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Talks. The nobel prize for chemistry is shared by two women, for their ability for developing the ability to edit dna. The two candidates to be the next Vice President of the United States are preparing for a showdown in Salt Lake City in the coming hours. Clear plastic barriers will separate mike pence and Kamala Harris, who both reportedly tested negative for coronavirus, but the virus is likely to dominate the 90minute debate, which will focus on president Trumps Health and his administrations handling of the pandemic. [cheering] amidst the head spinning events of the past week, the Vice President ial debate on wednesday takes on unprecedented significance. This is going to be a critically important debate. Usually, vp debates are sideshows with the candidates are discussing issues and tossing the occasional verbal zinger. But as Vice President mike pence and senator Kamala Harris take to the stage, Salt Lake City, the main issue is literally a matter of life or death. I think theres going to be an enormous focus on the president s health, mr. Bidens health as well, frankly. They are the two and oldest two oldest president ial nominees in american history. Right now, it puts into stark contrast what this debate is actually about, and it is making sure that a person is ready to become president at a moments notice. In terms of substance, the debate will almost certainly focus on how the Trump Administration has handled the pandemic. That puts pence, who chaired the White House Coronavirus task force, in a difficult spot. He was responsible for those early statements about just flattening the curve. I imagine those that are working with Kamala Harris in preparation for this debate are spending a lot of their time coming up with creative ways to lay this all at the feet of the Vice President and the president. The style of the two candidates is quite different. Pence is stoic, unflappable, and unlikely to get rattled on stage. He is a seasoned debater and his experience as a radio talk show host in the 1990s prepared him to think on his feet. Harris, a former courtroom prosecutor, has shown her ability to disconcert Administration Officials in senate hearings. I wouldnt yes or no . Could you repeat that question . I will repeat it. With great uncertainty over whether the two remaining president ial debates will take place at all, the showdown in Salt Lake City may be the last debate before election day in a campaign full of unpredictable twists. Well, we are going now to alexandria, virginia, where we will hear more from the u. S. Attorney prosecuting those two isil members, accused of beheading four americans. The United States District Court for the Eastern District of virginia. They were apprised of the charges against them. As we stated earlier, it is an eightcount indictment. Behind me are the dedicated prosecutors from the Eastern District of virginia, who have been working tirelessly to bring this case to the point we are at today, which is the first step in achieving justice for the victims of this alleged offense. Im happy to answer some questions. Id like them to stay on topic. Im going to have to confine my remarks to the indictment and what was said in open court, but im happy to answer your questions. [inaudible] the question was, how we had help with the british authorities preparing these indictments . We will not give into our internal drafting not get into our internal drafting. With regards to our instigation, cue their cooperation, today could happen. What about a timeline for a trial . The question was, whats the timeline. Thats a great question. Today was the initial appearance. Because these individuals were indicted, which means a grand jury has determined there is probable cause for their offenses, there will be no preliminary hearing, because probable cause is established. As was just announced, there will be a detention hearing on friday at 11 00 a. M. Thats where their attorneys can argue, if they so choose, that they should be released pending trial. The government will be seeking detention in this matter. The gentlemen behind me will be representing the United States and seeking detention on friday. That will be a hearing, we hope in open court. After that, there is whats called an arrangement, where the defendants will be brought before United States district judge. They will be apprised and questioned as to whether they understand the charges against them, whether they have read the indictment, and at that time, they will be asked how they wish to plead. Most people, when confronted with charges, plead not guilty, and then the process goes forward. Because this case involves Sensitive Information and his has the potential to involve classified information, its my expectation there will be a series of hearings leading up to the trial, which may certify this case as complex or mean that we wont actually be in trial under the normal 70day speedy trial clock. It was somewhat difficult to hear. Did the judge indicate that both of the defendants [indiscernible] for those of you who were in court, the judge did make remarks regarding testing of these two individuals. Pursuant to the courts order, which is posted right behind me at the courthouse, anyone coming in from overseas must quarantine for 14 days before coming to the courthouse or have a negative covid test. It is my understanding those individual ewill and have been tested. If those come back negative, then we expect