of what we heard from people today, the word they heard most frequently was relief. We started this process. We saw people trickle it, and you mentioned late march and early spril. It is excruciating here. They wore their pain over their heart and their chest. This is not the first time were talking at mitigation, but solution. This is a very specific location that im at right now it was helping pfizer with their trial runs but the cold freezing temperatures minus 70 and minus 80 degrees. How to move the dry ice and boxes around. Nehr a great position to be about to leverage that. Everything else, this is the true wigs of the long sought after vaccine becoming real. She has been Rapid Response for six years. She talked about what today was like and what she experienced in the last several months. Here is what she said. It is just really overwhelming in a good way. I feel like we have been through a lot in the last nine or ten months so to see this finally happening was just amazing. In the last nine months how many times have you cried tears of pain . A lot. Hundreds . Yeah, i can right now. It has been tough. But that is a microcausium. It has been hard for all of us, but those dealing with it day in and day out experiencing the surging with the families and the victims, you really feel for them and the woman you were just talking to. You were at a hospital in michigan, i know they were trying to figure out when they would get their shipment of vaccine, what are you hearing . Yeah, it is not hear, but theyre waiting and ready when it arrives here. When it does make it here it will come into this room where you will have farm sises here where she shows us where she will store it. Say will store it and make sure that it is ready to be a Administers Pred properly. Once you have this vaccine, one, how quickly can you get it ready to be injected. Were expected any time to receive vaccine. Were going to be ready to inject within hours. So here they are going to be the place where Health Care Workers identified their vaccine. But they are only expecting to get about 975 doses, so within that group, they did a lottery to identify about 1,000 people who will get these first vaccines. The first person that is going to be vaccinated here is an Infectious Disease doctor, listen here. This vaccine is exciting. I have been looking forward to this for a long time, but i dont expect this to change a lot. I think were expected to do the masks and watch the hands, at least for the future when we get an idea of how this vaccine and this disease works. Across michigan flags are flying at half after it to honor, grieve for, and remember the 10,000 Plus Michiganers that lost their lives because of the virus. This vaccine cannot come soon enough. What youre seeing right now is frontline Health Care Workers getting vaccinated. At nyu, this process is ongoing, it is a logistic kal mountain t climb. Who gets it when. They have to defrost it and it only lasts for so many hours and so many days and they dont want any of tf to go to waste if is difficult. Part of the challenge is shipping it out to everyone. Youre a Postal Service facility, correct . Tell me about the process of getting it out. What are you seeing . Were at the world port here. They have a massive fleet of cargo planes. This is one of the tools they use toship those shipments out in the coming days and weeks. You can see the massive containers that theyre loaded in, thats what they arrive in and theyre off loaded here, and then their loaded on to other planes bound for hospitals and communities in need of that vaccine. When it comes to, as you mentioned, trying to make sure the vaccine stays viable a big tool in that is in my hand. This is a Blue Tooth Division that will track the location and it will monitor the temperature. It needs to be kept at negative 94 degrees fahrenheit. What theyre able to do with this sensor is should it start to rise even a little bit they will isolate that box, send a crew member to it and put more dry ice in there to make sure it maintains that super cold temperature so that when it arrives at a hospital it did k be safely onloaded, taken inside to a lab, and then the vaccine is thawed before it is injected into the arms of the Frontline Workers working so tirelessly over the last nine months doing everything they could to bring the pandemic to a close. We saw some of them get their shots today in louisville, it came with roundes of applause. They went up there, smiles on their faces, recognizing that it could be the beginning of the end for this pandemic. It is emotional, thank you all. With me now is dr. Tom freeden, tom, good to see you, how are we doing so far . It is really encouraging. The vaccine has proven to be much more effective and faster than most of us expected. It is just the first step on a long road of vaccination to create immunities so we can get back to normal. It will be a number of months before there is enough given so that we can let down our guard. Right now were seeing the highest Hospital Rate ever. Were seeing increating death rates and that is tragedy likely to continue for months. So we have to doupt down to save lives now. We are at the very beginning of the end, the very, very, very beginning of the end. I was listen to dr. Monsef this morning, but he says he was very worried about the sensors in the giant boxes saying the temperature is changing, flux chew rating, and they need a repairman out there what should we be on most high alert for . We dont know if the production will continue. There could be supply and trust problems. It is a question not just of is the vaccine available, but will people take it . Change happens at the speed of trust. In terms of distribution the vaccine will come before the committee this week and this is not quite as difficult. They are likely to be approved in the new year. As you said it is just the first step on a very long and probably bumpy road. Youre talking