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Suitable time and under the most suitable conditions. The two sides will continue to closely communicate over the schedule. The outbreak has already forced chinese leaders to shelve another key political event, the peoples congress, where they lay out major policies. Earlier on thursday, chinese officials s said the v virus ha kikilled a total of more than 3,000 people in the country. Over 80,000 have beenen infecte. They said all 31 fatalities in the natation on wednesday came hubei province, where the outbreak was first reported. Theyey said the situation is improving in the rest of china. In tokyo, lawmakers are expected to enact a bill as early as next week that would allow the prime mip stnister to declare a state of emergency in response to the virus. The legislation would enable local governments tobusinesses hours, close schools, and instruct citizens to stay indoors. Authorities would also be able to use buildings and land without the consent of owners for medical purposes. Senior officiaials from the mai ruling and opposition parties agreed t to work too get the bi by next friday. Translator the government must be prepared to deal with the worsttcase scenario. Thats why wee need the legislation. Translator a state of emergency could severely restrict private rights. Since it gives the government vast powers, the diet should be involved. We want to discuss this thoroughly. The number of coronavirus cases in japan now tops 1,000. More than 700 are from the diamond princess cruise ship. Health officials are investigating socalled infection clusters. One of those is a group of people who attended concerts in osaka. At least 15 people attending the shows had been confirmed infected. The government is considering stepping up controls of foreign visitors. It is planning to expand the number of places it is denying people entry into japan, including parts of iran and more areas of south korea. It also plans to suspend some visas already issued for chinese and south koreans. Asking tourists from those countries to avoid travel to japan. The head of the International Olympic Committee Says the tokyo games will go ahead as planned despite the outbreak. Reporting events throughout the country are being canceled, including some olympic and paralympic qualifiers and test competitions. A number of preliminary events have been suspended in boxing, wrestling, and rugby sevens. Sundays tokyo marathon was closed to most competitors. Only highranking runners and wheelchair athletes were allowed to take part. Fewer fans than usual were out on the streets. Marathon organizers reduced the number of volunteers, and Strict Health measures were put in place for those who did work. Translator i think there are a lot of opinions, but we did what we think we should do. The virus is also affecting the athletes p preparations fo the game. A number of countries have imposed restrictions on entry by japanese citizens, and this has forced the National Badminton team to set off on a 50day trip so it can participate in qualifying matches abroad. Meanwhile, back in japan, a city near central tokyo is gearing up to welcome chinese athletes who will train there ahead of the games. The city has an agreement with chinas soccer and table tennis teams. The mayor says the residents will welcome the athletes despite fears over the virus. T translator i want to crea an environment where players and residents have peace of mind. Organizers are hoping the start of the torch relay later this month will boost olympic spirit, but they say spectator capacity for some related events may be reduced. Organizers are hoping measures to contain the virus will be enough to ease the worries of the more than 10,000 people expected to take part in the relay. The number of coronavirus cases continues to climb around the globe. Italy is reporting more than 3,000 people are infected. In response, the government is closing all schools and universitities. Tnsnslator we t think the right thing to do is to suspend educational activities until t e 1515th of this month. The announcement came as italys death toll rose to 7. All sportingg evevents in the countryy have either been canceled or will take place without specectators. Panic buying is also sweeping akro across countries such as australia and the United States, can many supermarket shelves emptied of daily goods. Toilet paper aisle. Absolutely none left. Moving on to tissues. A few left. Not much. Stores in australia are now imposing limits on the amount of toilet paper each person can buy. Outside mainland china, south korea has the largest number of confirmed cases with more than 6,000. In iran, there are nearly 3,000 people infected, while france and germany are each reporting around 300 cases. In hong kong, the government says a dog tested positive for the second time. Authorities are calling on pet owners to carefully wash their hands before and after petting their animals and not to abandon them out of fear of contracting the virus. Turning to the United States. One person in california has now died from the new coronavirus. The first fatality to be confirmed in the country outside of washington state. Ten people have died there. Its prompted emergency measures across the most populous state in the u. S. , as officials prepare for further spread. Nhk world has been following the story from los angeles. Reporter well, california has issued a state of emergency which will allow the government to draw on outside resources. The governor announced california will accept medical staff from outside the state. The state hopes that will allow authorities to quickly find all cases of infection so they can be contained before spreading. People i spoke with in a residential part of western l. A. Say they feel safe, but theyre pleased the government is taking action. Everybody should be concerned about it. Wash your hands. I think were not getting enough information. Its something that Everyone Needs to think about right now because its becomiming a big problem. I think some people are taking it t too lightly. Reporter californias Asian Community has already been feeling the effect of the virus, especially in l. A. And san francisco. I visited l. A. s koreatown, where Business Owners say