them in open court. If they come back positive, future proceedings will be via video teleconference. [inaudible] did they say anything . Im not going to speak to anything other than what happened in open court. For trase of you who could not be in court, obviously, its federal court, we dont have cameras. They were apprised of their charges. What i heard was they both asked for counsel to be appointed, and it was. At the judges direction, they didnt make any statements or comments. They both seemed confused as to what their rights are, what their situation is. Can you comment on that . They both seemed, like, where am i, whats going on. These two individuals, previously in military custody, asked where they were in jurisdiction. They are now in the Eastern District of virginia United States District Court, no longer under the authority of the department of defense, which was their question. As those of you who were in court heard, they will be appointed counsel. Those council will have candid conversations with them. We will furnish a copy of the indictment. You have to a direct to direct those questions to their council when they are appointed. [indiscernible] i have no idea. I dont know what was in their heads when they got here. Can you just clarify, on the covid testing, having only been tested once . Or have they tested positive . Given that its a medical issue, i would direct those questions to the marshals ser vice. They will be tested tonight or are being tested today, so that we know going forward. Im not going to comment beyond that on their medical issues. Any other questions . Let me take this opportunity to thank you all for being here. I think this is one of the most impactful, important cases we have in the country, certainly in the Eastern District, perhaps since massaoui. Forgive me for repeating it, but i think it bears repeating, in preparation for the day, i reviewed some prose that captured precisely what today is about, and im going to quote from soe op some opeds and statements from the victims families. They should be brought to america to face our justice system. Give them the fair trial that makes our nation great. That would be the best way to honor our children. Finally, quote, ensuring that truth and justice find their way out of this tragic story would mean that the Islamic State will never have the last word. So, to that, i say to diane and john, paula and ed, marsha and carl, and shirley and art, its now a certainty that isis will not have the last word when it comes to your children. You will. Thank you all very much. Thanks to the dedicated prosecutors, investigative agents of the fbi, are overseas partners, and dod. Everyone, be safe. That was u. S. Attorney terwilliger, outlining the charges against two former isil members, who were charged with terrorism offenses over the killing of four american hostages, including journalist james foley. At the request of the u. K. , President Trump has confirmed the men will not face the death of the if found guilty Death Penalty if found guilty, but could face life in prison. Al jazeera will be following that case carefully. The upcoming u. S. President ial Vice President ial debate. Tell us, what is at stake in this debate . Rob well, first, i wanted to mention theres a very interesting connection between what we just saw, the press conference about the arraignment of these two isil individuals who have been brought to the united, and this debate. According to reports we are receiving, Vice President pence is having, among his guests in the debate hall, the parents of kayla mueller, who was captured while in syria, held by isil, reportedly brutalized repeatedly, and killed. It seems likely that Vice President pence will try to draw the conclusion or the connection between these two and suggest that the obama administration, of course, which joe biden was part of, was derelict in not obtaining the release of hostages like kayla mueller. As far as the states here mistakes here, the stakes here, they are obviously the highest of any Vice President newell debate ever Vice President ial debate ever. Usually, the two participants are simply trying to shore up the person at the top of the ticket. Now, theres considerable doubt about the health and longevity of the people at the top of the ticket. Vice President Biden is 77. President trump is 74 and itll with the coronavirus ill with the coronavirus. When voters look at Vice President pence and Kamala Harris, they may be thinking, one of these two people could become president in the next couple of years, so they will be looking at them through that lens of succession and thinking about sizing them up in that way. As far as the substance of the debate, i think its going to be all covid, all the time. No matter what Vice President pence might try to do with the isil situation that i mentioned a moment ago, i think that this debate is going to focus on the fact that Vice President pence was the head of the task force, the white house set up in the early days to control the pandemic. There are now more than 210,000 dead. Thats something senator harris will be hammering away at. I think another thing we can expect, for certain, is that this is not going to be a repeat of what we saw in cleveland. I dont think theres going to be any shouting, interrupting one another, and insults flying from both sides, because that is that performance by President Trump was generally panned and considered that it has politically damaged him so far. A