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Thousand that affections. Bring down the u. K. Prime minister johnson hospital. We cover. Nineteen yeah experts that would form the ship. This is. Ten thousand dead in your hospitals is seen to thousands of new cases each day Governor Andrew Cuomo says six hundred and seventy one people died of the twenty. Posted. Thank you very much for being with us the french president has announced that lockdown will be extended until at least the he also promises that more testing. The code nineteen virus and safety thanks for those who want them. Ththat that the health of the french people is the primary. If not. Good the schools we businesses are getting back to normal the most leisure activities will remain locked down he thank t the people f for that collective effort to stop the spread of code nineteen. Latest issue of the this is. One hundred. Part of the crisis thats enough for the french president s at the v. Six in paris. It got with the epidemic is not yet under control. We must therefore continue efforts and continue to enforce the rules the closer we follow these rules more as we will save. Thats why this fireman measures continue until the eleventh of may. She scored ninety. Route me. From the eleventh of may we will be able to test every person with symptoms this. And were going to test every post. Makes no sense. But every person showing symptoms should be able to get tested. People with the rest will be put in quarantine and monitored by a dococtor hes showers if you keep on its menu on speaking just a few moments. L. Element is that he was out watching. You must r run by again thehe main points for. Okay the main point is thahat they made eleven this is thehe neww stage where the confinement could. And d this would potentially eight weeks of and were not exactly midway through this confinement good very harsh measure. Main in. And hold on the horizon things had improved in hospital however it moment to let thehe guard down because it is whether it will stitill be with usus for. Nine still a bit realy what everybody what so big. Prior that he i that date maybe you can ask we progressively a real a people thought that schooools would remain closed for the remainder of the year which will be the case first by the way. President i. Hope not the french had been watching and living for the past four weeks so he wanted to show that it arrived in order will. Of optical specially made eleven is the only indicativee date he said that there will be regular. Office. By route of the roof. Actsts of f blades progressivey to normal. Nearly fifteen thousand people lost their lives since the start of this crisis here in france marked only the press. But ending. Im from. For everybody i can too controversial elements that. Yes and he did not shy of from the cocontroversies from the could not plead that he had been get because he yes we were not. For this yeah. Yes they were mistaken yes we weree not ready were not offering a centrally and he kelly would be to be that after the crisisis he did of course at that. Brent provide. I need to underscores ifif that office im for now as holding up that they were not busy sure maybe the cop. Youre saying what you had to choose between patieients and the other one one would get intnto the guararantee up woululd have to t he said would. That her he said it can be. However yes would not been abable to provide all the necessary means for Health Workers frontline were. You cold the front. Secection sometimemes called a senseleless maskss but he saiaid. There e my eleventh every person will be able to have a mask and past might be in n the public for dae i need a that. Well. If you in didntt a figuree all test but only fifty tappingng i have worked in other countries like south korea many confront we were simply not there t to me. And kill who. Cacan up fronont r more we the help. Better prepared to cope with what some are fearing could be second wave off the virus. Thank you very much indeed f. Johnnys mouth on that aspect of the social justice reporting from his home parks. In the street the old you smoke thank you once again thank the staff. Spain believes its now past the peak epidemic the country has five the east lock. Tions for workers in certain industry is on monday the country announced. Hundred and seven. The dot. Team i think it sounds shocking. Surgeons in infections hit france twenty four Fraser Jackson with this. Ten million mosques distributed free of charge in spanish metro and train station. In place for those most to take public transport on monday. Did working with those factories opened. Its the governments was quick to stress that the country isis still underer. The economic and sixty little. The it is six thirty close to you most in a complete on annoy other new this is colletta new he young please noticed six units if youre interested. East april twenty fifth its important to gigive us an honest vs thahat occurs o only that is thatat those of it though thahat doesesnt mean thihis is the president and another. This again yeah. Since the strtreets onon pubublic schools despite te low case it remains the same most country in the world with the third highest toll. Healalth u. K. Shop increase case about to happen the idea was compounded so much eleventh three and two nine we leadd the country bars. Left. Stricker check country goes. From a distance u. K. The fibro spent nights in a cat last week youve been admitted to thomas. Eight days ago. For the symptoms of cover. Nineteen less. Okay statete prime ministr this where boys john were from the virus after being charged on sunday from st hospital london. The fifty five year old and hot. We thank threeee in intetense care. In a statement office said wont be rich