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Desperately short and three of gazas hospitals are now out of action. And the power of music to bring people together. An academy founded in berlin by the renowned conductor unites Young Musicians from israel and the palestinian territories. Also coming up tonight, a mass strike by women in iceland. They are demanding equal pay and a crackdown on genderbased violence. That, in a country that routinely tops equality surveys. Im brent goff. To our viewers watching on pbs in the United States and to all of you around the world, welcome. We begin in new york, and a heated session of the United Nations Security Council. A meeting where hopes were dashed of moving closer to an end of the conflict between israel and hamas militants. Israels foreign minister launched a furious attack on the head of the u. N. , antonio guterres. Israels ambassador to the u. N. Also called on him to resign. The u. N. Chief earlier criticized israels bombardment of gaza and called for an end to what he described as a collective punishment of the Palestinian People. It is important to also recognize the attacks by hamas did not happen in a vacuum. The Palestinian People have been subjected to 56 years of suffocating occupation. They have seen their lands plagued by violence. The economy stifled. Their people displaced. In their homes demolished. There hopes for a political solution to their plight have been vanishing. But the grievances of the Palestinian People cannot justify the appalling attacks by hamas, and those appalling attacks cannot justify the collective punishment of the Palestinian People. Brent those comments by the u. N. Chief angered israels foreign minister. Mr. Secretary general, in what world do you live . Definitely, this is not our world. Brent lets go now to ines pohl at the u. N. Following this heated session for us today. And that is what it was, a heated session. Talk to me about it. Ines it was indeed a heated session, brent. And someone really asked the secretarygeneral to step down. That does not happen all the time. I had a chance to talk with some top diplomats who attended this Security Council meeting here behind me. None are really happy with what secretarygeneral gutierrez said here. Many to understand many do understand it is important to give some context to the world that this attack from hamas is not happening in a vacuum. But hardly anybody actually that is not true, i should rephrase that. Hardly anybody from the western allies, from those who are supporting israel applauded the outspokenness of secretarygeneral guterres. They would have liked a more diplomatic way to talk about the humanitarian crisis old and in gaza right now. Brent we also know germanys foreign minister is due to address the council today. Earlier she repeated her stance that israel has the right to defend itself, but she said civilians on both sides need protection. Take a listen. For me as German Foreign minister, it is clear that israel has the right, indeed, the duty to protect its population, its country within the framework of the right to selfdefense and international law. But standing up for israels security also means keeping in mind the suffering of the palestinians in gaza. We see their suffering. It is unbearable. Every civilian life is worth the same. Both israeli and palestinian. Brent so those are comments we have heard from the foreign minister before. What are we expecting to hear from her later today . Ines i had the chance to talk to her twice very early this morning. And just one hour ago or so. She is known that in the heart of her Foreign Policy is her feminist approach, is her approach to really put women and children in the middle of her action. She was talking that she just met Palestinian Refugees in jordan not so long ago. So she definitely feels for the palestinians being stuck in gaza. But as a German Foreign minister there is no doubt that she stands strong with israel and definitely supports israels right to defend itself. This is something she will talk about. She probably will also talk about that peace can only take place peace for everyone. She is trying to walk a fine line, on the one hand supporting israels right to defend itself, but also shine some light on the horrible situation for so many civilians within gaza. Brent and at the end of the day , how much leverage does the u. N. Security council really have when it comes to this crisis . How much pressure can it bring to bear . Ines well, the problem always is that full members of the Security Council do have the right to veto any resolution. That is one reason why the United States did not apply their resolution today. They are still negotiating with russia and china. But having said that, this is the only body in the world where leaders from all around the world at least do come together and sit in one room and listen to each other, talk with each other. So it is definitely not perfect, but what is better than the u. N. . Brent that is our very own ines pohl there with the latest from new york. Thank you. The Hamas Militant Group says that more than 5700 people have been killed by israeli