about trust, trust is going to be an issue along communities of color that historically do not trust the medical system because of their terrible experiences with it. What else should we be doing on the national and federal level to make sure they take this shot. First and foremost congress has to act. That is a he looks like dollar effort. Insurance will pay some of it, but i know this wont be done with a Advertising Campaign if will require community engagement. Find out who they are listening to were sharing nsk, and providing the kind of practical messages and messengers that will be heard in different communities. That is how you succeed. Does it help to have National Figures get public forgets. The president said he will get it at some point, but he made no mention of when that might be. How much does that matter . They are getting the message that this is an effective vaccine. And with Tens Of Thousands of people that got it we dont see any serious side effects. It makes your arm sore and half of people feel bad for a day or so afterwards with a headache or fatigue, and about 10 or 15 can feel feverish and chills. Maybe a little like a flu, but one thing to make clear is that is an indication that the vaccine is working. The Immune System is saying next time i see this, im going to keep someone from getting sick. Just to be clear youre not getting covid, youre getting a synthetic form of the virus that is not covid. Think of it like an email sent to your Immune System that shows it a picture of what the virus looks like and gives It Instructions on how to kill the virus and then like a snapchat it disappears. It is amazing technology. The fact that in less that a year it is ending up in peoples arms after proving to be effective, that is really encouraging. But again we have a kind of double message. On one hand great news, only the other hand we have even more reason to play it safe so we can all be around for when the vaccine becomes available to us. I think of it like tricking your system, like how someone saying hello on their Answering Machine thank you for joining us. It is a truly remarkable day, a real day for hope. We appreciate it, sir. We have Breaking News out of capitol hill on that bipartisan relief bill. There is a Bipartisan Group of senators that say they have a way to pass it. Also the vaccine is here. How one couple is working to convince the weary that it is safe. Important outreach. First up though, michigan is casting their electoral votes behind closed and locked doors. What is going on over there . A d, youll make a plan that can adjust as your life changes, with access to taxsmart Investing Strategies that help you keep more of what you earn. And with brokerage accounts, you see what youll pay before you trade. Personalized advice. Unmatched value. At fidelity, you can have both. More than this stand up to moderate to severe rheumatoid arthritis. And take. It. On. With rinvoq. Rinvoq a oncedaily pill. Can dramatically improve symptoms. Rinvoq helps tame pain, stiffness, swelling. And for some. Rinvoq can even significantly reduce ra fatigue. Thats rinvoq relief. With ra, your overactive Immune System attacks your joints. Rinvoq regulates it to help stop the attack. Rinvoq can lower your ability to fight infections, including tuberculosis. Serious infections and blood clots, sometimes fatal, have occurred. As have certain cancers, including lymphoma, and tears in the stomach or intestines, and changes in lab results. Your doctor should monitor your bloodwork. Tell your doctor about any infections. And if you are or may become pregnant while taking rinvoq. Take on ra talk to your rheumatologist about rinvoq relief. Rinvoq. Make it your mission. If you cant afford your medicine, abbvie may be able to help. Rouge now michigan is getting ready to cast their electoral votes. It is a routine part that is normally purely procedural, instead of being public, the Capital Building is shut down because of Credible Threats of violence. Also with me is our michigan whisperer tim alberta. The doors are locked, the public is not allowed in, what is it like outside. They are speaking right now here. The 16 electors will coast their voted for joe biden. It is important to note that the republican Led Legislature closed down the house and the senate last night after they said what were Credible Threats of violence. One legislature appeared on a Radio Program suggests there would be a Hail Mary Type action in order to essentially stop this Electoral College meeting from taking place. I think it is important to note that these are not normal times. From your time on the road, katy, it is clear that this is normal. You have State Legislatures talking openly about potential violence here. You have 120 u. S. House members that signed on to a lawsuit to overturn election results. You have the one time americans mayor urging State Legislatures, including here in michigan, to set different electors for trump despite joe biden winning. Governor whitner who was a target in a kidnapping plot. Just last weekend the michigan Secretary Of State had dozens of armed individuals outside of her house harassing her. So while michigan will cast their 16 elector votes for joe biden and kamala harris, i think it is important to note and remember what this democracy, what this electoral process has endured to get to this Point Today In Which Joe Bide listen officially declare himself the winner of this election. It is the new normal for people to get death threats. It is an ep softbaacceptable no. This sort of thing started happening on a regular basis. Tim what is driving this anger, this distrust, this refusal to accept facts and result . Michigan . How much time do you have, katie . This became circular in a lot of ways, right . The tail wagging the dog and the dog wagging the tail. John james lost a pretty narrow, very hard fought race against the incumbent direct. Right when he was about to overtake