Transcripts For LINKTV France 24 20240711

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Ultimatum, saying surrender or a military assault will begin on your capital. U. S. President elect, joe biden, announcing some major cabinet nominees for the top diplomatic post, secretary of state, he has picked antony blinken, who is deputy secretary of state under president obama. He also has a French Connection he went to high school in paris and speaks the language fluently. Another notable nominee, former secretary of state, john kerry, has been chosen to lead the effort to combat climate change. For more on how biden is filling out his National Security and Foreign Policy teams, lets bring in our washington correspondent. Tell us more about the pix biden made today. Reporter there are two words at describe these six pix. One is diversity and the second is expertise. Diversity because there are, as a first in these cabinet picks, if these people are confirmed, starting with errol haynes, who will become the first woman director of National Intelligence if she is to be confirmed. Also the first latino to head the department of holand security, in charge of immigration policy. That would be tell a hundred mallorca. It would also be a black woman with linda thomasgreenfield, who has been nominated for you and ambassador, who will be back in a cabinet position, meaning she will have a seat on the National Security council. Expertise also because all six of these pix are veterans of Foreign Policy, of National Security, veterans of T Obama Administration and most of them actually worked in the agencies they will be leading. That is true of antony blinken, who is deputy secretary of state. It really gives the idea that joe biden has said before announcing thate wanted people who knew what they were doing and people who represented the United States, and he said he wanted a team that would be ready on day one of the Biden Administration. This as donald trump is still stalling and not going along with the transition process. It is important to have these people who know how things work, who have the contact, and who will be ready to start working on january 21. Charli donald trump used the phrase America First to sum up his Foreign Policy. What do these choices signal about the Foreign Policy direction a Biden Administration would go toward . Reporter first of all, the symbol of announcing them in a certain order, starting with the secretary of state, shows that Foreign Policy is going to be a very important partf the Biden Administration. This is the first name that comes up in the list. In a press release the biden team put out explaining those picks, they said joe biden was showing this list, saying he wants this team to help him reclaim americas seat at the head of the table. It gives you an idea that joe biden wants to turn the pagen America First and return to a pragmatic u. S. Policy in the world, a global u. S. Policy with america leading the way in the world, rebuilding relationships across the planet, rebuilding relationships, especially with European Countries, rebuilding those alliances that donald trump really put through great strain throughout these four years. Joe biden once to see america engaged with its allies on the major issues, whether they are security, climate, or the coronavirus pandemic. Really, joe biden turning the page on what donald trump had do, trying to embrace the global world instead of America First. Charli thank you. Donald trumps attempts to overturn his election loss set to face another blow on monday. The states of michigan and pennsylvania are taking more steps toward certifying the results, which will officially hand joe biden their electoral points. Challenges by trumps lawyers have so far been unsuccessful at stopping the certifications and his opons are dwindling rapidly. Though the president still has not conceded, more republicans are calling on trump to allow bidens team to begin the transition process. A third Coronavirus Vaccine, this one from astrazeneca, has released early trial data at up to 90 protection. It is slightly less effective than the others but is still seen as a triumph because the shot is both cheaper to produce and easier to store. Reporter after months of painstaking rearch, a vaccine in the u. K. Has finally yielded results. According to the team from Oxford University and astrazeneca, winnable trials show 70 of participants were protected, a step forward in the fight against the coronavirus pandemic. Is vitally independent regulator will need to look at the data but we have 100 million doses on order and should all that go reporter protection fell to 62 when two full doses were taken a month apart, but that figure shot up to 90 when a half dose was followed by a full dose one month later, meaning the vaccines effectiveness could rise. The results, off the back of Clinical Trials from u. S. Drugmaker mode dharna. Although the oxford one falls short of that figure, is cheaper to oduce and easier to transport and store. Is a vaccine that can be stored at fridge temperature for loer periods. It has high effectiveness in one of the dosage regimes that have been tried out. Reporter the vaccine has 20 has to be approved by regulars. Charli bars and restaurants in barcelona sprang back its not all back to normal. The nighttime curfew does remain and there are still occupancy restrictions for theaters. We have more on the reopening efforts. Reporter a chance to enjoy some of lifes Simple Pleasures once again Drinking Coffee on the terrace. It is a ritual cafe goers in barcelona have missed since catalonia was placed under a fiveweek lockdown. Now that restrictions have been eased, theres a sense of optimism in the air. [speaking spanish] reporter but catalonia pot reopening is not without its limits. Cinemas and theaters are allowed to open their doors but halls can only be filled to 50 capacity. There is a 30 limit on Indoor Dining and drinking and a 10 00 p. M. Till 6 a. M. Curfew