airstrikes in gaza. Israels blockade is also causing acute shortages of food, water, medicine, and fuel. The u. N. Agency which helps refugees in gaza said they may have to stop their operations unless more fuel is delivered. And this lack of fuel is hindering already stretched Emergency Services. Reporter the bloodstained wreckage of an ambulance in gaza. This vehicle was crushed by the blast from an israeli airstrike, but will serve one last purpose. We are running out of fuel. So we have been taking petrol and diesel from the damaged ambulances and using it to fuel the ones that are working. Reporter gazas ambulance drivers and medics have been working around the clock and at great personal risk since israel began bombing the strip the hamascontrolled Health Minister he says more than 5000 people have been killed in the bombing. We are having great difficulty transporting the injured. Also because there are several strikes going on at the same time. There is also a lack of communication. Its almost nonexistent. Reporter in addition to its air campaign, israel has enforced a complete blockade of the gaza strip, allowing only a trickle of aid since the hamas terror attacks on october 7. It claims hamas is hoarding petrol and refusing to allow in any fuel as part of deliveries. With more and more ambulances destroyed and few running out, Emergency Services could soon become defunct, at a time when their work is more important than ever. Brent i spoke with a man from the Norwegian Refugee Council and told me what would happen if the u. N. Relief agency has to end its operations in gaza due to a lack of fuel. It means another lifeline cut. Simple as that. It is indeed a game of survival now for the 2. 3 Million People in gaza. The trickle of aid that has been seen is nowhere near enough. On monday we had 20,000 bottles of water and that is hardly enough for 1 of the population. 65 of the population is now displaced, living in overcrowded shelters there, continue to be bombed. They are cutting fuel, water, and electricity. It means the humanitarian catastrophe we are witnessing will continue to unfold. It will mean babies in their hospital beds are at risk. Their incubators, people on ventilators will be on risk of preventable death. And of course hospitals will not be able to tend to the injured and wounded in the meantime. Brent isnt that the biggest emergency at this hour, is the plight of the hospitals . We have reports that at least three hospitals in gaza have said they have run out of fuel completely. What does that mean then, if you dont have the power for incubators, as you were saying, people who need dialysis . What is happening to these people . Ahmed it is. It is, unfortunately, we are facing a life or death scenario here. I mean, this has been the case for almost three weeks now. Children are paying the price of what is happening more than anybody else. And of course the capitals the hospitals that rely on this fuel, they have not just days, but hours. These hours will feel like eternity. These hours will out without fuel will feel like and attentive. Some hospitals have completely stopped operations. Not just hospitals, but we are looking at bakeries, Sewage Systems that are hardly running. And just to mention, the water situation, people are now drinking, lets say, semi contaminated water. With the switching off of these stations, it means that people will definitely drink polluted water, and children will as well. Brent and then we talk about the threat of cholera, for example, when you have unsanitary conditions. What about your staff on the ground in gaza . Are they able to carry out any of their duties . What are they telling you . Ahmed this is the first time we have been in gaza since 2009. We have over 50 people on the ground, the majority of them, like the rest of the population, have been displaced by the actions and the constant bombardment. We are not able to provide as much aid as we have been over the past conflicts. This is the first time in a conflict set area we are not able to reach people we need to reach. We have been providing some systems for people to just get the basics, some food and water. But again, with hardly any aid coming across, theres not much in the market to sustain these people and there is not much aid to sustain these people. This is why another plea from us goes out to open humanitarian corridors, open the crossing, let the aid in and let people have some relief. And of course, protect aid workers on the ground. Brent ahmed bayram with the Norwegian Refugee Council, we appreciate your time tonight. Thank you. Ahmed thank you. Brent the french president Emmanuel Macron has stressed that hamas does not represent the Palestinian People. Macron told the Palestinian Leader in the west bank today that nothing can justify the suffering of civilians in the gaza strip. The palestinian president urged the french leader to help stop the israeli bombardment and called for an International Peace conference. Macron is the First Western leader to meet abbas since the hamas terror attacks. One of the hostages released overnight by hamas has spoken about her ordeal. She told journalists