profits are plummeting. One person told me restaurants no longer want to be featured in News Coverage out of worries it reinforces negative stereotypes. Harmful rumors means the restaurant is nevever more than half full. At this hair salon, more and more customers have been cancelling their reservations. The owner says she hasnt seen anything like this since she opened 18 years ago. Two weeks ago, last week, higher, yeah. The worry, because there is no money. Reporter san francisco, concerns reachched a fever pitc. Last week, the Chinese Community held a protest, calling on people to fight the virus, not people. I, myself, was harassed on the street. A man walking by yelled, you japanese be careful of coronavirus. Here in los angeles, not only are county officials trying to be proactive by expanding medical measures, but also warning residents of the dangers of discrimination. The European Union has accused turkey of exploiting migrants for political purposes. This comes amid a mounting refugee crisis on the greek turkish border. The eu held an emergency meeting on wednesday to discuss the latest developments at the border. The bloc issued a statement pledging solidarity with greece while denouncing turkeys actions. Meanwhile, eu leadership met with turrish presidedent Recep Tayyip Erdogan on wednesday. They asked him not to encourage further Refugee Movement toward the eu border. I had the opportunity to express our understanding but also stress that the current developments on the european borders are not leading to any solution. Tens of thousands of rerefugs and migrants havave gathered at the greek border in the past week. This is a result of turkey pulling out of a 2016 deal with the eu to prevent illegal migration through the country. Ankara says the bloc has not kept up its end of the bargain. The u. S. Defense chief says washington will deploy Hypersonic Weapons in the Indo Pacific Region within the next few years. Defense secretary elmark esper made the comments on wednesday. He said maintaining technological superiority is essential, as adversaries erode the United States longheld advantage in conventional warfare. Im very confident that in the next years well be deploying Hypersonic Weapons, as the commanders neeeed them throughout the theater, but in the indopacific theater, in particular. The Hypersonic Missile can travel five times faster than the speed of sound and change orbit in midair. Experts say it could breach all current radars and air defense systems. Both china and russia are also known to be developing such weapons. The pentagon plans to conduct its first test firing sometime this year. As australia continues to recover from devastating bush fires, a group of Scientists Says Climate Change boosted the risk of the disaster by 30 . The report was prepared by the World Weather attribution consortium. The Scientists Say their research was able to identify a clear connection between Climate Change and the fires. They compared data from around 1 1900 to now by computingng the change in temperature, humidity, and wind speed. It concluded that the risk of fires since 1900 has increased by two due to rising temperatures and dry conditions. It added to bush fires would become four times more common if temperatures rise another 2 degrees. Bush fires ravaged the country over a span of nearly six months and were contained only last month. The fires killed 33 people, torched more than 12. 6 million hectares, and destroyed more than 3,000 homes. Former u. N. Secretary general javier Perez Cuellar has died at his home. The peruvian diplomat was 100 years old. Perez de cuellar attended the first u. N. General assembly in 1946 as a member of his countrys delegation. In 1982 he became the fiftfth u. Secretarygeneral and wewent ono serve as head of the world body for two terms. One of his key achievements was negotiating an end to the iraniraq war in 1988. He is also credited with helping revive the International Body after the end of the cold war in 1989. Perez de cuellar played crucial roles in namibia gaining independence, securing the release of american hostages held in lebanon, as well as peace accords in cambodia and el salvador. In 1982 he became the first u. N. Chief to visit the japanese city of hiroshima, where he spoke with survivors of the 1945 atomic bombing. In a statement the current u. N. Secretarygeneral Antonio Guterres called perez de cuellar a committed diplomat and a personal inspiration who left a profound impact on the United Nations and our world. Its time now f for World Weather with our meteorologist sayakaka mori. Hello, sayaka. Hello, yoshi. Tokyo is dealing with strong winds today, and northern japan is dealing with heavy snow. Whats causing these conditions . Yes. Two storms are merging into one big storm, and they are intensifying very validly. The storm is creating windy conditions and also ushering in cold air. Thats why were seeing some blizzard conditions across hokkaido. The worst is happening along the pacific side. We have some video from hokkaido. Hiro has 1. 5 meters of snow on the ground now. Blizzard warnings for the south and east of hokkaido. Dozens of trains suspended, and roads have been closed. 150 flights have been canceled, and visibility is almost zero. Whiteout conditions are happening across hokkaido at this moment. Over the past 24 hours, hiroo had 80 centimeters of snow, a record. Also, gusts of nearly 90 kilometers per hour, a record for the month of march. Also, were seeing snowfall across western japan, as well. Conditions will get even worse because this low pressure system is still intensifying. Now, the central pressure as of thursday morning was 1,000 hectare pascals, but that could drop by about 22 hectare pascals as we go into friday morning. It is going to be a very, very different, very strong system. The system is expected to dump an additional 70 centimeters o snow in hokkaido, and winds are going t to be up to 144 kilomets per hour. Waves are going to be up to 7 meters. Dangerous weather on diconditio will continue, at least into friday in hokkaido, as well as other areas of northern japan, as well as hokuriku region. 3 in friday in sapporo. Snow continues into friday. Niigata will see warm temperatures. 