john james in the vote counting process, John James Campaign competweeted out a stat that accused him of tweeting and john james retweeted it. They announced they were trying to steal the election and they were tweeting. A few weeks later, john james puts out a facebook video addressing all of his concerns with the electoral process in michigan and really lifting up he says listen, when onehalf of the voters in this state think they were cheated, we have a real problem here. You listen to him say that and you think wait, you were the one telling them they were cheated within righ, right . This is very circular. You have elected officials and Prominent Party leaders that were fanning the flames and they were justifying or per pitpetua those at the ground day. Those people are getting so angry and agitate, right . People said the vote was stolen from you. These are people in positions of power and influence. Youre going to believe them. They take to the power, they flood their representatives online and in their inboxes, and those elected officials and Party Leaders in turn will site that outrage. It is just self perpetuating. It is really, really disappointing. It would be easily avoided if officials in the upper most echelons were willing to tell their voters the truth, for most folks that is toosh to ask. Its antidemocratic and i think that is the worst thing you can say about something in this country. When youre antidemocratic, a lawmaker, a leader, and you have the influence that tim just laid out. This is joe bidens he will be president on january 20th, it is going forward. There is a real problem trying to stitch the country back together. Do you see a first step in trying to fix this . Is this a way forward . Gosh, katy. I should probably say yes, there is a path forward because were americans. We solve problems, we come together. We have ultimately a challenge that we have not seen before, but were going to surmount it. I dont know if i can tell you that. If one thing ticks with me, talking with voters across the country, it is that we are in a really bad place in the country not because we disagree, but because of our information. At the center of our disagreements. Its not because of a common baseline or information, but were often at beach others votes, it is offer contradictory pieces and that is at the heart of this and i dont see how that changes, i dont see how we judge one another so ruthlessly. The political dynamics in this country right now are so far out of whack. If you spend any amount of time with voters on the ground and you dont walk away hospital mystic. Well said, i think youre totally right about that having done the same traveling myself. I used to sign facts matter in my book when i was asked to sign them and i believed that, no matter what spakts will win out, but it seems now that facts dont matter. Tim, thank you for being honest and clear eyed for us. Thank you, gentlemen, i appreciate it. Coming up, more and more kids are being admitted into a hospital with covid. Black americans are among the hardest pit, but theyre also the most skeptical of a vaccine. What does that mean for those that need it worse . Show of hands if youre 100 sure you will take this vaccine. Eventually. Moisture barrier. Uh i love it aveeno® healthy. Its our nature. ™ and now with q4 wrapping up, the north pole has to be feeling the heat. Its okay santa, lets workflow it. Workflow it. . With the now platform, we can catch problems before customers even know theyre problems. Wait. A hose . What kid wants a hose . fireman . 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Until youre an rxsaver honestly, katy, it was historic. The Nurse Manager at the icu got it. We have the health commissioner, part of our leadership here listen to what he had to say. This is a beautiful moment. A powerful moment. Youre going to see Health Care Heros getting this vaccine. We are getting a shot at hope and we know we will defeat the coronavirus. Our staff member was asked how will she recommend this. Katy . My brother is a Frontline Worker in california, i asked if he was nervous and without hesitation, no, not at all, he said i trust the science. I cried on the phone like a not an older sister, but a bane sister. The state starts with front line workers but some nurses there say they are hesitant. Joining mu now is antonia hilton. It is a problem with front line workers here. Talk to me about what you learned. That is exactly right. I was surprised by that myself. This is a Community Hospital and many people that work here live here, were raised here, and theyre part of the community. Theyre residents too. What i found fascinating is they did a survey of employees here. They over index on flows of color. I spoke to six black nurses to try to dig into it a little more. Many back people here lost loved ones and Family Member members and theyre angry and afraid. They exends to the institutions involved in the distribution of this vaccine. There is a history of abuse of black people. There is a political piece as well. Black people in newark are not president trumps biggest tans. They see him as potentialed with the Quick Development and it makes them afraid. When you dont see salespeople of color, you dont know who to trust. Even the development of the vaccination or peoples understanding of it was politicized. I think there is a strong distrust of politicians as well. I think that people saw the pressure put out to develop this vaccine really quickly. Trust and representation is going to be tee here. Theyre deploying leaders to have one on one versiconversati with the community. And i think that will make all of the difference. Thank you for bringing us the story and helping us understand. Joining me now is the chief clinical diversity and inclusion officer and he is the Associate Dean for equity and inclusion at the university of Pittsburgh School of medicine. Welcome and thank you for being here, both