will remain in place, a painful blowed to owners desperate to make up for lost profits. [speaking spanish] reporter spains progressive easing of restrictions is taking place against a backdrop of the secondhighest coronavirus tally in europe after france. The country has registered over a million covid cases but infections over the last 14 days have dropped to 400 90 new cases per 100,000. Charli the united kingdoms nationwide lockdown will end on december 2 as promised. Thats the word from british Prime Minister, boris johnson, who said infection rat have dropped. He did announce some new measures to replace the lockdown. Lets be clear, the Prime Minister gave us a message today of hope but also pepped with caution, certainly. The hard truth is we are not there yet, he said. There is light at the end of the tunnel, but there are winter months to come, hard months like december, january, and february. England will go back to a tiered system after the second of december. Its a system that had three levels. What will be different is some of the rules will be tougher. The lowest is one. The toughest is three. Gyms will be able to on, so that is a huge sigh of relief for shops that have been worried about their futures. The closing time for curfews will no longer be 10. Last orders at 10. But the great unknown is which region will be in which here. Will it be 1, 2, or three . We have heard from the Prime Minister speaking to lawmakers that the criteria for which tier you are in and whether you can exit will be reviewed every 14 days. Regarding christmas, the Prime Minister acknowledged the u. K. Deserves some kind of christmas quote about rules on gathering over the festive time are not yet confirmed. There is hope but there is also a lot of caution. Charli france is in its own lockdown rules in the coming weeks. But the process will be gradual. It will announce it announced it will happen in three stages. President emmanual macron will give a National Address on tuesday to provide details. Reporter francis at to begin emerging from lockdown and transitioning back to her normal life, but it wont be such a quite sudden change as may. In an interview with a french newspaper, a spokesperson announced these measures will be done in three stages. First are on the first of december, then around the holiday season, then january 2021. The government will not be ending the change as the end to a lockdown but a lighter lockdown. The more outings are limited, the further 20 they are contaminated dps, easing the pressure on hospitals. We are able to monitor every daand see when it comes back. It is what we are seeing in france right now. It means we have taken back control over the pandemic. Reporter the basic reproduction number is under one but will residents have to fill it out . It looks like the limitations on outings will continue. But the distance is less important than other factors. Whether you are traveling 1, 2, 3, 4 kilometers, what counts is not the distance you are going. We should count the distance they are going. This means avoiding crowded places. Cafes and restaurants could remain closed for now. If conditions allow it, stores like toys and bookshops should be open with strict Safety Standards in place. Charli ethiopias government claims its forces have encircled the tigre regions capital. They have given the government a 22 hour surrender ultimatum. But tpl f leaders are calling it an empty threat. A 72 hour ultimatum for rebels to lay down their arms. They gave them until wednesday to surrender or face a final assault. The Ethiopian Army, which says issued a stark warning forounded civilians to flee the town fort begins showing. Weant to send a ssage to the public to se themsves from any artlery attacks and free themselvefrom the jun. After that, there will be no mercy. Reporter on saturday, the military said they were moving in, but the president of tigre claimed Government Forces had suffered defeat on three fronts and the ultimatum was simply a cover for them to regroup. They also dismissed suggestions that their forces were ready to summoned her. We are people of principle and ready to die in defense of our region. Both sides have made contradicted claims and accused each other of carrying out attacks against civilians. The claims have been difficult to verify in a region where transport has been cut off. A recent support suggested the Ethiopian Army was encountering a much stiffer resistance and warned conflicts could turn into a months long of attrition. Charli that campaign for the ugandan presidency has been shaken up by an unconventional candidate and violence between police and his supporters. Musician and parliamentarian bobby wine has taken a confrontational approach against the incumbent regime and it believes that is why wine has been listed twice since announcing his run. Dozens have been killed during protests which were cracked down on by Security Forces. More on the violence, lets welcome a ugandan political commentator to the program. Can you start by giving us an update on the curre statef these protests . Guest thank you for having me. Wine is out of detention and things are calm but tense income follow and we are watching the situations unfold. On the side of security agencies but also on the side of the opposition candidates who everyone thinks it will take the country into longterm civil unrest. The government says wine was arrested for disobeying covid19 guidelines but why do people believe thats not really what is happening here . It is what is happening. The guidelines have been with the Electoral Commission from the beginning and opposition candidates are supposed to limit their rallies to 100 people while driving through towns. This gathers people at the roadside and unfortunately or fortunately for bobby, he is a popular candidate and people want to see him. So as he is driving through towns, he will get out which contravenes the guidelines. What has irritated a lot of people is seeing some of the lower