that she was abducted on a motorbike and forced to walk through kilometers of tunnels. Despite this, the 85yearold said that she and her fellow hostages were treated gently by their captors, and that they were provided with medicine and food. Here she is talking about that traumatic experience. I was lying on the motorcycle. My body on one side, and my legs on the other. And the guys beat me on the way. They did not break my ribs, but hurt me very much, and it made me very and it made it very hard for me to breathe. There were five of us, and each of us had someone who guarded them. They treated us well. They took care of all the details. There were women there who knew what feminine hygiene means. They made sure we had everything, that the toilets were cleaned. They cleaned, not us. I have to say, they were very gracious. They kept us clean, kept us fed. We had the same food they did. Peter bread pita bread, cheese, melted cheese, and cucumber. That was the only meal each day. Brent our correspondent tania kramer in jerusalem told us more about what the former hostage had to say. Tania as you heard, on the one hand she said she was treated well under the circumstances, but she also said she was going through hell. And she said as well that she felt they were not protected at all, that it was very easy for those militants in this initial attack on october 7 to breach this highsecurity fence that was not built so long ago to seal off the gaza strip. That they came in and overran it, which is very close of the gaza border. And they killed people and took people hostage, like they did with her and her husband who is actually still held in gaza. She also said, interestingly, that they were walked into a system of tunnels, which she described as a spiderweb that they were walking for a very long time. That she was not held in a room with other hostages. That is interesting information. Long, israeli officials have always said there is a gaza beneath gaza, and these tunnels under gaza. That also shows, however, how difficult it will be to locate those hostages, and to potentially rescue them. There are 220 hostages held in gaza. That has been confirmed so far from the israeli army. Mostlyt he mostly the families and loved ones who know their relatives are there, they will have listened very carefully to what she had to say. Brent that was tania kramer reporting from jerusalem. Heres a look at some other stories making headlines. Republicans in the u. S. Congress have selected a new nominee to be the next house speaker. It is not clear if representative tom amer can unite his fractured party behind him and secure enough votes. Congress has been paralyzed for three weeks since republicans forced out the previous speaker, kevin mccarthy. Criminal gangs in brazils Rio De Janeiro have set five to 35 buses after a gang leader was killed in a shootout with police. The local governor condemned the attack as terrorism and said he would do whatever it takes to respond. Politically connected paramilitary gangs control huge areas of brazils secondlargest city. China has sacked their defense minister weeks after he was last seen in public. State media say no replacement has been named. Mr. Li is the second senior chinese official to disappear mysteriously and then to be fired within the past three months. Before him it was the foreign minister in july. South korea says a boat carrying north korean citizens has entered its waters print the vessel was intercepted off the port and the people aboard brought to safety. The passengers are assumed to have defected. Women in iceland staged a 24 hour strike demanding more gender equality. The action disrupted schools, banks, and public offices across the country. Iceland is regarded as one of the worlds most progressive countries, the best performer on the World Economic forums gender gap index 14 years in a row. The Prime Minister, she joined the protest. I intend not to work myself to show solidarity with women, because full equality has not yet been achieved in iceland. Even though we are doing comparatively well internationally, we are still at that point in 2023 where full equality has not been achieved. We are still dealing with a gender pay gap, with genderbased violence. And to show solidarity with women in iceland, i will not be working, and i have encouraged women and nonbinary people in my ministry and the country to do the same. Brent tens of thousands of women joined the Prime Minister in walking up the job for a full day, with many joining large demonstrations in the capital rectory of it, as well as other towns. It was billed as the biggest since icelands first such event in october of 1975. That is when 90 of icelandic women refused to work or look after their children, voicing anger at gender discrimination. A year later iceland passed a law guaranteeing equal gender rights. The Communications Director at icelands Public Workers union told me why they called the strike. Well, the slogan kind of says it all. Since we are topping all these global indexes, there has been this, lets say, collective feeling for the womens right movement in iceland. We are not supposed to ask for