7 for the high on friday. Snow is going to be wet and heavy. Then as we go into saturday, it is going to be sunny and temperatures are going to be warming up. Next week, it is going to be very warm. Now, tokyo is seeing some very windy conditions at this moment. On thursday. Winds will be calmer into friday. 17 for the high on monday. Thanks to the warm weather, the Cherry Blossoms will be blooming earlier than normal. It could be around march 15th in tokyo. For the rest of asia, 8 degrees for the high in seoul with plenty of sunshine. In the double digits again in beiji beijing. Thats it for me. Have a nice day. That brings us to the end of this edition of nhk newsline. Im Yoshi Ogasawara in tokyo. Thank you v vy much f for watching, and do stay with us for more. A Japanese Firm that makes face masks is trying to counter the shortage caused by the coronavirus outbreak. Officials say theyre start making reusable masks att a facty in myanmarar. The firm could begin shipping to japan before the end of the month. Kowa says itll boost impact to 50 Million Units a month in april. Also, they plan to use a government subsidy to increase production of single use masks. Government officials are trying to crack down on one factor thats compounding the shortage. They plan to ban h hoarding and online reselling of masks, and they will penalize anyone for doing this. The movove is in responsnse to e growing number of people advertising masks online at inflating prices. Hospitals and nursing facilities say this is making it harder for them to get the masks they need for their work. This is newsline biz. Im gene otani. A u. N. Trade agency stresses that chinas manufacturing slowdown has led to a 50 billion decline in exports across global value chains. The u. N. Conference on trade and development has released its estimate on how chinas factory closures are affecting overseas shipments. Ththe Agency Points out that cha accocounts for 20 of global production. Theres a Ripple Effect throughout the global economy. And to the tune of 50 billion fall in exports across the world. The economy is suffering the highest export losses due to the disruptions in china are the European Union with nearly 15. 6 billion. The u. S. Is down 5. 8 billion. Japan has experienced a 5. 2 billion decline with sharp drops in machinery and auto parts. The International Monetary fund is predicting that the coronavirus outbreak will push down this years Global Growth to below the level in 2019. Last years figure m marked a tenyear low. We know the disease is spreading quickly. With over 1 3 of our membership affected directly, this is no longer a regional issue. It is a global problem calling for a global response. The imf initially forecast 3. 3 growth. The fund now expects a rate under the 2. 9 of 2019. Georgieva added it is still difficult to predict how far Global Growth will fall. The imfs economic scenario turned harsher throughouout las week. Softbank is planning to start rolling out japans first 5g services from march 27th. Translator it will be the start of a new era, in which everything is connected. From now on, our focus will 5 5g services. The network will launch in a few areas and expand to parts of major cities, such as tokyo, osaka, and nagoya by the end of the month. It will continue to grow from there. The Telecom Giant has unveiled four new smartphone models that can run on its next generation network. Its rivals are planning to follow suit. Kddi, known for its au brand, have 5g launch dates for the spring. Along with docomo. Rakuten is aiming for june. In southeast asia, some people are finding new uses and inspiration from bubble teas key ingredient. Nhk world has the story. Reporter you order bubble tea at this shop in bangkok, it comes right out of the mouth of a tiger. The treat has milk and cream. What makes it different from a regular cup of tea is tapioca balls made of cassava starch. Translator i love tapioca tea. When a new item comes out, i have to try it. Reporter this is tapioca toast. Its a popular snack. People love the combination of cream and cinnamon flavors. Tapioca is also used in savory dishes. Chewy balls are added to grilled squid and shrimp. Spring onions and eggs are mixed in, and manb a nambla, a fish se indispensable to thai cooking, rounds out the flavor. Meals like this are traditional and less of a novelty. Even so, orders for tapioca dishes are up 50 . Translator customers who order these dishes are mostly students. The boom for tapioca has pushed up sales of the dishes. Some people in singapore believe that tapioca is more than a food. This foodie exhibit opened just last october and has already gotten more than 20,000 visitors within three months. This is a bubble tea theme park. The strategy is to capitalize on the solid popularity of the beverages among young people. It costs the equivalent of about 18 u. S. Dollars to get in. The attractions are designed to be instagramworthy. 100,000 balls look like giant size tapioca. They offer visitors the chance for the perfect photo op. I think like instagram pictures are really a trend right now, and this is the Perfect Place to take instagram pictures. Reporter one area mimics a medical clinic. The concept here in the words of the park operator is to infuse tapioca into your body to put you back on track. Singapores fashion world has also latched on to the boom. These colorful clothes are inspired by the happy feeling you get when you drink bubble tea. The lineup is popular among young women. Sales on average are around 40 higher than comparable items. It makes people happy. Why not build an experience around it . Looking at extensions, going to neighboring markets. Reporter tapioca has gone well beyond its role as a beverage ingredient. Its been turned into a tasty and colorful icon that brings fun and happiness into peoples lives. Tamarind de sufa, nhk world. All right. Lets have a look at the markets. From the newsline biz team in tokyo, im gene otani. Thanks very much for joining us. Anchor in the verery welclcomo 20. A and a very where and very w warm welce toto france e. Your are your headlines. Tensions rise on the border of ankakara as auauthority strugglr a seventh day to keep out thousands of migrants using tear gas and grenades. We have a correspondent on the ground. The

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