ranking surrogates of the incumbent who are protesting on his behalf gather crowds and they go through town unmolested and that sense of double standards has ticked off a lot of young people who are eager to have political space and have their candidate meet and speak with them. Charli how has bobby wine managed to emerge as the leading opposition candidate here . What is buoying his support . Guest bobby is young and fresh and has a lot of celebrity as a musician and he is seen by a lot of young people as one of their own. He was, he came up in the ghettos of come paula and before his political career really developed is own steam. He is seen as someone who has comep despite e system, so a lot of young people consider him to be the ghetto president , there president and a worthy challenger to the incumbent. Charli there are some people who say they are using Security Forces in the country to help support his presidency. What do you say to that . Guest the Security Forces themselves, the agencies that act as by design are indicated into the fabric of uganda. The Uganda Peoples Defense forces, which is their National Army came out of the National Resistance army which liberated the country in 1985. The very design of our Security Forces exist to support the presidency and fortunately, for them, this time around, covid is helping the status quo because these guidelines hint hinder the ability of candidates to move around, to interact with citizens in a way the incumbent can bypass by using state resources to have protection of Security Forces. Charli thank you so mucfor joining us on france 24. Next up, it is time for a look at Top Business News and for that, our business editor, kate moody joins us. We are starting with the coronavirus. The number of infections across the United States continuing to rise, but there are some signs that more people are traveling. I imagine this is because of the thanksgiving holiday coming up. Are they just ignoring Health Warnings . Kate in some ways, they are. Thanksgiving is thursday and it is always the busiest travel week of the year in the United States a this past weekend was no exceptions. Airport screenings at their highest level in eight months. The Transportation Security Administration says more than a Million People boarded planes on friday and sunday, just slightly fewer than a million on saturday. Only on one other day since march has that million passenger mark been passed in american airports. Overall, the volume of air travel is two thirds lower than it was a year ago. These prethanksgiving levels are down more than half compared to the same weekend in 2019. While this is good news for the travel industry, Health Officials are worried it could lead to a postthanksgiving spike in coronavirus cases. This center for Disease Control urged americans not to travel and asked them to stay home. It is not a requirement, as we have seen in many European Countries but a recommendation as the u. S. Is facing an exponential rise in infections even before families gather for this holiday tradition. Charli Many Airlines are taking steps to try and prevent the spread for travelers, whether that is limiting the capacity in the airlines bless you there whether thats limiting capacity in the airlines, leaving space in the seats or requiring preflight covid tests. With all the talk of vaccines on the horizon, are some airlines considerg requiring vaccines kate chief executive of Qantas Airlines said this monday that International Travelers on his carrier may be required to show proof they have received a Coronavirus Vaccine once the vaccine is available. He said many other airline buses are considering similar measures but qantas is the first to say they could refuse passengers who have not been vaccined. The travel industry in general is very invested in the development of a vaccine and we have seen shares of airlines, Cruise Companies and hotel groups rise sharply when progress i the research was reported. Being able to ove Health Status weather with a vaccine or negative covid tests will be key for travelers over the next year or so. United airlines has expanded its own preflight Rapid Testing for passengers flying from the u. S. To the caribbean along with british and american airlines, the same for certain transatlantic groups as well and they are hoping governments will accept these checks in lieu of quarantine restrictions. They think that will help boost travel around the world, perhaps before the pandemic is brought fully under control. Charli can you give us a look at how the stock markets have fared today. Kate the market euphoria we saw a few weeks ago welcoming the signs of the first vaccine breakthrough has faded largely this week. Major european indices closing slightly below the flat line this monday. Wall street rallied after a mixed session. The dow jones closing 300 points higher. Investors welcomed strong data about manufacturing and Services Activity in the United States as well as reports the u. S. President elect joe biden is going to be naming janet yellen as his treasury secretary to replace steve mnuchin, the former federal head of the former head of the federal resee is seen as an experienced voice to shepherd the United States out of the coronaviru recession and overseeing next round of financial stimulus and getting millions back to work. Charli kate moody with our business update. Thank you so much. Im going to take a quick break. Ill be back with more news in just a couple of minutes. 11 23 20 11 23 20 [captioning made possible by democracy now ] amy from new york, this is democracy now as President Trump continues his unprecedented attempt to stay in the white house despite losing the election, we look at how voters are fighting back and how trumps legal team is losing in the courts. We will speak to Emily Bazelon of the New York Times and the therend wendell anthony, head of the naacp in detroit, who recently lambasted

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