any more. But what we say is if we are going to be the Global Leaders in gender equality, then we should actually achieve it. Because it is possible. So we used this slogan to spotlight the gender disparities that still exist in iceland. What the world is not striving for is there is still a wage gap here in iceland of 21 between men and women. Women are still doing much more of the housework and childcare, which is of course unpaid. And genderbased violence and Sexual Violence in iceland is no less here than in the countries around us. So we thought we needed to make a statement because if we are standing still, there is the possibility of a backlash. Brent from whom . Wh owould the backlash come from . What groups are you concerned about maybe not liking what you have to say today . Freyja i think actually it was surprising how much support we received today. From the government, from the parliament, from most of the major businesses and companies here in iceland and also just general cultural support. Even if we didnt have a huge demonstration like we did today i think the weeks leading up to the strike moved us in the right direction because we have been discussing the mental load. A lot has happened in the last weeks that will really propel us forward. Brent when the world looks at iceland, you have a lot to be proud of. In 1975, your lawmakers passed a law guaranteeing equal gender rights. Your Prime Minister is a woman. On paper you look like you have got your act together. And yet you are telling me that what we see on paper is not what happens everyday in the kitchens and bedrooms of iceland. How is that possible . Freyja even if we are the best in the world no one is saying there is full equality. The indexes we are topping do not include stats on sexual and genderbased violence. So i mean, when there is still a ways to go, we will fight for it. The 1975 strike really made a difference. That is probably the Pivotal Moment that made us go where we are today. And i think we are going to really reach it, be the first country in the world to reach full gender equality. That we actually need to take active steps towards it. Brent ok. Freyja steingrimsdottir, thank you. Finally, war and peace, words and music. There is a longrunning project in berlin that brings together Young Musicians from israel and the palestinian territories. A decade ago, a renowned conductor founded in Orchestral Academy in memory of his friend, the palestinian writer edward sayed. Despite, or perhaps because of the current conflict, the students of the academy have united to perform. Reporter a concert that began with a minute of silence. A scene of rare unity. Young israelis, and palestinians, and lebanese musicians as it together, listen to each other, and find a common tone through music. All study together at the academy in berlin. The music school and its students have been shaken by recent events. We must ensure that at least here, they have a place where they can come and feel secure. Where they can express themselves freely and safely, have a place here where they can be together. Reporter the academy was founded by conductor daniel in 2012, with the goal of overcoming the divide between israelis and palestinians. His deep conviction is that peace can only come from understanding. His son michael is a professor at the academy. The institution hopes to provide the students with a safe space and a feeling of normality in dark times. I dont believe there are any divides that cannot be bridged. I see repeated efforts to overcome boundaries through talking. And i see the making of music together. There are many different emotions. There is sadness, anger. There is a lot of fear. The students are very afraid for their families and friends. Reporter despite the situation in israel and gaza, all students returned from the summer break to the academy in berlin. This evening is about more than just music. I was really moved. That is all i can say. Seeing these Young Musicians from both sides of the wall playing together, playing quite an emotional program, it did feel very emotional. Reporter the applause is not only for the performance, but also for the musicians bravery in the face of tragedy, and their commitment to keep making music together. Brent the music of peace. Youre watching dw news, live from berlin. A heated session in the u. N. Israels foreign minister hit back of criticism at the bombing in gaza. Israels ambassador calling on the u. N. Secretarygeneral to reside. After a short break, i will be back to take you through the day. Stick around. I will be right back. [captioning performed by the national captioning institute, which is responsible for its caption content and accuracy. Visit ncicap. Org] welcome to live from paris, what news and analysis from france 24. Im mark owen. These are the headlines. Bombings continue this tuesday in gaza where doctors say the death toll is fast approaching 6000. Most are women, children, and elderly people. The white house is expressing concern that innocent civilians are going to get hurt. Israel calls for resignation. Israel says or

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