to in please in his. Forms that domon is standing in heading the bent as the cut is thrhree old coro. A review to result in an extension of blocked. I should say thanks to my the changes the measures car in place at the point im we want. Bill with. As as we were to each day the nec changes can be made. Three weeks after wewe to effet do you death toll can. To because the fifth highest in the world. On monday held close and that more than eleven thousand people have d died. Irs a by nearly. Seven hundred in justst one day. But the big. Higher the only break with. Let me see now stands at over twentyty thoususand the civil prprotection departmentt that. T. They said has been a slowing if you cases. Thirty five thousand having recovered. It means the country with the highest death worldwide in. Ex new york state is reported now over ten thousand deaths state Governor Andrew Cuomo at though has an optimistic line he says he believes the most of. The now added that continue b. As he put it smoked we can be on ththe past and almost just compare a has. Six hundred a and seventy one new yorkers lost their lives on Easter Sunday and t the total death toll for new york state snap ovever. Town thirty grams. Tom all stormy day here in new york they come from. Both new york governors latest briefing he has said that we alll however in a frightening of the curve gradually when it comes to sports stations yes sir we you keep staying at home and restrictions need to remain in place because s. Is. All the sudden drop. The number thing up once again and so people will look down here for the foreseeable. Dont sit in your office do you. At get in the bronx that the rates of hospitalizations ducks seem to. Slow well see what about but dont in icy use say repeat it can. Like you said the not debate up. They all overwhelmed theyve also casee is beining td to re use that p. P. A. Told to take that and ninety five mosques at the end of the twelve shift them in a paper bag them in their locker. Exists t that measures its hopes that will continue to which spread of covered nineteen here in front of st mary the matches he see the bus to be picked of course others s of. Good france okay well have this. This is the one eight show the number of Coronavirus Infections countries are f finding themselves at different stages of t the outbreak. Prime ministr to be containable as as the nation for sustaining restrictions even over the easter. Its been under lockdown since the ninth of march and t the prime mininistes showing no signs of letting up. I want to be sure it is three. Zero three module. What is ususually the fisish there welel thisis is an a ambitious idea. Degree in a tournament theyy mistleletoe terrace wilill so be the policece. In spainin thehe spanisish prime m minister hasas relaxed restrictions must the rerecent dip in the number of cucurve in ninineteen deaths. Te government is even. Unlike run of office placing less serious coronavirus cases in Hotels Germany has seen a r remarkably low rates of fatal cases unlike its european neighbors intensive care units all been the pressure i brereak her. Yoyounger p pot laced. Whats on your this is the country must status it. Whether its. In the u. K. Boris johnson dragged his feet in taking precautions against the virus before being. Self he has seen an average of nine hundred deaths a day. The u. K. Is not a total loss. This is have been asked to respect the r rules of social danancing yeah that. Was the point during the ages of the l. I dont continue to hands calling. As a site of fines despite the spreadad of disease. Now the crisis has become the biggest challenge of his career in all business so far. The united states. Come the g global. Of fe against thehe court. With a anti the deaths be record across the two incredible sensing that when you stay with us throughout your house twenty four. Hello and welcome to the friends twenty four interview our guest today is south koreas foreign minister kong. Wash to drop this by supplied from sale thank you very much for being with us. Thank you for having me. This is dennis south korea has earned plaudits from around the globe for tapping up the girl. That making the number of infections dropped from ninine hundred d ay inin late february to less than thirty. They also posing a lockdowns and even. Date of elections this week one. South korea done differently. Let me first begin by expressing my solidarity and appreciation for all the medical often frontline workers fighting this Unprecedented Health challenge around the world i think the work has been complete. Valiant but all. Called an in our country my sympathy to the and the families who suddenly lost of what this crisis you govern fighting this arouound the house and so as women our solididarity with the manson. It was have able h here in couountry. Presee new infections are now under fifty and thats been a continuing trend during the past week yes we have acted quickly and easily that is. That in twenty fourteen and we had a very big tax where we love. Fofor a lot in the midst f their in that spot. Problem by the government at the time and that has been a collective. Two who all crean ups people and the following year in twenty fifteen it had a burst out. Highly as fatal and i think its the governments reaction and was also initially very transparent that dismissive and so heavily criticized it came around responded. Contain up to this guy and has been very determined to be prepared when disaster strikes we not be able to provide into disaster striking but we can do a lot to prepare so you can i might. Comfort i can take the so sick con so from the very beginning we were them set and a three we need to act quickly the m. Preemptive and that is what we and being uncompromised