few hours from now, we will see these Vice President ial candidates square off, and it should be a very interesting debate. Back to you. Thank you. You can watch live coverage of the Vice President ial debate right here on al jazeera. Latin americas worst affected nation has now recorded more than 5 million coronavirus cases. Brazil confirmed another 31,000 infections over the past 24 hours, taking it just over the 5 million mark, with 148,000 deaths. While daily infections are down from their peak, Public Health worn experts warn the country reopened to quickly too qui ckly. What is the latest there . Well, as you said, now, we are also nearing the 150,000 deaths, and thats the secondlargest amount of deaths. The country that has the secondlargest amount of deaths after the United States. President bolsonaro has always downplayed the virus, although he himself was tested positive and had to be quarantined. As the first lady and one of his sons also had the virus. What happens here, the new things are the reopening of schools gradually, private schools, carnival has been suspended. It should have been in february. It will not happen. Samba rounds, which are places people go together and dance on the streets, those are allowed right now. Many people its been very hot. Temperatures reaching 40 centigrade, which is extremely high for this time of the year here, so the beaches were packed. We are on the beach, but its at night. Thats why im not wearing the mask. There are not many people here. Usually, during the daytime, on the beaches, many people without masks, which is mandatory. Actually, you are not supposed to be on the beach, on the sand, but the beaches have been packed during the daytime. Thats why Health Experts are worried that there will be a second wave before the first wave is over. Monica reporting from rio de janeiro. Thank you. Theres confusion over who has taken over as kurdistans Prime Minister kyrgyzstans Prime Minister. A replacement was named, but a group of opposition parties say the choices invalid choice is invalid. Many say the election was rigged. The Foreign Ministers of armenia and azerbaijan will meet separately with the u. S. , france, and russia over the coming days. The talks in geneva and moscow are aimed at convincing the sides to negotiate a ceasefire. Hundreds have been killed during 11 days of fighting, and both sides have accused each other of targeting civilians. She was a teacher, killed two days ago when the city was hit by rockets. She was struck by fragments in the neck and other parts of her body on National Teachers day. Her sisters are mourning. [speaking foreign language] translator she died in her own house, caught unaware. We are all ready to die for our lands. In the backyard of her house, her neighbors gather to honor her memory. The rocket blast, traces on the ground and the walls. Her relative was also caught in the attack. He shares where his house was hit by a rocket and then caught fire. These paper boxes were scattered after the explosion. His son collects and sells them to make a living. [speaking foreign language] translator we were at home. Three rockets went this way. My son told me it could be dangerous. We were nine people at home. Five people were guests. The Azerbaijan National agents sent rockets at the city on october 5, the day when azerbaijan accused armenia of indiscriminately targeting several cities, an accusation armenia has leveled against azerbaijan in their conflict. The main city suffered the most intensive nighttime bombardment since the previous weekend. According to the , more than 70,000 people or 50 people of the population, mostly women or children, are estimated to have been displaced. Vladimir putin has called for the end to what he described as a tragedy. [ speaking foreign language] translator this land was ours and will continue to be ours. The fighting is the worst since the early19 90s, when thousands were killed early1990s, when thousands were killed and displaced. Many World Leaders have called for a ceasefire. However, azerbaijan and Ethnic Armenians both claim these lands as theres therirs. Neither side seems to be ready to step back. Still to come on al jazeera, seven years after the kenyon mall attack, guilty verdicts are handed down to two men for their involvement in the massacre. Hi. Well, parts of the outback in South Australia have seen more rain in the past three weeks than weve seen in the last two years combined, do you believe. Lots of clouds and rain the central parts of australia. This now making its way across the southeast. Heavier rains and blustery conditions into some parts of new south wales. Victoria having a rather lively thursday with more wet weather rattling through. We will see some wetter weather continuing through tasmania as we go through friday. The showers gradually making their way a little further east, eventually pushing towards new zealand. For the time being, new zealand is not faring too badly. It should stay largely drive for japan. We have wet weather on the way. Dry for japan. A typhoon is making its way up to the Far Southwest of the country, running up towards the eastern side of honshu. The outer bands, already bringing some heavy rain. The rain setting in, some heavy downpours, friday. We are looking a at the prospect of widespread flooding for many. When ethiopians rose and forced an autocratic regime from power, the new administration and for unity through an Ambitious Program of political reforms, but two years