of you. We listened to a report about being nervous about getting a vaccine. What are you doing to try to help convince people that this is safe, that youre not being spearmi experimented on, youre getting the same vaccine as everyone else and this is a moment to trust the government . Thank you for giving us an opportunity to talk about this important subject. Were telling all of the people that we encount near we made this commitment because were close to the community, the medical community, we know many of the individuals that were very involved assigntis scienti. This is the most rapid. And it was done in the most efficacious way, and all of the objectives that needed to be met were met and we want to continue to tell that story. Since you both have the same last name, dr. Margaret, you both got the pfizer vaccine, but am i right to think that you think you got the vaccine and your husband did not get the vaccine but instead got a placebo . Im the one that had a sore arm for a good significant period of time and he said he must have gotten saline because he didnt feel anything at all. I wasnt ill, i just had a sore arm, and i think that is proof that there is just not the sidefects that people think about. Every day we wake up every day just trying to be black in this country. And the issue of taking this vaccine is so important, and everybody understands that it is the science that we have to trust. So the science it what we have to trust. We trusted the science, we know it will make a difference, and we want our Family Members around us. We want our grandchildren to grow up. I know that everyone that looks like me feels the same way. I encourage everyone to take the vaccine. Let me follow up on that when youre confronted with people getting disinformation on social media, there is some nasty stuff about vicious lies. I just heard about one a moment ago. People say what about the tuskegee experiments, how do you convince them that yes, i understand your except schiskep no this is a moment to trust. Do you show them where you got the shot in the arm . How do you look them in the eye and get them to trust you . We were part of tuskegee. We lived there, my husband was there. We saw the effects of what happened to the men, women, and children. The fear is real nap is what we have to understand. We have to acknowledge it is real, and we have to also acknowledge that we have come a long way. Trust the science and move forward. We have to trust the science if we want to survive this and we always have to come back to that. We live this life, we lived through polio. We know what it can do to names. Africanamericans, people of color, this is what they need to do, trust the science, take the vaccine. What about you . It is very unlikely that we will have another tuskegee experiment. I use that word very specifically. Really this is not something that we are doing in the medical community. Were not experiments on people any more. Were not doing observational studies, and were not keeping secrets as they did in the tuskegee experiment. I think that we are educating and developing very honorable people who will not who always honor their oath, to do no harm, heal people, take care of people, and not tell them theyre taking care of them when theyre not. We cant atone for that tragedy, but we have to preserve the opportunity for our community to survive beyond what the pandemic is doing at this point. Thank you so much, both of you, for joining us. Please do come back. If you think there is any other message that we need to get out there on your behalf to help build this trust, thank you both. In one of the hardest hit regions in america, doctors say theyre now seeing more kids test positive. It hitting home and it is scary. Also well go live to capitol hill where lawmakers say they have a Passable Covid relief bill. What is in it . Or more precisely what is not in it . C, have flulike symptoms, or are prone to infections. Serious, sometimes fatal infections, cancers including lymphoma, and blood clots have happened. Taking a higher than recommended dose of xeljanz for ra may increase risk of death. Tears in the stomach or intestines and serious allergic reactions have happened. Needles. Fine for some. But for you, theres a pill that may provide symptom relief. Ask your doctor about the pill first prescribed for ra more than seven years ago. Xeljanz. An unjection™. Irresistibly smooth chocolate. To put the world on pause. Lindor. Made to melt you. By the lindt master chocolatier. We are following Breaking News this morning. They have found a way to get billions of dollars out the door to americans that need it most. Their solution is to split the bill in half. Joining me now from capitol hill is leann caldwell. I know what theyre trying to do here. Theyre trying to take the controversial stuff and put it to the side and say well vote on that later. Here is what we know can pass. This has been shot down before. Why does this Bipartisan Group of senators, and again well put it up on the screen, why does this Bipartisan Group of senators believe that this will actually get to the floor. Well, perhaps the difference, katy, is that time is running out and congress is facing a massive cliff of people losing their Unemployment Insurance and perhaps being kicked out of their homes. They know they have to do something. What theyre doing is theyre taking a side, 160 billion of state and local money, and this Liability Protection for businesses, two big priorities, one for republicans and one for democrats and putting it aside. What we dont know is what leadership will do with it. Mitch mcconnell, is he going to accept the 750 billion that everyone agrees to. That is something highway has been hinting at for the past week. We just heard from nancy pelosi and there seems to be a little hint that she is moving. Not demanding state and local funding be part of the negotiations. She says they are still negotiating