transparent. And open in the process our fight abobout the virus is about busts testing a very vigorous tracing and at quick treatment of the patients and in addition to transparent and open we have all been very adadept if. In b but the or on changing nature of this challenge of a new virus the nature of which we e dont fully understand as yet right. The this a massive testing has been a key there reports that d. Unitited states has ordered some six hundred thousand testing kits from south korea are you confirming that case that south i will send such amounts and even test is to the yes we are in fact. I think these are fda approved preliminary approval for these quickly approved and as a result of a conversation between my president and President Trump last year last. Month so yeah i think that you know the contract and signed and the other they be ready for shipment anytime soon. Right up please. We are both at the a test case but many other countries as well right do you fear of those who quit could say. Of the fire. Those are sure can for come into the country those last week weve seen this happen. In china is this a real concern in your country as well. Well as i said we dont know fully about the nature of this new virus we know that it travels very quickly we know that its highly fatal move certain people with certain medicical conditions especially in the among the elderly people. But what we are discovering these days is that those of thank you and released. Them have in fact to test positive a few days after. So now is there is so there we are learning that we there is a lot more that we need to learn about. How the irish. In addition to the need to fight a cure and the nature of the virus the a lot of uncertainty surrounding that but also as you say now we have many cases. Found among recent travel at that have come back to the country from overseas. Yes and so it this is a Global Challenge it is not enough that we contain the disease inside the country this is a sad at. That well be happy to together. Community right we a job and declare a state of a and chosen not to impose any locked down their strict social distancing as theyre known guidelines that have been prolonged. Could you consider harsher measures if you see that indeed the viruses coming back through people coming in or people being re infected. As i said our principal has been open this inotes obviously the virus travels with people so to contain the virusus you have to contain people movement. But and you can do this from three different approaches you either. Respect the freedom of movement of people and make exceptions for those who need to be contained the patients certainly but for the close contacts or you do the opposite way you. Crack down on the movement and you make exception for the travel our approach has been from the very beginning by default respecting the peoples right to freedom of movement and then to implement measures where necessary and proportionate to the needs to manage the risk. We now because the risk factor comes with the people traveling it coming from overseas into the countries we have. Lays all travelers coming from outside the country to fourteen days of self isolation either in their homes or in government sponsored facilities for monitoring and testing if necessary and then hospitalization if necessary so our measures have adapted to the evolving nature of this challenge but the principal has to. Been to preserve that openness to the two are the very best of our abilities and that has meant a great deal of work for the government but we have we have managed. I dont think the idea of a locked out or blockade would be acceptable to our public even at the height of our crisis when this was exploding in the Southern City of taegu and campbell province where they were. Climbing the hon as they a maximum. Per day even then we did nott impose a blockade we advisedd strongly advised to. Pepeople to. Not to go to crowdd places to stay home but we did not oppose mandatory travel bans people were still free to travel. In and out of the seat city even at that timime the ida of a blockade would be completee coununtry and mandadatory bloloe would be contrary to our principle of openness. Do you agree with President Trump that all hell her position has to slow and even to the which. I think in hindsight we can say a lot of things but i dont think anybody knew how fast this virus woods travel at the very beginning. For the w. H. O. Has been a very collaborative and very Health Partners throughout the challenge of. Communicate very close. And we support support at w. H. O. A Technical Agency the leader of this Global Health crisis risk. And its it be lots. Arent at some when we dog up but we need to support the lead agency as we try to come together in the midst of this crisis just very quickly your and north korea claims it has no case at all is it a reliable. Research on. It it the show position i think we need to take that with of some grain of salt. But it is an entrance perrin to closed country where information is very difficult to get but we watched very closely on developments with permission we are able to gardner through its official. Media outlets. But we will and we please stand i government is we really think that is a cooperation between south and north korea on in the 04 13 20 04 13 20 [captioning made possible by democracy now ] amy f from new yorkrk city, t e epicenter of democracy now the pandemic, this is pres. Trump we have to get our country open. The metrics right here. Amy as President Trump points to his head of the measure for deciding how to respond to the coronavirus pandemic, the u. S. Surpasses the deathh tololl of y country in the

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