on, people in power asks whether the countrys diverse ethnic interests will ever be reconciled. The battle for ethiopia on al jazeera. A reminder of the top stories here on al jazeera. The two contenders for the u. S. Vice president will go headtohead in the coming hours. Mike pence and Kamala Harris will be separated by clear plastic barriers for the 90minute televised debate. Talks have been announced in a bid to end the fighting between armenia and azerbaijan. Foreign ministers will meet separately with representatives from the u. S. , france, and russia. Two men have been jailed for their role in a mass shooting at the nairobi shopping center. The kenyan court found them guilty of helping alshabab fighters in 2013. A third suspect was acquitted. Seven years after the Westgate Mall attack happened, the verdict was read out over 3 1 2 hours. The prosecutions case is as follows. It was given by 46 witnesses. Prosecution lawyers used call logs of Television Conversations between the accused. Two men, mohamed abdi and hussein hassan, were found guilty. In the present case, i find that there is a strong link for the accused persons to the attackers, that they were involved in the conspiracy. One of the accused, liban abd ullah omar, was acquitted of all charges. Ben and a friend were driving into the Basement Parking of the mall when they heard the first blast, then gunshots. What dramatizes me most is, where i was hiding, there was a Security Guard right next to me who was shot in the head. I didnt realize i was injured until we were the rescue team arrived. As i was trying to get up, thats when i realized i had a lot of blood. That Security Guard was among the 67 People Killed in the attack. Four gunmen were surrounded and killed by security forces. Alshabab, based in neighboring somalia, some say the trial has taken too long. If we have difficult laws that do not allow us to expedite justice, especially for terrorism, we need to amend those laws and make them conform with our times. Because the times we are in have become terrorism times. The magistrate will deliver the sentencing in october. The prosecutor said they are happy with the conviction and will push for the maximum penalty of 20 years. We expect the survivors and those who lost their loved ones to give testimony ahead of that sentencing. The Westgate Mall was reopened five years ago, but some survivors and families of the dead remain too traumatized to visit. Those we talked to said they wanted justice and hope the decision by the court will help them find some way to come to terms with what happened. Al jazeera, nairobi. Germany and france have announced plans to sanction people they blame for the poisoning of alexey navalny. The countries Foreign Ministers say moscow has failed to provide answers. Its not yet clear will be sanctioned, but both countries say they will share the list with other European Union members. This years nobel prize in chemistry has been awarded for a Major Development in genome editing. Two female scientists receive the award for finding a way to alter dna in plants, animals, and people. They are the first two women to win the prize. Socalled genetic scissors can cut through plant, animal, and human dna, removing disease and imperfections and altering the code of life. Its the discovery that has earned Emmanuelle Charpentier of france and american Jennifer Doudna this years nobel prize in chemistry. Known as crisprcas9, the tool can be used to cut single genes out of a dna strand, contributing to new Cancer Therapies and offering the possibility of curing hereditary diseases. Doudna says these genetic scissors are like using a Word Processing Program to fix the typo in a document fix a typo in a document. There are lots of genetic diseases which you could potentially use this technique to try and start to treat, or you could use it to create model organisms, so that we can specifically test out medicines much more easily and effectively. The path from discovery to prize has taken less than a decade, a relatively short period by nobel standards. Charpentier First Published her findings in 2011, after studying bacteria and how they fight viral infections. That same year, she jammed join forces with doudna to recreate the bacterias genetic scissors in a test tube. The Crispr Technology has already been used to change the dna in the cells of mice, monkeys, other organisms as well. Chinese scientists showed they could use the technology to change genes in human embryos. Scientists in philadelphia showed they could use crispr to remove the dna of an integrated hiv virus from infected human cells. But this new technology is not without controversy. Some are concerned that altering dna could lead to questionable practices, including creating socalled designer babies. Together with my colleagues, i have called for a global conversation about the technology that i coinvented, so that we can consider all of the ethical and societal implications of a Technology Like this. The pair are the sixth and seventh women to win a nobel prize for chemistry. Today, crisprcas9 is a common tool in molecular biology labs. Only imagination sets the limits for what this chemical tool that is too small to be visible with our eyes can be used for in the future. Perhaps the dream of curing genetic diseases will come true. Gigirl my name is alexaxandria villasenor. Boy my nameme is adiglia bra. Boboy im cararl smith. Boy my name is david ackley. 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