so we will see. There is this other thing out there which is state and local money, direct payments, something that the president wants he is always the unknown factor here, katy. That is so true. If this comes together, leann, how quickly could we see this bill being voted on. When Congress Wants to act they can act extremely quickly. They have until friday. They have to pass another government funding bill. The hope is they will combine the funding bill with the relief bill. Should it work well . It can happen in the next few days if they want it to, katy. If they want it to. Good to see you. Government officials confirming to nbc news that theyre investigating a hack department. The hackers are believed to be part of a russian intelligence campaign aimed at u. S. Agencies and Companies Including the cyber Computer Company fire eye. The Cyber Security infrastructure security agency, chris krebs old agency, responded last night by issuing a rare emergency directive. It instructed federal agencies to immediately stop using the companys products. Its a pretty big deal. And after the break, one american region is seeing a spike in serious covid cases among children. Exclusive access inside a Childrens Hospital out there. Next. Because when its decision time, you need decision tech. Only from fidelity. You need decision tech. Man 1 vo proof of less joint pain woman 1 oc this is my body of proof. And clearer skin. Man 2 vo proof that i can fight psoriatic arthritis. Woman 2 vo . With humira. Woman 3 vo humira targets and blocks a specific source of inflammation that contributes to both joint and skin symptoms. Its proven to help relieve pain, stop further irreversible joint damage, and clear skin in many adults. Humira is the number one prescribed biologic for psoriatic arthritis. Avo humira can lower your ability to fight infections. Serious and sometimes fatal infections, including tuberculosis, and cancers, including lymphoma, have happened, as have blood, liver, and nervous system problems, serious allergic reactions, and new or worsening heart failure. Tell your doctor if youve been to areas where certain fungal infections are common and if youve had tb, hepatitis b, are prone to infections, or have flulike symptoms or sores. Dont start humira if you have an infection. Man 3 vo ask your rheumatologist about humira. Woman 4 vo go to humira. Com to see proof in action. People want to feel insulated from this disease like maybe it wont affect them and their families, but were seeing an increase in positive test rates in kids and symptoms in children. Among the surging coronavirus cases in appalachia are a growing number of children. Some are getting sick enough to be admitted to the hospital. Nbc news got exclusive access to the only Childrens Hospital in that region and that was with dasha burns so joining us now is nbc news correspondent dasha burns. So what did you learn and what are the kids suffering from . Reporter in talking to the doctors and nurses at this hospital they told me at the outset of this pandemic they were really hopeful they would not see kids in their Hospital Beds but at this point they tell me theyre seeing about 3 to 5 a day either with covid or misc, an immune reaction in kids and while that number is a lot lower than it is for adults, it was frankly surprising to me to hear that because this is not part of the national tearative. But the reality is when you have the level of virus that you have in a Community Like this, this region of appalachia has about a 26 Positivity Rate theyre Setting Records in cases and hospitalizations just about every day. And that impact does trickle down to kids especially when you have in this region high rates of underlying conditions in kids like asthma. So you already have that respiratory condition. When we were in the Childrens Hospital we met a father and son. Isaiah, an 11yearold boy who was hospitalized with misc. I want you to hear from his dad about that experience. Listen. Im scared. Its home and its scary. As a parent i think im hulk hogan and can run through walls, but id rather be in that bed than for him in any point in time. I never thought wed be here. If anything i thought id be here. Reporter and good news is kids do seem to be much more resilient when it comes to this virus, they recover more quickly. But theyre not invulnerable, and they can also spread this virus. In this area there are a lot of kids living with grandparents or greatgrandparents who are vulnerable. Wear a mask, social distance. Katey . Its not just one kid, it is multiple kids that are in that hospital being treated. It is scary, scary when any child gets admitted to a hospital. Dasha burns, thank you for bringing that to us. Its always an important reminder no one, frankly, is immune to this. No one is 100 okay. We have an idea who it affects more but we can never be entirely sure. And thats going to do it for me today. What a major day. A vaccine is here. People are getting vaccinated. It is the beginning of the end, the very beginning of the end. But remember the virus is still surging. So if you are going out, wear a mask. And if youre staying in, amen, moy hudean picks up our coverage after a quick break. Aymon hello everybody, ya know something . After the year we just had, the usual gifts are just not going to cut it. So we have to find something else. Good luck what does that mean . We are doomed. laughter thats it. I figured it out were going to give togetherness. That sounds dumb. No, santa, were going to take all those Family Moments that make the holidays and package them. Oh, you are getting so big woahh its down to the wire, the teams been working around the clock. Im not sure its going to work. Itll work. I didnt know you were listening. Hmm. laughing that works. Good morning, everyone. Im Ayman Mohideen live outside mt. Sinai hospital here in new york city. 329 days after that f

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